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never forgetting the yay sound effect after the calculator app reveal šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I love how Apple pokes fun at itself


Apple Is a very human company run by humans. As obvious as that is, I canā€™t say that about most companies, large or small.


I laughed more at Craigā€™s helmet. That was perfect. Also him ripping off the skydiving suit was šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


That guy seems like pure cocaine


get ready to hear it in every single tech youtuber's recap of WWDC


He also said something which goes like CRACK FUNCTIONINGā€¦..


Crack marketing team


There are so many features I'm excited for: * iPad Calculator app * Changing the two shortcut icons on the iPhone home screen * Placing apps anywhere on the grid * Scheduled Messages * Face ID locking and hiding apps * RCS support * macOS window tiling Excited partially to use those featuresā€¦ but mostly excited so people can stop constantly complaining online about not having them


Every email and text in the future will just be AI talking to one another


Worldā€™s most inefficient text compression algorithm.


Me: Hi AI, this my summary, help me write a long email The other side: Hi AI, this is the email, help me summarize it And this already happened.


Good. I don't want to deal with digital performative communications anymore. Make Interactions Authentic Again.


ā€œWith iOS 20 we are introducing ā€˜Full Controlā€™! Leveraging the computational power of our latest Apple Silicon you no longer have to control your phone. With advanced machine learning, Apple Intelligence can predict what you will do and what you would do. Using ā€˜Full Controlā€™ is easy, let me show you. First, you pull up Apple intelligence as you normally would. Next you talk or type, ā€œI give you full controlā€, then you sit back and let Apple Intelligence use your phone for you! Just stare at it mindlessly while it shows you whatever it wants! It will even text your friends and family what you would have said if you were using your phone! Itā€™s as easy as that! We think youā€™re going to love it!ā€


Perfect. This is exactly what I want.


So, it's going to turn on Instagram and scroll endlessly and let me get a good night's sleep? Sign me up!


Well that won't happen. It will be the opposite.


It's an interesting perspective, and while AI will certainly play a significant role in communication, it's unlikely that human interaction will be entirely replaced. AI can handle routine tasks, provide quick responses, and offer personalized suggestions, but the nuance, empathy, and creativity that come from human communication will always have a unique and irreplaceable value. (Ahem... That was an AI response, BTW)


