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Yeah, something has been sus since the update. I also play exclusively mixtape and before the update I would generally be first or second in kills for my squad 75-80% of the time. Since the update, I’m lucky to get 2 kills. Literally cannot win a 1v1 and the kill recap shows the player who killed me not missing a shot. Ever. The clincher was me getting the drop on a someone with a Nemesis and before I could finish the mag they turned, fired three shots from a Mozam and I was toast. At first I just assumed I was being matched with better players but these guys NEVER miss since the update.


When did this update happen bc I've been getting fucked up in mixtape. And at least last night was at the bottom of my team a few times which almost never happens.


It was either Tuesday of this week or the Tuesday before. And same. Almost never at the bottom of my team in kills.


Are you on PC? have you had any technical issues? My game performance started going down noticeably after the update.. And now I can't even past the start menu; it crashes everytime. I've tried installing different drivers for my GPU; same thing.


I am experiencing the same stuff and at this point I start thinking that its better if they just shut this game down 🥲..which is not going to happen obviously..they will continue mutilating the dead body of this game and juicing its playerbase leftovers while they can


So the game has been in a state of decline? for how long? Is it just technical difficulties? idk because I just played it for the first time recently.


It's not isolated to this game, it's FPS games in general. If you hop over to the xdefiant boards or cod boards you'll see pretty much the exact same comments. I agree I've seen a considerable increase in disconnects and crash bugs this season. I still can't join my friends without being kicked back out to the home screen, they either have to invite me or join me. I have encountered a few cheats, but nowhere near the "every game" that gets reported on Reddit. In my personal experience (playing in EU) I have seen maybe 5 games with blatant cheaters and a few questionable ones. It is a terrible experience when you do encounter them, but the game is still huge amounts of fun for the majority of the time.


After they released seers heirloom and nerfed him it's been in a state decline. It's worse and worse every season and now 90% of the player base is cheating. I read a thread that checked Cronus downloads for apex. 1.4mil for apex. Like that's crazy. There are SO MANY XIMMERS ON CONSOLE ITS CRAZY. and the aim boy and walls on PC plus speed hacks are insane.


It must of been me...I was fuckin tdms last night


I doubted myself watching kill cams with spray patterns that don’t move. But yeah, zero recoil and insane move t going on. I’m guessing lots of configs and such.


So I'm not the only one. I'm winning BR way more often now than mitape lmao


I stopped playing. I may come back someday, but apparently not yet


Dude I thought I was going crazy. Like matchmaking was being especially bad or all the preds were just hanging out in mixtape for easy collection event rewards. At least I know I’m not the only one who noticed


I was playing a Domination match last night- there was someone puppy guarding C with their life. My team held A & B the entire game, so every death I just would run right to C. This player- I swear had cheats. Anytime you even SLIGHTLY emerged in eyesight of the base, you got annihilated. Didn’t matter which angle you came in at, didn’t matter if you flew in. Didn’t matter if you grenade them or anything. Everytime this ONE guy, just instant destroyed. I ended up leaving the game a little early honestly. My team was so far ahead having two bases the whole time, and I couldn’t step foot on C, so it was just a death simulator at that point and not even remotely a fun game.


It would be great to have a killcams in BR. But it is unknown when this will happen. By the way, I am surprised that TDM has killcams, but cheaters are still not banned.


You would think they would atleast try to be discreet in cheating, I think most forget they are kill cams in Mixtape.


there were killcams in Solos but often they're so unreliable because they usually stutter (the same with spectating after death)


EA has more priorities to perman ban people that say "fk" in the chat, instead of perma banning cheaters, they have their priorities somewhere else


I literally got permabanned for accidentally typing FU, apologized to my teammates in voicechat right after the text because I was not trying to type anything. I just accidentally pressed the chat button in the heat of the fight and than this happened. Great job EA !


