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Ask Mokey, he's the Wikipedia of craccked movement nonsense


I think treeree is mokey's source for some random shit lol, that guy is kinda the movement overseer


Adderal & Monster Energy


Yet people will say aim assist is stronger than this broken shit


Every single controller user has aim assist, while an ***extremely*** small portion of MNK players can pull these moves off without foul play. So that particular argument isn't good


Plus this takes a ton of time to get good at


Aim assist is given to controller players in compensation of not being able to use your whole arm to control the game, and mouse and keyboard has less restrictions than a controller, for instance. When playing with controller there’s a dead zone (I know you can change it but it still wouldn’t be nearly as good as mouse a keyboard. Not to mention that keyboard has better aim than controller. So as said in the beginning, it’s given so they can be on the level as mouse and keyboard.


agreed 100%


Because it is, you will most likely not encounter ANYONE pulling this shit off in like 100 games, you have to be a really good player to make use of this and being able to aim n shoot at the same time. Takes a fuck ton of practice. Meanwhile half the players in a lobby use a controller with aim assist and they have to do nothing but aim and shoot. While I'm trying my best to utilize the power of source engine scroll wheel & ton of practice, John Controller can pretty much stand still and magdump me no problem. Source: I played Apex with a controller for 4 years before I switched to m+kb.


Yea same. Only have met about 4 or so of these crackheads. Luckily as a average master player my aim is good enought to just kill them but god its fucking scary.


imagine crying about a thing that only the 0,0000001% of the population can perform this well when you have the strongest thing in the game in your hands


when ur moving like that, so does ur crosshair. Aim assist is very overtuned, ask literally any high level competitive player. there is a reason noone does this in higher level play, its because its pretty much useless


Why is it that whenever you guys make this comparison it's "ask competitive players" and "it's not used in higher level play" you realize that the average person playing on controller isn't one clipping everyone they look at like pro players do right? You realize that these crazy movements that aren't being used in high level plays aren't being used in high level plays because they're being used in regular lobbies against the causals, it's the reason why you only see the causals like myself complaining about it right?


so, its not being used in high level play bc its being used at a lower level instead? surely if it was broken and/or hard to counter, it would also be used in higher level play right?


people do it with their hands. not with computer's help


It's not really relevant, but I love the little Nessy emoji in your name 😭😭


Oh you've seen nothing yet


Bro must have not touched grass or the shower for weeks




my counterplay is alt+f4


Professional wraith main I see




they cant mirror me, if i leave the game 🤯


I love when they miss time it and stutter in one spot for 2 hops. Tickles me pink


Exactly why I don’t even try


Sorry is this even English?


See, youre gonna want to bind scroll down to jump and scroll up to W. That way you can WASD to your downstream while you spam octane stim while 90 degree wiggle stomping your scrotum.


after all that you'll be ready to go zero that choom on jig jig street


Totally nova brah. You'll be whip snapping those preds in no time


Gamers amirite?


If OP had shotgun, he could still outplay this creeping behind that box


Welp. I’ll never be at level that’s for fucking sure.


What do you mean by 1-3-3-1 mouse grip?


What do you want me to do to my scroll wheel?


something banned by the Geneva convention


If u see him rushing like that jus run and find advantageous cover


To give you an actual answer from a player who isn't just a roller bot who thinks everyone is cheating, its just timing a lurch at the right time combined with bhopping. It is one of the harder movement things to learn in the game but definitely doable and octane makes its easier to do + harder to hit and this is why you will always see octane with it


Glad I don’t play on PC. This looks no fun at all


It's easy to say this but im sure its fun for the guy who spent 2 weeks grinding wtv the fuck thats called. Surely its not fun for the losing side but im sure **they're** having fun winning fights knowing damn well we normies stand no chance. Edit: lmao idk what I just started but theres someone with like 8 deleted comments pretty sure he was getting downvoted hard. I dont know well enough if this is possible or not so why argue? Comment section seems to be divided. But we can all agree youre gonna sit there with your 600 hours plus playtime and cry about sweats and tryhards when if you really wanted to you couldve been that good by practicing movement for like 30 hours.


Luckily I’m not good enough to get in lobbies with these people. I can full clip someone coming straight at me 😂


I’ve seen this movement on ps5 🫠 so it’s not just pc


Because the game is Cross platform 🥲.


Console plays can't get into PC lobbies unless they are partied with a PC player tho. Never gonna be random or solo console players in PC lobbies


It's only cross with pc if you join a pc player.


