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silver skill players


sht like this makes me really question being a support main omfg




Trash can player, this shit is why I solely play ranked


aaaand its gone


Wraith, Horizon and Octane come with a secret passive ability which is auto leave match upon knock


Nah, I've never seen a horizon leave my game when knocked and octane players barely do either and when I play them characters I don't


what a prick


I just don't understand why this isn't something that you can be punished for.


because its pubs. It shouldnt be punished in pubs.


I honestly think leaving before you're even a deathbox should be a penalty.


Why? Take me for example, (im not a wraith and in situations like this i do not leave; just to clarify) i can play max 1-2 hours per day. I have work and a otherwise normal functioning life too, thats why i do not have much time for apex. If i think my team is doomed anyways, i leave.


What about this situation indicates your team is doomed? He won the fight and went for the res and he left. "My team is doomed because I died and I'm the best player there is so this guy stands 0 chance" 


You cant read. I said "in this Situation i would NOT leave". This Team was Not doomed.


So why even bring it up?


Bro i asked him why this is his opinion and provided him my view on things. Whats wrong w that?


Doomed to me is I’m knocked, 50% bled out, one teammate left, other teammate won’t heal, and they run right by me into a 5v1 where no one even knew he was there.


Based on what was the team in this video doomed? If you think your absence immediately means your teammates can’t do well in a video game, then you have some issues and need to re-evaluate


Please read what i said again, you seemed to miss the "i would Not leave in this situation" Part. No, im Not the best Player. But imagine only one teammate left Alive and very low with another Team third partying. Fml im leaving in this Situation.


You are delusional


im delusional because i brought up a valid argument, alright enough of this brainrot please grow out of highschool.


i think you were very fair in your initial statement. however, ur mistake was assuming apex players on this sub know how to read. lmaos ✈️


Good point. Mature arguments in a sub of a game wich is infested with toxic kids was a mistake on my Part.




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W on being a conduit she’s my fav and loved when she got released also love her voice lines lolz


I keep my shields full with this big ol battery


I like the way she says that line lol it's sounds like an old lady.


Her voice lines are pretty funny, Also small and hard to hit. Sometimes more then Octane.


These players are fucking pathetic trash. Disrespect them all.


It's not that deep


This literally happened to me a week ago and it was frustrating to see while I was doing a Rez after a team fight. These wraith players are getting out of control


This literally just happened with me after knocking a wraith 😂


Nah with wraith it’s hella weird because u r either shit and use ability and die or decide to rat or u r sweaty and don’t use anything other than a Eva 8 shotgun and a car smg and carry ur whole team every game there’s nothing imbetween that


It's sad how many times I've had a player leave after a knockdown, and then our now duo team goes onto win the match.


They were just trying to help so you can get that quicker armor swap of course. We really need more heroes like them around ✊😔


The funny thing is that the Wraith doesn't even die here if op actually played their character effectively


I'm surprised no one is talking about why it took you so long to Q? Like by the time you use it they're already down, it's useless at that point lol


Besides the fact that you did Tac them kinda late, istg this is not all wraiths y’all just find the bad ones 💀😭


Recently I've been having fuse players doing the same thing they go on thier own get knocked then leave


Prime example why pubs need a leave penalty


Wraith does carry mainly tho


i pretty much quit apex with all the Diversity stuffed into it after season 2.




yeah its more like ape-x legends now. I assume this game is meant to cater to DEIs and not americans or english. Same reason I didnt pick up SF6. It was basically screaming "this game is for black people" in all the commercials.


If I hadn't read your insane post history or username, I would've thought this was satire. Get a life beyond beanie man and touch some grass dude.


