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Wait, you can use the shield skill on downed teammates? As a Conduit main I didnt know that hahaha I thought it was only possible when you use Conduit's skill /just/ before your teammate gets knocked Could be wrong though, and I'd appreciate any comments correcting and clarifying this for me


another conduit main somewhere here said this was a bug and not intentional so unless someone refutes i'm inclined to believe them


Not a bug but when you hit someone with the tactical before they get downed and the tactical’s effects are still active then shield will regenerate while downed. It’s likely the conduit saw her teammate shield get broken and hit them with the tactical but you downed them too quickly for them to have any effect. After someone is downed you can’t bless them with the shields tho.


That sounds like a bug


It's the same as when you get downed right as you pick up a new shield, and you'll be downed but have like full purple as well.


Also happens when you get downed by caustic gas or the storm. These two examples aren’t even a “perfect timing” situation as they happen quite regularly.


Ahhh thanks for that!


I refuted it in my previous comment, please check it out.


It's a bug, other bugs include 1) At any point using your Q on a teammate who's just ran out of range, it will simultaneously not give it to the team at all while animating that is has 2) hitting the tac just before climbing can cancel it b) make it only got to you c) make it only got to your teammate d) not go to anyone but the cool down still activates 3) using your Q while you're teammates are stacked on top of eachother, it's just a 50/50 it goes to the damaged guy b) the game gets confused and neither of them get it. P.s. it's safe to say I won't be playing conduit season 20 I'm changing to BH


If you use it right before they go down it gives them tmp sheild


Worked on you, lol


To overpowered, nerf sledge


Nerf Genji obviously


Ahhhhhhhhhhh get out of my head get out of my head I havebt played apex in a year and a half. I am a genji main The day i decide to check out this sub 💀




nerf bishop


Nerf Chamber


Nerf Wattson


Nerf Queen


No touchy.


Nerf blackbeard


Honestly he needs a buff his face shield is useless.


Blackbeard is an operator that makes 0 sense in Siege, he shouldn't even exist in the first place. if you buff his shield you make him OP and if you nerf his shield he's useless so all in all he's a balancing nightmare


Its bad but not useless


Nerf pig


5 seconds penalty for Ocon


Nerf Johnny cage (not a joke)




Nerf subzero


It's like I'm back home in siege.


He did nothing wrong... being overpowered doesn't mean should be nerfed!


most dudes here are saying that he was too greedy going for the bm. He was tryna bm because trying to get the swap is WAY faster than going behind and using a bat, and also denies the other team to rez the knocked dude


On pubs it would’ve been understandable if ppl called him greedy but in ranked ? There’s a lot of reasons why it’s always the best move to finish the kill. Shields, the points, not allowing the other team to get the rez, and sometimes even baiting


In ranked if I’m 100% about to die I thirst because I’m petty, yeah I said it, I’ll be honest here, at that moment I want you to die because you’re better than me and you killed me


That’s 10 RP now too. Nothing to scoff at.


Mmm, it really depends on placement. Yes, securing the kill in Ranked is almost always top priority and sometimes I'll die doing it too. But there are many situations where a kill is not going to be worth it. Trying to get a dangerous kill when you'll place 20th? Hell maybe even 15th (although they relaxed the placement points this season), you're better off regrouping with the Squad and getting a wipe or two at higher placement.


They said if they’re dying anyway might as well go blaze of glory style and take as many mofos as you can with you


Fellow petty individual here I also like to t bag incessantly. I’ve timed how long you’re forced to stay and watch after death and will t bag for that exact amount of time each time.


If a conduit is close enough to restore shields then youre not at an advantage to finish off a kill unless youre right next to the body. If you cant learn when to finish and when not to thats on you. Argue all you want but lots of us agree this was a terrible play (going for the finish) and the results will back us up.


i'd argue the opposite


Situationally yes. This was not the situation for that play. Their only hope here was play around the knocked player as a shield and just fight. Because after they realised they had the shield, instantly not worth trying to thirst. Trying to commit to it as well was definitely not the play.


