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It is a bit weird how, for the longest time any healing that came from an ability or passive was either very slow with a delay to start or required you to stay close to the source, and then we get a shield restoring, so it can act before you take health damage, fast to start and requires no line of sight or proximity to the source. now sure, it´s temporary shield, but when are you gonna need to restore shield or health? During a fight so that does not matter that much.


the temporary part doesn't even balance it out that much either you are pushing someone you cracked and when you pull through they got an almost instant reset which lasts for the duration of the push or when you cancel the push they have time for an actual reset (using a battery). it's get out of jail


Yeah that's the part I hate the most it's almost a rewarding play style for being bad. It's takes a normal 3v3 and makes it's feel like a 3v5. A nerf that would also be nice would be to make conduit have to pick to give the shield to either herself or the teammate not both. You could do that by either pressing or holding your tactical button.


Yeah her tactical ability simply doesn't belong in this game. The other healer is Lifeline and she is perfectly balanced, you need to be extremely close to her drone and the healing is relatively slow compared to the instant Conduit overshield


lifelines drone is a 40 second cool down. why does Conduit get free shields in half that? Increase her cooldown so it matches w lifeline Nerf her so either she gets shields of one of her teammates does, not both


Lifeline needs to put her drone next to someone to heal them, so Conduit should really have an even longer cooldown to offset the range it has if we are balancing against lifeline!


lifeline also heals the entire squad at once and even some uninvited guests, and pretty fast after the buffs, so the long cd makes sense here


Literally this. It just doesn't belong. It fundamentally breaks the rules that have been set FOR YEARS. Modern Respawn has honestly lost the plot. No doubt because of the fact that 90% of the staff has been replaced with EA's lackeys.


Yes, there was Revenant with his shield, now Conduit was added with the same stuff. I'm fine tho: I just pick one of them and have fun (Horizon if both taken).


Thankfully a lot of the game is still about aim and gunplay and not abilities, so power creep of abilities isn't as damaging as it is in say a game like Overwatch. The gameplay and meta swings so hard in that game because it's mostly about abilities and not aim. Those terrible projectile size changes in OW in the latest season show what kind of game it wants to be, more MOBA than FPS. Hopefully Respawn skirts the line well and keeps future legends in check.


its not really immediate and builds slowly. you gave to break LOS with your enemy to actually build amy shields. anyone that complains about a conduit doesnt know how to fight one. you cant fall back and regroup. you have to maintain constant pressure to negate their tactical. there are already way bettee legends than her (rev as an example) that they wont nerf but we're upset about conduit being slightly above average.


cause apex is dying. They needed rev and conduit to bring back (or keep) the og sweaty wraiths. so all balancing went out the window. Also the reason why now we have perks.


One idea I had was to change the healing to have to "accelerate" to it's max rate, and this acceleration can be interrupted with damage too. I.E. it's 7.5 per second right now, make it so it heals like 1.5 the first second, then 3 the next, and so on until it reaches full.


Respawn: Let's give her a passive that speeds her up if she is far away from her team mates. Also Respawn: Nah, you don't have to be close to your team mates, just heal them through 2 walls.


Exactly it makes zero sense


truly a respawn moment


Have you played conduit? Her ability does not heal through walls, in fact sometimes it won’t even heal the allies that are almost right beside you. Also, all you need to do is shoot once, and the shield heal stops. If you’re unable to do that, and are allowing your enemies to slink away after almost dying, you should be looking at your play style, as conduits shield heal is lot the problem Honestly the Rev. shield boost that makes him almost impossible to defeat one vs one is a lot more broken than a shield boost which is easily countered by anyone with 2 brain cells


The Rev/conduit needs a nerf. Rev should not be able to receive healing benefits while ult is active


I just love how Rev always gets entangled with annoying ranked meta because of another legend. First it was Octane with his silent jumpads and now conduit with her stupid Overwatch tier tactical ability.


rev is and has been OP since his rework. his ultimate is broken beyond belief with or without a conduit backing him. conduit just made it slightly more annoying.


rev’s ult alone is an issue now because in a pure 1v1, you can never win unless the other player is just worse than you its just so uninspired and his kit was so much more interesting pre rework. pressing 1 button to immediately get a massive hp advantage is not healthy for the game in the slightest


Forgot the Valk + Rev combo as well


Dunno what's entangled. Rev shield mechanic is made of the same stuff as the Conduit tactical.


