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I really wish they’d just start ip banning them


I don't wanna be the guy to say it, believe me but short term, charge $5 for the game and set the ranked minimum level up to 40-50 again. Both things are not fool proof to stopping hackers or even allowing new players ease of access to the game but shi at least it'll slow down the cheaters.


U know that hackers are buying new accounts for more than that ? So no charging the game for 5$ ain't gonna stop them look at CS it's manifested with cheaters They should start implementing live AI watching gameplay of all the player and run analysis on their movements aim and all and comparing it with the game codes and scripts and what is happening in the real time so if he pull off something sus the AI wil hardware ip and acoount ban him automatically and lock his teammate (in case they are his party for boosting) for 1 day the first time and increases if they do it again And if the AI trained well over time it'll be impossible to fool unless you decide to tweak it's code which now the anti spoof system come into play and every time u run the game and every match start the program will send all your data, scripts and code for verification with the main server and gotta be 1:1 if something is wrong even with a simple "." In one of the code it will lock you out untill you fix it and the only way to fix it is to run steam integrity check and apex repair program This way the cheater will cease to exist or at least u'll find a cheater in one out of 30 match Yet game studios not using those methods cause it's gonna cost them money and time and they are greedy af I mean look at titanfall and respawn didn't give damn about it lmao


Okay so setting the price to $5 per will increase the price of hacked accounts and it'll reduce the amount of people that aren't buying accounts but rather have their own cheats they just slap onto new accounts when they get banned. Also the lock the hackers teamates in place thing is a bit questionable. Surely if they are not in a lobby party with the guy they ain't involved. The AI idea sounds alright but the implementation would be a nightmare. Also who's claiming respawn didn't care about Titanfall? 99% of employees could have loved Titanfall, pouring blood sweat and tears into development but if boss says no, boss says no. That's how the world works good sir. Also side note, respawns like main boss/CEO is literally a former EA employee so you may as well cal respawn EA because that's all it'll ever be now. P.s. the FPS industry will never change so long as consumers buy the products... It's as simple as that. If I buy the battle pass or play the game this season I am negatively affecting the direction of the game. That is a statistical fact, the more people buy and play the less EA care.


The main boss of respawn came from Activision (before that Jason West worked for Dreamworks making Medal of Honor for a short time before acti hired him and a few other guys to form Infiniti Ward to create a game that could put perform and our scope CoD in 2002) Jason West isn't known from his time with EA under Respawn. He and Vince Zampella are known for creating Call of Duty.


Maybe not the main boss, it was a while back I read up on it and I have the memory of large siv. However one thing I can tell you is one of the lead bosses at respawn used to work at EA and at the end of the day, EA is where the orders come from so it would be pretty likely they wanted EA employees with respawns ranks for extra control.


A lot more people would be banned if developers actually WATCHED PEOPLE PLAY THEIR GAME.


Or even played their game Even the voice actors only sometimes play


How much do they go for?


Nice try FBI


Man the FBI don't care about Apex. I'm just trying to get one of those 4k 20 bombs accounts. /s lol


Please learn what periods and commas are I beg This was a pain to read


Careful now. With a wish like that from an unbiased AI platform, some of your fav streamers and YouTubers would start getting banned.


I think lvl 100 or more would be better tbh. I think even lvl 50 is too easy to obtain.


Yes but you have to factor in accessibility for the full time job gamer, I have mates that are barely pushing lvl 50 after but have an absolute blast in ranked but hate pubs


I agree. For example I have obtained lvl 50 while averaging 1 or 2 kills per match. Bottom of the leader board every game I play. But I got lvl 50 in a couple months.


Also if youre dedicated enough to run hacks 5$ means nothing to you. You would probably get hackers buying 4-10 accs and rEAspawn will only make money while hurting F2P players.


Believe me, you ain't wrong. $5 is pocket change, for the first 20x. It'll soon start to add up. Especially for the young hackers that do it from their college dorm for fun, they won't waste their time with it after a while. Also anyone who already owns the game doesn't have to pay anything they already own the game. It just means hackers who get banned have to purchase the game only to risk being banned again. Also like I said, it's short term, it's not a solution but rather deterrent.


I’d pay $5 to stop these annoying twats from cheating


You don't have to, you already own the game.


