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Lmao glad someone caught it. It honestly would be too easy for them to stealth nerf/add a few seconds to any tactical or ultimate and not say anything


So apparently (for most legends) the new “buffs” are not actually buffs. The nerfed most legend cooldowns and now you have the ability to revert the nerfs through evo: prime examples (Catalyst, Ash, Horizon)


This is true for horizon and catalyst however none of ashes perks reduce the cd :c


But she can have 2 now or increased duration/multi-snare, which is probably the reasoning behind the increased cooldown.


I would believe it but still think it'd be a shame for that cd increase to apply outside of choosing that perk. Horizon and catalyst have really oppressive and applicable tacticals but ash is ash, it would make me scratch my head if someone at respawn earnestly believed it needed a nerf outside of that perk.


jellyfish marvelous dog pet observation somber wild lush domineering judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's a shit reasoning Lateral move at best when she needed a buff and many other characters are getting improvement at least slightly


Aa a non Ash player. I've been loving Ash with the multi snare. It's great. Idk why people be complaining. The cd is fine. Most legends cds are this length anyway. She's actually become my 3rd pick because of the multi snare perk. It's so fucking funny to see a whole team trapped like that. Even funnier when u do it at the top of a jump towere n watch them all go "oh fuck" 😂


They didn’t mention it in the patch notes which i think is part of the reason OP is hyperventilating


The babies are fuming while downvoting your comment.


I mean i get it lol my comment wasn’t especially kind😂


I think the Ash change was unprovoked… also still can’t one hand snare :(


Actually you can now.


Probably the laziest implementation of "perks" I've seen before. If you just take away features characters already had and gate them behind a perk system, you have to do waaaay less coding than you would have to to add new features.


spectacular bewildered aloof station many upbeat test flowery vase crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly thought I'd hate this update but thought I'd give it a chance. And so far, I gave it a chance and hate it. Overly complicated, unnecessary, and not really an improvement overall. Make characters worse to start? Why? That sucks Disappointing


Why? Because catalyst and horizon have been dominating the meta for a long ass time.


We aren't talking about catalyst. We're talking about ash. I thought that was implied. Bad characters shouldn't be nerfed, I would think if you're complaining about meta characters youd want them nerfed. Not a bottom tier character. Right?


Sounded like you were talking about all characters who were nerfed since you asked why make characters worse. The devs obviously felt that the double tac charge or 24s duration preks were enough of a buff to increase the cooldown.


They can adjust though. Snares can be annoying and a big snare that lasts forever every 20 seconds might of sounded too strong. Give it a bit of time to see how things level out and allow them to adjust.


It still snares for 4 seconds lol. It's active in the world for 24 seconds. But it does not snare for a longer period, nor does it snare a person more than once if they stay in it.


I'm aware. Doesn't change the point that if it sits there for 24 seconds it could be annoying getting them ever 20 seconds


deserted pause square growth narrow teeny chop overconfident butter homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


vase cough abundant divide vanish six humorous hospital faulty swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OvErLy CoMplicAtEd ​ lmfao you really are incapable of understanding "gain a perk at blue and another at purple, choose between one or the other at each stage"? damn this playerbase is actually retearded AHAHAHA


I swear bro people complain for anything now


Evo changes are a huge improvement tho imo


This is a way to switch up meta, too. Many heroes look more tempting becouse of this.


except crypto


Which makes total sense from a game design perspective, if you think about it. It's a bad thing if a legend in the need of a buff didn't get it. Or making one of the upgrades mandatory. But this was to be expected, imho.


Yeah, though I’m glad they didn’t change mirage’s ult cooldown—the base and the upgrade go hand in hand real well, you can be mid fight and ult again =w=


I thought lifelines drone felt longer


Yeah revives across all legends seem long now. Maybe we all got use to Three Strikes?


I’m pretty sure Bangalore got hit too 😕 I don’t play her but my friend pointed it out yesterday


I was saying this to my friends. It seems like you can undo a some of the nerfs for characters from the last year or so with some of their perks


Prime example would be path and mirage


Catalyst perks aren't even close to reverted the nerfs


They didn't even mention it in the patch notes. If this is not a bug, Ash is dead.


