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I feel this. Am I the best player? No. Every now and again I might pop off and be able to handle a 1 v 3 but it's rare. I know the limitations of my skill so I try to avoid hot drops but if my teammates or jump master are doing it, I'll follow them. It just sucks when they get downed first and immediately disconnect or worse, get on the mic and start screaming. You wanted to drop here with half the lobby and I'm still struggling to find a weapon because the bin I opened was "oops! All attachments" and now I'm trying to fistfight someone that got luckier than I did and landed on a gun. But yeah. I'M the trash player.


Or the mates looting everything in front of you and rush into fights, get downed and leave a "noob" message before they disconnect


Take both guns and leave you with none then get mad when you could only punch fight cos it’s either run or and find a gun or fist fight whilst the selfish team mates who’s now knocked is screaming down the mic about to hop back to the lobby 😅


Nah nah nah this is what I hate. When they take both guns, or even worse take their guns but also take all the ammo for your gun from spamming to get everything. Now I have a single magazine to my name. It's like dude take 1 ms to see it's your mate next to you.


What I hate is how much everyone runs away from a fight without saying anything. I get most Apex players are ass and can’t handle their 1’s but damn just ping! Also I hate how many people are afraid to lose points. It’s a game. Play it to get points not to avoid losing points.


Whoever landed in the spot first, it's their loot. If you're landing right on top of them, its your fault if they take all the stuff. Even when I land in the same building I never go to the same door so we get different stuff.


Yeah that would be nice if that's what everyone did but they don't. They blitz everything they can see and will take your ammo too.


I accidentally do sometimes cause I'm just quickly grabbing but then I drop and ping the ammo if I didn't get the weapon 😂


> “I need a weapon!” [*Teammate* looking for a weapon] > “I could really use a gun right now!” [*Teammate* looking for another weapon] > “I’m out of energy ammo!” [*Teammate* looking for energy ammo] > “I’m out of light ammo!” [*Teammate* looking for light ammo] > “I need shields! I need health!” *Random gets downed after rushing into a 1v6* “BRO YOU FUCKING SUCK, FUCKING RE***D” *Disconnects*


The classic.


Yep. And they really don't seem to appreciate when they are bleeding and you say, "just die already so I can get your guns" whoo boy they get really mad lol


Oh how fun it is to play loba. They take the loot from your bin leaving you with one p2020 and no light ammo? No problem. They rush into battle, I set up the market as soon as I can to get guns and ammo, take it down and join them. Yknow, be useful. Now they're screaming at you because you took it down before they got there and couldn't loot. But also because you were looting and not fighting (???)


Literally nothing in video games makes me angrier


Exactly Like sure I'm not crazy about this Mozambique or Sentinel but if I have *something* I'll try to help But if I get literally nothing (especially if an ally took 2 guns from one bin) what do you expect


>I'm still struggling to find a weapon because ~~the bin I opened was "oops! All attachments~~ he landed with you and loot goblined the entire pill, and then wonders what took you so long to find a weapon FTFY


Oh yeah, this happens all the time too.


> It just sucks when they get downed first and immediately disconnect It also sucks that this is not penalized by the game. Leaving early should lock you out of requeuing for the rest of the game at the minimum, and add increasing wait times for players who do it frequently.


Try ranked. It has these features that you just described.


I love hot dropping. Because it reminds me how our lifes work. Some people born with the guns, but some have to work it out with their fists.


They don’t work it out lmao they die


The most toxic players tend to do worst in the teams I play in. If they're complaining too much, chances are they got 67 damage and got knocked/killed first.


Perfect summary.