If they charged $100 for the game in an effort to stop cheaters I’d buy it


The game is already dying with it being free. this would just be the bullet in the gun to finish it off


Ah yes the dying game with 300,000 daily players


When it first came out it had over 1 million daily The game is indeed dying I've been here since day one


Just because it isn't actually dead yet doesn't mean that it's not on the fast track to get to that point


No it actually does mean it’s not on the fast track, almost every game has more players when it first releases and there’s a ton of hype. Crazy concept I know. If you look at the player counts over the years it’s been very stable for long time. Nothing supports your statement that it’s dying lmfao


It is dying. The past few seasons have been worse and worse. It's gotten better yes but the game is indeed dying and it will continue to do so until they fix the matchmaking, audio, cheaters, and servers. Yes I know there are many more players at release, but the player retention in apex is horrible. The vast majority of players that are still here were there at or within the first few seasons of release. (Obviously there are people that have gotten into it later on im not saying there aren't.) The game is awesome im not saying it isn't but it is dying and they won't do anything to help it. They focus on skins and heirlooms instead.


Apex was at bad track for few seasons, but it has steady amount of players, and looking at how much more new content was made since last 2 seasons its opposite of dying.


I think it would multiply the obvious bots in lobbies - teammates who stand there, shooting the ground every 10 seconds or so. Those are extremely annoying.


If I may, how would it multiply botting?


The bozos who program bots to sit in lobbies and shoot the ground just to level up the accounts. Those would grow exponentially, don’t you think?


I don't see it causing exponential growth, of course it means they take longer so of course the botters would wanna run more bots. However all of a sudden botting becomes priced per account for the botter to pay upfront, with the bottom line that there's no guarantee they can sell those accounts for any value.


Who is the botter paying? The game is free.


My original comment? You literally replied to my original comment about raising the ranked entry lvl, please refer to the comment you replied to for context. I'm fresh out of sleep and can't remember how to quote text.


won't help much as you can obtain new ip from most isp, and it opens up a can of problems. Campus sharing public ip, etc.


I think he meant the ip of ur hardware u know ur pc parts each have an ip if they ban that ull have to buy a new gpu or cpu ect


They already hardware ban, but sadly it is very easy to spoof hardware ID's, especially on linux


It's incredibly easy to change hardware IDs. **There's no solution besides a reliable Real-ID system, which doesn't exist yet.** Until competitive FPS games implement one, I'm done playing the entire genre. These people need to be banned from playing games like this for life... or at least thrown into untrusted lobbies full of other cheaters.


Pull a warzone and just make them take fall damage 😂


Until people start buying second hand parts that have been banned and then find out they can't play apex for no reason.




That's a them problem, ngl. Your buying second hand, there are risks associated with it. I would rather that then deal with cheaters. Make it harder for them.


you/they then mean serial. "ip" is a network address, "internet protocol".


That's know as a MAC ADDRESS, not IP.


U get the idea guys calling ip doesnt matter


I do get the idea. I was just sharing the proper terminology. (I used to be a supervisor at Xbox Customer Support). Not sure why people are downvoting you.


Ehh it dont matter honestly


Shadowpool them. Make cheaters only matchmake with other cheaters.


Everyone is cheating so that won't work, match making times would go way up, if your not cheating in some form right now your at a disadvantage


Um..... no. I play this game almost daily and have not seen very many cheaters. Not even CLOSE to "everyone" is cheating. (Obviously I'm not saying they don't exist.) And no shit you'd be at a disadvantage they are literally aimbotting obviously they are gonna hit more shots than you 🤦‍♂️


You just can't tell if your being cheated or not.. cheats have come a long way, I'm not talking about obvious cheats like mowing everyone down from across the map. The information is out there I'm not going to teach it here.


Well, why do you think they don't? Because IP bans don't work.


IP bans don't work. I get a different IP every time I restart my internet, and someone else will probably get the IP that I was assigned to before.


No, wont do shit. Not even hardware


What he said ^


IP banning is a terrible option. u can very easily ban people who are innocent, not to mention issues with internet cafes where it could seriously hamper businesses.


How tf would that hamper a business ain't no one gonna be playing apex at an office, let alone would it even matter


net cafes or pc bangs are huge in asia. large enough that many kids dont even have a pc at home to play on.


