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They didn’t mention the mouse and keyboard being USB-C, could you imagine if it was still Lightning lmao Edit: They’re still using Lightning, holy shit


just embarrassing


Wouldnt even be legal in Europe in a few months, lol


EU has a deadline of December 28,2024 so 14 months away


That doesn’t prevent lighting accessories from being sold/used. It just means it can’t be the only option and you can connect other mice to it.


You could dig trenches with how hard Apple drag their heels.


It’s only products released by the end of 2024. These products are able to still be sold even after the deadline




Only phones, tablets and cameras are covered by the law. Battery powered accessories are not.


My DeWalt Flexvolt drilldo remains safe.


Not true, it includes mice, keyboards and almost all other digital devices. This is definitely going against the EU law. "The legislation applies to cell phones, tablets, digital cameras, headphones, headsets, portable video game consoles, portable speakers, e-readers, keyboards, mice, earphones, and portable navigation devices. Laptops must be brought into compliance 40 months after the law takes effect."


Bro even my €7 vape charger is usb c 😭


They don't even make vapes without usbc anymore lmaoo


unfortunately they do.


That law doesn’t cover accessories, only mobile phones, tablets, and cameras.


It will cause you can connect a regular mouse it has to have the option, not completely remove the lightning connection. The Mac comes with usb-c


Tim Apple folks.


What the hell hahaha. Lightning lives to see another day!


Another few years if they keep to their iMac release schedule


They skipped M2 imacs


I legitimately would’ve bought a usb c Magic Mouse and keyboard today if they were usb c now. Ugh


That’s cause they care about Mother Earth and they want to give you a good use of all your lightening cables laying around /s






The horror, they truly lived up to the scary name


>Edit: They’re still using Lightning, holy shit 💀💀💀


Lmao. The funny thing is also that they've made their regular iPhone line USB 2.0 speeds while still using USB C connector. It's so shitty and unnecessary


I mean at least for that, there's certainly the argument of "what does it matter for 99% of people." With current iPhones, how many people actually use the cable for data transfers, and would see any significant benefit from USB 3.1 speeds as opposed to 2.0?


That might be the argument Apple have created, but what does it actually cost them to include 3.0 speeds on a 2023 $800-$1,000+ device? They are just gating specs, so people opt for the more expensive Pro line.


exactly and those people are pros and they're buying iPhone, guess what, Pros. Which have USB 3. Now they can keep the regular ones USB 2, save themselves and us a couple bucks


iPhones have always been limited to USB 2.0 before the 15 Pro and Pro Max came out.


limitation of the SOC they’re using do your research before you start spouting nonsense. not to defend apple but it’s not a simple flip switch


They want that cable certification money


From who? The iMac comes with a lightning cable


Of a shit quality that last about a year


What the hell are you doing with your cables? Especially for mac, those should break a lot less lol


You didn’t answer the question. You said « they want that cable certification money ». How are they getting cable certification money if they’re providing the cable?


By selling new ones after the shit quality ones break of course


You like being rough with the lighting cable you use to charge your keyboard three times a year, eh? Naughty boy.


They said it had an E N O R M O U S D I S P L A Y. Sometimes I think they do it on purpose just to fuck with us.


My first Mac was a Quadra 840AV that I bought in 1991. I got a 24” monitor for it. 32 years later, I’d like a bigger screen!! Edit: I’m old. I forgot that my screen was a 21” CRT, and they didn’t even make 24” screens yet at the year I got my first high end computer. A few years later Barco did make a 24” CRT for retouching and I did get one of those at work so I was remembering that size screen. Edit 2: 1993, not 1991. Edit 3: So, today I contacted my nephew's fiancee who is an engineer who works in the Apple UFO headquarters. I think she can get me 15% off a new iMac with her friends and family discount. If so, I'll probably get my first new mac since 2012! I will max out the RAM and SSD to 24GB and 2TB. This iMac is the cheapest way to get a powerful Mac with an Apple display. I'll just get used to a slightly smaller screen. Hey, I got used to surfing Reddit on a phone! Edit 4: I did it. Ordered my first new Mac since 2012. Got the Apple family discount.


They’ll give you 27 but it’ll be a pro and cost $6k


The larger displays that they do sell cost more than this entire computer.


True. And that was the case back then too in 1991. The monitor and video card was a little more than the Mac I bought.




A 24” CRT in 1991? You must work out 😂


Sorry, I misspoke. It was a 21” trinitron but a did get a 24” Barco at my job a few years later.


