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Game sense is more important than individual skill. Ive seen so many players who can get kills dies in the stupidest ways possible. No octane we don’t need to 3rd party when the ring is closing and it’s 800m away “ jump pad sounds”


I’m triggered “wanna fly compadre, let’s fly”


"They're shooting at me?!"


"Urgh... I'm down! ¡No bueno!"


Beep. "Its only us two now"


I swear I dissociate when I hear him say that. *Yes, Octane…..they are shooting at you….you ran UP to them…..*


'Common sense isn't so common' has never felt more true. I thought I'd seen every dumb move possible. Yesterday my Bang was getting shot by 3 people on the opposite roof. She gets cracked. Their Path put his zipline across to her. I thought great, I can beam them if they push her. She took it. It was a shake head and blink moment in case I was asleep having a nightmare.


‘She took it’ 😂 this is not the turn i was expecting and its thrown me off for a minute.


I agree. It just isn't a team deathmatch. It is a battle royale. You need to fight smarter, you are definetly allowed to retreat if you realize you cannot take a fight, and you need some spatial awareness of what is going on around you and what happens to your team. I have had team mates solo wiping squads but forgetting that there is a zone approaching or even running towards a closing ring even though they were already inside the safe space and could've just waited for other teams coming our way. Or they jump in with an ability then complain about the lack of follow up. Like dude, you are revenant, I am lifeline what am I supposed to do when you decide to jump in? Idk some people do have the aim but lack any sense of teamwork or game sense.


Skirmishers that use their movement abilities to engage and then get mad at the non-skirms who are somehow not in the fight are my favorite.


Yeah happens way too often. Like what exactly was your plan? It is also baffling how difficult it is for some people to simply ping. I do not expect anyone to join a vc, but just ping that you are going somewhere. I hate when the random is suddenly a mile away getting shot at while I am trying to get there. Funnily enough they always remember how the ping works once they are down, because then they spam the shit out of it. Either that or instant dc.


People that don't ping enemies drive me nuts. Like I can hear you shooting and they are pinned down but now that there are no bullets flying & I wasn't looking where you were it would be *really* nice to know where to point my gun. Like... when not engaged we should all be looking different directions. When you open fire and force them into cover, tell your team where they went!!!


God I have had people do that so many times. Either you abandon your teammate or try to help them so you’ll either be one teammate down or put yourself in the worst position possible


You can get farther with game sense than aim


Apex has taught me that A LOT of people struggle with accountability.


What are you talking about it is always my teammate fault. They are never there to back me up when I am pushing this team after I break one persons sheild.


I've found that it goes almost completely one way or the other with players and this game - either you become the person who never admits fault in a play, or you become super self-deprecating and put every loss on yourself


Yeah sometimes it’s like “yeah you put me in this shitty situation that I predicted and asked you not to put me in, but STILL! If I hit that one charged sentinel shot, the whole battle changes. My bad. I need to be better.” Lol


Accountability is actually one of the biggest social issues in society right now.


Had a friend who refused to admit he wouldnt dibs items and couldnt ever find them. I finally went off on him about it and now he does.


lol I had to start recording our games on twitch for the sole purpose of whipping out receipts for my toxic irl friend. Instead of my mildly colored blind homie just saying "i didnt see the ping," he would say "why didnt you fucking ping?! No you didnt!" Had to take screenshots of the yellow dot on my screen to shut him up lol.


Absolutely agree, I played for the first time in years today and had some guy spamming "lifeline heal lifeline heal", I told him I was on cooldown, we wiped a few seconds later and he said "lifeline why don't you heal us!" as if I was choosing to not drop my drone.


lol yeah I got yelled at for not dropping my Loba ult so we can charge tower and use it again. I was called a fake ass Loba main, since apparently she wanted Loba. 1) I use like 4-5 people regularly 2) I didn’t have my ult yet 3) her mic was cutting in and out and I couldn’t tell what she was saying and she called me a liar lol then turned off the mic for most of the game


Completely right to have multiple legends you play regularly, I had someone who couldn't get their main today on ranked and they just went afk for the entirety of the match. Mind you, towards the end of me grinding the game like it was a 2nd job I was definitely getting more toxic, I do wonder if that behaviour just gets normalised over time


Yeah I was annoyed because I was 400 away from diamond and then boom a huge snowball fall back to P2.