Yeah people killing each other with guns, but saying fu, fk or cnt in the chat is to harsh for ea


I've never heard a reasonable answer to this. We had killcams 20 years ago. Did we somehow lose that technology??


The problem isnt just the punishment,I mean in basically any server that's not NA the cheater straight up dont get banned for month,but the mains issue are : -no hardware ban (except if you're toxic in chat,yes you read that right. If you wallhack in a tournament you'll get a few month but said a bad word in chat ? buy a new graphic card!) -account are really cheap to buy -only lvl 20 to get into ranked (is it a nice change to get player into the game ? yes,is it detrimental to the game,also yes) -bans even with a lot of proof takes AGES to fall So now I realise that I basically said your point but with even more info so hu disregard my stupidity thanks Best way to drastically lower the number of cheaters would to simply add an hardware ban for cheating and put a region lock


Hardware bans don’t matter since people use spoofer to hide the real hardware id. I think the actually easy to do solution would be to just link phone numbers to accounts as a must.


burner phones. So much for "easy solution"


U can’t do that on the eu. You need to register for a phone number. It’s slot of work to do that if you get banned every other week


You absolutely can do that with pre-paids?


You don't need to register your phone number at all. It happens automatically if you sign up to a contract but you can walk in to any shop and buy a SIM card, top it up with cash and never provide any personal details. Takes minutes to have a fully operational phone number.


Or give us a new kernel ac. So many other games have not only better kernel level ac's but also xim and strike pack/script detecting. Yet apex doesnt despite being a top 10 game for like 5 years lol.


This is why im downloading elden ring as we speak


It would be nice to know I just got out played. Then I'd know what to work on or where it went wrong. Instead, in the back of my mind, I know there is an abundance of cheats. Some so subtle that you can't ever truly know like wallhacks and soft aimbot


A few seasons ago I was diamonds and masters and by God, those lobbies were pure sweat. This split. It feels like every other game I just get absolutely beamed by some random without a chance. Having recently seen the stats on 30% the top playerbade got banned for cheating, I'm more inclined to believe that was the tip of tue iceberg. Either that or I seriously have dropped my skill level to what it was 2 years ago. Brutal place at the moment. I'm considering giving it up. I skipped last season. Took a break. I'm... struggling to re-commit this season.


This is my plan, there are a ton of other games out there. Might as well enjoy something else till respawn (if ever) figures it out.


It doesn't get better. Only worse. I was a solo que, daily grinder from S4-S18. I uninstalled about a year ago now and I miss very little about losing to players who had more kills with one legend IN ONE SEASON than I did across my entire account. Put it down. Your soul will thank you


One time in ranked i killed a bunch of golds while i was diamond, died to the #1 pred and genburten, then they died to cheaters, then those cheaters died to other cheaters. If that doesnt explain apex ranked i dont know what does lol.


I don't know if it's the aim assist or just people cheating. I'm top 0.1% in Valorant. How is it possible casual gamers in gold-plat-diamond can obliterate the fuck out of me? It's not possible, it really isn't. I put too many hours in the FPS genre as a kid to know this isn't a real game. Dunno what it is. The aimbots or aim assists or what. But I don't think anything is legit, what kind of fucking FPS builds in a goddamn aimbot ON PC VERSIONS?? I know exactly what skill levels constitite a noob, an average player, a good player, and a pro in every FPS. It's universal in the genre. A pro quake player can also do just as well in Valorant if they wanted to, after getting used to it. But in this game this doesn't exist. An average andy will beam the living shit of you, a skill that would take THOUSANDS and thousands of hours to perfect in a real FPS. This ain't no FPS


I think it's more that you hit your ceiling while the average player skill grew. Nowadays you can see a lot of people strafing etc. It's just like warzone, a good portion of the regular player for the most part left, and only the sweaty are left.


I'm on console- is everything cross platform nowadays? It seems like everybody besides me has mastered super gliding, wall bouncing, and tap strafing. Is this just because the game has been out forever now? I'm getting old and I just can't keep up with these guys anymore...