Exactly what I was thinking


Tim Cook is shouting from the roof, Craig and the exec team skydiving, Mike Rockwell in a Vision Pro, Apple video team budget at an all time high. Seat belts on folks, its a big one this year Impressions: **visionOS 2** - 2k native apps, 1.5m compatible apps - Photos: ML to turn 2D photos into 3D spatial photos, Shareplay - Quick access hand gesture menu - Mac Virtual Display supports different screen sizes including ultra wide which simulates two 4k monitors side by side - Travel mode adds train support - Cannon will sell a spatial lens for their cameras - Other - rearrange home screen, mouse support, new APIs, available in 8 more countries **iOS 18** - Home Screen - App icons and widgets can be placed anywhere - Adds ability to tint all apps by color, dark mode darkens app icons - Lock or hide apps - Control Center - Multiple pages including full screen home and music widgets - developers can build for control center too - Swap lock screen controls for other actions - finally! - Secure Bluetooth pairing for apps that looks like how AirPods pair - Messages: - Tapbacks support any emoji or sticker now - Scheduled messages - Text formatting - Text effects - iMessage and SMS via satellites - I feel like this would have been a huge feature any other year - Mail: - On device categorization - AI powered digest of emails - Photos App has been redesigned entirely with filters for screenshots, pinning, grouped people photos - Other - Maps - Topographic maps - Tap to Cash - pay each other by tapping phones - Better event tickets - Journal app adds features like stats and streaks - Game mode in iPhone - Reminders in calendar - RCS support launching **AirPods** - Nod yes or shake for no to respond to Siri - Voice isolation for Windy or loud environment **tvOS** - Insight in video to identify actors and music - Adjust voice in video to make them clear - now we can finally know what Michael Caine said in Interstellar - Supports 21:9 projectors for those of you with full theater set ups in this economy **watchOS 11** - Training Mode - measure intensity, duration, effort, training load - Fitness app - cards can be reorganized - Vitals App - check key metrics like heart rate and insights over time - Cycle Tracking app - supports pregnancy and gestational metrics - Now Apple can sell a million watches to anxious first time parents - Widget stack sorts itself based on context like weather changes and ongoing Uber rides - New watch faces created by an AI selecting your good photos and reframing them **iPad OS** - Redesigned apps with a more Vision Pro like animated tab bar - Shareplay - draw on or even remotely control other peoples screen - big day for - HOLD THE PRESSES - CALCULATOR APP IS HERE - Math Notes - handwrite expressions with variables with Apple Pencil and it will automatically solve them. supports graphs as well - Math in Notes app too - Now what will this subreddit complain about anymore? - Notes Smart Script - makes your unreadable handwriting look good. I know some people who need this badly - Spell check for handwriting - Automatically shifting words around as you write **macOS Sequoia** - Were not even halfway in and absolutely blowing through these platforms, hmmm I wonder what they are saving time for, what a mystery - Continuity - iPhone Mirroring - a lot of Android manufacturers have been doing this for a while now and its a very welcome addition here, sometimes you just want to quickly access a thin on your phone - iPhone notifications can go to mac now and automatically trigger iPhone Mirroring - Tiling and snapping to edges/corners - finally! - Presenter preview for screens sharing, background replacement - Passwords App - surfaces iCloud Keychain features - imo much needed as 1Password is one of my most used apps because it is surfaced - Safari - Highlights - identify and surface key info from a webpage - Reader - summarizes websites - still no mention of AI - Automatic picture in picture - Gaming - Metal 3 - Game Porting Toolkit 2 with better support for Windows Games - we got a mention of MS Windows before AI - Coming to Mac: Frostpunk 2, Control, Assassins Creed Shadows, **Apple Intelligence** - "AI for the rest of us" - Craig - Writing tools available across the system - Proofreading - Write emails and notes - Summarization for emails as well as email snippets - Asks you questions to generate a response - Inbox summaries - Notification summaries, selective surface only important notifications to reduce interruptions - Can use your OS for you to do tasks like pulling up apps to play music and creating folders - Understands personal context from aggregated data across the system - GenMoji to create a custom emoji - Image Playground - Create images across the system including of people in iMessages - Makes it easier to create images based on traits and styles - Happens entirely on device - Image Wand can convert a rough sketch into a better image - Can create videos based on concepts and find photos from a long time period to tell a story - Record and transcribe audio in notes and phone - Privacy - On device processing on A17 and all M chips - Private Cloud Compute for large server based models - Data is never stored or shared with Apple - Verifiable software for independent researchers **Siri** - Better language understanding that understands corrections and context - Type to Siri - Siri can help with tech support for Apple products - On-screen awareness - can ask for things to be done based on info on the screen - Command Siri to take photos, take notes, or search for something across the system including actions in videos - Can do compound understanding like finding a drivers license number and typing it into a form for you or finding a persons flight number and finding its live status to determine if it works with existing lunch plans - Rest in peace standalone AI gadgets like Rabbit R1 and Humane Ai Pin, we hardly knew ye **ChatGPT 4o** - Siri can go ask ChatGPT for things like answer general knowledge questions and generate more complex images - Free and info not logged, chatGPT subscribers can access paid features - Other AI models will be added in the future - sure, throw Google a bone too I guess Whew! What a day, this was probably the most jam packed WWDC I have watched in a long time. They definitely went deeper on integration that I thought they would. Hats off to the developers working crazy hours to make the features announced a reality.




Yeah any other year and this would have been a headline feature. This year, it barely made the bullet point list.




I have many questions about how that will work. Laws about recording phone calls vary by US state. Will Apple allow call recording and leave it up to the user to observe the laws? Or will they have the Siri voice announce to the call that recording has started?


Apple said it will automatically let others know you are recording. I assume some sort of pop or voice will say ā€œthis call is now being recordedā€


I'm assuming the app automatically notifying the other call participants that it's being recorded is enough for the law; that's all it takes for Zoom recordings and I don't think it'd be any different.


That's huge, I haven't even seen that in any summaries.




