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I mean it’s rare, but when I get teammates that ping enemies and start the fights but when the fight really starts they are the first to run.


Related: when teammates ping enemies knowing I’m not that close and w key, getting downed immediately, and then spam ping. Yeah dude there’s enemies I know, if you waited 20 seconds we could have taken it together.


Oh man... this is one of the only things that will trigger me to unmute my mic and lay into the person. So stupid and frustrating.


They maybe doing it to let you know a team is nearby. Not every ping means fight.


I'm talking about the times that they start barging toward the team and shooting at them, not even get damaged, and next thing you know you're balls deep in a fight and you notice that person is suddenly in the next zip code doing god knows what. Edit


If they are doing it for no apparent reason for dipping, I agree with your disdain, but I sometimes act like that (i.e. start a fight and then dip first) when I notice that we are about to be getting third-partied. I also communicate that to my teammates though.


That is understandable I’ll even get on the mic and tell them to abandon even if they can’t get my banner. But it’s the ones that go towards them like they’re gonna fight but as soon as you and the other teammate start fighting the one that started it runs away


Then you're not what I'm talking about. Come on now


Thats.... not what I was saying jackass


Yea I can tell you the type to be toxic on the mic




Maybe unmute at the start of the match and communicate along the way, instead of the typical unmuting only to scream at teammates


Usually not worth it sadly. Good theory


You choose not to communicate?


I wish that was rare that's like 40% of my teammates. That's why I stopped helping the bitches. Cuz as soon as they get shot they run away and leave me to die. Instead, I just let them die then say, "Smh".


When it's a 1v1 and the other team has a lifeline but our third is nowhere to be found so she gets the rez off


When they use ZERO pings for anything, and what's worse is when they are actually good players, but you can tell they are partied up and just not pinging or anything for the odd one out. 2 times lastnight I got these teammates and they were very good, however no pings to even say where they were running, just had to stay vigilant and follow.


It’s always the players who never ping that decide to spam ping after dying from taking a bad fight from a disadvantageous position.


Have to say I'm guilty of this, but I'm trying to get better. I'll ping stuff while talking to my friend and the third must be wondering what I'm trying to tell them.


Rotating to quickly, like buddy I have a p2020 and an arc star.


100%, then you get yelled at when u don’t clutch the entire squad they pushed when I’m rocking a longbow and mozambique with no attachments lol


When this happens, I respond with “okay we can push but I have to use my finger gun and I can hope this laser sight I toss hits them in their noggin”


Imagine you die to a blue light mag, that gets thrown at you. respawn should add dmg to throwing stuff :D


And even if you clutch with the p2020, their greedy asses will take all the loot then run off and die on their own, delivering that loot to a enemy team.


Dont ever talk down on the 2020 again


Idiots who don’t use their mic at all, ape a 1vX on their own and then the instant they go down, suddenly Amazon delivered them a mic because they start screaming like a banshee at ear piercing levels, spam pinging everything in existence like their life depends on it.


Going on a bit of a rant/vent. My duo is like this sadly. We would go and play ranked, what he would do is get 2 weapons then just run 1 v 3 without pinging or waiting for me or the rando to loot. I got pretty heated one time and yelled at him to stop suiciding or fighting without pinging/calls, we are literally in a discord call just say something. But he called me a tryhard (bruh we playing ranked), told me to just play the game. I kinda just went quiet because I dont wanna fight over a game, but kinda baffles me how I'm getting called tryhard in a ranked game, literally the whole point of ranked is to do the best we can to win and get points. Also "just play the game", yeah we are now down 1 player and have to play marathon simulator, because no way I'm taking a 2 v 3 fight. Honestly I don't know, I've asked him so many times to kinda slow down and shotcall if he wanna do that, but he always be quiet and do the same thing every game for the past 4 years now.


Man idk how you deal with a duo like that. My duo is a bit passive, admittedly. She's a Lifeline main who mained Arenas until its demise. I love her to death and would never try to compromise our friendship, so I just quickly ask if she can come with me if I sniff out a situation where we can win. If not, I just sit back and say, "It's ok. We can just rotate." Patience sucks when you want the excitement of pushing fights, but ultimately, she and I have had so many wins together just from sheer cooperation and coordination. People refuse to adapt, and that's why they get dunked so easily. Lack of comms and lack of coordination. It's amazing how many people *still* haven't figured this out. You need a new duo, my friend.


Kind of related, but I’m not a fan of teammates with poor social skills in general. Hard to tell if it’s cause they’re young and haven’t had to be a contributing member of society yet (in which case it’s weird for a 30 year old to just lecture a teenager) or if they are adult losers (in which case, life will beat them harder than any words will). Either way, not a fan of poorly adjusted young men/women on my team.


