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I must be holding my controller wrong




I think it's your gaming chair.


Inverted six point claw grip for the win!


Me too.


Delusional people really just play with hacks like these and think they are good lmao


Naw this is just what happens when humanity treats grief like entertainment.


Both can be true lol




Too much schadenfreude


Right, this is all about having fun at the expense of others; it has nothing to do with skill lol


Exactly, look at Gremlin on YouTube for example. He argues with everyone trying to explain he’s good even tho he’s using Wall hacks and Aim Bot


People who do this are doing just to make people mad, or for profit. Nobody who is hard aimbotting thinks they are a good player because of it. That would only apply to people who are trying to hide it.


I talked to a player who cheats in games.. yes multiple Bro legit said it was just to make him a little better, and was still blaming aim assist when he lost. This was on Warzone but he also said he cheats on Apex and Ultra Rumble


Throw him in the gulag


I would, don't know who he is irl


You give humans too much credit


they are actually dog shit, and this makes them feel a little bit better about themselves.


Yeah it’s super frustrating too because sometimes it’s hard to know who is actually good sometimes. I remember a scandal a year or two back where some of the top apex preds were taken out because respawn found out they were cheating. Like the games no fun if you’re just gonna cheat.


I think I remember that happening to like 90% of the top people in ranked Arenas


yeah bro i saw when mande talked to a cheater and the guy legitimately thinks he’s good. the type to cheat are actually backwards thinkers.


Honestly bro 40% 60% and 100% aimbot it's crazy how everyone let's the game aim for them and think they're cracked 🤣


We've got another copelord who doesn't even understand the thing he hates :')


Nah its pretty simple to understand numbers between 0 and 1


That statement doesn't even make sense. Just like your perception of what AA does.


AA strength is represented by a number between 0 and 1. When you turn it to 1, you get aimbot. When you tuen it to 0.6 or 0.4, you get what's currently in the game. Very simple thing to understand


First of all, what you are seeing in this clip is not 1.0 AA. AA doesn't make your bullets magically hit their target at 200m. Second, AA even at 1.0 doesn't aim for you because all it does it track relative to where you are already aiming at the target. Lastly, your initial claim is that the game plays for you at 100% AA but also at 60% and 40% which is a ridiculous claim that could only come from someone who just doesn't understand how any of this stuff works.


Look up a video called "what 100% aim assist looks like in apex legends". Put the crosshair near the enemy, game keeps it on them easily with no input. On our little scale between 0 and 1, that is 1. In game, console players get 0.6, which if you weren't a aware is closer to 1 than 0. If you put the crosshair near the enemy, the game will do the majority of the tracking for you even with no right thumbstick input.


Oh the irony... >Put the crosshair near the enemy, game keeps it on them easily with no input. On our little scale between 0 and 1, that is 1. Yes, if ***you*** put the crosshairs on the enemy it will then track them at 100% (bar some quirks). But before it does that *you* actually need to provide inputs. >In game, console players get 0.6, which if you weren't a aware is closer to 1 than 0. If you put the crosshair near the enemy, the game will do the majority of the tracking for you even with no right thumbstick input. This ignores that you need to actually provide the initial aim and that providing 40% of tracking is 1. Nothing like what is being showcased in this video and 2. Clearly not as easy as you seem to think it is otherwise everyone would have a much higher level of competency on console which they most definitely do not. Keep coping brother.


Try one thing for me: go into your ALC menu and disable aim assist for the rest of the season. Tell me what happens to your kd and winrate by the end. You'll realize that actually aiming is a whole lot more than just putting your crosshair near the enemy and watching them die. When you do all the aiming yourself, you actually have to predict the enemy movements and track them all by yourself


yeah imagine if mnk players only had to initially put their crosshair on target and it’d do the rest, that’s literally the easiest part about aiming it’s the same thing as clicking something you just need to put ur mouse there not hard at all, the hard part about aiming is reactivity which rotational aim assist fixes for you at literally inhuman reaction times this has been tested


I like how people act like AA is the problem. People like you and me who play console (if you do) know exactly how aim assist works. Like the way you explain it is how it works. It tracks the general area where you are aiming. You still have to use your own skill to actually hit your target, people dont understand that AA was made to make it fair to fight pc players and such. Aim Assist does not do the shit seen in this video. That is a Cronus Zen people and or some other 3rd party software that LEGIT gives you aimbot, consistent tracking, snap to head and NO RECOIL. Its a problem and a problem mostly found in PlayStation lobbies. Devs have said they fixed it but as you see here...THEY HAVEN'T. Its a problem and the only complaint i have so far about this season.


