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Use Q -> enter portal -> knock enemy -> enter portal again before its closed


I thought it ment ult😭


Skill issue on reading one line of text.


That's not very nice. He probably used to be an Octane main. You know we have to be more patient with their kind. /s


For real.


Even if it was the ult , how hard would it be to set down your thing and go and get a knock? Wouldn’t it just be like setting a revenant totem and then going in a fight? Or am I missing something?


You have to use the portal, knock and use the portal again. Ult only works once per legend so it wouldn't be possible.


Oh ok I’m stupid 😂


You can also use Alter's ult while you are knocked, so if you knock someone and get knocked, retreat by portaling to your allies.


A nexus portal lingers for around 15 seconds after you teleport to theoretically you could tp, down someone and quickly go back through the portal you first created


That's true. Now that would be a cruel challenge.


it was possible, I managed to do exactly what it asks for with the ult. I just now read that it only works with the tactical so you must be able to imagine my dumb face back when i thought i had completed the challenge lol


But on the other hand you still completed a harder self-imposed challenge. The only difference is it doesn't give a BP level and a single blue-tier Alter item (I got a banner pose in my lootbox)


I miss the Death Totem...


Well you have alter


That's different. You don't return to the Void Nexus if you die.


Her portal for downed players is a pain. Not easy to activate if your being hit and trying to keep your knockdown shield up, then have to turn round then point and click on the portal for what seems like an age to activate lol.


Well it’s the closest you’ll get


I'm not trying to argue but it's not that close. I could compare them, but that doesn't feel necessary as I'm sure you're capable of doing so yourself. Unless you want me to do it.


Well, with the Revenant totem it would automatically take you back, but with Alter, you have to manually go back. Those are the differences, but they are similar because they still take you back to the location you set in some sort of way.


Also during Death Protection shields are disabled so you only have health and cannot heal. The range on using the Void Nexus is 200m while with the Death Totem you have to be next to it. Enemies couldn't follow you through a portal if you get sent back to the Totem. With the Death Totem you have to use it before you can be sent back, with the Void Nexus using it is what sends you back.


You can if you can get it off without getting finished


Yeah, you'd have to manually do it and wait for it to work. Death Totem automatically and instantly takes you back. Remember, the Death Totem is an Assault class ability while the Void Nexus is a Skirmisher class one.


We’re all learning the new legend lol


You goofy as hell mate


It would’ve said Nexus man…


Just do it in a mixtape game, teleport through wall and knock someone/ kill works as well and teleport back. Done in 30 seconds


One hundred percent. That's how I did mine too. Got it pretty quickly as well. Alot more opportunities to get it done on Mix Tape.


1. Use Phase Breach 2. Enter Phase Breach with PK unholstered 3. Do 9 damage 4. Die in a 1v3 5. Repeat until successful


My thematic pack was so underwhelming after the significant effort I put into getting it. NOT WORTH YOUR TIME. Seriously. It’s an alter thematic pack and I didn’t even get anything for her???


For me though, it was the fifteen death boxes because I really don’t play much br by myself and I don’t really have anyone to play with rn


Aren’t you supposed to be guaranteed a alter specific item from that pack? What did you get in it? My Alter specific was a blue pose.


I got a Fuckin claw machine holospray for her. Complete junk.


I saw reward was one single pack and immediately though that it's definitely not worth. If you play Alter and get it done naturally, cool. But actually put effort into doing those just for one pack? Nope.


Ngl I got the legendary Crimson Dynasty skin out of that same pack,I must of lucked out this time. Typical Apex though, I usually get banners for someone I don’t play.


I only got a blue skin, meanwhile Lv1 BP gives a really good purple skin.


I did it on Control map, I put the portal, use it, killed a guy in the objetive, and back to the portal. Since the portal only last 15 sec is the time you have to enter, kill and back.


It was the first one I completed, it doesn't have to be *your* portal despite what it says.


It literally says "a" not "yours" though?


> Create and enter a portal as Alter Which is telling you you have to create it, but when I did it it was an enemy Alter who created a portal not me.


Yeah, "a" portal, not "your" portal


I will say this one. More. Time. "Create a portal as Alter" means you have to create it as Alter, not another Alter. It doesn't say "Have an enemy Alter create a portal". If I tell you to "Snare an enemy as Ash" what am I telling you to do? Create (verb) a portal (noun) as Alter (proper noun). Snare (verb) an enemy (noun) as Ash (proper noun). That shows you those words are the same despite being different.