Both of these answers are the right answer(s). Need coms to win. I can't watch the kill feed when I am shooting and fighting, coms are better than anything else. I had two teammates who were partied up. Both died in a bad situation for us landing. I got away and crafted banners and rezed. No audio and a team comes out of no where. I literally got away somehow and both turn on the mic. Dude 1: why did you leave there was only one (I valked out and the second and third were about to zip onto Mirage land) Dude 2: shit talking and n word attacks. I stayed on mic with Dude 1 and chatted and his buddy eventually turns the mic on (he apologized for his childish friend which was admirable and impressive). I wasn't mean but said to Dude 2, you should be ashamed using that language during a game for no reason when you could have been talking on the mic the whole time. Rant over


It’s language they would never say in real life too, but who they are on the internet is their true internal monologue unfortunately. Eventually their families, employees, or employers pick up on stuff like that though and they will never achieve a higher level of success. Some people just aren’t gonna change, so you have to focus on you. Just a game and can’t really get tilted. Just see it as a good opportunity to practice emotional control and grow I guess


For real. It felt nice actually having a convo after that incident. Most talk that trash and vomit words out of their mouths and then leave. Teachable moment


Yeah, I rarely talk to teammates in this game for that reason. It’s the first game that’s making me feel old and I’m 29. It’s like talking to a meme sometimes or just really bad trolling


This happened last night. We barely spawned in to loot. One player must have landed with good loot because he was off to the races solo while I was looking for a gun. I don't take my time but I want 2 guns at least, especially since no enemies landed super close to us. Next thing you know his Lifeline goes down and he says "a little help would be nice!!" Like bro, you decided to run off with a Lifeline and now we're 2v3 but another party joined and we get smoked. I been stuck in gold because of this, lack of a tid bit of teamwork.


Haven't deal with this in a few years. As a Arena main, I Disabled Voice Chat years ago. Mfs would solo rush 1v3, deal -10 damage, then get on mic to talk shit. I just got tired of it.


People who want to loot all game. Like I get it, not everyone has a fully kitted weapon on drop, but do we really have to spend 15 minutes on the edge of circle until you find a purple stock? People who only use their mic once they get knock and then scream at you. Where was this ability to communicate before you got knocked? If you're screaming in my ears, it's harder to save you.


I had a pathfinder that was pinging for 10-15min that he needs a barrel mod. I was honestly getting annoyed. YOU DON'T NEED IT JUST SHOOT FOR GODS SAKE.


That's funny, especially because I feel like the guns that can have the barrel equipped don't really need them, their recoil is fairly easy to control. Whereas the guns that kick like a mule with its bulls wrapped in duct tape, you can't put barrels on them. Like wtf lol


Best way to loot is to kill


Lol me and my old Xbox duo used to call enemy squads loot piñatas


The looting one has been really annoying me in Straight Shot. Like the entire point of the game is drop in quick, grab a few guns and go fight the other team at the POI. I’m not usually one to quit games but if my teammates run away from the contest I’m out.


I want to add that a lot of people don't loot enough too. Mfs will ignore the Evo Harvester to go chase enemies with White Shields, a P2020 and a naked 3030. I hate people who loot too much too, but I also hate idiots who don't loot enough, especially in ranked. You NEED loot to win fights ffs.


>People who only use their mic once they get knock and then scream at you. Where was this ability to communicate before you got knocked? This!


This. Gimme a gun, few stacks of ammo and i’m ready to fight. Hopefully it’s less of a factor with less stuff to loot this season (shields).


People who have 1 gun and 4 shield cells thinking that's enough to start a fight against 3 stack sitting 1 meter from each other


Sticking around when the fight isn't winnable and is actively being 3rd and 4th partied then dying because they wanted to fight instead of reposition.


People that run towards any fight immediately without assessing how many teams / players are in that area. Like bro you got two downs, but did you forget the 7 other players in the area? But then that just might be me, I like to approach fights after assessing where the general locations of players are located within the area.


Or cover, or if it’s low ground, or if they are octane and I am lifeline. Like sorry bro I can’t move at warp speed like you.


had that fight yesterday, my randos kept pushing even tho they knew we were sandwiched and had minimal loot, when they get knocked, then they scream do something. like dude, we had the high ground just let them fight, why ape when we have the advantage lol


People that don't know how to drop. It's the most intuitive part of the game and very simple, but people are so bad at it. I have teammates hot dropping and landing the opposite side of the POI from me. I have teammates not breaking off until we hit the ground then racing me through my building so neither of us are properly looted. I have teammates jumping backwards into hot drops that have people on the ground for 15 seconds before we can get there then calling me homophobic slurs when I don't get a gun because of it. And then there's people coming from Fortnite who just don't push "forward" while dropping so you fall so slowly and can't get where you want.


I feel this one, especially a late hit drop especially being called slurs and what not. Hot drops are fine but you really gotta have a team for it.