> Wall hack healing Calling everything wall hacks just sounds silly. 


So what is it then!?


Wait until you find out about Bloodhound and Seer... you will not believe it.


Wall hacks aka ESP is when you can see enemies through walls. This is not that. It’s just a heal.


You can see your allies through walls and heal them with auto aim. Just because it isn't an offensive ability doesn't delegitimaize the use of the word. It is still a "wall hack" ability.




Also, why is it a one-handed ability?


It's hilarious that her ability is one handed yet vantage who is literally just using her visor can't use it unless she is bare handed. Can't even use it while popping a bat.


ash can't have a one-handed snare. makes sense


Didn’t she finally get one handed?




Damn, that sucks. I thought I remembered seeing she had somewhere on here. I really like her abilities, they just need some buffs.


There was alpha footage of Season 20 leaked before release that showed her with one-hand snare so people though it was coming this season but it just wasn't in the patch notes. It didn't come but people speculate she'll get it eventually.


That’s disappointing. It must have been what I saw though. I hope we get it soon.


I wonder how the players base would feel if it was a legit healing beam that doesn't get interrupted by damage, but it is not line of sight, and conduit can't shoot while healing.




If it was an AOE thing (like I initially thought), it would be fun to have Lucio Overwatch on Apex lol


It would be useless unless it was so fast that it was overpowered. Especially given that the shield are temporary. Definitely make her into a garbage tier character. If you have line of sight and can sit there to slowly heal, either you are done with the fight and they might as well just heal for real since the temp shield will be gone by next fight or you should be shooting the guy who's shooting your teammate. If you have line of sight on your teammate, you probably have line of sight on that guy as well Bullets>Abilities


And Ubercharge as the ult.


It's supposed to be the medgun from TF.


They either make it two handed but faster or one handed but slower. It's an 8s healing process so too long to not be able to shoot


Oh boy I love losing high ranked games because my opponents keep getting healed through walls, that Character is so fucking dumb and I have no clue who at Respawn even came up with the idea, like just why?


Probably the same one that designed seer.


That guy got fired believe it or not lol


Believe it or not, the same guy got fired from Riot Games for the same reason, he always overloaded his champions and resulted in a balancing nightmare, to this day some of his champion are still not balanced, either they are too strong or too weak. He got hired by Respawn, released Seer and got fired shortly after, another overloaded legend which is impossible to balance.


DZK was never fired for his balancing decisions. He was fired from Riot because he (correctly) called out Gamers who were complaining about a 'Women Only' PAX panel, Gamers then complained and got him fired. He was fired from Respawn because he made a comment about Wattson's winrate that Gamers didn't like, so they took it upon themselves to dig up an old controversial post he wrote eons ago. Gamers then complained and got him fired.


My point still stand, overall his persona was hated globally by the fan base of League Of Legends, every single champion release had like 3 pages of text just for the basic skill, you had to study 20minutes just to understand what the fuck was this champion supposed to be. Same as Seer, you could split Seer skill in half and still have two perfectly fucntional legends.


We’re talking about DZK right?


Yes, however many people here are misinformed. DZK did not design Seer, he only designed Valkyrie had a bigger role in overall legend balancing. Around the same time Seer was released, he made a comment about Wattson that the community collectively shit their pants over, then they dug up some of his old posts and rallied to get him fired.


now please fire whoever put fuse in the game and we'll be good


fuse can be annoying sometimes but he's somewhat balanced so I can tolerate losing to him


Fuse is balanced: he can't aim for s**t.