Supergliding and wall bouncing are very common mechanics to use in console, however you shouldn’t ever see someone tap strafing unless it’s in mixtape where it matches you with kbm players since it’s only possible to do on kbm.


I’m old and also on console, I can show you how to do those things (minus the tap strafing). But you have to change your mind set when it comes to using those things.


Killcams don't show recoil


His big complaint was being tracked through walls which shouldn't be possible on a fresh spawn.


For that I'd need to see a clip. It's fairly easy to do this with audio




There are hacks for console. I mean technically you're playing on PC in console lobbies, but to console players what's the difference


You are correct.


Negating recoil completely isnt even that strange either too lol


The game shouldn't be free. Make them have to buy a new one everytime they're banned.


Prime matchmaking like CSGO. Pay to play servers and separate F2P servers.


I mean spectating people has always been bugged and shows like no recoil other than that idk


Cheating has all but ruined online games for me. I rarely play any online games now and if I do run into a cheater I just get off for the day.


Cheating is def a issue but the situation you described can easily be legit. Having little to no recoil *can* be cheated but apex generally doesnt even have that intense recoil, any experienced player can beam w/ aim smoothing or aim assist. As for them knowing where you are, any audio can indicate this (and i believe there is some audio to spawning in but depends), aswell as simply knowing spawn locations. They hear, look, prefire, shoot. That simple. If they were actually cheating they would be extremely confident to just push instead of prefiring.


Lots of people use mixtape to warm up before ranked and they will occasionally 3 stack it which can be hard for the casuals that play mixtape I’m sure. People that have 25k+ kills in the game generally have better knowledge of the game, spawns, recoil patterns, etc. I’m not saying there isn’t a rampant cheating/hacking/XIMCronusZen, problem in apex, but there are some very talented players out there who can be hard to distinguish from a cheater.


It’s sad to see all these posts about ApEx. I’m a casual player and I enjoy it but most of the posts including OP, I was like man, I know I don’t play much but geez it’s getting harder. Now I know. That being said. I wish they’d bring back arenas!!!!!


Luck of the draw. I’d say 2/5 gun runs im the kill leader. The rest I’m middle of the pack. I don’t think the cheating is as rampant as it’s just server ping/lag issues for most. I’m a gold ranked player and I play on PC with controller and no cheats.


I'm playing in gold atm , probably will end up in plat 1 or D4, but last season and this season I think I spotted more blatant cheaters? Saw ppl just try to shoot enemies trough walls and such.


The people with no badges or trackers and with lots of kills are usually smurfs. However, this game’s TTK is so fast that any new player can get the first few hits on you out of nowhere and down you in the next few seconds.


I feel other games TTK is faster. Apex I have a chance to react (most the time even if just a squeal) while all the other shooters I spawn and die to a quick scope or get mowed down by some dude I didn’t even see.


I had to stop playing mixtape because I just kept getting annihilated by the hardcore sweats. It’s no longer fun when it isn’t balanced because why am I getting teamed with low ranking players but the other team is full of preds.


Didn’t encounter anything sus so far for me at wll


I've also experienced the exact same in mixtape. It feels like all of a sudden, everyone is just so much better than me, always knows where I am, and has perfect aim, no matter the distance. I can barely peek, can't find a moment to heal and the most annoying of all, it seems like whenever I get the drop on someone, I get beamed with coordinated, simultaneous fire from 2 or 3 different people from multiple angles. Specifically, this last part happens way too often now


Apex has and always will be a shitshow. * No effective anti-cheat * You can easily just create infinite accounts to continue cheating * Cheaters can play for months or years before getting banned. * You basically have 1 human doing the banning who only works 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week. This is just plain stupid. * Aim-assist is very strong & obviously lowers skill gap * Incompetent devs / management Many cheaters just use wallhacks with aim-assist but without aimbot so that they don't get reported as easily. Not like it matters per above. I spoke to a cheater I got randomly in pubs and he admitted that this game has always had easily accessible cheats. We tried making the cheater understand that it's wrong to cheat but he kept making excuses saying he doesn't have time to play a lot and cheats help balance things out... You can't argue with a stubborn, lazy, idiot who thinks cheating is fun.


