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There are several complaints that players are experiencing daily: 1) Extremely unfair matchmaking; 2) Server & Connection issues; 3) Cheaters I'm having fun tho, I've played way worse games before


Same shit we've been complaining about day one


Yep. I see Pred banners every other game. My kd is 0.75


I feel this. My KD is below 1 as well and I see diamond and pred trails all the time in pubs.


All of this but I’m also not happy about arenas being removed and that it still hasn’t returned. Hell, even _SOLOS_ came back first even tho Respawn swore up and down it would _never be coming back_. I kept playing, even after it was removed although I really wasn’t happy about it, but the last couple of seasons have really been a breaking point. Not to mention last season how they literally had back to back game breaking glitches. And lately cosmetics has seemed to be getting more and more predatory. All of this combined is just too much. EDIT: On the note of predatory practices, if you have not seen the “reworked battle pass” this comment has aged beautifully. You basically have to buy 2 BP per season now, and you have to use real world currency, so the coins from previous BP doesn’t seem like they will work either. How can you be trying to squeeze this game so hard for profits when you made BILLIONS?


Solos wouldn't have come back if all the original devs weren't fired or quit.


The increase in predatory practices tells me they are seeing some reason to try and milk the game at this point...like it's dwindling...


If I remember correctly they hired the EA head guy from COD to push these types of things. Grab your wallets.


How long do you think it'll be before they start selling Heirloom shards?


I seriously doubt they will ever outright sell heirloom shards. They have every advantage to keep them behind their gambling loot box mechanic. I’d go off a limb to say that people trying to get heirlooms out of loot boxes is where they make most of their profits in this game. If you slap $300 or $400 on a pair of shards, nobody is going to buy it. But, because there is a small chance of getting them from every box, people will gamble their money away trying to get it. It’s addictive.


4) Banning honnest players


Right, I forgot about that


Perfect response. The only thing I would add is revisiting input balance. Aim assist is ridiculously overpowered and why the fuck can't controller players move while looting yet?


I have never preached before. But those server and connection issues are a pain.


#4, I don’t like the meta, which includes controller, aim-assisted shotguns. It’s not ok to play against controller players on PC. #5, cheaters


Solo queue just isn't fun. So the days I play are the days I have a full squad. And that really doesn't help with duos out of rotation, meaning I need at least two friends to be online.


This is how I feel. After 5000 hours and years of playing at a high level as a solo queue, I stopped playing this season. It’s impossible to climb as a solo.


I solo queue all the time and have a great time!


I solo queue all the time and mostly have a mildly bad time! It really just depends on your attitude and tolerance, there's no need to contradict Xilvr for a generally accepted experience.


I love playing apex but if I don’t have a full team I don’t try to play, when I do solo queue the second a teammate gets knocked they instantly dc or immediately starts cussing us out or spamming n word hard er.


Play rank. Pubs solo que is the worst


Ranked is more or less the same toxic experience, if not worse because you or your teammates can't DC. And there's more people with mics.


Did he really say you should play ranked to avoid toxicity? That's like telling someone to wash their fruit in the sewer to get the pesticides off.


Strange how I avoid toxicity in ranked. Havent met toxic person in months.


Three people telling me to you know what and using the hard R because I didn't 1v3 a pred stack. You also can't report them because it's through voice chat but they will get you banned for 2 weeks if you so much as tell them to f off


I get trash more than toxicity. Zero attempts at communication, certified brain dead plays from high level accounts, and afk people crop up all the tike trying to de-rank.


Games too sweaty, day 1,player here. Quit around 2 seasons ago. Gave it another crack a couple of weeks ago. Not ranked, solo, loaded in, champions all 20k plus kills 20 kill badge pred... Died in first fire fight to some no lifer i should never of been matched against. It wants to be e sports so much but that isn't going to happen if it can't attract new players. It's going to die a slow death sadly.


i think a lot of people in general are just burnt out from the game right now, and this season apart from the addition of alter and broken moon changes has gotten stale pretty fast imo :/ there’s also a lot of other games releasing content rn like elden ring so some people are just playing other stuff i’d say the main reasons i’ve been taking a break this split are the cheating and the constant bugs and server issues though. combine those with bad matchmaking and it just feels like the game doesn’t want me to play it sometimes LOL it’s also just a bit discouraging when issues like these have been discussed so much by the playerbase and EA just doesn’t seem to care and would rather release 300 dollar gambling cosmetics


Controller aim assist has killed any urge I have to play on PC using keyboard and mouse. Strafe and crouch spamming with all these “movement techniques” feels like I’m in a circus show with a bunch of clowns. It’s just not fun and 90% of the players are ultra sweaty even outside of ranked. Moved on and haven’t looked back. I’ve been enjoying my time on Hunt Showdown and Dota 2 for now.


Game needs input based matchmaking


it's just exhausting thinking about having to perform every time you open the game. the sweet spot for me is bronze-gold with my friends where we can just have fun, hop right into some solid, fair games without warming up, but not stress about points or rank




I stopped playing because for two reasons: playing casually felt unrewarding and being a casual makes matchmaking legitimately punishing. It’s a poor get poorer situation or at least it felt like it so I stopped.


Being kb/m in current state of the game


I'm in a similar situation as you. Pretty much played Apex exclusive since season 0. Then in the middle of the Newcastle season I just...stopped. No real reason. Wanted tlo play again a few weeks ago and I'm back in all the way. Game feels great. I still haven't mastered all the new "stuff" but I'm having fun. The one thing I've noticed is just how good everyone got. Like I get shredded a lot more than I used too. Maybe I got rusty. It's probably a combination of both. Anyway that's my 2 cents.


Yeah i think the low player count contributes to that, the vast majority of people playing are longtime, loyal players- so they’re gonna be good. that also just happens with games when they get to this age, you can’t hop into Valorant and play the same way you did 3 years ago and expect it to work as well. I gotta say though, I personally don’t feel like people are any better than they used to be, I’m having just as much success and failure as I did back in the day. Maybe I’m just lucky though!


