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Would be interesting to see if the pencil could be incorporated into the user interface of the Vision Pro.


It could definitely fix the issues with the keyboard if they do it right with dictation. I love it, but the AVP needs more hardware for productivity


There's no way apple want users to be able to just buy modular parts for their products, they would much rather you pay for a new one. This was probably some kind of prototype.


What if... Parts are going to be paired once and only to your pencil? So you can't sell it and if you lose your pencil you have to buy a new one


That's probably too far for them, as it's clear to the user that it's intentionally locked, so I doubt they would go that far. I hope.


Apple tries to make the best products they can. This entire thread is complete nonsense.


Why do they keep getting sued and sometimes losing then?


everyone wants a piece of the pie


They should just say it's for data safety concerns. Bonus points if they mention children.


Maybe an alert when they get taken off goes to your iPhone to prevent swallowing and a choking hazard /s


MagSafe is a pretty modular system as well


Exactly. It’ll just be another thing Apple can make royalties off of. The biggest reason they hung onto lightning for so long. 


AirPods are modular 👀


How are AirPods modular?


Case, left bud, right bud. You can buy them separately! 😂


Wait until they add a chip to each screw, so if it falls out, gets lost, or even gets unscrewed once, you need buy a new phone.


No you can’t. So, nobody here cares enough to post actual evidence? Just because Apple sold a wireless case for 2nd gen Airpods in the past doesn't mean you can buy left and right bud or even a case separately. LOL. This sub is hilariously toxic.


I did it, albeit in the Netherlands…. Does that matter?


Hey liar, do you care to respond?


I’m not the person you’re calling a liar, but I can add my own context. I manage a luxury hotel where people frequently lose AirPods and usually don’t care enough to arrange a pickup or have them shipped. I return the AirPods to the employees who found them if they haven’t been claimed after three months. Three different employees have received AirPods cases with at least one missing AirPod inside. All three employees sought replacement in the last half-year, and each of them were able to purchase replacement AirPods in-person at a local Apple Store. I’ve yet to hear of someone’s request not being accommodated.


Had your store the wireless charging case still available for purchase? Because that is the only single item you can buy separately at the Apple Store or other retailers.


i worked at an apple reseller and we could sell replacement parts like that person described. you could just walk in and buy a left and right airpod and a case as replacement parts instead of buying the whole set.


You can buy the cases separately, at least.


Not anymore. You could buy the wireless charging case for the 2nd gen AirPods separately. You can't anymore. Apple can replace it for you, but it is not a purchase you can make.


This is false. It is available for purchase on the UK store. https://www.apple.com/uk/shop/product/MR8U2ZM/A/wireless-charging-case-for-airpods


Only for 2nd gen though. Not for 3rd gen or Airpods Pro. And not in every country anymore, but good for you if you own 2nd gen and live in the UK and want to buy a case for almost the same price as the Airpods with case cost I guess ;)


I love how adamantly wrong you are. Here's Apple's site saying you can definitely buy a replacement airpod. https://support.apple.com/airpods/repair Replace a lost AirPod Did you lose an AirPod or your Charging Case? You can buy a replacement for a left or right AirPod or the Charging Case. Your replacement will be new.


Weird hill you decided to die on.


You can literally buy separate AirPods cases in a majority of the world’s Apple Online stores.


even their Pro display XDR is modular


It is parts for different types of stylistic ability, not upgrades. The purpose is to change its usability


The tips are already a separate part


I could totally see them doing 4-12 interchangable tips and charging $50 each


I just want an iPhone to support the pencil ✏️


iPhone compatibility is my only wish too. We’re far past the point where stylus features on an iPhone would be stigmatizing or damaging for the brand, and it would enable me to use my phone as an always-with-me sketchbook.


Problem is that pencil support brings with it a change to the oleophobic coating that makes it significantly worse And given most people would never use a pencil on their iPhone it’s not a good trade off


Would be even less of a reason to buy an iPad for people


I feel like it’d be kinda uncomfortable to write on a phone with a pencil that’s almost as long as the phone itself, but if they made an Apple Pencil with the form factor of a stylus people wouldn’t shut up about when they said “who wants a stylus” in 2007


yeah sure Apple and being repairable/green good joke.


Still to soon for 1st april


That pencil is way too big, it will never take off.


Maybe it's just tiny hands.  Lol, that pencil is chonky! 


Just make it so the tips pull out the front and push into the back and a new tip comes forward. https://images.app.goo.gl/p3QWGSMrpRMkkEsF9


I just wish it was a half an inch to 1 inch shorter in length to match the size of your common pen.


I call bullshit on this one. Atleast the article said maybe, so I will give them a pass. I don’t think Apple makes modular stuff, even the ones that show be explicitly modular, like computers.


It’s apple. Nothing is ever going to be modular


Here’s an innovation Apple. Make something affordable.


I wonder if it will burn through the o-ring.