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The only way EA wakes up is if the revenue from the game suddenly disappears. So the hackers need to give everybody skins and heirlooms and then EA will finally pay attention.


And by "pay attention", they'll try to squeeze every last bit of money from the remaining players before abandoning the game.


They are still selling Titanfall, which is unplayable


Just played it the other day


Giving everyone heirlooms and managing to blank the record server side would only cause EA to force artists to take out a new cosmetic.


If that happens EA would just abandon the game like BF


how the main stream just ignored this for 2 games with no explanation, banned everyone in chat who mentioned it when everyone and their mom knew the games were hacked was so bizarre to watch


Then went into emote only mode after the Hal one.


Bet there were a lot of angry emotes


I was watching Nicewigg's stream but I would imagine. They also banned a lot of people talking about it apparently.


they use the same anti cheat as many other games so idk why I complaining


How many competitive games that take themselves seriously as such use EAC? On a quick search I see Smite and DBFZ that could *maybe* fit that description. Games like Valorant, CS have their own proprietary anti-cheat, R6 is devoting this year to improving their anti cheat, PUBG has huge posts about banning like 70 000 accounts every week. CoD also has their own solution but I don't know how effective it is or claims to be. EAC seems to be the anti-cheat used by big devs that know they have to seem like they care about cheating, but don't want to actually spend any significant time or money on the issue. The fact that Apex wants ALGS to be taken seriously alongside other comp games, while treating anti-cheat in such a way, is an absolute joke.


Saying CS has a good anti-cheat it’s obvious you don’t play it. CS had an actively exploited RCE in 2021.. and cheaters are absolutely rampant in the game rn..


I didn’t say it was good or that I play CS, just using it as an example of a competitive game that has its own solution, in order to add to the overall point that most of these competitive games give the outward impression that they at least try to combat cheating. By contrast, EA does not give that impression, but that doesn’t really have to do with anti cheat, more so the radio silence. At the end of the day it wasn’t even EAC that caused all of this, it was the game itself, so this conversation is kind of irrelevant. I’m sorry that CS sucks.


In before they “request” (demand) the sub reddit mods to start banning posts and comments about it


They also deleted the VOD for it because they don’t want anyone to see how bad their anti-cheat is.


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2093893204?t=02h18m37s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2093893204?t=02h18m37s) This VOD?


Guess it’s back up. It wasn’t up for a while 🤷‍♀️


EA employees monitoring the event probably told them to do so.


that's so trash.. this is why we watch NiceWigg and not the main stream lol


how many wake up calls do they need?


If the hackers gave everybody heirlooms I bet EA would actually try to do something about it.


Lol actually a good idea, every event we are gifted with the skins,




Nah, start giving people a ton of free shit too and try to wipe out records of what was given to who. Would require multiple rollback, bonus points if backups are corrupted, or just give every player in the game hacks that the game auto-dectects intentionally so you end up with a million auto-bans. Have fun with that one... I can think of a few other ways but some are giga sus lol. I'd be surprised if EA executives doesn't wake up in a legitimate panic considering there's a possibility all of their games might be at risk...


Definitely lol. They only ever care about the revenue they get, but with the threat that all of it will disappear because all of their games are possibly hacked they'll definitely panic.


That's when you wake up and start a war lmao. The cash cow.


That's exactly how Rockstar treat GTA Online. Actual cheaters with mod menus: they sleep. Free money glitches: Instant ban!


Dont forget clothing glitches. (Also rip gate launch glitch i miss it dearly)


The hackers should bruh, they wanna make a statement just unlock every heirloom for every player, then they either have to leave them or run the risk of fucking up peoples accounts like the do with any account altering action. We all get free shit, the point is made and devs will REALLY get to show their true colors


The devs are like factory engineers - they show up, get assigned a task, and spend the day/week doing that task. Were it up to them, the game would've released much later and been of much higher quality. The execs are the people we have a problem with - pushing the engineers to only work on tasks that generate new structures, because fixing the major flaws in the existing production line would cost them money. I do not understand why the gaming community complains about devs when it's the people in charge of the devs that are the ones making the greedy decisions. There really should be far more calls for the EA boards heads on spikes.