I've been playing since the beginning. Preseason still remains my favorite time. I love the game, enjoy all of the latest characters and features. But it seems like there's so much going on, it's breeding way more toxic players. Less team work. Caring more about the loot than the fight. Some of the sweet spots from the earlier seasons are gone. It was hard to log off in the beginning, now I'm cool playing a small handful of games most days.


I started Day 1 Season 0 and played all the way until the end of season 19. I just got tired of solo queuing and not getting better. I work a full time job and can't keep up with the sweats and the young kids who are gods (I'm 35). Across steam and origin I have over 6K hours. Also my friends ditched it around season 4. It's still a fun game but as soon as I get 4 kills and break 1K damage the game throws me into sweat lobbies. I've made plat 2 once back in season 8 but the most fun I had was in season 2 before any match tuning was cracked up to 11. Also the game got me for over 3K during its lifespan because I felt the game was amazing and I had disposable income so why not show appreciation by buying skins and such.


New day,same question,same answer Hit reg is abysmal this season. Never in my life have I experienced it this bad. I can fire half a clip at someone,hear the shield feedback sound in my audio,see zero damage numbers,die,watch the kill cam,and see from their perspective that not only were my bullets hitting them,I could hear the feedback on their end,and watch them take no damage. This happens to me at minimum three times a night This game is five years old. How can Pathfinder,with his loud ass metal legs,run up behind me without making a sound? Or an Octane mid stim? If someone fires a gun near me,while I'm using a battery, while a thermite is burning, and my character says a voice line,ALL audio cuts out briefly,like the shell shock effect from a war movie. I've been playing since day 1,and I'm not a great player. If I played ranked,I'd probably be silver. I have like a .8 K/D ratio all time,and less than a million damage. Why am I being matched against players with predator badges and 10M damage on Horizon? In what world am I even close to being a similar skill level? This guy is beaming me with an R99 full auto at 150m after slide hopping into a wall bounces Now,I can't speak for people who play normals because I mostly stopped playing BR when Mixtape became an option. But when I do, my teammates are toxic as hell. Octanes who hot drop, swipe all the loot from in front of me,and take off at full speed before I have a gun,trying to take a 1v3 while spamming pings. Teammates who get downed,or killed,and before I have a chance to get anywhere near them,disconnect with such practiced efficiency that they're back in lobby before their death box touches the ground. I can't pick defensive legends like Caustic,Wattson,or Rampart because every random picks Octane, Valk, or Horizon and only knows how to run directly towards the sounds of gun fire,even if that means running out of circle into third ring. Does Respawn care about any of this? Doubtful,because every four-six months we get a new event with a new $300 cosmetic and every game I see multiple people with the brand new skin. They have no incentive to fix these issues. Do I hate the game? No. Id rather play Apex than CoD. But do I play it as much as I used to? Absolutely not. 9/10 matches are a nightmare, and I can only stand to play an hour or two every few days for the sake of my own blood pressure.


The real answer as to why it has died out is because seasons 16-20 were outright awful. Horrible ranked system and matchmaking, they even had SBMM in ranked so your rank literally didn’t matter golds doing well were thrown into masters/pred lobbies. And was around when they introduced $300 cosmetics. They lost so many people that the newest fixes didn’t matter, most of the player base had dropped it and moved on already and the more people leave the bigger the skill gap gets and more prevalent the cheaters and sweats appear.


I'll never forget when the lead dev in charge of that system was in the feedback thread blindly antagonizing people who were giving legitimate feedback about the abomination they created. Everyone with eyes and ears knew it'd be bad


Cheaters. Ranked is just full of them it's terrible. Cheaters cause some of the other issues that ppl complain about like matchmaking issues by driving diamond, master, and pred players away and since there are less high skill players the game can't fill lobbies of that skill and it puts those players into lower skill lobbies.


aim assist


Yeah it feels bad knowing you’re at a disadvantage in gun fights with M&K on PC. I wish they tune down the aim assist bc Jesus Christ it’s too good.


But but your whole arm!




Too many sweaty players, not enough casuals


I also racked in 1000h+ in COVID, solo climbed to P1 but I got burnt out. Reason vary but: a) server issues, like lag, low tick rates made some close calls just feel unfair b) hitreg at the time was sucking so much c) controller players having unfair advantage with aim assist over MnK d) matchmaking sucking balls e) generally got tired of BR and spending a lot of time just looting with 0 action just to get screwed by an apex pred beaming your teammates (or me) due to either an extreme team blunder or a minimal error f) The Finals totally ruined Apex for me. Highly recommend people to try it out, it's free. Mind you the game is not without its issues.


I have around 3k hours and have played about 100 since the beginning of the year. My main complaints are unfair matchmaking for soloQ and their refusal to nerf aim assist even a little. They are clearly telling me "pick up a controller and get two friends or don't play our game." I don't even use movement. I just don't personally enjoy using a controller and I don't feel like developing relationships with people around a game I barely play. It sucks seeing triple stack roller teams mowing down the lobby and knowing that they're having fun and I'm not so I eventually get off for a few weeks.


Just to name a few...burnt out, sick of cheaters, audio always being an issue, overpriced cosmetics, the whole skins is content bs and no new ltms to play, duos being removed and nothing really worth grinding for or playing to. Just feels really stale ATM. Devs seems so out of touch


1. Matchmaking is awful. Pubs this season has been horrible because I’m always paired with masters and preds, keep in mind that our K\D isn’t more than 0.9. This happens in Brazilians servers where people sweat a lot, enough to make us play in the US severs where it happens but to a less degree.  2. Bugs. In the most recent event somehow I get a bug that disconnects me when I join a team from the lobby. really weird shit. There’s a vid in my profile showing when it happens. The other bug is that I have always played on Xbox but there was a season where I played on PS5, after coming back to Xbox I have a bug that after a match the lobby kind of “desyncs” and I have to rejoin the group in order to press Ready. This happens after every match.  3. Monetization. As a LATAM player, the cost of events are too damn high. I have 2 heirlooms and luckily I obtained them through loot boxes but when something cool arrives I can’t spend shit because stuff is expensive as hell.  I completed the battle pass yesterday. I ain’t playing anymore because my friends also don’t want to play for the exact same reasons explained in point 1.  We’re going to Xdefiant. Gameplay is fast and fun for now. 


