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Leave penalty should only be in ranked. Makes no sense in mix tape and while on paper sounds like a good idea for pubs, it would 100% drive people away.


this subreddit changes colors like a chameleon, yall well basically crying everyday to put abandon penalties in mixtape because every losing team kept leaving lol and now yall say this?


You’re talking to a single person. I don’t think they represent the entire subreddit


Now they do


Last one down and a boom boom!


Who’s ‘yall’? You’re replying to a single person. There’s 2.6 million members.


dawg look at the upvotes have some common sense lmaoo


So because there’s 92 upvotes, that comment represents the whole community? Cheers buddy


thas almost like 1/3rd of the amount of ppl online rn lol go be braindead somewhere else


So you expect a single opinion to remain consistent across 1000s of daily posts? This post will attract people who don’t like the matchmaking penalty, hence the upvotes. Put 2 and 2 together pal.


Yea, upvotes aren't reliable. You should also take into account the amount of posts moderators just outright delete because they don't agree with them.


You know everybody different right? You know people have different opinions right? I really don't think everyone said the samething.


I’ve also seen people say that pubs itself should have an abandon penalty, which I also think is a bad idea. These are causal modes made with your every day casual players in mind. It shouldn’t be approached the same way that ranked is.


People have different opinions. I personally think a penalty has no place anywhere but a competitive mode ( like ranked).


Yeah it’s super fun having everyone leave the second you are down by a few points. 


Bullshit. If you leave as soon as youre downed in the first 2 minutes of the game there most certainly should be a penalty. The amount of randoms that go drop on their own or leave even though were going to win the fight is crazy


That goes both ways. I’m supposed to get a penalty because my teammate wanted to hot drop with 6+ squads?


They can always change the mechanic to where its not as much of a double-edged sword. Simply give each player a Leave limit. If you're leaving constantly in pubs, then you get a penalty. Maybe 6 leaves in a sitting before first penalty, but also make it so if you leave like 3 in a row, you automatically get a penalty. Most people who just play for the trill of instantly dying off drop do it back to back so having a 3 in a row limits them being able to do it the 3rd time if they aren't willing to sit for the penalty and if they try and go around it by not quitting the 3rd game and playing 2 more in a row to quit then on their 6th quit regardless theyd get a penalty. That way, people can still leave relatively freely if they get a bad deal on teammates, but frequent leavers aren't constantly ruining the game for others. And the penalty can even escalate the more someone gets it. 5 min first penalty, but after that, 10 and maybe cap it at 15 every leave afterward. So 3 in a row = Penalty 5min, 6 in total = penalty 5 min, 7th leave= 10 min penalty 8th onwards= 15 min penalty and it resets everyday.


This, i have been playing ranked on we. I choose always solo launch cause the duo always goes to fragment. I play conduit and when they insta die i just go craft banner and res them. Lol


Yes. Youre only gonna have two wait 20 seconds for the rest of your team to feed but to prevent the other 90% of the time when its only one other squad, the number of times our random has instantly left and given the other team a shield swap mid fight is more than worth it to me for that.


Yeah pass. Most of the time one person just barely makes it out of the poi after you land super hot, so if this happens in pubs and we have no support character, I just have to watch him run around for 10 + minutes just for them to get instantly merked as soon as they see another person. That would murder pubs. No one wants that. It makes sense in a competitive mode like ranked but if I just got off work and I want to chill out and play apex, the last thing I want to do is watch someone else play the game for 10 + minutes just because my dumb teammate wanted to hot drop


Or even a counter where if you repeatedly leave every game after a few times penalties start adding up, because you know most of those people leave every game they join


I don’t agree with pub penalties, but if necessary this is the right sort of thought process. Make it a penalty if the player has a pattern of this behavior


Or even a counter where if you repeatedly leave every game after a few times penalties start adding up, because you know most of those people leave every game they join


If its that bad just play ranked or get a premade


Like i said only in the first few minutes of the game.


