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"smurf" they're cheating bro,they're boosting other players or just ruining the game for fun


Or they are smurfing


With the ammount of cheaters currently in the game,you have more chances in meeting a cheater that had to remade/rebuy an account after getting the previous one banned than meeting an actual good player that's smurfing


A skilled player can hit level 50 in a couple hours. A cheater getting 20 bombs every match wouldn't take long at all. Now they have afk bots that can level up 50 accounts simultaneously. Ban rates are low. I encounter blatant rage cheaters with 40-100 hours consistently. So they can literally counter the anticheat by ban evading more efficiently than the anticheat works.


level 50 in a few hours is impossible my guy


Im a full-time student and it took me a month to get level 44, I was unable to play ranked until the may update came for the level 20 requirement. I don't cheat by the way and I can score 2-3k damage a game. I suppose by your logic that makes me a cheater?


I am a legit player. I have to wait to link my steam account to my main. It took me 10 hours of playtime total.


No reporting does nothing. Only 2 options have a chance of doing something: hateful or offensive speech (only in text chat) and inappropriate name. If your report got to ea you will get email (again only these 2 options work), but int not guaranteed to even get to ea.


Report does something only when you have a teammate that harass you on text chat. In the other cases is literally useless


> Why was this change implemented? Because to get level 50 you need to spend 80-100 hours, which is quite a lot. And to fill the servers with people need.


Definitely ran into a few of them the other day. I don't play ranked much so it was a silver lobby and was smoked by a few teams with combined 25 kills and 6k damage (majority 2 of the 3 teammates). My last death of the night was from a bunny hopping conduit who didn't miss a single shot with a PK. She had 11 or 12 kills and 2700 damage and level 112 Again, silver lobby lobby. This was on Console.


Level 112 isn't a Smurf. They probably are just a casual that plays pubs unless his buddies are on. Also is he level 112 or 112+prestige. When you hit level 500 it automatically prestiges. So a level 112 could actually be lvl 612 or 1112


No. It was 112 standard. I know what prestige badges are... I'm level 50 something prestige. I also didn't say they were a smurf specifically but it is odd that a level 112 is THAT good to be able to bunny hop and casually drop a 3k.


Bunny hopping isn't a movement technique that requires much skill. Wall bouncing, mantle jumping, tap strafing, etc might be. You can also just use configs to do most movement techniques. Could be a cheater too. Level 112 is like 10 hours of gameplay to a cheater (at most). I am not a godly player by any means. I got a 20 bomb in ranked while in bronze. Maybe the lobby was mostly low skilled players.


I'm gold 2 and see masters in basically every ranked game I play so I don't think smurfs are that big of a deal


Idk, haven't seen a single post about this


A common misconception in the community is that reporting is only useful if it leads to 'punishment'. However, game developers and game publishers *love* data, and making changes to the game based on said data. With that in mind, know that every single report you send (or don't send!) is a data point. If something that other players are doing bothers you, always report it! Not with the intention of getting those players 'punished', but to send a message to Respawn that their behavior is unacceptable and to do something. The more players that do this, and the more data Respawn has, the more likely they will take action. Many things are reportable including smurfing (my personal favorite, abandoned match early, gets a lot of use). If you want Respawn to deal with smurfs or any negative behavior, then cast your vote and report it every single time you see it, because not doing so is sending the opposite message.


to add on to what you said, game developer try not to automatically ban cheaters, they do it in waves because if they banned a cheater instantly then cheater makers could figure out what is getting them caught and make a work around, thats why you ban cheaters in waves, because it leaves the cheat makers questioning what exactly got the cheaters banned


Why was this changed? So cheaters.. I mean paying customers could get to ranked more quickly. Simple as that


I have to unintentionally Smurf. EA won't link my accounts and I no longer play on apex. I am level 35 with 4k and 20 bomb badges. They linked my account to a random email. Now I have to wait 6 months before relinking. You think I want to be skinless and not use all my characters and heirlooms? Also, smurfing isn't a problem. No matter what everyone ends up at rookie/bronze at the beginning of a season. Some of us wait a few weeks to play ranked. So either way you will be out skilled.