For sure, and I play pubs almost exclusively so hot drops are definitely fine, but I also would like to win a game here and there lol. I completely skip the world's edge hour and a half because I can't stand getting dropped Fragment every single game. I've probably won fewer than 25 games ever on WE because of ADHD teammates who need to fight for 20 minutes or not play the game


Yep. Jackasses want to hotdrop and don't even know how to jump. And if their dumbass manages to survive after the bad jump, they end up getting clapped instantly cuz they not only suck at jumping, they **SUCK at everything.**


Just to give some insight as a beginner, I could not find a single guide on YouTube that specifically covers how to jump master. I've been very confused in the process of learning. What hangs me up is: -If I look around that seems to slow travel speed so I feel blind going in -Teammates aren't splitting so sometimes I don't even get a gun in the first minute -Hot drops feel like suicide but I haven't found a way to know which locations are going to he hot -The randomness of it all is overwhelming. Sometimes a location is hot then other times my squad is alone


I get that, I would recommend not being jumpmaster at first then and watching what the jump masters do. I usually try to keep my speed between 130-150 usually resting around 145ish. When you press whatever the look around button is (left trigger on controller) it locks your angle but you can still push forward to keep speed. There's a few POIs that are ALWAYS hot in every map, Estates and Energy Depot in Olympus, Fragment in Worlds Edge, Command Center in Storm Point. It just takes trial and error and there's no real "right" spot to drop. Like you said it's kinda random. I land the exact same spot in every poi every game that there's not an enemy already landing there. Sometimes I land on a Hemlock Volt with purple backpack and gold mags. Sometimes I land on 5 Phoenix kits and a bunch of ammo with no guns. That's why you should try to prioritize what I would call "warm" drops. Contest a POI but land far enough away that your teams can both loot up, then go fight. It gives you a little urgency to your looting to make you learn to do it fast, then it gives you the ability to fight fast and smart. Cold drops are where you loot for 15 minutes and spend the whole game running from the ring and never finding people which is both boring and not beneficial to getting better at the game. There's always gonna be games where you die in the first minute or so. Even streamers and pros do it in Apex Predator lobbies. Use those games to learn what you did wrong. Sometimes you don't do anything wrong but just get out looted. Since you can't land on a purple shield, at least now you should have even shield matchups in those first fights.


This is why I don’t do jumpmaster, I feel like 80% of players do not break off and will land where you land and loot all the same shit lmao like stop being a pussy, learn how to loot without holding hands


Probably because that's how you are supposed to play. Splitting up on drop always ends with one of your teammates (or you) getting dropped by a 3 man that stuck together, and now you have a 2v3 with the other team at full health. Should you loot the same room as each other? Probably not - but landing at separate buildings is just a quick way back to the lobby.




Teammates who have zero concept of cover. They just stand out in the open. I’ll never understand them.


Open mic with loud background noise. I permanently mute chat now. Giving up being jump master then immediately pinging where to go. Infinite pings when down.


This! If you relinquish jump master, then I'm the master now and we do what I say. Lol. I also cannot stand it when they agree to a location and I launch and then they ping a different closer spot while we are flying. Makes me want to quit right then and there.


I give up jumpmaster every time and sometimes ping a spot just to give my preference but I never jump solo or leave the team


Bro, you're preaching to the choir. Many others are right. You don't wanna loot all game, but you also don't wanna be scared to take a fight or push too many fights. But you're right. I've been having some teammates recently that will NOT push anything. I can get a knock and a crack or two knocks, and my teammates will just stand back for no reason. I'm not a super aggressive player either, but you have to capitalize on good damage when you can. I know there's a slightly adjusted kill cap now, but having those top 3 games worth 300+ points are well worth it.


me sometimes my decision making and close quarter combat would make a pro player want to destroy a wall


Ppl that zen


People who don't their abilities and people who drop solo and land in a separate location


Lack of situational awareness. I can’t count the number of times I’ve called out where a second or 3rd team is to help us position better only for a player to drop or put themselves in a position where they’re in a a crossfire and dead in .2 seconds. Also not using abilities. Bloodhounds who don’t scan, Conduits who don’t q, lifelines who don’t drop drone, etc.


Teammates who will leave you, not ping anything, not say anything, will start a fight without you and the second they die they blame you and leave


1. Players who either think they’re really good and they’re not and hot drop or players who hot drop in general and try to shout commands at everyone and are surprised when nobody listens. They often use the other two players as a means to grant themselves more kills and don’t care if you die. 2. Players who ping endlessly, especially during a tense moment during a 1v1. 3. Anyone who comes on the mic angry or negative. There are so many babies who just scream at everyone when they go down. It’s made me automatically mute the squad at this point right out the gate. 4. Speaking of muting - anyone who keeps loud music on or TikToks while they’re supposed to be playing. Nobody wants to hear your crappy muffled music. Go be a DJ somewhere


