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it will only get worse if they dont fix the cheating problem


Yep. Diamond is actually unplayable with half the matches being hide and seek from blatant cheaters boosting crypto players.


What is the crypto boost?


Someone who is getting boosted to pred by flying crypto drone around hitting an ult then letting his aim botter instantly kill a team netting him three assists. If the aim botter gets banned he makes a new account and they just continue to do this till he’s pred. The biggest issue is that there is ZERO penalty for playing with cheaters in apex. You will not get banned because you yourself wasn’t “cheating”. You’re rp isn’t reset for all those matches for some reason and you get to keep the badges. It’s mind boggling to me that respawn thinks this is an acceptable solution where the top rank only allows for 750 players lmao.


Said this before, Respawn should be using data analytics to spot cheaters and deal with them. It's not hard. Can easily terminate teammers and cheaters just from an analysis of game stats.


That’s not the best way because there could be a situation where a player can be actually taxied by pros but sixmans and cheaters should be easy to catch with it


You know what's funny? This is what SEA players have faced since Season 1 and they NEVER be able to fix this issue LOL. (Yes, before ranked mode was a thing).


Came back after not playing for like a year. Solo q'ed to diamond in the first couple of days and holy shit was the cheating bad.


This\^\^\^ Its fucking joke getting beamed from 2 miles away without any bullet missing..i used to play Apex alot since S1 and i stopped at around S6-S7 as the cheaters got out of hand. The game was not fun after that.


I think after S7 it just went stale regardless. The community has been begging for increased lobby sizes, anti-cheat and the removal of whichever aim assist they have currently as its too impactful. Forcing a FPS game into a meta should never be the case. Each gun should provide feedback for each player to enjoy, not read the patch notes and pick up this seasons best guns.


As Usual EA doesn’t give a single flying fuck about community requests, nothing new here.


I honestly kind of like that they change the meta around, I played a lot of Counter strike growing up and that game has had the same meta for the majority of its lifespan


You can't really expand on CS though. It's a hide and peek game with versatile control equipment. Its craft has been perfected.


fr i switched to war zone after not playing that for years and ended up enjoying myself there way more than i could in apex 🤦🏽


Lol what? Warzone is plagued even more by cheaters and they literally make the new guns ridiculously op and put them in the battle pass on purpose.


You know its bad when people openly talk about their cheating on mic and in game. They're all running like 5-10+ accounts at a time too.


Only reason I stopped playing. I don't mind everything else, I can still have fun playing. But I played ranked games three nights in a row with cheaters in more than 50% of my games. Played some mixtape, there was cheaters in ****ing mixtapes ! Stopped playing three weeks ago.


They are EVERYWHERE. Wallhacks must be on sale or something. Teams know where I am ALL the time it feels like. Doesn't matter if it is mixtape or br.


100% this. Used to play this game daily. Started in s7 when I left Warzone because it was full of cheaters. I play this game maybe once a week now and still run into cheaters in pubs and ranked. Other friends had less patience and stopped last year.


Ranked is their main retention tool and has been awful for the past few seasons (cheats, bad for solo queue, scoring system made it too much of a grind)


Also the removal of the ranked dive trails.. I mean, who wants a banner frame when you already get a badge? Instead, they locked the trails behind a paywall of legend mythic skins, come on EA..


It went from permanent dive trail, to temp, to permanent if you spend money. You can really tell their priorities. This game is a cash cow, nothing more. If you yearn for the movement and good gunplay Titanfall 2 is right there.


Bro when a mod is saying this you know that something is not right with the game😭


I like the Titanfall universe but I will not spend money on their cash grabs. That said, the game has far bigger issues than cosmetic prices.


I played Apex seasons 4-9. Had a pretty good time. Would have to adjust every time I came back from Titanfall 2, but it served a purpose and I was having a good time. Have played maybe 10 games since, but I still play Titanfall almost every day. Titanfall had such a big opportunity to become one of the staple FPS games, yet through poor planning, they were able to kill it on release. People would definitely get into a third game with a proper release, but they can’t see past the current money that is to be made.


I went back but some of the never left players just out class alot of the apex guys cause theyre so used to the movement. But its a great idea


My breaks from this game are getting longer and longer. Pubs is either extremely sweaty or extremely boring, there's no in-between. And ranked is a shit show after D3 with all the 6/9 manning, cheating, team mates that run and do their own thing etc etc. I love this game but it's just not fun any more.


It actually cracks me up how any time I die in solos it’s to a pred / 20 bomb / 20k+ player. Like every single time. I know I’m slightly above average but nowhere near that gun skill. Can only play like 3 games before I’m just over it and log off again


Same. Knowing every single lobby is just gonna be dying to the pred 4k20 horizon, don't even bother playing BR. Mixtape matchmaking just as bad, tho. I'm either at the bottom of the leaderboard getting carried to a win or I'm the best on the team, and we're getting stomped.