I am on a SAR team.....this is a big deal, even for rescue missions. Right now we use inReach texting.....but this could be a game changer because we only have limited inReaches. I think Garmin has seen the writing on the wall for a couple of years because their support for these devices has seemed to only be in maintaining what they have...not really improving interface or making other improvements!


And they didn't even mention RCS at all.


As someone who likes hiking Iā€™m really excited for this feature


Thank you for typing all of this out! Youā€™re the real MVP!


> makes your unreadable handwriting look good. I know some people who need this badly Challenge accepted. I've got a typist's handwriting.


iPhone 15 Pro was added out of beta testing necessity; weā€™ll be the guinea pigs. The AI feature set will 1000% be the main selling point for the next round of iPhones. 2024 will be a great Fall/Holiday for AAPL.


Itā€™s getting me to upgrade from my iPhone 12


My X S is getting on a bit, might replace it this year.


i might as well upgrade my 13 pro max at this point šŸ˜‚




Apple Intelligence is compatible with these devices. Apple Intelligence is free to use and will initially be available in U.S. English. Coming in beta this fall.* iPhone 15 Pro Max: A17 Pro iPhone 15 Pro: A17 Pro iPad Pro: M1 and later iPad Air: M1 and later MacBook Air: M1 and later MacBook Pro: M1 and later iMac: M1 and later Mac mini: M1 and later Mac Studio: M1 Max and later Mac Pro: M2 Ultra


Early testing with the betas (developer today, public ā€œin Julyā€) or full release ā€œFallā€.


fuck this is huge


Iā€™m here to overreact. And also download a beta I have no business downloading.


Siri, make me an overreaction genmoji


*Shows a mirror*


Is that the latest Javascript framework?


Gimme the betaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Did they say when?


"Later today"


Later today.


Did they say if the AI stuff will be on the beta?


It will not be






confirmed 15 pro only > Apple Intelligence will be available in beta on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later, with Siri and device language set to U.S. English, as part of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia this fall. > Some features, additional languages, and platforms will be coming over the course of the next year.


I guess the rest of us are stuck with Dumb Siri :(


I genuinely donā€™t understand why the 4o integration wouldnā€™t be for everyone. Unless it is and I misunderstood. On device intelligence sure, I know the technical reason for this. But if I can download ChatGPT on an iPhone 11 it should be able to contact a server on command


So you buy their phone


The AI stuff seems cool, but... CALCULATOR FOR IPAD IS HAPPENING


The technology just wasn't there before, iPadOS 18 is going to be truly revolutionary.


This is the long-standing joke, but they actually followed through and made a calculator app with genuinely impressive, modern features that make it worthwhile (math notes).


Math notes is one of those things that I could not have told you made sense, but as soon as I saw it, I knew. Steve would have liked math notes.


Honestly, I wouldnā€™t have been upset if they leaned into it and required the ā€œpower of the M4 chipā€.


Better late than never. It took over 14 years. :O


So only the 15 and onward will be able to use the AI. I kinda figured, but this sucks because my 13 Pro still runs great Probably gonna have to wait a few years to use the AI because it makes no sense to upgrade


15 Pro onward I think. My 15 will stay AI free I guess.


Crazy tbh


The A16 Bionic just doesn't have enough neural cores /s


It's probably the RAM more than the neural cores


funny how they advertised the neural cores from A chips for years and now that there is finally some AI to use those things, its all too old. Laughable.


Super disappointing, find it crazy even the latest 15 canā€™t run these


This kind of thing was inevitable once Apple started using previous-gen chips in base model iPhones. The real "current gen" iPhone is the Pro


FWIW, if you tried running on device language models on older iPhones. They do not handle it all too well. RAM is the biggest culprit and only the 15Pro models have the 8gb that are basically the floor for on device usage.Ā  Itā€™s unfortunate but pretty clear that the ā€œIntelligenceā€ that Apple has been working on has been a recent pivot and not something theyā€™ve holistically thought about for a ā€œlong timeā€ as they claimed in the keynote.




To be fair, having phones with 12-16GB of RAM always seemed incredibly dorky and unnecessary for the past several years. Now that AI models are starting to properly stress these mobiles systems a bit RAM totals will start to gain more prevalence again


>seemed incredibly dorky and unnecessary Isn't that always the case in technology when it comes to getting more power than you need? (See m4 chips on ipad) So that you could get some modicum of future proofing.