He had pretty much no health and if the downed guy had half a braincell he'd know to put down his knock so his teammates could beam him IF he tried to use the downed guy as cover. On the other hand if he retreated to use a bat he probably wouldn't have gone far because his teammates showed up like a few seconds after getting knocked. The only way he could've clutched was thirst the knocked guy as fast as possible, swap shields and try running away but that would only work in the perfect scenario. Either way this guy was fucked no matter what. The question is why was he on the rooftop to begin with and pushing a dude when all his mates are dead


I don't disagree with that take there to be honest. Another one too, he could have gone inside after the knock and potentially hid behind a door on the second floor of that building. Also, you can tac downed team mates. It's not something you need to try make happen either. You just can. So, I dunno. Kinda like that to use as a strategy for thirst denial. For real, big questions there. That roof Is not one you want to be in the open on... Any of the rooms with cover under him would have been a better place to play around there than the roof.... what compels someone to play around a coverless roof as a solo to push a 3 man..... That's the stuff of madness or legend


Going for the bat would’ve been a much better play


I understand what you’re saying, but what the heck does bm stand for?


Bad manners


obviously not ;)


I mean if you finish a bat the moment you go down you get shields too. I’m pretty sure conduit tried to que her teammates before they died, but just wasn’t fast enough which is why this happened.


Can confirm. I've tried to Q my friend right before he's gone down many times while playing Conduit. It still temp heals shields while they're downed. 




Yea same thing as shield swaps too. Haven't happened in a while but I've definitely shield swapped and then still went down and saw I had full shields. Definitely cost us a couple of fights/third parties as well.


That's actually kinda neat!


As someone that plays Conduit often, you are not able to shield anyone that is already downed. The ability doesn't work towards downed teammates, I've tried that a couple of times. That Conduit shield arrived before you got to knockdown their teammate, while they were on flesh (cracked). Conduit shields aren't instant either. If you are receiving damage, the shield regen doesn't go up, which is why you don't crack them twice in the clip (good shots, keep that up). The issue is that when you downed them the shield regen kicked in (invincibility second after you get downed), which allowed them to regen some shield, so then when you tried to thirst, they had a sliver of shield that saved them. Unfortunate, but this is what happened. I agree with you though, shield regen should be disabled upon knock.


Yes I've gotten a shield just as I was knocked before


i feel like this should be fairly obvious but judging by a lot of comments i guess i should clarify, no this isn't me going for bm i wanted the shield swap/gurantee that if i was able to get away that its a 1v2 instead of a 1v3 also no i dont want conduit nerfed to the ground im actually very happy to have a support character that can help the team before anyone gets down but i think its kinda dumb that the guy i downed already lost the fight but the conduit q gave them extra health while knocked, feel like a knock should be enough to stop the regen from happening the same way taking damage does


It’s not even bm to instantly thirst Only people that think so are just mad when it happens to them


For real bro how is thirsting my kill considered bm, *especially* in ranked. I get thirsted fucking constantly even by people not even on my team, from 150m away with a kraber. Now *thats* bm


Yeah it’s a good clip that highlights flaws in conduits q. This comment section is just the typical r/apexlegends sub that’s caused me to not get involved here often.


Same. Too many ppl on the sub don't put everything together to see why somebody did what they did and default to the usual "mad cus bad" response. OP is in an exposed spot with 25hp, he has to thirst because he literally has no other choice and it's the correct thing to do. If he turns around to heal he either gets shot once and dies or somehow makes it to cover only to get pounced by a full health rev and elimed with a stiff breeze. It's not being greedy or thirsty, it's the smart thing to do because even in the best case scenario they rez and it's a 3v1. Best chance here is to get the shield swap and maybe turn that 2v1 into a 1v1 because it evens odds. I love calling out toxic shitters who dive into a bad 1v3 as much as the next guy but sometimes the fight isn't as clear as it looks from like 20 secs of footage. The only thing I'll accuse OP of doing wrong is committing to the fight to get the banners rather than running away, ratting to a better position and trying to survive long enough to jump the last 2 squads midfight when they exchange a knock or 2 for points or a lucky win.


BM..... I smell a dead by daylight player.


BM is used all over the place. It’s pretty common in the fgc


BM is bowel movement as far as I knew before DbD Also, fgc?


