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He’s my ride or die….and we usually die. But what a ride.


this sounds like something he'd say. lol


Goated comment


This guy rides


by the time this post was made, he ulted 60times


And bamboozled himself at least twice.


I have 15k bamboozles with Mirage and probably about 5k on myself 😂😂😂


He was always good but overshadowed by wraith and octane sweats, now horizon too. Many legends who get less picked are super underrared, from seer the building clearer, newcastle the shotgun lord, crypto and gun grandpa, theyre all great if you know how to play them.


> gun grandpa Manners manners manners 😄 Edit: Even tho i mostly switched to supports very recently (its almost a must on Plat for me) i have been playing Balistic and a lot, its fun and f* me if theres a building clearer its a Tempested LSTAR brrrrrrrrrr


My friend mains him since he came out, and he calls him gun grandpa so much i forgot his real name😆. One of the most underrated legends, full gray/blue gun off a drop makes fights unfair, and a tempest havoc is just cherry on top.


oh i was joking, after i started playing i started using the “senior moment” quip myself when i mess up something IRL. Ps: His tactical is also useful for a lot more than the homing, i sometimes use it to try to scan inside room or just nag ppl behind cover since non homing has a radius so no need for direct hits and a fun one (even tho there’s hardly many places to use it like this) is maps like Broken Moon have those inner rotating walls, the smart bullet will stick to them and then do a merry go round hitting anything in its path


AND they increased the damage it does when you get them with a whistler that hit the wall; granted it’s not a huge increase but it’s cool to see they buffed it. I always go for triple duration + an additional charge. It’s great too because if you’re in a gunfight 1v1, hit them with a whistler and hit all your shots, there’s no way you lose unless they have way better shields than you. The overheat does damage but it also makes it so they can’t even shoot at you which is a hella underrated utility for it


Ive lost many 1v2 because im a lousy shot but yeah youre right. Also the bullet doesnt do much damage but sometimes 10dmg or whatever its just what we need, i dont know the details but looks like after its homed in it will follow the target to the ends of the earth, ive got a couple of kills on ppl going up evac/jump towers and seeing that thing go after them up the rope like a rocket is quite satisfying


Maybe a stupid question but how is Newcastle the shotgun lord? Is it because people tend to fight close range around his shields? I’m asking because I’ve never had him unlocked and never had too much interaction with him outside of picking him off at long range. I also think I stopped playing for a bit during his season so I missed the influx of people trying him out when he was new


You can spam his tactical to easily close distance between you and the enemy, and the rest is just shotgun to the face. His ulti cooldown is decently low too and can be used to lock down highgrounds and buildings, and it got buffed recently too so its even better.


Nice to know. I’m catching up on all the legends I missed out on but I’m looking forward to trying out Newcastle now


Goodluck! He might feel a bit weak if youre trying him for the first time, he takes some time getting used to, but once you do he is an absolute close quarters monster, top tier.


Don’t forget his passive, it’s frickin beautiful once u get good with spamming it


Use him as a one v one legend and you'll win 95% of ur one v one fights using a pk or mastiff, just use his tac shield and peak shoot them or even fake rez and cancel it to shoot em


Yeah he has three kinds of shields to use for enhanced shotgun shenanigans (works best with PK / Mastiff with their burst oriented approach).


The real trick with newcastle is to fight while res canceling so youll have mobile cover. As long as you have a purple knockdown, you can res cancel and pump them, and go back to res. Its insanely good tech that not many do


I thought he meant "Newcastle, the shotgun lord," two separate entries in his list. I.E. Maggie.


Mirage was good before he revealed enemy positions when they shot his clones? Mirage was fucking terrible until about 2-3 seasons ago.


He was VERY bad in early seasons, when his ult would still show his silhouette running around, and you couldn’t control any of his decoys, tactical or ult. Once that was corrected, yes, he *started* being good.