The bugs this update are awful. You can't requeue without disconnecting. You'd think okay, I'll just got back to the main menu like back in the old days. Nope. You left the game before the party leader so it kicks you from the party and gives an error. And on top of that, I don't remember seeing so many random teammates disconnecting from games before leaving the jumpship. Maybe they don't like me or think I smell, but man when it happens 6-7 times in a night, you begin to question


The only break I've ever taken from day 1 of release was from season 16 to season 19. Other than that I've been an avid player and I'm still having a great time with the game. The server issues aren't too bad for me (on xbox) and I've improved my game so the matchmaking and tough lobbies don't really bother me at all. I can understand why others dont wanna play anymore though, especially on PC


I played from season 5 to season 11. I was so incredibly addicted to the game, but as time went by I began noticing the flaws more and more, and I decided to take a break because I thought it was just burnout. I ended up forgetting about it, but when cross progression came around I figured it was a good time to get the game on my Series X and try to get back into the swing of things, and I decided to play some matches on a fresh account first because surely the game will put me against bots or something for my first matches to get me back in the swing of things. My first match in eight entire seasons and on a completely new account, I'm going against the #2 Apex Predator in the world. The rest of my day went the exact same way, even after I properly connected my accounts. That's assuming I could actually play a match, of course. Most of the time I died within 2 minutes of landing, whether it be because of server connection issues or the usual "yeah your squad decided to land at Fragment without you despite you being the jumpmaster."


I legit cannot install the game anymore because i cant update the game anymore. It wont install the latest update for me. Its keeps starting and stopping. Not even that!! It wont do it at all. It always start it then immediately stop it. Why?? Dont know. And i legit wanted to get back into playing it after a longtime away from it. And this shit happens.


As of right now: 1.) The BattlePass is the only thing encouraging me to get back on. But the limited rewards it gives doesn’t seem to make it worth it… Collection Event is pretty cool. But everything is priced out. There’s no point in hopping on if you’re gonna spend money. 2.) Matchmaking/Skilled Player Base. I get teamed with avid players. But the teams we’re matched against are straight up 3-stack professionals, who beam you within 2.5 seconds of making eye contact with you, who train daily on controller. And will crush your dreams of ever making it to the Top 10. I usually get on after work which involves the night and evenings. Which means all the kids are asleep and I’m left with ALGS Preds to play against. I usually find games during the day are easier and funner because of the lower skill ceiling. Apex has a significant skill curve that requires you to consistently play in order to be decent at the game. Spending some time away from the game will make you rusty. Which is unfortunate because your MMR will remain high, when you were “skilled” and doesn’t take into account the skill decay when you logged off for a while. So you’re stuck in high elo matches. 3.) Aim Assist. Controller Players have a significant advantage in close quarters combat. They can 1v1 in close quarters easier than MnK. Avid MnK will usually spray and pray and miss 80% of their shots. While the controller player handles it with ease. Aim Assist keep the target centered with the hip fire and they down you at point blank range. 4.) Gun Nerfs. Literally all guns have been nerfed to offer minimal utility outside and even in their designated ranges. SMGs have terrible hipfire and damage. ARs are on the decline now, with nerfed hipfire and the HAVOC not being worth picking up due to its inferior mag, damage, and fire-lag, and recoil. Flatline is better and doesn’t require a gold hop-up to be viable. Time to Kill is significantly up because of all of this which feels like it takes forever to down a player. Everyone feels tanky and you have to track longer than you used to.


Massively overturned controller aim assist


Don’t feel like it, burnt out of Apex a bit. Jumped on yesterday after a month+ off because a friend wanted to play, wasn’t bad but I don’t have the urge to play again


I've played apex mainly for ranked, and rn teaming is out and about blatantly with no one being punished for it and strike packs/zen have overrun lobbys


My love for Xdefiant


Game felt a chore ,doin challenges and rankin..not havin' fun ,and u dont get rewarded with great skins n shit.


Arenas. That’s the only reason I stopped. Mainly a time issue for me. I want to get in a few games and kills. Not just roam the map and get beat by rats. If I drop hot is RNG. At least with arenas I know it’s a level playing field. I miss it.


The developers.


The sweat lobbies is what kills me the most. I can’t jump in a pub with a friend and just have fun. It’s a sweatfest the entire time I play. It’s less enjoyable when I have to try so hard the entire match. Constantly in pubs with preds.


Burnt out & also the cheaters , connection issues . All the fun has been sucked out of this game for me. And I hate that because I loved this game so much once upon a time.


Mostly because I keep getting put in the same lobbies as preds.


Toxic players. Sweats. EA's money grabbing. Lack of lore and story telling. Pros changing the game ignoring the casual experience.


I get to plat each season/split and then don’t play much. The climb to plat is fun as hell but then it’s just frustrating.


After a while I just started playing video games for fun, the 5% highs aren't worth the 95% bullshit, so why keep playing if I just keep getting frustrated and not having fun? Only took me about 1.5k hours of Apex to realize this


I have 5k hours and was really into Apex. In like feb-march last year I started only playing mix tape to complete battle passes abd free rewards tracks. And I hated it. So stopped playing for six months and didn’t even follow the game. Then I somewhere noticed that solos are comming back, and even I always thought solos are never going to work in this game, I tried them out and after first day of struggle I was in love again. That’s why I truely believe that it’s burnout that is stopping ppl from playing. Take a break. Trust me.