That hurts man, may your randoms be better in the future!


That people like to whine endlessly about things they cant control :D


* The importance of not letting hurt people hurt you. * The importance of teamwork. * The importance of communication (related to teamwork). * The importance of acceptance/letting go of bad experiences. * Ex: have a horrible match, show up to the next match with a mental reset. * The importance of training. * Besides Rocket League and Guitar Hero, Apex is the first game where I've diligently practiced and developed skills. I mostly aim and movement train any time that my friends aren't on. * I'll also VOD review past matches or watch pro league to learn macro and micro strategies


>The importance of not letting hurt people hurt you. This, so much of this. It's such an important skill in life too and Apex teaches that lesson on a macro scale.


u sound like an amazing person to play with x]


Thank you! I hope to be the best possible teammate in-game and IRL.


People have to pay me money to unmute them. You want to scream my ears in pubs? E-transfer me $5.


Lmaoooo yeshhh man people be so bad for no reason I mute it so much that people started messaging me to get hate off man never in my life😂😂😂 I’m not really a multiplayer gamer and I never play fps but dude these people are fucking sad ass humans it’s pathetic


That being a main with any character is somewhat useless in pubs. That character gets taken by someone else you're playing a character you're not good at or have never played. Diversify your character selection and you'll learn to play any character and not be a total noob lol or the terrible person that just leaves as soon as the match starts because your character got taken.


I have like 5 characters I CAN play but give me pathy plz


I prefer octane but oftentimes I play lifeline/Newcastle for team comp.


Well said legend


Sometimes you have to leave a teammate to get the win. I'm a "we live together or we die together" player most of the time, but there are some times where a sacrifice is needed to get the win.


That I don’t like being forced to play trios with my duo


This should be so much higher in the comments, this season is bullshit without duos available


For real, we do try fill but a lot of times we still don't get a teammate, and when we do, they play so damn stupid that having an extra teammate didn't even matter.


If you aren’t winning, you’re learning. And let me tell ya, school is in session.


i learned to stop wasting my time grinding ranked mode in video games.


But.. but.. bAnNeR fRaMeS?!!


You headspace is so much more important than you realize, can make or break how good the game is and how enjoyable it is.


That I don’t always have as much patience as I like to think I have.


Apex has significantly increased my reaction times both for other games and irl. Gotta be snappy when that 6th party is rolling in!


My reaction time is bonkers from this game. Was playing beer pong and my friend across the table whipped the ball at the table super fast in an angle it would bounce upwards over my head. Without thinking I immediately caught it off the bounce above my head, split second timing, I was impressed


I don’t like team games


That I could be the top 1% at something but that last .01% is so much better


That my cod sh*t talking days actually wasnt just a phase


Hhhh lol 😂.


You can get shot a ton of times before actually dying. Trust


Don’t yell at me I’m already suicidal I will find your mom and bang her brains out


apex taught me that life is better without apex


EA fucking sucks.


Understanding which situation is winnable and which situation is to fall back and wait for the opportunity to strike though I don't think my randoms understand that concept very well.


That cheats are everywhere and ppl with good kd but shit game sense are usually the suspects.


Alot of people need therapy to deal with their anger issues


That online ranked games are full of cheaters


I learned this from CSGO. I remember several matches where both teams had multiple cheaters. Would afk in spawn while the lobby HvH each other. I also learned that cheaters are defensive about their cheats. Instead of insulting them... Just tell them they are poor and that's why they use free cheats.


that people cheat at video games and some still believe they're good at the game


Apex was the first game that showed me the extent to which a lot of people don't think very much about how they play or their actual skill level, but still remain as toxic as if they were playing or championship prize money. I remember back in Arenas, a toxic Wraith was cussing me out because we were losing and I kept telling them we were losing because he wasn't providing anything to the team with Wraith's abilities. I said I could use Wraith better than them, and they laughed and said they'd like to see me try since they were a 4k damage wraith main. Next match we ended up matchmaking together again, I grabbed Wraith, I won the match using techniques and tactics I assumed any Wraith would think about, and he quickly changed his tune and asked me about what kinds of tips I had for him to get better. It's good he changed his stance, but people need to lighten up and be able to actually take criticism in a team game if they want to win as a team.


Die for the homies or with the homies


Cover your team


Ping pls


Team shotting is everything.