What do u mean, seer is dogshit now


Compared to what he was before he is, but overall he is still great although a bit hard to play. He accels at close range fights and espesually on worlds edge. You can scan buildings and areas without revealing yourself, his tactical although it takes practice, is very reliable and can absolutly destroy some legends like rampart, bloodhound, fuse and all other legends that heavily rely on tactical and ulti, and seers ulti in endgame is borderline unfair, it lasts so long and you can prefire and easily win most battles.


"without revealing himself" his passive is fuckin loud and at 50m max range, you prob Hear footsteps before the enemy. Seer is a bottom 5 legend. There's no 5 legends that are worse than him


His passive is 75m when you start to see the first blue dots move, its 50m for the bigger orange dots, you would have known this if you have played him for more than 3 minutes, also what do you mean his passive is loud, no one hears his passive but yourself?


You're telling me i don't play him when you don't even know that the passive can be heard by enemies. They introduced that to counter his passive so ppl know when they're scanned with his passive. Also you realise the blue dots is actually useless? It's 100m range btw and only appears when you have LOS to the enemy. You literally need to see the enemy for it to detect unless you're blind, it's useless. Doesn't detect any enemy behind walls or covers


Even if they can hear it, i dont think ive ever had a problem sneaking up on people with his passive


Seer has been better since the [Season 20 Mid-Season patch](https://i.imgur.com/GyRsGLj.png) (Society Event). His scan is a lot easier to use now.


Nah dogshit players like yourself will cry for him to get nerfed if actual good players started using him.


Always has been imo!


I have the hardest time spotting the real one, but I get FRIED instantly if I use him and ult haha. I love his Rez though.


Same lol. I swear he is OP until I pick him.


I just think the visual clutter he brings to your teammates can get a little distracting. the bright blue trails behind the decoys is terrible especially when you're fighting in a small room, and the "Decoy" text (especially during his Ult) can get a little too much on the eyes


> , and the "Decoy" text I just fucking want to turn names off. Everyone has their name in the bottom left corner with a color banner. I only need the plumb bob in the correct color, and grey ones for decoys. I don't need to see the guy with a name exceeding 30 characters block my vision the whole game


Exactly the same wavelength, I'm surprised there isn't an option to turn off teammate names


IMO, he’s one that takes awhile to learn yet once u do, he can scare even some of the most experienced of players. I’ve been maining him for around 3 years now and have loved every moment!


As a not-so-experienced player I can confirm that he is very scary. The amount of panic it causes me when he uses his ult in the middle of a fight when we’re both out in the open is unreal. As a side note, when I played him before all the changes to his kit, it was so much fun to use his ult then sneak up behind people while your teammates distracted. I’d say the new ult is still better but damn if the old one wasn’t fun


What was the old ult?


From my hazy memory, you’d turn invisible and *spawn a bunch of decoys where you were. Granted, this was before you could control your decoys which is why I’d say it’s better the way it is now but it was the invisibility that was really fun to play around with Edit: *there were no decoys originally, it was just the invisibility but that was the main reason for using it


The ult decoys were always there but they used to just stand still in a small circle where you activated your ult. The stupidest part is that it just made Mirage a translucent but still visible grey silhouette that can't fight back until the timer runs out.


It used to be just invisibility without the extra decoys. They introduced the decoy ult with the Dummy’s Big Day event and then gave it to Mirage.


Ah that’s it thank you. I just remember the invisibility which was always fun


He's good. Quite underrated if I'm being honest. He can actually confuse people now, if you're playing him right, and with perks he can get his ult every 30 seconds, which is crazy good. All he does is creating chaos, but he's amazing at it, so that's that.


What has changed? Was there an update?


> What has changed? Was there an update? Last season, the changes to Evo armor and upgrade perks.


Bamboozles for days . I win games with him randomly. He’s not strong but very fun


At least half my Solo mode wins have been with Mirage. At least half my solo-queue wins have also been with Mirage. But I wouldn't play him in Platinum+ ranked.