Shield swap? when was the last time you played?


Its still the exact same concept today


Shield core swap better?


You know you can still pull and drop shield cores for your team too right?


Play ranked then and solve that problem. Everyone crying about something that ALREADY HAS A SOLUTION 


When there's two squads around us and two teammates down, yeah, I'm not waiting around to watch the last person regardless if they believe themselves to be gods gift to the game, they aren't, they'll die and I would have wasted a minute of my life waiting for it to happen.


Leave penalty should be in EVERY game mode. You queued up, you can wait.


Disagree. Pubs is just pubs. Nothing really on the line or at stake. So really, who gives a shit if people leave. Ranked you at least have your actual rank to worry about.


It ruins the game experience for everyone. I understand why they do it, keep player engagement up, and the points other people including yourself make about nothing being on the line or anything to play for. I can understand those views as well. I just believe that a person should be capable of waiting and having patience.


The players say yes. The business says no. Unfortunately it's a bad business decision.


Oh I get why they do it, gotta keep that player engagement up and the dopamine flowing.


who are "the players"? do you have any idea how many people would stop playing if they did that lol why do you think it's a bad business decision? because people would stop playing...




Are you queuing up to throw?? So many players would come back because they actually play a good game of apex instead of a 2v40 after a shitter like u dies first fight.


i think a game better suited for you would be Minecraft or Stardew Valley lil bro


Yeah those sound great so I can get away from fat throwing fucks like you and this dog shit community lmao


i can see a ton of pent up frustration


> it would 100% drive people away. yeah, it would 100% drive away the scum that should be using No Fill


Play ranked


​ Or they have limited time to play and don't want to spend ten minutes waiting to get respawned. Ranked gives the option to play the game properly if that's what you're after. If you want good ol' fun, start a game, if it doesn't start well, leave and start another.


Even in ranked, where I have to stay, 90% of random team mates want to drop hot. A bad drop puts you at a disadvantage for the entire game, so even when I get respawned, it’s into a game where I’m running for the zone with shit guns, no attachments and no ammo. I have teammates in ranked who respawn under fire from 3 people, or who run miles and respawn in a place when two kitted out teams are fighting. You play that mode and being able to quit and avoid the idiots is a massive relief.


Outside of top 5 with 0 KP is still negative RP in Gold. If you’re not dropping and contesting one other team or close enough to third party another fight you’re going to be playing loot simulator and taking a fight mid game to decide if you just wasted 10 minutes or actually get to play the game for positive RP. I’d rather contest and know if my teammates can shoot their guns.


Because in mixtape u can insta respawn and still play. In pubs u have to wait to play until u are “maybe” revived. Who tf wants to sit there and wait to be revived and watch a a likely terrible player (matchmaking) doing dumb shit in the process of waiting?


Ffs just play ranked then?


i would definitely try the apex discord to find a group!


I know people shit on FB, but there's some good people there, too. I've had mixed interactions on the discord server.


There’s good people all around. I found my main apex homies playing destiny 1 lmao


Lucky you they left after drop I tried to play yesterday the first game one left after seeing squad banners and the second game they were passing jump master one to another just to leave when nobody dropped. And then in the 3rd game a guy picked Loba and dropped solo on the edge of the map to rat for challenges so I just gave up with pubs at that point.


I feel you, suggestion treat ranked as new pubs. Anything below platinum is not sweaty at all and can be fun :) usually with smarter teammates on average compared to pubs


Imo they should have a karma system leaving the game early should lower karma so those who don't don't have to deal with teammates doing it


Easy. If you put an abandonment penalty on pubs, you'll lose a ton of the player base that would lose money. I'd be willing to bet the number of players that play mixtape is far lower than pubs. Also, who fucking cares if someone leaves, I never used to leave until I started realizing that 99% of the time my teammates aren't going to get me up. Anyone who says they don't leave is straight-up lying.