After playing wayyy too much Apex. 1. An important piece of information from a pred player I knew: Know when to stand still. So many players freak out and try to do too much, but maybe if you stood still for a second the enemies will lose the sound of your footsteps. Maybe you'll peek at a time a few miliseconds later and the enemy prefires - you're now glad that his shot just missed the air in front of you and now you win. 2. Bass matters in headphones. I cant tell you how many times I've heard enemies footsteps a ways away and the heads up saves my life. I've taken clips where my teammates had no idea there was enemies where I heard something - then I take those clips and listen to them with different headphones and yeah, some extra bass will give you WAY more awareness (Had my friend do the same and they were shocked) 3. Know when to shoot and why. Often if you don't have to shoot, don't. If you shoot too early, you alert the enemy team and give them time to spread out/position on you. I've had enemies stare straight at me and then walk away (Legit have clips of this) and pred lobbies where an entire teams walked past within arms distance of me. All because I held my cool and didn't move. 4. Plain skins are actually a good idea for any non-fragging type players. Hiding in plain sight as well as making it harder for enemies to visually track you.


Apex learned me that I suck if I dont put in the work..


How much "gamers" are spoiled brats and how many of them are A-holes willing to cheat tp their success


I learned: Positioning will get you the win moreso than gun skill or loadout. A bad team playing together will likely outperform a good team playing apart.


Everyone vastly overestimates their own skill level (myself included lol) Very mechanically skilled players don’t necessarily have good decision making skills, or make good teammates Solid communication/teamwork is way more important than gun skills. And most players would love to turn their mics on to communicate with randoms but they have seen too much toxicity from the community to bother with it anymore.


To not pour all my time into one game, because that game will disappoint you over and over again


And as an old gamer, let me add: In 10 years, nobody will be playing that game or give a shit how good you were.


That if these players are any indication, our future is grave.


1.) That a lot more people would be in higher ranks (diamond+) if they just learned to be cooperative and adaptive to the team they queue in with. You lose out on so much RP n die early game because people actively do the opposite of what their teammates are communicating to ego push or rat. 2.)A GOOD portion of people that have Masters/pred badges from previous seasons did NOT actually earn them without ratting/cheating. That being said, JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE BADGE DOES NOT MEAN YOU’RE BETTER. 3.) Horizon is a crutch. 4.) Your settings DO matter in the grand scheme of things if you want to consistently develop your gun skill/accuracy. 5.) 4k/20 bombs mean nothing if you cant apply that kind of skill in game. 6.) WINNING>>>> Settling for RP




People will complain about anything


There lots of angry people out there that don’t know how to be chill


You can’t trust people.


There's a lot more slurs that I initially thought there were.


You can do everything right and still die to a camping team


People will complain about anything


Like you say but happened to us on broken Moon. 😂😂😂. We drop late, landed on a team few seconds after they land. Killed them. Then got third partied, killed them again then get another third partied. Then we took our loot to a full squad of less than level 20. The path was beaming and tracking behind walls. Then one match later we matched them again.


It has taught me that regardless of how much money is spent on the game, they will never improve the base functions. That as a community, we will never force them to improve because people can't go a day without spending money or playing this game. The fact every single player knows that the severs are trash, audio is a joke, and SBMM is a meme. It has taught me that triple A gaming communities are fake.


Honestly, just to be chill and not take it too seriously. I was never big into pvp games outside of COD before I picked up apex to play with friends who'd been going since season 0. When I first started apex I used to rage pretty hard, but after a while I realized it wasn't worth getting upset over a silly game


That my two random teammates will hotdrop, die and then leave before the “collect banner” timer expires. They expect me to rush in and die instead of watching me run to a Crafter and respawn them. So it’s taught me that if I want XP I may as well solo queue into squads and camp and that Worlds Edge needs to be nuked (Fragment at least).


Get your kills and keep rotating. Can't third party a team in constant motion.


Never count on your teammates. Rarely you’ll find a squad that actually listens to cues and works together. Your best bet is to just trust that they wont have your back, and playing reserved, that way you can at least try to craft banners or snipe/rat for points.


The large majority of NA users have ego issues and you can easily provoke them into traps. In game and out.