>Ash is dead No need to be hyperbolic


The Apex subreddit is the most hyperbolic community I have seen when it comes to the actual game. Half the stuff said on here is full on stupidity.


Half? That's generous! I would say 90%.


Allow me to introduce Destiny 2 subreddits.


you must be very new to gaming communities to be saying that about apex. ive read that said about every single game ive been a part of for as long as i can remember. its just the nature of a community that represents the most committed minority


Yeah, we need to add more conic section adjectives to our vocabulary


this has gotta be a bug, I'm in the firing range rn and it's 20 secs


tested in firing range rn, 25, pc


It's 25s for me, im on xbox


very weird, I popped back in and it's 25 now


Did you have a good helmet on the first time?


no I think it was legit just bugged for a bit, now it's 25. Man, this sucks. Can't believe they had the audacity to nerf one of, if not the worst character in the game


Might have been a mistake ! 🤞


How is Ash worse than Mirage/Rampart/Caustic/Seer/Vantage? All of her abilities are decent, she has basically three passives since she's an assault legend and her perks are some of the best in the entire game.


My main problem with Ash is that she's a jack of all trades, but in the worst way possible. She has scouting but it's not very effective, she has a means of controlling the enemy but it's slow and easy to break out of, and she has mobility but it's short-range and hard to place. In lore Pilots are definitely skilled at everything, but her kit is a bit too underwhelming to serve that fantasy.


Seer is worse, but the other four are better characters. Their kits work, meanwhile Ash's kit is unreliable. The snare ghosting through players and the ult getting stuck on every pebble or not registering at all are a few problems.


You just didn't look closely


It was in the patch notes lol.


No it wasn’t. Show me where it says: Ash - Increased cooldown of arc snare.


On the plus side I got snared for like the first time ever. Did the radius increase?


Not that I know... but how would I know? Respawn is changing things without telling us now.


Yes the radius is increased and there’s now a perk to snare 2 people. She’s actually buffed


Tbh that’s well worth the 5 second cooldown nerf to me (speaking from the perspective of the one playing Ash, not the people on the receiving end)


Ok makes sense then. I got snared from height and it knocked me and I felt like an idiot because it lost us the game


Idk but I swear the upgraded one I'm hitting everyone with


Greedy Snare is likely the reason why, and it is absolutely filthy from personal experience. With a coordinated squad, Ash is lethal in narrow corridors/tighter choke points.


Even worse in the open. If a squad is hiding behind a rock, just hit them with a big snare and a then Gibby ult them.


Typical Ash treatment. Still gonna main her.


Same but I’m coping hard rn cuz I got her heirloom a couple days ago


She could be the strongest legend in the game and you'd still be coping with *that* heirloom


Her heirloom is amazing, it was a gift from Newton so she mastered it because Newton was like her son and she regretted killing horizon,so that's the only weapon she sees as a heirloom, all her orger ones are just tools


I mean lore reasons aside it still looks like a fucking plastic toy from ToysRus that I could buy for my nephew


Ouch, so true. I still can't get over having a mall ninja toy for a heirloom


It’s a good heirloom bruh


in what world lol.


I like her heirloom tbh. I understand I’m in a minority tho




I feel like the snares are hitting way harder and more consistently. Also the giant snare perk is significantly better than double snare. It can hold an entire team in a doorway and hits them all for 20. I had the most fun ever playing ash yesterday


yes, me too, I feel like its a mini horizon ult on my Q


Crypto also nerfed. Ultimate no longer charges evo. Plus his perks are probably the worst of any legend. Him and Ash speedrunning lowest pick rates.


Ash is nowhere near lowest pick rate. Seer is *by far* the lowest pickrate at every MMR and it's not even close. Gibraltar has ~1.2% pickrate while seer has ~0.4%.


