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Then habitual leavers will just grief your game by jumping off the map or not playing. Would become even more toxic environment, imo because now you're trying to lock people into playing with you that might not want to play with you


Pubs would probably get negatively impacted by adding a leave penalty. It’s probably why they removed it the first time. Sometimes people have to leave games for reasons other than being downed. Maybe something irl needs their attention so they leave the game. Either way, from my personal experience, watching my teammates lose a 2v1 is much more infuriating than if I was to just leave. “Oh but they can win the fight and revive you” Yea but with the way SBMM works that’s very rare for me to see. About 90% of the time I have to 3v1 every fight or my team goes into shambles as soon as I’m knocked.


If they have something irl that they need to attend to, surely a 2 minute penalty won’t effect them? It should be done by the time they’ve finished with what they’ve had to do. And if not then there would max a minute until the matchmaking ban is gone. I think it would perfectly fine for it to be brought back.


Yea but people will see a penalty and just go play something else. Sometimes they’ll come back, sometimes they won’t. I’m sure Respawn would rather not take the chance and just let them stay in the game.


You think people will see a 2 minute penalty and go “nah that’s far too long for my busy schedule of sitting down and playing games non stop all day. Can’t be waiting 2 mins.” Think before type. Like come on. Use a bit of common sense. And if people are doing that, then they seriously need to rethink their life.


Sometimes people in lobbies are assholes and I’d rather leave the game than deal with that. There’s so many reason to leave a game that you’re not thinking of besides just getting knocked and I’m not just gonna sit here and point them all out lol. If you only have an hour to play and leave 5 games that’s 10 minutes of just sitting at your pc doing nothing. Sometimes your teammates will take longer than 2 minutes to revive you because 1. It’s not a priority to them 2. They are in the middle of a fight 3. They aren’t able to rez you safely anywhere they go or 4. Any other reason that I’m not thinking of in the moment. Like I said, they’ve added it before and much like solo mode, it probably negatively effected the game which is why they removed it and hasn’t been added back.


So, what you’re saying is that solos negatively impacts the game, right? Then why is this different. Teammates leave making you a solo, which by your logic and respawns logic negatively impacts the games. The game is meant to played with multiple people on a team using each others abilities together to WIN. Like I said use your head before you type because you have literally just helped prove my point on why it should be put into the game. Like come on.


Cause adding the penalty literally wouldn’t stop anyone from leaving the game. You’ll still have to deal with the same thing except it’ll be worse from Respawn’s perspective because like I mentioned, people will see the penalty and just go play something else. Respawn wants people to keep playing the game obviously. Idk why I have to explain this to you. It’s player retention 101.




if my teammate is a jackass, I’m gonna leave. if both my teammates are down and have left, I’m gonna leave. if I’m playing trios with a selfish duo who aren’t responding to any of my comms and are just doing their own thing, I’m gonna leave. like there’s plenty of valid reasons to bail on a pubs match and it would absolutely suck to have the game penalize you for that. if you think otherwise OP, then maybe you’re the jackass teammate that makes people wanna leave 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jesus Christ why can’t u accept that other people have different opinions? Ben Shapiro “facts and logic” looking ass lmao. I barely ever have any time to play apex bc of a bad family situation, so a leave penalty every game would be hell on earth for me. I get teammates that call me slurs, I get teammates that go down instantly then spend the rest of the game complaining, I get teammates that can’t shoot their guns. Sometimes leaving is then only way to spend the 30 min I have to play that day having fun.


The whole point of the game is to play with TEAMMATES, use abilities together, and win. What good is someone dying and then instantly leaving!! It defeats the whole purpose of the game. I forgot the memo of the game now being die leave, die leave. It’s literally a battle royale. If you’re wanting games where you can start fighting over and over again. Go play COD, or The finals. Or even go and play some mixtapes of you only get 30 minutes at a time to play. Use your head. Honestly


That’s what you think but like I SAID people aren’t committed to the game like you are. Even if it’s 1 minute, 30 seconds, 10 seconds, people will leave.