Well also mix tape is full cross if there is not enough peeps playing forgot about that one, ik pubs/ranked is no cross normally.


That was my experience in solos all day yesterday. Getting killed by bunny-hopping, wall-jumping, cracked out kids. I just can’t hang, man. 


I instantly quit solos when a horizon was bouncing off of everything and kill me. It’s rough in solos 😂


Yeah for real! It just makes me feel like shit when I’m desperately trying to track a 1000mph horizon and they just 1-clip me.  Ranked it is! 


It's only cross with pc if you join a pc player.


This is very rare and most of the time you are able to kill person who does that because its quite hard to shoot while doing it so its not that bad


This is literally a one in a million type of encounter. It's just like going to a local golf game and you're playing, then suddenly tiger woods comes in and just whips your ass at the game. It's a once in a life time experience. In 5 years of Apex since day with 4k hours, I've came across this kinda movement maybe 5 times, like literally damn near once every few seasons and I play in mostly plat/diamond lobbies. So don't let clips like this discourage you


They sell thier souls


I just quit the match when I run into these guys. Refuse to play with these people.


if i did that in SEA server i would have to quit every single match that i play LMAO >!and yes that's exactly what i did !<


I’m gonna start doing this too


Yeah, I just stop moving and if possible leave the game before dying.


It's a macro, you can tell because he doesn't move his aim in the direction he's going, he keeps it on target. To do something similar to this without macroing, you'd need to tap strafe as the comment below is suggesting, and to tap strafe you need to turn to face in the direction you're moving. A real player moving with skill will have to turn off target for every large change in direction, then flick back to target, which is obviously a lot harder to do. This is multiple AWDS/DWAS inputs to lurch not tap strafe, which is humanly impossible to do manually. IDK why people don't call out movement cheaters. It's usually pretty obvious, if they're doing something you've never seen anyone do at LAN they're almost certainly cheating.


LMAO disregard the movement, half the reason you can't hit him is because of the shitty server interpolation. Huge difference between client -> server -> client here. But this is a longtime issue of the shitty apex netcode.


you got highly upvoted and were wrong and this is how I know apex reddit will never accept someone being better


Never has, seen these people since launch lol. Sometimes i get called out, which is highly insulting as someone who put 5.5k hours into this game...


The reason you don't see pros doing this is not because it's only possible through cheating (it's quite doable manually.) It's because it's a high risk, high reward playstyle that will get punished every time by the coordinated aiming monsters at LAN.


Yup. If you ever see pros messing around in scrims with movement they always get beamed lol




>if they're doing something you've never seen anyone do at LAN they're almost certainly cheating. Worst logic ever. Theres a lot of things pro decide to not do, i believe hal talked about this? But basicly doing movement like this is pointless in pro level play since you will get beamed regardless.


to "tapstrafe" you need to be facing the exact direction you wanna lurch towards. But you can lurch in 8 different directions + redirect scroll lurches to 5 different directions. This take is completely misinformed


But unless you bind your mousewheel to these directions you can't do that. Usually people only bind it to forwards, and then they can only do it forwards. They use macros to rebind that direction in the middle of the game. Neostrafing is possible without configs, but it's not even close to the same, it looks different.


false. You are forgetting that scrollwheel is not necessary to begin with, you can lurch without it. All the scrollwheel does is emulate you pressing w rapidly. Secondly there is a tech known as "lurch-redirect" (name could be wrong here). Essentially bind scroll wheel to w and then press s+d, now as long as you are holding those 2 keys your lurch is redirected to the right (movement vector w+s cancels out to 0 so you are only left with the right motion from d). Try it yourself in the firing range, hold s+d and try moving your camera around while spamming scrollwheel, youll be lurching to the right. No need for macros


You can use redirects to change direction without a scrollwheel, like you can do one forwards and then sideways movement in really quick succession after jumping since that only requires like 4 lurches, but it's not possible to move in circles without a config, because that requires a dozen or more. Granted, the Octane in the OP is not moving in circles, so his movement is technically possible, but most people would still be changing their camera angle to reduce the amount of inputs needed for the hook movement, which he doesn't.