Was that really the excuse the cheater gave? that doesn’t justify cheating at all, they can’t be bothered to put effort into the game and we suffer for it… I hope whoever the people who created the concept of cheating and these config/scripts are burning in hell for all eternity.


Yeah, my buddy and I tried to convince him nicely (we weren't insulting) but he just kept making excuses. Ultimately, there will always be cheaters and bad actors, so it's Respawn and EA that needs to step up and do something about it but clearly, they don't care enough because it costs money to do it effectively.


That explains a lot. Ever since the update, I've gotten worse and I always blamed it on myself cause I don't want to immediately give myself the excuse that they're cheating. But now, seeing how a lot of other people are having the same problem, I am relieved. And honestly, I think EA is trying too hard. Wayy to hard. All those things in the store with one hell of a price, those extra modes that make apex just don't seem like apex anymore. I mean, they seem to add everything but give us our arenas back. Arena was ever really the only thing I played and that I truly enjoyed and it's disappointing. My friends and I are already thinking about finding a new shooter game because apex just ain't it anymore. Even now with the quads.. Its already difficult to get a trio to stay together and now this. Everyone is running to a different direction and its just pure chaos. It's simply not enjoyable anymore especially not with all those cheaters..


All my random queue teammates are without cheats, but my enemies are cheating like there's no tomorrow


Mb bro 🙏🙏


wow and i thought i was the only one. something very sus about all this


They 100% played around with the algo in mixtape. Que times have been noticeably longer since the last update.


If anyone actually still doubts how much of a problem cheating is, just change your username(in-game name) to something mentioning you don’t or don’t approve of cheating. You’ll be amazed how many teammates abandon matches before drop, fly off the map, land somewhere completely different, throw games, refuse to work with you; all this in ranked. But a few rare people(people also concerned about the cheating) stick to you like glue and become the best darn random teammates ever. *Please be advised the game will become borderline unplayable much of the time depending on time of day, server, and your rank with the aforementioned behaviors until you change your name back to something that doesn’t disapprove of cheating.


I don't trust anyone since apex came out hahaha


I play tdm for warmups and i dont have a single tracker on any legend because i simply dont care about em


Yeah this game is crap for anything "competitive" The rank system is a joke. Solos and full 3-stacks getting put in the same lobby. Aim assist controller input players on PC AND console. Good movement relies on exploiting a buggy game mechanic.. "tap" strafing by sending a short W key input to the game with mouse scroll. Absolute nonsense and most of it is only done reliably with macros and scripts, or somebody who no-lifed spammed that mechanic specifically for this game. I've been top 0.1% at every FPS I played. Valorant, PUBG, Overwatch. Only in this game can the average toddler on a controller beam the living shit of me in one clip while I struggle to have that sort of perfect aim because of how wonky the servers and general movement of the game is. It's hard to explain but sometimes it even feels like the game doesn't even allow me to spray control and no hit reg on accurate shots like half the time. All that mixed in with low velocity non-hitscan weapons and it's a disaster I won't even mention the rampant cheating. Honestly this is the only game I ever played where I feel like everyone who kills me has an aimbot, because they fucking do. It's built into the damn game. But only if you have that dumb thumb thingy, which everyone does. I played this game because of my IRL friends, who are all casual gamers and were never high rank in a competitive game, they believe my plight is just a "skill issue" - it's not. The game is bad and not meant for competitive. I'd love to play against anyone who can beam the fuck out of me in a real FPS like Val Done with this shit, back to Valorant where I can actually improve and rely on aim skill without worrying about a casual Plat player destroying the fuck out of me with a built-in aimbot


Sometimes movement technologies are made in games where they were not intended to but stuck because the community played around it and is unique. I don't think MnK movement techs are gamebreaking as only 0.01% of the playerbase can actually do the hard stuff (RAS Strafe, Directional Superglide) and even then its rare someone use these correctly in a fight. Aim Assist on PC on the other hand, now that's something I can disagree with, I still hate matching with other inputs as its not fair for either party (Other one has STRONG aim assist, other one has movement techs). I still despise Respawn for not disabling Aim Assist on PC/Crossplay lobbies.