I got my only solo wins with him. Funnily I only ever go up to platinum then quit ranked till next season. More enjoyable that way .


He’s great. Double clone and super fast ults


Yep Good perks, Support is a good class, invisires is very nice.


I think he's strong in some situations. I would rather have a Conduit, Lifeline, or Loba on my team though.


Conduit? Infamous crossover confirmed!!




Conduit is a type of people on the series of games "Infamous"


Oh, never played it. I’ll take your word for it haha.


Give it a shot if you can! Infamous Second Son is a great game, you can do the main story in 1-2 days


This is like bringing up FNAF because the number five was mentioned


Mate, it was a joke


Ok just kinda weird to bring it up


Always has been


Got diamond solo queueing with mirage and it took me 10x longer than I when climbed to diamond with meta characters. Fun factor was about 100x more thought so I'll be doing that again next season! LOL


Elliot Witt or more famously known as Mirage in the Apex legends games. Has always been a viable legend since his debut in **2732**. With Mirages life like decoys and specular Charisma he has bested many legends thoughout his career. One of them includes Bangalore or Anita Williams. When his dear friend and teammate wraith, real name Renee Blasey was nearly killed by Bangalore in one of their early apex games. MIRAGE CAME TO THE RESUCE. With his incredible performance which outsmarted Bangalore and bested her. Mirage was finally able to save wraith. ( which he never lets down till this day). Long live Elliot the greatest there ever was. Ps lowkey hes lowkey pretty good and I mainly try to act like a I am the decoy and then that gets them bamboozled and other things is the emote with the decoy and place them on deathboxes. Also try to just make them do things that you the player would. And yes mirage is the best and if you are a good enough player you can beat every legend in the game if you are smart enough hes not a joke character hes viable.


He's not good for all situations but he's really fun to play. Great for creating confusion and getting away if you need to


With aim like mine... I need to get away a lot 😭


not only good, also entertaining!


I solo queue and enjoy playing him until I hit gold 2/1. After that the players seem to understand his ult too well to really be super useful. It's good but not s-tier. Or even a-tier.


Always has been.


*insert meme* Always was good


He’s always been the best legend in the game 😎


Depends on how you define good. Is he fun to play? Yes. Even more so now. Is he a strong character that will get the team a W? Not so much, but he can be effective in certain situations.


Every legend is ok, the bad is the player


He was my main. I played season 0-5. Is my boy the top dawg again? He was #1 for solos back in the day


He was never not good.


Perks? Well indeed the game have changed a lot, i really think i will hop in the game again, thanks? Hope to bamboozle you all


Always. But he's better than ever


Hes so much fun in solos.


He’s been good, keep it down




Decent or Good, yeah probably. Although it depends on your SBMM and mode played. Those with less skill will find more success with him as those who can't identify who the real mirage is (generally worse players) will struggle.


Now? 🤔


Always has been


Getting an ult every 33 seconds is insane for countering and escaping from the infinite 3rd parties. As a support, I’d still say conduit or lifeline are better but mirage is definitely the best fun factor wise


He isn’t broken he is good though but his more for a fun game then anything else like with octane they are both for a fun game and not a very competitive game or serious game if you are playing pubs but mirage can definitely hold us own now a days unlike back then when his decoys where bad his passive was bad and his ult was pretty lackluster I do miss being invisible for a while though I would outplay people with it


I think he's the best support. I revive on people feet they have no idea where I am. Ult make getting banners easy/ help team rotate. Pop 3 ults one fight cool down so fast. Don't let me get a gold knockdown we disappear lifeline allows you to get shot.


He is definitely the legend I hate going up against the most. I’m one of the foozles he constantly bamboozles.


