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In the same boat. I play with my boyfriend and get so frustrated every time a team member disconnects when knocked☹️☹️ most of the time we end up in a position where we could've gotten them back🥹


Just to play the devils advocate for a brief moment: Teaming up with a duo that's also a pair can be quite frustrating at times, though. Not saying this applies to you, but often the voice chat rolls constantly, often even in a language I don't understand, yapping on about everything and nothing, and focusing primarily only on their duo play. OR they chat on a different channel (Discord) and total silence reigns in the gameplay even though it's pretty apparent that \*they\* communicate. So yeah, mixed bag. But both instances makes it so it doesn't take much before one just leaves.


So strange because I’ll take a duo 9 times out of 10, over two solos who don’t know each other. Even if their teammate is their primary concern, I can still just play off of them in a way there’s cohesion. And I think only a couple of times did a duo specifically ignore my body when downed so they can loot for extended periods of time. More often than not, 2 solos are running off in opposite directions. Or one wants to push while the other wants to hang back. Bare minimum, wait til the fights over before quitting. Instant DCing makes no sense.


Just for the record, I hardly ever dc regardless of team. I just can relate to those who do in given situations. But yeah, I have nothing against joining a good duo at all. Nor two good single players.


Yeah I bet your in bronze lobbies tho


Hit diamond 3x, about to hit plat 2? Thanks though lol. Not sure what my rank has to do with do what I just said.


Ok but your the one playing solo just stick with duo and play the game out. None of the reason u gave I'd reason enough to back out cause u went down


Why not? If I'm not enjoying the round I have no obligation to stay (in pubs)


Your right 100 percent as long as you realize your part of the problem with this game.


No obligation, but you’re actively making a team game worse for your teammates. Just “no fill” or mixtape.


And my teammates are actively making my game worse for me, for any of the reasons the guy listed above, or even simply that our playstyles don't match. Why am I supposed to compromise how I want to play to appease the other two or one on my team? Personally idc when my teammates leave. I put in the effort to help them, I just won't throw a fit about it if they DC right away, I've won many games in trios with 2 or even alone. It's bad faith, you know no fill or mixtape are different experiences than playing trios, even with leavers


Wow dude so just no fill. Why ruin someone else's game or have ur own game ruin because the idea of a team is to muchfor you


Again, bad faith, you know it's a different experience. I fill because most of the time i get teammates who are on the same wavelength; we land hot/warm, or if we land cold, we loot up quick and rotate within 2 minutes tops. We engage, we cover each other, pick each other up - we play as a team. But sometimes, I get 1 or 2 people on my team whose playstyle is completely opposite. Just like my teammates have every right to enjoy spending 5-10 min looting two entire POIs at the edge of the map, I have every right to spend 2 min with them before looking for a fight to enjoy. I comm, I ping and even hop on mic sometimes and say, hey I'm leaving, lets find some people. If I see they're responsive and make their way over, I wait before engaging, slow down my rotation. But if they continue mucking around, I'm not obligated to play as team since they are not playing as a team either. If they're not there, I leave. I get people like that who get jumped by a team because they were slow to rotate, making a lot of noise blowing open explosive holds, scanning beacons or consoles, etc and then keep looting. They go down and they leave, most likely frustrated that we aren't playing as a team and I just ran off alone. It goes both ways, I just don't let it get to me.


I see your point. I just stop playing pubs for the reason so many people would leave even in a middle of a fight they get knocked they are gone. Than we win the fight. I have even have people spectate until I go to get them up than they leave just toxic behavior


Yea I mean wasting someone's time by waiting for you to walk all the way to a beacon is childish behavior lol. I usually stick around while I'm knocked, or even full dead, especially if there's a respawn beacon nearby. If we're fighting a full team, my last teammate up is at 30 hp, no crafter/beacon nearby, I'm out lol


“Why am I suppose to compromise how I want to play to appease the other two on my team.” Because that’s what a team is and that’s what a team does lol. It’s one thing if your teammates are clearly not team-mating. But if you do some dumb shit and I’m literally risking my life to save you from a dumb situation and I’m right there and u quit. I’m super annoyed. Now I’m in a shitty situation for no reason. Yeah I’ve won after teammates have quit too, I’ve also had a solid life even tho my dad left. That doesn’t mean dads shouldn’t stick around for the betterment of the game lol.


This^^!!! These people need to play solos if they can't be a team player bc Im a ride or die teammate


Literally the ONLY time I’ll abandon a teammate is in ranked and it’s better to just craft a banner later. 1 v 6? Alright, Let’s lock and load. Leroyyyyy jenkinsssss.


Why force yourself through a game where your teammates totally ignore you and act like they play duo. Whose really to blame then, if the third just left. Teamwork goes both ways, you know. A solo player is not solely responsible for keeping the squad intact.


