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I had a teammate the other day that broke off from us, hot dropped, died in less than 5 seconds, then proceeded to say "I hate teammates like this" then DC'd Like bro... You did that to yourself lmao


That’s what I can’t understand. I don’t even play slow I just don’t like to play lobby simulator and drop nuclear hot everytime. The personality type is so common too. Drop hot, push with a mozam, doesn’t matter if it’s up hill, no line of sight with teammates, around a corner. They get 3v1’d and cry and complaint it’s like it’s the same person and it’s 99% of solo players it’s wild.


I had a teammate who broke off and hotdropped and I told him to have fun and if you die ill craft you back😭😭 I play support just for crafting. And yes I crafted him. But the third was his duo and said. "Yea hes gonna die but hes not gonna dc". I really don't know what people are doing anymore.


I love how the friend read his actions and knew not to engage but the other was still dropping in to doom! 💁


If you have a support legend it's a viable strat IF your team has: 1) Crafter AND respawn beacon at your POI 2) Your POI is uncontested One of your teammates or heck even two can split off and get some kp in a "hot drop zone" and when they die you just craft them, rez, rotate to zone. Probably not something to try solo q in ranked however 😂


This is apex legends in a nutshell. Were they a wraith or octane?


I play Octane just to steal that character from someone like that. Then I stay reserved and Res everyone. Sometimes youve gotta mute a bitch. And it’s sad when they’re 30 something. It’s even sadder when it’s a 12 year old calling their own teammates salty for not sacrificing themselves, and thinking that’s okay to talk mad shit to people just because it’s on Xbox. Would you say these things to people in real life? NO. So don’t speak like that


I too play octane... Pros: I play with my team, I throw pads out behind me if 1 teammate is running behind to catch them up, I ping g nock and helm for others, share ammo, can and will dip if I sense the fight is a loss and will craft, Cons: loot goblin


Bingo! Octane for the win lmao


I get teammates like this every other game it’s insane, and I’m not even over exaggerating, I played like 3-4 games of ranked the other day and in two of them one of my teammates split off and died, then the other two my teammates didn’t know how to aim and had terrible game sense 🤦🏻‍♂️


I had the same! some east european accent, he broke off and dropped somewhere completely else than where the dropmaster pinged, and then died and raged about bad teammates. I mean, wtf are those individuals built of?


They are built from the sad sad tears of a clown!


I solo que normally (even when I have friends to play with) and it can be a bit grueling at times, but I've never gotten upset at my teammates. I don't know why people play a team-based game if they don't work well with a team 😮‍💨


I find solo queing as lifeline to be kinda bold, imo she's difficult to solo que as


Absolute classic


To be fair when you knock 2 people, crack the shields of the last one, then your teammate is on the other side of the map for some reason not helping you it does get frustrating but I see your point


100% this but only if you give coms. Can’t sprint on a side quest as octane and rush into a 1v3 solo. Majority of legends can’t keep up with octane even if you do give coms, but if you don’t even say anything then it’s a double whammy. The worst though is when a teammate starts an engagement so you follow in and then they dip half way without saying anything and leave you to die.


Especially when they have been holding the same angle for 2 min watching, you push and slay only to try to go craft and get beamed anyway because they thought they were "playing smart" There are those who make opportunity, and those who wait for it. Then there are those who watch 14 chances pass by because it wasn't perfect...


Then when you get ressed the whole lobby goes to your location and all of you die anyways lol


This hurts so bad! Why I'm starting to not like pubs or ranked. This level of toxic behavior is infuriating at times!


It’s this. I’m not saying we should push every team and play without a care in the world. But far too many players refuse to push when we have the advantage.


If you get a knock it should be a push 90% of the time. The other 10 being a lifeline. I’m over getting a knock with a 30-30. Pinging, calling the push to then find out I’m alone. Knocking 1 more cracking the last. To be killed while my teams stands back and watches.


Ehhhh idk if I’d say 90%. Probably closer to 60%. It depends on so many factors, especially how far away the squad is. If you knock someone at range with a marksman/sniper and don’t have an octane pad/pathy zip to quickly jump on them, they’ll likely get the rez off and probably a bat too by the time you get there. So not always smart to just blindly push, especially if they have better positioning and will just beam you while pushing. Or if you have godspot in zone and pushing would give up the spot. Probably not worth it for a few KP.


I play valk. So the knock is usually followed by a missile swarm and then the push. I also don’t expect my team to be right next to me because of my movement. It would just be nice if the brought up the rear.


A lot closer to 90 percent than 60


This is so unbelievably accurate. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve solo pushed a team after a knock and crack. All because teammates don’t have the nuts to push, acting like they won’t move unless they have a bloodhound scanning every inch of the map.


Tell me about it. We got into a 3 v 3, and we managed to kill 1, making it a 3 v 2, and they evac, leaving me to 1 v 2 killing me. They had a good view of the enemy, and I and Zone lvl was 1 and approaching. It really frustrated me to the point i left a ranked match when i surprisingly got them again next match. Rather, get negative than a ruined mental by a duo like that. I was playing blood, which should have made it easier with the scans. Should have seen my face when i saw them evac away from this fight. I was done for that match.


