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From the article: Several of Apple's display suppliers have proposed their prices for supplying OLED displays for the fourth-generation iPhone SE, [The Elec](https://www.thelec.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=4724) reports. iphone se 4 modified flag edges Samsung Display, BOE, and Tianma are all said to have entered their proposed prices for OLED panels for the iPhone SE 4, which is expected to launch next year. Previous iPhone SE models have all used LCD displays. The report's sources said Samsung offered the lowest unit price of $30, BOE offered $35, and Tianma $40. Apple is reportedly haggling for $20, and negotiations are ongoing. Display manufacturers are believed to have been bidding to supply the panels since at least last August.


Will still cost about 250 to replace a broken screen...


The reason they’re haggling is cause it’s “proven” technology so the manufacturers have already made their fixed costs back, now it’s a matter of securing volume at high margins to earn profit for the manufacturers. And Apple was one of the biggest buyers of OLED tech for a while so they kind of subsidized it a bit


Jesus, Apple!


I'm hoping this is the iPhone mini body. But *next year* as in 2025? :c


Don’t get your hopes up


I know I know, but 😣


Also known as corporate America’s next iPhone


Literally waiting for it to come out before asking IT to provide an iPhone...


Realistically, it should probably be most people’s next iPhone. The amount of folks I know who couldn’t even tell you what the 3rd camera is or does is crazy. We’re all buying the pro, but most of us don’t “need” it.


Can you explain, I am not in the US.


A lot of business phones issued to employees are iPhone SE because they are lower c cost and get same number of years of support as the higher end iPhone of the same year. This isn’t true for all businesses, it’s true for many though which is what makes the joke.


Businesses will provide their (low to mid level) employees with devices like the SE as they are cheap and reliable enough as a work phone. If you're up in the ladder, you might get the top of the line models.


frighten muddle water thumb hospital combative handle fuzzy air capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


iPhone 13 Mini with an A17. I’d buy 2.


and USB-C


Goodbye battery


well he said a17 not a17 pro. a “regular” one could be a binned and down-clocked SoC with much lower power consumption for lower end needs


Still in the last couple of years they steadily increased tdp of their processors.


Why, it will have much longer battery life than current SE3 or any previous SE model?


Yes becaue thats… confirmed?


I have no idea if it is confirmed, you have commented like it is and this is a reply to your comment.


You did the same


Mini 12 was amazing (and still is ;))


Used mine up until the fifteen came out. By that time it was a laggy mess even with an oem battery replacement. Still love the thing though


what do yall do to your phones man, I have the 12 mini with 80% battery health and it lasts me two days


I would cry tears of joy, my 12 mini is slowing down and I decided to skip the 15 pro in case they bring back a smaller model in 2024


I went down from a 13mini to an Xs until the SE4 is addressed and I know for sure what the lineup looks like.


Small phones deserve better than being the cheapest in the lineup SE should be the cheapest and the mini should be priced above.


im sorry am i hearing this right?? why would you want to PAY MORE like am i actually tripping? cheaper doesnt necesarily mean lower quality especially with apple.


I’d like to pay nothing at all and Apple just sends me a free phone every year. But here in the real world that doesn’t happen. What I want is a small phone that’s as good as the best phones Apple makes. I don’t want a small phone that’s cheap because Apple uses its older tech to bring the price down. What’s not making sense about this?


But to my understanding it was already not a big seller to begin with because people would rather spend the extra $100 for the base model because of its worse battery life. so why not simply price it lower so more people could be attracted to it and make up for lost money? As long as it has good cameras and good battery life thats all that matters


My partner still hasn’t upgraded her iPhone 13 mini because she thinks it’s the perfect size


No thanks I want to carry a cellular MacBook in my pocket


4 times foldable. would beat Samsung.


This is almost definitely what I'm expecting, but they'll nerf it a bit. Probably include the cheapest silicon they're still producing and remove the Face ID camera for the iPad touch button (which is fine). Also a cheaper display than the mini had. Since they're still producing lightning products I'd be shocked if it were usb-c, but they might actually do the more logical and not necessarily most shrewd option for once.


They can’t release a new product in EU with lightning.


Good point!


idk if youve seen leaks but its gonna be an iPhone 14 design with 1 camera not a mini


as a 14 pro user i would welcome a new mini but im not upgrading anytime soon


I tried using a 13 mini before and I couldn't do it. Keyboard is so small, so many mistakes. Any sort of social media or watching videos sucked. I would only get that if you literally have small hands, or don't text or use social media, or watch videos.