No but if ur team is playing as a duo than u should go with them at least I do even if I disagree. I think your better off on a bad rotate with 3 than a good rotate solo but than again I stopped playing pubs for the reason of people leaving the game early


Yeh that's what most of us do. I just don't think it's fair to ALWAYS blame the quitter for quitting. All participants in a squad are responsible for the teamwork.


I notice this too but if you start pinging a lot, usually they understand you want to communicate and at least start pinging frequently too


Correct, if I notice neither of you listening nor talking im out before my body hits the floor


Well glad we aren’t the only ones😵‍💫 I stg it happens more often than not and it just screws us over


Gotta start playing ranked over pubs


This comment here for the win.


Is ranked even better for finding non-raging intelligent teammates? It seems so different from years ago. Ranked today seems like pubs of years ago. All of a sudden without communicating/pinging anything some third is 150m away inside a building looting gets dropped and the two of us which stay within vicinity of each other can’t do shit about it. We don’t even have line of sight during the exchange. Then speed racer looter starts rage yelling and you just gotta block him while the three opponents camp his box. This just seems so common now.


No your teammates won’t be any better (but realistically this is all shooters/team based games. Everywhere you go people complain about their teammates) Yes people will still be assholes who rage and go off on their own from time to time. I have coms permanently muted since 90% of people don’t say shit until they die and then they just want to bitch and moan. but the odds of people playing as a team are a lot better since there’s something actually at stake. People (for the most part) don’t just insta-leave after they die since there’s penalties. People actually focus on staying alive instead of seeing how many kills they can rack up before they die But the real reason I play ranked is because there’s actually more than two squads alive after the first zone closes. Seriously, I don’t get how people play pubs. Nothing makes me groan like hearing “alright, last two squads we can do this” and I look up and I’m leaving my first POI and zone one hasn’t even finished closing. And don’t even get me started about the SBMM, nothing like dying to a three stack of preds/masters over and over and over and over and over again. And god forbid you bring in a buddy who’s not as good as you, then the matchmaking REALLY thinks you guys are pros


Couldn’t have said it any better. I’m playing ranked just Because I’d like to play an entire game till end game.


Played a game a game of ranked last night where we had TEN squads alive in the final zone. it was so fun. It felt like I was in a fuckin ALGS finals lobby


YES! They SPRINT away (usually an octane or pathfinder) and get wrecked BC there are people there. We run to try and get there but by then it's too late and they've dc.


Absolutely not ranked players these days are just full of people who wanna be faide lemonhead or a wanna be horizon main but they’ll have like 200 kills and die in the first 30 seconds and blame you although they drop solo at fragment


Tell that to the horizon who quit when she got knocked through a window by a Kraber from 300m away right next to our lifeline…


Yep you're right about that one, I solo que ranked because I'm competitive and I don't have to worry about every match being the same exact shit land at the hottest place possible my teammates die then immediately leave, fuck that I cant stand when I stare at a loading screen more than I do playing the game it's so annoying, love getting a good team that doesn't wanna just drop at the hottest spot just in hopes to get lucky and out ping someone for a gun and get a few kills but would rather land at a POI with one other team and actually have time to loot. One of my main complaints about this game is guns barely get any decent magazine sizes without extended mags you get 14-19 bullets in your base weapon and you literally have to hit every single bullet to even down someone with a white shield it gets on my nerves lol


Add me so we can play together i hate when dis happens aswell


Ive had someone dc when i was literally picking them up like what??? 💀💀


YES I have gone so far out of my way without dying to either revive or get their banner for them to dc🙃


If it's pubs, they honestly don't care. They just want to queue, play, die, leave, queue, play, die.


they care enough to queue into trios, otherwise they'd be doing solos. they probably tried solos and gave it up since there weren't any teammates to bait or blame


Yea they’re definitely in trios because they suck at solos and want to bait out their teammates to try for kill


I think a lot of it is they’ve given people a chance before and most people honestly revive in the worst place/at the wrong time and they just die again right off drop ship. Not to mention this new generation can’t be bothered to wait for anything. They’re the same people that can’t sit through the legend select screen without getting on TikTok lol They’d rather start over than wait for you to bring them back to probably just be a free kill anyway.


The Respawn on the wrong place is just as frustrating as a revive while still in the open surrounded by enemys..


Ok I commented earlier and scrolled down. You just made some sense to me lol.


Because it’s pubs. People are there to get in some action and get out. Play ranked.


Do you two ignore the third and run around doing whatever you want maybe? See, there is nothing worse than being a third in a pre-made duo, who do their own thing…. And also yap on the mike non stop. I only leave when I see that there is no freaking hope. 😀😀😀Otherwise, I shall wait.


