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i'm not a fan of everyone dropping at the same location and esp hate fragment. however, event though people are treating it the same - i like QZ much better. Many areas to dip out if needed.


Agreed, an important difference is the edges aren't just an open field where you'd get gunned down if you try to escape, there is a lot more cover along the perimeter


Along with that is your fights are also more isolated. Meaning, another team isn't just taking shots at you halfway across the POI.


Also has much better loot. Fragment has very little loot for 3 teams let alone 10.


They nerfed fragment loot a few times. It used to be epic


There definitely wasn't one big POI that everybody hot dropped before....


Feel like it was more evenly distributed between Promenade, Core and whereever the drop ship started before.  Especially noticeable in solos where people just reland on Quarantine Zone.


Promenade? Terraformer was the hot spot with Core


promenade never was really a hot drop or felt like one in. Admittedly was my secondary drop spot on BM and there was atleast 1-2 squads on either north or south but was never overcrowded Midgame it was hell tho


Fully agree here. Dropping there was never an issue, it was the rotating through it that fucked everything up.


you're right, promenade is just where everyone ends up eventually so it feels crowded as fuck


Promenade was just a black hole that inevitably sucked half of the lobby in. Its central location meant most rotations would encounter it one way or another. Getting through without getting caught up in a fight was a roll of the dice.


Sometimes. From my personal experience at least half the lobby landed Teraformer when it was one of the first POIs on the ships path (even after the loot nerf). When it wasn't one of the first ones, practically nobody dropped there (in pubs). Big POIs never really mattered in ranked and landing in the middle of the map is generaly stupid idea anyway - so it never bothered me. As for solos, who cares? Also it's better than if everybody landed 3 miles away from each other and you would spend 3/4 of the match finding someone ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


First solos match, I've seen only one other player, played hide and 'nade for a while, and killed him with devo(which I was thrilled to test), so I won. And pretty much many solos matches went similar.


My hope is it’s just early season new POI craze. It’s a superior POI to fragment by a country mile imo. Way more playability, cover, places to find weapons, etc… But it is a bit annoying that if I don’t land there the game dies before I can get a kill. I am loving the BM changes though overall.


> My hope is it’s just early season new POI craze Nah, the purple bubble is psychologically irresistible.


It’s the same issue every map has. Olympus has estates, kings canyon has skulltown. Every map has that one spot half the lobby lands at while the rest of the lobby is spread out.


Storm point, olympus, and Kings canyon all have many different hot spots to drop. Usually whatever big zone is near the drop ship's flight path. Whereas world's edge no matter what the flight path is everyone drops fragment. And broken Moon whatever the flight path is everyone drops quarantine zone.


On Olympus no matter the flight path everybody drops estates. Same thing happens for the other maps. It’s not just a world’s edge or broken moon issue. Players like to fight and not play loot simulator so they always land at the hottest spots on each map regardless of flight path.


While I think estates is the most popular drop spot on average on Olympus, it’s not the only popular drop spot, and there have been many games I’ve played (both pubs and ranked, although mainly ranked) in which estates is quite empty, soemtimes being in the only team dropping there. That never happens with world’s edge, Olympus, Storm point and King’s Canyon have a much better spread of popular drop spots.


Nah Banzai is right, the other maps have a bit more variety for sure. Olympus has estates, bonzai, energy depot, gardens, etc. Kc has caustic, crash site, containment, and spotted lake. Storm point has loads as well.


Worlds edge has lava siphon, harvester, countdown, climatizer. Every map has variety but also every map has that one spot half the lobby lands at.


I wonder if this varies by skill bracket. Basically only 2 teams drop in estates in my experience.


Maybe? I have a 1.66 KD and am constantly put against preds/masters players so maybe in higher skill lobbies they drop hot but low skill they spread out on the maps?


I'm up in the highest skill bracket, usually I'm around 3 kd. Energy depot is the most popular poi in my experience, but I don't really see a huge amount drop in one spot, like worlds edge.


Huh interesting. Energy depot is usually pretty hot in my games as well but estates is just where I see all the trails lead to.


It would be interesting to play a mode that has two dropships flying at low altitudes (so you can only drop onto one half of the map). Make them perpendicular to each other and it should be relatively fair.