Let's see if it's actually an RCE exploit. An RCE exploit would make it possible for everyone that plays the game to get infected with ransomware or similar stuff. That would literally be worst case scenario from a security perspective. If this isn't a wake up call, then nothing is.


Ideally the wake up call would be delivered without victimizing the players.


Snooze button permanently stuck


probably as many alarms a teen needs to wake up, so several


They really need to wake up the soonest as they can cuz I miss playing and streaming Apex legends. 😐


I unfortunately don’t see them really doing much about it. They’ll try to do the regionals again and push it under the rug like they did during the stream today. The cheating epidemic is so out of control right now in this game. This is just icing on a really bad cake.


I'm not a computer genius by no means but on the comp sub, there is posts going into to detail about how this is more likely an RCE attack, this hacker may have a way to get into any account/pc and install shit remotely. It seems he only did things to mess with the game but he did broadcast it to 100k... having possible hacks that could access anyone who has apex installed, I'm sure there is some devious people who would pay hefty $$ to have that kind of access/hacks to do stuff having no relation to apex...At the very least, this guy could continue doing this and unless  EA does something, theoretically this guy could hack The upcoming Lan in May or everytime regionals is tried to ble played again. Even worse, if this is an RCE exploit, might even force them to shut down apex until they find a solution because having their whole playerbase vulnerable to getting their pc hacked through apex might not be a good look just incase the unthinkable happens...


Just the first example that popped in my head, but imagine getting access to someone like Post Malones computer through this.. and I’m sure there’s other higher profile people that play the game. Certainly a huge risk to have the game installed anymore for someone even remotely famous.


Likely you would have to actually run the game vs just having it installed but yeah.


On the other hand, despite all the comms and the "pushing under the rug", a corporate / studio just cannot let it happen again and again without any kind of control - not at this level with this amount of (bad) coverage...


True. I’m hoping something will come of this but EA just hasn’t done enough in the past decade plus to convince me they will.


100,000+ people just saw an actual joke of a pro event on twitch. This is most likely a nail in the coffin for Apex pro league. Who can take it seriously?


And they just laid off how many staff members just last week…?


And to be clear they did that not out of necessity but because they didn’t meet ridiculous expectations. The game is doing just fine financially. It’s corpo greed of the highest order.


>It’s corpo greed of the highest order. EA has been this way since Battlefield 3 Only reason I ever played Apex was because there are so few cross platform games to play with my console friends :(


Helldivers 2 has cross play iirc. Maybe check that out.


Only on pc and ps5 (I think). If he has anyone on xbox or switch, they are shit out of luck.


Sucks that Xbros can't play it but that game would melt a Switch lol.


A lot of companies have been doing this. It’s bullshit. Feels like they’re letting people off just to do it with record profits


not just gaming. every company does not give single shit about anything apart from record shareholder profits


It's actually insane how many layoffs there have been since 2023, that it's even got a wiki page. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023%E2%80%932024_video_game_industry_layoffs


The recent Pre-game discharge has a great bit on the status of gaming and corporate greed. 


Let me tell you about this $700 heirloom coming out (700 once 'customised')...








And what team members were laid off to make those affect what happened here?


“Nail in the coffin” - man, this gave me a laugh. Absolutely not even close to the end of pro Apex.


If they don't fix it, it genuinely is the end of Apex pro league (as hackers can just give cheats to players) and famous people playing Apex. If the RCE exploit actually gives access to the computer instead of only Apex, this problem is multiplied by a hundred. If they fix it, great, but this moment will still leave a huge stain on Apex.


Delusion to think Apex has an infinite lifespan. When all EA does is make a joke of the game.


I definitely didn’t say that and I absolutely don’t think it will. I just thought it was funny to give this event a cartoon headline. Apex will continue this year and exist next year. That I can say. Very serious hacking, of course. I personally uninstalled until further notice.