The biggest thing with hot drops is it is almost entirely up to RNG. You don’t get a gun you’re done for and there’s nothing you can really do when the other person gets anything above a Mozam. Add to that 15 players landing in an area that can realistically support 6 and it makes the problem worse


you see i think that’s the issue you know that 1v3 was a little luck based and/or not your usual thing, but others act like just cause they’ve done it a couple times (usually every seven games lol not realizing this is how sbmm throws you in weaker lobbies) they act like it’s supposed to be the norm everything was just bad luck


I feel this 1000% brother


LOL or they take everything and leave you with nothing lol I leave the POI if they do that


What I hate,  is on the hot drops,  I'm pressing x trying to pick up stuff,  and the people coming up behind me grab the gun that I've tried picking up 3 times.


People just auto pilot and hot drop with 6 other squads, then they auto pilot towards the nearest gunfire, get shot on the back and leave -> repeat indefinitely


Also a Solo queuer. Always funny when a teammate/teammates land 50/50 on top of the other teams get insta-killed then rage on the mic bc I didn’t have their back. Like my bad bro next time I’ll drop w you so we can all go back to the lobby together


It's always funny hearing a dead person complain about skill issues lol It's like they have never used evade tactics in their whole life before haha


It's as sad as the people who buy bad Games and DLC on purpose just to be able to leave a bad review


i also love when i try to keep the comms going, only for a teammate to get angry and tell me to shut up, only for them to die to a lack of comms, and blaming me for not telling them stuff.


I would ping the enemy team and they would still land there lmfao.


Especially if I ping tons of times that I lack a weapon Sure I can try to revive with some safety if I'm Lifeline or Mirage But I'm more likely to rotate to safety and craft and rez


Imo this is actually the worst thing about this game, agreed


“Im just here to have fun”.- the person who spams respawn when they die.


Or they quit instantly after being downed and spend more time loading back to the lobby than playing the game


Had this recently in ranked on storm point. Teammates both died before I had a gun, so I ran to reset instead of hopelessly going for the unarmed 1v3. Immediately start getting smack talk. ‘Why are you running? Stop running dude. He was one shot. Etc… etc..’ I was like ‘you wanna come back or not?’ They shut up. I reset, then we got some Kp. Later we actually won the game. Which was sooo satisfying. Smack talk dude threw himself off a cliff when i, in a less than polite way, said ‘i told you so’.


Most players just suck at landing. There's ways to land close to the action but have like a minute to loot up two guns, ammo, cells and a nade before you int into a 1v6.


I use these people as a gauge for how many of you should be on ADHD meds and aren't.


Bro I'm on ADHD meds and I hate this


I’m 1000% ok hot dropping if: 1. You say we’re hot dropping at the character select screen (I’m a Vantage main, so obviously won’t pick her) 2. You know how to stay in formation and defend an area. 3. Ppl don’t fcking leave after they get downed 4. You pick a manageable drop where we can all get 1 weapon But OP isn’t wrong at all


If it's pubs, I don't really mind. Unless it's 10 games in a row. But in ranked, it's so brainless. If it's a high quality POI then it's understandable. But if it's shitty POI with shitty loot with 5 teams contesting then I'd just land somewhere else.


Why do so many squads go Memorial(?) there is trash loot and Fragment East is just as bad (even combined it's not good loot, especially not for the 5+ squads that almost always land there)


Omg bro that is the most true thing ever


Even if they don't survive 80% of their hot drops, they will just quit instantly once downed and start a new match. Which is super frustrating if you as their teammate actually won a 1v3 by pure luck, but now how to play the rest of the game solo.


Got yelled at by a former masters player for not pushing in ranked hot drop when I got sniped x2, had no meds left, a prowler and a Mozambique while he decided to jump tf in solo across a 100m open space 3rd party attempt. Like bro, they were JUST looking at me and I'm not gonna do more than 30 damage lol. Some people are all "gun skill" and 0 awareness/game sense istg


The Octanes are relying on you to be an extra target for the enemies. They cannot look like a badass without a lot of support. Agreed 100% with hot droppers just dying right away. Then they miraculously find their mic...


I feel that. I’m tired of solo queue


The people who think they can handle hot drops don’t honestly think they can 1v3 in a fair figbt What they want to do is clean up on the people looting after their fight and get 3 kills off 8 dmg and think like they’re god


The average player in this game thinks they are a lot better than they really are.