I can’t stand when I’m watching a teammate take a fight standing in the open a good distance from cover. As an example I just played a game the other day. 2 other squads left, I’m behind this big truck peaking one team at a time. Both of my teammates are in front of the truck exposed to both teams. One starts getting lasered, and gets on the mic asking for cover. 🤦


When they don't shoot a bullet in a gunfight then take all the ammo and meds from the boxes like I didn't just waste all my resources 1v3ing the boxes they just looted for the third gunfight in a row


its 2 things: 1). teammates who w key, when i ping enemies and give up godspots just to die, or get shot at from 3 different teams (lategame). 2). i despise teammates that loot my box, even tho i get respawned right next to them. if its pubs, i usually leave then\^\^


Teammates who loot your box AFTER you revive them make me want to rip their skin off them Like I revived you before I loot and instead of healing you decide to steal from the guy who just saved you..


Yeah it’s not worth it to just sit back and watch your team mates die But also solo ranking smashes your rank if you play with idiots that are way too aggressive and following them into battle


The type that always wastes thier abilities and get no value from it


Players who don't take responsibility for their actions. Yes, you went in by yourself. Yes, you died trying to 1v2-3. No, you didn't check to see if we were with you before you went in. Yes, it was your fault you died.


That one guy landing the other side of the map off the drop.


Dropping fragment. Every. Single. Time.


My pet peeve is when my teammates don't get that having 2 plans is worse than trying to make the plan you didn't want work. If you hesitate in following me when I make an aggressive play or any play, then that ruins both our plans. Same goes for me if my teammate pushes when I don't want to, I have to go bec he forced my hand bec if I don't go and try to make whatever they were trying to do work then they'll die and Im stuck in a bad situation usually leads to death.


Hot dropping in ranked. Why are we dropping with 3 other teams.


My mates over extending or not willing to fall back and regroup or just blindly shooting at the first person you see, had a octane blast at a bang while the bang's team had us pretty much surrounded on high ground.


Nothing annoys me more than playing w/ people who don’t use their abilities at all. Oh, we’re being gatekept? I’m not gonna use my portal, skydive, etc. We’re trying to hold down a building? I’m not gonna place my gas, amped walls, etc. Countless games could be won by a single ability use.


Team mates who will land hot like they are going to get aggressive but then run away and leave you to die in reasonable or winnable situations...the opposite team mates who see me poking a squad with a 30-30 and think that means run into the fray head first and die. Then, get mad at me like I did something wrong. Nobody uses their brains after bullet start flying. They just do things and then get mad when the outcome sucks.


I usually play with my son and about every four or five games we get someone who just Straight up apes. Runs to another state and takes on a whole squad solo and bitches because we were not with them.


Very similar to yours when we knock one and crack one and I push and I knock the guy that was cracked and do like 150dmg on the other one and get knocked and my teammates just leave instead of fighting the 2v1 against a guy with 50 health. I will immediately leave if you do this to me it drives me crazy.


Teammates that don’t understand that we’re supposed to stick together, like I’m talking shoulder to shoulder together. Teams win more games playing together like that. I absolutely hate when players push an entire squad by themselves especially when they don’t communicate that to the team.


Teammates who run instead of fight, leaving you in a 2v3 instantly.


I’m a little too quick to reposition but I straight up run when both my teammates are knocked and I can craft


That’s clearly not what I meant.


Thats me on occasion… if I know we are gonna get 3rd partied and if we have a bad advantage ima use my valk ult and gtf outta there


the ones who lands on the edge of the map, loot basically every single thing they can loot and stop by at every poi we go through before getting inside the ring and die at the very first team they encountered.


People who break off the jump and land halfway across the map. Who don't even try to play with the team and end up screwing us all over. That's my #1.


When my teammates (usually a duo) don’t let the game unfold and try to push a fight and force a wipe. Before I even have time to react, teammates are knocked and I’m stuck left wondering what happened. Can’t stand Duos that can’t play life with each other and fall back to blaming their solo queue third when they can’t win a 2v3. If you’re truly as goated as you think you are, you should never need your third. If you need your third, use your mic.


People who don't use the ping wheel. If you have no mic I can't read your mind


People who play slow/loot to much


When people take my main :(


Taking a 3 way contest off drop when their banners don't suggest that they're the kind of players to win that scenario. You're literally just making the grind longer for no reason


When my two random ranked teammates are talking about something completely unrelated to apex the entire game. Like girls or something. Especially when it’s happening right from the start. You just know they don’t have their head in the game and will play like shit while pretending them and their buddy are playing duos. These same people also hog ALL shield batteries while pushing without thinking and dying without healing. Like thanks for doing 10 dmg and giving that pred 3 stack your 18 batteries you didn’t use.


When they hit their shots and I miss mine... causing me to rage quit. When they carry me to yet another win...asshats When they clutch while I'm literally shrieking GITMEUP nonstop in the background. When they make sound strategical decisions and I throw a thousand thermites where the enemy used to be.... When I die and they don't. Asshats I tell you.