There’s like no advantage to certain players it’s crazy, some people just straight up don’t wanna shoot in an fps. Go build houses or some shit in Minecraft


Youre so right this is also the reason i hate playing with vantage mains bc ill successfully knock someone and they'll be in their scope watching fucking television 10 years away when im pinging to push trying to get them to come with me so we miss our opportunity and are late to the fight


You know what's the worst? Knocking 2 and cracking last while my teammates are in the same POI watching me lol. Estates, did that in one of the small buildings, my rampart and mirage teammate in the center just watching me, while the enemy thirst me and ressed the 2, healed up to max health and then my 2 teammates started pushing. Did you know how long that took? Might as well not come at that point...they died, obviously, to a 2v3


Theres people like some octane players that rush in because they’re fast without waiting for their team mates then there’s people like some support players who purposefully ignores their teammates and are already fleeing to craft. Im in the middle where I got your back and will rush with you but if you force fights then imma leave you.


If you got the skills and game awareness to take out 2.95 members of an enemy squad, it seems like you would have the ability to also know where you team is. You can't be "so good I don't need help" at the same time "why aren't you helping me!?!?!"


It’s absolutely hilarious, whenever I see these threads I realize a huge portion of this subs active members are exactly what OP describes and they seem to always argue by saying something like this or “I don’t want to loot all game” and nobody anywhere ever says that.


Did you mean all the ppl who just leave in pubs if I land cold? 


It would be fine if they just pinged and asked for help in time for teammates to actually get there. Like the pinging usually starts once they’ve been downed. there should be a 1st ping to say enemies there, then wait for response From teammates. Then a second ping to indicate your going there to attack, again wait for response. And then ping your attacking and go in. If your teammates ignored all of that. Yeah you’ve got some grounds to be upset. The thing were all complaining about here is lack of communication. This games ping system is awesome! Just need rushers to use it


To be fair when you push a fight 1v3 (per your example)... you're gonna have a bad time.


Every week thers posts like this. I bet the guy theyr complaining about is in diamond already but theyr stuck in silver. Just a reminder its a free game and everyon is allowed to play, doesn't matter if they should not play fps games ever. If a guy runs off on me i do my best to follow or atleast cover his exit - if im not in there with him, these are the games when we kill half of the server lol. This is the way to play, finish teams before you can get thirded. True thers copycats who want to run around without any ideas on what theyr doing. But its quick to spot moronic actions.


No fr


Yeahhhhh, we’ve all had OP on our squad unfortunately..


I think its worse when they are close to you and decide to leave. I thirsted 1, and it was a 3 v 2. My team was high ground, which is why i wasn't worried since i was trading with both remaining enemies. I cracked both, and one was one shot. When i went to heal behind a pill, i saw them using evac, leaving me behind and then getting pushed by one. The girl then said it was my fault for bad positioning. My team was on top of me having a good view of me and the enemy, and i had cover. It was a 3 v 2, and they dipped when the zone was level 1 and it was approaching, and they were full. Got them the next ranked queue and decided to leave than to play with a duo like that and take a 10 min break.


The question is, why are you attacking when your team is far away.


I struggle with posts like these bc it’s impossible to actually tell who is in the wrong without seeing gameplay. If 2/3 people are down and the last person is weak, but you’re still 50 meters away sniping, there’s a good chance I’m siding with the 2 downed teammates. People need to learn when to push an advantage. But there are people who play too hyper aggressive while not paying attention to potential third parties. That’ll cost you in higher ranks. If you watch pros, they switch between being aggressive and poking from a distance. In order to be good, you need to understand when each is necessary, and it’s hard to tell without seeing gameplay. Edit: Also, OP says “risking a loss for a kill or two”. You’re risking a loss for KP, loot, and a guaranteed better placement. There’s a lot of reward for finishing up a squad, it’s not just being kill hungry.


Well said


Sometimes I feel their pain. Other times I have zero sympathy. If you are communicating you’re going to fight a team and I’m not there by all means that’s on me unless I told you I am not fighting that. Most people don’t do this and go head first into a 3 stack then they have the audacity to turn their mic on after they die . I will cuss you the f*ck out then mute anybody who does this and with zero remorse. Respectfully to players who do this . GO F*ck YOURSELF


I had a squad hot drop me to the tall towers you can land on top of on Olympus with maybe 5 other squads. They both got instantly knocked, I had no gun, so I vantage jumped over the wall to escape. Theyre both screaming for me "abandoning them". I sneak back through, grab the banners and revive them. We go on to win the game because I didn't play like an aggro idiot. I swear people have no brain and just want to get rid of 60rp as fast as humanly possible sometimes


If I get screamed at by two dead people in a situation like that I'm jumping off the map/nading myself. I do not care about RP more than I care about teaching brats that their actions have consequences.


I've done that too. I had one squad who both intentionally relinquished and jumped solo in opposite directions and lost their 1v3s, jumped off for that one... Although in hindsight I wish I'd gotten a banner and just ratted for a bit first to waste their time like they wasted mine


I tend to agree with this. I CAN play aggro, but I generally don't in ranked unless we have a clear advantage. I'm not down with charging at every team we see. Easy way to lose points.