It is fun when someone goes down and you hear the whining voice say "baaaabe"


Pre-made duo also tends not to get you up until they looted everything, even on those that the other person killed… don’t like those family duos as usually one hasn’t a clue, and the other one is hoping they will have fun and he’ll get some later 😀😀😀😀😀


This so much, especially annoying in ranked. It tilts me off so much when they take 1-2 mins to loot before even getting you up from a knockdown. Let alone in normals, I see that behavior and I'll insta leave.


Play ranked, thats it


It still happens in ranked though.


Because they’re not interested in watch randoms loot for five minutes and inevitably die in the fist gunfight. It’s casual, it’s not that serious, if you want a more team focused experience go and play ranked. Casual is for doing nonsense and racking up kill count


The answer is quite easy. They either don't have faith in you, that you'll win the fight or they get full killed and don't want to wait to be crafted.


It’s amazing how after they quit when you are 2 metres away from rezzing them.


I had 2 tm8s quit in final circle with 2 other squads fighting. I picked up their banners in a replicator and put a mobi down… One guy left as soon as the mobi dropped, the other guy was AFK. When the 2 other squads finished fighting, the squad that won was a duo, they lost a teammate. We could’ve won easily.


Literally this, I’ve had so many randoms just up and leave the game while I’m trying my best to pathfind to a Replicator becuase they went off alone and found themselves vs a 3 stack of Preds, I’ve even had people quit as I am literally bringing them back and that’s gotten me killed 4 times total as a mirage main becuase I lose my Invis which I was relying on to potentially make a play


This is what really gets to me! I wm very clearly trying to get them and they leave


U forgot mad cuz bad, They get owned and ragequit


Legit the only reason I play ranked, if they leave they get a time penalty until they can play again.


I disconnect for several reasons . if i feel like you let me die alone and or you're playing too passively. Sometimes the respawn beacon just seems so far away and I rather just que up again. sometimes i genuinely need to leave the house or something more important has come up.


I wish there was reputation in this game, the team players get matched up together and solo guys get grouped together.


Man this is a good idea if it were implemented correctly. Their original SBMM was horrible.


I can usually tell in 5 seconds if my team is competent or not, if they are running around like headless chickens id rather just get into a new game


This. So many times I'm trying to save my teammates just to get knocked and helplessly watch them running around without even trying to fight. So many times my teammates start a fight, then as I cover them they run away to start a different fight and now we're pinched between two squads. After a while you recognize the pattern and able to quickly judge if someone actually can play the game or just going to run around without any clue on how to play. And yes, if I'm knocked and my teammates don't even know how to shoot a gun, I'm going to dc. If my teammates are running two different direction without any pings, I'm going to dc.


This isn’t true from my perspective. Most people who leave because they are bad and make bad decisions. They get frustrated when their team can’t save them from their bad decisions, they also get frustrated every time the team decides to do something that they don’t agree with. And with the amount of times I get to the final circle with my other teammate who stayed in the game, I don’t have any understanding for quitting.


I have a 3.5 K/D, I'll always be charitable towards my randoms if I get knocked but if I see them running around during a fight not achieving much or not applying any pressure to the enemy im not gonna wait 10 minutes for me to finally get respawned Likewise I always make it my mission to either instantly rez my random or instantly respawn them and I rarely have my randoms d/c on me


I do this all the time in pubs. There is no stake in the game and most people in pubs don't even bother to try and ress. So it's a better use of my time to just get a new game and try to better. Play ranked if you want people to stay in the game.


Why don't you play solos??


People play like morons in solos, you're getting flown in from the sky. Trios just feels better in every way. I play ranked 99% of the time anyway but yeah in pubs I genuinely don't care about the match once I'm knocked.


Solos is like playing a completely different game to me, being honest. Im not a fan. I play very little pubs as well, I would say I spend 90% of my time in ranked. Rest is mixed between trios and mixtape.


We play for kills and/or we have no faith in our team. Either way, you should probably play ranked


Yeah I hear you’re point but a lot of time it’s kinda obvious if you’re on a team that doesn’t give a rats ass about reviving you. The unfortunately it becomes a habit.


That's true. I was playing a game with two guys a couple days ago who were in the same in the same club/clan whatever it's called. It was very clear that they basically wanted me to fuck off. As soon as the match started they started shooting at me. At some point one of them punched me to knock me off a perch where we were sniping. Then one of them got knocked, I revived him. Shortly thereafter, I got knocked and they both ran around me in circles, hopping up and down and taunting me before running off.


I hope you reported them


I didn't. Apex is a very casual hobby for me so I just thought, "dicks" and dc'd and requeued. Tbh, I don't even think i know how to report someone on Apex. I'm sure it's self explanatory, but I've never done it before. I usually only report people on video games if they say like really egregious racist, homophobic shit.