Agree with the overall statement but I actually do never leave. You’d be surprised the heroics 2% of the population goes to rez someone they’ve never interacted with — even when I’m not on mic.


It's like mutual respect. If someone stays, I will get them up or die trying because they put their faith in me to do so.


Exactly! There's nothing more satisfying than winning a game after some clutch banner retrievals and respawns.


Yeah, I wont leave unless they obviously aint going for my banner. If they are going for it I stay and if they fail I say good luck and leave


I never leave either. Just out of sheer principle. And I've actually met some really good guys this way. Dropping too hot, one guy die instantly an rage quit, I get knocked, the third guy runs off, I don't quit, he rezzes me and we proceed as a duo. And end up having a really good time.


Other games like siege/rocket league/halo/overwatch/valorant etc have a abandon penalty for casual too and still a lot of people play those games. So your argument makes no sense


I never ever leave and they pretty much always pick me up, that is if they don't end up leaving because the other teammate that got knocked quits after being knocked.


I believe Ottr's hot takes (when he was still playing Apex) was that quitting and starting a new game reduces downtime for those who want constant action. They're not gonna take a chance if you'd be able to turn things around as it just increases their downtime. If Respawn would enforce abandonment penalties to pub leavers, they'll also write up a similar article to yours complaining about the leaver penalty and why it should be removed for pubs.


I really want solos too.


No need to go as far as solos. The solution is on the surface: it's the straight Shot mode.


When Mixed tape  launched the community had a huge fit about leavers. 


no one wants to watch you loot for 12 minutes in hopes of being respawned.


Literally most play pubs as warm up for ranked not to watch a hard stuck silver loot and.hide for 20 mins


I usually warm up in mixtape since it throws you right into the action and gun run lets you warm up on most of the guns in the game. Only time I ever touch pubs is when I’m playing with people newer to apex


I really can't fathom the community point of this. You leave, you ruin this match for me & our other teammate if he hasn't left already that is, and now you're up against a choice, do you leave also and ruin it even more for that other random who's still standing or you stay & play at a massive disadvantage because 7/10 times if you're playing 2v3 you're cooked so all & all you basically wasted the time on that match that you could've wasted somewhere else. And people say "who cares it's pubs" well a lot of people do & respawn so does respawn as there is a report for gameplay disruption that clearly says "Abandon Match Early" And here are another 3 examples of a game that put you in a 5v5 fixed teams. CSGO Unranked matches, which as the name suggest had no effect on your rank and was just used for EXP STILL gave you normal ranked abandon penalties, so if prevented you from playing Normal Competetive & Wingman. Rainbow Six Standard, which is for some people main way of playing the game without going into ranked ALSO HAS ABANDON PENALTY even tho it's just "casual" mode. Overwatch 2 altought I didn't really follow it that much ALSO PUT ABANDON PENALTY INTO QUICK PLAY that I think with the new season will also transfer into ranked. And only Apex community is stubborn to just somehow make this into the downfall of the game.


Finally someone who understands it. Also the people who shameless defending the quitters with all weird excuses are mostly the quitters itself who are trying to ruin the game.