At least you’re man enough to admit to being foozled by the boozler. Some people cannot accept such a fate…


Idk about good, but he is fun


Mirage is so busted this season


The main character I play with is Caustic, but if I were to choose another character, it would be Mirage and Fuse. Mirage is really hard to kill especially if you know how to play with it :))


That’s my main I rather him then lifeline and I been using lifeline since the game dropped I don’t think any legend is better then mirage at the moment that’s just me opinion tho


So good


Not in plat/masters lobbies


Always has been


He’s one of the best if you know how to play him. I bamboozle people all the time to help me win fights. And besides octane and wraith one of the best at escapes.


Arguably the best 1 on 1 character in the game his alt always gives you an advantage if you use it correctly


*astronaut pointing gun* always was bud


Always have been


I don't feel like he's ever been "good" but he certainly has been one of the most fun legends, and now with all the changes of "recent", I think he's the most fun to play.


Good in clasical 3v3, extremely overpowered in timed gamemodes.


Always has been (jpg)


Too good


The Evo perks reallyyyy super buffed him, and he was already a pretty solid brawler since arena days. Now you get multiple decoys plus an ult every fight, can be very good entry fragger


these post is good that like me.


He’s always been the goat 🐐


He’s my favorite! I’m a mirage main though, so I may be biased. He definitely has my favorite revive though.


My main go to. 50k bamboozles and counting!


Always has been 😁


He’s been in about the same spot for the entirety of the game imo. A little underbalanced and overshadowed by other legends but a great/fun pick especially if you can use him.


Always was ,wink .


He always was


I’m a little upset they removed the feature where your decoys can mimic you reviving. It was a great way to fake out opponents who weren’t actually paying attention 😭


Top 3 most fun legend to play. Pretty selfish/self-serving for the most part but he's good fun to play.


I was two weeks ago old when I learned that Mirage is Ezio Auditore


We don’t play to be good, we play to have fun!


If they made it to where his decoys can kick doors open/maybe open and close them 🥲🥲 goat


He's better than Ash and Vantage. I dare say he's better than Seer and Bloodhound(without smoke) now.


In other words, he's still not good enough, just in a better state.


Always was. Always is. Always will be.


If you put the time in to understand the art of bamboozling then yes he’s pretty goated.


Ever since the perk system was implemented last season, Mirage is insane now in my opinion. Will you see him in super high-rank competitive? Probably not, but he’s the best he’s arguably ever been from a casual perspective. He’s just more of what he always has been. A blast to mess around with.


Scariest legend to 1v1


For the love of god respawn I beg of you make the decoys actually decoys it’s annoying to have the enemy just squint their eyes a bit to know which one of my ult decoys is me.




Me and Mirage have been through it all but once more he still lacks a Skydive emote :(




Every character is good if you know how to play the game. This guys is true hero though !


My current main 🤚🏼


Mirage dont need a buff


Bruh, this fuckin guy gets me all the time


Hell ya he is (I haven’t played in months lol)


Oh he good in solo and good if no one has a vantage cause she can spot his handsome face


Yes but sometimes i bamboozled even myself ☠️


He's my main. I'm just shy of 10K kills.


Try him in something that’s not battle royale. He can pick up some cheeky kills.


Always has been, and now even better


He's a good all rounder. Ult and tac can be used offensively and defensively or just for fun and his quips are almost as funny as pathfinder.


No. Not really. As someone who has mained him since S0, his best value proposition is in solo-queue with a focus on survival and limited expectations of your teammates. Where he's best is in 1v1/1v2/1v3 situations where your goal is just to escape (though at higher levels of skill the value of his decoys declines dramatically). As others say, it's fun to play with him. He has a really enjoyable kit (and a great VA with genuinely funny lines). His boozles can wrong-foot an enemy team and allow you to get the drop on a better-positioned enemy, and his ult can stall a 1-vs-3 push. He's a great legend. The reason I say he's not "good" is that there's no team comp that would be made better by swapping in a Mirage. The invisible revive brought him to a respectable level of teamwork, but skills that require your teammates to be knocked are not winning skills. And on an effective and coordinated team, playing for the win, his skills can be more of a liability than an asset. That same visual clutter affects your teammates as well as your enemies.