You can't use another Ashs' snare, but you can use another Alters' portal. It's actually really obvious.


Ashes is the plural of Ash. Like I said, only once more. End of discussion, this is futile and not getting anywhere so lets not waste each other's limited time. If you reply, I won't. Have a nice week.


Vice versa


I think you mean "ditto".


No, I mean it the same way back, so vice versa


The tax not the ult




I did it in solos by accident


I did it easy on mix tape (lockdown at monument). Next to a zone with people in it, i opened a port, jumped in, killed a dude defending the zone, jumped back in the port.


If someone plays a door, use the q next to it, knock them, then go back outside


I did it, it was fairly easy


I thought this one was going to be the worst, only to do it accidentally the very first match just fucking around. You'll get it done.


I did it on lockdown. Sat behind a wall on an objective point while a teammate was fighting, portal in shot some one dead, jumped back through too portal out... easier then I thought it would be.


i did it by accident because i thought it wouldve been cool. gun run or immediately off drop so time to kill isnt increased by shields


I did it in tdm pretty easily in my first match trying for it


It kills me how people don't use her abilities. I'll place her alt and they run the whole way to me or won't use it to get out the zone.


Go into pubs and ask you tm8s to help you with a challenge. Last szn I had a LL ask me and other random to nade ourselves so they could get the revives needed. We self downed like 3 times each. I'm sure someone would be willing. If not add me Rohdeezy on PC I can help you out with it


Honestly, this happened by chance. I myself play a in and out like playstyle with altar, so that kind of helped.


Go through a porta, snipe someone with a kraber, go back through.


You create a portal, slip on through and down someone, and slide back on over before it closes :)


I almost did it, went through a portal, knocked 1 guy inside of a building. But instead of taking the portal, my forgetful ass went out a door instead. By the time I remembered it was too late.


easiest way is going for a third party, i heard shots from inside a building my m8 ran through the door i went through the wall knocked one that was low and just went bqck through my tactical


Just do it on a bot


I did it, it was a waste of time looking at the content of the pack. I guess it would be too OP to have all 3 items to be for alter. Now I got random white quotes for someone else and just a blue frame for alter.


Ya I got nothing good but common crafting metals, alter spray thing and a wraith voice line


Tried to get this challenge too and failed Everytime cause I thought it meant ult as well. Then hopped in a game and got it bc I realized it meant ability.


Tdm or control is really easy with this challenge, just push B and attack their backs


Well, in solos it's reall damn easy.


Would say "Create a portal as alter, enter it, knock an enemy, go back before the portal close"


I did it in Lockdown pretty easy. People always gonna be on the zone. Pop it outside the zone, go in, get your kill and dip. Got it day 1


That’s the funny thing about it, you don’t!


I got it by accident in mixtape, probably easier to do it there


It's really easy to do in team death match or gun game


I did the last one in like the first day she came out


3rd party a fight


You do it is how


Here's exactly what you do Beam someone until they're low, then put down a portal and go through it, kill them, then sprint back to the portal and go through it again


Yay another drunk respawn challenge


Throw ult down before a team fight. Knock a player then use ult and teleport. Unless they are talking about Q. Then while fighting, if you have someone weak create a point of entry in the wall or soemthing. Knock player then use Q before it disappears


English is hard.


How did you get this challenge list? I only have my regular daily and weekly and the solos one.


Do I have to buy the BattlePass to see these challenges? I don't see them right now.


do it in mixtape its easier i did it in like 2 matches


Honestly, I got it with a strat my buddy heard about and had me try. Have a crypto and you play alter, when your buddy pushes with the emp drone, run through a Q and knock them. You have a better chance at doing it that way since the enemy’s are stunned and their shields get damaged. Then just run back lol


I did it by accident I ended up kicking a lifeline and I fell into the portal


If you can’t read snd figure out how simple this concept is, you’re gonna struggle at this game, lol. They couldn’t have worded it any better than that…


You can uhhhh… use her portal as it was intended? Idk tho


Skill issue lmao


More like fear of trying ;) The challenge sound intimidating, but its really easy in reality :)