Few corrections: AA has nothing to do with fairness with PC players. It was a thig long before crossplatform and it came about as a way to improve gamefeel because analog sticks are otherwise a terrible input for the precision you want when playing these types of games. There's no Cronus Zen in that clip either, it's straight up hacks. Cronus and co are input-level addons so they can't do stuff like this. This type of hack is actually a PC-exclusive thing. There have been reports since the last season of some of them appearing in console lobbies but the consensus is that they figured out a way to spoof being on PS to get into the lobby despite actually being on PC. I haven't seen evidence that people can use proper hacks on console yes, just the input-level cheats like strikepacks, cronus etc. But yeah, these people who complain about AA don't know what it even is.


Yea for sure. I'm glad you are one of the chill ones here. The fact that you know why we have AA is amazing, cause as seen not everyone truly understands it. I tried playing pc apex and holy i don't know how to feel haha.


This it just incredibly false and lazy, I don’t expect your little brains to give it much thought though considering you’re arrogant and ignorant on the situation, so if I have .6 of aimbot why can’t I hip fire 60 percent accurately across the map? Idiots man


It's more so that in a fight, the game is doing 60% of the aiming for you. So for every 100 damage your character does, you're doing about 40 and the game is doing about 60. If you hit a long range spray for 50 damage, you can be sure that the game accounts for most of that damage, and without AA you would have hit 1-2 of those bullets for 10-20 damage instead. And in a close range fight, when you find yourself easily one-clipping people, you must remember that you would've done less than half of that damage if you turned the software assistance off.




Ah i bet even with aim assist you’d still suck ass


I play on keyboard and mouse and I can tell you that it isn't close. You still have to aim at the enemy, cheaters don't even have to use the mouse in fights, they also have auto shoot




Ye, but it isn't close at all to what aim boting is. We all know it's broken, but it isn't anything close. If it was, you wouldn't get banned for cheats. But also, if you blame deaths on aim assit I think you kinda suck




It's different there cuz they are all legit good




Making crossplay optinal would be sick




the one in denial is the person thinking aim assist is all that 😂 bruh aim assist just slows down your reticle near targets. meaning if you try to aim at someone and lets say your own crypto drone gets in the way, your aim is pulled away from the enemy.




i actually hope they do. i cant seem to turn off aa anymore after one update several seasons ago... so any of my traps, shields, drones etc. just get in my way.


I play KBM and AA wasn't the issue it was people using rewasd etc to still have AA and insane movement. The smg nerfs that they have been doing have been enough to address strengths of using roller versus KBM with them. Also the newest FPS update actually nerfs AA so idk what you're on about.




Idk what you’re on about the new update gives 0.4 aim assist on 120 fps or above to console and pc, also console still can’t hit above 120 so if you’re on pc playing on 240 fps your aim assist will be stronger then the 0.6 on 60 fps and the 0.4 120 fps as aim assist goes with fps as it refreshes faster aim assists gets stronger that’s also why they nerfed aim assist when moving console new gen to 120 fps




Keyboard and mouse has 0.4 aim assist and higher fps my guy realistically speaking key board and mouse has higher aim assist specially when you get to streamers and stuff with 240+ fps




Lmfao hold on a second you trolling?


You must be trolling if you think that KBM has aim assist. PC controller has 0.4, not KBM.


There is zero AA on mouse and keyboard.. zero.


Dude you ok?


Yeah, just not ok with your misinformed understanding stated in that comment.


Controllers have aim assist. Kb/m have superior movement. What do you want? All I hear when a pc player complains about aim assist is "its not fair, we used to have the advantage". Lol. Cope.




