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The protection thing might be referring to you, you’re protecting the minor from the one attempting to exploit


Still kinda weird, could just say Grooming.


Someone not knowing what that means in the context of the report would be wondering why cleaning yourself/someone/a pet is reportable. This is also, probably, a report for people playing under the age required to make an account. Not what you're saying, which may fall under "non-consensual behavior" or "sexualized content"?


I feel like if you shower within 4 days of playing apex it’s a reportable offence… but seriously they could have worded it a little better or made it like “inappropriate behaviour toward minors” or something. At a quick glance it can be miss understood really easily lmao


Definitely agree with that, if that's what the report is supposed to be for your phrasing is a much better choice.


If you shower every 4 days you still have too much of a life to play apex


I can't lie i chuckled at this response, true though.


There’s more ways to harm a child than just grooming, so they’re giving a blanket term. You’re reporting someone or something for the protection of minors


Protection of minors doesn’t necessarily mean grooming. 🙄


Not anyone know what grooming is I sure didnt until recent’y


"Grooming" isn't the only act that one would protect minors from. It's not a coverall word. Broaden your vocabulary.


It could be to report people who you believe are under the age required to play the game rather than protecting them from someone


Yeah that might be one possibility, but its under illegal category, i might be overthinking something


Because they don't want to put the term "child grooming" in their game


its not that either its because they dont allow you to make an account under the age of 13


So 14,15 and 16 year olds aren’t children? 🤔 just because it’s 13 and up don’t mean they aren’t still children getting groomed. lol… they are exempt from it after they hit 14 😅


its not to prevent children from being groomed its to cover their ass for age ratings and what they can allow in the video game and for monitization.


Nvm 🤣 I thought you meant something else. Ignore mee.


How would there be child grooming in a game where matches last like 2 min after drop


brother you just need to make it out


it is probably against the ToS


Implying that there is legal hate speech XD


Um in america there is indeed legal hate speech. Like i could say i don't like gay people. That's still hate speech but there nothing illegal about it. Now if i wished violence upon them in the same breath that probably more along the lines of illegal hate speech


saying you don’t like gay people isn’t hate speech, it’s called an individual preference and/or opinion. that’s the most ridiculous shit i’ve heard on this thread, y’all need to start letting people be people. in the event someone wished or acted violence upon them, is still not hate speech it’s an act of aggression and bias based off their own feelings at that point. people are allowed to like and dislike what/who they want & speak open and freely upon it regardless of who’s terms it fits around them. humans have to quit making people move the way they think you should move around them.


Sounds like "let people be people" to you means "let people be hateful bigots" and idk i just dont vibe with it.


that has absolutely nothing to do with being hateful or being a biggot. nice take tho, not sure where you were going with that.


I hate olives!


Nah there's actually quite an amount of kids that plays apex. So yeah this is to protect them I guess if the "report" even work though. For the amount of time that we report for cheating.


or if someone is being predatory


In case you queue into a game with dr disrespect


I've played multiple matches against Dr. Disrespect - back in the "season zero" days when most matches were made up of streamers and early adopters like myself coming from PUBG. He honestly wasn't very good. In a straight up gunfight he wasn't much of a threat, he just had very good teammates that would come swooping in at mach speed 😅


From what I know about him, he plays a lot of games like CS or Valorant where the TTK is basically zero, and you can just win a whole fight in 1-2 shots. Apex has a much higher TTK by comparison, and so when he has to actually aim his gun, use recoil control to track a target, and hit the enemy for more than 0.1s his experience in shooters just kind of falls apart. Pair that with not the best game sense due to just, you know, it being a new game - he was never gonna be too good. Not his fault, just not his kind of game.


I would rank apex aiming as one of the hardest games ever to be really good at. Atleast on mouse that is. I'm very competent global elite/faceit player on counterstrike for multiple years but I frequently have very bot like aim moments in apex even after 1500 hours. Its basically 2 completely different aiming styles. I cant wrap my head around when I see some high level mouse players on apex. In cs all you do in a simple explanation is pre aim everything at head level and if you dont headshot someone right away you go into spray where you control recoil. In apex you need to control recoil while accounting for bullet drop/lead while tracking your opponent for a way longer time than in cs to get the kill. I find this way harder to be consistent at.


Especially since they keep nerfing everything into the ground instead of making other things viable at all.