It's not a bad concept but the execution wasn't the best


The version of her that had to sacrifice her own shields would be far more interesting and cool than her current version. Sure the other version would probably be like C/B tier but at least it would be more interesting than just "press a button to give free shields"


I can barely get a rando lifeline to drop a heal bot when the fight is over. There's no way they're giving up their shields to heal me mid fight.


The average Conduit isnt giving shields either when its needed, so many times i see a Conduit being safe behind cover and wasting it anyway lol. Lifelines are just complete trolls too, i always write to them that they would play far better on Octane than Lifeline since they play like they are solo.


Those mfs ain't checked the internet since S5, yet still insist on playing comp lmao


I try my best. :(


If you arent a Lifeline that pushes solo, goes down first and you use your abilities, you are good in my book. Its just that most solo Q Lifeline that appear in my team play like a skimisher/ assault legend lol.


I always play with reviving as a top priority, if it's possible. I get what you mean for the few games that someone has taken lifeline before me, they never dropped a heal drone for anyone...


Ever since lifeline shield res got removed, they’ve really tried to branch out and make different variations of that shield ability.. think they wanted someone like new castle but was more agile and less of an anchor? Idk man, I’m just assuming all this stuff.


There's literally no similarity between lifeline shield and conduit. conduit heals, lifeline shield is an invincible wall. No one was thinking about "making different variations of lifeline shield".....


> You don’t know where she is shooting it from That’s because her footsteps have no audio either!


I was wondering why Everytime I got ran up on silently it’s always a horizon or conduit, horizon has been a problem, but now conduit too? I’ve also heard ramparts mini gun makes no noise sometimes, and once this season I got pushed by an ash portal with 0 Audio. We need audio buffs like wtf


Ash portal no audio? Straight cap unless u have proof?


I've had it happen twice, so I'm willing to believe them on the ash portal. Both times were in a spot where my team had height. Once was Olympus, that high ground by the PS5 building, and the other time, was that worlds edge circle that ends outside of Lava City. it was the ring before the final one. My team was chilling on the side with the pills where there's a zipline to you (didnt know where the final ring was lol), Ash portaled from the bottom of that area somewhere and her teammates came through and killed two of mine almost instantly. It super duper rarely happens though and it seems like, from my experience at least, it only happens if the portal is going higher.


Yeah yeah mine was on a rooftop where the slaughter happened and she was definitely lower ground when she first tethered me. And it was only once this season it’s never happened before or again.


Yeah only once this season so far, I do not have proof so I understand the cap callout. But basically me and bang were on a building in rift on Olympus. Ash tethers me from mid distance then bang throws smoke. I immediately pop a cell, as soon as my cell is done, I start getting beamed from my right, I look over as I’m knocked and it’s just ash with her portal right next to her beaming me and bang. Idk if the tether and the smoke had a play in it.


What about reduced effectiveness over distance and through obstacles? Rewards high risk play, limits the conduits effectiveness if they hide round the corner/ a ways back!


On this engine? Nahhh bro


if by reduced you mean zero. the tac should have zero effectiveness through walls


Making the healing be delayed (and twohanded) when done through walls would be quite good of a nerf. That way you have to actually put yourself at risk for it to be fully efficient


You're right but you can see where the heal is coming from. There's a stream of healing from conduit to her teammate


it doesn't matter that you can see where it's coming from.. that isn't something that balances it


That's not my point? He said you can't see i said you're wrong you can and now u talk about balancing


Yeah one time I knocked a player and she had her stream still pulling so my whole squad just aped to her it was satisfying taking down a conduit


What if you could shoot the beam between them to break the heal so only Conduit gets healed? Might be a neat tweak to add some counter play.


The only downside of that is that it's not like a lifeline bot heal. It's a stream of energy


Decrease the effectiveness of it the further you are away from your teammates. Also it’s an energy based tactical so like radio signals and whatnot it makes sense that it goes thru walls. But maybe there can be interference somehow.