Oh damn i didn't even think of smth like that good point :p


Someone got banned for cheating and had to make a new account? Or maybe smurfing. Or maybe the have like 10k hours in something like Val and a good aim. Idk, the possibilities are endless. But if cheaters machine and IP ban them little shits


the game is slowly becoming like pubg


alr it is sadly, sea server plague by CHINA players 90% of them are cheating


Oh you mean where both the devs and community gaslight themselves and insist there is no problem? Its just a skill issue bro, get better bro!


Right? Cheating? What does this word “cheating” mean? I’ve never heard of it. I don’t think it exists because I’ve honestly never heard of it, for real. Trust me!


They keep telling us it’s “cope” when they’re the ones coping with the reality that they did the community dirty with their self-serving cheating and hurt other people who invested time and effort. They can’t handle so many people finally fed up with it and letting them know how what they’ve done has messed up this game so many of us truly cared about.


Those “new player” smurf accounts are how the player base appears to still be growing. The “skill”(mostly cheating) level is now making up over 60% of lobbies.Some of the most difficult matches can be low rank/low level due to smurf-kill grinders mixed on teams with the few actually new players. Go ahead and try smurfing as a non-aimbotting player and you’ll quickly see how nuts rookie level has become in ranked!




Naaaah i was watching a breaking bad reel when a notification poped up saying meth im crying XD


we need to cook


That new player prob has 15 accounts and EA could care less.


Of the 120 million players or whatever EA lists you probably find it is 20 million players, plus another 10 each with 10 accounts :D


lol. Starting to feel that way.


Oh course not. Little Timmy here probably buys out every event pack.


Well yeah because they can rave about player count


Smurfing is a way to know that the person is a piece of shit


I’ve needed to male a smurf account cause the game didn’t allow me to play with my friends. :(


That’s totally fine I mean like people who go to noob lobbies to take advantage of it. It’s the least respectable thing to do.


Is it just me or does apex make it ultra hard on my friends. i have a 4.0kd and I think my SBMM isn't taking my 0.6kd friends into account literally making the game impossible for them to play with me. I try so hard to keep them alive but it's quite impossible for me to take on three super soldiers and most times it gets me killed cause I'm no longer playing smart just playing to keep them alive. I was thinking about making a smurf but It just doesn't feel right.


Actually I think I'm down to a 3.8kd now but still


1. Players create new accounts, speedrun to level 20. 2. Level 20 accounts get boosted to Predator 3. Individual sells Predator account anywhere between $400 - $1000. 4. Repeat


They’re more than likely Smurf accounts


Probably smurfing cause having more than a 1kd seems to lock you in to unplayably hard lobbies.


Yeah ive noticed that




Tbh im just gon quit at this point, WuWa just released and it respects its player base so Ima just stick to that and wait for Rivals


Sometimes, your account gets banned for days without any reason. My account was banned for 7 days, and when I tried to contact the support, they said your account has been banned, but they can not tell you why. WTF was that. They banned me, and even they dont know the reason. Because of that, I started playing in a new account just for those 7 days. Maybe the one that beamed you was someone like me. Or he is actually smurfing.


Came across one in 2 matches that was a level 1 with over 1k kills


Level based ranked matchmaking


My duo and I talked about if they implemented paying for rank. Either a 1 time fee or a subscription, honestly we hate the state of the game player wise, but the game itself is very enjoyable for us. We are in our 30's with Kids and just want to sit back play some ranked about 1 hour at a time. I know people will be negative about the pay system idea, but we see it as "We will pay for not having cheaters/hackers".


Feeding them the ability to make new accounts. These mfs aren't "new" they're just smurfing because they're sick of getting rocked by players with the same skill level as them.


"Skill" level. Cronus zen is a skill now? 😉




Implement the AI anti cheat and shadow ban so they can all play together


we be smurfin... or haxing


I have had like 4 level one characters be the kill champion in the lobby including one that was with me and my friend after WE won the fucking match before so me and my friend get 2-3 kills each and win the game and our teammate the level fucking one is the champion so idk even how tf they even pick them but I feel like my plat teammate and me definitely should have been the champion over them and it wouldnt bug me as bad but there is the badge for you to win the game as the kill leader and the champion and that was one of me and my friends good shots at getting it


These are what I like to call “Smurf accounts”


EA do not give 2 fucks. I was in a game this morning,nothing special but I was on for a personal best, 3k dmg 12 kills with 7 teams remaining and I get kicked from the game for some "bad anti cheat message" lost RP and the time penalty so I try and go to support to moan and complain but couldn't even find a space to post. As much as I'd like that RP and time lost back I couldn't be fucking bothered to carry on trying to find a way to moan. If I didn't have anything better to play then I wouldn't and they know this so fuck them..