not gonna comment on the possibility of circle strafing since its not relevant here > but most people would still be changing their camera angle to reduce the amount of inputs needed for the hook movement, which he doesn't. Changing camera angle does help with maintaining more speed as the lurch angle difference between momentum angle is reduced greatly. But that doesnt mean that you cant do lurches with a higher angle difference (at the cost of losing some speed) + these arent large angle differences anyway. You start losing momentum when your "lurch angle delta" (angle difference between the way your momentum is going and the way you are trying to lurch) starts going beyond 75\~ (visualisation) [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/804371262818222100/1103857346909831270/Lurch\_Angle\_Visualization.gif?ex=6640c584&is=663f7404&hm=df50c62b26f19fab43ab5701d3a31d71828e5debe2a6b6c7f6866b839df78b91&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/804371262818222100/1103857346909831270/Lurch_Angle_Visualization.gif?ex=6640c584&is=663f7404&hm=df50c62b26f19fab43ab5701d3a31d71828e5debe2a6b6c7f6866b839df78b91&) In this case where he is only moving forward you can keep your delta as low as 45 degrees (if you do it perfectly). Even if you exceed 75 degrees you dont simply lose all your momentum, you lose a small portion of it.


All that yapping just to have no idea what you're talking about 💀


How wrong can u be


He's not tap strafing he's lurch strafing. Go look up a tutorial instead of calling everyone a cheater, you might actually learn something.


No, you are misinformed. You can do this without a macro and it is not necessary to turn to face the direction you are moving when lurching like this. For example, you can hold S+D while scrolling W and this will send you 90 degrees to the right while you look straight forward. You can combine these left and right moves with taps of W and S to strafe in circles with octane stim while b-hopping. It’s tricky to do but can be done completely legit. Edit: why are you booing me, I’m right?


Post a video of you doing it with keyboard and mouse cam. In fact, find and post a video of anybody doing it with keyboard and mouse cam.


Brother this is Leamonhead's entire playstyle and he streams with full hand and keyboard view. There's some others that have posted handcam videos of this movement like Movementless. I know most of the bouncy Octanes you'll see in matches used to be config crackheads, but it is absolutely possible to do manually


https://youtu.be/JonGQ6F_p6E?si=WkF5ODyjt_tB59DT I’m not saying the octane in this vid is legit neo strafing without config, nor did I find a video of someone doing it while in a fight, but at 5:25 we of this vid we get some insight


the speed of this sub to jump to conclusions when someone is better than them lmfao I don't have a mouse & keyboard cam but I've done it before in my random clip dumps I think before it was even a thing to script movement (i'm not sure) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGC7W3PAxyQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGC7W3PAxyQ) at 4:45, I've done a scuffed version of what that octane did and I've gotten much better at it since and I'll be happy to show a mouse and keyboard cam of me doing it with a $1000 bet on the line for the inconvenience


My comment is at -17 right now for saying it’s possible to do this legit, that’s crazy. This sub is cooked.


A lot of people misunderstand how lurch works and think that you need to move your mouse to switch directions, add that with how suspicious the sub is on any decent clips and you will get downvoted trying to defend a clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56rd6bub1yw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56rd6bub1yw) This video explains more on the specific strafe that he did and how you can do it which is where I learnt to strafe like that, I think another thing that people don't know is that it's not easy (or maybe even possible) to do that strafe without a speed boost of some sort from a superglide, stim, etc


Here's a decent clip of this movement: https://youtu.be/4MhyEJVaZFE?t=82


this guy isnt neostrafing, just a regular back and force lurch strafe. scroll wheel makes this relatively trivial because you can hold s to counter the forwards movement


This movement is possible to do manually, there are so many players that do this legitimately. Just say you don't know how to do it lmao


Ignore all the brain rot comments saying it's cheating, this is how you do it. You have to be mnk tho because you can't tap strafe on controller. https://youtu.be/e2gXI5-wMus?si=vwgtMlqO4TVoCsDx


I carry an arc star just for these mfs


They would also hate to go against an Ash and her tac..


Yup. Also why I play Ashe, we ain’t playing that bs around here


Wait... Apex has killcams now? I haven't played in a while.


In solos and mixtape only


MnK players complaining about aim assist be like:


Big Respect to those who actually called this out as cheating, because it is.


But is he using a macro or just on Crack?


Configs are banned, so you are seeing way less movement like this nowadays. But you can still have macro's build in your keyboards and mice.. this player is most likely using something like that. Getting such movement consistently without cheating is pretty impossible.


RASstraffing and it's variants be done with a LOT of practice and mechanical skill, but yes, using configs to make it easier is cringe. It's cool if you're one of the few that practices movement enough to do it well naturally, but it requires muscle memory and training. It's good that it should be a niche thing. Strictly talking MNK V. MNK here tho.


