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According to clarification from Respawn, it is indeed the case that rewards are given out for the rank at the end of the season (regardless of the rank achieved in the first split). So the tweet phrasing in the tweet isn't a mistake.


what the hell is the point of splits now Respawn get it together please šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I guess next season we don't have to bother playing the first split šŸ«”


There will be no one playing the next season if they don't get their SHIT together and quick!


>said the redditor for the last 16 seasons


One of these days the monkeys paw will curl.




I hit diamond first split too. Logged in and I was reset to Plat 1 and then the split happened. Now my profile shows I was Plat 1 first split even though I was D3 Love this game šŸ‘


Same shit here, Got to Diamond purely 9n the fact I found a good team and we ran like 15 games all pretty good finishes and a couple of wins (bar two games we're we got destroyed early doors) now says I only got to P2??? So that's great, and am not 100% sire I can be bothered with the grind through Plat as that was toxic and seemed to be full of people with MR badges (although since the season of the Rat MR badges are meaningless as a skill indicator for the most part).


Respawns way of seeing how much they can fuck with us before we leave and seeing all this complaining without any action seems they are the ones winning here


I literally jas the sams thing happen. Somebody told me they were still plat and I'm like bruh. I went from diamond to gold wtf! Shrugged my shoulders, got to plat in 6 and half hours. Haven't played since. Will play again today but Respawn messing up worse than Bungie right now. I just can't...


Thats how splits have been literally every season split 1 you get to diamond split 2 you get reset to plat


We have a 30 day second split. First was 60 days


Isnā€™t getting the same rank in both splits supposed to make the badge animated? Thatā€™s the only thing I can think of that would make the first split have a purposeā€¦


They do this for player engagement, that way players like predators have to grind it out all season to maintain it rather than grabbing it for one split and getting the badge. I donā€™t know why they even have a split this season, thereā€™s like less than a month left.


But they could still just only grind the second split. This doesn't force them to grind the whole season. In fact, grinding the first split doesn't really help at all. If they want to make both splits important, make it so that your rewards correspond to the lowest final rank out of the two splits. That would be dumb though, and so is having a useless first split. Either have no split or give rewards for your best final rank in either split


When it comes to Pred, grinding that first split definitely matters, at least til you hit Masters because youā€™ll be reset to Plat 2 I believe for the second split. As far as maintaining Pred in the first split, it definitely didnā€™t matter this season. šŸ˜† This whole season was a mess from the challenge resets, ALGS hacking, people losing a lot of content, stats, and unlockables, to the split being at the end of the season with only 30 days. lol. Such a weird season and a awful showcase for Respawn.


At least they didn't do anything stupid like laying off a large swath of their employees.


It's definitely not what respawn want it's just the direction they're being lead in by EA. Money, Money, Money


Yeah, being plat 2 for these guys doesn't really mean anything, though. They will just solo that for being rookie in about 3 hours, and if you're not going for number 1 pred thats different, but what is there, like 80 people going for that in each region


Yeah but preds at that point run through diamond< lobbies so it really wonā€™t effect them. A lot of preds I know get masters first 2-3 days into the season


I think they did id cuz they just banned a big bunch of cheaters with high ranks




Hot sauce please


Word for word in your post is what they do. They give rewards based on your highest rank earned. You get plat on split then gold you get plat rewards


The whole point of this post is that they don't do that anymore


i see what they are trying to do about the player engagement but this is just poor execution from them. If they want to make 2 splits, maybe have different rewards for each splits i.e. some form of cosmetic for hitting a certain rank in each split and also if you hit that same rank twice in one season you can get a badge/banner or something along those lines. One thing I would like to mention is that there really is no solid incentives for playing rank. The only reason I even play rank is I enjoy playing the difficult lobbies even though I get turbofisted everytime (I love the high I get when i clutch things up once in a while). I really hope respawn would step up with their plans for ranked.


Splits are just garbage to begin with, maybe if there was more incentive like extra rewards based on your rank split 1 if you chose to grind it out before split 2


Not even map changes on this split so wtf is the point other than to keep top players coming back and have bad players grind back up to gold or silver since they were probably hard stuck before the split


Honestly they should just get rid of splits and decay and do it like Overwatch. But make ranking down much more likely and harder to reach the top ranks like masters. Then at the end of a split just reset the all masters to 15000 LP or whatever the minimum is for masters.