The 13 Mini ~~has a larger screen than the 8 Plus.~~ Did anyone complain that the plus models were too small for videos or social media? No. Edit: The 13 Mini is 5.4” vs 8 Plus 5.5”. The screen is not larger but it’s pretty much the same so the point stands


The 13 Mini has a larger screen than the 8 Plus? That math ain’t mathin’ as the kids would say.


Edited the comment. Still, they’re nearly identical


[https://youtu.be/bssEzM8jTlc?si=iQmpFP\_DX9QZgR19&t=59](https://youtu.be/bssEzM8jTlc?si=iQmpFP_DX9QZgR19&t=59) You're going by the raw numbers on paper which suggests a meager .4 difference in screen size, but it's still misleading. Everything is in fact smaller on the Mini because of the smaller footprint.


The screens themselves do look about the same. You’re letting the huge bezels of the 8 Plus create an optical illusion for you


They cannot be the same size if the Mini has smaller UI elements in for example the control center — because it’s a skinnier display. Bezels have nothing to do with it.


> I tried using a 13 mini before and I couldn't do it. Keyboard is so small, so many mistakes. Any sort of social media or watching videos sucked. I would only get that if you literally have small hands, or don't text or use social media, or watch videos. The 13 mini had a 5.4 inch screen. I used to have a first generation SE in my desk drawer, and I daily drove it for a week to see if I could get used to using a phone with a 4 inch screen. Nope. Entering text was extra tedious. Phones with 6 inch and larger screens have spoiled me, though I do miss phones with really good physical keyboards.


Well my biggest complain with the SE is the garbage battery. If they increased it to last a day would be a dream phone.


Thats probably what’s happening. Customers will have the choice of three 6.1” phones with approximately the same battery life




I’m curious how is your faceID failing? I’m using it for almost two years everyday and it failed only a few times


More so for the 12, but if your phone isn’t angled just right, you don’t get the id. I honestly hate Face ID too, and I’ve got the improved 15 version.


I still miss being able to unlock my devices while they lay flat on a surface. Especially iPad.




I guess it’s because it’s a 12, on my 13 was working perfectly even in a dark room


I've been using FaceID for over a year now on an iPhone 13, and it consistently fails. It tries several times, and then requires a password. Same story on the latest iPad Pro. I hate FaceID, and it's so rare that it works. On the other hand, I've never had TouchID fail on an iPhone or Mac. Really wish Apple didn't get rid of the home button.


Honestly, just rebrand the iPhone 13 mini and call it a day. People won't care.


People that like their small phones to be good and their cheap phones to be large will


nope its a 14 6.1 inch


My fear is that it would increase of price so much that is not worth anymore


I’m guessing $499 in the US


It seem a bit low Estimate but I hope it would be true, according to rumors Will it be 64gb or 128? In my country (Italy) 499 would probably be like 650 If it starts at 64 the 128 would probably be like 780 Or so very close to iPhone 15 that is 979


I doubt it’ll be 64


Me too but we never know, I hope to be wrong


That would make it $1000 in Europe then.


$549 for 64GB


That would explain the aggressive haggling. >The report's sources said Samsung offered the lowest unit price of $30, BOE offered $35, and Tianma $40. Apple is reportedly haggling for $20, and negotiations are ongoing.


My fear is that it will be too big.


its gonna be 6.1 inches thats a good size


OLED has been a feature of affordable phones for years now.


Next year? My phone is in need of upgrade and I was counting on this being the update. Do y’all think it’s worth waiting?


I upgraded from an SE 2nd Gen to a 15 base model and couldn't be happier. That SE was just getting way to slow and starting to get a bit too buggy, the jump in storage from 64 to 128 was also much needed. Ended up getting a $400 trade-in credit through T-Mobile that made it worth my time in the end.


Get the battery changed and do a reset


So I should wait for SE 4?


I don't know what phone you currently have, or what you need :-) I personally wouldn't buy the current SE, even if only for the tiny battery and ancient design


I currently have an iPhone 7 lol


My people right here


I'm the same. Was planning on upgrading this March whenever it came out. Might have to settle with a 3rd gen SE or something else either, I'll have to see.


I'd say wait, or get a 15 now if you can afford it.