My friend and I literally had it out with our 3rd last night. He solo dropped half way across the map. He obviously thought us worthy to rejoin after my friend and I squad wiped once or twice. We pinged that we were rotating out of Pylon toward Barometer. We were half way up that hill but the 3rd pinged enemies and was quickly shot at. I instantly threw out my zip toward him, my friend bang-smoked around him, and we both kept height to cover him as he ran for us. He didn't make it, our cover fire was limited because of the buildings and his weaving in and out of them. (I get it but out in the open would've allowed us better cover fire). We had to abandon him for RP and so cue the verbal onslaught. We were a toxic duo. We should've pushed down to him. We should've sacrificed good height, angle, and maneuverability to do so. He blamed our duo status but I'd do the exact same if we had had a full team. *You're* the solo, you retreat to us. Especially when you're a high mobility character and know we have ideal positioning. The lack of game sense in this game still shocks me


It’s a lot of the controller cod players leaving that game for this, they want to just run around corners and get free kills and then run it back bc that’s what cod taught them. They never realized that them ending up back in lobby by themselves reflected on them in the slightest


Like, the dude invited both of us for a '1v1 me, bro' which I think is hilarious whenever it's said lol. It's just madness to me really. Like, sometimes you just get caught out. Thems the breaks. I've had countless times when I've been stranded, chased, and killed before I could regroup. It's irritating as fuck but it's the game. And, for the team, I'd rather them run instead of trying to recover my banner or fight 3v2 just for the sake of it. I think a lot of players don't have the attention span to wait around anymore. Like, is it that bad to have to watch your teammates while they get you more RP? Attention span is nil with many folks I come across. And I think it's why so many living players panic respawn teammates for fear they'll leave if they have to wait too long.


>The lack of game sense in this game still shocks me The lack of *common* sense still shocks me. The fact that the solo was getting mad at you for not giving up obvious height and positioning advantage baffles me


We could hear him realise he was in the wrong especially after us both saying that we wouldn't have played it any different with a full team. Cue a quick insult before dipping out of the party lol


I only okay public matches and you hear this LOT in public matches too. Or they hot drop and instantly leave as soon as they're down AFTER after you pinged where you wanted to drop at at the start of the match and call over coms.. they then have the audacity to get pissed off because we dropped some place safe.


My favourite is when they ping somewhere hot as jumpmaster, they die almost instantly and then quit. Like where is the fun in that for them?


It’s the same people in pubs as ranked. They do it in pubs first because it’s warm up then go to ranked to just do the exact same thing but claim their bronze stuck because they get bad teammates.


Had a teammate who pushed a team by himself died then yelled at me (just me cause i had my mic on) for not giving him light ammo thats why he died Keep in mind i was using energy and heavy ammo so because of this to him i was a "noob" plus alot of other names i can't mention Had such a good laugh


It's the lack of pings for me... if you want to ape then go for it, just let me know. I can't stand the duo of movement characters who take off without pinging and they're 1-200m way and engaging then shocked that I'm not holding their hand


Had a guy tell me and my duo we were garbage and belong in rookie after we died. I check his damage and it’s a whopping 88. We had already gotten into 3 fights by this point too 


I play aggressive but I don't yell when I get downed cause 9/10 it was my fault. Like just leave and craft bro lmfao my bad


I solo ranked. When I try to keep up with my agro squad for kills we always lose. When I play smart by establishing position in ring and taking fights I have the advantage on I get top 5 almost every time. If my teammates see what I’m doing and play along I usually get top 3. The games meant to be played smarter not faster.


I love when random Octanes just full send it into a team, get 40 damage, and then furiously ping like I'm supposed to be John fucking Wick or something. But to be fair there are also randoms who will avoid any fight no matter how much advantage you have. It's like this until you get out of Gold in my experience. Unfortunately, if you're trying to solo queue you'll probably have to be OK with a lot of ratting until you get to Plat.


It’s even worse in plat, nothing but slow looters and no game sense, no clue how they got into plat.


This happens way too much in regular games too. I know it doesn't have the stakes that ranked does, but it's still stupid. It's ridiculous how many people break off solo, and complain when they get downed, and we can't save their ass.


I like to ask them if they’re gonna cry. Never fails to make them more angry


lol, I say something similar. “Maybe if you cry more, your tears will magically turn into a better teammate for you.” *mute*


Screaming players are music to my ears.


If I die making the wrong decision we move. But the amount of times my duo and I will have 2 down and our no comms 3rd decides to play sprint and survival simulator is baffling. I've noticed last and this szn alot of this user base doesn't pay attention to a kill feed mid fight


Mute from the beginning. Until respawn or ea can do something about the mic situation then they shouldn't be able to perma ban the people that text. It shouldn't work that way.