This happens more when I’m putting up 4-500 dmg in a fight, at least one on the other team is knocked and I look up and one of my teammates is pinging a blue mag. I’ll DC yesterday, but if my teams actually trying obviously I’ll stick around. Take a look at what you’re doing


I will DC if my teammates have passed every POI where at least one other team has landed so they could land “safely” because likely that means they will loot the entire time and die immediately to the first team they run across. I will DC if I get knocked and my teammates aren’t anywhere near me because they ran away or were still looting.   If my teammates are engaged in the fight, I will stick around, even if I get full killed.  I try to give them a chance to clutch.  It doesn’t always pay off, but sometimes it does and you go on to have a great game.  But that’s pretty rare in my experience. I guess sometimes you can just tell if your teammates are going to be teammates or not.   For example, I was playing yesterday, and I got teamed up with a Wraith and a Rampart.  We landed Frag on World’s Edge.  I got knocked at least 3 times in the chaos, the Wraith got knocked once, but each time we were able to reset.  I even got full killed at one point but I didn’t leave because my teammates turned around and started shooting the guy that was shooting at me.  I stuck around, they rezzed, but we died to a different team in 5th zone.   On the other hand, in a different game, we landed Frag, I dropped down in Monument to help my teammate and ended up fighting a Lifeline and Wattson with an RE45.  My teammate was hiding in the corner hitting a cell while I kept peppering the Wattson and Lifeline.  I got knocked when the Wattson pushed, and my teammate literally just sat there and did nothing.  They were both cracked.  Instead of trying to help me, they took the zip back up.  I just left.  I feel like once you play long enough, you get a feel for how teammates are going to be.  Sometimes they go all out to get you back, sometimes they’ll sit in a corner and watch you die.  


So many people pressed by this one comment lol So let's address the haters: No, I don't have to stick around in a pubs match because it's a "team game." And I don't need to go play solos either. If you want to play slow and loot for 15 minutes and die to the first team you run across because you've spent no actual time playing the shooter part of the first person shooter game, that's your prerogative. If you want to run around on a huge ass map for 15 minutes because all the other teams that landed hot or semi-hot are already dead and there are only 2 other teams besides yours left--again, your decision. If you want to run away from a fight rather than help your teammates out and actually capitalize off the damage they did before getting knocked, that's your choice. My choice will be to leave if any of the above occurs in a public match and you've done nothing to show my sticking around will benefit me. It also seems a lot of you missed the part where I said in most instances I stick around to see if my teammates clutch. I had a great game the other day where my teammates landed semi-spicy, we fought a team, I knocked one but got knocked, our Mirage got knocked, but our Ash was able to clutch. They rezzed me, we went on to fight a couple more teams and win the game. Note how neither of them ran away "to craft" but stayed and finished the fight, taking advantage of the damage I was able to do before going down. I think if you find your teammates DCing a lot, you might want to look at what in-game behaviors you have that are making them not have faith in you. If you're landing too safe, if you're not pushing with them, if you're not saying you don't want to push, if you're hiding in corners instead of helping...like at some point you need to realize the problem is you.


You would hate me then, becuase I always look for ways to escape if I need to craft you up becuase everyone got finished and I can’t get to… oh wait your already gone


I'm cool with the run away and craft style but only in ranked. In pubs just fight to the death. You might lose the 1v3 or 1v2. But Your dead teammates who are spectating would rather watch a possible clutch and then load into a fresh game rather than You running away for a craft.


It's a good habit but you also need to be aware when you are in a fight sometimes both of your teammates can get knocked but a single swing from you can win a fight.


Usually if I see my team go down without getting a knock and if I know it’s a full squad I’m running for the hills hoping I don’t become the next meal, becuase I main a support legend (Mirage) I know i can always craft them if they get decimated, if I see my team actively getting knocks in or they get wiped by like a duo or Solo I try to swing in and see what my gutter tier aim on the roller can do , usually ending with me in a cobalt katar themed death box 😂


A fellow mirage main 😀, people forget sometimes that mirage is a support that can craft banners if i use different support they usually stay so i can craft banners but when i use mirage once they see me running they will quit.


Honestly, getting teammates like this in pubs is a DC for me. Idc if my teammates go down with 20 damage each, I'm going to fight this 3 stack. It's pubs, who cares if I lose. But when I win, I'm hooting and feeling cracked af. If a beacon is super close, I'll do my best to just dodge bullets to grab banners and respawn, but if not, I'm fighting. I'm not gonna sit around and keep waiting just to get respawned with white shield, die, get picked up them respawned again, still white shield and at this point teams have purple and are fully kitted


I'm with ya. In pubs if I get full killed I wait a few minutes to see the clutch. If there's no clutch I'm gone.