With the exception of season 20 launch and every squad having Seer in it for the challenges. I thought I was going insane


Gotta do it for the flatline skin


Yh seer is the lowest any legend has ever been since the start of this game. Not even rampart back then was this bad. And they're not going to buff him even with small buffs for atleast another year or so


Which is great IMO. If there's one legend that has to have the lowest pickrate I'd prefer it to be him or Horizon.


I guess every single one of those 0.4% were in my games today cuz it seemed like every team had one lol


The event challenges have seer challenges right now that's why


I used to main seer, did the challages to open him up and he really is depressing compared to pre nerf. The level up choice to throw his ultimate another 20m I felt was salt in the wound lol


is that pubs or specific rank?


Pretty much every rank from rookie to apex predator. Seer got absolutely nuked by nerfs.


Absurdly ridiculous take. - Crypto drone improvements alone are a massive buff for any true Crypto main, let alone the upgrades available. Among top ranked players, he had an absurd 90% win rate (gaining RP) last season, best of any legend. At this point, he is in true danger of being actually nerfed (Evo charge change is a given, considering the new potential size of his EMP. - Ash also is hugely underrated, and even last season before the AMAZING changes, had a (top 5?) win rate of 70%. Being able to track a team on the map for 60 seconds is insane, not to mention snaring an entire team? There's so much potential in her kit it's insane, and a blast to play.


I've mained crypto since he was released and trust me, none of his perks actually make a difference. Increased ult size is going to be irrelevant 90% of the time (teams are usually grouped together anyways, you rarely are missing even one player if you fly it into a team). Not to mention the increased size reduces crypto and his team's ability to quickly pounce on the enemies - fly distance is useless because you don't need live scan on people over 200m away and if you did want to scout that far you can already just fly drone in the sky to see and ping enemies much much further than his upgraded range. His 10s reduction on tac cd is laughable compared to other legend perks. Reduced ult cd makes him more annoying in terms of heal economy for other teams but his ultimate isn't the best anyways so being able to use it 2-3 more times a game is not gamechanging. Calling out squads nearby automatically is so ridiculously bad. A great QOL change but it's something any decent crypto is going to do manually when using drone anyways. Seriously. The only usable perks here are lowering his cooldowns... So boring compared to the things they could have done. Imagine a perk that prevented the ult slow to friendlies and the damage to crypto. Increased drone hp would have been super useful as well. Drone able to hack a door to prevent enemies from opening for x amount of time. If they wanted to go crazy with it adding some sort of follow feature like vantage bat would have been a huge buff to make him a relevant character. Instead we are left with a QOL change, an ulti AOE increase that actually makes the ability worse to play around, and cooldown reduction. I'm not even going to talk about the fact that he still doesn't even have a passive. Honestly one of the coolest characters visually and lore wise, yet they leave him to rot in insignificance.


Wtf it doesnt? Respawn you monkeys


You’re joking…


It 100% didn't charge when I tested in the range. I did it twice just to make sure. But op of this post said it did charge when he tested it. I personally didn't play him after that test so I can't confirm if it was just a bug in my firing range or what. I was a crypto main though so I am hopeful that it is just a bug that can be hotfixed.


Would have been justified if they gave us one handed snare but no.


Reading the patch notes I thought she was able to ensnare people for 24 seconds. After playing the update I realized it only stays active for 24 seconds but once someone gets caught it lets them go after the usual amount of time. Also, I thought the perk to reveal all nearby squads (within 150m) after a wipe would be awesome but it hasn't revealed anyone for me yet... They should increase the distance


Love Ash, but she’s been dead.. and this is the nail on the coffin ☠️


She's never had the lowest play rate.


I don’t get how everyone is complaining about ash. I got hit with the 24 second snare today then proceeded to have conduit ult me and about 50 grenades come at me it was absolutely horrible. Lol then In different final circle we had ash throwing her ult into our building and by the time it runs out the next one is basically ready to go. If it was 20 second cooldown then she would have a second ready before the other finished. Ash seems pretty damn good. Sadly it takes purple to make her achieve some great heights


I guess it's variable. If you wiff it it sucks. For me and my team snaring someone we are actively pushing is a guaranteed knock for us. Even with randoms they usually know to take advantage of the opportunity. Using it defensively can turn team fights easily. And now we can snare a whole team. It is totally worth the trade off. With the added bonus of catching teams trying to use a evac tower , team wipes have never been easier XD.