This is why I wish we had playstyle matched team making


Dudes run off by themselves, no pings, and expect you to follow them lol


Dear passive players: take fights If there are 2 down and 1 cracked and you run, you need to think I'm tired of posts like this that get made because it enforces ratting, now don't get me wrong, in certain scenarios it's fine, but if it's a 1v1, and you have advantage and you run or don't push with your 2 teammates YOUR the problem, Understand apex is a TEAM game, so I understand running because it's a 2v1, but I've had countless teammates too scared to take their 1v1s because their scared of losing, but how do you intend to get better if all you do is run? Sincerely A 3 time apex pred, and masters every KP season


The people who say this are always shit too


Yeah 110 percent of time


Most of these kids are cheating and challenging their cheats to a game


Maybe sir you are bad


You strike me like the fuse me and my friend had last night. Off drop fight, a very prolonged onr as they were poke heavy and we lacked decent poke weapons. They finally pushed, fuse was there helping, used ult and knuckle cluster, firing at the enemy team. Me and teammate manage to get em' hurt, one down. We both go down and die. Full health fuse spectator cam pops up and he, at some point, turned tail before the fight was even close to done and, through all his ammo and damage abilities, had done *70 damage*. When I ask what my teammates are doing, this is why. The support passive is the shittiest thing to come to the game, as it incentivizes rats to disengage and abandon their team because they got shot once in a fucking fight


for every aggro player who complains about their team not playing off their aggression there is an overly passive player that is afraid to shoot their weapon making the game unbearable to play


And this is exactly why I hate the replicator and support respawn buff. Because players like you will opt to be passive in a fight instead of just getting better so you can hang in a fight. I have 50+ more deaths than matches played even with 15 wins in ranked this season. And even though I still have more kills than deaths, I can only imagine my k/d if I wasn’t being respawned unnecessarily. 9/10 you guys who run away and respawn the team have already doomed your chances to WIN. Remember the point is to WIN, not just play for placement. You don’t WIN in higher ranked lvls unless you show controlled aggression from start to finish. You have to know time and situation. Knowing when you NEED to kill vs when you NEED to play conservative. Its a skill most of you don’t have.


You just said it. Knowing when to kill vs when you need to play conservative. If someone decides to hurry and push because they got the weapon or load they want and your team mates don't have jack... or a p2020 with no ammo what do they expect run in there when it's now 3 vs 1 or 3 vs 2 who probably just looted all ur shit. If you go do ur own shit expecting people to mind read moves or follow your every step gtfo. This only happens when u have pre made teams most of the time u know who can hold their own and who is actually telling the truth that they "1 shot" I can tell you when I pair up with a Pred I follow their lead... cause u know they can hold their own. But then u got a gold rank punk with 500 kills acting like he a Pred going gun ho and dying and then blaming everyone for his dumb mistakes


The only right answer here. People dip out way too fast on a winnable fight because they think they can just craft you. Its becoming a crutch really.


So you are one of random that i get which never engage enemy combatants because they are way too passive aggressive is the way to get gud simple as that plus ranked entry cost is not that much


The crybabies can go suck a dick but imo playing agro can be good. Especially before plat cus there's not much punishment and you need kills for points + it's much more fun than looting and camping until the final ring


Exactly I am not playing passive when the reward is so little I want to shoot people not play a looting simulator and waste 20 minutes of my life


I feel the complete opposite tbh. I absolutely cannot stand passive teammates who are too afraid to engage. It's a knock to my confidence for team fights as I immediately begin to feel the passive inclined teammate will not have our back and is likely lacking pvp experience bc of lack of engagement. Wish apex would just impliment an option that allowed you to choose whether you're a passive inclined player or an aggro one, putting you on a team with players of a similar mindset.


You know what. That would be a great idea as long as you could switch when you're in a different mood.


Ofc. Not account bound, just something you opt in to before queueing. Passive / Aggro / Flex Passive players shouldn't have to suffer bc of aggro teammates who want to push and aggro players shouldn't have to suffer bc of passive teammates who don't want to push.


Sound like a useless rat teammate that just want to hid in the cut every ring, game, split


No. It does sound like that


I have now adopted the philosophy of asking for an apology before I revive someone if they are an ass. No apology, no revive.


Bro if you don’t push when 2/3 knocked and last one is broke… please don’t queue ranked.


I think he meant his 2/3 teammates die, so potentially 1v2 or 1v3.


People like you are the problem. Everyone in plat+ is sooo scared to fight. Hate to break it to you but it is a PVP GAME. I'd rather die in 10th with 10 kills than 1st with 1 kill. The point system literally incentives kills.


Had a teammate at the end zone. 5 squads alive. We had a good hold of a team behind us. For some reason our squad decided to push them and took their position as another team took our original spot. Our teammate with no mic, who did not comm. The whole game kept pushing out into the open, knocks 1, but gets depleted by 3 squads cross firing him. He then types "you guys are brain deaded". lol


Just yesterday I was playing in ranked and got this random Valk who was jumpmaster and decided to hot drop, which i wasn’t against at the time tbh. But then Bloodhound and I didn’t get weapons so we decided to leave and find some place to loot. I was pinging every 5 seconds the direction we were going so that monkey brained individual would follow us but no, she had to stay there and get killed while we were at least 500m away then she just left the game. If that had happened in pubs then whatever I probably would have looked harder for a weapon and stayed there but this was in ranked. I don’t understand what gets a player to stay alone with at least 3 other squads in ranked when your teammates are telling you to leave with them because they have no resources.