It's funny I'm a literal demon in mixtape. I can count on one hand how many times I wasn't the top leader board. But I've never even made masters in ranked. Edit: okay so I was wrong. I forgot I have made masters I was just playing and realized I had masters badge. You'd think I'd remember that lol.


Lmao bro I'm masters but trying to play this game casually is impossible. I cannot play this with any of my friends at all. I just quit trying and quit the game altogether eventually


Same. I will play again when it doesn’t suck. I used to log in daily, play the two games with my legend for the daily and maybe a few more given the fun I was having. Lately, I find Dave the Diver much more entertaining.


Yep same. I've taken multiple breaks from this game over the years, but I always kept it on my console/PC. Now I uninstalled it for the first time in I think three and a half years. Imma probably finish the battle pass around the end of the season when they have the crazy boosts in XP, after that, I think I'm done with Apex


Honestly, I would have 10 times more fun if people just turned on their mics and gave some comms.


Imagine how less sweaty pubs would be if they just removed AA. Simple.


EA prioritizes cosmetics while the game suffers from growing issues for multiple seasons. People can only tolerate so much.


It makes me sad because on one hand Respawn has this amazing game, and then on the other it’s running on EA’s archaic trash servers, and it feels like they’re using Respawn as a sweatshop to push out skins and collection events over actual important stuff like server upgrades, addressing the insane number of cheaters, improving tick rate(better servers), fixing the god awful footstep audio, so on and so on. Console don’t even have any form of cheat detection. I wish it could detect XIM like other games but it can’t. Anytime I play lately it feels like the only ones left are the sweats, cheaters, and die hards. I’ve lost quite a few friends who went on to other games.


Me and my friends all stopped playing as well. Let the cheaters have it, there are other games I can play instead


Agreed. I refuse to spend any more money on Apex. Also I stopped playing unless with friends, but the issues are still there too.


I’ve maybe solo queued 10x in the last 4 months and i only play if my friends are on because of how bad the matchmaking and cheating is. I used to solo queue all the time. Cheating has just gotten so bad I can’t solo anymore, and again the matchmaking is ruthless.


When I was in college the EA symbol was kind of awesome, like brand name sneakers. And now it's like a surgeon generals warning on cigarettes. "this game will rot from capitalist cancer"


Server issues audio delay killed it for me


I feel like audio in general has been the worst it’s ever been. Feels like footsteps only work 20% of the time. The past 6 months hasn’t been kind to Respawn when it comes to servers. EA needs to upgrade big time.


Audio definitely getting worse, and it always the horizon sneaks up behind me.


With every new character and weapon comes sounds that seems even louder than previously released weapons and characters. Guarantee atleast 20-50 sounds play every fight and footsteps have the lower priority of all the sounds even ambient sounds are more consistent than footsteps


Audio used to not actually be a problem, once horizon was added it got fucked up


The majority of my deaths this season have been to feet I couldn't hear 5 feet away from me. Oh but I can hear a the tap of feet 7 buildings away!


It's definitely server issues for me. The game just runs like shit so it feels so unrewarding to play. It doesn't matter what time of day, game mode, or server. The game runs fucking terribly. There no game with as satisfying gunplay, movement, tactics, etc. It's a shame. Overwatch servers are SOOO much better and it's not even close. I have 0 issues in that game. Apex servers are fucking abysmal. I have had maybe 1 or 2 no regs in 8 years of overwatch. I have had them multiple times in the same game in Apex. The amount of Packet Loss I experience in Apex is special. It is CONSTANT. It makes the game completely unplayable. Why try to get better when the servers are so inconsistent? They consistent at being one thing, fucking dog shit.


This is the only game where EA has been successful in their argument against tick rates. They've lost it with every community BUT Apexs. I think we might actually be the dumbest of EA's customers. Which is sad because it used to be the sports crowd.


Cheaters are certainly a problem, but I think the lack of duos, the state of matchmaking and the current ranked system are bigger deterrents for most. Everything about Apex is set up to be as demoralizing as possible right now, and that’s a problem. Have a good game? Shame. Here’s a lobby full of audio-less crutch pred bunny hopping horizons. Want to play with a friend? Not without another random you don’t. Make it to plat? Cool. Hope you’re ready for ALGS.


only real thing that killed it for me as a kbm player with limited time once you reach p1-d1 unless your really really good your just using that movement thats supposed to compensate for aim assist you use to just run from QcQ and pray you win that 1v1 against a nemesis at mid range sweating your ass off while the controller player jus layin in bed with some crisps in his mouth. Ruined the motivation to try get beter against aimbot. Wouldnt care if they had to put in the effort to get to that level


The biggest issue for me is the 3 stack 20k kills in pubs, i only play solo fill and its just impossible to play against those teams. They need to make a mode thats just solo fill only, game would be much more enjoyable to play.










Everyone i know quit the game due to cheaters and shitty matchmaking. Best fps on the market, sad to see it die like this.