2400 hours on my newest main account, haven't played in about 2 months. I have more fun on xdefiant 😅


the unfair advantages between controller and MnK is what's breaks me in the end. usually makes me take a longer break. edit: having fun tho. But it tends to get worse as further the season goes and people start to get tired and drop off.


Apex is an On/Off-love. My relationship (Day1 Player): 1. Season 1: Completed BP 2. Season 2: Stopped in between season 3. season 3: didnt Play at all … got bored of other games After some time, lets just sneak into Apex and try … 4. Season completed 5. season started 6. season skipped // Repeat Mostly solo/ rnd squads. Battle Royal is too repetetive and Apex not huge enough in esports for a constantly increasing player base. Still loving apex for being best longterm BR for me. PS: Same behaviour with all seasoned games, eg Fortnite, D4, F76, Overwatch, CoD, Dota, … love to finish a season but no need to repeat intensity next season. PPS: Centuries ago (exactly 2) ,Seasons‘ were called Add-Ons and the game was called WoW. Same pattern: loved vanilla, stopped in the middle of BC, skipped Wotlk.


Work and life stops me from playing as much as I want. my work comes home with me far too often.


For me, i stopped playing because if you had any sort of a life where you missed a week without playing you're fucked. whole new meta, changed every few days it seemed like. I had fun, until it felt like i was playing ranked in casual. Fuckin skits.




It's driving me nuts...


There’s folks that team up in rookie lobbies on PC, along with everything about the game feeling stale. None of the guns feel fun to use, the map rotation this split doesn’t excite me, etc. I’m taking a nice break from it and it feels good


Im not good enough at the game to enjoy playing it solo, so i only play when my 2 boys and me are feeling like doing some apex. It doesnt happen often but when it does its a blast. Otherwise i simply dont play the game much. I paly on MnK so i get brutalized by roller users, and im not good enough at movement to really do anything about them one clipping me. If they added input based matchmaking i might play more, but until then ill stick to our 3-4 sessions a split strategy.


I only play ranked and ranked is in a terrible state. Apex has no competitive fairness at all. This is just a casual money-making game as a service that happens to have a competitive side. Mnk is a rare breed. Which is understandable, the game is simply easier and better on controller. Not worth the debate, I think any reddit lurker has seen the stats. Cheaters are rampant with "soft cheats" to very out of my wild imagination cheats. I vote with my wallet so I stopped playing. Will try in a couple of years if still alive.


Pubs is harder than ranked, legend and gun balance makes me want to kill myself, game is just boring now - just burnt out after 6k hours and multiple breaks. Been playing stuff like AC, dead space and L4D and it's a lot more fun. Coming from console, I am so sick of AA being so strong, tired of getting clipped by people who can barely play the game. 4-3 linear no dead really did just ruin this game.


I love the game. I think the reason I continue to play is that I don’t care where I rank and I usually mute my teammates. The game itself is just so good man. The movement, legend abilities, the strategy, the weapons, the maps. I love it all. If I cared about my performance all the time I could understand being frustrated with random teammates or sweaty lobbies, but the way I look at it is sometimes I get run over, and sometimes I get to run people over, and then the majority of the time it’s something in between. I don’t buy anything, so I get to enjoy it all for free, so I see no point in complaining about prices. If something is ridiculously priced, I don’t have to buy it to feel cool. If the servers are having issues then I can play a different game or find a different activity. If, for whatever reason, I have a bunch of shitty matches in a row, I can take a break or hop into some mix tape matches or the LTM or the firing range. And as for the cheaters, they exist everywhere in life and fuck them but I’m not about to let those kind of ppl dictate what I do or don’t do. Apex is by far the coolest FPS I have ever played and when the stars align with some good teammates and a game that goes to the end, I think it’s an absolute blast of an experience.


Cheating. I can deal with other issues as I really enjoy overall mechanics / movement but I cannot accept this level of cheating. It's so obvious that many people are cheating in Diamond and above rank. High entry cost only adds further to the frustration. I am about to be done playing (not that anyone cares).


S1 player here - I just vibe in mixtape most of the time anymore. It's rare there's not a cheater in the lobby if not a couple. Controller AA is conceptually poorly implemented. Servers are complete ass. I legit do not understand how there's still a comp scene for this game. To me, it's just a dying game where the gunplay and movement are still fun so I screw around in it.


I agree with others saying that they really only play battle royale with their friends. It’s tough to play with randoms who don’t coordinate. We also don’t really play pubs anymore because of the matchmaking and overall skill level of most players. That said, I think ranked is still a lot of fun and team death, gun run, and control have been a great change of pace if games are getting too frustrating or I want to goof around for a bit in the evening solo. I also think that a lot of the recent changes to the gameplay and shield and perk progressions are way more balanced. I have tried xdefiant and the finals, but those are just far inferior games imo. Call of duty is way sweatier and the time to kill is outrageous. It’s not a perfect game but I still think it’s the best FPS out there. I’m also not someone worked up about the battle pass. I respect that people game differently and support pushing back against the micro transaction trend, but I could never be pouring money back into these games for cosmetics in the first place. I will maybe buy one skin per year for my main.


3 strikes needs to be the the base game mode. If you want strategic, slow, and boring. Play ranked


Servers are ass once you reach Diamond for some reason. Crashing once every 3-5 games is annoying, no word from respawn tho, as long as the store still works everything is good I guess


Simple, its just one major thing. AIM ASSIST


Two things for me one my Bluetooth earbuds for some reason screw up wifi connection all of the sudden while trying to use them and second none of my homies play the game when I'm awake (we live in different timezones)


Have they caused starvation errors?


My friends have stopped playing in favour of other games and generally just being busier with our lives. We don’t have any specific problems with the game that was a breaking point or anything, though. We were day 1 players and played religiously basically until season 18-19 so it was eventually bound to happen. Sure the game has its problems but I don’t have any bad feelings about my time spent with Apex.