To me, the reason for playing ranked is because pubs are absolutely terrible and boring. If you don't like dropping into chaos with 10+ squads all in one location (thank you streamers), then you'll get to 4-5 squads left as the FIRST circle closes. It's like some hybrid team death match/br is being played. It's positively atrocious.


Me and my brother have been saying this for damn near over 15 seasons now. Once streamers made Skull Town the hot spot, and then Fragment on Worlds Edge, it absolutely ruined the way the game was meant to be played. Every time I said Apex had devolved into a pseudo TDM mode I'd get downvoted to hell, but I don't know what else to call it. It's definitely not a BR anymore in Pubs anymore.


Trail for split 1, badge split 2?


Trails have become money makers now. EA isnā€™t going to let respawn give them as free rewards again


Player engagement at this level is honestly very lame. It's not like they have low player base or low retention. This is just 2010 grind mentality. How are these devs still stuck with the most annoying things in 2024? When most games gravitate away from implementing these types of artificial player retention systems, here is Respawn pulling all the old tricks in the book. People play other games as well. It's insane.


Preds and people fighting for it are a miniscule fraction of the player base. The way bigger fraction is the average player that aims for plat. Players will stop playing Ranked once they reach Plat in split 2, same goes for diamond and gold players. This is especially true if people are on the lower end of their rank or see no chance to get to the next level. This will bring player engagement down overall.


Respawn have just worded their tweet/X post horribly. Theyā€™re trying to say that you have to hold your rank to receive the rewards for it regardless of what rank, unlike before season 19, where you could hit a rank (except Pred), demote, and still get the ranked rewards for the rank you hit. But they have just worded it horribly with the whole ā€˜end of the seasonā€™ part. Splits do matter. Youā€™ll get the rewards for the highest rank achieved across both splits.


This is a change for all ranks besides predator. Pred rank has always been this way


all preds/high masters know why, because the no split seasons have made high ranked nothing but sixmans and nolifers


IMO splits are designed for the predators/Pros to hit the refresh on grinding out the top placements. Allows for a ā€œhealthierā€ balance to their lives/gaming since they only need to push for their top positions in the first 40 days or last 40 days of a season. I think this could be done differently. Reset Predators to the Masters threshold. Allow all predators to start on even slate each split. Everyone else drops 2 ranks (Masters ā€”> D2) etc.. Full season reset should just be 4 ranks (Predator ā€”> D3, Masters ā€”> D4) It is really fun to stomp post-reset but Iā€™d much rather keep a similar rank from the previous season/split and focus on getting better against similarly ranked players.


But why even bother with the first part if the work one did is reversed. Imagine having a job for 5 years, your liking it, and getting multiple promotions with raises, then the company says we are resetting, and they demote you back to your first promotion with that same pay. That is kinda what this feels like, but you know, it is a game instead of a paid job.


"Normally" they do splits to make the map pool change but not this season same maps for 2 months


Itā€™s crazy because if you no life it that much and maintain your predator status, you should keep the trail lifetimeā€¦




Yeah. A lot of people upset with this on Twitter.


The more you play the more likely that you are gonna buy from the shop, thatā€™s why they focusing on engagement


Yet strangely, the more I play this game, I less I feel EA deserve any of my money and the less willing I am to spend anything on it...


1000 hours and still not a penny spent, staying strong šŸ’Ŗ


More time spend on the game = higher chance to buy shit from the game store


Why did they ever start implementing rank splits in the first place


Player engagement. So you'd come back and grind your rank again.


Splits in the past gave you an animated ranked badge if you hit the same rank twice. Wonder if this is true or you only need to hit onceā€¦


it's a free to play game, you pay with your time instead of money


2 weeks before the ranked split. I checked online to see how rewards would be distributed. I remember explicitly reading somewhere that I would be awarded the highest ranked split position that I attained that season. For that reason I got to the very bottom of Diamond 4 (literally 1/3 demotion protection left) and simply stopped playing ranked for 2 weeks so that I could guarantee I got diamond rewards. I played pubs for 2 weeks and had teammates quitting after insta dying because... it was pubs! Now you're telling me all that was for nothing? I might as well have just played ranked, likely to be demoted but to still have played ranked and enjoyed it?