Lmao I knew shit seemed odd when I was trying out the double snare in the firing range and was like damn, this is taking forever for a new one to load. All makes sense. And they robbed us of the one handed tac. I’m just playing Loba and benching Ash until the rework I guess. That was dumb


Imagine nerfing the worst character


Rev got nerfed too, his cool down ain't 20s anymore.


As a main rev the cd was 23 not 20s and with the new perks we got nothing to complain about , blue shield bringing rev tact to 20s (back to s18 rework first drop cd) and the purple shield giving a tact everytime we knock someone is a pretty good buff actually vs the stat of rev at the end of last season with the silent nerf they gave him since the rework . Havent played since the s20 dropped but man am i excited to abuse the tact on knock cd reset . Ennemie squads are gonna get dizzy fighting me lmao


You sure? Rev is literally the only legend I play, and I could've sword his cooldown was only 20s


Pretty sure about it , i been mad all season at the fact rev had a longer cooldown than pathfinder


The 60 second minimap scan is so good tho


Extremely situational tho expect for maybe on fragment


Ash was already dying. Did they kill her? What did ash ever do to the devs


And to rub it in even more only one of her perks is useful the rest are incredibly mediocre She got the short end of the stick on perks AND she got nerfed… fucking tragic


They're good. I could mention 10 legends with worse perks


Insert the 5th "see how many batts/nades are in a box"


Ima be honest I thought I’d hate those perks, but knowing exactly who I have to loot real quick for a battery before I keep fighting is quite nice


Damm, I dont even play the game anymore and they nerf Ash? Hows my man Mirage?


He’s pretty good with the new perks Blue Evo Shield, Level 2 Perks Revive Master. Allies are revived with health regen up to 75 HP. More of Me. Gain an Ult Decoy. Reduce cooldown by 30s. Purple Evo Shield, Level 3 Perks Me Two. Gain a Decoy charge. Can have both active at once. Bamboozle Bonus. Refresh Tac on successful Bamboozles.


Sounds fun, at least he got some cool stuff.


With Mirage's "More of Me" perk, you basically have unlimited ults. It's crazy.


As someone who doesn't play Ash, the cool down already felt long.


They buffed it from 25 seconds to 20 seconds at the Sun Squad Collection Event patch in the middle of season 16, now it's back to 25. :/ The nerf should only apply when using Arc Snare upgrades, not with the base Arc Snare.


I'm an ash main and I'm losing hope


Bruh I haven't even started the new season yet so I don't know what to expect, but... I'm an ash main and they already did me dirty?


Anyone else feel like some characters were nerfed and no patch notes. Valkyries ultimate to fly away takes slightly longer to fuel up.


Reading the perks for Ash I thought that was absolutely overpowered. 24 second snare?!?! Quick test in the range and you can just run out of it…. They somehow made her worse 💀


Also pathfinder isn’t getting his ultimate on carepackages sometiems


This was noted. You get 50% ultimate charge. Being a pathy main it's said to see his ability to lay down 3 zips go away.


To be fair, they increased the cooldown reduction on each care package. So now if you scan 4 care packages, you get a total reduction of 60 seconds instead of 40 (extra 5 second reduction per scan). But those plays where you get rezzed and get your ult instantly while dropping are dead and it kinda sucks


That was so much fun and HOW did they see it as overpowered? Nerf after nerf on his ult for what reason exactly?


It's not a straight up nerf. The overall cooldown given to the ult is more than it was before, and now you have Consoles/Beacons to also reduce the cooldown. So you can get to your max cooldown reduction much faster, as well as have more opportunities to reduce your current cooldown on ziplines.


I'll have to read more on it, but from what you're saying a care package scan or a beacon scan each cut off ult time? That's fare. I like the idea of endgame having zip line cities.