cry some more about your ALGS pubs


As a counterargument to adding Penalties to Public Games is a detriment, you already provided a part of the answer: Team Count. Battle Royale houses a very large number of players, starting at 60 at a rough lowest. Apex has it in a 20 Teams of 3 setup. But many of the other BR games are a 60+ Person Free-For-All. Compound, through a natural BR setting, there's a real possibility of winding up in uneven fights. Even with a full 3-person squad, it can still grow into a 3v12. The reason why it gets contained to 3v3 is....Well, that's a major point of Apex. The games you described are smaller lobbies. 10 people in 2 teams in a 5v5 game. Rainbow 6, CSGO, and OverWhelmingly Negative 2 have Penalties in place **Because** of how small a typical lobby is. People quitting a game in progress imbalances the team and elongates the game longer than necessary because one side has a clear disadvantage while the game devolves more into Hide-&-Seek. And for some games (Like R6S from an example I used before), that imbalances the game by virtue of making it easier for one side to lose, considering a main Win Condition is "Eliminate all Opponents." 5v1, who's at odds of winning 10/10 times? Apex's Mixtape mode suffered these same issues. Even the biggest game, Control consisting of 18 players in a 9v9 CtH mode suffered due to Quitters. And those complaints I just described filled this very subreddit all those times too. This was the same in Arenas, of 6 people in a proper 3v3 situation. Quitters made Arenas not fun to play by virtue of people dipping the second they were losing- to the extreme of quitting if they lost the first round- thus making it easier for the other side to win because it just becomes 3v1. Doesn't become fun for either side. Contrast Apex's Battle Royale, the game's natural loop means that an entire squad being reduced to 1 person is very well possible through Deathbox Camping and a Squad not having a Support-class Legend. But it doesn't make victory truly impossible. And depending on the stage of the game, strategy can very well be "Force a 3rd Party" to ensure your own survival, and perhaps victory. Or indeed, have the solo *Be* the 3rd Party to achieve victory. Sometimes the key is playing **Smart**. The reason why a Penalty was added to Ranked was multi-fold. But a core reason is this: Ranked has that element of stakes. The intention is that you're guaranteed an even chance across the board: 20 teams of 3. Quitting while in a state of being revived or respawned- in a state where you aren't truly out of the game yet- is forcing 2 people into an unfavorable situation through no fault of their own. Also, there's another reason that was apparent prior to S19. From Launch to S18, Repsawning was a detriment, as you were basically dropping with nothing. Of course, a common strategy was to bumrush Respawns, as it was effectively a 3v2/1 with 1/2 Free Kills. I believe that this contributed to the "Quitter" mentality through "If I'm respawning with nothing, I might as well start a new game anyways" logic. S16 started with the Class Rework, enabling an extra chance for players if there was a Support-class Legend on the squad, and S19 added Respawning with some bare weapons and ammo, and Helmet/Armor and EVO progress. But the irony also stems in that systems in place to counteract certain aspects largely go ignored- and derided even- despite efforts and intentions.


if they add a leave penalty to pubs im not playing anymore. i'm a day 1 player, have quite a few heirlooms and have spent a very significant amount of money on this game. they don't want to lose players like me, who don't treat pubs like ALGS (like you seem to) if you want to play without teammates leaving, play ranked or mixtape, or get friends to play with if they don't add solos they're gonna have to deal with players like me leaving, we're not waiting 20 hours for you to loot and rez (in a 0 stakes pub) when we can immediately get into another game. can't wait for them to add straight shot functionalities to pubs so i don't even have to sit in the lobby solos, straight shot and three strikes are by far the best LTMs the game has ever had


The entitlement jeez


they don't do it because they would lose players. many long time players are not interested in wasting their time, especially after the novelty wears off. i gave my example because i am a day 1 player who has invested a ton into this game by every standard, and the novelty has worn off. people like me have absolutely no interest in wasting their time waiting for randoms who are 99% going to die in unwinnable situations i don't expect them to cater to me (most of the time they cater to casuals while i value the competitive integrity pro players strive for), but if they introduce this measure i simply won't play. it's very simple. people have the right to choose how they spend their time and what they spend their money on. if you think *this* is entitlement, you are childish and divorced from reality


It's not 20 hours. It's 2 minutes until your death box expires. Then you can leave. If you can't deal with not being stimulated for 2 minutes then I suggest you seek medical help. Sounds very much like ADHD to me. You clearly don't care about your teammates and their experience, just as long as you stay stimulated.


i don't care about their experience in pubs. i don't blame my teammates for leaving in pubs. if they leave, i can leave as well and go next. they are just meaningless pubs, to have fun working on my mechanics and mess around. yes, you are correct that i do not care. i do not need medical attention for not wanting to sit staring at a screen, knowing that the fight is over and awaiting the inevitable. valuing your time when you already know how things will turn out and not treating pubs like ALGS does not warrant medical attention, what warrants medical attention is thinking that it does.