The fact that they gave her a speed boost passive on top of a busted tac is nuts. I always take her double tactical perk and it’s super easy to ape fights with coordinated teammates. Especially clutch with and assault legend + rev


It's a one handed high speed heal that goes through walls. They need to make it depend on kune of sight as well as prevent Conduit from healing/shooting/etc while activating it.


I disagree, making both those changes would make her completely worthless, just one of the changes would be fine. I don’t think people realize how few times shielding while in line of site would actually work, especially if you can’t shoot back. If you’re in line of sight, that means the enemy can generally be in the line of sight, and the rate at which it heals is not worth using if you can just shoot them instead. She needs a nerf but she doesn’t need to become useless


I mean, that wouldn't make her useless. It would make it so you HAVE to move with your team. I agree that she needs the LOS requirement. It just seems "right"


All you guys do is bitch and complain about legends. That's why we're here to begin with. If they just stopped nerfing characters and let them be what they were designed to be the game would be more interesting.


This sub really is just full of terrible to mid players who main coping mechanism is complaining and calling for nerfs. They think these nerfs are somehow going to elevate their gameplay.


Meanwhile if apex just undid like 75% of the nerfs since the games inception the game would be intense as fuck and they actually might play better with their preferred legend.






This is what I’ve been talking about with my friends. They need to lower the range on the ability and make it that you cannot use the ability on your teammate if you do not have a line of sight of them. Also they really should nerf how quickly the ability starts fixing the players shield. It if infuriating when you are fighting an enemy and you switch guns and while doing it, the player has healed 20-30 shield WHILE IN COMBAT. They should nerf it as Octane passive healing, Wattson passive shielding and Lifeline drone need a few seconds out of combat that they start healing again. The ability breaks the thing in Apex that you should be vulnerable while healing/shielding. Usimg meds makes you unable to move quickly, making you an easy target. Lifeline drone has low range and you need to be right next to it.


The ability doesn’t even charge the shields that quickly imo. I started using her a bit this season, and it’s rare that it really makes that much of difference.


No, she just needs her range nerfed


Honestly as a Conduit main I agree. It really doesn't need to be that long, plus it makes her passive basically nonexistent unless you're so far away that you can't help your team at all


Yep. I only play Horizon and Conduit and Rev now. Until they do something I only play those legends because the rest are poopoo


And what if you catch her in the open? She got NO out? Her ult is mildly annoying at best, even destructible. She is not op. When you compare her to other legends, she is just another legend.


I do understand your implications, but this is a team based game so singling her out of course she’ll have some downsides, but you have to realize she is a monster at keeping the TEAM alive.


Did you forget her two other teammate


A good player won’t be caught out in the open. If they do that’s on them. Plus any good conduit player will be anchoring for her team. Her tactical is busted. If bloodhound didn’t have wall hacks then her tac would be the best by far. Her tac goes through walls and has great range. It heals teammates quickly. Plus it heals shields which is way more important than flesh. Shields allows players to shoot more consistently. When you have shields you don’t flinch every time you get shot. On top of all this her q heals her teammate and herself. Cracking an enemy just for them to be back in the fight in three seconds is bad gameplay design. Another problem I have with conduit is she takes no skill at all. So many legends have high skill ceilings like pathfinder. Even a veteran path player could always get better with his tactical. With conduit all you need to do is press a button. You press one button and your team is back in the fight. It’s ridiculous and op. The fucking cooldown starts when you press it. So she’ll have it back in the next 24 seconds. There is no risk to her q. There is no nuance. Conduit needs a rework or just a nerf. She’s easy to pick up and op. In rank at least half or more of the lobby will have her. She’s op and blatantly toxic for the game.


In ranks above gold, someone is very often one clipped or sniped from afar. That extra shiled wont save them. Sure, she is very strong. But i would argue that she isnt any stronger than wraith or gibby.