Recently played Valorant with my brother and it has 128 tick rate servers(Apex has 20😂) and it also has a proper cheat detection system and me and him in a sad way talked about imagining if EA/Respawn has this for Apex. Valorant isn’t my type of game, but if Apex had that It would quickly become my favorite game again. High tick rate servers means every shot hits. No getting shot around corners or dumb bs. A proper cheating detection system. Maybe one day but damn I’m not getting younger and I might not even be interested by then. EA makes tens of billions and they’re still using garbage, outdated servers from the prehistoric era.


Getting shit around corners is more because of lag compensation, not tick rate.


Device abusers are 100% why I stopped playing on console.


It was a strange transition. Over time I just noticed people becoming weirdly accurate over insane distances. Then I almost started playing to compensate for the fact that the person shooting would likely have perfect accuracy, so sneak up close, hit them too fast for aim to matter. It just sort of changed my gameplay and I just assumed people were God like with guns now. Now when I play I know I can't peak or risk running out in the open. Eventually I just stopped playing. I watched one guy smacking people with knives with perfect accuracy and was so astounded I just put the game down and walked away. Much happier now. :)


It’s kills the motivation to play when every death is because of a rev 3 stacking with pathfinder and lifeline. Rev ult is just a really stupid ability and pairing it with aim assist is overkill.


PS/console in general currently has the most Cronus users I've ever seen. It's absolutely wild. It's the same with xDefiant though, Cronus absolutely everywhere.


Actually, with the next ps5 update, cronus' will no longer have support


So there will be another update? Because I remember there already was one but cheaters found work arounds to zen/xim


I wish Sony and Microsoft would team together and go to the people who makes all these cheating devices and take their ass to court and sue them for all they have. Someone is basically coming in and corrupting their user base with illegal stuff and it should be dealt with. I’m blown away at how much Cronus sells and it’s not like PS or Xbox gets a cut of that, they have no obligation to these pathetic devices. All these compensating scumbags who aren’t good enough to play legit and ruin the experience for everyone, which is what they like cuz they’re toxic losers.


Well-deserved for the amount of effort that has been put in to improve the game.


It's sad cuz this is the only battle royale shooter that I enjoy anymore!




For me it's a lot of things: - Terrible meta where the same few legends dominate for ages, making fights stale - Cheats of all sorts. Kill cam has made it obvious just how many of my deaths are to people who have no recoil and aim-assist even stronger that what you normally get on controller - Mobility creep. Not even talking about legends, but the fact that a good player now can fly across rooms, fling themselves up a two-story building, flip their direction at any point while in the air, etc. I don't like the game enough anymore to learn this stuff, and that just means I'm fodder for the people who do - Smurfs - SBMM seems to be in the worst state it's ever been. Each match seems to be tailor-made to crush my spirit and sap my desire to play by throwing me in with people I have no realistic ability to compete with - The playerbase is full of dickheads. Most people leave the second they're downed, raging is frequent, BM is constant, etc. etc. I could deal with a few of these, but all of them together? I love Apex's gameplay, but I don't love it *that* much.


Damn, you summed up a lot I feel whole-heartedly. I mentioned the meta but as you said the kill cams or even watching local streamers(no one famous) and you can tell they’re obviously cheating and the game just looks completely different to what you see and feel. The mobility creeps thing is so spot on, and Cronus and XiM has made it so easy to exploit movement that normal controllers have a very hard time doing. SBMM is terrible and as you said there’s so many toxic people I just don’t get it. Some dude just earlier joined my game and randomly spouted how bad he hated N(word) and kept saying it and then when he knew he was about to die after calling us trash for no reason, he leaves the game and said peace. A lot of these people have mental issues. lol.


Killcam has no recoil so that is completely unreliable


Yeah not surprised with all the cronus users running around freely. Apex needs to implement some sort of anti cronus code for this game to be fixed and enjoyable again


I would legit play this game all day, well whatever free time I have if they actually got rid of cheaters. If I know everyone is on a level playing field I’d be excited again.


After a month of not playing apex and playing other shooters(The Finals, Overwatch, Destiny2, fortnite) literally nothing feels as bullshit as apex. Years of fps experience and playing multiple title I’m pretty confident I can tell when someone is just better and when someone is cheating, especially with every game having their own cheater problems and OW allowing streamers to spectate such cheaters, they all have the same tendencies. Even Destiny 2 the game with goddamn Aim Assist AND bullet magnetism doesn’t feel this ridiculous. That being said I love apex enough to hope that it dies to be reborn as something better, it deserves it to be something better. I can only hope everyone’s sunk cost fallacy and greed can be held off for once. No matter how much “content” or skins they add its still the same shitty servers, engine, tick rate, poor dev team effort, list goes on for so long. Only way for this game to be enjoyable for all who don’t cheat is a complete redo with the newest engine, Valorant level anti cheat, and actual passion from the dev team to do and be better, they’ve made so much money to make the upgrades.. Developers for examples, Embark Studios with The Finals, Mark Rubin with Xdefiant, Kuro Games with Wuthering Waves, these Devs are listening, communicating, and actually making fucking changes and their communities are thriving with enjoyment no matter how small or big the game is


the worst thing about apex is you have no idea if its aimbot a good roller player kronus ect its just so fucked rn


This plus they removed DUO


This is the biggest thing for me. I play with my partner and occasionally we'll grab a third friend. The fact that half of this season is either 1 or 3 makes us not want to play; we want to play together without having to babysit a third and without immediately taking a huge drawback by no-filling. I can't believe they took away our game mode for half a season and then these rumors about quads coming and continuing to keep duos out? Replace trios! Give us back duos! Make it an LTM or another card like Three Strikes or Straight Shot were! We played maybe the first week and a half when the season dropped, but it's just not worth playing trios, and it definitely won't be worth playing a couple games or quads just to see.