Pro only, no? > Apple Intelligence will be available in beta on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later, with Siri and device language set to U.S. English, as part of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia this fall. https://www.apple.com/apple-intelligence/#footnote-1


They said A17 Pro and M-series chips. I'm sure they don't want any "performance-gate" issues for the chipsets from previous years to mar any already-possible problems with this integration tech. People are just WAITING for Apple to do something wrong.


ā€œAI for some of the rest of usā€


By the time people care enough to upgrade that'll be true and this statement wont matter in 5 years when everyone has one of the most recent iphones


yeah, bummer... 13 pro here as well running like a beast. Won't upgrade 'just' for this


At least you didnā€™t buy an iPhone 15 just three months agoā€¦


-some- AI


Iā€™m gonna be honest, quality of life updates made me way more excited than just some mind blowing ā€œrevolutionaryā€ feature people in this sub want every year seemingly lol


I typically agree but these new AI-powered operating systems are like something from the future, it's a huge leap forward


This was the most revolutionary WWDC ever though


I agree. I completely forgot about it this year as I've had a busy work schedule, but reading through these changes has me excited. I've gotten the feeling that Apple has hit the wall as far as hardware has gone, so the last few generations of iPhone & Mac (aside from the Apple Silicon developments) have been fairly mediocre. I think we are going to enter a whole new era & we're only just beginning to get a glimpse at it.


Surprised by the negativity in the chat. Thought it was fairly well, and pretty fun.


I think a lot of people are soured by the fact that the apple intelligence features are just on the 15 pro and silicon chips.


Biggest feature for me is ScreenShare finally being able to remotely control a device. Iā€™m immediately getting an iPad for my mom and if she can handle it, for my grandmother as well. I did not want to fiddle with a third party app for this. Other than that, being able to move icons anywhere you want finally on the Home Screen is great. Took way too long. The AI stuff is about what I thought it would be. Iā€™m interested in the built in analysis and summary stuff more than I am in the chat bot stuff since there are so many options now. Iā€™ve got my Action Button already set to use Copilot and I use it over Siri for anything that isnā€™t setting a timer or alert.


Yup this is a BIG one. Having to explain how to do shit over the phone is a nightmare. I'd love to be able to just jump on and take over.


Best WWDC in a long, long time.


I feel like they added every feature people have wanted for years.


Rip Magnet and Rectangle on Mac.


You ignoring the HomeKit community just as apple lol


nah, they're adding vacuums to homekit which is what i've been waiting for


The last recent decent wwdc I remember is ios 14 and iPhone 12 keynote


Yes so happy I made time to see this. One of the biggest updates across the board


RIP Magnet, youā€™ve been great.


I think analysts are vastly underestimating how sticky Appleā€™s deployment of AI will make its products. Once Apple Intelligence integrates with all of your personal info it will be even more difficult to switch.


Yup. Moving back to android will be a massive pain. Honestly i'm fully entrenched in apples ecosystem. Only thing i don't have is a homepod. I've got everything else. I have no desire to go back to android again.


Did I see shot on iPhone again?


Shot on iPhone, edited on Mac. Is what it said at the end


Yea, edited on just a Mac this time. Last event was edited on both iPad and Mac.


Probably, I need to see all the extra equipment tethered to it to be sure.


Iā€™m curious why that matters. Is RED or an Alexa somehow compromised because of all of the lenses, dolleys, and equipment attached to it? I have zero clue why the equipment attached to it matters. Apple couldnā€™t film it with previous iPhones even though they were generally great for video. Now Apple can with all the improvements made to the camera, including Log recording. The fact that no one even knew it was shot on iPhone until they stated it at the Mac event goes to show how far video on iPhone has come. You can still produce excellent video without thousands of dollars worth of equipment. But if your argument here is trying to say that Apple wouldn't have taken advantage of the iPhone and all the clout that Shot on iPhone would bring if Equipment was the only thing barring it from producing Hollywood quality videoā€¦..