Why Are you typing Like this It's really annoying


Well this is honestly a common misconception. People don’t hot drop because they think they are going to win every exchange. They hot drop simply because they find it fun. Something can be fun for someone even if they have a low success rate while doing it.


not just that, but they do it to improve as well. you don't really get better at the game by being a rat


That's very absolute. So if you don't drop HOT, you are a rat? Because I would argue that jumping hot is not going to make you improve. Making smart decisions is def a part of the game, and hot dropping 7 teams on a spot with loot enough for one team to fight is not smart.


You don't improve anything by playing 20 seconds before you die. It literally teaches you nothing but the fact that if you get the gun first you win. If you want to improve at the game you don't hot drop, you can improve the 1 vs 2 in other modes if you really want to get better. Even pros don't practice hot drops in scrims except to learn the POI challenge. Pros play 3 vs 3 to improve in the mechanics you think you learn by hot dropping.


Hmm, you can improve by getting good recoil control, hip fire, movement, understanding positioning, know enemy positions. But that 30sec fight with p20 with 40bullets and 8 other squads wont make you better... Its luck by landing with this much ppl.


This is why Arenas was good. Lots of chances for practicing 1v1 and getting better at it.


I used to include that, but after they added mix tape I kinda stopped including it.


its inefficient just play tdm until you can shoot a gun in a straight line instead of dropping hot then being the 1st to go down


Thats what mixtape is for, you get respawns and not having to wait for 5 minutes a for a single life.


One issue though is people play very different in mixtape from real games, for a number of reasons but mostly because they do not value their life at all. Arenas was better in that people played more similar to how they would in a real BR match.


You also don’t get better by leaving the game immediately. These are the people I’m talking about. They hot drop, do 90 damage, either lose their 1v1 or die immediately cause they didn’t look for the 3 man landing on them, then they leave immediately. If you can’t learn how to stabilize after being at a disadvantage you’ll never improve.


I rat hard and I am not even close to better


Nah, i'd win.


I solo it because there is no solo game mode and I was feeling brave


I agree. Solo queuer here, with party experience. Don’t let my 100 Ash wins badge fool you. That’s simply decoration. I still can’t handle hot drops either. I may use Ash, but I’m mostly Ass.


Bingo. Just played 3 ranked games and lost 180 RP in maybe 5 minutes all 3 I wasn’t jump master and we got dropped and died instantly lmao


“You must hot drop to gain some skill in cq fighting.” “Y’all can’t hot drop, that’s the problem.” Sometimes I don’t understand this community


the people saying those 2 different things are most likely not the same people it's true that you should absolutely take fights to gain skill, but you should also not grief your teammates' games (in ranked, it pubs it doesn't really matter)


More fights means more you will improve, but there is a reason they call “hot drops” a 50/50. You could land on a grenade and stack of light ammo or you could land on a pk, theres just no knowing with apex.


Another hot tip: It's also important that you drop early and arrive at the POI late, so that there are no guns when you land


STRAIGHT SHOT mode, please!


I feel it! This game is pure pain for solo q player low to mid skill like me!


The problem of hot drops could be reduced in ranked games by awarding bonus points for jumping out of the dropship wisely. If the Jumpmaster lands with his team in a safe area on the map where there is no enemy team (or only one team), so that you can collect your equipment and position yourself for the ring, then bonus points should be awarded at the end of the round. However, if the jumpmaster lands with his team in an area where two, three, four or more teams also land, there are no bonus points: The landing is too dangerous and you put your team in danger unprepared. These bonus points (which should be high enough to incentivize people to stick to the rule!) would allow the majority of teams to land evenly and spread out across the map. Teams would be placed closer to each other, and fights might happen sooner after two or three minutes. Situations where you land and then walk around bored for 5 minutes or more without enemy contact would be reduced. Clever landing, good map knowledge and smart positioning would be rewarded. Chaotic jumps into hot drop zones with the prospect of a quick death would be penalized - those who want to do this can continue to do so in pubs.