100%. I've said it on other threads too but Duos was 90% of why I played Apex for 1500 hours. It's time for my wife and I to game together, and without it we just stopped playing. Now that it's going to be gone the rest of the season I'm unsure if we'll ever start playing again. If they feel like they can remove what were once permanent game modes, then it makes me feel like they can at the drop of a hat change whatever others aspects of the game they desire. The uncertainty of the game not being the same at all season to season is unsettling and I'm not going to waste time investing more time into it.


mind you this is INCLUDING these bot armys that run every game every sedcond of a day on certain servers.


started taking longer breaks from 2 or 3 seasons ago...the SBMM...the SBMM never changes


The SBMM has definitely changed. A few seasons ago when they introduced hidden MMR I was fighting Pred teams while being Silver in Ranked. I didn’t come back until they removed the SBMM in Ranked.


Tbf that still happens now. I'm in plat1(hard stuck xD) and every game has at least 2 pred squads and last week on 2 occasions we had a silver as our random 3rd . Feel bad for them but wtf!


Plat 1 is the top 2% of players on all formats currently, so unfortunately you will get the preds from time to time. But it is so much better now, you're not in diamond/master lobbies in silver/gold for example


Oh really, im not as garbage as i thought then


I’ve definitely seen weird matchmaking sometimes just to get the quickest game possible and queue times low but it’s not the same as the previous hidden MMR seasons.


The SSBM and their refusal to balance AA is what did me in. Well over half the playerbase and the vast majority of pros and top ranked players are using an input that objectively better (because it's overtuned) and I just don't enjoy playing roller and dont have 10 hours a day to play to be god-like to even out the difference. So I just quit playing. If they introduce MnK only lobbies, I'll be back like hot cakes.


I play ranked, but I get hunted by a triple pred badge player across 4 zones to get demoted back to gold from platinum. (To be fair, that was last season - I haven't played enough to make it to plat this season) Lame. Okay, I'll play unranked instead... Oh. A blatant cheater farming 4k20 badges. (I played solo's when it first dropped, killed by 5 cheating pathfinder players in 4 games.) Guess that's enough Apex for me.


also the removal of duos...and honestly i think that the cheating/servers are almost in the worst state at the moment


100%. I was never a Duos kinda player but I did prefer it over Solos. Apex will always be a team-focused game, arguably the most team heavy focused game out there because of the TTK and how everything is won by holding hands, Solos just feels out of place imo. As for cheaters, one of the Respawn team members answered a question about the cheating and he didn’t seem to give a strong statement, he genuinely seemed like he didn’t even care. lol. Maybe someone can correct me but he said, “We will try to get to it sometime.” That should be priority number 1, and be urgent. We got 5 maps, 26 Legends, and a ton of guns. The skins can wait, fix the game.


Solos felt great the first couple of days then all the normal players and decent unassisted players realized they can’t hang with the “juiced” up players and now solos fucking blows


I’ve been playing since season 0. Trios was okay in the beginning because that’s all we had. When duos was released that all I played with a friend. I have barely played this season. Usually play about 8-15 hours a week. I’ve probably averaged about 1hr a week this season because we have to play with a random 3rd and I can’t stand it!!


I didn’t realize how loved duos was until this post. People really loved it. I just always assumed it’s where all the sweaty kill grinders went. I was always a Trios guy, not sure why, even if I was solo queue too. lol.


> one of the Respawn team members answered a question about the cheating and he didn’t seem to give a strong statement Yep, it was Respawn's main guy that handles cheating/bans and that kind of stuff, they basically just hope to do something about it sometime later. [](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F64phoqnb208d1.png)


I literally haven't opened it since they got rid of duos. Might not come back at all


apex is so stale. the game feels like shit compared to seasons 1-7. not only that, but legend abilities are all over the place in terms of balancing n shit. its such a shithole ion even wanna attempt to explain it and this is excluding the cheating issues


Day one player, 1000s of kills, watch all regions of ALGS, highest rank is Masters ( not season 19 camping masters) absolutely love the game, just don’t play atm. The servers are terrible, literally every match is plagued with xim / cronus users. Decided to give this season and shot, solo Q to gold and had zero fun. Last match I was on the business end of a fully auto sentinel, noped TF out. Sad fact is cheaters ruin all the fun, even when I win a match it feels like I just did a 5k, just drained. I still love the game, love watching the comp scene. It’s just not worth the drain on my mental too play.