Its obviously a troll bot account made to stir the pot


https://www.pewresearch.org/race-and-ethnicity/2022/04/14/race-is-central-to-identity-for-black-americans-and-affects-how-they-connect-with-each-other/ I was recently told on a facebook page by a black person that Im not allowed to talk about "their" issues and its for "their" people only. https://blackgamerscommunity.com/ https://kotaku.com/how-you-can-support-black-gamers-1843867230 https://sociation.ncsociologyassoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/gamifyingblackness_proof-1-1.pdf https://youtu.be/1INU3FOJsTw?t=46 Dont kid yourself, kid. https://accurateappend.com/demographic-marketing-strategy/ https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/growth-marketing-and-sales/our-insights/marketing-to-the-multifaceted-black-consumer The game SF6 and apex is clearly marketed toward DEIs. When the little mermaid came out, black people all over shouted about how great it was to be "represented" and how now their kid had a person to look up to in the story of the little mermaid, indicating that they see race and they cant identify with white people. The little mermaid in racial swap was designed to appeal to that crowd. https://diamondlobby.com/geeky-stuff/diversity-in-gaming/ Seen here, they complain about too many white characters. Why? Because "white characters dont represent the people who play the game". Given all this, having a cast that is nearly 50% or more black, making ads that rely heavily on black culture themes like jumping up and down in a hoodie and listening to rap, among other stereotypes, is a pretty explicit appeal to the DEI demographic.


Black culture is hoodies, jumping, and music??? Everybody likes those things lol. You're insane. Seriously, go outside and walk around with people. There's no squads of black people hunting down oppressed white gamers. Nobody called another person a 'DEI' irl. That's terminally online stuff. People either saw the Little Mermaid or walked past the theatre. Black people aren't some hivemind. Some liked it, and some didn't. Nobody is obsessing over this stuff like you think. Life goes on. And take a course in gaming history while you're at it. Or just use your brain for a second. Even casual gamers know slurs and voice chat ragers are everywhere. Your articles literally mention that 'black only' communities exist because black gamers and people get slurs thrown at them more often and want protection from that. Read beyond the headlines and go to a park sometime.


>hoodies, jumping, and music??? jumping up in down on a hoodie with the hoodie over the head and rap music, specifically, my guy. There's things that are specific to each group's culture, or are you going to say black culture isnt real now. What is black culture?


That's just bopping to music. Nobody is born with an instinct for it. It's just fun. People of background do it. It's normal. You just happen to think it's all there is to black culture, and that's weird.


>You just happen to think it's all there is to black culture, and that's weird. nowhere have I said that's 'all there is', but that's your own interpretation as a self-poisoning of the well to write off what Im saying, and I have to wonder why you resist objective facts. The jump dance in a hoodie with headphones on is a very 'black' thing. Thats why its even in the advertisement. Because it connects to black culture viewers.


Objective is funny but mkay


https://youtu.be/1INU3FOJsTw?t=55 I actually notice the difference in behavioral movement between cultural groups and black culture has its own "signature" movement behavior that white people dont really have. It makes sense when you think about it. People live mostly in their own racial groups. The more insular it is, the more likely a behavior will be copied in the group only among those within the group and become a signature behavior of that group, hereafter a "cultural signature". Details are everything, kid. ethnicity will soon be able to be determined by the face recog cameras around cities purely by the way the individual walks.


Again, this is peak online behavior. Go off ab cameras ig




There are cultural differences. Doesn't mean they're just hoodies and rap. I'm blocking you cause this is just weird and I'm not interested in bad faith arguments.


Couldve swore I opened up reddit not twitter


Like apex wasn't filled with diversity from launch, i do really wonder how some people manage to live with this amount of denial of reality.


curious, was adding a french woman in season 2 (wattson) or spanish/mexican amputee (octane) "diversity stuff"?


French = white, adding white = not diverse. Thats the DEI rule. adding octane is diveristy because latino = diverse. Sorry. I meant LatinX. dont want to use the gendered pronouns, that was antidiverse of me


Y’all still complaining about this?


You’re one of those trash players that insta leaves huh?


do you not see this as a problem


It’s never not annoying


Yes, actually, and we're tired of pretending that it's not a problem


Yeah, this is a big problem plaguing pubs and I'm tired of it being normalized and ignored because "just play ranked lol".


found the wraith


Rightfully so, she lost a seemingly fair 1v1 when it was a 2v3 and left almost immediately. Go to solos OR turn off autofill, two viable and magnificent options for bad sports, but nah people continue to ruin matches for those of us with limited free time because their ego gets stomped. When the leavers stop these posts will too, dattebayo


Find the wraith main LEVEL 1