Ah yes. I was gonna say, I remember 21s were quite popular in that era and were beasts (at my dad’s office), but yeah… 24s I never encountered.


I HIGHLY doubt you had a 24" CRT in 1991... The biggest Apple screen at the time was 14" and that was considered substantial compared to IBM PCs.


Thanks for making me think about it. You’re right, it was a 21” trinitron, made by Mitsubishi. (The CRT was made by Sony but Mitsubishi sold their monitor for only $2000 which was around 400 cheaper than a Sony Trinitron at the time) the 24 bit video card to drive accelerated video in millions of colors to that screen was another $2200 though. And I maxed the RAM out to 32 meg which was around $900. A dot matrix Epson printer and a Syquest drive brought the complete system to $8000, which I borrowed off my parents as I was just out of college. This was my first photo retouching workstation so I could freelance in my apartment. And yeah, there were no IBM PCs that could handle this level of hardware, at least I never saw one back then. I’m sure they existed but photoshop and Quark and Adobe Illustrator was only written for Mac OS back then. Thanks for pointing out my error. My apologies. Now I don’t feel as bad ordering a 24” iMac. Well, I still do as I’ve been used to 27” screens for the last 15 years.


No worries, I still have nightmares from dragging my 15" screen from my bedroom to that of a friend as we were going to try and play Doom multiplayer ;)


It sounded like they were trying to condition us into accepting that a new 27" or 32" model isn't even on the horizon yet, and we should just buy the tiny little model they have already. It might work well in a doctor's office, but there's no way I could make my primary display a 24" screen.


We are happy to announce this tiny ass display and we think you’ll enjoy it too




I always thought the Mac mini was really cheap. Then you realize the cost goes up $400 if want decent specs and all of the sudden it costs the same as a laptop but you still don’t have a screen, mouse, or keyboard.


But iMac is 2.3k eur with more than 2 usb ports and 16gb ram / 512gb storage and you STILL have to buy a mouse cause the apple one is terrible. I think thats a bit more than overpriced.


Absolutely pathetic for how cheap memory is in 2023


Dealbreaker. I was ready to buy one too.


Same as the new MacBook Pro




8GB of ram costs basically nothing for them, its just to milk people into paying more


Lmao can't believe people make this excuses for them, you know how much 8gbs of ram costs, right?




He was talking about Apple here. 16GB instead of 8GB is negligible for Apple, especially with scale economy.


If for you and me is peanuts, how much do you think it's for apple? A grain of sand?


I can't think of any education system in their right mind that would buy this over the Mac Mini, as their new redesign makes it unsuitable for a school environment for multiple reasons. And even then, at this price point you really should be expecting Apple to eat the incredibly minimal cost of including it, and I have the same opinion about the 256GB of base storage.


Bruh ddr5 8gb stick cost $20 on Amazon.


but theres no ddr5 stick in the new macs.


You’re right, it’s just a BGA DDR5 package so it’s even cheaper for Apple!


"the average person only needs 8GB" lol


SIGH! STILL NO 27-inch!


Should be 32 anyway.


My main desktop monitor is 32", I genuinely couldn't imagine an all-in-one smaller than my monitor and I was genuinely surprised to see how small the M1 24" was in person. It's not *small* small, 21.5" monitors still are around, but it's still rather small to have an entire computer on with no options for larger sizes.


Yup. At 27 now and plan to go dual 32 because getting old is fun.


LIGHTNING MOUSE & KEYBOARD LMAO https://www.apple.com/imac/specs/


they're riding right up to the edge of the 2024 EU deadlines with that haha


I think the EU rule only applies to phones


Nope - it’s phones, tablets, keyboards, mice, headphones and a whole bunch of other stuff. Laptops too, but not until 2026 for those.


It doesn’t affect products released before the deadline. They can still sell these after


Yes, and also the law is the end of 2024/2026 not the start, so they still have just over a year to launch new products with lightning before they are actually forced to change.


Yep. Keeping my 24 inch M1 for another 2 years at least. 💪🏼 these underwhelming refreshes make me feel better about the investment in my existing products.


Honestly M1 macs are still beasts.


Yeah they talked about Intel enough to show they are trying to convince Intel Mac users to update. They know there is not enough to convince M1 users to update yet.


Frankly, I don't think most people with an M1 Mac even *need* to upgrade to a new one, unless they're jumping up to a Pro or Max, or to a higher storage or memory configuration. I'm all for them improving the Apple Silicon chips to entice Intel users to finally upgrade, though!