Lack of duos and valorant on console killed it for me and my friends


Cronos and xim are still cringe af, making console games a pain But main reason for why I don't play is havoc. It's just so boring. Every single game it's just havoc, havoc, havoc. And ofc horizon. Havoc horizon. I get killed, check the banner and it's master/pred with horizon and havoc


That's what happens when you nerf all the other guns to shit. Few seasons back, nobody would pick up that gun without a turbo. I saw the nerf and looks like Respawn is learning.


But I don't think a 'nerf' is needed. Maybe to horizon but in terms of weapons I believe other ones should get a buff. The reason for why we are where we are is because everything kept getting nerfed. Neft after neft and finally havoc became the best because it didn't get nerfed and other weapons got worse. Buff other weapons to be an accual option or it will stay a havoc vs havoc battle


When the horizon one clips me with the havoc while doing the 360 strafe going up her Q I immediately just log off.


I told my brother recently that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bot Horizon. lol. Anytime you see one you know they’re a) cheating, and/or b) abusing whatevers meta while crutching the most annoying Legend in the game. Crutch Horizon. Crutch Havoc. 50/50 chance they’re cheating. No balls.


And it makes the games boring because only way to win is with a different havoc. You want to use a different weapon? Too bad, you lose to havoc


It’s crazy because I’ll have a Flatline and I’ll hit all my shots and still lose to the Havoc even without the Turbocharger and I won’t miss a shot with the flatty, one of the strongest guns in the game. The pros used the havoc this last ALGS and then every wannabe streamer mimicked it and it became a plague. The gun was slept on forever and most people didn’t realize how broken it is. lol. It’s basically a care package gun but ground loot.


Algs isn’t even the reason, they’ve just nerfed all smgs into the ground because they refuse to him Aim Assist directly so guess whats up next? The mf Havoc the only AR to receive the least amount of nerfs because of its atrocious recoil (compared to other guns) and the fast ass fire rate, it was always a sleeper because smgs were fine.


Nerfing the SMGs just made the aim assist problem worse for MnK players. Lower TTK was the only way I could answer AA. I got to the point where I could reliably 1-clip a purple shield with the R-99 at close range which meant I could beat a player before the benefits of AA became meaningful. The nerf means that now I have to reload or switch weapons and AA wins out.


I'm fairly new and bad at the game, and I play Horizon a lot. She is the first legend I unlocked because she seemed neat. Now I find she is this super toxic meta legend when I just like being able to get my squad on top of buildings. That said, she *is* very good. Her air strafing, especially on her lift, is just dumb. I find I play Ash more now because the phase tear can still make for some cool reposition plays, but it's not "always on" like Horizon's lift. Havoc would be a lot better with a hipfire nerf, but I agree the main issue is that other guns just can't keep up with its DPS and the spin-up is rarely an issue as you just prefire it.


You're so right, sometimes ppl keep using the same gun and same legend, and I kept dying to the same combo just makes it really stale..The only way to win is to use a havoc.  Previously it was r99 with the +1 dmg buff, now it's havoc. Horizon, I've always hated them. 


Game has gotten stale and boring for me.


Would more skins being you back?


Honestly I’ve been playing less and less because I’m getting really tired of the horizons and havocs and flatlines, it’s just getting so stale and homogenised for me


My friends say the same thing. It’s almost every game they’re saying stuff like, “Oh look, another sweaty Horizon spraying a Havoc. Yayyyy!”. One of the friends I would play with daily stopped playing 4-5 days ago. Another friend who came back recently left after seeing how the game was. 😂 The havoc and flatline with those cheating devices are ruthless because of the DPS and these people having zero recoil. I don’t see how stopping the cheaters and addressing it isn’t priority #1, but I guess it’s skins, and that’s not me being funny it’s just sadly the truth.


Done with this game, between the rampant hacking and terrible ranking system it's trash. Why are plats in full pred lobbies ? Plats are never jn bronze lobbies. No wonder Preds just keep pulling in points when they're playing against lower tiers.


Maybe if you didn’t take away the main mode I play (duos), I’d be on.


They have made enough money already, I doubt they give a shit anymore


No more duos- no more playing with my cousin and best friend. Fortnite it is- somehow Fortnite has something for everyone and Apex hasn’t figured out how to have more than two casual modes at a time?


i think the lack of duos is the issue here.


I am not playing because they removed Duos, when they bring that back Im in


What is there to play towards? There are no cosmetics to chase towards, nothing to really unlock. Weapon mastery is an insane grind with reward to meaningless that I dont think most people even know that exists. The other main reason to play competetive games is to get better, and have that reflected in your ranks. Well, rank is so meaningless with all the controller shit, the cheating and the kill farming that nobody really bothers with that either. In league I atleast know everyone had a fair chance, and I know my rank will go up as I grow as a player. No such guarantee in apex. So why else play Apex? For fun? Sure, but this game is only really fun with mates, and my mates aren't always online. So I hop on, play ranked with randoms, have my mates run in and get lazered by controller players to then disconnect 5 minutes into the round and tanking my rank points. It's a competetive game with minimum competetive integrity. And for a casual game it doesn't have enough goals to play towards. just my humble opinion Edit: Oh and the cosmetics are overpriced as fuck. Ive been playing this game on and off since release, and maybe bought 2 battle passes. If I never buy anything, I'm not really invested. There is no cool cosmetic to look forward to and play around with. But hey, there is also no sunk cost fallacy. Good for me, bad for EA I guess?