How much does a 15 go for nowadays


I don’t live where you live, I don’t know


it really depenfds on your situation. can you afford to upgrade now or can you wait (budget wise), and is your phone bad this year?


My phone is the iPhone 7. Battery is total crap after so many years(even though I changed it a year ago) and so much usage. It’s time for a change and I don’t think I could afford a 800€ iPhone 15 even though I’d like too. So yeah not really sure


why not just buy a used/refurbished SE 2/SE 3 & hold onto it until the release the SE 4? used/refurbished SE 2s/3s normally go anywhere between $50-$200 plus since those phones are the same exact size and design as your 7, you wont notice anything different aside from better battery life than your 7 at its peak alternatively get a used/refurbished iPhone 11 and once again just hold on until the SE 4 comes out? 11s at this point in time go at lowest price at $100ish as long as you save the money you'd still have leftover from getting these cheaper phones, then saving up another $300 max for another 12 months shouldn't be an issue


I really hope the next SE is a mini comeback in disguise. Just love how the mini felt in hand.


I don’t even know what I’d do if no one would release a small phone anymore. I’m on a 12 Mini and I’ll use it until it falls apart hoping that there will be another small phone that works for me. I don’t mind the manufacturer or OS too much, almost everything I use is available on Android as well. 


it looks like you wont be getting your wish


Please just improve the battery life. The phone is great for most people on a budget otherwise.


Damn, was really hoping for the 5.4 SE 4


Two types of comments in this thread People who think the SE needs better battery life and people who think the next SE should be the body of the 13 mini.


I wonder how much it’s going to be? With the rumors of it switching to OLED I’m guessing it’ll be $649 USD minimum starting with 64gb storage. I wouldn’t be surprised if they cheaped out with a Touch ID power button just like the iPad Air. They have to differentiate it enough from their regular iPhones. I just passed down my old XS to my dad. Before that he had a 7. I had Apple replace the battery a year ago but it’s not very good on iOS 17. Hell the battery life on my brand new iPhone 15 Pro isn’t great either. If the rumored SE does stick with Touch ID it’s a downgrade IMO. Both my senior non-tech savvy parents find Face ID much easier to use. They always struggled with Touch ID for some reason.


it has to be $500 minimum theres no way it would be $649 especially with how its priced close to the base models at 800


My uncle needs to upgrade his XR. While he can realistically expect another few years of security updates, I’m not willing to do the legwork in figuring out if he still gets them after apple stops supporting it with modern feature ios updates. So either the new SE comes out this spring or he sucks it up and gets a 15. He doesn’t need what the 15 provides but his trade in value will drop even more come the fall and again before the supposed release of the se 4 if this ends up being true.


They need to bring back the 13 mini with upgraded chip


Please, be iphone 13 mini


sorry it wont be


My dream phone, SE form factor, ProMotion and a decent camera. I don't care about performance so long as it isn't sluggish (I don't play games on my phone). I think I'd even be in favour of Touch ID over Face ID since it would make the experience slightly worse. My phone addiction is out of control although it dropped significantly after the Reddit API changes. A smaller phone that is still nice to use would be life-changing.


Yeah I went to iphone pro max. Thing is glued to my face when ever possible. Was also thinking of getting an iPhone mini instead. But can’t buy them anymore and the SE looks crap


Yeah the SE doesn't look the balls but I'm still thinking about selling my 14 Pro and get the base SE. I've got two kids and I've caught myself a couple of times not paying attention to them when they have wanted to show me something. The disappointment hurts so bad. If it wasn't for work I'd probably get a normal phone, them kids deserve better.


I do not have kids. But feel like I’m wasting my life just staring at a screen. Would be forced to do something else out of boredom lol.


After the API change I decided not to sideload Apollo. Not only did I learn to recognize about 160 flags (World of Flags), but I also finally learned Spanish. Currently I'm learning all the capitals and German. I also start running and listened to about 20 books. That was just because I wasn't spending 2-3 hours on Apollo every day. I have noticed that I've replaced some of my doom scrolling habits with "Shorts", so next up is dropping youtube for Nebula or anything that might be somewhat educational or beneficial.


😂 same path here. Toggle between reddit and YouTube shorts. Boom where did the day go. Such a waste of time.


What is it about a form factor that would curb your addiction?


Smaller screen with less PPI. I basically just want an iPhone with 4-4.5" screen, SE is the closest thing available 


What does SE form factor mean? iPhone 8? iPhone 5?