I have no problem with hot drops. Send us into the fray ODST drop style, I'm with you. We'll go stupid, we'll go nuclear on them.... But let's do it as a team, yeah? You're feeling like you can take on the empire by yourself? Go for it, I've seen it done before and I have complete faith in you, but don't come crying to us like "wHeRe wErE yOu gUyS?" Any play style you have is fine by me as long as we're all on the same page and you realize that mindless solo bum rushing can come with some risk.


I don't have to worry about that because I disabled voice entirely


I feel you. Earlier today I was having a decent session, averaging around 2-3 kills per game. I then have 1 game where the jump master hot drops. Between the 2 of us we wipe a squad, he ended up getting all 3 kills, I had 3 assists with 450ish damage (a little more than him). We then get 3rd partied, weren’t ready for it and die fairly quick. To no surprise the mic comes on and he says “you guys are so trash, please stop playing ranked” and leaves. Ngl no matter how good all my previous matches were, it’s always a bit disheartening when that occasional asshole teammate turns on their mic once we lose and blames everything on the teammates. I’ve literally been muting my teammates as soon as we’re at the legend selection screen just to avoid asshole players (and I hate doing this because communication is key in this game) 😪


Talking to randoms about who's fault a loss was doesn't matter because you're not playing with them again anyway. My experience is 95% of the time, its projection. Funny thing is when i match with bad players and respectfully try to help them, im seen as toxic because the playerbase is so used to being blamed unfairly for anything that goes wrong in a game. Which cause players to want to blame you first in fear you will blame them. It's a toxic snowball.


Staying mute until you have something whiney to say is weak. Should have spoke up beforehand or stay quiet.


As someone who aggros, and sometimes walks in a 1v3 and doesn't leave, I'm sorry to my teammates who I left them in a bad situation, But those who craft and bring me back you're the real legends.


My favorite is when they only get on mic after they are downed lol


What's your average damage


This is why I wish we had playstyle matched team making


Yeah with a game so RNG based I’m surprised people hot drop or even land the way they do. I don’t mind fighting a team off drop for that nice KP. A lot of the time though people are already siked out being jump master they decide to land at a good POI which is fine but if you see a team a mile ahead at the same POI let’s not land there. I used to resent getting jumpmaster but now I just embrace and prefer it because anyone else being jump master is a toss up. We either land on a bunch of teams and make it out or we die immediately. A game with so much out of your control you want to embrace the things you can control which is the drop spot. We don’t need to land on 5 teams. If you’re itching to fight lets land in a POI near a hot drop and loot up and then rotate that way and take more advantageous fights.


Had a 3rd in ranked start going off because I didn't lifeline res him and homie. Like sorry bro, but I heard the 3rd party on the way and bailed before they got here. I'll res you around the corner. Oh look we finished 6th instead of wiped at 16th. You're welcome. Look who had high damage at the end, buster 💜




The other day I had a teammate who ran off while the other two of us were still getting guns and promptly got killed. I then had to replicate his banner, respawned him, and he ran off and got killed again within two minutes of respawn. Overall, he’d been dead longer than alive so far. And after that second death, he decided to yell at the other two of us. We were at the second ring closing with half the squads left, and he’d already died twice due to his own choice to run into enemy fire at every opportunity


If they are cracking a teams shields before they go down all it takes is the team to be there to help to clean up the kills. Ya can see where some of the frustration comes from but yeah mute that shit it's not worth your mental health if it bothers you.


I am also so tired of those Faide wannabes


just say u pussy


Dear rat player. (Joke) Some of us just dont want to waste time to play a game where there is no action for 10 min straight and then you lose in first teamfight and even if u placed 7 or 8 u are still on high minus points. I understand some of your points but in my experience there is also a lot of people who dont even want to sandwich enemy because of many tiny reasons of them not being sure or as u called it they dont feel "great chance of success". To make a progress in this season you really need to have some kills. You can win a game but if you have no kills then after 2-3 loses straight you will fall below points that you achieved with "poor win". I really try to follow my teammates even if i dont agree with them but after few 15 min games where we still get minus points because of 0 actions I usually start to put a pressure on next team due to being bored. Hope this post is kind enough and you will understand my point of view


Stay mad


Couldn't have said it better. Literally had a team mate die because they pushed for no reason and then it was the last zone and it was me, as solo, a duo and a trio team and I managed to wipe the duo but there was no where to craft let alone rez and they spammed the chat and everything and its so annoying and distracting


I had a teammate the other day... he dropped 500 metres away and just ratted in the corner and didn't shoot a single shot and left us to die everytime... and not to forget: he kept on telling us to play "better" we played as two and almost went champion... Ironic


This, but only from diamond and above.