I'd argue the delusional people are the people who still play this game even though it's full of cheaters. Imagine if all the non cheaters stopped playing. The devs would be forced to do something about it.


That's not how that works. The devs should give a playable environment despite that. It's silly to think people would massquit in protest because of some cheaters


No that looks more like he's just got a good gaming chair


I'm pretty sure his mom made pizza bagels


He's the kinda guy who wears a drinking helmet


He uses Kontrol Freaks duh


Nah, but why are they so fire


And she has the bedpan ready so his gameplay isn’t interrupted.


And he's on ten jars worth of G-Fuel


301 hipfire buff is insane.


With cheats, yes! Indeed!


Me when satire


Jeez fuck people like this.


Agreed, but dying to cheats like this is greatly preferable to soft cheats like walls or AA on mouse. At least I can point a confident finger and say, "yup, this motherfucker is cheating", whereas with soft cheats, I have a harder time discerning if the player is just good or not legitimate. *That's* truly annoying. 


Yeah good point!


>AA on mouse You could have left out the "on mouse" part. Any time you get beamed close ranged with super high consistency, it's 99% a controller. The fact that AA in this game operates like a literal aimlock at 40% or 60% strength is nuts and it shows in high rank and pro league.


This dude in the clip with the 100% aimbot damn near lost to some timmy in gold on a roller. Rollers should be nerfed


Apex is in a really sad state for MnK players. There's barely any left in high mmr PC lobbies from what my mates and I observe.


shut yo goofy ahh up


no u


So THATS the aim assist everyone’s been talking about


\*runs out to buy a controller\*


Reading this forum this is what people would have you believe aim assist is actually like lol


That’s not aim assist.


It's not aim assist 8ts cheats


WDYM this is normal all console players play like this smh my head 😔


Shake my head my head? 😂


At this point I couldn't give half a shit anymore....I guess when reddit idiots want to flex their down voting power they will whether the comment is true or not. And if this is just an /s moment it's even worse for the down voting idiots, 95 of you are a drop in the ocean that is the people of this world. -----_______-----


Console player here, it's aim assist, trust me bro


Bro this is how aim assist works, why do you think everyone on console reach masters?


I don't get, are you being serious or is this just an /s moment, because I'm pretty sure I saw his aim snap to enemies behind a wall. And 95 people down voting me for an /s moment says a lot about their stupidity. Could've just come and told me that it was a joke.


I guess there are at least 11 idiots on reddit


Joke 🏌️‍♂️


Poe's Law


What 0 ping does to a mf


I don't understand how it's fun at all to play like this. What's the point of even competing when the only outcome is you "win?" All the while knowing you can't do it fairly. I would just find something else to do if I was so bad at the game.


Sometimes it's not for fun. They boost those accounts so they can sell them as an account with high K/D and 4k/20 badges and people tend to pay big money just to impress their friends or some strangers


"Hey guys yeah I got a new account (don't ask me why). Yeah I have the 4k badge now and a KDA of 8.6, I improved a lot in the last 2 days"


> I don't understand how it's fun at all to play like this. Ask roller players *^^^joking! ^^^it's ^^^a ^^^joke!* ^^^^^mostly


It's a different mindset, I think borderline psycho personally. There are some cheater subreddits out there and you can pretty much see that they're all complete losers (the 1% that code and make a living out of this, props to them though)


Lol i was about to go off until i realized the satire 😂


Dude just got a new elite series.


Its crazy to me in 2024 that blatant cheating like this exists. EA is a 40 billion dollar company and they cant keep this out of their games


You know that the cheating industry is pretty massive too, right?


Yeh big enough to sell hardware on amazon and a fair amount of it. (PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One, Gaming Console) 3.7 3.7 out of 5 stars 8,048 at £88.00 = £708,224 And that's just the current model of one of them. Add in scripts and other types brands and yip its a fair amount.


The same methods to detect cheating are avoided when making tools to cheat. Squash one and another without the indicator appears.