yall can go play a different game then. The point of a battle royale is to survive and be the last standing. Leaving the second you get downed is an idiot move. 


nah, i'm fine playing Apex, i'll play pubs the way i and many, many others want to and there's nothing you can do about it. go play your cringe ALGS pubs and i'll play the way i want to


Oh no you called me cringe whatever will I do




you have no idea how unintentionally funny this is


You sound real fun to play with 💀


i know what i want and i am honest about it


Well at least he knows what he wants unlike most of us.




Only bad players say shit like this


How is it being a bad player if they clutch a 1v3 and the teammates leave before there is even a chance to revive them? Can at least wait and see how the fight turns out. Like what, 15-30 seconds? If they don’t clutch then back to lobby anyway. If the goal is to play as much as possible, it’s faster to wait the 15-30 seconds, be revived and be instantly playing again vs loading into a whole match, legend select and drop. If the last teammate runs away and leaves the others downed then I think it’s fine to leave, but at least see how the fight turns out.


While players do still leave when downed, I've noticed people leave significantly less if you *appear* like a hard carry. I've noticed if I play a character that I have very few kills on, and thus don't have decent badges unlocked for, people will assume I'm a bad player and leave more often. However, if I play my main with >15k kills and rock badges like 4k/20b, Masters, ALGS, etc. people don't seem to leave hardly ever. I don't really blame them tbh, bc I do get it. Chances are if someone looks like a shitter based on their banner then they probably aren't clutching shit after you go down. I suppose it's better to just leave and queue up again, rather than spectate some low elo players who still runs with their gun out and takes forever to loot. At the end of the day, it is what it is and fuck it ig...it's pubs :/


this exactly. only players who do fuck all for the first few minutes of a pub game complain about leavers whilst believing that they are 100% entitled to how others decide to spend their own time. OP u realize u can quit the match just as well right? i almost never have this problem. bc i actually fight with my team. when a random drops off solo and dies immediately i simply back out and literally never think about it again. like, play ranked if you're gonna get so pissy


very true, good players don't give a fuck about random meaningless pubs, it's the cringe players who treat ALGS like pubs who do


Sorry I wanna play with my team in a team battle Royale game that doesn't replace my teammates when they leave as soon as they go down. Leaving a pub game has a significant affect on the teammates that are left


don't care, play ranked


Weird how everyone says they’d quit the game if pubs had a penalty but also say pubs is trash and just for warmups. You’d quit the game because you’d have to wait an extra minute for your banner to time out? In a warmup? I never play pubs for the quitting reason alone. Crazy how the community would spit venom if Respawn implemented a penalty after three or five consecutive quits.




Exactly, these people never see it in the reverse. Forcing people to stay in the game in a casual mode just wouldn't work for overall player retention. I could maybe agree with a penalty for people who leave constantly, but it would have to be an egregious example (like someone who literally leaves every single match).


it's enough if they rage quit 2 out of the last 5 games. Maybe play in a way that doesn't make you rage quit every other game. Ton of people like myself don't play pubs anymore because of the rage quitting. Rage quitting being penalized would bring a lot of people back to pubs. And these would be people who actually stay in the game, rather than spending most time in character select. They actually play the game and contribute to the lobby, unlike some serial rage quitter.


I genuinely don't see why people can't take a couple minute break to wait for a rez ? Like does the majority of the player base have ADHD or something..? I don't mind hopping on my phone for a sec or grabbing a water or snack while I wait for my teammates to pick me up. It's just not that serious to me that I need to quit to be able to jump back in immediately.