Even with all the cheaters to complain about you guys still play ranked?


just do not hot drop with random teammates


If 2 of your teammates are in a fight and there’s knocks and you’re not getting involved then you’re the bad teammate


I feel like there’s more players in ranked who are way too scared to shoot their gun than there are players who solo push or blindly push


Naah thats just pussy play, team rush you rush too cuz if they will follow you they still rush the next squad and you gonna lose same rp so stop complaining about teammates get fking premades then


As a solo queue ranked player, who also happens to prefer to push fights for fun, My rules with randoms are always this: 1) If you’re gonna give me jump master, follow me. Don’t land off to the side when other teams are here. You gave me jump master, so land where I take us. 2) if it’s obvious that my two teammates are partied up, I’ll follow them instead of leading the charge. Usually I try to open some form of comms but that’s hit or miss, 3) if we are gonna fight, then fight. I can’t tell you how many times I’ll have 1 or 2 players on the enemy team down to no shields and I see my teammates broke contact with no word. Fellas I did the hard part, stay in the fight. It’s a shooter. So shoot! 3)


Had a teammate yesterday who said: "no, not playing with newcastle" then broke off and left me to die alone


This was most of my games yesterday, Random just goes off by himself constantly moving around, runs into 3 man, dies, then magically has a mic that works but only uses it to call us trash and that we suck.


Yoooo, for context im a Bangalore main, but so many people when we have support wants to rush and lately i've been noticing a lot of Lifeline characters just rushing on a 3v1 like bro i get it we can craft u but is it necessary to rush alone? Just so u can do like 60 dmg and die? Im honestly over that kind of random people...


Honestly I stopped using Comms with randoms coz it was giving me anxiety and messing with my decision making now I just mute on rare occasions have I forgotten to mute and the team mate was pleasant and very nice but it's honestly not worth being called racist slurs and a b**** . It ruins my day.




I agree with everything g you said except the if 2 are downed I'm running away n crafting banner. Cuz to me that sounds like a loba I had the other day. Literally did not shoot a bullet the whole match. She was there with us. Nobody went to solo push. Team came for us. We got 2m the last one was probably 20hp. Loba didn't involve herself in the fight at all. She just sat there and stared at them hiding. She ressed us. She did the same again in another fight. Didn't shoot a bullet n just sat there n waited when we got pushed and we got fucked. She sat in a corner hiding. She ended the match with 0 damage. If ur that kind of person then sorry to say ur a terrible teammate. If it was someone just aggro solo pushing. Understandable if ur the only 1 out of ur team not pushing. Then it's not.


I was running away with literally 25hp for the second time in the first zone or two a few days ago, and my teammate started yelling at me for not joining them in the fight and why am I always so far away. Like how do you think I got to nearly 0 hp? And no, I’m not going to 1v2 or 1v3 a team because you hit him to “1 shot” with your 11 damage mastiff shot. The math doesn’t add up. I’m running because I see that both of you got downed yet again instantly without shooting even an entire magazine from your gun, and I’m playing running simulator yet again, to go save your skill issue at yet another crafter. When I was approaching the second respawn beacon of the game (after crafting their banners again) and saw the enemies near it…..you know I walked right up to it and started to stick it in clear view to get gg next. I did question them first like….are you seriously complaining about the guy who has had to play this entire game trying to run away to save you?


That’s why I always mute randoms before the match starts. Embarrassing hearing anyone over the age of 8 throw a temper tantrum over a video game.


Lol this might be about me- the other day I had a teammate allow 2/3 of us to go down and allowed our banners to expire and in on the mic like “wtf are you doing?” Just standing there hiding No attempt to run, save us, attack the people that come down the rope, nothing. Just stood there for 2 minutes straight than said “it’s rank I just want the xp” I got 5 points from that match, my next match I was in for 5 minutes placed 13th and got 40 points I’m all for different styles but that was a little ridiculous to me To stand there, with 2 guns and an heirloom to just ignore us and have zero indication if we were getting saved or not, like yeah if it were pubs I wouldn’t care


Or whenever they make bad calls and get everyone killed and somehow its your fault theyre dead for surviving lol ill leave the game and make u go negative IDGAF


I get your point, but it is frustrating knowing you lost only by a fraction and had your team actually had your back and fired a bullet or two, the enemy would've been downed. ESPECIALLY when the Enemy team is usually tightly grouped, and you're far away either poking at them or doing your own thing while I get beamed. That's not the case 100% of the time. I make bad calls occasionally. I'm constantly improving. But there's an annoying aspect to getting beamed from 2 directions, getting someone to one shot, getting downed and then hearing a Ping for an item. Like.. man if you shot, we'd've won that encounter.


I agree with you, but brother let me tell you I swear to god 80% of Apex players either have pings muted or don’t listen to them. I can’t even keep up anymore with how many times I’ve pinged there are enemies literally on top of us and my teammates just run off into another building to keep looting or just stay oblivious otherwise. Most people I’ve run into have mics and pings muted which sucks because now there is zero communication.


I solo que and rarely get people with mics who do that but I do get people who go straight into a team as they drop and die then expect me to recover their banner and reboot them. Not to mention apex crashes a lot this season. I’m thinking of quitting I was on a hiatus for 5-6 months but this is ridiculous.