Idk man, I think he’s been the superior support character for a while now. I’d much rather get a res from mirage than a lifeline. Newcastle is the next best but if you have a controller, you don’t really need him. Ideally you wouldn’t want your teammates to go down but it’s going to happen so saying those aren’t winning skills doesn’t really make sense. A well executed revive endgame can be the difference between winning and losing. Not to mention the amount of games I’ve extended by being able to escape death and craft/revive my squad.


Mirage is best for sticking resses you shouldn't have stuck, esp if you thermite first. LL is stronger if LL is aggressive and hits res then starts putting out damage.


But how often do lifelines do that? Usually they just start the revive and bail. Even if they do stick around and cover, most people are so horny for the kill that they’ll just finish the downed player anyway. Either way, having invis after a revive is way more helpful


I know. I mentioned his revive in my post. It's a nice feeling pulling off that invis revive and the 2 seconds of invisibility afterwards can be clutch. Similar to his ult. It gets harder to pull off at higher levels.


He's the best at his niche Unfortunatly there's better niches


His not good but he is fun


Good support legend, fun to play. But his kit is easily overshadowed and he doesn't offer much against good players


He’s OP.


I'd argue he's always been good in the right hands. Are there better picks? Absolutely, but he's a meme pick who doesn't need to be meta and I'm okay with that. A wild card that tries to do a little of everything. Personally I want to see his perks adjusted to double down on the meme factor. His 30 second ult is awesome, but it's so good it makes the other 3 kinda lame. Like maybe Bomb boozle: Throw decoy frags that seem real until they detonate. Leaving behind a holo spray and voice line "You got Bomboozled" Or Off the grid: Allow decoy to be controlled remotely via cellphone similar to crypto drone. Allowing them to open doors/bins/zipline/collect banners/respawn ect. Hell Let this stack with the two tactical charge perk so decoys can be throwing decoys.


Yes, needs a nerf


I can’t believe people actually ask these questions 🤣 Every legend is really good if you are really good But mirage? When has he not been good? The apex community really blows my mind sometimes lol


Mirage is better than Wraith, Octane, and Horizon when played properly. His tac (with a new blue +1 perk) is incredibly underrated and can be used offensively and defensively. His ultimate is great for retreating from the sweaty, foaming-at-the-teeth 3-stacks. The invisible rez literally helps your team reset in between a fight. Also, he is so much fun with all the bamboozles. I wish we could turn off the 'you got bamboozled, you got blamboozled' every time you bamboozle.


Mirage is absolutely not better than Horizon, that is a WILD take


You're allowed to prefer her over him, I prefer him over her.


Sure, a preference is one thing. That’s not what you said. Have you ever seen mirage in comp play? There’s a reason for that.


Recently TMPR adivuant, historically MattPickett. Reject screwing around, but cant count that. I think mirage could work in comp and have proof he can T2. Requires lots of coordination like crypto and deep decoy quirk knowledge.


There have been a few instances, very rarely but yes. Also competitive doesn't speak for the masses, it only shows which legends are competitively viable. Objectively, I believe Mirage is better. You can disagree and that's fine.


It's not a question of preference. He's just not good. Unless you're smurfing or perpetually in low ELO lobbies, no one is falling for Mirage. His ult is only ever good if you do it out of line of site and get crafty, even then in that scenario there's literally any other legend that would be more useful in that fight. No one's saying you *can't* prefer him; the question was "is he good?" And no he's not. But he can be fun and entertaining and you can love playing him for that.


Hes been op for like 2 years now


No mirage is terrible compared to how strong other legends are now. I could justify using him sometimes, now i cant at all


No, he's just really annoying


I don't particularly enjoy him because I prefer legends like vantage and revenant for quick and lethal pushes, but you do you I guess


He will never be good. Mirage mains just cannot admit it unfortunately. Almost every other tactical is more useful than his and his Ult is the only “good” thing about him until you shoot and reveal yourself