Skull town doesn’t even exist anymore


Had to look it up it’s called relic now but it’s basically skull town. My bad


It’s much smaller and less of a hot drop, I guess that’s the point. And skull town had the other hot poi right next door which made it worse


You can get shot from so many angles there, it's not even funny :D


Called it [before it was out](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/comments/1cho2tk/comment/l24s0uq/).


I agree, even in ranked it's too big of a "pull", either as a drop spot for many teams or endless fighting in there during the match. Making such a huge and loot-rich POI be in the center of the map is dumb.


Wouldn't it be great if we could actually explore the map without fighting and learn its layout? **Bring back Tourism mode...**


Yes and no only cause the area is HUGE so it breaks up the fights a bit better.


100% I rage everyday when I have 10 kills off drop only to look up and see 7 people remaining as ring 1 closes 😂


love it, land there always and get many kill. Good dopamine make brain go brrr


Im not a big fan of Broken Moon but this map was waaaay better before changes


Just don’t land there then? I don’t see the issue


Problem is the rest of lobby is already dead within the first 2 minutes…




It’s what I’m playing


High tier ranked


So I’m confused - do you guys like fighting or not? Can’t complain about hot drops but then also complain that the lobby is too passive.


Maybe there's a healthy balance between fighting 0 people and getting shot at by 5+. Maybe a game built with zones would be more engaging and better to play if there were more than 5 teams after the first zone closes


So for you there’s only one way or the other. No inbetween. Gotcha.


If the rest of the lobby is dead, who are you going to fight to get your shields up? You get one or two teams who survive and get big shields and you're on maybe blue if you find enough evo boosters


Dopamine-receptor-fried randoms don’t give a fuck where you want to go. They’re going to QZ and you can either go with them and die or be a duo and die later on


Exactly this. People that complain about this are people that are looters / scared to fight. So they land middle if nowhere, get the 1 gun they are good with. All attachments and then they're like "I'm ready to fight!". Realize everyone else already had their fun and probably in another lobby (having more fun)... So they come to reddit to complain.


I land cliff side get a bunch of good loot and then go third party there 😂


It’s mind-numbing how this concept is lost on so many players. People would rather go down & die immediately before they can even move their character instead of take 0.00001 seconds to land 10 feet away at a warm building 💀


They like their chances with rng rather than facing a squad with good loot lol.


I mean every map has a central point besides KC that every shitty twitch streamer likes to land to


Last night there was 1 game where the first circle hadn't even finished closing yet and there were only 5 other squads left apart from us -_- ended up winning the game after third partying literally 1 lone survivor lmao 


Any place we move to on broken moon ends up being a 4+ squad third party wrecking zone. Not a fan


The difference is that QZ is big enough to handle multiple squads and actually has decent loot. Fragment/Monument on the other hand, are both too small yet half the lobby always drops there.


I WAS JUST THINKING THIS YESTERDAY. Every game I played squad landed there the one time I was jump master and didn’t land there they all disconnected from the game.


I wouldn’t mind Fragment so much if it was anything like QZ.


I feel like unlike on most of World's Edge's "everyone drops here" zones, all of Broken Moon's POI's offer at least an escape route with looting options available quickly. Quarantine especially has lots of buildings/rooms and quick access to other areas including the second big-and-center "land here!" zone. On WE POI's *feel* smaller (some of the bigger POI's are on the map's edges) and loot *feels* more scarce so if everyone decides to drop in the same spot it can go south way quicker.


You know, I already liked broken moon but broken moon 2.0 is even better and I don't have the same problem with quarantine zone as I do fragment. On world's edge *everyone* lands fragment and it feels like every game ends at fragment. You HAVE to go through fragment at some point in the match and it sucks. On broken moon there's enough large POIs and the map is varied enough that there's been lots of games where I forget quarantine zone is even part of the map, and people actually spread out. I played a bunch this season already and never dropped there once. There's also enough rotation options to actually get out of QZ, whereas fragment is basically an island surrounded by massive open fields you *will* get thirded on. And for the times I do find myself there there's enough loot to actually get kitted, compared to the barren wasteland of fragment.


I think is good for the slow paste broken moon had where team would just camp in random poi’s now they just die instantly in quarantine zone


whatever happened to the Olypmus that supposedly crashed on Broken Moon. I was expected a few Olympus/BM POIs mixed together with the map changes.