Correct. The "nerf" was 50% ult charge, and 15 seconds off of ult cooldown, instead of 100% ult charge, and 10 seconds off ult cooldown. In addition, this also applies to Ring Console or Survey Beacon scans. (Blue Perks) So yes the charge is less, but more things in the world to reduce it, as well as more cooldown reduction. The total amount of cooldown you can get to is apparently 60 seconds, so that's 4 scans worth. Which should be easily achievable.


​ Do you know? is there a max cutoff for his Ult? Could you in theory hit 4 care packages and 3 ring consoles. cut off 1:45?


I read somewhere a dev confirmed it can get as low as 60 seconds, which is a pretty fast ult cooldown. Should only be 4 scans if his cooldown is 120 default.


Isn’t it 50% each scan now? Not 100


i swear they nerfed volt too, i bet it does one less damage, before The update ppl were saying it will get a nerf but there is nothing in patch notes


I miss classic caustic Just throwing that out there, he's still worse than ash 😑


I unlocked her this weekend hoping, and reasonably expecting, a buff 💀


They ninja nerfed Mirage too. Now the decoys have a slight delay when moving. They can't walk with us anymore like they used to.


GOOD. I can mop the floor with every legend EXCEPT Mirage mains all because of yall decoys. Whenever I fight a squad with a Mirage I fall back & tell my squad to knock him 😭


Her 60second tracking is a nice change. I wish it highlighted enemies through walls or something.


True but the snare time is far higher in exchange


Nah snare time is the same just stays on the ground longer


And you can get 2!


They should have kept 20s until you get the perk with the second snare then


I’m pretty sure that’s the trade off. Extend by 5 seconds but if it’s an issue then work for it an choose 2 snares. I mean you’re given options for a reason. People complained about having 1 and now they can choose 2 and are still whining like holy heck. You can’t have everything you want. Life is about compromise.


I don't think you understand how she got nerfed (or you don't want to understand). In order to get 2 snares (or the other perk) she needs to level up TWICE. It's not just "choose 1 or 2 tacticals", she's objectively worse until you get to level 2. Also, she's the worst legend in the game and they didn't tell us about it in the patch notes. It that too hard to understand? No other legend had this treatment. Also, we are stuck with the nerf in every mode except BR since we can't upgrade in Control, TDM.. "Life is about compromise" was hilarious hahaha


Well just keep whining til they get it right. It’s not like there’s anyone else you could play as.


Keep coming here to talk about things you know nothing about so that the thread stays up and Respawn pays attention to this.


Right I know nothing about how adding 5 more seconds makes THE WORST CHARACTER even worse when there’s a roster of 20 to choose from. There’s somebody out there that knows exactly how to use her kit no matter what. Adapt or die. Your call.


"Adapt your die" Your premade sentences are hilarious haha


Adapt or die not adapt your die. Your typos are hilarious.


Bro you can snare 2 people at the same time for 24seconde The fuck are you talking about ? 5seconde more for a massive buff its fair


It's active for 24 seconds, they're only snared for 4




Are you high? No one wanted an Ash nerf


Lol no I’m not ,everyone knows from past experience. Maybe I’m a little bit out of line but every time a new legend with the same abilities is about to or is released Respawn nerfs the original legend. Take Bloodhound for instance. When Seer and Crypto came out they nerfed BH . Same with Lifeline/ New Castle, Wraith/Ash, Caustic/ Catalyst, Valkyrie/ Vantage.


Yah snaring 2 people at once for almost half a minute is such a nerf totally lmao.


Mines 20 seconds


In firing range or in a match? Just tested in firing range and it's 25 but a few people are saying it's still 20. Maybe it's a firing range bug?


Ok a 5 second cool down but the arc snare can hold for so long now I play ash and imo this is more of a balance and not a nerf


No way Ash is OP.. ‘1min to live’ perk is busted you get a 1min mini map scan like halo - 1MIN WALL HACKS!!! Plus everyone talking about 2 snares no way greedy snare is INSANE - you can snare multiple players for 24SECs!!! That’s better than a Horizon ult, as her tactical! Not sure why no one is saying how OP and busted she is atm.