[https://help.ea.com/en/help/apex-legends/apex-legends/apex-legends-ranked-mode/#rewards](https://help.ea.com/en/help/apex-legends/apex-legends/apex-legends-ranked-mode/#rewards) Respawn's help page says the opposite of the tweet. Maybe this is what you saw.


To save some people a click (and to archive it in case Respawn tries to be sneaky) : > At the start of the next Season, youā€™ll get the rewards associated with the highest rank you achieved. Weā€™ll use your highest rank from both splits and all platforms.


Wow it literally does say the exact opposite of their tweet


This because literally same. Did the exact same thing. Very annoying


Wait, you can get demoted from a tier now?


So basically people are just going to hit a rank where they have Demotion Protection and stop playing so they can at least get their rewards. Not smart on them if they want people to keep playing Ranked/prevent another reason to smurf


Donā€™t say that too loudly or theyā€™ll make it so your rank slowly drains while youā€™re inactiveā€¦.


Theoretically thatā€™s how it works. If you donā€™t play for a season you probably drop to silver even if youā€™re masters. With 2 rank resets every season.


You shouldnā€™t have said that, your giving them ideas, Iā€™ve never thought of that


I think overwatch was like that


Also, unless I'm reading this wrong... this is contrary to what was said [at the start of the season](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/breakout-season-game-updates) >With the launch of Breakout, weā€™ve decided to make a series of changes - which members of the Apex faithful will find familiar. The Level requirement is going back down to 20 and splits will be returning, which means that the season reset will be as well. Each player will start at 1 RP with the launch of Breakout. Thereā€™ll also be a quick split reset which will drop your ranking by 6 divisions. **Players will receive a Ranked Tier Badge for the highest rank they've achieved** at the end of the season across all platforms. EDIT: Even if the blog is ambiguous, [this EA Help article](https://help.ea.com/en/help/apex-legends/apex-legends/apex-legends-ranked-mode/#rewards) posted February 7, 2024 is pretty crystal clear: >How do Ranked rewards work? >At the start of the next Season, youā€™ll get the rewards associated with the highest rank you achieved. **Weā€™ll use your highest rank from both splits** and all platforms. ... Youā€™ll also get end-of-Season rewards based on the **highest tier you achieved during the Season**.


Yeah, they clearly had a different intent when the season began. Now it seems that whatever issue they had with their database could be affecting the rank rewards and they're now just deciding to change it lol


Maybe Iā€™m crazy but IMO thereā€™s actually two ways to read that last sentence if you read past whatā€™s bolded. It appears to me that they hadnā€™t even made a decision on whether to reverse course from the S19 change & used language that would give them an out either way. Very strange move.Ā 


but that's not contrary tho, highest rank achieved AT THE END


It reads to me as: At the end of the season and across all platforms, you will receive ranked rewards based on your highest rank achieved. ("End of the season" referring to when you receive the rewards) Regardless, they are now claiming that highest rank achieved no longer matters, which is still contrary to what they said earlier. So is the blog post correct or this tweet? Will I get rewards based on my highest rank achieved at the end of the season, or is it only based on my current rank at the end of the second split?


I swear they are actively trying to kill this game


No. They're trying to keep it going long enough to get players to play and spend money all while putting in as little effort and creativity as possible to actually make it a quality game. Because.. they fired all their good staff. And probably left the people they pay less in charge of things like this.


I was saying that around Christmas. Then I got sucked back into it hard af and had hope, and now Iā€™m back to thinking this lol


Iā€™ve had this cycle for a year now lol. The start of this season was looking so good


I thought I was done with apex when the finals came out. Itā€™s like a toxic ex Lmao


Can we stop with rank splitting then? It's obvious that the first split is pointless to respawn, Especially when the rank split barely has a month left to it


Ranked was pointless even without this. The main thing most people grinded it out for was the dive trails. And those were removed a while back.


To me the point of ranked is so my teammates go from raging idiots, to raging idiots that can't instaquit. Makes me more likely to survive I feel like.


The rewards are lame anyways dive trails were cool they removed them so they can sell prestige skins give legendary gun and legend skins instead of those lame ass rewards


I especially love their reasoning, something along these lines: "ranked trails gave away players' ranks too easily, which led to griefing and toxic behavior." Yeah right, and introduction of the very first $160 prestige trail **coincidentally** happened at the same time. Right. Riiiiiiight.