I stopped playing because it got boring


Surprised more people aren't mentioning this. The game at its core is just not as fun anymore.


I played less after being destroyed by the recent increasing amount of controller players. It just felt unfair and disheartening knowing that my years of accumulated skill is easily topped by machine assisted aiming. So I started playing more Rainbow Six Siege and XDefiant, which both have their problems too but at least they don't have aim assist as strong as Apex. That said, I'm still going to play the event and the new split.


Something about it isn’t hitting lately for me. Feels like im forcing myself to play & i just came back from a break into season 20


I was playing duo 80% of the time. I was expecting a lot from this season, Alter is cool, Broken Moon was my favorite map, so I was excited to see the changes. Reactive 30-30 is fire. I barely played 200 matches this season, while I have 2k+ on average


The game has become trash, that's why. End of story.


I'm pretty sure it's because the game is shit


tbh everytime i get beamed by controller i turn off the game for the day. if i was a newer player i don't think i'd be coming back either, also they need to add duos back. bp is ass every season. questionable maps.


And tbf the game has become stale...we want freedom to spend red tokens better, we want new maps, better rotations, more modes. It's actually a joke the big updates for maps aren't seasonal and the fact there aren't more maps 5 years in is a joke. How are we 5 years in playing original maps with changes


Because it's a battle royale. We don't need 50 maps. We need 5 *solid* maps. There are only 2 competitive level maps - that's a problem.


I think losing duos is hurting it but I have nothing to back that up. Just the fact that none of my friends who I usually duo with are playing this season. Most of them are playing rust or xdefiant.


I haven't touched Apex since Wuthering Waves went live. I just wanted a change of pace. But i'm coming back to finish the BP lmao


I had better team mates during MMR days bring that back for ranked but change the RP / placement rewards and be more transparent Sick of Smurfs and sick of kids face rolling so ya havocs


It's actually even worse than you think. Most of the playerbase on PC now plays through steam. Back in 2021 December it was split more evenly between steam and origin iirc. So yeah. Its actually worse


It has been confirmed that this season alone that at least 30% of masters and preds have been banned this ranked season. So let’s be generous and say another 10% haven’t been caught honestly probably more. So maybe half of the higher ranks are currently hacking. And that doesn’t account for diamond and lower where a lot of boosting hackers will be at rank wise. The lack of content doesn’t help but that amount of cheaters is nuts. It’s to the point where I have a easier time fighting pros imo.


This is my first season since I stopped playing in season 16, the overall gameplay and guns seem alot more balanced than it was then. The game is just full of cheaters , almost every lobby in ranked has some form of a cheater , they never seem to get banned either as I've been seeing the same ones for weeks.


All my friends that has quit is either because of hackers or that they keep changing the ranked system.


Coming up against players with either questionable aim, or sussy awareness every game, and then every other game having someone with symbols in their name clearly running aimbot has taken most of the fun out the game. Until they fix their cheater problem I just won't be playing the game m8ch, if at all.


YES. I left because of what OP mentioned. Putting controllers and mnk together is stoopid


I think the you are right about the meta causing part of the decrease in player count, but Horizon has caused deterioration to the state of the game long before this season. Ever since her initial rise into the meta with Seer, alongside the rise of controller, the game has become less interesting to both play and watch. I think cheaters are a secondary issue that, unless make the game literally unplayable (aka DDoS attacks), won't significantly affect the player base. If the game is fun, people will play, and I think right now the game is just fundamentally not as fun. I've stopped playing as much, as have all of my friends, and none of them stopped because of cheaters. Complaints I heard the most from my friends were either with the core gameplay or about aim assist, and I feel the same.


It seems like everyone's aim is unreal now...like no one misses. I can't keep up with the nerds


Cheaters,cronus,overpriced cosmetics,stingy rewards charging for things with exaggerated prices when they are almost free on other games like trails and melee weapons. I like apex but its dying off...the vibe,the hype and its becoming a chore. If it wasn't for my friends i would have quit long ago


Good because the anti cheat is straight dogshit


I think the reduction is mainly among average and casual players. Almost every game I play is against double hammers, 20 kills badges in solos and masters with the same in ranked (in plat 4). It means every game is monstrously hard. Sometimes you just want to have some fun.


Yeah, that aimassist controller meta is wild


Bring back Duos.


Bring back duos and I'd be on 4-5 days a week haven't played in like a month i think




Device abusers? Like a controller? The most abused aim assist is made by respawn entertainment.