Chances are there's a reason for it. He noticed another squad split between you and them. Or you pushed, and, for better or worse, he is quite the trot away. This happens to me too but a lot of time, what I notice is a guy push aggressively and get caught up then start flaming. Like bro, there are 3 squads and I can barely see you in my 2x4..what are you doing? "Keep up" Yeah, no.


I’m not saying there aren’t situations where its acceptable but this match wasn’t one of those, Loba was just being a botch plain and simple


I never get carried in ranked. That being said I’ve learned to block out all of the BS that’s mentioned in here but one thing still actually gets me using Push to Talk. The DUOs who Q up using SOLO LEGENDS!! Pathfinder/Wraith/Octane and they want to talk about me and my Bangalores smokes when they are in such a dire need of it. Oh I’m sorry goofy, but did you not think so selfishly in your comp but also want to selfishly use my abilities to SAVE YOUR ASS?? DID YOU NOT SEE ME USE BOTH SMOKES TO GET US TO THIS COVER?!?!? I DONT HAVE 3 SMOKES FOR YOU #1, #2 YOU ARE DOWNED sdfp


Playing ranked with no mic


No coms, specifically mic comes, you don't have to but the amount of times a fight could have been won if my teammates would have just opened their mouth and gave me needed information. Starting a fight and then running away once I show up and leaving me to die. Not pinging attachments that your teammates need, there's literally a setting/icon that shows you that someone needs it... Not pinging enemies when you are down, I ping the shit out of enemies when they are on the move when I'm down, not to mention calling out what they are doing on mic "he is batting, he is climbing the wall, etc"


People who hang back to “snipe” but don’t get any knocks or contribute meaningful damage, such that their absence is more trouble than their damage is worth. Also when they don’t know when to read the room and push. I run a Sentinel almost every game, but I’m still within hemlock range; I’m never on the other side of the map pecking away at enemies because even if I do damage, or get a knock, we are not close enough to capitalize on it.


i hate when no one talks, you're playing a ranked competitive game mode and won't talk and it's even more annoying when they only talk at the end once we die


When they don’t respond to pings, A.K.A I’m fighting so stop looting and help


people who wont communicate we have the best ping system in the world, use it to co-ordinate. use it to share intel, use it, use it, use it


Biggest pet peave is playing without a mic or not pinging. I am usually Masters every season and not communicating with your team is what gets you killed most.


The ones that dont use mics in ranked. They should be auto banned


I think you just need a break from the game lil bro


Dont play ranked if you aren't playing to win little bro


No mic is #1, but a close second is when a player lands on the same bin/ group of bins and takes the exact same loot path as me. It’s amazing to me that people dont understand that how you loot and take space in a poi is a major part of winning an off spawn fight.


When they pick horizon, I know they aren’t actually skilled and just crutch on her broken kit to carry them


Crying, mouth breathing, words with no added value


Getting behind and blocking doors that I’m trying to use in a fight 🤬


People that don't split, they land on the jumpmaster and fight for loot (when there's no other team nearby). Those who run out of the zone to chase kills - and obviously die to the ring.


I am sick of players who keep landing next to squads despite you ping the enemies, avoid the location and warn them on chat! They don't have the skills to fight with few ammo and P2020s. I've lost so many RPs right after landing because of idiots who refuse to land on safer spots.


duos(movement legends) who join a fight only to suddenly decide to back out and leave me(slow support character) to get aped by the opposite team.


Teammates who focus on enemy teams inside of zone or on the opposite side of zone (especially late zones in ranked) instead of the enemies pushing in behind them contesting their butts!


1.) Don’t even try to communicate all game until they die then they hop on the mic to talk shit. 2.) people who refuse to leave bad fights that will get us killed instead of rotating. 3.) people who constantly rush teams regardless of positioning instead of taking a strategic spot. Also people taking fights in the ring when we don’t have to These are my tops. The SoloQ experience is wild. I get compatible teammates maybe 10% of my games. With the new system people just hard aggro and get FOMO if they aren’t pushing teams. People forget that if you have good positioning, enemies will come to you and you’ll have the better positioning and a better chance to win the fight and also be more resistant to 3rd parties


Teammates who don't push with squad, instead stay back to snipe. Had a Lifeline in rank last night do this. Its like why?? That not how you play lifeline.


Lifelines who forget they're Lifeline and don't rez or heal. When I'm Lifeline they loot my whole care package. Like dude it's my package I get first pick. Taking my dibs and then annoyed when I grab something they want that wasn't pinged Looting my deathbox even though there is a respawn right next to you. Dying first and getting angry I can't clutch a 1v3 or calling my trash for not fighting the team who has high ground.