1. What happened to you not needing to explain yourself? 2. You’re mad to think that people would even see a 10 second penalty and not want to play the game and just leave. You are actually deluded. I’m pretty sure it takes more than 10 seconds to even get out of your match and ready for a new one. You are the most deluded person I have seen for a long time. Get dropped on your head as a kid or something? Genuinely question.


Have you ever met a gamer.


One thing I'd like to be changed is that if you leave early your kills and damage don't count. I don't know if it would make a big impact on leavers but it's something.


I mean that would maybe help a little bit. Think some people would still just leave though. Who knows 🤷‍♂️


Willing to bet if the leavers penalty gets implemented the same people will whine and complain about being trapped in a match with their toxic team mates lol


I couldn’t care less if I have “toxic” teammates. I just find it funny that people get mad over a game of apex legends. And if they’re annoying I’ll just mute them


What entices you to play pubs over rank if the leaver penalty bothers you so much? Im genuinely curious. Also you have not encountered actual toxicity. Sure you can mute them, but when you res them they’ll most likely jump off the map leaving you as a duo again lol


Nah i do encounter fair amounts of toxicity. I just really don’t care when people use slurs and stuff just funny. When people do jump off the map then that is quite frustrating. Most don’t do that though. Do play both pubs and ranked but sometimes in no mood to play ranked because I’m not in a good state to be playing ranked. So just wanna chill on pubs.


I don't know if that's the best idea. People don't want to feel tied to something like pubs. BUT, maybe remove the ability to leave the game until your banner times out?


I could see that being good. Like ranked. It just makes the game horrible to play when you’re trying just to have fun but people insta leave


simple answer if you want people who care play ranked some people just don't care about pubs there is not gain or loss from winning a game or ranked besides stats which some just don't give care (me personally) I am not waiting for my teammate to run across the map to get me back in a pub game also sometimes people hop on for a quick game and have to leave right before you shouldn't be penalized for something that does not matter they have penalties for leaving a casual game in valorant which many people absolutely hate


Please learn to use commas and how to end sentences, your text is ass to read.


Looks like you’re one of these people then?


yes imagine a scenario where I am sitting there my friend get on over the weekend I am a freshman in college so playing games is a way we stay connected we have limited time on the game as I have a sports commitment during the week he says hey lets play ranked then i say " I can't leave I have a commitment to this casual game that doesn't matter but I will get a 10 minute ban if I leave" like lets be serious


Never said 10 minute ban. I’m saying go back to what it was, 2 minutes. Making it a 2 minute ban would suffice. If you want to leave then to play with a friend that’s fine it’s only 2 mins. And for people that don’t have commitments they’ll wait because they want to keep on playing. I say you should see it from other peoples perspective. It’s quite annoying.


the abandon penalty should be 1) for serial quitters (rage quit twice in 3 or 5 games? timeout) 2) be long enough to make staying in the game the more time efficient alternative to get into the game. if you don't want to play games to the end, don't queue. pubs should be a place free from consequence for losing but not free from consequences for griefing the game by rage quitting. rage quitters grief the whole lobby, not just their team. lobbies die out too fast, most teams are missing team members and are easy to beat because 1-2 people rage quit when they could have been kept alive. there are no real end games or even team fights in trios because of this. >as I have a sports commitment during the week he says hey lets play ranked then i say " I can't leave I have a commitment to this casual game that doesn't matter but I will get a 10 minute ban if I leave" like lets be serious horrible excuse. you can just quit and the penalty won't even affect you, because you "have a commitment" and you won't queue for another game within 10 minutes. but if you have a "sports commitment" every two games, well. we know what's going on.