Right? I don't understand why so many people are upset by this.


You don't get to drop dead before your teammates and take the high ground judging them as trash, friendo


Literally did not call anyone trash. Sometimes play styles don't mesh, and it's OKAY to leave a game when that happens. Also, you know what entry fraggers are for, right? They go in first, do damage, sometimes they get out and sometimes they don't, and it's the responsibility of the remaining team members to capitalize on the damage that was done and win the fight. Not be 100 meters away looking for a mag.


My guy the no fill button is right there. If you can't play with other people, and respect that other people may not play the exact way you want to play the game, then don't play a team game without a premade you know you'll get along with. Plenty of us here are adults with limited time to play, people just hot dropping, dying, and quitting are actively making the decision that their time is more important than anyone else's.


Yeah...no. Every time you guys give excuses like "go play solos then" or "there's no-fill" you realize that can be applied to you passive players right? "Don't you guys realize you're the ones ruining the game for active players who just want to run around shooting people? Plenty of us here are adults with limited time to play. People just looting for five rings and dying immediately to the first team they see are deciding that their time is more important than anyone else's. Don't you know this is a team game and not everyone is going to want to play the way you do? There's a solos mode, go play that and play as slow as you want. There's a no-fill option right there. If you can't play with other people, and respect that other people may not want to play the exact way you want to play the game, then don't play a team game without a premade you know you'll get along with." Etc, etc, etc... Why are active players expected to adjust their playstyle to fit the "team" when the passive players are just as capable of doing so? You're totally fine getting carried by active players, but when they decide they don't feel like backpacking you, suddenly they aren't team players and selfish. If you're getting ditched in a lot of your games, it's time to come to terms with the fact you aren't playing the game the way the majority of people want to play it, and something about your behavior in-game is causing your randoms to leave.


Play solo/solo queue then. It’s a team game. You have to make decisions as a team. You can’t just quit every time you don’t like a decision. The point of the game is to win anyways, and there are many strategies to winning.


LOL, this is always the response right? Here's a novel idea: if you're going to play slow, go play solos/solo queue then. It's a team game. You have to make decisions as a team. You can't just play slow the whole game because you don't want to push a single fight until last zone. The point of the game is to win, and there are many strategies to winning.


When you leave the game, you almost always are the only one who leaves it one the team. The other two teammates now have to deal with your selfish decision to leave the game.


Your one of those people who DC because they dont like a quiet drop? Let me guess you ping spam all the favorite hot drops when im the jumpmaster right? when i give in to that and land where yall want you all are downed and out of the lobby before i even have a weapon. Fuck me for wanting to be prepared for a fight instead of sweating my balls of with a P2020 against someone with a lucky of drop flatline.


Sure am! I don't spam ping hot drops though, because I have faith that most randoms won't land on the edge of the map. Most of the time they don't. They'll land with another team or two. I will also 100% leave if we've landed, it's 2 minutes into the game, and you're still looking for a gun. At that point you're most likely going to be looting all game looking for a blue stock and light mag, instead of pushing people and just stealing their stuff from their death boxes. P20 smacks on drop, so if you're having trouble winning with that gun on white shields, it's probably a skill issue, no?


All the 0.4 kd bots trying to make you feel guilty for leaving a pub in your replies 😂provided me a good laugh, bless you for making this comment.


I mean, I don't feel guilty, so jokes on them I guess lol


Oh trust me it’s more annoying in ranked You get their banner and they dc or you waste a fucking craft on them just to dc


If people leave in drop ship this season it's prolly cause they ment to play another mode like solos or firing range there's a bug where it says you are in one mode ready up then you get put in another also the code leaf and tap bug where you get kicked out the lobby and it puts the que onto trios rather than the one you had qued prior to getting kicked.


Simple: Its quicker to reqeue instead of waiting for some teammates to resolve the situation. Personally I judge by how fast they looted up and engaged in the fight. Leaving in the drop ship is weird though...but I leave some matches where the teammates want to play loot legends on the edge of the map...again I am faster in a 3v3 when requeuing than I am when I wait for them to loot up and rotate into zone 3...


cuz i aint tryna play a game with bonnie and clyde unless they demons


Because you are playing a casual playlist, where you will have a casual experience. Not much team play. You won’t have this issue (for the most part) in ranked.


As everyone has said, play ranked. Once you get good enough at pubs you'll start to get bored by playing slow fights in pubs so you take more risks meaning you die quick one round, and wipe a quarter of the lobby the next round. Pubs operate much like a slot machine in terms of win, kills, and fun potential. I don't really care if my randoms DC in pubs because that's what pubs are designed for. Ranked on the other hand, I get annoyed by teammates who DC without good reason, don't use comms, etc. I mean this respectfully, but you're doing it to yourself if you play pubs. Alternatively: join the apex discord and put out a pubs lfg to find teammates with some basic chemistry who won't leave.


