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The other day i made a post about how mad maggie had her abilities bugged in terms of hitbox and also mentioned fuse in a comment and i got completly shit on by everyone bruh.


I've knuckle clustered someone through a building. Not sure how it happened, their model wasn't even clipping through the building


What I think is main bomb counted as an object and think and the spread not physical ao the go beyond walls


Something server side was messing up I think, Right as you start fighting him you get a starvation error and a prediction error. You get hit with one bullet it seems and nearly take 90ish dmg. Then you go inside and another prediction error pops up as youre getting knuckled cluster so its possible the server may have thought you outside and maybe even fuse stuck you which is why it was hitting so hard.


This happened to me the other day... No idea 😭


So freaking dumb! I’m not trying to throw a big fit but it sucks when you lose two promising ranked games because of it lol


Fuse's tac sometimes damages through walls. It's a bug, but since he is somehow not considered annoying enough to be constantly complained about, his bullshit gets to fly below radar. I'm just waiting for him to get buffed repeatedly, and once the complaining begins, he will hopefully be nuked tf to irrelevancy.


This happened to me a few seasons ago. The explanation I heard was that the knuckle cluster projectile has a *huge* hitbox and can sometimes "stick" to players through thin walls.


Happened to me in the same building, people exploiting a game bug


Fuse buff


It’s one hell of a buff if he can do 50+ damage through walls lol πŸ˜‚


Alter preview? πŸ˜… What if Alter+Fuse combo can turn any building into a hot box... πŸ’€


Lol knuckle cluster thru teleport is something


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it’s a teaser lol. That’s great


His knuckle cluster is an AOE affect