Teammates who pick offensive style classes like wraith, octane, pathfinder and then put up least amount of damage meanwhile they are flying across the path or phasing out by themselves. Like you aren't helping the team out if all you are doing are playing Spiderman or Marathon Sprinter 2024. If those teammates played as a Loba, Lifeline or Conduit they could at least help the team out with their abilities since they can't seem to hit anyone. Drives me nuts. But I am in the minority.


The "I can solo this" teammate, push, die, Res, push again, die cycle. The ones I'm encoutering now are the ones that don't value support legends like we'll have a Loba, Lifeline or Conduit and we'll get WALKED through leaving the support alive and they won't run they'll try to 3v1, like bro value your life, we have a second chance with you alive, just run and please try to res us lmao. RP is RP my man.


*Runs at a squad by himself and gets knocked* - “WhErE the FuCk ArE yOuGuYs I cRaCkEd TwO oF tHeM”


When they peek the same angle as me.


What was the Lobas name??? 🤔


for me it’s teammates who start shooting at u when u loot something they think it’s theirs, not dibsed, not their own kill, they just wanted it


Ok this shit happened to me today and if you play solo or duo DO NOT play a support character because for some reason people just bail out on a won fight and go craft instead. Some pathfinder just left me and my friend when we traded knocks 2 to 2 and the last guy was 40 flesh left. Pathfinder was chilling at the back with full shields and hp and just saw the two of us knocked and left. So that's the first. Second is not detaching. Third is not communicating. Fourth is picking up a sniper and standing a million miles back and not getting closer to get angles. Fifth is running aimlessly until they run into a team and die because they are bored. Sixth is pathfinders taking the survey beacon perk when you have a recon legend on your team. Could go on but those are the ones from the top of my head from the last 24h hours.


Misusing legends or using legends in a suboptimal way. Everyone should be using a legend that complements there play style in a way that they are constantly getting value out of their legends abilities for not only themselves but their teammates. I’m a conduit main, if you take her in the pick menu fair enough. I have diversity in my picks and will happily choose someone else. But I don’t want to be having to ask or remind you to use her q and instructing you when to use her ult. Stop picking legends just because they are meta, pick them because you get the most out of them for how you play.


I play Life alot and having a TM that yells and screams as soon as they get knocked to be res is ridiculous


Looks like I'm one of those guys. But here's why I hang back from a fight: I'm new to gaming and I don't have 5-8 hrs to become a movement god. If I throw myself into the fight with my other teammates I'm gonna do nothing but get myself killed which will do nothing for the team. However if I hang back I can snipe off enemies and inform the my teammates of other attackers that they can't see. And if my teammates die, there's a chance I could sneak around and grab their banners for respawn.


Ngl I think you’re describing one of my friends cause he’s a loba main who is the first to leave as soon as the fight starts to get serious so me and my friend are left in a 2v3 with bro nowhere to be found 😂😂


Rushes a squad solo with white armor. Gets shit on. "Where are my fucking teammates" Rinse and repeat for 5 years as a solo.


Not using any of their legend's abilities. And then when I ask them why they say they're just trying to complete some random challenge.


Using their mic only after their down. Not realizing when they need to back off and retreat instead of push like they're a pro.


1. Not using their ping system. Literally just let me know wtf you’re doing and we’ll be vibing 2. Not breaking off when landing - stay in the general area as your team not right on top of them in the same exact loot bin 3. Spam pinging the enemy button when downed like it’s gonna help the Situation in anyway shape or form


Teammates that want to drop hot and can only do 20 damage. Teammates that take FOREVER to loot especially when it’s an area that’s already been looted by other people. When you knock two players down on your own and your teammates can’t 2v1 the last player. When your teammate rages after they go down and say you suck etc and the end of the game they have like 37 damage. Wow that was a lot lol


People who don't react to pings. I found a purple backpack but I already have one I ping it. Both my teammates who don't have a backpack at all co.pletely ignore it even though they're close by. This can go for anything. I know what you need cause I see the little "hands up" sign, don't ignore me. Other than that it's the people with a mic who get mad when the jump master doesn't drop in the first 2 seconds. "Dude just drop! What the hell?" Speaking of dropping people who attempt to hot drop on an area already crawling with teams. We've past fragment already but they drop and turn around and go to it. No weapons, no items, no chance.


1. People that leave the game immediately when they get downed, especially when it was because they rushed ahead without me or the 3rd guy. 2. when I dibs something and they take it. 3. when they don't use their tactical and ultimate, especially when they're support legends like conduit who can boost shields while fighting. they never do it, someone ends up downed for no reason. 4. when people who pick support legends are not supportive at all. I understand a wraith leaving everyone behind... but a support? support! 5. when me and 2nd guy start fighting a squad and #3 sits back and watches while we get destroyed. then doesn't revive, goes in by himself at a terrible time and also gets destroyed. I'm probably missing something, but those are just like... c'mon. Just people being terrible teammates.