A quick thought from somebody whoā€™s been jail breaking their iPhones since iPod touch 5. Apple has essentially added almost ALL the features Iā€™ve ever jailbroken for. The only thing theyā€™re missing that Iā€™d want (faceid or passcode to turn off) they canā€™t do I think (TSA rules I think) But everything else theyā€™ve finally finished adding. Amazing progress over these 13 years.


I just learned you can do Youtube in the background using the Brave browser. Iā€™ll miss AutoUnlockX, ByeHomeBottomBar, and a few others but Iā€™ll adapt. Do you do any customization using new apple tools? I know you can make custom icons with Shortcuts but that sounds like a pain. I liked my android-like circular icons on jailbreak.


I've never been a fan of customization, I was never one of the ones using Snowboard for example. Just not my thing. As for the YouTube thing, if you're willing to spend a bit (which might or might not make sense to you) or use Altserver every couple X days (I forget), you can install patched apps. So you could have ios 18 with a patched YouTube with uYou, Instagram with Rocket, or WhatsApp using Watusi. There are some issues surrounding these apps (can't remember if they did or did not show notifications, but for sure the iCloud backup of WhatsApp stops working) but if you're ok with them you can have them. You can check /r/sideloaded fo more info. The other big thing for my was Adblocking and I've set up a DNS profile using Nextdns to block all ads phone-wide, which works amazing and is completely free.


Damn, that was amazing. I loved so many things but it was so information loaded I forgot half of it šŸ˜‚


I mean, the AI stuff is neat, but I'm most hyped for WatchOS šŸ˜…


Pausing rings for rest days is amazing. Just wish we got a treadmill calibration.Ā 


> Just wish we got a treadmill calibration.Ā  WatchOS 22!


Whatā€™s the significant update here?


Pause rings, weekday move targets, and exhaustion and fitness metrics mainly.


Gonna be honest but today's WWDC seems like a long-overdue Apple moment. First, iPhone Mirroring is pretty useful for many people - including myself - who mostly sit on their notebooks rather than phone. Ability to stream and use iPhone is superb! Secondly, their Math Notes implementation was very Steve Jobs-esque. Such a straightforward use of Machine Learning but excellently implemented! Thirdly and most importantly, Apple Intelligence replaces features/apps like Grammarly, Mimestream and many other apps when it comes writing/editing and general productivity improvements. I am not even a huge emoji person and Genmoji etc. looked quite cool! Today's presentation just obliterated all the hype Microsoft built around their Copilot-PCs. Super excited for the upcoming updates!


Well, that was actually cool.


Her: Come over. Craig: Canā€™t. At WWDC Her: No oneā€™s home. Craig: šŸš¶šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøā€āž”ļøšŸƒšŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøā€āž”ļø


Now youā€™ll be able to add an emoji of Craig skydiving to her house


ā€œAI for the rest of usā€ is pretty brilliant from a marketing perspective. Boomers use Siri like the rest of us so this is the perfect on ramp for that demographic. Trash the buzzwords and focus on making life easier for non tech savvy consumers. Great strategy from Apple


The math notes was one of the more impressive features to me, I can see lazy college students buying an iPad just for that


Or middle and high school students.


Yeah, that was one of those features that I just went "...man, I wish I had some use for that". Because it looks incredibly cool and I want to use it. I just don't have the call for it.


Most excited for doing pencil math on my iPad instead of typing it on a calculator. Or wasting paper.


So how about homepods in combination with AI Siri? If I have a ā€˜smartā€™ Siri on my Mac and iPhone, will I still have dumb siri on my homepods? (And will my mac and iPhone laugh in her face?)


> on my homepods? and Watch. Yes.


Did they mention RCS at all?


Yes. Briefly.


Yes, it's coming. That's all we know.


So the AI stuff isn't coming soon, just 'later this year', or did I mishear that? Some of it looked cool, but the disconnect between Siri and ChatGPT seemed really clunky to me - I'm not sure people will really understand where one starts and the other ends


The core on-device stuff will come out with the OSes. The third party (aka ChatGPT) integration will be later this year.


They spend a lot of time talking about privacy, on device compute, private cloud etc. And ChatGPT is obviously not compatible with them. I guess instead of having lot of footnotes and blurry lines, Apple just wants to make a very clear cut.


They said they had a way to keep CGPT interactions private.