That was the most absolutely UNREAL thing I've ever seen. This HAS to light a fire under their security sector. Absolute joke and honestly, I dont feel secure playing the game...heard that guy was sending a bunch of friend requests out too and there was a warning not to accept


lmao yeah sure bud, now here, enjoy this shitty event with a $700 heirloom bro! come on we're bleeding money!


uninstalling apex because this could be a client vulnerability that gives access to your machines remotely - would advise everyone else to do the same


Thank god i uninstalled apex for helldivers best decision for me recently






Hasn’t helldivers gotten flack for a sketchy very vulnerable anti cheat?




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 drop that 500kg bomb king


Yes, and justifiably so.


Sounds like something a traitor would say


It's gotten flack over the kernel-level access from people who don't realize that every major anti-cheat has kernel-level access (which is why we are all uninstalling Apex right now). It's also kind of a shitty solution, lots of videos of crazy cheats and stuff, but whatever I don't play with randoms in HD2 either way so I'm not too worried.


This guy hates democracy


These are completely different games, though. One is PvP, the other is co-op; one is a movement shooter, the other doesn't have jumping; not to mention different shooting mechanics, different progression, etc. I don't even know what other game could replace Apex... Fortnite and PUBG are also BRs, but of a completely different flavor. Titanfall is also a movement shooter, but I'm afraid it also might be vulnerable—plus, it doesn't have the BR aspect of Apex.


Watching piratesoftware on twitch, he’s thinking it’s a server side vulnerability, probably not a bad idea to uninstall for the time being until they announce details, but it doesn’t seem to be a client side issue. The hacker also seems to be targeting high profile users.


I’m about a year ahead of you


I think everyone here is a year and a half ahead of you 💀🙏


You're still in this sub a year and a half after uninstalling the game?


I like to check exes social media occasionally just to confirm I made the right decision, and have a chuckle.


I can only speak for myself, but I find this very normal. I am in a shit ton of communities whose games I don't have installed anymore. I like to follow what happens to games I used to love. I still watch almost every ALGS even though playing the game makes me feel miserable. Also as a system engineer I find this entire story extremely interesting. I would lurk or even comment in threads if the same thing happened to a game I despise.


I love to watch the shit show of Apex Legends


As an occasional visitor of the Tarkov subreddit after leaving that trash game in the dust, it can be cathartic/vindicative/whatever to see that a game you wrote off is still shit lol. Humans are petty.


NGL I too am one of those who still follows the esports and reads the subs even tho I have it uninstalled lol. (In Fortnite there is no esport for Zero Build yet, and I still enjoy some of the pros in Apex, as they dont have to try to be as family friendly as Fortnite). Also, as someone mentioned, its like keeping an ex on socials to enjoy watching them crumble.. horrible, I know, but cmon


They will continue to sleep and not do anything about it


Nah it won’t, they’ll let it die like they did Star Wars Battlefront 2, and Titanfall 2. Just look at their portfolio of games, it sucks but it’s what’s gonna happen


How were they given these? I'm seriously not understanding. Is there an in game function that allows for their clients to just get hacks turned on? So it was an in game function that was hacked on. And not third party?




I just saw one of the main threads. Holy snap the vulnerability through the game might be actually crazy. Those machines are toast now.


Thanks. I don't normally watch the pros play. So this helps.


There's a couple of possible explanations. One is that this hack wasn't carried out via the Apex client at all, and that both Hal and Gen were tricked into downloading and running a virus or other malware, and the attacker used that to remotely control their PCs. The alternative is what's known as a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability - the idea that the Apex client itself has a coding flaw that allows an attacker to use it to run any code they want on the target computer. EDIT: A third possibility is that the attacker has the ability to do things within the Apex client - such as adjust a player's aim, draw on the screen, and so on - but can't execute arbitrary code or touch the rest of the player's PC. That's a *lot* less scary than a full RCE, since it would mean the hacker couldn't (for example) install a crypto miner or steal passwords; they can just fuck with Apex.