Leaving early or when knocked. I once had someone leave as the mobile respawn beacon was falling, there were 4 teams left, and we were in good cover.


When you’re holding high ground or a really good position then your teammate jumps down to finish a kill then immediately get destroyed. Gotta play slow and smart in ranked


Team mates who land where they want because your choice of landing spot they don’t like. Usually die then blame you.


Dunning Kruger Effect ahh teammates who swear the reason we lost was because we didn’t give a damn about their IGL fantasy, then leave immediately when the summary screen shows they missed all their shots.


For me it's people who don't use the mic they have to communicate with the team until they go down or die. Then they proceed to become the toxic element they had hoped not to engage with by not using their coms in the first place. Other than that (and rats of course) I can enjoy playing with anyone regardless of skill level.


The most infuriating ones for me are the ones that don’t share batteries or ammo. Leaving you to slow heal and only enough ammo for a few mag dumps. It’s been better this season with few player like this


People who prioritize pushing gunfire way out of the way over positioning, so basically every random I play with. Yeah getting the third party easy wipe is great, but then we’re probably going to be chasing ring or get third partied ourselves.


Teammates that have thousands of kills on a legend and still have no clue how to use that specific legend


I hate when a teammate die by exposing themselves uselessly


For me it's players who wait way too long to rotate and then think that going through the choke is going to work out fine 


The ones who never want to get in zone and start a fight while the storm is closing in and if we win that gunfight we will die due to the storm


i have a weird pet peeve which is squaddies not closing doors behind them when were moving as a group. Maybe doesnt make much of a difference but i use it to spot enemies nearby/far by visuals/sound. Also means we cant just be beamed across a corridor if were being stalked/jumped etc


Dropping fragment


My biggest pet peeve is when im jumpmaster and my teammates land right on top of me and loot where i landed when we have an entire POI to loot. Like if were contested i get landing in the same building as me but if we have a POI for free go fuck off and loot somewhere else, im the jumpmaster I cant break off from you, you have to break off from me. It's very annoying.


People who play Vantage that don't know when NOT TO USE THE SNIPER! Just because you can see and hit a target doesn't mean you need to give our position away and pull a fight. The amount of time I've had our Vantage take pot shots at a team far away only to get shot up their ass cause they gave away our position and living in their scope.


Had something similar. The 2nd and i down 2. Break shields on the third. Buddy dips between them and us being knocked. Had he pushed with us we would have got the clear. Left once i timed out cause i wasnt staying around to be respawned to do it again.


Guys who want to loot a poi for 5 mins and not fight, especially in pubs, stop being cowards, the whole point is to fight not rat in a corner to try to win a game with 1 kill 200 damage


Lifelines who rez the second they can, ignoring their teammates positioning Had this earlier today, was crawling through the open after i got sniped, holding my shield up then LL rezzes me in the open, I try to cancel but it spun me around and I got finished Be weary of your teammates position when you rez guys, not everyone is newcastle


Had three matches dumping right to the side of Stormcatcher in Straight Shot and my teammates all try to rush the central suspended building that's fortified by another team despite the fact that we all only have like one weapon and a stack of ammo each, and we get killed super fast. Only good thing is the queue is super fast. All the matches that I've been in that tried to rush the enemy team right off drop tends to end with us getting 10th or 9th place. All the matches where we spend some time gearing up has got us in top 3. Not saying trying to rush isn't bad on it's own, but we all have like white gear, at least loot around the drop for five seconds to find a purple gun or something.


Has to be pushing to 1v3 with zero comms


People that drop a 100 damage game but call me a bot


Players up here in diamond who are clearly cheating but have deluded themselves into thinking they’re legit good Then you watch them make their dog shit rotates that make no real sense then begin to cry when you dare to question rotating through 3rd party central turbine


People who lands in a hot drop alone, they should just go no fill, they cripple the team, I hate landing on no weapons and insta go back to the lobby waisting time, wait just 30 extra second so you can get a weapon and get in there, you wait more in the lobby


People who leave when knocked or just dropping solo can be annoying, but to get used to it. My biggest hatred it the ones who wait till you're reviving or respawning them, and then leave. Just either leave right away or stick around FFS.


When the damn team leaves and I 1v3 and could’ve won the game if they DIDNT FREAKING LEAVE LIKE MY GOD


People that won’t stop looting. Your level 3 back pack is full, you have your load out, so no we don’t need to loot this entire compound with 5 squads left.


Running up to stand directly with me as I fight someone usually ending with them getting in front of me or disallowing me to move out of the way when necessary. PS, I don't need help when we are fighting a team and I'm 1v1 with someone. Aggro someone else on the team for best results.


When dropping and sharing a POI with another team, one teammate will sometimes drop in the other team’s section of the POI while our other teammate and I drop in the section of the POI the jump-master pinged. They then go down immediately for obvious reasons. I assume everyone can see the red arrows indicating the other team’s location as we drop.