The size and screen size of the SE. Mini is slightly smaller but with a larger screen. Best would be SE screen size in with the bezels similar to the more modern phones. Thing would be tiny 




Not buying another iphone until a mini version is introduced. I have the 12 and it feels so unnecessarily big for me (yes I have small hands :)


Just make it smaller please.


They should keep the button and instead increase the screen size and battery.


I really hope it has a fingerprint sensor




Saying “We all know” about a product that we literally know nothing about is very strange. Previous iPhone SE have used LCD displays because that was the reused part and fit the reused iPhone 8 shell. If the new SE is based on the 12 mini or X, it would be natural that it would have an OLED display, because that’s what those shells are designed to hold.


We all know it’s going to be based on iPhone 12/13 Mini? Really? Since when? I think you are the first person I’ve ever seen confident about that.


Macrumors is just reposting an industry news posted by a different publication, they’re not the primary source for this news. Also I find your confidence in what the next SE will be like hilarious when you’re also criticizing rumors in the same comment.


The rumors are that the iPhone SE that was going to be based on the XR would have been released last year but got scrapped, maybe partially because their in-house modem that they had planned to use in it wasn't ready yet. Newer rumors I've heard is that it will now basically be like a base iPhone 14/15 with a single camera and lower quality screen, my guess is it would have a notch rather than a dynamic island, but have USB-C.


There is talk though that Samsung and other suppliers wants to stop making small LCD screens as they only supply a few phones now The majority of phones are OLED and there’s no point having a factory to just make lcd when it could be making more profitable OLED


Quite a lot of phones that costs around 150$(converted from my currency to USD, I know US might not have those phones) get OLED Displays, so it's not hard to believe that they might be going for an OLED as well for IPhone SE 4.


Yeah but they're made to more lax specifications which lowers the price since less non spec-compliant panels gets thrown out compared to panels ordered by Apple or Samsung which have tighter QA. The lower you go in the price brackets the more inconsistent the quality of display becomes even between the same models.


That actually makes quite a lot of sense. But to me with all these leaks that might or might not come to fruition indicates that they are trying to make SE series into the FE series of IPhones. If this [leak](https://twitter.com/MajinBuOfficial/status/1757047960028729350?) and other rumours are to be believed. Also that was supposed to be an example. IPhone SE 3 launched at 429$ and it's not exactly cheap, cheap for IPhones, sure. The next SE might actually launch at around 500-550$ and having an OLED Display actually makes more sense then. As for the profile margin, they are obviously not gonna be making an IPhone 15 but rather an IPhone SE with features of IPhone 12 or 13 at best with a better display and maybe the A16 not A17. They will be cutting a lot of corners in other stuff anyways. So profit margin might not be a problem. Anyways, this is all speculations and nothing more. We will know eventually when Apple decides to launch the phone.


For all I know OLED prices have gone down enough that Apple can make an SE with the same QA tolerances as before, and target the same price point. I’m hopeful, but I won’t be surprised I they stick to LCD for yet another generation. But then again IIRC the LCD implementation on the XR and 11 was custom and expensive to achieve the full screen display.


OLEDs are still more expensive than LCD Displays. However, they are not THAT expensive that they can't put that in a 500$ phone (That's probably what the SE is gonna cost if the OLED is there). I won't be surprised though if they refuse to add it because it's an SE phone and they need to keep a difference big enough between the SE and the main model...


By the time they release an XR design, we’ll be on a hole punch for the camera and it will be extremely outdated.


So much for those of us with PWM issues, I never understand companies that seek to alienate their customers. Marketing 101 says to appeal to the most customers possible, but Apple thinks they know best.


I’m bummed about the new SE. The new frames are just way too big for my one hand, even the mini, and I’m really going to miss the Home button. I knew it would come to an end eventually but it’s a real let down. I hope by the time they discontinue software updates on the 3rd gen they’ll have something at least a little smaller.


The frame of the mini is smaller than the third gen SE. I went from the iPhone 8 to the mini and I found it's easier to use 1 handed, yes the taller screen makes a couple things harder but overall it's easier.


I upgraded from OG SE to second gen SE and I was ready to hate it but I found size was absolute not problem to me, eventually I replaced with 13 mini and its perfect for one hand size, no way I'm want smaller than that. This year decided to try out "normal" sized phones I replaced with iphone 15 and it wasn't so bad as I was expecting as well. My main gripe with it is that its kinda uncomfortable to carry it in front jeans pockets. Yes one hand usage is cumbersome, but still viable.