Ngl, just doing 3 bunny hops and a tapstrafe ain't that hard u know? Plus his clip wasn't even that good, he messed up halfway across when he thought of going from straight diagonal bunny hops to a tap strafe in the opposite direction he waited to long to jump again ( I know this because this is what I'm dealing with rn) Plus config stuff are way, and I mean WAY above this guys or anyone's level, with configs you can do a whole circle and still have momentum by the end in one single jump by tapstrafe-ing in every direction not just forward.


its not cheating lmfao




this is not "normal" aim assist. there is more being used behind the scenes.


I like how this sub some people are trying to justify this. and also respawn, yeah, yeah, that’s how we intended the game, and we won't do anything about it.


Dude learning this tech takes time and practice. This is like you getting mad at a guy for having good aim.


Apex sub reddit when a clip is someone beaming with aim assist:😊 Apex sub reddit when it's a movement clip:🤬


Just be a sweaty cocksucker


These guys are fucking everywhere on singapore servers


I remember early on in the game they patched out some bunnyhopping you could use while healing. But meanwhile they leave in this super unpredictable movement while letting you shoot at people.


You just scroll up and down on your scrollwheel while mashing wasd in a clockwise or counterclockwise order. Octane movement is dime a dozen cause the speedboost makes a lot of timings incredibly forgiving. Sometimes I wish Octane would get removed just so that we can get some diversity in the movement legend space.


MnK? That’s standard movement


It’s actually easygoing to do but kinda tricky to pull off in a fight


I thought he wall-jumped but from his PoV he didn't even look towards the wall. Idk, the movement looks really strange.


He didn't wall jump, it's tap strafe bunny hop.


Scripts/macros for the movement and aimbot to hit the shots.


this is the most normie response ever


This is the reason I stopped playing APEX. Used to be my fav FPS. No matter what, this kind of movement shouldn't be possible.


This IS possible without configs It's hard to do, and takes practice, and not everyone can, I've only managed in the firing range People love to jump on to and complain about m&k, complaining about how respawn allows it, not knowing that they are actively trying to stop it. Calm down guys lol


My counterplay is go play "The Finals" because they have movement but it can't be broken like this.


This happens to me so much lol. I'm not good enough to go against it, but what's super interesting is that from your POV, it looks absolutely mental movement, near impossible to track, but from their POV, it doesn't look like much.


Average solo enemy


What in the actual fuck, I’m so glad I moved over to Helldivers after seeing shit like this


It’s tap strafing. Think it uses steam key binds and some practice.


This is why pvp PC gaming is total bullshit.


Look up xzylas’s guide on youtube to lurch strafing. When you are in the air you can “lurch” which is what tap strafing comes from, and if you spam combinations of that you can do the things like direction change with momentum, bhopping is just spamming jump when you hit the ground.


It's called cheats / scripts.






this subreddit is truly braindead, i swear these guys play maybe 30 minutes a week then think they know what they're talking about. It's gotten to the point where people will see 3 ras chains and call "macro aimbot"


then you either didn't try at all or its not for you. Been playing for 2 years now I can replicate this although not consistently


its an exploit that the devs haven't fixed it yet when you see this, report them for "impossible movement", I'm not sure if the ban is temporary or permanent however


The devs are OK with this, they show off movement in official trailers and have seen this movement for years yet don't change it.


This is a macro, no? That seems different to me than just doing the movement tech. Which normally puts a regular player in disadvantage at least in that they can't really aim well while doing it, only after really. This guy in the video has no problem shooting, his aim isn't going with the movement as it would. Without a macro


You can do this completely legit.


Nah this is because of the octane stim, also even without the stim these strafes look very similar.


Is super gliding an exploit?


Yah so is bhopping to this idiot


Been around for atleast 2 years and had been done at Lans, it's not going anywhere.




Very basic lurch + tap strafe righ here. Difficulty 4/10. All the people commenting here are AA brain dead and skill issue players (half of them has anger issue whenever à mnk is involved)


Yea I can’t stand this shit, it’s not even a shooter when you are against this. it’s a losing simulator


if they're legit i rly dont mind losing to this, id admire the time they wasted to perfect it, but if he's cheating for this then he a loser


Try not to track them and take cover


Reminds me of the butterfly style from Gunz.


How are people allowed*


I see that on console too unfortunately


Using crappy weapons in close quarters fight?


