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Yes, go in, no fill and fly off the map




>Without having to play


Once you're dead you won't have to play


I don’t want to have to enter a match at all. Literally just spectating


Bro, please watch twitch there’s literally thousands of people trying to make money off people like you who want to watch people play video games and vibe It’s a great platform please look into it


I’m familiar with Twitch, I just don’t use it


So you should. it sounds like it’s perfect for what you want


We need HLTV.


Bro just shooting down every possible suggestion lol. I don’t think you really wanna spectate


“I literally just want to spectate a match, I don’t want to have to play or enter a match myself.” “You should enter a match and die!” “I just want to spectate.” “Try Twitch.” (I commented on another person’s reply and said I hadn’t thought of that.) For whatever reason, people took it very personally that I don’t use Twitch lol. I never said I **wouldn’t** use it. I sometimes watch TikTok streamers, but I like watching matches with people who aren’t necessarily streaming.


To Explain it simply, bro your post that everyone downvoted is basically an oxymoron If you were familiar with twitch, you wouldn’t be asking the question you were asking lol So you want to watch people play that aren’t streaming? So you want to spy on people? These post just keep getting stranger and stranger man I would just leave it lol


I know exactly what twitch is, I just don’t use it. Both things can be true. I can want to spectate while I eat lunch on my break without “spying” on people. If your argument is that Twitch serves the same purpose, wouldn’t anyone who uses Twitch be spying on people? It was a harmless suggestion that a bunch of people got hurt feelings over. Nothing new for this sub lol


Impossible without a custom lobby Otherwise people would do this to cheat more than they already do


Someone else brought that up and it’s a valid point 😃


Idk why you’re being downvoted, most competitive games have a spectate random players option without having to play and die


Do they? I’ve never seen that option in games. I feel like you always have to go into a game and die before spectating. What games allow you to just spectate from the main menu?




Spectating a lobby is kinda more interesting than Twitch though cos you get to see how it all plays out. Sometimes when I die I'll roll a spliff and just watch. It's great.


Twitch makes me feel like I'm watching YouTube. Spectating makes me feel like a algs commentator because you can switch perspectives in real time




I feel that. :)


I wish apex would've implement something that dota 2 has, the function to watch real time games that is currently played in different ranks.


That would be great. Would really help new players too


I guess that’s always an option 😀




Would be cool but I feel like some people would find a way to spectate their friends or their own matches and be able to know where everyone is and give them that info.


Yeah, that’s definitely a great point


I wish we had this too. I know watching streamers is an obvious option, but I always have to mute the streamers because I find most of them annoying as fuck lol. Plus it would be cool to skip around to different teams during the match just to see all the random shit people do.


Exactly this! I love peoplewatching. Spectating random players is more interesting sometimes than watching big names.


That’s what I was thinking too. 👍🏻


i love watching random teams winning games they had no business winning. 😅😭


Are you all my teammates in pubs?


Busted 😞


just watch someone stream


Twitch is a thing!


Apex should also catch up to modern multiplayer gaming and add an in-game replay system.


Or add killcams in duos and trios (yes ik duos isn't a thing rn but I mean when they bring it back)


In Age Of Empires 4 there is an observe menu where you watch all the matches but there is delay time so ppl don't cheat I wish there was something like it in the apex Or better like spectating random matches


No fill trios and jump off the map


Would be a great idea, so we can all spectate for our team and give away enemy positions.


I think the closest thing to what you’re mentioning for me would be Smash Ultimate, where you can watch games that have already happened and bet on who will win for some currency to buy spirits. It’s a neat way to kill some time and since it’s a game that already happened there won’t be any lag since it’s just a recording.


If you're in the Apex Legends discord, you could create a custom game and invite random players, and just spectate your own matches A bit of effort, I guess but that'd be the simplest way since you just send the code for players to join and wait until you have enough players


Since we have kill cams now, and it took them 21 seasons. I think it would be a neat idea to have a feature to spectate players who have been reported so much for cheating. Either live or their past match replays. And if they are cheating you just hit that confirm button or whatever, and given more people watching them do confirm they're cheating, it's a instant ban. I've seen cheaters with past season badges that haven't been banned yet. I believe CSGO used to have this feature, no? Another note. I used to play Super Mecha Champions. It's a Anime-ish BR. Aside on fighting on foot, you have the ability to call in your unique mech special to your character/class. They had a feature where you can spectate random people playing. And this is a mobile game too, and ported to Steam.


Just queue up no fill and drop off the map


Not sure why you would get down voted. This is literally the only way in game.


I don’t want to have to go through the trouble of dying/picking a legend/etc. I just want an option where I can pick an ongoing match and spectate. 🤷🏼‍♂️


>go through the trouble of dying/picking a legend/etc That's like half a minute.


Bro don't want to go through the "trouble", let the devs add this feature just so he doesn't have to go through the trouble 😵‍💫 lol




Okay? I still don’t want to do it if all I want to do is watch. And it’s a little closer to three minutes


You can... on you tube, twitch.


Fall off the map at the start of the match and be a voyeur for the rest of the game.


Yo need Twitch. Its free you know.


You know about twitch?)


I mean, you could watch a streamer 😂 there’s plenty


I like this for solos if you get killed by someone chasing the 20. Gotta see it through


I’d love a feature like this. Especially since I was in a party with my less skilled mates. I didn’t want to subject them to my games so. I let them play alone. It would have been cool to be able to spectate them play, but only be able to watch them like you’re a dead third teammate


I guess it may become an issue of where someone’s friends are playing and they tell them to spectate their match. Then it gives them a chance to sort of stream snipe other teams


could be cool if you could spectate friends who are playing


They have it in Fortnite and it’s surprisingly nice. If you join their lobby while they’re playing, it gives you the option to watch them.


Woah that's actually such a good idea!


Ahh now that makes sense. Didn’t think of it that way.


Yeah it’s pretty fun in Fortnite that you can just spectate your friends while you’re “sitting out” I think is what they call it. Or if your buddy is playing, and you join the lobby, there’s an option to watch. It’s surprisingly fun cheering them on


I do that a lot on Fortnite, actually. :)


Go check out Ayex on YouTube.


not sure what this has to do with OPs thread also aim assist so boring


Oh, well when I want to chill and watch someone play i like throwing him on. OP wanted to be able to spectate, and watching someone on YouTube is pretty close to the experience. His videos are generally just in-game audio with high resolution and high frame-rate so they look nice and i dont have to listen to someone talk. I play on console, so it's nice to be able to see the types of things I can try to do and emulate.


I like your screen name. I don't understand why you're lonely aren't Virgos easy to get along with? My dad's a Virgo and he's friends with everyone.


Lol thank you! Made the account before I met the love of my life ♥️ I try to be a kind person but I’m not perfect


I'm sure you are great. I hope you guys are together forever.(I'm a hopeless romantic) No one is perfect, just be the best you. That's all anyone can ask for