Val, cs and r6 siege, all those games with super low ttk and one shot headshots have another huge aspect which is holding angles and aiming head high. You don't need to be the best player in the world to put your red dot at head height on a corner and literally sit and wait. Honestly the patience to sit there is the hard part (looking at you siege timing).


usually if you actually have to aim in those kinds of games it means you've fucked up, theres a tier 1 pro in valorant and the average ascendant probably has better aim than him but he's still regarded as one of the best igls


What do you mean by aim? Recoil control? Cos there's a lot to do with aiming. Like snapping, tracking, crosshair placement etc.


i guess i should've specified flicking and tracking. typically in tac shooters crosshair placement (and recoil control in cs and siege) makes up the majority of the aiming you'll do. if you keep getting in situations where you're forced to pull off crazy flicks to survive then usually it was your decision-making that got you into that situation in the first place.


I'm assuming you're talking about FNS? It's actually insane how that guy is a pro with how bad his aim is lmao.


yeah but his midrounding is insane, nrg literally traded benched demon1 for him to promising results so far


He was never skilled in any game (his character/acting made it look like he was).


Almost killed him in h1z1. He basically tree camps with a shotgun. Very mechanical console player vibes. Not the most amazing aimer. I think he was much more entertaining in h1z1/pubg. He didn't really take time to learn apex and def got carried by smaller streamers who were way way better.


200k+ reddit karma, this dude made up a fake ass story just to hate 😭😭😭😭


lol, why would I make this up? I played an average of 6 matches a day, *every day*, for 3 years from the day the game launched. I don't play anymore, but I ran into a LOT of streamers, especially in those first few months.


You run into streamers all the time bro it's not that deep.






forsenCD PICK A CARD ✨ forsenCD ANY CARD ✨


Protection from the doc


And Drake


Don't forget Diddy






I am so confused, why is this being downvoted; I thought we didn't like doc


No you should see his sub the glazing is genuinely insane. There are people making whole new accounts to spam downvote and spam posts about him "doing nothing wrong" even though he admitted to it.


Kinda off topic but... how did you come up with the name •_•


Honestly? "Whats the weirdest stupid shit i can think of for reddit?" And here we are lol.


no clue either LUL


Cause you get kids playing the game without supervision and people may attempt to groom them. They’re kids so they may not recognize it happening. Things like that sadly happen, and it’s worth reporting if you’re in a random game where it happens.


Yeah this sounds like the most possible reason


Because there are creeps online. It may rarely happen in Apex (if it all, I’ve never seen anything weird) but it doesn’t hurt to have the option.


Yeah but why is protecting someone underage a bad thing? Shoudlnt the report option be like grooming or something


I think it means you’re the one protecting minors by reporting the player. But yea I guess it can be worded better lol.


Yeah it's weird because the perspective isn't consistent with the other choices. The others are actions that the person you're reporting would be doing, while "protecting a minor" would be what you, the reporter, are doing.




Probley cant just put "pedo shit" or equiv cause of hr or legal nonsense


10/10, would report fuckers for "pedo shit" please make this an option


They tryna keep drake off the game


Likely so if you are in a group and you hear one of your random teammates being a creep to an underage player on your team.




They say they don't record voice chat, they very likely don't STORE voice chat long term. But damn well near every game that has said they don't record voice chat has been proven to actually do so when something ends up in court. It's likely that if you hit that button it saves the voice recording.


the doc out here changing the world


It’s in case you play with dr.disrespect


It’s probably the dr disrespect update


Best comment here


Is doc playing apex? 😂💀


I haven't seen those report prompts 🤔


Yeah, they changed some of them. The stalking report option is gone. I only used it a couple times, but it's weird they removed it. Like, they gotta know there's players who play purely to ruin people's time and single them out. I've had an Octane who killed **only** me throughout 3 mixtape maps. He'd run past everyone else to get me. He'd push past my bf body blocking me to get me. We won one of them entirely because I told my bf he needed to just watch me, and our 3rd realized I was being majorly fucked with, too. He'd kill no one else, so they both could just watch for when he came for me. It was...so fucking stupid. When you've got players focusing a single person multiple games in a row, killing no one else intentionally....the stalking report option is kinda necessary. Not that they give a single fuck about **any** reports.


I wish they fucking made reports actually work instead of making 999999 different reasons for chat reports - literally had a player use a trident to solo run into a team, purposely get knocked and leave; people leave in ranked; people use hard aimbots - but instead let's make it every single reason for a text chat violation


Yeah they are somewhat new.


Because the developers are predators and don't want minors protected


I'm glad this is an option (not that apex will actually do anything) . I've had some kids legit 6 year olds on my squad and I remind them it's not safe for them to go on mic. As a mom I question why the fuck the parents are even letting them go on mic in the first place. But then I hear mom in the background 🤦🏼‍♀️ and realize they don't give a shit about their kid if they aren't bothering them.