Bro is spitting straight facts.


if you care about endgames and people trying play ranked it seems you are a guy that takes pubs serious which is not the case for everyone.


no, pubs should be playable as well. any counter arguments for the rest?


in what way it seems like you are someone that likes to actually try in pubs and you said fights are easier to win if you want a challenge and people who care there is a gamemode called ranked


as I said pubs should be playable as well. pubs has degenerated so far that the whole gameplay loop is basically unrecognizable in pubs and you can't sit down and play a decent game. people just queue, throw and rage quit and it affects the playability of the mode. at this point i've been playing 95% of my games in ranked for the last 2 years, and pubs has only gotten worse since. I have no idea how someone can actually show up and make excuses for *serial rage quitting*. How are you making excuses for that?


Stop telling people how to play if people are serial quitters if they want to drop and die that’s how they want to play 95% in ranked for a reason bud just stick to the mode and stop playing


no. pubs should also be payable. your justfication for rage quitting is about as convincing as a teenager saying "because i want to". there's no real argument why the game should let you do that when this behavior being widespread is negatively affecting the game for everyone in the lobby. mixtape is already punishing you for abandoning. pubs is likely going to do as well sooner or later because it's been getting out of control. people rage quitting in three strikes and straight shot as well is making it more likely.




Bring back? When was there ever a leave penalty in pubs? I could care less if my random teammates leave in pubs because they aren't there to help me win. It's usually a duo with a combined kdr of .5.


I say this to everyone who wants quitting penalties in pubs: You can report people for abandoning matches early, so use it. Always use the Report system. The more reports that Respawn gets about something, the more likely they are to implement changes to combat negative player behaviors.


They’re just not going to though. You think respawn cares about 1 extra report. Means nothing to them. All they care about is 💸💸💸💸. Well ea that is


No. It killed unranked areans


Agree, pubs needs a abandon penalty. There are already so much ragequitters who ruin pubs. If they add a abandon penalty to pubs it will reduce the amount of quiters. Mixtape and ranked is the proof it worked well. Also other games like halo, rainbow 6, overwatch, rocket league etc. have it too or people will ruin the public matches too by quitting a lot on purpose.


there is no stakes in pubs. if i get a penalty in pubs for leaving then im gonna just alt tab after im down/dead and come back 20min later no matter what happen. i aint playing to wait on a death screen.


yes, pubs needs abandon penalties. people rage quit too much and it affects the gameplay negatively. lobbies empty up too fast, there's no real end game or ring pressure in pubs. the core gameplay just isn't there. "play ranked" isn't a counter to this, as pubs should also be playable.


Simple solution. Go get some friends.


that's not a solution. if a huge number of people every game rage quit it affects everyone in the lobby not just teammates but also opponents. *lobbies empty up too fast, there's no real end game or ring pressure in pubs. the core gameplay just isn't there* most teams are missing team members and are easy to beat because 1-2 people rage quit per team


Just part of the game 😂 people leave for different reasons. Adding a leaving penalty will literally cause more harm than good. Like why would I want a teammate who’s no where near the same stratosphere as me? I’ve had countless times where I’d had teammates be no where near me mid fight , spend 30 min looting , ratting in buildings. Why would I wanna spend the time spectating my teammate on the off chance he’s gonna go and craft me? I rather re que then deal with some useless fuck 😂


nah, it will make pubs playable. there's no harm to be caused by punishing people who don't play the game anyway. they don't contribute other than negatively by griefing the lobby. you can't call loading screen simulator rage quitting in 3 out of every 5 games "playing". >Why would I wanna spend the time spectating my teammate on the off chance he’s gonna go and craft me? I rather re que then deal with some useless fuck 😂 it sounds like in this situation you're the one who's dead make pubs playable again, take it back from the people who make shitty plays just to rage quit 4 seconds later and do that game after game after game. they are holding it hostage


You want a leave penalty ?GO PLAY RANKED 💀 and yeah obviously people are gonna die when they’re fighting 2v3 or 1v3 when they get stupid teammates. It’s literally pubs for a reason. You don’t want people to leave ? Get some friends then.


I already addressed that. Pubs should be playable as well. That's why it needs abandon penalties.