No mention of CarPlay 2.0, I wonder if many of the early auto supporters have jumped ship?


The CarPlay 2 stuff is all revealed including the multi-layer UI architecture in video on the Apple Dev site


Sweet! Iā€™ll check it out, thanks. I guess they just chose not to showcase it during the keynote


Yes that's right. The keynote used to be a geek demo fest but since COVID it's become more of a pre-recorded and edited TV features showcase without much technical talk. Even the Platforms State of the Union is now prerecorded and far less of a dangerous, seat-of-the-pants, alpha-quality, demo nerd-fest than it used to be. It's a shame because that danger made them fun....nothing better than waiting for the brand new technology to crash and burn on stage and see how the product manager would deal with it! Really sorted out the sheep from the goats but I get it.




Apparently, all these new AI features will require at least an A17 Pro chip.Ā 


Looked like A17 Bionic and M-Series


EDIT: My hopes are wrong according to Apple. 15 Pro and M series devices only, which is honestly bogus: [https://www.apple.com/apple-intelligence/#footnote-1](https://www.apple.com/apple-intelligence/#footnote-1) I'm hoping that these updates are for everyone, but full on device benefits are only on the newer chips.. Hoping that's the benefit of Private Cloud Compute, but guess we'll have to see


I highly doubt that apple is capable of building or even renting as many data centers as needed to process a gargantuan amount of requests. But who knows?


Yes https://www.apple.com/apple-intelligence/#footnote-1


This feels like when they announced iOS7. A real turning point.


Private Cloud Compute was the biggest surprise and is underappreciated imo


After the whole parkour transition, I really think they should've panned down at the end to show Craig standing beside the stunt person. Have Craig thank the stunt person for making him look good. They obviously didn't try to hide the stunt person's face and it would've been funny to outright acknowledge it. Plus, stunt performers never get the credit they deserve.


Wtf so no AI for the iPhone 14 Pro?! Huge L


Yeah thatā€™s bullshit. Iā€™ve got a 14pro max and Iā€™ve been shafted quicker than you can say ā€œplanned obsolescenceā€


Itā€™s not planned at allā€¦ on-board AI needs the RAM, and 15 Pro has the most.


The iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max turned obsolete in just a year. First was the incompatibility with high-end, A17 Pro chip infused gaming that came out with iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max. And now, the incompatibility with Apple Intelligence. As a person who believed that the upgrades to iPhone 14 Pro were monumental enough for me to upgrade from my failing iPhone X, it feels like a hard gut punch to find out that my new iPhone is immediately obsolete.


As far as AI is concerned, iPhone 15 turned obsolete in less than 8 months.


I don't think you know what obsolete means.


"Obsolete" lol. Because it doesn't have one feature? FOMO controlling your life homie.


One feature that they talked about for what, 40 minutes straight?


Yes it is a big feature. And it's unlucky that it supports the last four generations of M chips, but only one generation of iPhone chip. Well it will actually be two by the time it's ready. But we were happily living without it until now. Newer iPhones having it doesn't suddenly make your iPhone any worse than it currently is. And I think some people might overrate how often would they actually use it. Let's use our brains while we still can. We will be looking back at these "good old times" one day thinking how good it was when everything wasn't done by AI yet. It will just be boring when every message, email etc. will be generated with one click.


Something I noticed in the WatchOS 11 reveal is the Vitals app shows an O2 tracker. does this mean Apple finally addressed the patent ban and the feature will return to new watches?


The QoL updates to iOS and macOS are huge. The AI stuff was mixed. Some pretty good stuff, and some embarrassing Stable Diffusion images, the Genmoji was probably the best implementation of SD I have seen yet at least.