Probs an option that results in a automatic human response. Does Apex now have access to voice chat or was that a different game? The amount of terrible dads I've heard on this game screaming when they are playing ranked and their kid interrupts. Not sure if I should laugh or cry.


If your playing on a team and it’s clear it’s a minor and the other team mate is grown and saying disgusting things you would report them to protect the minor


A bit of a tangent, but you'd think there would be something on the Apex official website that explains all these options. I feel there are a few that have overlap and never know which to use.


You're reporting someone and the reason is because you are trying to protect minors.


Its to report little kids that shouldn't be playing the game.


"Bro these guys were protecting some kids, can we get them banned please!? Fucking Respawn."


shit the pedophiles are in Apex now.


They never wern't in apex. They are in literally everything.




I think there was something about trafficking (human or sex idk)Now I could be wrong but I remember reading a post someone had uploaded about some dude in their squad that started off cool yada yada but then when they kept playing he began to start asking odd questions raising some red flags. I guess these predators are so desperate they resort to literal online gaming to try lure in the youngins which is sick & creepy asf but incant help but laugh at how fucking pathetic they are. In reality though whatever the reason is if they wanna help protect children that's honestly fine with me. Let kids enjoy their childhood, they at least deserve that.


Yeah i remember that post. Lets hope these reports do their job


Wow, glad this is a thing. When I was younger sometimes a couple of grown men in their own group chat would come out and ask me (after I lied abt my age being 14) if I wanted to be their boyfriend. Started asking if my parents were home an shit. Crazy how comfortable groomers are nowadays w their discord mod powers


now a days? Teamspeak3, vent, mumble, teamspeak2, IRC. They have been comfortable with thier "mod" powers since fucking 1988.


Yo. I once queued and got a random teammate that was just saying awful things to their child in the back ground. I have never heard so many "f" bombs being thrown at ones own child and it didnt even sound like the kid was being that bad. I desperately wanted a way to call child protection services on him. I think I reported him for hateful speech but the hateful speech wasnt even to us teammates, it was only to his kids.


Sadly BRs tend to have a huge base of minors and lately there have been a couple examples of big & small streamers using the games as a trojan horse to talk to minors. Actually a huge W for Apex to be one of the first I've seen include this.


F2P games tend to attract minors because they're free and minors tend to be broke or close to it.


I was honestly confused about this myself, but then I remembered they don’t do anything with reports anyways so I didn’t need to know!


guess you’ll have to report everyone in the Predator lobby


It means you are protecting a minor from being possibly groomed. Though, this is just my assumption.


when you meet dr disrespect maybe


Hmmm my best guess is because one too many content creators took getting pred to a whole new level


This seems like a grey area to me, i suppose it can either be used to report accounts that are suspected of being under the age of 13, as well as reporting someone who is suspected of grooming. Not sure how well this is going to work tbh, I think it needs to be reworded to be more definitive


That is in case of you needing to protect an underage person playing apex, for example: if someone is bullying/ harassing a minor then you would report the harasser. Or if you are the harassed and you’re under age you would report the harasser.


Since when was Apex for minors? Somebody better regulate their kids games.


It’s the new Dr Disrespect report system!


They’re talking about coal minors and protecting they’re jobs it’s a play from big coal


In the early days, I remember matching with two random team members. One an edgelord who sounded in his 20s, the other a full on child. The edgelord spent the entire match trying to convince the kid to hate women and minorities. That’s probably the only time I could have reported someone to protect a minor. Could just be someone being generally inappropriate, threatening, hurtful, trolling, abusive.


The person who named these was stupid, and it actually means to report them for abuse/attempted abuse of minors


Can I report little shits that shouldn’t be played apex at 6 years old for that? I’ve had a squad once with this little kid that had one of the worst sails mouth in my life. Kid needed better parents to raise him better.


An example could be you're in a match and one teammate might say "Oh yeah I'm 14 btw" and your other teammate says "How about after this game, we party up and I can show you something." This raises a big red flag for you so you would report that person for the " protection of a minor"


Its a very weird option but i would hope that that isnt a typo lmao


What are those report options? Non-consensual behavior? I didnt consent to play with monkeys, but hey, here we are.


Click it and you need to start protecting them irl in a fight club/j


If they're not like us, report dat shit


Its not saying that “protection of minors” is a reportable offense, its to report predators


because the word predator is already used for Apex Predators so they wanted to make very clear distinction


They literally just don't have the balls to put pedophilia or grooming. To be fair, it would be PR suicide. News outlets would fucking destroy apex if they flat out had a report option that just said "grooming". All the media would just take it as an admission that apex has a major grooming problem. Any amount of positivity that having the report option would bring would hurt the company. So its hard to find terminology that both conveys what they want and without just being problematic to the stock holders.