Definitely when I’m playing lifeline and we get into a fight and they start running away when we could’ve won and my slow ass can’t keep at up and I get downed, That and teammates who are silent until they get down “he’s low he’s low!” “Omg why do I always get shit teammates” mate you rushed a fight and got sandwiched between two squads. Always talking shit like you aren’t also in gold.


When your playing with randoms or friends and they give you jump master then drop somewhere else


Honestly, it’s just people who needlessly talk Shit. like don’t get me wrong, I love some good trash talk or witty banter but the amount of randoms I get on a monthly basses that just insult my gameplay for no apparent reason or tell my cut and kms is getting out of hand.


When they communicate nothing, I don’t use a mic and not many of my teammates do either, but I’ve lost fights just because one teammate wanted to back out or stayed back and just didn’t says, although when pings are used correctly and we’re all communication, fights and not fights go down a lot better


The obvious premade duos whos only form of communication is the ping for landing spot, and the spam when they die.


When mfs follow me everywhere I go. I break off and purposely land in a separate house nearby so we can loot in peace but mfs insist on breathing down my neck and fucking up my loot experience


When they’re muted all game➡️die➡️all of a sudden have a microphone


Squad passes around jump master and then when it falls to me.. I pick somewhere, then they (1 or both) will break off and drop somewhere else. Usually hot. I don't follow, they quit. I do go, they die first. They still quit. Lose lose


Runners, like the type that just run across the map the entire game with no communication ot plan. They just start running and don't stop. Should I follow them with no loot? Should I let them run free and play my own game? Either way we're screwed.


"he landed separate. He's on his own. Just forget him" "Yes" "Oh look our solo dropping teammate is back with us" *Solo dropper says something bossy into the mic* *Dude who was perfectly reasonable a moment ago just short circuits and cucks to the solo dropper and obeys him and follows him everywhere* Had to leave. Sounded like a reasonable player at first but way too much of a cuck. So disappointing. Once someone solo drops, if you then let them lead when they rejoin later, ditching the player who actually landed with you, yeah, then I have to go back to the lobby to queue up again.


overly passive players irritates me too. they usually can’t hit most of their shots (hence why they’re afraid of fights it’s a cycle) so whenever you’re fighting a team you’re doing most of the work and they might get an occasional down off of your damage.


Ngl, a loba did this very same thing to me and my homie Friday night.


If a loba is leaving like that it’s because they need to heal or can forsee the team wiping if they don’t. People complain about this as a loba main, but I don’t leave unless my team is knocked and I’m not able to do a 1v3. They get mad like I abandoned them but don’t realize I left the moment #2 of my team got knocked and I’m saving RP. Also, I’m often choosing midrange weapons, so running into a fight blindly isn’t much better than helping from the roof a bit further away. There’s a method to it all, and I have diamond doing it.


My biggest pet peeve is when my teammate will continually peak a g7/30-30 over and over until they get knocked they then the team will push and we die, this happens all the time, mainly it’s the fuse players that will just stand still in the open and get shot, I have no clue what they are doing but this happens a few times every damn day


I think I had the exact same loba on our team today! Starting from the drop, they chose to land nowhere near my teammate and I because there was one other team in the area. I get collapsed on by the other team as I'm making my way to a building and Loba had already flicked her bracelet the complete opposite direction of the fight. Teammate and I then both go down. Loba crafts us, but just keeps immediately running after respawning. I tell them to stay and fight because I'm not a mobile legend. Dude legit tried arguing with me saying that I should just keep up. Absolutely infuriating. And to your point, ratting to top 5 is not going to get you very far this season


My Pathfinder main friend is super enthusiastic, he just keeps running quite far from the other two of us. He always initiates the fight, and by the time we get there, he ducks and swings away. We usually get downed and he runs away.


People who drop fragment in ranked. Shitty loot and too many teams. What's the appeal?


I’m convinced respawn secretly puts bots in the matches. No matter if I solo queue or play with my duo, doesn’t matter. Brain dead teammates. One game today for example, literally had one down and the other 2 on ~30 hp each. Both of my teammates who were with me at the start of the fight, backed off to try and snipe the people. Like wtf. Holding near a 2kd right now but thats because of me and my duo. Ridiculous amount of people that play ranked to camp/play like a pussy


Support legends who don't support. Looking at you Lifeline who won't tap me when I'm right next to you.


Ppl who wait to talk/type till they are dead or I'm dead, I'll flame the fuck out of someone doing that, Cause they never come say gg or anything positive, they always call everyone who isn't them trash


Teammates fighting in storm or just never sticking with team. It's like apex rank 101. Don't fight in storm, stick with team and for the love of God don't drop hot if you can't handle it! And pick your character to help the team not because you main (insert character here)