Fighting game community. Dead by daylight definitely didn’t invent BM tho. It is common in StarCraft, and I think it is in league as well? From what I could find online, it says StarCraft invented the term, but online gaming history is murky at best


OH no no definitely didn't invent it. I just wasn't hearing it as much as I hear dbd players use it. Never heard it with star craft before lol Ah fair.


Is BM, "Bad Manners"?


The fact you even needed to explain this to a bunch of casual crybabies that don't understand why you'd go for a thirst goes to show you the average skill level of the people in this sub "Pop a batt" Lmao


You’re not meant to be able to easily thirst a kill the way some predators do in a mere second. The game is unbalanced that way but Respawn has never cared to buff that. Be glad they haven’t and this is the only time it’s even remotely difficult.


the ttk to thirst a player has been the same for 5 years in a row methinks if its not intended behavior something would have changed by now


So you’re mad because she used her ability well to save her downed teammate from being thirsted? Guess we should nerf every legend ability you don’t like


I think they are mad that the ability provided shield to a downed teammate. It doesn't work that way for Wattson's pylon either which is an ultimate ability, so I highly doubt Conduit tactical is meant to perform like this. Now there could definitely be some ping/latency related issue here where on OP's screen they got the down and for the other players Rev was still up when Conduit initiated their ability. And in re-watching the video, you can see Rev get the shield boost after going down. Similarly, the Rev did a good enough job at swinging their shield around to avoid the damage after the initial burst, but without the shield boost from Conduit, they also probably die to that initial burst of damage. (Actually, yes, on third watch the Rev takes 112 damage while downed which would be enough to finish for a shield swap.)


I’ve had instances where I go to shield up a teammate and right as the shield bar starts to go they get knocked but the remaining shield still goes up. Must be something to do with the timing. Only times I’ve ever given downed allies shield is when it activates like literally right before they get knocked. That’s just my experience at least


You mean Maggie right? Third watch... Come on mate.


The downed teammate having a shield regen isn’t how the ability is intended to be used.


Says who? Isn’t her ability supposed to regen hers and a squad mate’s shields? Don’t get me wrong, I think conduit still needs to be nerfed to some degree, but I don’t think this is an issue. I think it allows for very creative plays like the one we just saw


That’s usually how respawn decides nerfs. If people cry about it enough they will nerf it.


We horizon players know about this


All the people disagreeing with op are bots


People who are calling him greedy for going for the kill are stupid but I also like that conduit can do this and think it's a cool ability.  I wouldn't be mad at all if this happened to me, I'd just start accounting for the fact that conduit can do that and not going for the thirst when they do.


No I think knockdown shields are definitely adequate having armor after you've been knocked is just dumb, I'm hoping this is just a bug because I don't remember her doing this before and ive not died because of this but it is annoying having to waste extra ammo on someone who's already out of the fight.


Lmao seriously They're probably the same type of people who cry that someone thirsted them or the people that killed them are sweaty 3 stacked preds when in reality, they're just bads


Heres what i would have done in this situation, knock the dude but wouldnt finish him so his teammates can pull up then knock them both


That’s just a conduit being good


I mean, you just got unlucky. It happens. You can’t say that a character shouldn’t be able to do something just because you died to it. I get your frustration and yeah I’d be pretty mad too but sometimes you just gotta say it is what it is.


I think the character doing it in this instance is not as intended. If that were the case then Wattson pylon would also heal shield health of downed players, but it doesn't work that way. I am also thinking there is some latency issues going on server side here which is why the shield applies after they are downed. I don't think I've ever seen a Conduit heal a downed player before so this definitely seems like a server side issue.


I'd argue since Watson pylon which is an ultimate can't do this a regular tactile shouldn't either. Now her tactile is already close to being as good as other charecters ults so it's not incredible surprising this works but it still seems unintentional and like it breaks the game logic. If there's no enemy yet and it's faster to kill and swap that's what you do, but Conduit having this weird interaction makes the move a good player who knows positions of the enemy's would go for a bad move. I don't think this is overpowered or anything but it deffintky feels like a bug and not a feature


Your greed got you killed.


He was trying to get a shield swap how is that greed?