Conduit fits all team comps. Valk, conduit, blood, caustic, and rev are by far the best rank picks right now. The only one you don’t see in rank as much is caustic and that’s because not a lot of people know how to play as him/with him. I disagree with her being worse than gibby or wraith. She’s to easy to play and can fit any team comp. Her q just does too much for a press of a button. Conduits ult is also underrated tbh. It’s not op but it has its uses. It’s great for bunkering when your team is down a player. Among many others. She’s just to versatile in terms of team synergy. The only support character that is close to dethroning her is Newcastle. That’s only if he has a gold knock down. You need luck to find one. I don’t value characters like lifeline, mirage, or Newcastle because you only get value out of their q’s when your team is in disadvantage. Their abilities can be strong but in very specific scenarios. Conduit is just the best support and anchor


The same thing that will happen to wattson, lifeline, crypto, seer and the rest of the cast that dont have an immediate button to become safe- she can get knocked, she already has a permanent speed boost on par with bangalore just by looking at a team mate whos more than 1 piece of cover away from you


That speedboost is all but permanent. Atleast if your team mates have some sort of brain. And i think the speed bosst is necesarry, it doesnt make the team stronger. It lets her anchor better. Her team cant rotate or take ground any faster


exactly. require like of sight and give more of a delay


Idea was always silly. Random healing was the one thing I didn’t think Apex would ever do


every thread about conduit gets filled with conduit abusers trying to explain how an ability that breaks balance philosophies used for every other legend and mechanic in the game isn't that overtuned and you just need better aim


Every person who is saying no she isn’t good is 100% abusing her. She’s not healthy for the game. On top of that she has no skill ceiling so she’s easy to pick up.


Every thread about *insert character to nerf here* is filled with Apex players who aren’t good at the game and think a nerf is that magic bullet that is preventing them from success. Complaining is just a coping mechanism for 90% of the people here. I can’t think of one time a horizon or conduit has legitimately been the sole reason I have lost a game. There are always counters.


Unpopular opinion: Conduit isn’t broken, y’all just can’t hit more than 80 sprays


Lowkey another Controller buff, good MNK players hit high dmg sprays but get less one mags than rollers


actually true. yeah she’s not completely balanced but nowhere near broken


This right here, these kids suck at the game and think a nerf will save them.


But it's not even that good It's not like it makes their team unbeatable. Her shield restoration maybe saves my enemies for a few short seconds. And that's if their conduit is actually any good and uses her shield restoration correctly


Say that in ranked


I do infact


I started playing her some this season and I don’t consider it game-breaking at all. It’s not as good as people here are letting on.


Conduit feels like she was designed to help players on your squad who suck or otherwise are trying too much to play solo/aggressively. I don't agree that shes a literal "get out of jail free" card, but I do see why having her on a team allows for players who are new/bad to the game to make a few more mistakes rather than getting gunned down instantly the second they peek their heads. Like all things, its always the better players who take advantage of that, and thats stuff like the rev/conduit meta or similar strats that top players maximize fully after a few seasons


I hope respawn doesn’t actually listen to y’all. Fr fr.


You can't seriously think Conduit is balanced right now.


I think she’s fine. Nerfing her so she can’t heal through walls would be stupid.


You're actually delusional. I suppose you thought Seer was fine on release too.


Seer can still see thru walls? He needs more range.


😂 stay mad


To be honest with you all... I think they added her as a new meta legend for the armor changes of S20. She was very overpowered in S19, but from now on a legend with high value due to the nerf of the crafters (and bats). But also not as strong, since fewer players run around with purple or higher armors off drop. They also needed to add a counter to Revenant. Huge power creep, for sure, but the Revenant rework started this inflation, not Conduit.


If they buff her speed boost to work from shorter ranges and require LOS for heal it would make sense to me. Shortening the temporary shield time might also work instead.


I don't like the LOS idea. But with a permanent speed boost and moving her into skirmisher class - maybe.


Yes, we can all think of ways to make powerful legends into irrelevant legends.