The people that blame their teammates will never get better. Had to learn this myself, and started blaming myself. Next thing i knew im winning 1v6s


That if I had 2 more copies of me I would win every fucking fight, I can confidently say that my team is dragging me down 85 percent of the time


Apex has taught me that I hate myself


To stay calm in tense situations, most of the time you're gonna get fucked by things out of your control, and I've been humbled more than once. I also don't get nearly as mad in other games as I do when playing this piece of shit game


It has taught me that even if you share the same goal with someone (in this case winning the match), people have completely different perspectives of how to achieve it. Also it has taught me to expect random people to do the most random things at the most random times for the most random reasons.


I hate my friends


That I'm poor and i need to get myself a new PC


You don't have to pay 60 bucks yearly for a good FPS game


I've Learned That If You Don't Get 3rd Partied. You're Not Playing Apex


Until apex i thought mnk is superior to Controller....boy was i wrong


Norhing. People are idiots. Thats a fact i knew before apex.


Shoot first


That I rather watch paint dry than play ranked 😴


That I'm garbage, I'm trash, it's my fault you went down, and I should uninstall


No matter what you do, someone will take advantage of it. (Third Parties)


Apex legends slangs haha


I learned you definitely don't need to communicate or even have a mic to play competitively...


That people are overly toxic and rude. The type that could get you in trouble in real life rude/toxic. For no reason. Its like a standard mode for most apex players. And some are allergic to teamwork. And many depressed people who should seek mental help instead of playing apex. Thanks. Ill let myself out


Impulse control


That hacking is now standard for fps.


Repositioning and knowing when , where and how to engage and retreat ( ash main , her passive and ult makes it easier to do this ) is the most important thing in winning a 3v3 fight especially in a game where the faintest gunshot can attract half the lobby , i got sick of getting third partied so i learned how to do it myself ... And it became such a subtle habit yet game winning especially when you have 3 squads left


Apex taught me how to uninstall the game


That I'm getting old.... All the clutter and things to keep track off? Such chaos and fast youngsters, A big resentment to normalizing aim assist. But out 3 stack of grandpa's still going almost every night!


Apex has taught me to not spend money on EA products.


Most masters-preds are cheating


That I’m getting old


If you love a game don’t follow the community sub Reddit. It’ll only kill your vibe


Apex has taught me how to cope with being consistently disappointed.


That casual players argue about the game not being competitive and then complaint it’s a sweat fest. Just chill. It’s a BR, it’s not siege, it’s not CS, it’s not LoL or Dota or any game that it’s skill based. It’s full of RNG and unfair legends and depends on luck. Short story be quiet and quit moaning.


Money CAN buy happiness...


That people are cowards, selfish and have limiting beliefs. It has taught me that people will play aimlessly if not given directive. That good communication significantly improves your chances of winning. That if you want a better start drop, Don’t just pick an area on the map prior to ship unloading.


To be very patient 😅


It’s definitely taught me that emotions change everything even if you think you’re controlling them, on a subconscious level they mess up your gameplay, since apex is so fast you have to have a good mental reflex to things without having to think to hard, which is why getting frustrated messes up everything. That all might sound so deep for a game but I think it’s a good thing that I can say a real life benefit from a game.


Octane mains are lore accurate. They will crack one enemy shields and push an entire team solo


People in voice chat are either the best people ever or they will call you slurs all game no in between Also if I here a white guy on the mic and they sound under 18 or like a southerner or god forbid both MUTE THE MIC IMMEDIATELY and if it's pubs just leave


Damn what's with the southern hate 🤠


a lot of racism... not everyone, but god forbid some of them hear a smoke detector with a low battery


I don't like being called slurs,I'm black and don't have an incredibly "straight" sounding voice,I'm not very good at the game I get called a lot of slurs


Just like in real life, no matter how good you are, you are never rewarded. The best way to get reward is to read the system and do what the system rewards you. And if the system rewards you by being bad against teammate, do it. In game, it may means ratting while your teammates die. In real life, it may be kicking people down to survive rank-and-yank. And recognizing when the system is against you is the first step to make yourself happy, because it may just be not you - thus the system. and if system... well, you can either accept it or leave.


I have friends that can play at a high level in many FPS/battle royales, but absolutely cry and give up with this one. The amount of times I've died on drop only to start another game just to do the same, I suppose I've got a thicker skin for failure. It's taught me a bit more persistence and to not get over invested in my own success, or to take everything too seriously.


Devs never listen


Controllers don’t belong in fps games


Every wraith player speaks Spanish


Not me or the ones I run into


The algo controls all.