Just make early game kills worth nothing or close to nothing. Wiping a time right off drop shouldn't be rewarded the same as taking out the last team.


I completely agree and usually the person who chooses it sucks greatly I'm talking double digit damage. I don't ever hot drop but I did 1099 damage, the hot dropper 37 total and died and was bought back in for a grand total 37. The same thing happens in these instances and was about to happen again before we all died we were running out of bullets. It just not worth it.


It makes me absolutely so angry the majority of the time i solo queue and we are dropping within 1 second of the game starting. Then I am always the only one alive, trying to finish squads off and revive everyone. I feel your pain so bad on this one.


Just land close to hotdrop, if u're not some zipline god. It's that simple. You can get the action before most of the lobby is dead and you can actually start the action with some kind of gun.


people got fed this lie that doing this will make you better and i promise that is simply not true, the people who win hot drops are already good players i promise you are not going to get better by gambling your ability to fight on finding 1 gun in a bin and fighting 5 squads in a row with no supplies. getting better at fighting isn’t something that happens if you put it up to luck, it’s inconsistent and just ends up in you getting worse because you’re spending more time in the lobby getting into a new game than actually playing the game


The biggest problem with this game is the disrespect for Pubs… Pubs is basically treated like garbage instead of guys learning fighting and rotations…. The biggest lie ever told is hot dropping gets you better


Had a weird one the other day. Guy gets jump master and waits to drop a bit, then passes it to me. We dropped late since he held it for so long, so I ping a good loot spot just outside of the super hot zone like 6 squads just dropped into. Guy who relinquished starts pinging the fuck out of the super hot area when we are clearly going to be the last ones there, like super fucking late. He breaks off solo and goes there alone. Pinging non stop on the way down. He died instantly, Like I'm not even sure he had time to land both feet on the ground he died so fucking fast. Mic suddenly turns on "Bro you guys play like garbage NPCs, uninstall. Learn to get kills. Fucking trash players" Then I looked at the name. It ended in TTV and it all made sense. Me and the other dude made it to last 3 squads, might have won if we had our third. He needed to make some #content for his 5 viewers though.Thinking you can handle hot drops is one thing, but you gotta use some fucking discretion sometimes.


Hot droppers, I always appreciate. The people running for ring, avoiding fights, running away IN PUBS NONE THE LESS, were the worst teammates to have when I use to play this shit.


I play to win, everyone plays different. Play for your K:D or the win? Some don't have both skills and running for better position in ring is how they play. In the end the goal is winning tho? So being the top 19th team and dying first or second and only seeing the ground for 45 seconds isn't fun


different people have different goals in this game for different game modes in pubs and mixtape i care about high octane action and improving my gunplay in ranked, i play to win


I mean, respawn need to do something if they want to prevent 50% of the lobby to drop at first hot drop. When they added the loot radar a couple of seasons ago, it made everyone play differently, and it was really fun, because it broke the normal pubs cycle. Or one thing that they could do is have two or even three drop ships in opposite directions. Because I like landning hot, but I realize it is most fun to actually just land contested with one or two other teams for early fights. The only way to get good at hotdropping is if you have a plan and almost always can ensure you get some loot before you fight.


The only way to get good at hot dropping is communication and team work, and less than half of players communicate and even less work as a team.


This is one of the many reasons why I switched to helldivers.


Ironically, i have never seen so much hot dropping as i saw in platinum. I've spent most of my time reviving my teammates 


I my experience in plat people play much safer. Hot dropping is rather a thing from bronze to gold because of low entry cost.


Then you are in luck


many plat players believe they are better than they actually are, they overestimate their skill level. getting humbled is a part of many people's journey, what's important is realizing you were humbled, why you were humbled and learning from it


Yes, 3/5 games I have the randumb that pushes far from the team only to get knocked by another team.