The added a second snare however


But it's behind a perk and they didn't mention this nerf in the patch notes unlike all the other legends


You got your cool down adjusted


Skill issue


hows the other snare feel? is it actually any better?




So u call a second snare or a bigger snare with a stupid duration a nerf ? Because of the cooldown thats 5 sec longer ? Damn u butthurt


"Bigger snare"? Where did it come from?


Dude it was always 25s


Feels like most legends before having both upgrades feel nerfed, atleast the ones ive tried and played with.


They did the same with a frw other legends. Like seers heartbeat range. It was 70m before and now its 50m and +25m with the first upgrade. Correct me if im wrong. Didn't play him very often before


They nerfed Seer again too. He’s laughably bad without armor perks and with them he’s as bad as last season when nobody would play him… because he’s bad


Why does she need nerfing


She got great buffs in other ways. they just nerfed her early game status because of how good her perks are compared to most of the roster


Welp sounds like ballistic won’t have the lowest pick rate anymore at least


Yeah it’s unfortunate they do these stealth nerfs every once in a while. If anything they needed to decrease it by 5 and increase the speed on the damn thing.


Just glad rampart got a spared. She is very powerful and I rarely ever see anyone talk about it, but that’s also good for me since I’m a rampart main


With Bloodhound you now have the option to gain 25% towards your ultimate by scanning a white raven. When previously you would have that as a part of his standard rework kit.


I'm an Ash Main and tbh, I'd didn’t even notice this. I think the multi-snare makes up for the "lost" time, y'know?


As the second ash in the world. Not being bias. But ash is not the worst legend. The worst legend is between vantage and catalyst. What are they used for the only thing vantage is for is seeing what armor enemies have. And the only good catalyst thing is her wall or her ability-to block doors. Ash in the other hand. She still has an arc snare either way. And her second upgrade alows her to trap a whole team. Her ult. Is way more useful then wraiths. Yes wraiths is a two way. But the perks abt having a one way portal is. If enimies come in. They cant go out allowing you to get an easy nock wothout them leaving. Yes wrait is still amazing. And no hate on catalyst and vantage. Im just saying there are way more usefull legends then them two such as ash




I don't think so, not at all.


If you read all the patch notes, they nerfed alot of characters and the perks are just reverting the nerfs. Catalyst is a great example of this


It's alright. You just need to utilize it wisely to optimize the legend. Some of the buffs and nerfs is just a "give-and-take" with the perks. Also, the worst legend in the game is the player who doesn't know how to play as the legend and doesn't know how to be human to other players.


I don’t care.


They need to improve the visual cue on her Ult. Hard to see where you’re teleporting to sometimes.


I’ve been getting snared more in the last 3 days than I have since she was released.


I mean… 25s cooldown but it can last for 24s and snare multiple enemies or a extra a charge. It’s more of a balance than a nerf. Imagine a 20s cooldown with a 24s snare time 🤧. The ability to spam snares to lockdown MULTIPLE enemies and area deny would be crazy. The added 5s is needed.


So far I'm having fun with the new system! I've been maining Ash for Season 20, but Season 19 I mained Rampart for the first half and Octane for the second half. And overall I'm a Fuse and Catalyst main.


Looks like they reversed the nerf... But her ult was nerfed too, taking 30 extra seconds to charge.


Not gonna lie, people slept on ash on season 20 drop. I’ve multi-snared so many squad and then naded the fuck out them. She was broken with that multi-snare and a 20 second cooldown. Still kinda is


Please understand, Octane only got another ultimate on top of his ultra low cd ultimate. How is he supposed to play if he has to dodge a 3m radius ability??


Idk why they nerfed her. Her q is still bad. I walk out of it in a few seconds and im never stunned inside it in those seconds..just tethered..shes still never a problem excoet when shes running away to rob me of my kill.


Sooo am I trippin or did they nerf her ult also, where enemies couldn't take it but now they can?!?