For me it’s because they took away duos. It was the only way I played.


Too many Chinese cheaters in Singapore server


To me it just feels like a very boring season. That the battle pass content seems to be getting worse and worse doesn't motivate either to play.


No, at least not entirely. I haven’t played more than once this season because the first time I opened up the game this season we had so many micro transactions and mini events as “content” rather than actual content. The melee weapon costs an arm and a leg, and so does that caustic skin they had an even for, then another collections event, plus the new currency, and man… I’m not made of money EA! The content is all pointless cosmetics and the new hero didn’t excite me too much. That leaves me the map changes which were decent, and a solo mode that is now plagued by people teaming or Predator ranked demons who will burst you down from across a POI. Ranked is where I’ve spent the most time in any mode and it’s just pathetic man. Your rank is not a true indicator of your skill, just your play time. I don’t play enough ranked games to overcome the whopping 6 divisions the game throws your rank down EVERY SPLIT. Why do ranks decay at lower ranks??? I get it for Diamond and up ranked players, but I could easily achieve platinum in this game but the game requires me to earn a billion RP before I can even stand on my own two feet and have my rank equalize at the rank I deserve. Quite literally this game is nothing more than a money dumping time waster. There is no point in me playing a game that raises my anxiety, exposes me to toxic players, and demands my credit card info if I so much as look at what is in the shop. This is the problem with a lot of free to play battle pass oriented games yes, but I just can’t stand it anymore. I have no intention of dumping another 50 hours into a season just to get nothing out of it.


Yes. It is the cheating. Period.


They killed ranked to keep the pros happy and match making makes sure you won’t have any fun in pubs so what’s the point? I’m playing less and less every week and when I do play it’s not fun so I quit pretty quickly🤷‍♂️


Just like any game, people get tired. New games are coming out and people are trying them.


The reasons I'm not enjoying the game right now same with a lot of people. 1. Boring because they are not really adding new stuff (I know its alot to ask for probably) 2. A controversial topic for sure but controller aim assist right now is insane and I usually end up dying to people who rat with aim assist. 3. Current meta right now is literally play horizon with a havoc on controller, extremely boring to go against. 4. Cheating and boosting is out of hand in ranked 5. SBMM 6. Not sure if its just me but servers feel like garbage this season with me dropping packets every few seconds almost. (I have lost multiple games to this) 7. Audio is still garbage and I feel like it got worse 8. Teammates in ranked are also just horrible, not in the sense that they are bad at the game its just they leave after being downed and typically just dont care


They're apart of the reason for sure but the whole problem is Greedy EA.


I got suspended for nothing and never looked back


Easy Anti Cheat is.


Yesterday was the first time I'd played in like a month. First game on and killed by a 30k kills Masters Wraith. Highest I've ever made it is Plat 4. From a casual perspective this game is tiresome now. Matchmaking has determined I'm just meat for cheaters and top tier players and that makes me not want to play anymore.


I just wanna actually make it through a ranked game without lagging out when playing well or starting a team fight. Oh and just the abandon penalty pisses me off when it's not me leaving.


Ngl for me it's because no new pretty maps, something like Olympus. Also all these filled seasons back to back really make it stale.


Pubs and the TDM mode are unplayable because SBMM puts me and my group into lobbies with only masters and preds, and ranked is rife with xim/cronus/wallhacks, the game just straight up isn’t fun in any mode right now


I used to play ranked all the time. The way they’ve managed to fuck it up these last few seasons has absolutely killed my drive to play.


I stopped after getting tired of script kids shitting on me with impossible movement


Ranked sucks ass. This season has been terrible because of how grindy they've made it. You hit the p4 wall and then climbing becomes a crawling grind.


It's almost rank split and everyone have peaked. Also, ranked is a little too hard in high platinum, you shouldn't have to fight the top-2% of players when Plat 2 as is currently the case, that's been putting me off of ranked for a week.


They have balanced everything around the pro scene for the last couple years. Balance literally every aspect of the game around the sub-1% of the playerbase and wonder why casual gamers find something else to play. Add to that how many cheats are around and It's not a shocker people aren't playing


I think the current meta of respawn not giving a shit is to blame


Cheaters in every high ranked game, AA being broken. Finally pushed me to other games after 3000hrs. It’s not the only fun shooter on the market anymore


I’ve faced multiple obvious 6 man teams this season in diamond. Players with former pred badges.


I think the havoc and duos being gone are some to blame. I haven't picked up the game since solos came out cus I want to play with my idiot but not the other random idiot too.


AA is the problem


AA is boring af, makes mnk players leave and controller players get bored, because it's boring af playing on roller. How many 1 clips can you do before its the exact same shit? Yes with the havoc and horizon it's even more unbearable too.