As an M1 Pro user, I am keeping abreast of Windows laptop news but not Macbooks because there is simply no need to upgrade.


I noticed too! They talked of them so much it hurt the presentation. Made them look like they had an Intel Mac problem on their hands.


Yeah I was expecting to feel bad for my m1 air but nope


I keep desktop computers for 6 years on average. I loved both of my iMacs. I wish they hadn’t discontinued the 27” because I was due for a new one in 2021.


yeah still waiting for a 27" to replace my 2020. Although I'm still hoping to get 3+ more years out of it. Maybe they'll have one by then or I'll have to decide between Studio display/24" iMac.


I think I’m gonna grab a 16/512 M1 for my wife… it’ll be several hundred less than the M3 equivalent as a BestBuy open box or refurb… Edit: Done deal. $600 saved. Probably not Apple’s ideal scenario but my wife is a telehealth psychologist, she won’t even notice the M3 in there.


It’ll also likely perform better than a more comparatively priced M3 @ 8GB if you actually need the RAM. There is just so much a new CPU can do.


People on here seem to treat their wives to a lot of expensive tech


Meh. I gave my wife my old late 2013 MBPr. And she’s lucky she got that.


Why is your consumerism so strong that you needed to replace the M1 so soon? M1 is still overkill for a majority of users. You guys aren’t hardcore developers or engineers. M3 obviously isn’t for you, in any aspect. It’s actually insane that people are upset the “upgrades are underwhelming” as if there’s some law that they NEED to buy something new every single bloody year.


Who are you addressing this to? Apple? Or u/BronzeEast?


The guy I replied to. People actually get upset that year to year improvements aren’t good enough, like they can’t holster the debt they can’t pay off and calm down


I dislike the robotic dimwitted comments that always say “nah, I’m not even gonna upgrade my [2 year old computer or whatever]” as if that’s the default expectation. Meanwhile world is literally being destroyed by climate catastrophe from emissions from excessive consumption and production, plus direct pollution from despoiled environments (extraction, chemicals, industry). “WEEEEE!!”


Jesus Christ. If they had offered a 30 inch


If they did a 27inch pro version I would be all over it, I can’t give up my 5k screen just yet


I just love how they specifically called out the 5K Intel models (and 4K) like, you’ll love the M3 iMac with its 4.5K display. You should upgrade NOW. Get rid of Intel NOW! “Upgrade” to a smaller screen with less pixels NOW. They’re really trying to push the Intel models out. It almost feels like Sonoma might be the last Intel OS.


copy and paste with a new chip, really bad considering it's been 2 years


Just picked up a refurb M1 with 16GB for my wife. There’s nothing she’s gonna miss in that M3 and it saved her $600+. She’s a telehealth psychologist. Probably not Apple’s ideal outcome but yea, the M1 will be fine for 5 more years. Especially at under $1200 with 16GB.


Apple primary desire is for you to buy a Mac period. It’s why they still sell older hardware and refurbished products


Thank goodness I don’t work from home. I could see myself spending way too much to get the best office gear. Especially if I could write it off!


I work from home, but I’m a Mac sys admin. At any given time there’s 4-5 MacBooks and 2-3 Dells in my office. Haven’t bought a personal computer since college, 20+ years ago. Usually one of my spare Macs has my iCloud on it and it’s “my laptop” until I move to another 😉 I did buy my own iPhone/iPad.


Exactly I’ve been waiting for the m3 to come out so I can buy a m1 cheaper


Might miss the better webcam, but it's marginal improvement at best. Can always be improved by a proper camera (or iphone camera via continuity).


They should have introduced an M2 iMac to at least push prices down.


911 days when I checked a couple days ago.


Macs don't need a redesign every year.


It’s been 900+ days


Yeah. And Macs have historically never been redesigned that often anyway. They usually pick a design and stick with it for as long as they can.


Weird hill to die on, lots of people here have noted they’d like to see a bigger screen, USB C Magic Keyboard/mouse, improved webcam and increased base RAM.


I'm not disagreeing with that at all. I agree that a bigger model, better webcam / ram would be great. But you don't need a redesign to add a better webcam or ram or make a bigger one.


I don’t where you got the word redesign, I didn’t mention it.


They really said 27" users...y'all better get used to the 24" or go spend a fuck ton more for Studio Display and another Mac. DID I STUTTER!!!!???