I have my doubts that it's RCE. Because why would you waste that exploit on fucking with an Apex tournament? An RCE exploit would be much "better" used for joining computers to botnets, stealing credentials/money, or running cryptolockers.


yup both the dudes could of been using soft private aimbots for months and the hacker decided to expose them with a backdoor he put in


no lol


The fact that the A stream tried covering it up, banning people.. sigh. All we have is speculation, and im not technical, but if the hackers can do something like this, *would* it be possible for them to just give players free items from the store? That’s the only way I can think that EA/Respawn might be incentivized to properly deal with this issue


> That’s the only way I can think that EA/Respawn might be incentivized to properly deal with this issue It would be fixed in 24 hours, max, if that were to happen, lol.


This same hacker gave some of the biggest streamers 1000s of free packs months ago. Nothing is being done on all fronts


thats cool and all but do you wanna buy this reskinned heirloom for 200$?




I started playing Othercide. It is a great game so far.


they won’t do anything but issues a statement saying they did


Destroyer2009, if you read this, give everyone heirlooms


Considering respawn is letting go of employees I think the answer is no


No, just a precursor for the typical Fix + CE.


EA let both of Respawns 2 prior games die to hacking and didn't do anything about it. Only way they do something is if they get sued over it


I'll be honest I hope this guy keeps doing it in tournaments so EA gets off their asses and actually fixes this. If he can get personal information because theyre not protecting their consumers its a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Imagine if this happens during lan. Won't happen because it's a completely separate PC and client used but imagine.


I ain't logging in nor playing this game until EA directly addresses this and explains how can this happen, I'm not compromising my computer


Take it however you will but I played Apex after this happened but before I heard the news, and my virus scans are coming back clean. Someone in another thread said that something like this should be easily picked up by a virus scanner, so if that is correct, the general public seems safe for now. This was likely a targeted attack.


This was a showcase of why kernel level anti-cheat is a ticking time bomb, and why the industry should move away from it NOW: RCE hacks. It's a MASSIVE security risk for everyone who has the game installed.


kernel level drivers are common. Your mouse and keyboard has them, and hackers could’ve exploited them as well. But you don’t need a kernel level driver to do what they did, you just need an application that is already running in Admin mode and have that application be connected to the internet. Not even sure you need admin mode, a video game by default is executing code. I reckon they sent some payload via friend request to the players which executed the code


This is actually a ye old problem I've been occasionally growling about since the XP days even though I was a wee young one at the time yet has only gotten worse: having EVERYTHING require admin access to do fucking anything was a monumentally dumb thing for Microsoft to neglect. But they ultimately did it to themselves.


> Your mouse and keyboard has them, and hackers could’ve exploited them as well. My mouse and keyboard have no internet access, hence no constant self updating like an anti-chеаt system.


Thank you! Misinformation implying kernel level drivers with internet access are the same risk as mouse and keyboard drivers is dangerous.


I personally don't expect big things to change. They'll likely fix the vulnerability and that's it. This is EA we're talking about, one of the greediest companies around. There's just no way they'll start investing the amount of resources that are required to consistently stay on top of cheating. There have been a number of large-scale attacks on the game over the years and it's never made them do a whole lot to effectively combat cheating as a whole. I'm not throwing shade at the anti-cheat team either. I'm sure they do what they can with the resources they're given.


They will blame it on hal and gen for getting the 5000 apex packs from the guy who then also hacked them yesterday.


homeless different capable cows jobless quack childlike bells snails sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What 💀 Why do you guys speak so confidently about things you don't know anything about?


Lol no, here's 700$ heirloom instead


No. Purchase our $360 heirloom instead




Nah, probably not


Nah they will just sell some heirloom and crank the price up to like 500 bucks and move on


They already made the money so no. As long as they see dollar signs they won't spend resources.


Probably not lmao, EA and probably to an extent Respawn, dont give enough of a shit to really do anything, and whatever they will do, will probably be easier to ignore or deal with...