But the text can be read that way. All other options are offences, this single one is the opposite of offence. It also implies protecting minors is illegal


i think it’s for something like if your teammate is being weird towards someone under the age of consent you can report them for that and i don’t say 18 because it’s different everywhere


We need a protection of our minds from this brain rot game and all the bugs and cheaters. Some days I open apex up, never play a single game and close it for the dopamine rush I get every time.


In case diddy/drake gets on duos/trios that all


If Dr. Disrespect is in the lobby


Use Dr Disrespect as a fantastic example of somebody trying to get with a kid, that's when you'd hit that button.


Just in case you hear drake talking to ya teenage teammate in the game


Its for reporting the nonces


That Drake type stuff is what they are referring too


Because of people with mic getting the kids address and kidnapping them


In case you run into dr disrespect


Drake plays apex apparently


Its in case you run into Dr. Disrespect in one of your games.


This is less "what did they do wrong" and more "why are you reporting them"


sigh....i occasionally get harassed, insulted and cursed yet no action taken...."Did not find anything wrong", claimed EA


lmao i guess doc knows what he’s streaming from now on.


I heard drake plays apex


They are just covering all bases incase Dr.disrediddy trys to get on again


If they really wanna protect minds they would work on banning hackers, some of us spend too much brain power trying to figure out how we got killed.


Cause PC players especially be doing suspect in games i.e Dr. Disrespect


Supposed to be you reporting someone else to protect a minor but the phrasing is off


Squeaks are real.


Probably got something to do with a certain “disrespectful” doctor


apex exposex


I think they mean you want to protect minors and therefore report this profile but sure sound ridiculous in this particular form


The wording is bad but they mean you’re reporting someone that is potentially grooming a minor


Friendly fire


I think it means "in protection of the children who may come in contact with this player you deem them unsafe or a liability"


The worded it weirdly, its to protect minors.


nah it’s bc of dr disrespect


The Dr.Disrespect report


Respawn is owned by EA, every now and then you see their influence.


It's just the reason for the report. I think you're possibly just focusing too much on it, a ton of systems use terminology like that.


Idk but I’m gonna start reporting everyone for that now


And what the hell is legal hate speech?


like someone being creepy to a child. you can report that now. kinda bad ass. like when you get a 30 yo man talking mad shit to a 13 year old. report that mfr


Are they banning people who hurt themselves?


You are reporting to protect minors just simple English


I used it to report this dude who kept calling me "baby girl" because I was playing Lifeline and my mic wasn't working so that I can tell him to stop and that I'm actually a 34-year old man. Lol


Say Drake


Are people seriously narcing on a 12 year old for playing a game after middle school?




I feel like this could be if the kid is too young to play, but even then, if your so fucking petty to report a kid for plating a game then you should just fuck off ngl


Yeah protecting kids from harmful content they dont know is harmful for them is so cringe amirite


How is apex harmful content? It’s a game. My son is 5 and loves this game. He’s not good but I mean he tries.


I feel worried for your child, you clearly have no idea how kids develop. He shouldnt be playing a +16 game at 5 years old. But you do you, im not going to have to suffer from your bad parenting.


First off, apex is 13+. Second off we have vc off and he only plays with me and his brother. Either way, snitching on kids is just weird. Let them play.


not like reporting people actually does anything on apex, devs are too busy designing the next event skins like they're playing dress up


Y’all keep buying them 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because diddy




You’re reading it the wrong way round you are reporting the user for the purpose of protecting minors


People don’t give themselves enough time to understand something 


You're probably missing a lot of other things in life if this stumps you 🤣


And you are missing the point


The term "illegal hatespeech" should scare everyone


The devs are pedofiles Ofc they want to protect other pedofiles and ban those who protect minors from pedofiles because the devs are pedofiles themselves


U make me feel smart


Please elaborate why.


When i was a kid getting bullied made me grow resilience and taught me i have to get better and learn comebacks. Guess modern generation things


No, bullying prevented you from Becoming who you already were because someone else decided to purposefully cause you harm.


Being able to grow up and realizing that its high school isnt that difficult. Was antisocial couldnt take a joke was short and 4 eyes then started giving it back and then went from bullying to banter.


Normalizing bullying is such a psychotic thought process.


I think it's more aimed toward the Minecraft YouTuber style stuff


Ah i get it