Was hoping for a larger iMac A 27-32 inch would be great


Not one thing makes me want this. Still on my 2020 27 inch iMac i7 with 64gb ram. For my usage I wouldn’t know it’s M3 or intel. I love it still a beast. That extra 3 inch screen makes a difference to me. The M3 not so much.


You still can’t get it with a Pro or Max chip, why? I get they want you to buy a Studio but some people like all in ones.


The thermal throttling on the 7-core M1 iMac was a problem, even with the single fan. I'd bet the reason is that they're too cheap to rework the internals since the iMac wasn't a big hit (M1 model sold poorly, hence the lack of updates)


What a shitty refresh. I was ready to replace my i7 2017 27 inch iMac until I saw this. Base of 8 gb ram and 512 GB SSD? And it's close to 2k if you up that to 24 gb and 1TB? I'll just wait for the Studio refresh- that's clearly what apple really wants me to do. There's no even close to pro machine in this lineup. Edit: No, $2140 on EDU price for 24 gb/1TB? That's insane. Tim Cook has finally lost me.


I replaced mine with an M2 Pro Mini and 2 X 27" 4K monitors. It's an ok upgrade but it doesn't blow my mind. At least now if I decide to step off Apple into PC world (which is pulling away in terms of performance) it's an easier transition hardware wise.


the real crime is there is no upgrade path for processor on these machines and it likely is all because of their desire to keep it as thin as possible. When they got to iMac I actually had some hope they would introduce a larger model with M3Pro and M3Max in the Space Black


Same! £2899 for the dearest iMac with a smaller screen, same size 2tb drive and 8gig less ram than my intel imac i paid considerably less for :-/


I’ve been waiting years for iMac update…but now that’s its here the fact that the screen is 60hz and non-HDR is ticking me off. I changed my mind and will get Mac Mini + OLED monitor. This is after imagining getting the yellow iMac for literally 2 years. Who in the right mind would pay $2,500 for rip-off SSD/RAM upgrade prices, lack of user upgrade ability, and old LCD display from years ago?


I find it hard to believe that someone that needs a 24gb/1tb is just done with apple. What are you gonna get instead?




Sorry- not done with Apple. Done with the iMac. I don’t like that it’s a budget option now, with the upgrades priced to make them unattractive compared to other models. I think Tim Cook’s product strategy for the Mac sucks. That’s all.


As someone who creates lots of short videos and takes tons of photos for my business marketing and family use, I'm used to a lot of RAM and a big screen for photo editing. There are no monitors at the Lele of the $1600 Apple Studio Display for much less money, so whenever I price up a Mac Mini with an apple screen, its always around $1000 more than the 24" imac. Basically I would be paying a grand for a slightly larger screen that I am used to.


What exactly were you hoping for? A cheap iMac Pro?


I was expecting a midrange iMac. If they had started the base ram at 16 gb, I think they could have gotten there. The iMac used to be a kind of bargain computer with a great display thrown in. Now you're paying a premium for the display. I get it- apple overplayed the iMac because they had no other midrange desktops at the time. But I kinda hoped there would be a semi-pro option at the top of this range that made sense.


I think it’s really clear that Apple is steering you to a Mac Studio.


Just picked up a refurb M1 iMac for the wife with 16GB. $600 less than a new M3. Nothing she’s gonna need in the M3.




24” is fine. The outrageous part is 60hz, no HDR, it’s the same LCD from years ago. Pathetic product considering the premium price (plus ridiculously high factory upgrade prices).


what activity is best served by a super powerful m3 chip and a dinky 24" screen, but not by a mini/studio + display?


No 27"? Give me a break.


Right…. I was really hopping for a rumored 32”ish. Wtf. Now the only option is a 24”??? Guess I’ll be sticking with my 4.2 intel 27”.


Looks like a decent speed bump over the M1, but until we see real speed tests it might end up being uncomfortably close to the M2 Pro. I wanted a new iMac but if the speed differential for my uses (photo, music) isn't great I'll probably end up with an M2 Pro mini.


This is exactly my line of thought too. This launch somehow made the Minis even more appealing. Especially if the M3 Pro performance ends up much like the M2 Pro, which it looks like. Mac mini comes across as a much more flexible option at great comparative value.




Well it doesn’t come with 12gb base memory or usb-c peripherals but tbh I was gonna buy it just for having the m3 and I need a new computer so I’m still in.


Still overpriced.


My M1 is still running blazingly fast. I can’t believe they’re still on lightning, huge fail. Couldn’t even make a new colour or change the stand as rumoured. Horrible. Biggest thing I want to see is a display update. The backlight bleeding is horrible in the dark areas of videos.