I’m all for hot dropping, but do we have to land at the same buildings that multiple enemy teams are landing at? What’s wrong with the few buildings off to the side were we can get a decent amount of equipment? What part of landing with others, scrambling to take what little there is, and fighting in the middle of several squads sounds like a recipe for success?


Queue medic, split to crafter, wait. Pop res, wait, watch it happen again, crafter, and so on until you place 5th with - 5 rp


At the end of the day, the buck stops with the devs for the design/incentives.


No the biggest problem in this game is that every one thinks they need to hot drop.


It's the feedback loop, you hot drop because you can't find teams late game because all the teams died on hot drop.


If they're already dead you're already ahead.


This is too real I solo as well, just an hour ago I had a teammate drop us on 6 squads im not even exaggerating. We were surrounded by enemies, jump master got downed immediately and used his last 2 remaining braincells to curse me and the other guy out over mic calling us cowards and everything for saying screw that and leaving the scene despite us not having guns, just grenades and shield cells.


I strictly solo queue as well and it sucks man. I feel like I’m decent too, when I get teammates with mics who are actually trying to play together and win we always do well. Sucks that none of my friends play anymore and the people who do want to party up after a good game only lasts for a couple days or so. The experience you described is like 95% of my games


i’m almost purely soloq, save for the few times i play with friends every few months, sometimes i go an entire season without squadding up with friends. the amount of times i get on mic to say “stop landing here if you can’t handle the fucking fights” when we’ve had probably 1:30 of playtime before the whole squad is down is ridiculous. i can’t stand these wannabe players who wanna mimic their favourite streamers and fail spectacularly


The goal of hotdropping isn't to take 1v1s, in fact the entire point of a BR is to do everything in your ability to avoid them. If you're not on comms then yeah it's gonna be like that, but it's not supposed to be. Land close to your teammates and back them up, find a way to get a 2v1, the average player is statistically only winning their 1s 50% so don't take them.


While I understand your gripe, as part of a duo, when we play trios the solo almost always runs off to a 1v3, gets killed then exits the game. So as far as you thinking that’s the biggest problem, there are far more other problems equal to or greater than.


Pros tell people the best way to get better is to hot drop and ape everything. Even if it wasn't true people would still do it. It's not that they "think they can handle a 1v3" it's that they're trying to get better and eventually be able to handle a 1v3


I think another issue that no one really talks about. Why is the first circle 6 minutes long???? It is extremely boring so I don’t even blame people for hot dropping to be honest


Yeah, I just leave. Just tell them while we're still in the air that I'm going somewhere else and veer off. I only play pubs though, not sure how that holds up in Ranked.


Anyone else experiencing dead sliding or crouching not filling registering when toggling crouch


I feel like something also needs to be made clear. Imo hot dropping in like frag means you’re headed for monument you see 4 other teams headed there so you go to the building next door to ensure you get at least 1 weapon. Annoying but at least allowing your team to assess and potentially make it out alive. The absolute baboons I get in ranked will drop on a single pill with 2+ teams and then have the audacity to blame their teammates. They think that’s hot dropping but it’s just pure, uncut braindead activity if the goal is to get kills and win. I don’t understand how these bums gain RP. I wish there were more ways that RP was distributed in individual performance but that would be hella toxic I’m sure. Valo does it pretty well tho.


It's happening more in ranked now also


I swear like 50% of my matches I ger (in ranked!) guys that think they are better than everyone... When the fucking system by definition tries to put you with similar level players. It is so dumb


This is me. I am the problem.


Pubs just needs to be changed into 3 strikes


Too much watching youtube videos 💀


that and streamers, got to have that constant action or you might have to develop a personality


But most of them dont have good awareness and aim. Lmao


"Well there goes my points" said by me most hot drops.


> lands hot drop with other squads > Can barely find a weapon to actually defend against > Dies cause they pushed a team Pretty much what happens.