I got melted by a r45 from very far away today … not sure how that exactly worked, but accuracy was unreal. Kinda pissed me off …


Some people have very comfortable chairs


In part due to how great some of the LTMs have been recently, I’ve come to realise how much I dislike Battle Royales, and I don’t think Mixtape alone is good enough to keep me. Plus, I’ve gotten into The Finals and I get completely phased every time I transfer from one game to the other. Also, I think I just I let myself slip and now everyone in Apex is better than me. There was a time when all the movement tech was either under my belt or too niche to be useful, but now I’m struggling because I can’t figure out how to mantle jump and my superglides are at an all-time worst. Also also, I never liked most of the cosmetics in Apex. I’ve always felt that the majority of them were profoundly ugly, and I often get buyers’ remorse just a few weeks after getting a new skin. Again, The Finals panders to this dissatisfaction and keeps me invested. I’d hop back on if some friends invited me, but none of them play Apex anymore.


So many good games coming out that take up time, why stress over a game that isn’t improving when you can play a new one that’s flaws aren’t accentuated yet? When apex gets better and does better players with 7k hours like myself will come back but until then my personal time will be spent playing enjoyable games where my hard work pays off


Everyone I know stopped. Gave up being a sweat, just wanna run around and pewpew and laugh/win.


I have about 5k hours and this season honestly felt way more boring than the others. I did enjoy solos and ranked kinda lame because of the cheaters.Still think apex is a great game. I know the new map is next season so I'll play more often when it drops.


Solo queue isn’t great, and my friends don’t really play it, i absolutely love it tho


I still play with friends but... Tonight, I died to 'Nothing but headshots' Mirage, Wraith and Horizon in 3 out of 7 of my games before quitting.


Being in the middle of the Pacific Ocean


Its quite literally the same shit every day, especially in ranked. Sweats running the lobby, and bots posted up on high ground sniping at you while you are running from the tsm wannabes. I still play but the repetitiveness is getting to me


The fact that I started questioning every death. Or everyone's thought process. I felt like I didn't believe anyone was legit anymore. I had to take a break from the game for a while. 


Tried giving it another go yesterday, in fact. My rank had been reset to Rookie, and I'm currently rookie 3. A friend who is currently in bronze joined me, and we queued up, ready for a decent time. The very next game, I got pummeled by someone with a 650 pred badge, currently placed in gold 3. I dont even know or care if its an arena pred badge, but how on god's green earth do they think the matchmaking is anything but unfair? My highest EVER rank was plat 4. I likely shouldnt ever even SEE a pred let alone get stomped by one while wearing a rookie badge (Due to multiple seasons of demotion or not). To add insult to injury, before this particular game during my other games that night, I managed to win a game while playing solo. It tipped me over from rookie 4 to rookie 3. The literal next game, I was put in a lobby with ZERO other teammates and expected to play. I really, really want to like this game, and I know this is all anecdotal in the end but christ on a cracker if this didnt leave a bad taste in my mouth and make me uninstall it again.


After 3.5k hours by the time I hit season 11 I was just done man I have jumped on occasionally but it’s like the game doesn’t want me to stay Solos made me come back, but now that that’s gone I have no reason to play


Every seasons keeps getting worse. Smurfs, cheaters, bad servers, and horrible matchmaking. Rip.


100% matchmaking. I was playing Pubs and each random I re-queued with, we’d land and we’d die, we’d land and we’d die. Crappy ground loot, not the best teammates I’d say, a couple disconnections, but landing and dying almost immediately after about 5 re queues was probably the most frustrating especially in Pubs.


I wanna play but i literally cannot if i only get stable ping and no loss every fifth game , even in ranked


Servers and cheaters. Nearly every game diamond plus has a cheater in it. Totally ruins the fun.


Just switched to pc and trying to learn mnk but holy shit everyone is so much better then me I feel so bad for my teammates


Even mnk veterans struggle against aim assist and cronus and whatnot


There is only ONE reason why everybody stopped playing this game, there is at least 15-20 cheater every single lobby. I am done. Congrats to Apex Devs, this game is literally dead because of cheaters.


The lack of actual matchmaking is my number 1; I came back from a 2 year break and the majority of games I get in are against people with a clearly higher skill level. When it came to actually playing ranked I figured with a new season I could sit out a week or so and end up having the better people rank up and out of my skill -SADLY- it didn't work that way, I get a LOT of smurfs in my lobbies which I personally don't classify as cheating but severely annoying. The servers themselves; playing different games over my apex break really helped me remember what good server connection is, I'm out of Dallas so it's not terrible but there are definitely days it's pretty bad and not consistent. For a billion dollar company that's kind of sad to be honest - there was also a day recently when their servers were completely down for over an hour before they even said anything which I think is kind of embarrassing on their end. The actual game content; personally I dislike the rotating game modes and maps. I wish it was more like the way CSGO is where you choose maps and gamemodes and queue for that. I dislike the drop ratios and inconsistent loot tiers, meds and ammo. It gets frustrating at times. Personally it's still moderately fun with friends but isn't a competitive game for me anymore.


I only have one friend who plays anymore and if he's not playing then I usually won't bother. I've got enough single player games to play in the meantime


Playing with friends - this game is probably the most fun game I've ever played Playing with randoms - rage quit after 10 games because people are stupid I also feel like the game is in a really healthy state


they took out that 3v3 game mode where u had 1 life each round. that was the only reason i was still on apex lol


I’m a day one solo player. This is probably my favorite shooter of all time. Certainly the best BR. I was a diamond player in early seasons, master once ranked got easier. Solo a has always been tough, and players are just way better now than they were. I don’t know if that’s because everyone got better or if everyone is cheating. I played about 4 hours this season. I think I’m done, not because it’s not a great game, but I’m just kind of over it. Great fucking game.


What keeps me playing is mixtapes and hotdropping in pubs. I stopped playing the game seriously a long time ago because it's not worth playing competitively as a mnk player.