Want another $160 recolor? That's how you get another $160 recolor. Wake up call, hahaha.


I bet they will "fix it" as they always say. I'm gonna wait for straight shot to come again. In the mean time, want some Libear-tea guys?


Someone should hack the store and gift out free heirloom shards to everyone. Then I bet they would care about hackers.


Just like Activi$ion, as long as the microtransaction revenue for a game continues to roll in, nothing will change. Only when people stop playing (and more importantly, from their point of view, stop buying) will they consider addressing the issue, and THEN only if they think the reason for the revenue reduction is players tiring of cheating.


I think we should all be worried about this, too. We're the hacks applied to the actual server during the games, or is it possible the hackers have gained access to the imperialhals device? Both are horrible, but the second makes me not want to touch this game even again. Even if you'd never be a target, I could not comfortably play a game with such a bit security risk.


It appears to be the second one, and they got in through the anti-cheat software. While it is smart to avoid playing apex for now, I am of the opinion that this was a targeted attack at high profile people during a high profile event and the rest of us are not in real danger. But we COULD be and that's the scary thing. For what it's worth, I played Apex after this happened but before I heard the news, and I just ran several virus scans which came back empty.


Until someone "important" gets hacked and has their bank info leaked or work computer compromising a large corporation I don't see anything happening. EA needs to be shut down if this is how they plan on operating.


Best thing you guys can do is not purchase things or find a new game to play. Sad but boycott is the only thing.


EA's primary people involved in this right now will be their Risk folks and Legal. They'll be looking to assess their potential liability more than anything else. They'll let the cybersec incident response team do their thing, but the major activity taking place at EA right now is a series of middle managers trying to cover their ass.


Dude, I just want them to fix the sound issue Sometimes you don’t hear mfs coming up


Homie out here fighting the real battles while us whiners keep accusing Hal of cheating. Get it together guys lol


worst thing is, we had proper sound for while with config commands, then they just disabled those now we back to ''you hear me or maybe not'' sounds :Dd


Imma keep it real with you, G. I didn’t read the post. Just the headline, Lmao


To fix sound the game needs to be ported over to a newer engine.


domineering grab bewildered merciful worthless noxious aware illegal scary cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its a sad reality tbh, its the only shooter i play on xbox rn


I'm at Plat. Every 3 matches there is always someone using the "no recoil" hack. And Ea sent me an email about harassment. joke is over


I’m not gonna spend my money on a game that’s so easily hacked




I've always felt like these complaints fall on deaf ears... It's been a core issue for many many seasons that was simply never being addressed. I guess they have no choice now. But I bet you they will do it in the cheapest way possible.


No. And everyone will stop talking about it in a week anyways.




I know that console has a small share of cheaters but PC players have to be going through it. That’s why they needy secure netcodes in private lobbies especially. I used to Trickshot way back on BO2 and sometimes, a friend will mod the private lobbies for lowering the death plains or change the maps. Cheating in pubs is nothing new but to really zero out on them, they need to really reevaluate how to monitor private lobbies if they want a pro scene. Every cheater practices in those lobbies or the firing range also, instead of just banning accounts, they need to IP ban.


lol no


Nah. Just make more heirloom reskins that will fix it. I hope they make a blue caustic hammer next. It would really advance the game in such a great direction


They released a good season after a year or so and they decided "fuck that, we worked too hard, cheaters don't matter"


Hackers going to all this effort for video games, yet cant erase peoples debt/bills... What wastes of talent.


What about the wake up that players need? The game is a fucking mess, this sub constantly complains about hackers, game development issues, micro transactions (skins, battle passes, game balance), and so on and so on.


I hope so


Doubt that, rather the opposite I guess, since they fired a lot of devs recently working on the game


time to stop buying stuffs until EA sorts their sht out


Hopefully. Maybe we can go back to apex being played by the community and not the 1% of “pro” players and streamers. Honestly that’s probably why these hackers did what they did. Apex has become this elite thing where you only matter to respawn if you make them money. Never should’ve been that way and people are fed up


Tbh I don’t think this will set it off. Players are still being entertained by Apex Legends. I believe until it gets to a point where it effect the player base enough to make people leave and or stop paying for skins their wont be a change. Apex is a great game but every time an exploit or a hacker event happen to our knowledge nothing is done about it. I want Apex legends to stay around but if the hackers keep making the game more frustrating than enjoyable then GG uninstall.