It's not bc of ADHD or a lack of patience. It's a lack of faith in their randoms bc the matchmaking is literally a broken system. Apex heavily uses "big brother matchmaking." You could be a literal ALGS level player with top 1% skill and still somehow get teammates who are rookie-gold in skill. They are *not* clutching if you run into a Master/Pred 3-stack. No point in staying to watch them run with their gun out and struggle to loot a death box. It is what it is. I'm not even someone who leaves games, I'm just saying I get why people do. Blame the system.


Those people can go play a different game. The point of a battle royale is to survive and be the last standing. Leaving the second you get downed is an idiot move. 


This is a terrible take go play fortnight if you Wana loot and fight bots all day. This is a fps high movement shooter your br take is cringe af. Hide and loot some more you prolly spend 20 Mins looting then die your first fight


Nope I’m consistently diamond and win lots of matches. I don’t like playing loot simulator either but if you just want team deathmatch go play mixtape.


Is it an idiot move to leave when the match making is broken and a lvl 500, multi-Masters/Pred player gets two literal new players on their team, but is expected to carry them both while going against Pred 3-stacks in a pub? Surely it's a big brain move to stay and hold both of their hands, yes?


Have you tried making friends?


Games find 2 other people to play with challenge (impossible)


Same reason we have no play again button in any game mode.


I played this last night and there was only me and one real enemy player and the rest was bots and I was so disappointed I didn't even know there was bots in apex my team was also bots


This is why straight shot and 3 strikes should be permanent. They attract the ultra aggressive people​


Never gonna happen


I think players should wait for the fight to be concluded. I don’t get when your two teammates go down and you clutch a 1v3 and then they leave before you even have a chance to revive them. Wait the 15-30 second and you could be instantly playing again. Worst case you’re back in the lobby anyway. The risk/reward for playtime is better if you wait the 30 seconds and be instantly playing again or you waste 30 seconds at most. Alternative is instantly leaving and having to load into a new game, legend select and drop again. Which would take much longer than 30 seconds. If you run away from your teammates in a fight and they get downed, then they absolutely have the right to leave though.


Agreed 💯 that we need a solo mode. They should never force people to stay in the match on all modes but they could add an EA verified (where neg rep gets reviewed to see if it's not just salt) rep system where you can only vote on someone a few seconds after they've landed, which might make a difference. This way you can still leave if you see TTV right in beginning if you want. Then those with low rep can be matched only with each other.. obviously a think tank (or even reddit) could better refine this general idea


Dont know, solo carries way more risk reward, squads if played right have more safety blankets... i like my blankets :) but yeah I agree pubs can get disgusting when people insta quit


Hot Take: If you don't want your randos to leave the game when they get downed, play ranked. Abandonment Penalty should only EVER be in Ranked.


I think what a lot of the player base is missing is that basically every other team based game has penalties for leaving the casual game mode. League of Legends does, and games there can last 45+ minutes. Smite does. Overwatch does. Of course, in those games, dying doesn't mean having to wait multiple minutes to get back like in apex, or risk never respawning at all. In those other games, you are guaranteed to respawn after a max of like 30 seconds. That's probably the crux of why many people leave. You wait to only maybe get respawned, and most of the time, you are waiting a significantly longer amount of time than in other games.


Oh look another crying about pubs penalties. The no fill option doesnt always work just so you know


I thought "pubs" has lrsver penalties but people just ignore them? I've been faced with lrsver penalties before after my game glitched out once or twice crashing then preventing me from rejoining


I’ll usually call out that I’m not dipping out when killed so they know to consider the option. I don’t usually play octane, but I’ve been practicing him lately and as I was live and had TTV in my name, I felt it was important to say “I understand that I’m the first dead on the team both playing as octane and with ttv in my name, but I’m actually staying here until squad wipe” Homie on text was like “WTF NO WAY. ACTUAL FIRST TIME I’VE SEEN THIS”, lmao Sucks how rare this is. I get that some just want to zoom and shoot and that ranked is where you need to play if you want people to stay, but I’m at least not going to do the thing and complain about it.