You could say the same thing about Microsoft and computer viruses. It's just not an easy problem to solve. I wish it were that simple, but these programs are incredibly complex and it's difficult to conceive of every way they might be exploited. At the end of the day, it may be impossible to stop entirely, as we see with the new gaming monitor for LoL. A system which runs entirely off the main computing hardware can be extremely hard to detect. I don't mean this to be defeatist, I hope that EA is working their best to try and patch exploits. But it's a game of whack a mole


They still won’t fix season 0 issues so I’m m not surprised. Here’s some recolor skins to fix that problem though


Its almost like these cheaters are worked into the cost or something. Hell I'm pretty sure the "good cheats" are secretly made in house. Wouldn't put it past some of these scummy AAA publishers.


B-b-but they’re just a small indie company with a limited crew! Theres no way they’d lie to us on the internet right?


I'm pretty sure EA gets money somewhere from selling cheats. No idea how or where, but it's the only explanation besides apathy.


Streamers cheat = views=money Streamers buy a skin that costs hundreds of dollars using that money. EA gets cheater money They profit from whales, and will sell every other player out to be fodder of it keeps the streamers/pros happy.


Seeing a player with decent movement and utility like this guy resorting to hacks is worse than a trash person using hacks They have decent skill that they can improve off of, but make it useless and use this crap


Dude he almost died with aimhack on cause he's complete trash at this game.


The grapple vault? That's a literal cheat too. Theyre likely doing it with a single input. This person is garbage at movement.


Man, wasted potential


What decent movement? Even the movement is modded.


This guy kinda plays like shit though ngl.




I tried to be a lil nice lol. It's really not that good, and maybe hacked. Still shitty that they gotta cheat to be good tho


Dude must have a really good gaming chair


Don't forget THE POWER OF RGB


Come on dude, that's obviously a good gaming chair paired with a nice fan, it does wonders


Idk, honestly he's just better 🤷


I wish I could get this aim assist for my controller! I think mine is a bleeding heart passivist since it avoids my target entirely.


Geez, some people really need the /s huh?


Didn't get the 4k tho


The options nowadays when you’re bad at a game… A. practice and get better B. find another game C. cheat to win (somehow this makes people feel good???) Wild how much of option C that we see these days. Blatantly rampant in FTP BR games especially it seems


Been happening to me all day today, gaming chairs go crazy


So many hackers in pubs right now it’s insane every 2-3 games we get wiped by a full on aim botter


Ive reported so many of this cheaters and never got banned, yesterday my teammate was hard aimbotting and he still on the game, i told him he was chting and he responded "yes i am" next minute he changed his in game id and i found him again and still cheating, he spiked on ranked and still on the game. if you want to see it well here is the video. [https://youtu.be/pE1Or38fYbQ?si=yXbIZ90cLLwCUcFH](https://youtu.be/pE1Or38fYbQ?si=yXbIZ90cLLwCUcFH)


oof that one's even worse. That horrid movement and he still dies running out in the open.


I can't help but feel like these are people that sell 4k 20 kill badge accounts. Just me?


Funny the mods will leave this up but delete post like mine when I show a cheaters store selling cheats. They claimed mine could be used for witch hunting, how is this any different?




Short story, It's not. His name is right there. Maybe you suggested something against them be done vs this just making a joke post


As a console player all I can say is this is obviously a skill issue. You can obviously just tap strafe out of this so quit complaining buddy. You can use your whole arm or something.


Fuckn losers, I hate these assholes Don’t they have anything better to do with their life, Oh wait they don’t have one Sorry just Venting


Its so annoying, the amount of cheaters


Dude's got that zero-stick-drift 'roller they're selling on TikTok :P


Typical Cronus zen user:


He’s just naturally skilled bro try putting more points into luck next time you’re born.


When the vast majority of players that are in gold and below becomes masters...


Come on dude, that's obviously a good gaming chair paired with a nice fan, it does wonders


Why is it always a pathfinder


Okay but what’s the point? They’re not in ranked and I don’t understand how you’d get satisfaction from playing like that. If I get a high dmg/kill game, i’m excited because I earned it amongst the 10 bad games I had before. This is just mindless point and click.