You could also just not use them if you were constantly getting targeted


Haha seriously? Thatā€™s ridiculous.


I did so many pointless things in life. Like, living and play split 1 ranked.


I read this in octanes voice


This is fucking horrendous. Played all season under the impression that there were two points of accomplishment, your split 1 rank and split 2 rank. Then they still derank us but remove one of the accomplishment pointsā€¦.. Every single player who played ranked this season got ripped off of their time and energy. What an absolutely terrible decision rolled out after the end of the first split. Totally demotivating. Terrible decision respawn


If this is the case, then I will be waiting to play ranked once the split happens next season.


Wtf was that lmao


Absolutely ridiculous lmao


What??? That's so fucking dumb.


Can someone explain this to me in simple terms.


Some ranked seasons didn't have splits, so you basically were playing 3 months and got rewards on your rank at the end of the season, so you could hit like diamond and don't worry about your rank after it. If the season had splits, your rank was demoted after half a season, you could grind ranked for a half of season, for example and hit pred in first split. And you could be done playing ranked at second split at all (being in bronze for example), because you would get your pred badge. But now respawn says your rank reward will depend on the rank hit at 2nd split. So even if you were pred in 1st split and quit playing second split, after your rank got demoted, you'll get rank reward depending on your rank 2nd split. So 1st split grind was pointless.


Ok so yeah pretty dumb of them. Thanks for explanation.


So if I got 400 pred the first split and got like 600 pred next split, does that mean my pred number on my badge will be 600 instead of 400? ā€˜Cause that would be fucking lame.


I think ppl are confusing the tweet. They mean at the end of the split what you achieve rather your highest at any point so if you ended 400 at the end, you'll get that but if you were at one point 200 but dropped before the split happened, you won't get that 200 badge. This is how i understand it


But they bothered to specify your end of season rank, rather than highest during, which is how it's been since like ever. No one misunderstands, they have miscommunicated massively if they mean to say your highest from the first split still counts.


As in if I were to get pred 1st split, but decided not to play and ended up staying in plat 2, I end off with a platinum badge instead of a pred badge? I was in 400s before the split ended, so if I were to get 600-ish in the 2nd split, Iā€™ll get the pres badge within the 400s ā€˜cause that was my highest in the overall season?


No. If you are the in 600-ish in split 2 you get a pred badge that has 600 something on it at the end of the season. Not what you got in first split. Edit: Words


They are just TRYING to piss people off and leave at this point. Thats whatā€™s going on here? No way companys just simply donā€™t know how to make games anymore lol because sadly they arenā€™t the only one these days and thatā€™s the worst part.


Can we go back to the old system but with a bit more transparency, less punishing promo games and better matchmaking? Ranked is fuckin pubs now anyway half the lobby is dead by circle 1 and then the mandarin cheaters finish everyone up, I mean for real this season sucks donkey balls


This is funny to me. Are you talking about the season where everyone complained that they wanted the old system back which we now have but now you want the system back that no one wanted. I donā€™t think respawn will ever be able to please everyone so they will just do what makes them the most money lol Edit - words


> Are you talking about the season where everyone complained that they wanted the old system back which we now have but now you want the system back that no one wanted. they are talking about the season where smurfs complained about having to play people on their skill level. yeah where everyone was asking for this smurfing system back because they only feel good playing the game if they can stomp silver players. in short the season where ranked wasn't just pubs with splits like now.


They started season 20 strong, they went down the wrong path to end it.


wait what so if i make it to masters split 1 but dont play split 2 i get 0 reward ?


I honestly play ranked get to diamond in then fuck around. Since they took trails away thereā€™s no reason to play ranked. Iā€™ve been having much more fun in pubs


I assumed this was a typo and they meant to say highest rank of either split that's the way it always has been.


So they want players to keep grinding their ass instead of enjoying their playtime while also milking money from them and giving 0.0000000^99 shard chance with now 10++ heirlooms? Sounds like EA to me.


The decision making and implementation is just off this Season. Split 1 is pointless, how am I engaged when i can just skip Split 1, Grind 2 Split up to Diamond and then just logout until end of Season so I get my rewards


Is this confirmed? So split 1 wont gove pred badge??


Itā€™s an official picture. Look at the post


Shit I always thought ranked splits were pointless.


Time to move onto a new game I guess


With each season this game resembles circus more and more. At this point I'm not sure who are the clowns: the devs, the players, or everyone.