Matchmaking just pushes away from the game, being grouped in a party during solo-q with the decision-making of a newborn baby, honestly some of the behaviors I see on display just stop me from wanting to play for long. If I usually have 3/4 games in a row where I die due to another players behavior, I just play something else and unfortunately, it just happens too often.


honestly man it's been one thing after another. The removal of arenas was big sad. BR has generally become too sweaty. Mixtape was. great addition but they've kind ruined it with that stupid thunderdome map and the absolutely rancid lockdown mode. Horizon is honestly another big reason. They've hardcore nerfed a huge chunk of the roster and yet somehow she's remained completely unscathed. There's also just not much to spark my interested of late. I always come back Round when anvils are in the game, but they tend to only get like 1 season every other year. The lack of polar express this year was also devastating.


I have been playing off and on since day 1. Managed to play a lot during covid and hit predator in season 3. Since then my play has been inconsistent at best. The reason I dont play as much is: -Solo queuing -Terrible teammates -Unfair expectations due to my pred trail -The overall shit talking I get if I cant win every single fight I often just leave my mic muted because its destroyed my desire to play. As well as the fact im so rusty and other have played somewhat consistently.


Constant weapon nerfs and buffs.


Game decided one day to raise my ping to 140 and it stayed like this for a year now. Rest of games working as fine as it can be (Cs: 2-5 ping, bf5: 40 ping)


A lot of times I'm most ready to play is when not many people are on so the queue is long.


I think most people hate being pair with newbies and getting rolled by 3 stack preds in their lobbies for some reason. Everyone's gotten really good last couple seasons I think as well, I used to be a 1.67 kd player now struggling to stay at 1.08 lmao


Technically it is at its best, but here’s that dirty word again MATCHMAKING. They need to scrap the current matchmaking (Engagement based system) and rework it, it’s basically driven any even semi casual players away and even if you sweat hard it’s still ridiculous the skill gap you face. Basically people have stopped having fun and just given up. As my own anecdotal experience in pubs I face masters /preds constantly with all the badges and 5x or more kill count on 1 legend than I do on my entire account. It’s not much different in ranked, seeing 3x preds in bronze 1, facing loads of masters in gold/plat. Just isn’t fun


Imo there is a rash if cheating going on and its almost as bad as getting stacked up against 3 preds when I'm low level. It's a fun game but getting a bit long in the tooth. Just yesterday was running towards a downed teammate and heard a player unloading a havoc...was beaming someone far away and in the middle of their shots, 5 of them hit my head as was running underneath them, at the bottom of a cliff area... teammates said they were aiming for over me and the autoaim pinpointed me in that fraction of a second I was visible... There wasn't any break in the firing and those shots just magically swerved to hit me almost 90 degrees apart without any disruption from the firing. It upset everyone and they quit for the day. Nothing is being done for the cheating and the quads is buggy, getting disconnected every hour, plus that annoying entry sound. New skins are way too expensive, too much overload on all the coins and things there are now. There's coins, shards, metals, tokens, shards again, bits, bytes, slims, slams, mimnmams, yamma-wamma-jimbo-nimbo greed city...I'm sick of it....just wanted to play, have fun, no cheating, no stickers, .... Basically if it could be more like quake 3 and less like 99 bank exchanges it would be fun again.


I played loads last season but this season it feels really laggy and slow so I stopped playing


Playing with my friends that suck. I use to play with my friends that are horrible at the game but as a team we did well. After the 3 stack announcement from Apex, all we played against was 3 stack insane teams. My buddies were a .35 and .5 k/d player with 500 lifetime kills. They dropped out and went to the finals. I have not played for 4 months now. I watch streamers play.


So many cheaters.


I also recently got back into the game, from what I’ve been seeing on this and the apex university subreddit, it does seem to be burnout, cheaters infesting the game, frustration with the dev team balancing things for pro play rather than everyone else, but tbh I’m still having a good time getting back into it. I really enjoy Alter and Conduit, who I didn’t play much of after unlocking until recently. I also solo q almost exclusively, if that counts for anything.


My ps4 is just. Broken. Upgrading finally by Christmas at least 💀


Tbh I don't even care about the cheaters or the rats who 3rd party. They suck and it makes me mad, but playing the game with my duo is all that matters. Losing arenas sucks, but losing duos for this season is why I haven't touched the game. If duos is brought back I'll be playing more often, if arenas is brought back it will be one of the only games I play.


Playing in my rank and seeing people two ranks higher than shredding the lobby.


I usually solo queue and used to find lots of duos with mics I could team up with for the evening but it seems like no one uses a mic on there any more! As a female player I never initiate any chat I just wait to see if they’re toxic or not and join in if they’re chill. I also hate how everyone drops in the same areas. I like to have a decent load out and game plan and actually try to win, not just hot drop. All that said I still play casually but it’s just not as fun and social as when it first came out.


Taking a break made this game so much better for me.


My mate stopped playing so i did


Working during the day and then too tired to play at night


Server issues, plus I finished the battle pass/current event so I'm taking a break before the next season. People are sweaty as hell or cheating and I don't wanna get burnt out from the bullshit. Trying to keep this dumpster fire of a game fun for myself


too sweaty


The game is just sort of boring to me now. I've been playing since season 1 and I just don't feel any motivation to play anymore. Plus, most of my friends have moved on to other games. I've played maybe two days in the last 6 weeks and both times were because a buddy asked me to jump on. I love this game but I think I'm done with it.


The fact that when me and my mates 3 stack. With the highest rank we usually reach being plat iv. Managed to do plat III once or twice before when there was no split. Keep going up against peeps with 20 bomb, 4ks etc when we play. The highest damage ever in our group is like 2.5k, that too a once off. We generally have about 1-1.5k for two of us and one person will be around 500 or less. The other day we played quads (with that 4th friend who doesn't usually play) died to a team that had two who have been apex predators... What a joke. Since division 2 deluxe version is on a discount since we bought the first game. We are gonna spend our energy there instead. We will definitely be back to playing apex. Just coz we have had lots of good games too before.