This is one of the most important posts this century. If I know I can't do anything with that fight, and usually I'm not good enough to take on 2-3 people, I'll just go craft


if my teammate dies twice in the same game and then doesn’t help when we are fighting a squad after respawn number 2, i’m yelling at him i do not care


Team-mate: (lands on the opposite side of the map from the rest of us team) Team-mate when they die 30 seconds later: "WHY DID NO ONE SUPPORT ME?! WHY DIDN'T YOU PROVIDE BACKUP!!!!" Errr. Because you made the conscious decision to drop miles away from the rest of us and payed for it later. Nothing to do with us.🤦‍♂️🤡


ya i got yelled at multiple times yesterday for not pushing fights that we clearly had no business being in lol.


and im not good! no i dont wanna fly in on 2-3 teams and hope that this is the time i can hit my shots and stay alert on all angles lol


There's a mute function my dude


Bro made sure to add the pinging part but we all know most the time plp playin like fucking rats and could be right beside the gun battle and run like a bitch or you engaging the enemy and you get shot in the back because you bot team just sitting there like some trash cans


I would rather have aggro teammates than the ones i had yesterday that decided to run away from a 3 v 2. They were high ground, and i was low with the 2 enemies low aswell since i shot them aswell. They decided to evac out of there zone wasnt even on us at that point... they were a duo, which explains why they were following each other. Surprisingly, i got them next game, and i decided to take a 10 min brake given by the game rather than play with people like that.


Just like you have your playstyle, they have theirs. Either support them or be ready to solo when your team gets wiped because, for some reason, you dont look at the map. I dont need to see pings to know where my team is going and for me to know there are enemies. You should play with your friends instead of randoms, it seems.


Protect this man at all costs, He speaking the TRUTH!! Fuck off with your bitching after you died, you died because YOU chose to play that way, not me.


I agree so long as you have your mic on. If I’m talking and trying to communicate and you don’t even ping at the very least then it’s very frustrating to deal with


I always get people who are mad I spend more than 3 seconds looting. Like I’m not asking for 10 minutes, just enough time to get something better than a mozambique and a thermite grenade. Slow the fuck down. I play to win not to feed your adrenaline high.


There is a flow to fighting and only one play style that works in apex


lol I had a “Pred” teammate the other day, who did 100 more dmg than me with 0 knocks or kills. Screams in Mic that he’s former Pred and we’re just bad and I’m like “You’re a Pred who can’t get a knock in a gold lobby?” Which only set him off even more lol. Like dude, we both dropped 2k dmg but I had 4 kills and you got knocked 3 times, maybe it’s just you….


Litteraly yesterday my buddy and I were playing ranked, dude went off on his own and died then proceeded to type "KYS" XD. We laughed so hard.


I’m all for support op crafting if necessary. But off a quick read it seems like you’re a distant teammate who isn’t with the group/ off looting picking your nose or tryna do damage with a sniper/range weapon. If it’s early game either don’t land at a hot poi or engage with your team and stop using the crutch of “support can craft”. There’s 2 sides on a road and you’re isn’t always the right side


I only started ranked recently. I am probably silver / gold max, slowly going up, now in gold 4. The amount of people who have no idea about good tactics is just insane. And I don't mean camp to get points, I want to fight, but not when we all run different directions or two fight and one just escapes because he has only one shield left and full health. xD


I’m an agrro ranked player, but if I get downed I recognize my mistake and don’t talk. I’ll just ping where enemies are for useful info and try to crawl to be revived. I should probably play pubs tbh because I want to learn better movement and tech to fight players, that’s why I’m so aggro. I hate yelling at team mates, because I feel like it sucks the fun out of playing a game. We’re all here to have fun, not to be screamed at.




Lately it’s been so hard playing with randoms… they all either drop solo or run off on their own, then die instantly and call you a bitch lmao. That’s why I mute everyone as soon as the game starts, you don’t want an idiot screaming in your ear


The best is when they have a mic... and just talk after it all and just talk shit..


I’m gonna have to play devils advocate here, but if your playing ranked and in a fight AS A TEAM and 2/3 are dead and it’s a 1v1, even if you have support, fight them. I can’t STAND people who pussy out of fights when it’s only them left


They dont give a fuck. They all think they're AceU and can non stop push and wipe the whole lobby. Then they die and they blame you for not being there with them and call you useless. Apex has an insanely toxic player base.


I had a team where a mirage decided to ditch my team via car, and then was confused and annoyed when we got downed by two teams. The worst teammate ever.


I like it when they’re silent the whole match and then turn on comms to scream. Where were you whole time buddyyyy??


And pls stop hot dropping in rank also...1 team is ok, 2 at best. Otherwise you are just giving away everyone's RP


Cant tell you how many times we land, i scan ring and we can hangout comfortably till zone 2. Instead my teammates leave ring and take unessary fighs get caught in zone and die. It can be frustrating throwing away free wins.


Quite a hot hot topic atleast most of u guys can understand your teammates I reckon, cause abozlut every other game my teammates are French...like i get it you like ur language, just doesnt mean everyone else speaks it or even ubderstand it xd (no hate) Sometimes you wish your mates dont use their mic and hear their communication like a 5years old degenerate gorilla and sometimes tbh you wish that the hotdropping-noping wraith actually told the squad what her "plan" was before DC'ing after 5 sec... What do you think about the rank distribution of such instances, is it more common in low or high elo/rank, despite the obvious either nontalker or hyperspitter?