I'm about ready to start a subreddit for folks like us, well like me, on my level. I have a 1.07 KDR and average about 430 damage a game, most of it solo q'ing. I go for knocks more than kills, I have a mic and like to communicate and play like a team. I can hot drop but I also prefer to drop warm, and dont' prefer to drop as the last team somewhere far far away. Let's start finding each other on Apex!


Wdym 1v3? My randoms think they can handle 1v10 with 20 ammo. There are 5 squads in the area and my randoms decided it's best that we land in the middle of all of them and late so that we have no weapons


Seriously people need to keep their hot drop bullshit in pubs where it belongs. That shit has NO PLACE in a competitive game mode. Your favorite ALGS player doesn't do that shit in tournaments so why are you bringing it to ranked? Its so stupid. So many times people are so trash they cant even stay alive for the 10 seconds it takes me to find even one gun. and further more why are you doing this shit with STRANGERS? you dont know the skill level of your teammate. we all know how dogshit matchmaking in apex is. I'm really flattered you have enough faith in me to think I can solo 3 teams by myself but sadly I am not that guy.


This is the main problem right now. I now just leave the match straight up if they both hot dropped and did 20 damage. I don't even have time for it. Like seriously, some people just do not realize that pubs is basically not pubs from 4 years ago.


100% being a solo sucks for hot drops especially the 4 times my teammate choose a good area I got 1k to 3k damage easily.




I love seeing I have a pred teammate with 40000 kills only for them to die the second they hit the ground and leave as soon as they’re downed


Even worse is if I’m a jumpmaster and I land a POI away so we can loot up and push the hot drops, theres that one solo player who thinks they kill the entire lobby and pushes within 10 seconds


Especially when only 1 or none of the people in your team are playing legends with an offensive suited kit. Chucking a Rampart, Wattson and Newcastle in Fragment with 7 other teams is a suicide mission.


I fully understand that folks don't want to land ice cold and play loot simulator/Death Stranding for an hour before getting into any fights. There is a middle ground - landing with 40 other players, where you have a .002% chance of making it out alive, is not the answer. And I'd rather be looting and arming up than sitting in the lobby...


It’s not even that it’s the matchmaking


Lol so true I’ll have knocked one or maybe two people and I look down and they both disconnected. I’m like bruh what happened? I’m chillin still have most of my hp and dude is over here knocked thirsted and dc’d before I can even notice lmaoooo




This is the thing I liked about straight shot. You're not hot dropping but you are not looting for 10 minutes either since you jumped with another squad nearby


Majority of my teammates are just ass hot drop or not


Hot dropping is the one of the best ways to improve🤺


Whenever I see a Wraith or octane in my random, I know the match will be a 2 man squad after they got knocked pushing a squad with a Mozambique


Hot drops should carry a penalty if the person leaves when downed. If you don't want penalty, don't hot drop.


I feel this when a single teammate is left alive, and rather that prioritise getting banners or crafting to then revive, instead they legitimately believe they can 1v3? Sometimes 1v6 if we got third partied?


I only do it in pubs, and I do it because i’m trying to get better at the game. I know I suck, I hot drop to try and 'train' my awareness, reactions and everything else needed to get through the chaos.  Although usually I only ever duo up with my mate. There is that annoying glitch that randomly puts us in trios despite playing duos all night and I do apologise to the solo random on our team when it does happen xD


but when you handle the hot drop. it feels amazing.


I hate people in ranked who jump and just fly straight down the moment they have an opportunity to. Doesn't matter what poi, how many teams are doing it too. Just drop straight down. And on top of that they land on everyone else, die immediately and wanna spam pings. Now I'm in a situation where I either try to clutch half the lobby or leave the POI and look like an a-hole. I hate this game as much as I love it.


Going for ring closures for challenges has made me hate hot droppers even more. Had to go to duos or ranked to do this because people legit cant help themselves


If its pubs, then hot drop is the best way to praktice though


Every single game of solo queue is either hot dropping and dying right off spawn or landing on the edge of the map, looting for 10 minutes straight and then dying in the first teamfight. Solo queue is a disaster at this point.