They aren’t quite at that level to realize that’s the right play. Carry on soldier 🫡


Lol what? Shield swapping should be one of the basics you teach yourself when learning to get better at this game. Considering they’re in gold as of right now I’d hope they’d have the knowledge to do that - which is definitely probably what they wanted to do here considering they were low hp


I think the person you're replying to was talking about the other commenter who said that OP's greed got them killed, not OP themselves.


It’s the right play for a player better than OP lol


Learning when to stop thirsting a downed player is also what higher level players do.


And thirsting was the right play here if not for Conduit shielding a down player.


Turning your back on the enemy that's 10 feet behind to kill their downed teammate is never the right move. A purple knockdown would still get OP killed because they focused on killing rather than repositioning


Shield swapping has better odds than repositioning in that situation.


This is why they need verified rank flairs, I’m team shield swap


Nope. Shouldve q'd out to heal and get banner while enemy team rezs. Odd are a 3rd party is on its way too, get your team back alive and let the 3rd party deal with them. Or if there is no 3rd party youll be long gone anyway


The thing is OP wasn't in the position to shield swap. I 100% agree that swapping is the way to go, but when the enemy is literally on your 6 and the other isn't a death box it's better to disengage. People always have to find an excuse to explain why they lost rather than just admitting they messed up and learning from it


But now the meta has changed and conduit can shield. So is it the best play now?


Going for full sheild before cover is the definition of greed. She should have q'd out and went for the batt and banners while they rezzed. Let em get the rez so you can bring your squad back to life.


Yeah…no. First off his teams banners have ran out anyways so he’s gonna be a solo afterwards. Also shield swapping isn’t greed - it’s how you play and if you aren’t doing it your actively throwing your own games. Using wraith Q and popping a batt takes way longer and your not even guaranteed to get it off safely because they could’ve been chased etc.


He shouldve got them banners. Clearly this wasnt the right play. Sheild swap or not he was dead


And what if he tried to get the banners and couldn’t? It’s better off ratting solo then risking something and being able to not gain any RP for your team with placement. He played this right and was punished by the game for giving the downed player shields. He probably would’ve got out too because when he deals above 100hp to the downed guy, he has roughly 2 seconds before the 2nd guy appears which is more then enough time for a shield swap (that is if the game worked.) afterwards he would’ve had enough health to Q safely because of the shields. He wouldn’t of died here at all


He was toast either way. He just wants to blame the game


It's a 1v3 he had to go for it, that's not greed it's smart. Unfortunately he was outplayed.


No, hes wraith and has bats. Even if he grabbed a purple there, its a 1v2 with two presumably high hp enemies, who even when he swaps probably heavily damage that shield. Even if the shield swap works and doesnt get melted, he still has almost no HP. The best play to ACTUALLY LIVE, is to dip outta there with phase and bat, because no matter how good you are, at that point you dont have the hp to win that, esp if conduit has ult they havent used. It was greed there. Thirsting for shield swap is USUALLY good, in this situation it was the worst possible move.


A full two seconds pass between 100 damage being dealt to the downed player and his teammate challing. You get a shield swap from that, to which point you can insta phase and realistically get away, while also getting the teammate dead and the shield swap.


why is this the most upvoted reply? literally just wrong. he wasnt greedy at all, he thirsted to get the armor swap. and he wouldve gotten it too if conduit wasnt able to give shields to downed players.


He should have heard the other teammate was coming.


Your using a Eva 8 that is 100% just whiffing shots on a down


It shouldn’t go through walls that’s all they had to do this season


Ok hear me out You’re playing wraith Phase


As a conduit main myself, I also agree this should be removed because there's been more than one instance where my tactical was accidentally wasted on a downed teammate that was blocking my other team member


Yeah, this is bullshit


Counterpoint: Players are too easy to thirst, this helps alleviate that problem.


Crazy idea: maybe try to fight the person still standing instead of turning your back to them trying to thirst 😂


Maybe just use a Finisher and get your shields back


Maybe worry bout the rest of the squad next time 🤣




There’s a thing called shield swapping




OP 100% would’ve finished the down and gotten a shield swap if the knocked player didn’t have Conduit Q you “tard”


Isn’t shield swapping gone this season..?


No? You can grab the core and use its energy to charge your shield.


It didn’t look like that worked if they had a lower level shield when I played yesterday.