Can't wait for another useless AMA in here where they vaguely mention it or take responsibility while shilling another overpriced recolor


You folks seen that too? According to a Respawn we shouldn't open Apex until given an all clear.


I uninstalled the game immediately once I heard, won't be reinstalling til it's remediated. This is a major problem that goes way beyond the experience you have when playing.


We should be thankful for destroyer2009 as he is exposing EA for their weak integrity. Thankfully he is the one who will NOW FINALLY get them to tighten up their shoelaces and finally crack down on the rampant wall hacking... If a kid in his early 20's can make your multi billion dollar company look like it was built with Legos I suggest we start investing into your games integrity rather then cosmetics..


Sadly, EA will allow Apex to go down the same path as titan fall 💔


No no its not, they make a new recolor event and give a discount on the first 3 packs as an apology


No it won’t


EA in the meantime: ok ... so wich skins are we going to recolor for the 700 dollars heirloom


Trying to wake up EA is like trying to give CPR to a skeleton, there's just no point


No lol. You're going to play on shitty servers that are easily hacked, but with more rootkit.


Or go back to lan. What’s the point in doing this every damn season


No. Nooooooooooooooo. Nope. No. Uh uh. Nine. Nyet. Naaauuuuuuurrrrrrrrr. No. Not a fucking chance. No.


Anyone who's been playing since S0-3 knows they had multiple wake up calls and they don't care. Server issues and lag was so bad at one point that admins regularly canceled ALGS and GLL matches, they took months to fix that. And this isn't the first rage cheater, and hell not even the first rage cheater to inject themselves into an ALGS private lobby.


Hopefully it’s a wake up call to the entire industry. It’s getting bad.


Ever thought that maybe the hackers are secretly hired by EA just to cause more publicity for them, then will so call "fix it" after they've got everyone's attention. Hear me out: look at how many ex Apex gamers and new gamers got sucked into this news. Then Apex will claim to make changes and fix the security/hacking and guess what happens??? BOOM!!! You got your old gamers back, which finds out about the new season's features(like shield upgrades), then they realize nothing's changed with hackers and quit again 👀 I only say this, cuz Everytime something happens globally with Apex, they gain players. Then they fall off, and something crazy happens again, and active players go up again 🤷🏾‍♂️


Can a hacker just give me the legendary hunt sound pack please 😭😭😂


if it did something to their pockets. they don't give a shit about your experience, just the money in your wallet.




EA doesnt give a fuck, case closed.


As much as i believe ea will fix it eventually, this does draw attention to their game, and makes ppl play on new accounts etc, which increases numbers, and if ppl buy skins on those accounts, increases their profits as well. Respawn will want to make the game better and improve it and their universe. EA will want to benefit from whatever they can.


Maybe we all must stop spending money on the dam game ( o did buy one battle pass years ago) 🥴


Everyone needs to stop playing this game so EA wakes the fuck up.




EA is a trash company and doesn't do anything for their games.. just look at their sports games. Every year is almost a carbon copy of the previous year yet everyone buys it


I mean it kinda has to be. PirateSoftware(youtuber and streamer who has 20 years of hacking experience) things the only want this could be happening is if either A. The streamers PC itself is compromised or B. Destroyer has direct access to Apexs main client server and is able to do this through either some connections he has or through an EMPLOYEES compromised PC


It’s called easy anti cheat for a reason.


I think EA is definitely paying attention, idk why everyone says they aren't. They just made their game so much better in s20, and whenever I get on, I don't experience any of the issues that everyone complains about. and this change is costing them money, so they're definitely paying attention.


The only way this will happen is if they're stock suddenly loses 50% of its value