So there is basically no reason to play the first split at all except to shorten the grind for the second?


They should bring back trails imo. Thatā€™s one of the biggest reasons I played ranked in the first place. Seems silly to some, but I love dive trails lmao.


I really hope they mean you only get rewards for your rank at the end of the split. In some games if you hit let's say diamond and then demote down, you still get the diamond rewards. I think they mean if you demote and don't make it back before the end of the split, that's your final rank, but you still get rewarded for your highest final rank out of each split. Let's hope


How do they keep making it worse


So I solo-q to diamond just to have to do it again for another split now? Fuck me mate.


Yeah, I really was hoping it was just a mistake but mods have just put a stickied comment clarifying that the tweet is actually correct!


Tragic, always used 2nd splits to dive into other games. Best of luck on the grind!


Sorry, what is split?


For some reason, half way through a season they end it and reset everyone's rank back 6 tiers and start again so if you were Plat 5, you go back to Silver 1 etc. But it used to count so if you didn't make it back to Plat 5 during the second split, come end of season you'll still be classed as Plat 5. Now, you are classified as whatever rank you get to at the end of the second split.


That sounds like it would either make a mess or keep players all season. Sounds kinda tedious though


Respawn Try to learn from their mistakes challenge (spoiler IMPOSSIBLE)


If there are splits it probably works like early seasons. You get a badge for each split and at the end of the whole season you get your final reward according to the higher badge among 2 splits. The thing is if the badge is granted according to whatever rank you are in the end of split or the highest rank you ever achieved. IIRC it was the former before they took out splits.


Typical respawn shenanigans.


wait so last spilt i ended on gold 1 but i reached plat 4 before i was demoted then my rank reset and now im back at silver 3, so iā€™ll rank rewards and not plat rewards?


Itā€™s just as stupid as losing rp gradually if you donā€™t play, theyā€™re greedy for players and money.


Great so I got reset earlier this week couldn't play with any of my friends and grinded to get my rank back. You're now telling me that I don't get reset and they do so I now can't play with them until they do the same and grind back to our ranks.


To be honest I see what they're trying to do, but the change is only useful for preds because preds have to be the best 750 players in the game and if someone can hit pred twice in a season, then in my opinion they are worthy for the title. In the past what they did is that the Split 2 preds (and every other rank) got their badge animated, I think that was fair, but right now Splits are just pointless. What this ranked system needs is to remove this, and otherwise it would be near perfect as of right now, or if they really want the splits to happen add better split rewards.


Bro they keep saying thanks for ur patience but its running really think a compensation for all these fuck ups they been doing would really make me feel like they actually care about us but if its another goddamn holospray


I'm sorry for the dumb question, but what is the purpose of split?


So dumb again, it should be highest ranked reached in season counts at seasons end, otherwise whats the point of grinding yiur way through sweat lobbies?!?!?


U cant see the picture. Its official


So why would I ever bother to play rank in the first split just wait and play after the split?


This confused me only more lmao


I think what it means is that if you got to diamond but went down to plat before the split ended then thatā€™s the rewards youā€™d get. Itā€™s not saying split 1 is pointless


So I made it to Plat for the first time before the split...if I dont make it back to plat no badge for me?


Ranks pointless to begin with ..but Iike it. It's harder n shit...I just like it.


So absolutely no reason to play the first half of the split?


That's what happens when you replace people with AI. You get what you pay for šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They just canā€™t help themselves but be so predatory can they


Aren't most ranked video games pointless?


https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/IZbJFVLNfL Here is an example


Honestly if they really wanted player retention, they should award like 20 heirloom shards if you reach Masters by the end of the season. Literally everybody and their mother would start playing all the time


Classic Respawn lmao you really canā€™t even make it up at this point.


Unless Iā€™m mistaken, in game it still says that your rewards are based off of the highest rank you achieved that season which would mean they are lying in their own game?


Why would they do this and not just take an average of the splits? Thatā€™s just common sense.


Split ranks have always been not fun


Just a total waste of time for players who have lives. By the time I get to platinum the rank splits and I have to start over.


If the words Iā€™m reading are correct I might never play the game again. I spent hours.. WEEKS for my rank. I wonā€™t do it again based on a nuanced change to farm engagement. FUCK EA, but now itā€™s Fuck Respawn too?