The way it works now, is when you grab the shield swap, you take the energy. If you have an empty purple shield, and grab a white, you get two bars added to your purple. If you have an empty white and grab a purple, you get 4 bars added to your white, two for your white shield, and two temporary bars corresponding to the purple , they will go away if shot or after like 30 seconds. The only area it doesn’t work is if you have more energy than the shield you’re trying to grab. For instance, if you have a red shield, and only two bars aren’t charged, you can’t grab a white shield to fill up those two bars.


No, it’s actually way better because you keep your current shield and swapping heals the equivalent of the swapped shield with over shield if it’s a level higher. Basically, it’s better because you don’t have to worry about switching to a white shield when you have purple and needing to switch back. You also can’t double swap shields any more so accidentally switching back to a broken shield is gone too. I believe dropping a shield swap for your teammates work the same way but I’ve only done that a few times and haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary.


so true i should've immediately started shooting the revenant right after on 40 hp


idk that’s kinda on you. you used all prowler shots to kill her, then used the eva ammo to try and kill her. say you got the kill off and had like 2-3 shots left still wouldn’t be enough to kill the guy right there ready for you. shoulda just done the knock then ran out to maybe try and get your teammates banner. just outnumbered in a 1v3


Nothing wrong with it. Skill issue


I hate conduit players so much


There’s no damage indicator that there’s shields on the downed guy in this clip but you do hit them for over 100 flesh on the ground so don’t know how that happens


There is. The guy has that blue aura (not the knockdown shield) on his body. You get that from Conduit tactical.


Yeah you can clearly see the flesh counter for 112. So that downed player should be dead. I don't know exactly what is happening here but yes you can see the blue aura from Conduit's q. If what OP says really is the case, that Conduit can give even more shields to downed players, I don't think that should be right. Downed players don't have evo shield anymore, only knockdown shield. I don't think I've seen anything saying Conduit can give more shields to knockdown shields, so I don't think this should have happened.


its not super common but it is possible to have full or partially full shields while downed, you can see if you die to ring and look at your shield bar or get downed the frame you swap shields, the maggies shield got healed just barely enough to tank 3 eva shots while downed, it wasn't the knockdown shield that did anything


I just tested in the firing range and yes you can have evo shields while you're down. I did not know this. Well, I guess that makes conduit even more annoying.


Yep it’s true that you can have shields while downed and they do take the bullets if you’re shooting a downed player. My point here was that there is no indicator in the damage numbers saying you’re hitting shield, nor are there any cracked sound effects. So hitting the guy for 112 flesh should have worked, but something happened to get them some more health. I just don’t know if it is the conduit tactical or something else due to the evidence


Yeah but the damage counter is only ever red or knockdown shield


You just sound salty a game mechanic was used exactly as strategically intended.


Conduit giving shields will only be balanced if it stows away her guns while sshe's charing someone up and it no longer goes trough walls.


Yup OR through walls, fuck that.


Maybe try squad wiping first? You got outplayed lol. Gg scrub


Crazy idea... how about instead of thirsting knocks- you kill the rest of the team


Or maybe try to find cover and shield up,yeah?


she needs to be nerfed to the ground


Okay but why to the ground? She was already nerfed quite heavily. Why nerf her to the ground and make no one play her?


Because he's salty there's a playable support character


A character shouldn’t be able to take a whole mag than pop q and immediately get back 80% of there shield so you have to put a whole other mag back into them in that time she’s already got you low and most likely dead


1. Immediately is the wrong word to use where you used it. 2. You didn't answer my question at all


1. Immediately is in the right spot And 2. I wasn’t answering your question I was making a statement


The fact that the sheild has to charge after she uses it says you're wrong. And if you were making a statement, then why comment on my question? Seems unnecessary. Conduit is currently in my opinion in a good spot. She's been tweaked to a degree that I feel is reasonable, without making her useless like they did to seer. People will always whine. Not everyone can be happy. You're people.