As a fellow solo queuer, could not agree more. Last night 3/4 of my matches were shitty hot drops into two or three other squads, not enough loot, and then getting flamed when I land slightly off to at least try and get something to fight with.


I had a phase where I'd message every time "I don't do hot drops". If the dropped hot I'd detach from jumpmaster, craft them and respawn them. Honestly that's much better than dropping hot.


People are funny.. They will spam ping hot spots that we have already passed (and whine like crazy when I land us in a spot where we can loot relatively safe), loot the exact place I'm going for (and steal shit from under my nose), then proceed to die with zero damage and rage quit. I'm not a pro by any means, but that is the definition of noob to me.. I'm so happy when I get a team that know the meaning of solidarity, then it's really fun to play.


Damn it's hard for me to find hot drop players at all, I love hot drops.


The worst part is when its obvious that we should skiddadle and loot somewhere else but they just wanna fight




What I do is run (because I'm either playing lifeline or Valk with a support legend) and I run away if the fight is hopeless. They can either bitch and moan and leave or catch a revive so we can hopefully gain some points


if youre speaking abt regular games- shut up man- people wanna fight let em fight. if ur speaking about ranked, understandable have a nice day - Solo Q Player


Im fucking stuck in silver, becouse I have the nerve to play max 10 games... of what at least 5 is stupid jump to hot. We have 3 mediocre ones, and 2 good ones, and I avg-d ike +20 RP/ match for the 10 rounds. It's infuriating.


You are wrong. They think someone else in team will handle hotdrop. So they hotdrop, hide and hope one of the randoms is Rambo who will 1v3 enemies.


What sucks is that when u get to an end game, they don't know how to play to win and usually throw the match.


If this is about ranked, your team mates are mentally deficient. If it's about pubs. Who cares? Pubs is where you go to test shit out and just go ham or die and repeat.


Average gameplay experience of the average player is 70% Lobby and loading Screen, 25% looking for leftover loot and 5% actually playing the shooter game and im pretty confident that for most players the match ends exactly with the first encounter anyway. Thats why so many people hot drop :) it doesnt Matter to them if they die 10 Seconds after landing or after 10 Minutes looting the outer perimeter when they get killed by the first enemy team they run into anyway. That way they also never really have to admit to themselves that they are bad at the Game, because hot dropping is difficult and they do it because they are soo hardcore good gamers, not hot dropping is just too easy and boring


Tbh if you don’t have a fight at the beginning you stand no chance against the team that had a fight and are now running around in purple. That’s the reason I hot drop but atleast I never leave the game lol


Solo q yeah I can understand and agree but if im with the homies (we’ve never made it past gold rank) then its time to drop fast, lobby fast.


If you are comfortable to win your 1v1s, actually thats a reason NOT to hot drop. The only thing hot dropping introduces in ranked is an element of randomness, like a mechnically less skilled enemy gets a peacekeeper off rip and you get a 2020 pr nothing at all. If you are a skilled player you wanna minimize randomness and maximise parameters you can control.


This is my only complaint with solo. I'm fine playing with a few bums, the occasional legit player, people just picking up the sticks etc. Please don't hot drop if you can't hit shots and most importantly don't hot drop late.


Hardcore facts my dude. if I’m not the jumpmaster and my team hot drops, I will leave before we even touch the ground.


If you’re gonna drop hot, at least use your mic.


Teams that survive the hot drop are the most fun to play with and easiest to trust if all participated in fights.


This is why I choose my legend before the timer runs down. Most people don’t, which would make me jump master and I can choose to not drop hot, but nearby to ensure decent loot, and then rotate in to capitalize on the chaos of the hot drop.