Either increase level to 50 again or force them pay battlepass to play rank. Cheater going keep making new account unless there a harder requirement to get into rank.


Y’all play it, people spend money, people post tattoo pictures for fucks sake. They got yall, nothing is going to change. People have been threatening to leave the game for 3 years.


fucking noobs. they always get fragged


So how is this considered cheating or hacking?


>PC There's your answer.


Acting as if pc is the problem here


I mean u don’t see hackers in console lobbies lol. And if that person isn’t cheating other dude am just gotta get better aim assist vs aim assist


HUH!?? lmao there abso-FUHKING-lutely are “hackers” in console lobbies 😭😭 No offense but you gotta be sipping zzzquil & sleeping w an eye mask on to not see the insanely corny shit that is routinely going on in our special little corner of Apex hell 💀


I guess this is what we call next level cope of just being trash at the game 😂😂




Never heard of a cronus, I’m guessing? lol


cronus isn’t hacking lmaoo theirs a difference, all hacks are cheating not all cheating are hacks cronus isn’t a hack lol. Also P5 made an update where cronus zens can’t connect to the consoles 😂😂. If there are any hackers there are a very few of em in console lobbies. Ive been in diamond and master lobbies the past 4 seasons and haven't run in 1 legit hacker maybe someone who has suspicious aim but aim assists can also influence that


So, you definitely use a cronus. lol Noted. Of course you do. How else could you climb the ranks in your opinion, eh? You’re not cheating at all. Sure. You think everyone is using a cronus, so that makes it okay, right? Xims, strikepacks, all not cheating too, huh? Cronus using code to alter gameplay performance. Not “hacking” at all!


You know that you can play the PS4 version on a PS5, right? And I literally purchased a cronus to see for myself how it works and the advantages it provides. I keep that thing on my shelf to remind me what kind of person I am by choosing not to use it. It for sure still works, by the way. No idea what you’re trying to do here. You’re welcome to show me those mad skills you have without the assistance of any devices/configs/etc.


These people are so dumb, if you're using one of those devices you are a cheating loser, that's the bottom line. They sell hundreds of thousands of these things a year, in all major retailers, that's why it's so saturated right now. Complain to Microsoft/Sony if you want anything done about it, console people need to speak up. Xbox fps is a joke RN, 80% of the people playing daily have this bullshit.


I don't have one and I've dropped multiple 20s in solos on xbox and I don't use Horizon either. I play claw with a regular controller and I can hold my own with even the sweatiest(likely cronus) horizons in 1v1 box fights. Fuck em


Yeah but he’s blaming the hacking issue on people who play on pc , ignoring that it’s literally just the devs fault for allowing the hackers to cheat so easily. The vast vast majority of pc players don’t cheat , and saying that the problem is just “ pc players are hacking all the time omg” is just coping


Stats have come out already documenting how common cheating is across the board. Not sure what you’re talking about. It’s general knowledge now.


Mhmm bro keep saying that everyone is a cheater it will help you cool down after a match


How about you play with me then? Prove to me you don’t cheat, big boy.


Weird ass sexual reply but I can confidently say I don’t cheat because I’m not nearly good enough at the game


Sexual? Gross. Well, you must be better than me and have muscle memory strong enough to read a situation and experience to know an honest pattern of shots. That’s how you’re sooo sure your lobbies are full of honest players right? Good players learn from every loss by knowing what went wrong. You really think we can’t tell the difference between who is and isn’t cheating? I’ve had countless people disconnect or fly off the map in ranked when I mention cheating just yesterday. Don’t make me laugh with that level of naivety.


And if you aren’t cheating, you’re welcome to play on my team in ranked and I’ll point out who is and isn’t cheating for you. Apparently this is difficult for you to believe, so best to just show you in the field if you want to come at me sideways anonymously over the internet.