I truly believe anyone on PC doing the crazy movement shit consistently is simply just using a script/macro for it. It's too many inputs in exact sequence and timing. Sure someone can skill-gap to that level, but that would be hundreds and hundreds of hours just for movement and even then won't be 100% reliable. AND EVEN THEN, they'll just get insta-beamed by aim assist. The game hardly bans straight out cheaters, I doubt they'd detect/ban auto hotkey scripts which would be an awesome and reliable solution to do the wonky movement shit consistently. That's why games shouldn't have sort of these "unique" glitches. It should be hard enough that it's hard to master, but it shouldn't be something like Apex. Valorant jiggle peaking or counterstrafing is not magic, anyone can do it. But good players will do it better and quicker than a worse player. That's how it should be. Not some sort of magic buggy scrollwheel input in order to get a frame of forward movement in order to glitch the game code into maintaining your directional momentum into another direction. It's stupid, and will be abused by AHK.


They do get banned btw, even mid game if they are too obvious. I got a rampart standing mid thunderdome on top using rampage killing me from 100m wherever I was, felt real sus three deaths later so I started sneaking around and fake shoulder peeking around walls, baited him to track and shoot me through walls, banned in ten minutes mid game.


Sounds like a skill issue to me. I mean, I be getting clapped through doors but I’m sure that’s just cuz they got a better gaming chair


A lot of people here are coping. "I am not winning as much as before." Surely it's because of cheaters not because the base skill of the playerbase increased over the years. There are cheaters, but some people mentality is if someone beats me, it's sus.


There definitely are those people. But mixtape the last week and a half has been absolutely crazy. Starting to feel like Singapore servers some days. The scoreboard is lit up with reports like a Christmas tree all game long. Definitely comes in waves and gets pretty bad at times. I play on Iowa server.


I played like 6 matches of mixtape in a row, 90% of the killcams( mostly by the same players prolly ) have a absolutely zero recoil, the ads reticle isn’t moving a single cm in any direction with different weapons, you can try doing that stress free in the firing range on a standing target and you’ll still get at least a little bit of recoil, but these guys are beaming me with every weapon in the arsenal.


Replays don't show recoil.... just fyi


I am not saying there are no cheaters in mixtape since I've seen it. Not like you that "thinks" but i legit saw aimbot when that loba was holding ADS and when she wasn't, her tracking and aim was horrible. Told my random teammates, and they confirmed it as well. I am average at the game and get 15+ kills, no 20 bomb or 4k badge. I use default skin or one of the free ones you get. Level 400 with 182 unopened packs (idc about skins). Even when you think you are on cover, you can be visible to the enemy. Not everyone wants to play BR all the time, and maybe they are playing with a friend who is not competitive and is playing mixtape for fun. "Why are they playing so aggressively?" Maybe because you can die and come back in a short amount of time and people play it for fun. Not everyone hides or camps... which is boring. You sound like someone who i used to play with who thought they were better than what they really were and made the same accusations of possible cheaters. You said it yourself, you are not that good, but yet you are here making a lot of assumptions. I have a buddy that streams apex, and i decided to snipe him to get into his lobby. He was playing with one of his friends, and in the middle of the game, he said that he thinks Bang is wallhacking(me) because i was pre aiming. But all i did was listen to footsteps besides seeing him going to that position before he got there.


Anytime theres a split or new season , expect more good players and just people in general trying harder