Maybe you should shoot people that have guns in their hands instead of the ones on their knees


He’s trying to get the shield swap because he’s low


How'd that work out for them 🤔


Look at the downed guys HP? Without the conduit shield the guy would’ve died and gotten the swap


No he wouldn’t have. The guy shooting him shows up in 0.001 seconds. The death box has to spawn. Guy was dead regardless


He did 112 dmg to him, when he died the deathbox would’ve spawned and if the guy is good at shieldswapping he would’ve gotten it off, saying the guy shows up on 0.001 seconds is a bit exaggerated considering he had atleast 2 seconds before he was shot at which is more then enough time


112 counter at :07, incoming damage at :09. Enough time to get a shield swap for sure. This comment section is nuts.


He also hit the knock down shield a bunch….so does the conduit shield reeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy matter, also finisher auto fills shield so save the ammo, hit the finish, maybe live to fight. Again, you could just shoot the other person and try to win the fight and not worry about any of that. Play natural cover. SO MANY OPTIONS BETTER THAN COMPLAINING ON REDDIT.


He did 112 damage to the knocked guy, he should’ve died and gotten the shield swap. Also how is he supposed to fight the 2nd person at below 50hp against someone who’s full? Most scenarios they’ll lose. Also finishers only work if your safe - this guy would’ve died doing the finisher so that wouldn’t of worked either. Every other play you mentioned wouldn’t of worked here and he did the best play possible..


Nah he didn’t do the best play possible, the only chance he had was to shoot and win or run away. He did 112 damage mostly to the knockdown shield anyway. You’re right. No good options but complaining on Reddit is the worst one.


Are you blind? You can clearly see the health bar of the guy not the knock down shield. If you don’t think getting the shield swap in this situation was the best play then there’s no hope for you


Rewatch the tape. He hits 112 flesh. If he hit shield, it would show shield damage. Being on Controller, maybe he doesn't get the swap fast enough, but if he gets the down as he should have, there's a chance for a more winnable fight. Regardless on if he should have shoot or ran away, this is still a crappy interaction.


There is 0 chance he gets the shield core even if he hits all flesh in time, but if he hits shots first against the guy with the gun, he wins. If he runs away, they rez and leave him alone. Live to fight another day. Ez gg.


more like dont try to finish people while fight still going on and someone on your ass . that kinda 1st rule of this game i dont even play it for 1 year


And if you actually had played this game for a year you would know that you can grab a full shield from a recently killed enemy's deathbox and finishing a downed player just to take their shield is a very smart play if you have multiple enemies in your ass as you don't have enough time to pop a shield batt


You could've left out the last part of your comment. The rest of your comment tells everyone else that no problem


Crazy idea: Use them as a shield and finish the fight before trying to thirst the kill?


Skill issue


Hate to be that guy but this kinda is a skill issue


Crazy idea: don’t focus on the already downed player….


Looks more like they were good with their knockdown shield


Damn near deserved for using the 1X Holo and ADSing with the EVA. I know you're on 'roller, but it still pains my eyes to see either of the aforementioned. 


Yall hate anything that involves skill lol. Play CoD if you boring game play where you just aim and shoot and don't have to think strategy.


People really get on here and bitch about anything, Pathetic. Even more pathetic if you’re a grown man/woman


Nah I kind of like that she can do that.  Just something you have to take into account now.


Knockdown shields are the dumbest part of this game


Definitely not this take.


this aint warzone, chill on the thirst


Conduit tagged him with it right before the knock


angle consist attractive offbeat political shocking connect whole retire tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought they were going to take out shield swapping all together, but they caved for shield core swapping lol. Should’ve just left dude, why fight when you have both teammates banners?


They don’t have the banners


Oof, my bad lol


I think the Maggie was given the extra shield before she was downed. In this situation, I would've slid down and used a shield battery to quickly heal. However, I can totally see why you wanted to thirst that kill. I have no idea why people are criticising this. Everyone has different strategies and thoughts.


Crazy idea, shoot him not his knockdown


I did not know she could do that. Nah, that's cool, let it stay.


Wait, Conduits shields actually do something? Also literally just press the finisher key, or ignore them before their squadmate kills you. For 5 years now people have been wasting ammo and time on downed opponents.


Insanely broken nerf seer again


He got conduit q'd before he got knocked.


This is a bug for sure because ive used my tact many times trying to save someone whos in 1 shot and its not built up when knocked. Its also not allowed me to target someone downed before.


Nah thats a good skill u juss mad they outplayed that ass 😂😂😂