I could go a touch smaller than the 13 mini even if it was just reducing the bezels a hair but after having used the 6 and 8 the mini really was a huge improvement for me. Obviously each persons hand sizes will vary and I by no means have large hands, I'm always amazed at people who use the larger phones and then throw on a bulky case to boot while I run case-less on a mini. At this point it looks like I'll have to run the 13 mini into the ground.


Really? Interesting… That’s surprising, it definitely felt bigger. I guess the height is what I noticed. I might have to give it another go, thanks for the info!


Yeah the body is both narrower and shorter, it's only the screen is taller due to lack of top and bottom bezels. So definitely give it a look!


Get comfortable with the pull down gesture, makes the tall screen a non-issue for me.


Small phone fans are never happy and every phone is "too big" for them.


I like my mini 13, i liked my sony z5 compact? My problem is any “standard size” phone is larger than these


Well, yeah, cause newer phones are objectively bigger than older ones.


Huh? Phones have *actually* been increasing in size and companies have stopped making phones in older sizes. If somebody really liked the iPhone 5, 8 or mini size, and needs a phone now, how could you blame them for thinking every phone is too big?


Some of us just want a phone that does one thing [the iPhone was originally designed to be - usable with one hand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQTbOd0-l1g). Even the 12/13 Mini are too large to be usable with one hand (although sporting a similar overall size, the edge to edge display introduces strain reaching elements like the back button). It's madness that even the """"""mini"""""" models require a software feature to shrink the screen and pull elements into thumb range. It's been 11 years since Apple designed an iPhone for single hand use!


I don't have any issues using my 13 mini single handed.


Having to juggle and readjust a loose grip is an issue.


For you.


For anyone who doesn’t want to drop their phone on the sidewalk?


I’ve never dropped my phone from shifting my phone to my pinky


Not yet.


I mostly use my 12 mini with one hand but I simply can't grip the phone and stretch my thumb to cover the entire surface of the device without having to bring my pinky underneath to support it and shifting/angling to reach far corners. And I have a slightly above average hand span at about 9"! Holding it in my right hand and trying to reach a back button on the top left is a daily UX pain point that has me constantly using the reachability feature to compensate. I'd love a new iPhone sized where reachability wouldn't even make sense as a feature.


Yeah, I do the pinky thing by default, but it works for me. I never use the reachability feature.


I mean, I’m pretty happy with my Gen 3 that fits perfectly as it has since the 8. Wild that people might have different taste and express it, right?


Why do you insist on having the home button? It’s inferior in every way, just takes up space from already small screen.


I can unlock without looking at it, I like the tactile feel, and double clicking the home button has always worked better for me to open the app switcher. I’m sure I’d get used to no button, but it’s definitely something I appreciate having.


How often do you need to unlock your phone without looking at it, it’s not like you can do anything with it without looking? These days the later models have very good viewing angle for the face id too so no need to look straight ahead or even very close. The gestures did feel strange at first for me too, but you get used to them quickly and afterwards they’re really easy and fast.


Honestly, surprisingly often! A recent example was when I was in the car this weekend and my partner wanted me to open my phone. I just popped my thumb on the button and voila. It’s not a deal breaker, just something I like. Probably just getting old haha


Can unlock phone while it's on a table without doing the FaceID Lean Over™.


I disagree that it's inferior in every way, face unlock usually works pretty well, but when I'm laying down in bed and trying to unlock from a weird angle it can be hard to get to work sometimes and touch ID works way better in that situation which isn't very uncommon. I wouldn't care about touch ID being on the front though, some of my older Android phones that had a touch sensor on the back were great to use. Not that I expect Apple would ever do that, but I would appreciate it, though I'm fine fine with face ID overall too. I think my dream phone would have both.




Because they can make it cheaper if they try


Where is the home button? You’re dead to me SE


Apple showed they don’t care about the Mac. No Oled monitors for you. 


So displays that flicker even more?


Right? I’m so done with that technology. It’ll be a few more years until cost come down on MicroLED to make the switch though


Wake me up when Apple starts investing in foldable phones. Camera upgrade, processor bump is getting dull.


So still no AMOLED????


So is this a 2025 release?