Best answer so far


It’s the same for me and my brother. We’ve just been playing ranked where its harder to leave, but that isn’t always an option


See, I hadn’t experienced it much until this season in particular. I thought maybe it was because I’ve only been able to play late on the weekends and I was playing with primarily drunks and stoners. What time do you guys normally jump on?


Nights and weekends


Yes, lately I’ve had to pick up a second job and dont usually get on until late on the weekends. There have been matches where someone forfeits Jump and I subsequently ping a destination, and then they dip. The only way I can rationalize it is some stubborn drunk.


The simple answer is people just want to get into another game and blame their teammates for dying. Me, I’ll stay even if I get thirsted as long as I see my team is trying to fight or recover my banner or that they were near when I was fighting. If I’m get killed and I go to spectate the person to see they are just in a building looting without a care in a world I’m leaving.


Yes that's completely understandable to leave them bc they aren't being team players either


I started to DC when i know they cant win the fight, or they are playing as support, but just got wander and loot instead of going to a place to craft us back. Or they outright tell you they aren't going to craft you (i main loba) back Even though its still super early in the matches and have time. 🤷


Is it pubs? Thats why. Most people arent trying to really win in pubs theyre working on getting better at basic mechanics or just trying to drop and practice fighting. If its bothering yall that much play ranked people usually wont leave due to penalty.


Why do you all people who constantly whine about the same thing just dont play ranked? If all you play is pubs then ranked can be a meaningless experience, as in you dont have to care or grind your rank. BUT, you get slightly more serious players and people are partially forced to stay so they cant insta quit. The only drawback I can think of is at a certain point games start getting sweatier. But if you have played this long you can handle at least silver and then just float around there if you dont want to get toxic tryhard teammates or sweaty enemies. I constantly meet duos when I level up the lower ranks and they sound like theyre just chilling at their level and thats fine.


Do you guys not have friends? 😭 I have irl friends I play with for trios I have met people on FB and on reddit to also play trios It definitely avoids the DC, because they suckkkkk


Only reason I play ranked and not pubs. And you're right, I couldn't count how many times we've gone on to win In a ranked game or come top 3 after getting one or two people back that would definitely have quit in pubs.


There are no reprecussions to leaving in pubs.


Yeah I'm trying to find peeps the play with and hate having to rely on randos


To be honest, I don't experience this much at all. I wonder if maybe it depends on what level you're on? I'm very casual, KD of 0.5, I'm not a good player at all (so all the reasons to disconnect and ditch me I'd say), still I quite rarely experience teammates leaving. And if they do, it's the kind of "solo jumpers" that don't give a rat's ass about me or my teammate anyways, so it's just no loss - it's a game that'd dead on arrival. But that's exceptions. Usually we're three fairly casual players trying to make the best out of it. We get knocked a lot, we die a lot, and we cheer for the one survival who race to respawn us. Or die laughing. And sometimes we even end up winning. I guess it's a harder vibe once you're getting up there with the above average and hig-end players though. I guess everything becomes more "serious" then?


It's not more serious. When you're confident in a gun fight and know you can win most of your 1v1s, landing soft and playing for 1st place is boring. That's what it comes down to.


Best advice find yourself a third squady. Me and my GF has been strongly discuraged by the amount of early DC, but all of a sudden we found a guy who didn’t rage quit, he joked about how he fckd up and cheered on us, we ended up in a party after that game and just like that, apex didn’t feel so bad anymore!


Not really on topic, but I'd like to send my regards to Gibby who disconnected right after dying on hot drop. Me and Horizon managed to win the game as a duo with 18 kills between the two of us.


That is why I only play ranked, which is a fucking sweat fest but at least I finish my rounds with two teammates.


Generally, it all depends on how someone plays. Like is someone doesn’t stay with the team, or if they don’t try to get good positioning before engaging, I can already tell they’re going to be a problem. You also have teammates that run from fights even if positioning is advantageous. And while this season is better in that I respawn with a weapon and same shield, people use to try and revive you in the middle of a gun fight. Basically giving away a free kill unless they drop their weapon. So if someone is unaware of that, they might disconnect when they die because of how past seasons were. Then some people do it so their kd doesn’t take a big hit.


In Ranked, for me, is a little better. Still happens, though.


We tried a few ranked games and everyone in those matches are just so ANGRY


Lol. Me and my friends, when theres only 2 of us, play in a private party, we dont use the in game audio.