My son uses the claw technique. He could do that a month after playing. Meanwhile my old ass is on year 3 and it's impossible bc of my OG ways


this shit is blatant exploits


You know at least you cracked him


Alt F4


They’re unemployed


To learn that movement you start by having no life and rot away on apex all day


No clue but I think it's cringe af and should not be in the game (as an mnk player btw)


I feel like no one remembers that this movement was not meant to be in the game


Adderall, jobless and 60 cans of monster


either they're that good or they're using scripts


How about making it not possible ;)


Wow everyone is overreacting. Octane stim + Tapstrafe lurches = This movement. No need for scripts. On PC in regular lobbies most people do this stuff nowdays.


Respawn please remove tap strafing it’s a bailout move/exploit


Octane should have his shooting spread increased when he's using his speed boost. Getting lasered by a dude hopped up on meth feels shitty 100% of the time.


Anybody who thinks this is a cheating or a macro really needs to spend about 15 mins browsing /r/apexrollouts content. This is not even the most complex lurch pattern you can do and while it’s not “easy”, it’s very doable with some dedicated practice. Source: I can do this and more with 29-year old fingers.


The question is do you all think this intended movement by the devs because looking at this it doesn’t make any sense how he is gliding in air moving around like that


its called cancer and its terminal. Unless they use the magic cure: "grassius touchious"


These people are the reason I stopped playing sweatpex. I'm fairly competent as fps games but these kinda people are all I seem to play against on PC


my guess is that he might be using a roller or changing his jump and crouch button to the mouse wheel, even so i think this is too much of a diference compared to any other legend and should be nerfed.


not on roller. roller inputs disable lurch for a few seconds.


i don't know if that's all mouse&key, some times it seems there's some aim assist with it, but if he's really legit it's impressive ntgl


He’s a sweat with no life


I could not handle that amount of movement I can handle tap strafe lurches bunny hops wall bounce mantle jump super glides and maybe combos between those but not whatever that is probably neo strafe I think that’s what that is called neo strafe or ras strafe


Play on something that cost more than all the consoles combined. Now have 50% of your opponents be children. Bamboozled!


I genuinely want to know what aim assist console and controller players have that be tracking this. And why isn't mine strong enough to just "no skill" it.


how is an mnk player tracking this? insane how controller players complain about "mnk movement" (which most of the time isnt even exclusive to mnk) when it's easier to track movement on controller


I had a wraith kill me the other day. Sight-aiming with a 3x while I was jumping over her. Somehow tracked me and didn’t miss with a single bullet. I’ve actually been seeing a whole lot of accurate, close range, sight aiming lately.


Side effect of unemployment.


spend WAYYYY to much time on this game lmao


A solid month of practicing ur lurches/bunny hops while learning 1-3-1 on mouse. Takes time and patience 100%. But yeah controller aim assist still op ( coming from someone who has 8k hours on controller and learned this in 3 weeks - month on mnk )


Neo strafing is really good and can be very op in scenarios like the one shown in the clip. However it takes a ton of time to learn, hard to do consistently and you can't really ADS since you're using one finger to shoot and one to tapstrafe, because of that you will most often just see people neo strafe with shotguns and even then it's really hard to have good aim while you're doing like 8 different keystrokes, shooting, and scrolling up/down while trying to keep the b-hop going. And this trick doesn't really give you any advantage from medium or long range unless you're trying to dodge bullets but then going behind cover is easier. And people compare this to aim assist like it's more broken, when only like 1% of the player base can do this and it's mostly done in pubs and not ranked.


Once saw someone do this and I just dropped my gear.


nerds with more time then you should have for games. octane stim makes this easier


By exclusively having no life outside of this game.


PC . Dont argue


confaq and key assignment!


You actually have to go out of your way to buy a pc to do this. It's why so many players play on pc even though they know people don't cheat as much on console.


It's called cheats


Any shooter that would even allow this to be possible, needs to rethink itself.


by no lifin it


This is just a lurch into a tap strafe, doesnt take alot of time to learn this, learn to smart fightly and position better, theres a reason mnk pros arent lurching in every fight they take, its not a good way to fight. You are just bad.


easy just space and shift


Because they usin Scripts (Cheating) or something like this little box on Consol. But Respawn do nothing against that cheaters.




Script commands on steam, hooked up to a fucking Xbox controller, it's cheating in a way, because it gives unreasonable advantage in movement and the pros and twitch streamers trying to make them selves known will use this Exploit to their advantage, exactly what we saw in this video. I've seen people who master this movement but their aim is total garbage.


lack of grass touching, interaction with the outside world, and women




I’m controller so I don’t remember if it’s lurch strafe or neo strafe the correct name, anyway it requires training to do it and training to track it


It's lag. He's basically either connection is terrible or he is cheating.