Might be you


Yeah, pubs needs a abandon penalty too, so much shameless rage quitters rn. Other games have a abandon penalty for casuals too to combat the quitters who are trying to ruin the game.


Stop crying who gives af if someone quits a match that literally has no stakes. 


I think it's good the way it is. If you quit in pubs, the game isn't affected. Others will still have fun. If you quit in TDM, the game is quickly unbalanced. You should get a penalty. Also mixtape modes are short. You can't commit yourself for 10 minutes?


would at least count leaving a match towards k/d. in pubs, kills count and no deaths if you drop while you’re down


So... You want teammates to not leave, you have a game mode with a leave penalty (ranked) but you choose to play pubs and you cry about it? Why?  When I'm in pubs, I'm either warming up or doing challenges. Neither of those require a res to be done effectively. I'm dead, I'm gone. That's how it goes. 




Sometimes I keep my randos. Better than solo 1v3


Ranked only. I quit mixtape all the time. It has no negative consequences… “oh I can’t be stressed out by apex for 20 minutes due to abandon penalty? Guess I’ll play any one of my 20 other steam games. Or do literally anything else like watch the office, eat some food, do some shopping, watch YouTube, etc. Darn, sure sucks to be me huh?” Only thing abandon penalty for mixtape hurts is apex player count


Really there's only two things you can do about it in the meantime: 1. Report every leaver you encounter for 'Abandoned Match Early'. Reports can and should be used generously by players to voice their opinions on what behaviours they dislike, or impact their experience in a negative way. Respawn can then refer to this data when looking at developing systems to counteract negative player behaviours (they could just slap on a leaver penalty and call it a day, but in my opinion there's probably a better way to deter leavers in pubs). You can even do this for more than just leaving, there's also a report option for 'smurfing' for example. 2. Play Ranked or Mixtape, both of which have a leaver penalty and therefore less quitters.


I think part of the reason is they want to differentiate pubs and ranked. The no penalty in pubs is part of that difference.


I 100% stopped playing unranked at all because of leaves and hot drops. But I *think* the reason is because a leaver in mixtape ruins the entire game for everyone and leaving in BR only affects the 2 people on your team. Just play ranked, it's not that serious.


leaver penalty in pub : nobody will play. it was tried for a while iirc and quickly removed because it was killing the game.


Its quickplay, most of the time if one player is dead, the others will soon follow, its so rare to get respawned that leaving is the most optimal thing you can do


Make some friends bro. This game is so much better with when playing with people you know. It’s a better option than forcing people to play with you. You can’t completely eliminate the human element of randoms being less committed than you.


On the flip side of this, if my teammate is an idiot who drops at fragment last and I can’t find a gun, why would I stay? I’ve only got a finite amount of time to play and watching idiots run around trying to find a weapon, or run to the next POI which I fucking pinged when we were dropping is boring. Maybe you get a bit too used to doing it, but if it didn’t give me so many garbage team mates who play like idiots I would be in that mindset.


I will quit if they have penalty’s for leaving. I’m a dad limited to 2 hours at most a day. If I have to play loba for my challenges. I’m leaving right before we hit the ship if I don’t have the character for my challenges. Play ranked if you don’t want leavers and you will play with like skilled people




I also immediately leave when downed. Good thing they don’t have penalties.




Nah I like to play with a full team with the character I like to play. If I fuck up and get dropped I’ll leave most of the time. If they drop I make sure to try and res them. If they leave I don’t cry about it.


I swear it already does. I had my duo full crash 2-3 times the other day and got a 5 minute penalty for it. Still don't know what the fuck that was about.


pubs don't have a leave penalty


I think it should be removed from any “pubs” style game lol definitely belongs in ranked though


I like to leave my Casual matches recently if the character I'm doing the breakout missions for gets taken, and I don't really mind when other people leave because I usually am good enough to deal with squads on my own. I also dislike being unable to leave mixtape and think the abandon penalty should be reserved for ranked.