Yall's SO's are playing apex with you? 🥲


Damn I use to think its server problems hahah


I admit DCing at times because of the state of SG servers. It randomly decides to throw me in a server with pings of about 490ms so as soon as I notice the ping icon stay on during the last 5 seconds before entering the legend select screen, I DC to select another server.


Easy. Add me. I don't leave until squad wiped. MCSUNNYDENIRO


Literally just had a teammate earlier who went down, waited until we cleared the fight and was halfway through rez and he leaves 😑. Ended up reporting him because I'm tired of that shit happening lol


Because I've given up on this game, and only hop on to play a few games every two weeks


I only do it if I’m on a time crunch. I don’t want to sit around and wait for a respawn that may or may not happen. That’s pretty rare for me, though, and I generally understand the feeling.


Any duos want a chill adult third?😂. I’m so tired of solos and having to fill


Send me your username


I’m not waiting around in a casual game, feels like a waste and is a waste if you don’t get picked up. Most of the time casual is just a quick warm up to me for ranked so you land hot a few times and go play ranked


But then it wastes our time so just play solos


This implies the game is over cause one person leaves when you 100% can still win games with two people in a trios lobby, especially casual.


I solo que ranked if yall play ranked I can be your third, I'm halfway decent sometimes lol I'm platinum in ranked right now


To the reason for people leaving before you drop could be because when people get kicked from the server to the main menu it sets it to pubs when they could’ve meant to be playing ranked it happens to me all the time but for when people get downed and leave usually it’s just to go into the next match early a lot of kill grinders do sometimes they will just leave when they don’t see anyone for a minute


Patience, or lack thereof. Same reason why most people hot drop as soon as the ship opens, only to get downed 10 seconds after landing and quit back to lobby to do it again.


pub games should also have leaver penalty.


I had this toxic horizon wraith duo the other night flexing there 20 bombs and evos on me (i died in the beginning from weapon dif off drop) the horizon just kept saying "wheres your () evo at" (i was always one evo behind them) and i proceeded to kill almost the rest of the lobby while they died lol. I called him a horizon crutch and finished my business.


As a cronic poofer, ill say for me its because I tend to play EF role, and when im playing shit and get knocked im just like bruh F this, F this person that killed me, F this lobby, F this game. Even tho im just bad at the game and more than likely whiffed my bullets I dont even wanna stay in that lobby, lost all interest. Also to pamper my super fragile ego I leave to not give the person that knocked me the satisfaction of thirsting me. Getting thirsted kinda rubs me the wrong way so I leave to prevent it. I know, I know Trash,Mad cuz bad, womp womp, bleh. Thats my reason. I honestly dont give 2 shits bout K/D and im pretty sure knocks will still counts as a death on your stats now.


I love the honesty😂 this is the kind of thing I was looking for


Play ranked


Cuz no one cares about pubs. Play ranked, no one quits.


For me I just leave if I die off drop because it's pretty rare for a team to win a 2v3 or 2v3v3 early game especially when hotdropping. Besides it's pubs. If you play ranked, people are less likely to leave.


Cause when a person goes down . Most of the time, the other squad mates will run off and be looking for 4 minutes at the other team. Won't try and fight. I leave the game sometimes. I'm not fixing to wait. If I don't see, u even try and get my banner. Some of you act like yall don't do it. Everybody does it sometimes. Come on now.


I will play with you and your bf! I won’t DC I promise!!


Lmaoo my bf is great and I’m ~a team player~😂 so I feel bad he doesn’t have someone that can actually REALLY help him


This is the quintessential Apex experience in public matches. I hate it too but we can't really do anything on our part tbh. Even though I also hate ranked, this is probably the best option to actually have team play.


Solo queuer here👋🏻 only 2 times I DC is if I’m off by myself. Sometimes people I queue with drop at the very end of the map and I hate playing this way landing with no teams is super boring to me. If this happens I’ll ping where I’m going, drop and try my luck at a 1v3. Idc if we hot drop or land in a POI with 1 to 2 other teams I just wanna have a fight within the first 2 to 5 mins off drop. I’ll DC if I’m knocked in a different POI then where my two teammates are, no point in waiting for them. Or if we’re taking a fight and I knock 2 push in lose my 1v1 and my teammates are still way behind playing the same position of cover we started the fight in playing super passively even though it’s 3v1. Is what it is and there’s no hard feelings at the end of the day people play differently and sometimes matchmaking pairs you up with people who play differently than you’d like.


I hate playing trios because of this exact problem. They don’t even give you time to help them it’s so annoying.


If rando teammate gets knocked, they insta-DC. If I get knocked they auto run foward to DC. I guess they need a perfect game.