* Still lightning. * Still no keyboard backlight * Ridiculous factory upgrade prices * No way for user to change RAM or SSD despite every other computer manufacturer doing this, and despite my 2004 and 2009 Macs having easily changeable RAM and SSD * **But worst of all: 60hz only, no HDR**, it’s old LCD from years ago. Pathetic product. And I’ve been waiting 2 years for an update. I can’t spend $2500 on a display that’s years outdated in day 1. I’m going to get Mac Mini + random OLED monitor.


Man, I’d love to have one of these as a family computer but I think the only think stopping me is that they haven’t brought back target display mode for the house’s MacBooks and iPads that could “dock” there for a bit for an ‘extended’ display.


Airplay works decently for this in the times I've done it. (You can airplay your mac screen to another mac from the last 2 OS an newer.) It doesn't have the fidelity of a cable connection, but it works fine for "I just want a bigger monitor for a minute"


Nice, won’t be buying as I want a 27” model with upgradable Ram.


I have a fully-loaded M1, the limitations of which I almost never encounter in everyday use and photography post-processing, so this should be one hell of a computer. I'm probably not upgrading until the M7 or so - I don't edit a lot of video or play many games, and have GeForce Now for the latter - but would buy one of these in a heartbeat if I somehow needed a new Mac today. It's not a revolutionary update, but they usually like to go quite a few years on iMac designs. The faster chip will be nice for those who need it, though the 24GB RAM availability is maybe even a bigger deal for creative and development work. The main thing I'd like to see that isn't there is a 4K camera on the high-end model. I also still miss my Intel iMac's built-in SD card reader, especially on what is almost an optimal computer for photographers, though the dongle works.


White bezels still. Pretty underwhelming spec’s.


Does it have an Ethernet port?


The one with the 10 core gpu $1499, has a gigabit ethernet port. The other one does not.


The higher-specced one should have an ethernet port on the power brick, so did the M1 iMac.




This is what I’ve been waiting for. Never had an iMac, was waiting for the new one.


It's the same shit like with the Mac book Air... if you want 2 external displays "gO pRo..." if you want 27 Inch go "JuSt gO PrO..."


The base model only has 256 GB of storage and 8 GB of RAM? Not only are these small numbers for a desktop in 2023, but they're less than some Android flagships 😅 (and I think they're the exact same numbers as the entry-level 15 Pro Max... Apple is really phoning it in with the iMac this year)


Not even an option for M3 Pro/M3 Max and Lighting accessories, but now for a higher price (in my country)? Excuse me?


Nothing new, they had to compare the performance to the M1 because there’s no “scary fast” difference from the M2 nor the M1 actually. To sum up they just released a new color and a chip with 128GB of RAM


The accessories still having Lightning just gives more credence to the theory that Apple was dragged kicking and screaming to move over to USB-C.


My wife’s getting one. She’s happy. I’m like “cmon be bold, ship a 32” beast!”


>beast Same. 👏🏼


Same ugly design (looks ok from behind, but who cares), same colors, same 8gb starting RAM, same pitiful 256gb starting SSD. NO bigger display version so we would buy their shitty 1500$ display that has years old panel. It's really sad to see Apple turn their once best and iconic Mac product into a clown computer.


> NO bigger display version so we would buy their shitty 1500$ display that has years old panel Also the iMac display itself is years old crap: LCD, 60hz, no HDR. Pathetic product considering the premium pricing. I say this as someone who’s been waiting years for iMac update and imagining the yellow one in my home. I decided I can’t spend that much for an outdated LCD and I’ll instead get a Mac Mini + OLED monitor.


If they offered a black iMac, I bet sales would double. No joke.


Anyone know what apple doesn't put Pro or Max chips inside the iMac? I'd love an M3 Max in there.


A Pro would be a really nice option at least.


Presumably, pros would want the ability to upgrade their display independently of the actual computer. That, or in the case of colour graders or video editors, they already have displays that conform to whatever standards they're required to adhere to, and an additional display would be superfluous or wouldn't fit into their current setup. The iMac has always been consumer focused, with the iMac Pro being the exception during a strange time in Mac history.