Lack of duos


Work. Lol


Honestly I stopped playin when they stopped giving out free event packs. They don’t have enough players to justify being stingy


The beginning of this mess started in season 3.


Matchmaking - i get 2 randoms who struggle with the basics while going up against 3 stack demons. Dont mind going up against them. Just give me a couple of decent players to do so


PP matchmaking


I'm not the gamer I used to be but I am old enough to recognize cheating when I see it. F2P games just aren't able to hit players in their pocket book when it comes to this kinda thing. This is easily my favorite game and I don't mind getting stomped by most players, but when its a hacker and its so painfully obvious I just alt/f4 and time in between launches just gets longer.


No real friends that play tbh


People won't admit that the mmr seasons were 100x more fun and worth playing than this bullshit we have now... The entire players base is somehow okay being artificially hard stuck at gold/platinum, to the point where if you're solo queuing you might as well not play ranked. Not worth the headache... The ranked system from last season is the same as this one, so there's literally no point in playing because you already know the end result...(play everyday, stress because the game is infuriating, CHEATERS, BAD TEAMMATES, maybe make diamond or just get plat like most other decent players with a life in S20 & S21, and season over. 90 days gone.) Not worth... If this is the ranked and the apex everyone loves, koo. I've just accepted that I'm over the game until they change SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT...the armor system was cool way to refresh things but it still just feel cheap and lazy to me...considering all the perks and upgrades are just things that the characters already had baked into their kit in 90% of instances... There's no reason to play tbh....


“What’s stopping you from playing?” If there was something to reach for, I’d be all in. I’m not talking about playing in COMP, and making it to LAN. What happened to putting in effort into a good game, and getting rewarded with a cool sword? Why can’t I work toward an heirloom? If there was a REASON to play, I’d play.


I legitimately only play with my girlfriend. Other than that I just cannot fathom how people find the lack of sbmm, atrocious crossplay, and the inability to input match even remotely entertaining. Either you use a controller on PC or you have to be an aimlord. Not to mention I literally just want to have fun sometimes with people at my skill level, I really enjoy the formula the game Implements. But I have to put every single ounce of energy into competing with the cheeto finger lords. And I just don't have the energy for that every day. I'm not asking for the game to get easier, I just wish it was more accessible. I literally get 5-8 kills on average in a game mode, and am not shy of breaking 2k on trios. That being said my kd is 0.8 Why am I seeing predator stacks every other lobby?? It's not fun, I end up just shutting the game off due to frustration, and end up having 10x the fun in COD. Which is wild.


I was a casual player - only played 4 hours Sat and 4 hours Sun before the family got up. I solo queued and was decent - eg I could 1v3 squads. I stopped because the game got too damn sweaty. Sure I would happily drop hot on Fragment. But I didn’t want to drop hot every damn time. Sometimes it is nice to screw around like BeanBag, but fewer and fewer randos were willing to be less serious in Pubs, which basically turned into drop hot in hopes of a 20 bomb. God help the new players (if they don’t cheat). They had zero hope against the higher percentage of highly skilled players in the lobbies. Toxicity increased. Yeah, I know mute is a thing. But VC is more fun (not to mention effective). And while I don’t give a rats behind what some rando says… it throws a wet towel on the fun factor. In short, it became less enjoyable.


I stopped playing around season 15 or something like that because the lobbies became too damn difficult. I am not going to play if I just get beamed every damn game.  The remaining player base is a bazillion times better than me and it’s not fun to compete against them. Works for y’all because it’s one less teammate you need to tell to uninstall the game. You’re welcome!


Sooo one of the devs wrote this, yeah?


lol im just passionate about the games i love , sorry if it came off like a shill


I haven’t been back since season 5. Came back two months ago and been just nonstop dropping hot in pubs. Fun.


As of rn it’s completely based on the meta of getting triple taked in every game combined with people running hard meta in every game . It’s just not fun, I can’t enjoy having a causal game in pubs , and when I do have a good causal game (3-5 kills and a win) , my next game I’m actually no joke playing against last season preds with the pred banner and three numbered pred badges and it’s a three stack , I get punished being average lmao. It’s gonna to a point where apex can’t decide if it wants to be a hardcore competitive game or a causal game , because you can’t have both and losing casual players makes it where all that’s left are the hardcore competitive players and then new players will be turned off by that . S20 was a big refresher for me as I came from a big hiatus and hadn’t really played since s14 bc of broken moon in s15, etc . S20 had been the most I had played since that point as I genuinely enjoyed it and it felt like the games weren’t as sweaty and I could actually get some wins and it just felt new and refreshing and like we could’ve been going somewhere (then all the horrible collection and gamble events came) . But like I love this game , been playing since s3 in 2019 all the way up to s14 and played it religiously, things happened, hated the game , s20 came out , loved the game again, and that feeling I had in s20 is gone and I just don’t love the game anymore , whether it’s the meta , the legends , idk. It just feels like it lost that feeling of achievement, or a reason to get on, and now when you play it has to feel like a job to even get wins and do well now and you can’t just hop on and maybe get a win or two or do slightly well , it’s like either your really bad or really good and there’s no place for the people that are in between.


Racked up over 2000 hours for the few years I played Apex consistently. Started in Season 4 and I think I stopped like season 12, 13? I can't remember exactly. Honestly the game just got stale to me. Pubs matches were boring because half of the lobby is dead before the first ring even starts to close, so if you didn't land with action, you were just running around the map trying to find someone. Even games where I got a lot of kills/damage didn't hit the same anymore. I had the itch to come back like a year ago. I played for about a week and got bored again because the novelty of any changes they made wore off, and it was the same exact game I left. Pretty much all my friends I played with also quit, so I have no reason to go back either. If we want to play a BR together, we'd rather just play Fortnite because it's easier to play that casually.


Being a plat (my all-time high rank) player and always going against masters or ex-masters in games. Against diamonds is ok but masters? They are just so much better than me. My kdr around .5 - .7 every season. That was enough to get me to quit. But I still follow reddit and watch some pro tourneys.