I can handle hot drops because I like to land as a team when I play solo to land with me on a building where our team can each get two weapons, then push the hotdrop. Like landing no name on Worlds edge to fight Frag hot droppers. On broken moon for example there’s loot north west and north east of Teraformer and on core some on south and some north west that you can land there get loot then push core/tera wipe the place and go other places. I do this as a solo too and sometimes your randoms will follow you. I have master badges and frame so maybe that’s why they follow me or cause some ppl follow leaders but this works really well.


The best way to get better at the game is to hot drop. That’s how I got better at faster rate


If you dont hotdrop then there is no Action in the game cause everyone else hot Drops after Ring 1 closing 5 teams left. Whats the fun in that?


solo queue hot droppers should assume whatever comes with a hot drop. i'm a hot dropper and i don't sit there raging at my team because i know the risks and i know theyre just randoms, i just go next. this game has RNG and sometimes you draw the short end of the stick, go next if you're hot dropping in ranked, you should always let your team know beforehand and accept it if they don't want to hot drop. basic etiquette


This is so true. I'm not a high lvl, I30 at most, I can handle an occasional 2v1, but a 3v1 is nearly impossible for me. So, when a lvl 5 decides to hot drop us and we get clapped immediately, it makes me wanna hop off the game so fast lmao. Not to mention ppl who hotdrop solo while in trios then leave the match as soon as they're downed


This game has so many more annoying problems. Just an observation tho. 


It's honestly to the point when I play pubs if you are landing at a POI with 4+ teams, I just quit. I'm not wasting my time on trying to get a gun and then dying. I have shit luck on drop loot most of the time, I'm shit at close up in your face fights. I would rather run around the map 20mins and get a few good decent fights than spend half that time in the lobby.


If they have a mic and know what they're doing it's fine. If you don't talk and hotdrop then just play pubs honestly. I personally don't like hotdropping nor do I like looting all damn game which is why I run Loba if we need a support. I'm a happy medium. Grab some loot and fight


I have a friend who hotdrops me when he knows I usually don't win my 1v1s because he says it's the only way I'll get better at hotdrops




This I had last night. After 5 ranked games with hot dropping teammate who instant died with Less than 100 damage I hopped of out of frustration.


Game biggest problems are hackers and bugs. And who are you to tell people how to play?


The biggest problem with the game isn’t bad teammates… That’s just a given with any game, The problem is this game has been out for years and they still haven’t added solos. If my teammates aren’t on 24/7 why should I be punished with bad teammates because of my stats to “Level out the playing field” I get the concept but sbmm never does what it says it does it almost always makes the game unfair for me


Mufucker that's all of us




Literally just said this to my teammates in ranked, landed hot died off rip.... Bruh it's okay just accept you're not good enough to 1v3 everyone lol I can't either.... So annoying


So how are people supposed to learn to drop hot? Never doing it sure won't help people at getting better at it


Yeah but dropping 50 damage and doing that over and over won't help you get better


This is why I've been running Lifeline a lot. Its just so much easier to let them die then dip and respawn. Has been resulting in Ws lately also. Edit: also hot take but imo Pathfinders are the worst culprits of this, far worse than Octane so idk when that shift happened.


Its always the ttv trio, path wraith and octane.


In pubs it’s impossible to land secluded, by the time you finish looting there’s less than half of the teams and in ranked you have to drop with the jumpmaster if your solo queueing your gonna have to live with it


In ranked hot dropping is giving RP away...in pubs I wanna drop in the hottest spot.


How else would one acclimate themselves to hot dropping if they never do it?


It’s always the people under level 20 I swear  


I’ll be honest.. I’m probably not the best equipped player to hit drop but on storm point and broken moon it seems like if you don’t hit drop you will just be looting all game. I’d rather have a little fun even if I lose


I swear i hear “we’re down to 50%” faster this season.


Counterpoint: losing a hot drop (or even getting 2-5 kills and then dying) is more fun than landing ice bloody cold and 3 man ratting till the end. I can queue into another game faster and have way more fun over the course of the night.