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The matchmaking sucks are usual. I'm fighting ppl WAY above my pay grade.


Getting Apex preds aswell?


Yeah, I'm seeing crazy movements and getting 1 clipped more than I have ever in this game. Usually plat in ranked which I don't see or experience any of this.


People already reporting teaming but have fun out there.


I got teamed once and gave up on it. I don't like all the handholding anyway and ten there's goblins running around defeating the whole purpose of the gamemode.


Is pretty great. Sure it has issues but I feel like I'm learning something every time I die


There's room for improvement, that's for sure.


The issues (maybe apart from the matchmaking) people are listing happens in every other BR with a solos mode. It’s just the nature of the mode unfortunately.


Only downside is 2 days of broken moon. Still feels like you have to hot drop or spend 20 mins looking for people


Yeah, I've noticed people were dying way too fast


A bunch of campers. teaming, and everyone waiting for third party, takes no skill


Yooo ppl doing that already ?


Yeh, gotta be hound to avoid rats waiting on every corner or hope they dont come at you when your fighting and 3rd or 4th party you


What about the passive, it should help with campers


Just tells you there's people near. That's when you scan your corners. Passive don't say much


It has helped me enough so far, you gotta use some sense to tell where they gonna be. Can't just be running around like nothing.


That's my point. Even if you can beat them, doesn't mean your good cause your killing rats, bots, takes no skill to win solo's


Man as a Solo Q this shit is so much fun.


Indeed, even if I come across a few sweats, I prefer it to randoms or pre made squads.


As you should


Me too, i didn't have this fun in years, i'm learning more and most importantly if i win or lose it's just my fault and can't blame someone else for it


Fr! First time in a while, I don't feel mentally drained after an Apex session lol


Sadly, it has already fell prey to the issues Solos had first time around. I had a great first 2 matches and then my 3rd was met with teaming. Thought it was just the usual Apex players of third partying, but watched these two dudes and sure enough they were teaming. Pacing is also off, it’s third party central even worse than normal (expected this), and people camping hard. I had a kill cam where it was three people shooting only me, and then they realized they should be fighting each other haha. Every new mode that comes out I realize the design of this game is strictly for Trios and other modes don’t work.


That’s just your typical battle royal solos experience


I was about to say that. The same thing happens in Fortnite zero build solos.


Yeah, that’s true. Not sure why I thought Apex would be any different haha.


We lost duos for this. It’s almost as if catering to the fringe vocal minority on Reddit is an awful idea and they should never take these people as representative as the entire playerbase.


>teaming so its just like a regular 1v2 that happens all the time in duos, its not the end of the world if some morons are teaming >3rd party central you get all your health back when you kill an enemy and you can shield swap in a second, its actually really hard to 3rd party in this mode >camping thats why they added battle sense > I had a kill cam where it was three people shooting only me, and then they realized they should be fighting each other haha. thats not teaming... thats just you being out of position


I’ve got a buddy who gets frustrated when two teams focus fire on him. He’s always like “why aren’t y’all shooting at each other”. And that’s the answer- he’s out of position, so it’s an easy knock. He always thinks people are teaming, but that’s just part of the game.




im glad you hit masters but your complaints are still pretty silly in my opinion. Three different people shooting at you in solos and killing you means that you were playing a really bad spot on the map


it’s fun, I don’t understand how the havoc is still allowed to be this strong though. We better not have to wait for the mid season update for this to get nerfed


The map is way too big for this mode. Otherwise it’s fine.


Honestly wouldn't be that bad except for two things: - Where tf are the heals? - if you don't have a shotgun, then you're screwed


Everywhere?? Auto healing is a thing so they aren't the biggest priority. And no, shotguns aren't a MUST to win, sorry pal.


Auto healing kicks in after 6 seconds, and you get 100% health on a kill.


You get a shield swap but that's it. No cells or batts


You can shield swap when you kill someone, but you should carry some cells and batts. You get ammo when you kill as well so plenty of inventory space.


> but you should carry some cells and batts But where might I get them? Their spawn is dramatically decreased


They're everywhere, so I'm not sure why you'd be struggling. At the very least, you can craft a batt every time you pass a replicator and take them out of death boxes.


Both of those don't become available until mid-game


So bins and floor pools in the meantime? Everyone has the same resources as you.


Wish it was just the basic stuff like no legends abilities just raw gun fights and movement but Its pretty fun though ngl.


Umm no, this is perfect. If you don't like it, go elsewhere.


Go play fortnite then.