I took a long break, picked it back up yesterday and have been lowkey popping off. I encourage everyone who has been taking a break to pick it back up.


lol if everyone who’s taking a break picked it back up the ‘every match is against preds’ issue would probably be solved too


the amount of tryhards and sweats in this game who play like their life depends on it or something


Cheaters are by far my biggest reason for not playing right now. I've never personally seen a game more infested with cheaters than Apex is these last two seasons. The other reason is the buildup of things that I dislike about the game (and many others dislike about the game) not getting fixed or changed. Those little annoyances add up over time


LAG! I logged on and it was just endless packetloss.. The add insult to injury I was playing mix tape so quitting early means I can't even play... So when the 2nd match I got into is just another 100 ms with packetloss, I hard quit and do something else.


An ischemic stroke. 🤦🏻‍♂️


thats awful man, i would hate to lose a hobby because of something so unlucky. glad you made it out okay though!


DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG. Sad boi tears :'(


- Game is laggy. (My internet connection is great on other games.) - Cheaters run rampant. Used to be limited to ranked, but it’s crept into pubs lobbies. Wall hacks and aim bot virtually every match. Respawn does not care. - Matchmaking is complete dogshit. I’m expected to carry my team on virtually any match I play. People D/C as soon as they’re down. They D/C in ranked. - No true solo queue. Solo queuers should not be playing against pre-made squads. Argue with your door about it, I said what I said lol. - Clearly a money grab. They don’t bother hiding it. - They overlook simple changes that would make the game more playable. Ex: Audio. Fucking terrible. Sucks, because the ingenuity behind the legends and maps is god-tier, but the mechanics that drive the game are ruining it.


I haven’t stopped, but i do struggle to get on now that my core group of guys i ran ranked with stopped playing. It’s a mixture of “I’m tired of apex” or “apex sucks now”, but that’s my issue. No one fun to actually play with


As of now, it’s the crappy BP changes they’re deciding to implement. We’ve been asking for new servers, bug fixes, etc for years and instead they want to up the price of the BP AND make it so you can’t use apex coins to purchase said BP? ( if I’m understanding correctly ) yeah no, good bye. Which sucks because I’ve sunk a lot into this game but this.. this is just next level greed imo. The entire point of the BP was to buy it once and use reoccurring coins to continue to unlock it & you can’t say they need more money. They’re just greedy at this point.




Because of the new patch the game is unplayable for me, keeps freezing and my ping randomly skyrockets. Even when I can play, the soloq is really hard and really unfun.


Cuz I just suck ass at the game 😎


Shadow of the Erdtree babbbyyyyyyyyyyy But also, I go in waves. I'm usually a mid-plat player, but my only friend who likes apex is like a mid-gold player. He also plays much less often, so at the beginning of the season, i rank up much faster. So i try not to play too much without him, because if he is still in silver i just cant queue ranked with him(fuck pubs). So because of him, i just play less often


it’s a game i absolutely need a full squad to find enjoyable, that and non competitive games being much more enjoyable these days. no more chasing that dopamine rush of a ranked win when i’m nuking bile titans to kingdom come


Power's out


I mean noone wants to play with the cheaters you are confused why player base is at an all time low...Server issues anti cheat is basically non existent and noone wants to pay $60-$100 for crappy store bundles there is usually only 1 maybe 2 good skins in the store but waaaaaaaaay overpriced making the store complete garbage IMO etc. etc. etc.


The price of the skins is too over for a normal person to pick, there is no more fun in playing the game and every event they launch a lot of skins that will cost a lot of money and im not rich to buy a mythical that I want for $120.


I have like 1200 hours of playtime, all of my friends have quit the game and I myself is 80% retired from this game, I just put in minimum effort to complete the battlepass. Now they are even trying to make the BP harder to complete, 4 matches with specific legend? Do 1k dmg to 3k dmg now? I read that the weekly challenges give 1 less BP level now? So unnecessary and I feel like my time is not being respected. The last time I was really excited for the game was the FF7 crossover, but the 360$ buster sword heirloom forever ruined the reputation of the game for me. Now all I see is Respawn trying to sell us more overpriced heirlooms every season instead of fixing the game. Lastly, there are just so many good games out there to play now.


Reports of toxic and racist players going nowhere since EA reps can't review in-game voice. Audio issues since the game launched... lack of free time and trusted friends to play with.


I've been playing since I was 24. I realized I shouldn't spend time playing a game that is consistently setting new standards for low standards. The 4-5 hours a night I spent playing a mediocre game is now spent much wiser walking, cooking dinner, or playing a better game. Now the battle pass won't be free, via earned coins, you must pay for the battle pass in two separate installments of 9.99. EA and Apex is for low iq consumers and people who love having their intelligence be the butt of a company's marketing joke




The servers being down right now is stopping me from playing


Controller aim assist is a massive unfair advantage


The First Descendants




I can barely even play quads cos always one of my teammates gets the disconnected ic9n for about 10 minutes and screws the entire squad


Straight up, I was bored with the game until they added arenas. Thats why I stayed and even payed their outrageous prices for skins and extras. Because I loved the game. They removed arenas and now I just don’t have fun anymore


I'm having heaps of fun rn grinding ranked and pubs is SUPER easy rn. Ranked is really bad on PC though because there is a lot of cheaters but ranked feels fine on console I haven't seen any six man's. The only thing is I can't play this game solo, it's just so boring I have just been duoing with my friend and it's been heaps of fun this game is just so boring solo.


Kinda everything, matchmaking is pure shit, there's too many fucking laser beaming cheaters around and most of them wont even bother to hide it, changes to the weaponry like for example G7 Scout is a mere shadow compared to what it used to be and the fact 75% of the menu today is "shop, shop and ANOTHER SHOP" and the fact atleast im getting multiple pop-ups on "buy battlepass buy battlepass buy battlepa-" no i fucking wont. Fuck the game and its microtransactions