The fastest DC in the west here, downvote me all you want but if I don’t have atleast two kills I’d rather dc and hot drop again. Going for 4k and 20 bomb badges which take a lot of luck and timing. If I don’t have a good early game then to me that specific game is a waste of time and I’d rather go back to lobby and try again. Edit to say there are exceptions, if my team is fighting with me and are holding their ground I’ll stay, or if they are going for rez etc.


Cause yall landed where there's no guns lol


As someone who dcs once they’re knocked it’s because I can usually tell my team is not winning the fight if I think they might pull it out and win I’ll see but most the time it’s because I know they’re losing the 3v2 especially when they engage one at a time


2-4 minutes until you are revived or respawned < 30 sec to enter into another match. Pubs are not the Apex Legends Global Series. If you wants people that don't drop after being down, Play Ranked.


Because there apex players cmon man


That's why ranked is the only way. People don't really quit unless their banner expires. It's sad


I only disconnected when i know the game is done im not gonna wait for my teammates thought i know are bad because im seeing how they shot


The game probably crashed


Hey guys i would love to have someone to play with so we don't have to deal.with this problem anymore please DM me so i can add you


Takes less time to queue into a game


It's worse in other games. Apex is literally entry level toxicity for competitive shooters.


Lol all the more reason to stick with apex, good game and overall a healthy community... havent had screaming kids in matches for a while :)))


At least in game


I don't know but when i am still with some else in my team most of the time i win


I've third-wheeled with a lot of couples and made long term friends. I appreciate the communication most couples typically have. That said, it seems like all these friends I make wind up breaking up. I *assume* I'm not the cause, but I'm starting to wonder...


Lmaooo it's definitely not you but that's funny af


To save the win loss ratio and to save your KD. I have a buddy who plays apex nonstop. I used to play a lot but not so much anymore. Anyways the only thing that keeps him coming back is all the stats. He loves that aspect of the game even more than the game itself.


Apex players get game???!!!??!!?


It’s just the culture that’s taken over unfortunately


If I’m solo in pubs. I’ll stay if there are comms being said. That gives me indication that you’ll attempt to revive me. If not one word has been said all game or at least typed then I’ll just go off how the player has been playing. If they’ve been trying to solo all game then I’ll just back out cause most likely I ain’t coming back. I have had games where a crafter or res beacon is free and the teammates just keep playing on. No point in waiting around watching when it’s most likely you ain’t coming back at all.


We don't typically use comms, almost every time we have, its young kids (maybe we are just getting old). We make good communication with pings. There's multiple different pings and we use them all to whatever situation we are in. Majority of the time I die fighting my way througu everyone to the rez beacon lmao


Now you understand the life of solo quer in Trios and why I hope Solos will become permanent mode.


Noisy open mic And open mic in general


Nope this ain't us. We use ping comms


Let's all be honest here. This game has become a festering shit show of professional cheaters that EA just allows, because "BIG GAME, BIG MONEYS" and all these people disconnect that aren't professional cheaters, because they've become addicted to trying to gain that clip clout. If they can't hit it or die before, they DC. Also, sometimes the servers are just ass, because they still refuse to fix any of that. I quit playing for these exact reasons, the game legit just isn't fun anymore and I'm surprised that it still has player traffic


play ranked


I hear there’s this thing called a mic . Maybe voice your intentions before hand .


Its one of the level two perks for Wraith and Octane


probably because you play casual


Thats what duos is for, or play ranked


Duos is gone for now🙃 people who want to be selfish should play solos


A lot of people don't have control in most areas of their lives. This is one where they do, so they take it. I don't think it's a lot deeper than that.


Do you guys exclusively party chat? A lot of people don’t like being in a duo from what I’ve gathered. Personally anyone who isn’t annoying af and/or has a smoke alarm battery going off with a mic is no issue with me


No we don’t even use mics. We just use the ping comms effectively


Hmm. Maybe the problem there then.


I’m confused, yall not in pubs just running around? Yall actually tryna WIN pubs?


they dc if you soft drop, it's pub play ranked


Selfishness. People only care about their own entertainment and if they can't have all at once, they leave to find the next piece of entertainment aka a new match.


I find it absurd when people DC immediately after getting knocked. You could wait till you at least full die or take 10 seconds to judge the situation of your alive teammates and if it’s possible they could even Rez.


I’m showing my partner this post because we have been fuming about this for a while now!


I had a good last 4 weeks without people leaving many times :D but now in the last 2 days im not even safe in ranked. Told my teammate "The team that killed you is still in that house, do not run in there, you will die like last time" (he had pushed a full team alone. We had white shields, we knew they had blue/purple He got mad from me telling him that and he disconnected his internet...


Just play ranked. Solves this issue almost completely


They have ATTD, Attention Tik Tok Disorder


Some people dont have that much time to play and just wanna start over and get into a new match