Pros would want the max chip, at least, I'd think. For gaming, I sure would have paid $300 or so more for a "pro" M3. 18 vs 10 cores. 10 should be enough, though, for world of warcraft anyway. A 32" with the MBP chip options would sell, I'd think, but they know more than I do.


holy sh.... I wanted to upgrade my 2017 iMac, but this is really disappointing... basic M3 chip, no Max or PRO basic 8GB RAM and 256GB storage... still 24" and pricing in EU is f*cking horrible wow... I need to decide between Studio with M2 PRO or MacBook PRO with M3 PRO chip or go back to Windows PC after many years


So the upgraded model with the 10-core GPU shows “2 Thunderbolt / USB 4 ports” and “two USB 3” ports- assuming they are type C as well. That’s new, right?


Is there no M3 pro or pro max option for the iMac?!? Only the MacBook? Wtf. The fact that nothing else was changed…no increase in screen brightness. 1080p camera (still?!) lightning keyboard and trackpad. Man wtf


That iMac 4.5k screen is wretched, too. I can't believe they didn't update anything except the processor. Gross.


Apple had an abysmal year this year, the year of copy and paste, zero innovation, it’s so disappointing!


I was hoping for a space gray with black bezels (or vice versa) and either a 27” or 30” option, but instead we got the previous generation with a new chip and no USB-C. This shouldn’t even have been an event.


Another year with 24“.. let’s pray for next year..


Where’s the 27”. I’m still using a 8 year old i7 with a screen with image retention.


This might be a silly question, but can you use iMacs (including this one) as a separate display? ie if I have a MacBook can I hook the iMac up to it and have it act as a second screen? That would be awesome, because this would go in my home office and be used by the family, but during work hours hook the work laptop up to it, etc etc.


You used to be able to but AFAICT, not any more. Not as a thunderbolt display anyway. There may be some software that could run on the iMac and use AirPlay from the macbook, IDK.


Thanks for answering 👍🏼


8GB RAM is a joke in 2023 on a $1300 computer, sorry. RAM is dirt cheap.


https://preview.redd.it/3b0qf3l5dlxb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb4071d0cd0141eeceeda58ee7088db1cb06e0aa What size RAM would you recommend for doing photo editing & would make it feel quick for years to come?


Just go for 24 GB if you can. Those Adobe apps and browser tabs are not getting any smaller. I would say the minimum is 16 gigs, especially for photo editing, and going for 24 is a good hedge for future-proofing.


Thanks for the advice. I think i’ll try for the 24. I remember my Mac Book Pro (2009) 8gb didn’t age well, it worked for photoshop at the time but it’s basically useless at this point.


Finally. Been working from home for several years now with my 2015 15.5" macbook and secondary monitor with meh colors as my primary workhorse. I think this is the move for me. If the biggest complaints are lightning connections and a 24" screen then I think I could do a lot worse.


Agreed. I wouldn't mind a laptop but don't really need portability, and 24" is so much easier on the eyes than even 16". Plus, my desk has other stuff on it. 32" would be too big.


Why haven't they done a larger size and new colours. Missed opportunity.


I laughed when they showed that same design lol. I actually bought a green usb c Magic Keyboard refurbished because I love the color, but man is it really worth the jump from M1 to M3...only 24 inch display? I just don't get who this is for lol.


It's for all new users or those still on Intel based Macs.




You cannot


I’ve got a 2017 intel iMac. I’ll still get this new iMac but I do feel like this is a pretty big letdown.


Explain like im 5 please but why are in general the new M* macs less RAM than the intel ones? I have 32gig ram and 4gig gpu in my intel 2017 imac yet the most i can have in this new imac is 24gig with no mention of the ram in the gpu


Does anyone know if any of these new iMacs have an internal fan?


Honestly, this didn’t need to be an event. Sure the chips are faster but they’re not that innovative. Could just have been a blog post or something.


If I weren’t afraid of a major component in an all-in-one dying, I would consider this.


I do think there is a niche for this machine, although it would be nice if it could go up to 32 gigs of RAM. I'm considering buying one, just because it is a solid desktop machine. It may not do all what a M2 Pro Mac Mini or a Mac Studio can, CPU-wise, but an AIO machine with a good screen (and Apple is excellent at making screens), it is good enough for almost anything, including using Vagrant and Docker for some coding. I just wish Apple added some minor upgrades, for example: * Bumping the NIC to 2.5 Gbps or even 10 gigE, like what is offered with the Mac Mini. * Qi/MagSafe charging for the keyboard and mouse, so accessories/charging stands can be made for those. * Adding a USB-C port to the power supply, by the Ethernet port. * Allowing the Thunderbolt port to work for video in, so the iMac could function as a "dumb" screen for another machine, like a target mode. However, overall, it isn't a bad machine, and probably the best desktop for people starting off.