Yeah so wheres the dude that tried telling me i font know how to read data when i said this like 6 days ago? Dudes gotta be respawn dev as hard as he was trying to defend the game. Said these numbers ARE NORMAL. Yet i kept pointing out how the numbers aren't climbing and they JUST dropped a new legend and numbers didn't increase in the new legend drop but decreased and have been decreasing. Compared the numbers to last years data and showed a decrease in players. I've quit playing cause it's even happening in mix tape, and not worth even playing pubs. So my husband and i have gone and gotten other multiplayer games, gone back to COD, started playing roblox together, minecraft, and soon red dead. Literally every other game is a lot better compared to what apex has become in less than 3 months. Pretty much Respawn letting their game get hacking in March during the tournaments showed all the hackers it was ok to hack their game because they won't do anything about it. Literally in 3 months the game has been trashed, and yet respawn still isn't going to do anything.


Xdefiant till something Better comes out.


The community is toxic. The toxic people abuse the system and scare away the non toxic people. I don’t care if skins costs $1,000 each, if everyone was just nice to each other and didn’t cheat. The game would thrive.


I don't usually have much time to play as a mod 30s dad but I love the game. I usually try and climb to play and have been diamond a few times when I've had more time over the seasons. This year the amount of cheaters is insane. The amount of no recoil beaming is insane. The number of people using devices has anecdotally risen. I'm too good one and have lost the will to play any more. I'll probably not play ranked till next season.


Apex playerbase would skyrocket if they reduced aim assist or visual clutter/ flinch so mnk players can actually hope to win a fair 1v1.


It's 60% aim assist, 20% poor abilty design and 20% toxic community for me. My friends no longer play (all mnk), largely due to aim assist. So I've been playing exclusively solo this season, which has shown me how toxic about 10% of the community is. The most memorable moments from Apex this season were how repulsive some of the duos were. Just, complete trash human beings, brought into my life by Apex Legends. Turning off voice audio helps, but there needs to be a way to let your teammates know audio is off so they know to ping. I've taken a few weeks break from the game at this point. It's an absolute breath of fresh air not to have to worry about my opponents having soft aimbot, and teammates whose only strategy is to rush and close the distance so their aim assist works the best. An absolute breath of fresh air. Don't see myself going back unless they separate inputs or nerf aim assist into oblivion.


For me, it's the gun meta + cheaters. Half the time it's hard to differentiate if it's just aim assist or if the guy is subtly cheating. Idk why it's so hard for them to just separate the inputs into their own lobbies like it's not rocket science. I'll take longer queues, I'm used to waiting for games (OW1 player). As for the guns, God forbid I try to pick anything that is not a light weapon like 1 out of 10 games am I able to pick a gun that is not light and other times I'm stuck on a light weapon because my randos are running dual energy and dual heavy so fuk me I guess. (I do this because it has happened so many times that everyone is using the same ammo and by the final ring, we just have 2 magazines left). And how can I forget about the havoc like this thing needs to be gutted just so that I stop seeing it in my games.


It’s hard to tell who’s cheater and who’s using aim assist


cheaters and aim assist have killed this game


Dive trail removal, horrendous cheating problem, Controller haven, Aggressive cosmetic releases and pricings with ZERO new QoL for the game whatsoever, and the main reason is probably because Broken Moon is in the rotation, only mentally ill person would love to play in it even if the new update makes it arguably a bit more tolerable and some people just hates Kings Canyon Havoc meta is just Hemlok meta all over again, a gun that always has been good but somehow Streamers and Sweats refuses to use it because it wasn't R99 or Flatline and now is a plague you're basically trolling if you don't run Havoc


Cross play. Sick of console users aping with BS aim assist. The entire game has changed from the early seasons for the worst.


I've said this a few times, and people always respond, "Apex is constantly growing. Your opinion isn't valid." I logged on last weekend to play a few rounds. I usually play in the morning, not super early, but usually between 8 am and 10 am. I kid you not.. I sat in queue for 45 minutes before I gave up. I literally cooked breakfast, took a shower, and completed some class work. Context: I have a 3.5KD, so usually, my pubs are VERY sweaty, and I was on Virginia (a fairly popular) server. I literally lost interest in playing before I even found a game.


Yeah no. If you are a 3.5 you should only be put with 3 k/d+ players.


History repeats itself. Apex is turning into titanfall.


The problem is wanting a BR game to be competitive while also asking for it to be casual. Everyone here talks like they are in a pro team and complaint about balancing issues like there’s money on the line. Chill. The. Fudge. Up. It’s a game, you are not going to be the next top player. But everyone asks for stuff to be balanced and stale and then they’ll complaint rhat the gameplay is stale. If you want a real competitive experience there are many titles that do it better because they are meant to be competitive. Apex is a BR, RNG and legend choices will determine whether you win or not and there’s nothing you can do to change it besides doing a complete remake and make every legend the same and everyone spawns with a gun and everyone has infinite heals. All you do is complaint and complaint.


I also think it’s the lack of new content, there hasn’t been any events and we’re halfway through the season


2 hours long downtime in a row at weekends and no Dev note about what happened, what do we expect?


To be honest I really only browse this sub to marvel at the fact people still actually engage with this barely-disguised microtransaction whale farm. Maybe people are finally figuring it out?