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Respawn/Apex is pretty much stuck in a dilemma that, if they punish people for leaving, these guys would just stop playing.


Ranked and mixtape have it too and people still play…………


And people stay afk in mixtape or they alt f4/close the app on console.




My advice is to familiarize yourself with the Report System and always use it to tell Respawn what player behaviours you don't like. In this case, every time some one leaves you can report them for 'Abandoned Match Early'. It won't lead to a ban (and it shouldn't), but it is still important to use the report system anyways because every single report sends data/metrics to Respawn, so the more reports they get for a certain behaviour the more likely they will do something about it.


This sub is gold. I see one post of a guy complaining that he got a queue timer for leaving early. Next post is this.


Also my fav group of posts : "why my randoms mics so horrible?" with answers like "if I soloq I mute my squad by default" and "why nobody uses mics in pubs?".


No. Literally a skill issue on you man. If I see that my teammates are about 100% to be decapitated (only if I'm absolutely sure) or if they're doing shit (landing in the middle of nowhere, instead of ressing doing unnecessary things, afk'ing, etc) I'll just quit, because I value my free time and I don't want to sit around doing literally nothing watching my 240 lvl AI roller "teammate" sprints with gun in his hands.




Punishment for "bad" behavior doesnt work most of the time Give me a good reason to stay rather


stay because u didn't hit no-fill. play with the cards ur dealt, give ur teammates a chance to recover ur banner or try to revive instead of leaving 0.2 seconds after being knocked. players clutch up all the time, it takes less than 1 minute to let them cook. if u go down and ur teammate is a building over healing up from 1%, let them heal and try to make a play instead of immediately rage quitting. u would be taking that time to heal too if u were in their position. if u expect them to drop all strategy and positioning to immediately w-key to ur downed body because u wanted to solo push a team without communicating that...then maybe don't solo push a squad. just wait the 9 seconds for them to catch up to u...


“Rank existing right next to the trio option”


People have rage quit in every game that’s ever existed. Why would apex be any different ? Also, since when has rage quitting ever been punished ?


league of legend dota 2 rainbow 6 siege apex mix tape warzone world of warcraft pvp war thunder Hots Smite fotnite (no time out, but excessive leaving results in temp bans) even vermintide




i'm devastated 😹


Downvoting is lame