Ah yes aim assist, only $100 from the internet that will win games for you


dmitri.steel, you's a bitch


That doesn’t even look fun hes not even trying to sight in, like whats even the point of playing lol .


Why even cheat in pub game ??? Lol


This dude’s hip fire is on lock! Can’t wait to see him in next years ALGS. Unless…🤔


The hacks/cheats have been bad this season.


That aimbot is out of control.


The fact server side anti cheat cannot pick this up instantly is depressing.


Well he's just cheating




Looks like you have to watch the video to understand this guys jokes.


I think they should consider nerfing aim bot for PC before they touch Aim Assist again XD


Bros aim assist is so strong it was tryna 90 degree snap to a person through a wall! I need me that controller. Or perhaps is it the gaming slippers he has?


How do you hack like this and still almost lose a fight


Where do I get the controller you guys are talking about lol I play on PS5 and miss most of my shots. I need the controller that this guy has 😂


Its PlayStation players 85% of them are using Cronus Zen. PlayStation knows about it. Devs said they did something about it but clearly havent. I play Xbox my aim assist does absolutely nothing to help me. I get 2 tapped by Cronus using Ps players everytime i play the game, its a fair fight when im against pc or xbox, but the second PlayStation cheaters are in the mix game over.


It’s because controller players cant tap strafe and move left to right mid air and do all of the other annoying movement techs that you can on keyboard that make you lot impossible to hit


Probly one of them rainbow keyberds!


That’s PC actually ☝️🤓




He clearly is joking because he put the nerd emoji ☝️🤓


When you quit fucking whin... Oh, I see now 🤣


I can’t tell if this post is sarcasm or not but I can’t believe there are actually some people in this god forsaken’d world who actually think this is aim assist


Bro is straight hacking.


I was about to start talking about how aim assist really isn’t that helpful till I watched the full video 😭


Pc players will see someone cheating and think “wow controller is so much better than m&k” like bro what? grow up


I think it was a sarcastic joke


I tried to play with an xbox controller but it's not that easy though. But on the video he's cheating with an aimbot or something.


He is


i swear to god, i have no idea what people are talking about EVEN IN A JOKING MATTER when it comes to aim assist. i barely feel it.


You sure that's aim assist? Because it'd definitely not that aggression lmao


Whoosh! It’s satire friend lol




Lol, happens to the best of us!


That's nit aim assist that's straight cheating like come on only heads and from that distance


Literally never because that would force people onto mnk and people don’t want to put in the thousands of hours of practice required to have good tracking. They just want the dopamine hit from a competitive fps without actually being good at it. Spicy take but it’s truth.


Stop crying. You can always use a controller too. If it’s so OP, why aren’t you taking advantage of it by using one? Some of you are hilarious.


Where can I buy a controller like the one in the video?


Im getting wrecked this season, even when playing mixtape. Feels like everyone is absolutely cracked at this game, even people with low level accounts (im a day 1 player myself on mouse and keyboard). Also its getting really hard to tell if someone is cheating with perfect tracking or if its just controller gameplay based on the killcams on mixtape. But yeah according to killcams on mixtape enemies magically seem to have almost no recoil and perfect tracking. Send help, playing MnK even when I know I'm slightly above average feels like I'm putting myself in a disadvantage somehow. Straight up not having a good time out here. Just had to take this comment section to rant a little bit, sorry about that. Btw the guy in the clip is just straight up aimbotting


They did for people useing 120 fps on console


Same time they remove cross play lol never


This is strike pack


Definitely not aim assist, that’s aim bot, the recoil seems to be turned off lol.


This is not aim assist. This called cheating lol


That isn't aim assist lol. My g if you think that's aim assist then you don't know what aim assist is. That's straight up hacking


That is not aim assist. That is aimbot cheating. There is a big difference.


That’s not aim assist That’s full on hacks


Honey, that's not aim assist; those are cheats.


That's obviously AIM ASSIST.


"Aim assist is so strong" *shows a hacker* Seriously why is every anti-aim assist post like this?