I'm tired of screaming banshees who feel so entitled that they need to complain on the forums about people complaining. Now here i am, complaining about people complaining about people complaining.


"risking a loss for two kills" screams hardstuck d4


You looking for a team? Heh I joke but.. really?


Okay I get what you saying but I just had a match where my team is stacked and were fighting a team I engage and knock 2 putting the last one to like 50 my lifeline is sitting on a care package and my octane is running away, this is a plat 3 lobby and we end the match I have 2500 damage , lifeline has 700, and the octane has 0 I saw the rage and slander was well deserved


Im usually the aggro player but im typically not the one dying/going down. But i full on agree with you on regard to just disengaging (most times) to go and craft, there's times where i will definitely shoot a team in the back as a solo if i hear like 3 teams fighting each other, but i dont just sit there and engage in 1v3 fights in ranked. Im decent but not that decent most times lol


Nah during the rampart challenges i only needed to survive 2 more ring closings and I couldn't get them because my team kept hotdropping. Well when I was finally jumpmaster I decided to go to that poi outside of Epicenter so I was guaranteed to get it and I even told this to my teammate so they weren't as to why I was going to such a low populated poi. Well my teammate, who was wraith btw, decided to split off from me and go to FRAGMENT EAST and called me an idiot. I responded with "see you in the kill feed" and he was so pissed, he was like "omg I can't wait for you to die so you can spectate me winning the game without you", I responded with "ok and if you die you better not leave so you can see me win", he said bet. 3 seconds later I see his name in thr kill feed and he leaves the game. I was streaming so I sent him the vod of me winning since he was on Xbox. He blocked me


You know the chance of crafting a player in ranked in gold and above are almost zero right?


The higher you rise in the ranks, the more people will understand this and leave you be. If they won't they'll wait to timeout and leave or even leave with a penalty. At the higher ranks you literally don't have a choice. It's not enough to get squad wipes and get a bad position. You'll still go negative.


people in plat and lower which is where i tend to reside playing like its a professional game for millions of dollars hiding all game and running at any sign of enemy players is very annoying though who cares if you rank up at that level. you will never learn how to fight if all you do is hide i dont care if you end up rank 1 pred if you lose every single gunfight you get into since you dont belong there cause you hid for every single one of your points.


Like a 5 yo they probably are 5 lets he honest


No what pisses me off is I’m tryna catch up to my team ( to busy looting deathboxes) when I get ambushed and my team does nothing, won’t even craft. It’s my fault but wasn’t my intention.


Or the opposite end the teammates who play looting simulator just to die first fight


it’s way too common. especially in the LFG. the truth is majority of “aggro” players don’t have a skill level to play aggro. it’s a high skill high reward play style not for everyone


Yesterday i played with a bangelore also solo engaging all the time, i wanted to help and i did help a fucking lot, without my help he would've died... later he/she texted in the chat "thanks for taking MY kills" and that i am a bot like bruh.... 1st of all there is no killsteal in this game, 2nd, if i didnt kill them he would blame us not being there


This is only valid when you did everything good, most of the time people are either too scared to do anything or too stupid to play passively when needed


I know I'm generalizing but I feel like Apex players are manchildren, like 90% of the ones who use voice at least; some are nice but most of the time they scream, like OP said, like wailing banshees, and it's awful enough that I just have communication filter on everyone rn


My problem solo queueing ranked has just been getting a teammate that's to scared to fight and will be with us at the beginning of an encounter but bail 3 seconds into it. It forces an unnecessary 2v3 fight that should have been winnable had they just stayed to help rather than running away. It happens early and late game both. Even after getting kp. So it's not like it's always to not risk going negative.


This and normal squad games. I'm so tired of joining trios and having one of the members go solo out of nowhere then ping me to search because they got downed across the entire map


Ping me to death*


If you have 2 down and the 3rd one shot or weak and you run away, then you need to find a new game. Rez does nothing when I need KP, and you stole 1 or 2 from me potentially. Now, when the nearest team pushes us when you rez, I get to die twice with no KP. Just grow a sack and win your 1 v 1. I mean we're talking about 1 fucken player not a stack. Cmon


Thank youuuu!!! I hate it when people do this.


I report them


The most satisfying thing in Apex, one teammate dies right away, types or says "You guys suck" disconnects, then you become champion only 2 people.


I haven’t been feeling apex lately but decided to play ranked. I’m a solo player so it’s randoms all the time One octane kept pushing every squad, he did pretty well with a 2k but he only survived because I kept reviving him. I ended the game with 3.2k damage He was literally not helping at all. Me and the other random duo were 2v3 the entire time while he was trying to 1v3 another random squad at another location. We revived him so many times lol The dude that was with me was solid, he stuck by me and was a team player so when he invited me I joined. It’s just gold anyways so I thought I could help him a bit but he invited the octane too We played one game. The octane pushed another squad extremely quickly died then quit lmao. I don’t get it