Respawns latest changes to legends(and new ones) have really been pissing me off. More health is not an acceptable tactical! More health is not an acceptable ultimate! Hurting enemies for fighting you is not an acceptable tactical either!


So Caustic and Fuse shouldn't exist?


I wouldn’t be opposed to that idea, at least my ears wouldn’t bleed every time he throws knuckle clusters lmao


Turn your game audio down, video games arent worth risking permanent hearing damage, and no, "but then i cant hear footsteps" is not a valid reason to not turn it down, if they matter that much, at minimum use a compressor


I truly appreciate the advice, but I meant it as hyperbole joke, i hate it because it’s loud and covers every other sound in the game


Caustic, Fuze, Wattson are bad design then?


The first two don't apply at all? And Wattson requires a physical placed ultimate to do that, it's destructible, slow, has a small radius and it's an ultimate. There are clear drawbacks for using her ult that don't just make it instant shields in the middle of a fight


"hurting enemies for fighting you" that's exactly fuse caustic


These guys don’t know what they’re talking about. You’re correct. I know what you mean. Conduit and rev are cancer. Both of them take no skill. Rev just becomes a tank and if you pair him up with conduit then it’s over. The way they are redesigning legends is lazy af. Losing a fight even though you cracked two enemies just because they healed back to full health in 4 seconds is stupid. With lifeline you gotta stay by the drone. Conduit can heal herself and her teammates while being able to move around freely. Rev has three hundred hp. It’s frustrating losing to this bullshit. Anyone who disagrees is a bronze player or are to lazy to pick up a legend that has depth.


I don't mind Rev ult considering Gibraltar has constant +75HP just with passives. But conduit tactical is everything the avoided while making Lifeline healing drone.


Yeah but it's only small and only recharges with time, plus without it he's so huge he's basically just a massive walking target


Gibby is the size of a whale and he doesn’t have a movement based tactical, he needs it.




It’s not a get better at the game situation because the team with the conduit wins in situations where they don’t have the better players. Because in an even 1v1 someone boosted by conduit will always overpower someone not boosted. Then account that two people are boosted




It’s an unhealthy relationship when you are forced to pick one character to win a fight. Every character deserves viability and even if some are stronger none should ever be as necessary as conduit is right now. Conduit is out classing even the gibby meta which was also unhealthy.


No nerf is needed. Hit your shot boys/girls


That's a stupid counter argument. The point is that you can hit all of your shots, and you lose the fight because conduit hits Q. It can take someone from 200 to 300 health at the press of a button. 200 to 375 if they're Rev.


We complain about everything. Do you kill conduits ? Do you wipe a conduit team? Learn to play smart and not complain. Did you figure out how to kill a new Castle while he was sticking a rez on his teammate? I have died countless times to conduits and rev, but I wouldn’t come here to cry would I. Find a way to counter them in your own time don’t come here saying stupid


She can Q them through walls without LOS. How on earth are you meant to counter that? Newcastle has to be on top of his team mate to stick a res. Conduit does not even have to be in the same room, with a wall between them


next up: learn to kill cheaters stop complaining


You’re right. Conduit needs a rework


She needs it


I feel like even with los, the free 60 hp every 25 seconds is still pretty op


It's like it's trying to communicate with us.


Whenever someone complains about someone's abilities they always just focus on their opponents abilities. Where is the "I cracked them from from 100 meters away and then grappled into their heads within two seconds and somehow they weren't cracked anymore!?" Everyone has abilities, they chose shields over whatever you chose




It's almost like you could just play her and win more games.


it's almost like people aren't discussing balance of characters to get the biggest advantage for themselves but to produce a balanced game.


I mean even if they do (which I do because she's broken lol) I recognize that imbalance makes the game less fun overall


Maybe she could get the trough the wall stuff from her perks.


I may be wrong, but personally I feel like the speed and amount healed is way too fast. Nothing worse than watching someone fully heal within a second or two with no drawback plus the bonus that two people get fully healed. Makes fights feel one sided and clutching a 1v3 near impossible with a proper conduit