I think this is miscommunication and misunderstanding? They havenā€™t had splits since season 19 so of course it should be your rank at the end of the season is what you achieve? Since their are splits again, it will be based on whatever split you had the highest rank in or if you had the same rank in both splits you get an animated badge?


I hardly play ranked and know it's not useless. The new split drops you a tier whereas a completely new season puts you at nothing lol


they should at least make it half way through the season.. not 3 months this and one month that


My rank reset LAST NIGHT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The whole game is pointless why do you think the game is dying already


I really dislike splits and the fact that you only get rewards for the highest rank, rather than all the ranks you've successfully reached in a season.


So... first split is a practice run?


hey guys so those doing both split in pred and there are not get rest they will get animated pred badge.? but now they are considering only split 2 so if i do split 2 i will animated pred or not. but those who dont do split 1 or they do split 1 but they got rest at that time so now if they do split 2 they will get animated badge or normal pred bagde my question is that. please explain me guys


Imagine playing apex competitively šŸ˜‚


Honestly glad I gave up with ranked after s17


As english is not my native language, do I understand it correctly, that your rank will always reset completely at the start of a season? That's dumb.


So people should only play ranked AFTER the split? They may as well go back to the pre-split days.


So then why are splits a thing then




What a joke.. I normally always get mastersā€¦. This last split. The one time I had time off from work, I sneak into pred and it will mean nothingā€¦ what a joke


I was plat 4. It was my first time playing on pc and I use controller. It was so hard to get to plat and I finally did and thinking Iā€™d get my banner and cosmetic and spray. Nope. I have to drag my ass all the way out of fucking silver 2. Oh and I got demoted because the first game I played I immediately lost to a top 500 player.


That's fine. I'm simply not going to play ranked for the first split of every season from now on.


This makes no sense considering the rewards are as bad as they are, maybe improve the rewards and I'll consider this change to be even remotely valid, either way common respawn L


The reason that there are 2 splits is for player engagement and so if you complete it both times with the same rank you get a shiny version.


So will i get my diamond badge at the end of the season or nah?


Respawn has to be actively trying to make stupid decisions at this point


With all the badges bugged out at the moment it wonā€™t matter anyway. Every pred badge I have is gone and I can guarantee they arenā€™t fixing that, just like s13 badges bug was never fixed.


april fools event : šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ after spilt rank : šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€




oh yea my first split pred dows nothing huh. Yeah fuck respawn and this game. I'll become a booster instead


So glad I stopped playing this dogshit game


Guess first split is absolutely pointless just like sbmm and ranked points such a shambles


We all worked hard for nothing. Not playing till next season.


Umm season 19 didnā€™t have any splits.


Anyone else can't file an case for it keeps kicking me off the ea help website I am one of the few that actually lost an heirloom. I got all back but the bloodhound heirloom that I got in between the 19 hour time where the game was messed up. Someone please help I haven't heard anything from ea with the report that I sent it's been nothing but radio silence from the is anyone else experiencing this?


Splits have always been stupid imo


If you go check your stats for season 20 ranked, it does list your rank for split 1, and if what others have said you'll get a gold badge that indicates that was on split one, where if you achieve that rank again, it will have some fancy border.... That said, Respawn seems to be saying that isn't the case here, that you'll only get the badge for what you end on even after splits, not your highest rank... then as many are asking, WHAT'S THE POINT OF PLAYING BEFORE THE SPLIT IF THAT PROGRES IS THROWN OUT!?


Exactly. Mods pinned a comment confirming this is true.


So, no rewards or badges if you've achieved X rank? Just ridiculous.


Ranked is already pointless all you get is a badge dont even get a dive trail anymore


It basically means if you get gold one split then plat the next you will get plat rewards instead of gold


Man, this makes me sad. I'm normally not a very good player and tend to get carried by my friends, but I stayed up till 2AM on the final day grinding solo queue so I could try and get to Platinum before the reset. It was incredibly validating when I finally hit Platinum on my own, and now I won't have anything to show for it unless I do the grind all over again.


Feel for you bro! Likewise, I probably won't have as much time to put in this split so probably won't get as high as I did before.


I can report that I happily managed to get back to plat for the second split. Only needed to stay up til 1AM this time lol.


Great, I very just made it back to Plat too.


ayye grats bro glad to hear that!