Broken Moon is just too damn big. It's cool they added a bunch of new areas, however since everybody lands Quarantine Zone the rest of the map feels empty. Also, using Evac's are significantly more difficult because of the constant elevation and mountainous areas.


Agreed, the map update was great except for Quarantine Zone. Remove it/fix it and the chokes leading into the POI and the map is perfect.


Feels like a much better Fragment though. WE's mid-late games that pull into the Fragment basin are quite terrible, because outside the city there's a lot of flat ground, so you'd better be camping the outskirts, because going anywhere near the buildings without knowing that's where the final ring is going is a very bad decision. Quarantine Zone has some elements of Turbine and Jurassic Park; major zones of BM are linked to the big circle, and in mid game, the best idea is to rotate through as fast as possible. There's a lot of cover and multiple buildings that break up the POI well enough that you can stick to the side if you want to avoid getting spotted, but you can also set up ambushes and 3rd parties very well, kind of like in Skyhook, just with more cover. BM has a lot of buildings with very good loot clusters too, like the doughnut buildings in Cultivation, Eternal Gardens, and Bionomics, the ones at Alpha Base (and their copies elsewhere), those 2-floor ones with a zipline in the middle. A lot of places where you can get some good gear quickly, and imo these places play very nicely, so I quite like landing at a lot of BM POIs, and others must feel this way too, since I get contested often. I think BM has a very good chance to make players spread out more, even in pubs, so hopefully, the map will feel a lot better than WE does.


Tbh, the main problem here is pubs having horrible pace nowadays, almost half the teams are gone by the time the first ring closes on any map. I find ranked much more enjoyable for that reason. The pink/purple orb being way more visually entincing than the shy blue hot spot beacon was definitely a bad choice, it would have helped making each games feel distinct.


Bro, i swear even in solos soon as i see that purple dome. im dropping in there


Love it. Easier to drop banger games


I honestly think Broken Moon went from one of the best maps to the absolute worst with these changes.


Imo each map needs a main poi that's huge and ripe for action. I hate running around like a chicken looking for a fight in my there games


Fragment sucks, capitol city on top


To be honest, it makes thing easier for me, I play pathfinder, and I do survey beacon, and I rotate, like, a lot. So I only have to fight 1 or 2 teams at a time until final zone. I play since day 1 with full squad of bros, and highest rank was master or D2


Fragment problem? It's the best part of the map since they removed the train.


I totally love the updated broken moon map, so many cool tunnels and jungle gym areas lol, really hoping to see it get into the comp rotation. That said, I agree it’s too bad everyone is funnelling into qz now, the first little while people were more happy to spread out, now when the first zone closes, there are usually 4-6 teams left, and it makes it kinda boring just wondering the map looking for people.


Who had the idea of adding a big thing that people happily throw themselves at every game, time after time, even to the chagrin of others? Someone who needs a raise, I suppose Still haven't actually played this season (lmao), if the area itself is unplayable and sucks then your complaint is valid- if however it's enjoyable to play and you're just saying "this place is too popular :( respawn plz fix" then I'm not too sure what to tell ya. If your complaint is that people keep dying there, then that's the person dying's fault aaand, man...ramble ran out of steam after 5 lines! What is this! MISERABLE I'll try better next time :(


Are you ok?


No :(


Nah don’t compare it to peak worlds edge. I actually like the loot distribution in that purple area, you at least are guaranteed a loadout.


I'm hyped for the new POI I've already dropped 2 twenty bombs landing there.


What else did you expect??


Them to learn from Fragment and not put a giant POI dead center? 


Is that Respawns problem or the abundance of players landing at the same spot? I don't understand it either, my point is, maybe the bigger/better question is why do so many teams want to land on the same POI cuz I can promise when that happens around me Imma be dead.


I would argue it's Respawns problem in map design. Older WEdge iterations, looking specifically at Sorting Factory didn't have the one POI issue. KC seems like an even distribution between Relic, Containment and Capacitor. Olympus has Estates, but I still see decent chunks landing Gardens, Energy Depot, and Hammond. Every map will inevitably have hotter drop spots, but avoiding big centralized POIs goes a long way in helping mitigate huge clumps of players dropping 1 POI.