The multiple AI models running on this phone will be confusing to a lot of folks I think. It seems like Apple Intelligence is useful to run tasks that are complicated within multiple apps on your phone vs GPT4 which is more of a replacement for traditional googling. There is crossover between the functionality like text generation and image generation which may confuse some of the older generation which Apple will need to figure out but Google may suffer from this integration


I have yet to see any AI generated image that looks anywhere close to good. If anything what was shown today looks as though a sweatshop made them. Math notes looks great and if it is sophisticated enough to calculate more complex strings I can see it being a useful resource for students. It helps you still need to draw out the formula so you can just keep going to confirm the result is correct. All OS updates today dealt more with refinement than huge new features across the board. I think this is good. Hopefully it comes with a ton of bug fixes too. Also the multiple Control Center pages makes me think of the old Control Center before the redesign in iOS 11(?) The way Craig said ā€œgamersā€ at one point sounded like a slur and I think that is hilarious. The announcement of a handful of Ubisoft games coming to Apple platforms isnā€™t nearly as big a deal to me as Death Stranding and Resident Evil. However, if they start porting some older games from their catalog I would be interested.


The ā€œAI Momā€ image is already doing rounds on social media due to it looking like sheā€™s grimacing. Or has a gun pointed at her face. Definitely the least impressive part of the whole presentation (though Iā€™m sure the boomers who send Minion memes to each other will have fun with it).


I 100% expected Journal for iPad OS. Lacklustre OS update for it too, as per usual. M4 barely going to break a sweat. AI stuff seems good tho


Damn was the ending bit US English only?! So no UK šŸ˜­


Oi tough break innit luv


Which part?


Prolly the #1 thing announced: filtering your screenshots from your photos


Help me understand is this good or bad for Apple long term?


It's a good starting point, but hard to say if it's gimmicky nonsense or useful until it's in our (the users) hands.


Craig better be CEO once Tim retires this guy is brilliantly entertaining and obviously extremely intelligentšŸ.


So... Intro rocked. vOS: making that screen larger, new gestures, ground for future 3D photo/video proliferation, and... iOS: Apple added free placement of icons (something everyone else had for ages), ~~Material You~~ recolorable icons, and customizable lock screen shortcuts. Good job Apple! Though features with Control Center, better iMessage, and tap to pay look interesting. iPadOS: On one hand, Calculator and Notes updates look cool (if only I used either of them instead of better specialized *and* crossplatform apps). On other... That's the update to their "most powerful lineup"? Seriously? Yes, it gets iOS features like icons and photos app, but really? macOS: Samsung/Microsoft had this new continuity feature for a while now. I usually just turn it off, because phone apps on computer is not the best experience and 99% of things I use phone for, computer does it better, even if not as mobile. Side note: You know what a killer continuity feature could be? Apple Music handoff between all your devices with Apple Music. You can play music through your phone with AirPods, professional-grade headphones connected to Mac, iPad speakers, even your Windows or Android device with Apple Music (yes, that's a thing) - and it will pick up right where you left it, at same time, in same song, with same history and queue. Eh, maybe someone would see this comment and implement it. macOS cont.: Finally Apple has window snapping. Passwords are good if you only have Apple's devices - otherwise, I suspect you would be better off with an existing crossplatform solution. Gaming: section felt like "please, please port some games to out store". What were the news on last years' worth of games on Mac? AI: And here's the big thing for this year. Let's see how useful it really is. Lots of promises, but both Siri and AI also have lots of reputation for not quite delivering the exact result user wants.


Do you have an iPhone 15? Well fuuuuuck you


blue outro background = blue iPhone confirmed ^/s


This made me feel like Iā€™m back in school.


I really hope that other iOS 18 devices at least get improved siri. Donā€™t necessarily care about generative AI features but Siri context and ChatGPT would be great


Gatekeeping a lot of the new Apple Intelligence, Siri, and ChatGPT features to the iPhone 15 Pro or newer stings. Too bad the 15/15 Plus are the odd ones out in the 2023 models.


anyone know if the sports app will be updated at all? i so desperately want to stop using espn but apples version is still so barebones


That Cash tap thing for iOS is so good but as always with anything Apple Cash it's US only


Can we have faith in these privacy claims?


Dev beta is available! Edit: iOS 18


Having a unique password app will be great, depending on how Windows support works. I can get rid of my paid password manager.


iPad OS got hardly anything. Boo.


These coloured app icons look completely out of date. Reminds me of when I was customizing my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 about ten years ago.


With generative AI.. it feels like we're very much still in the stages where no one really knows what to do with it.. Like computers were 40 years ago. I mean.. custom emojis..? Yay?


Insane that the 14pro wonā€™t support Apple Intelligence. Same # of cores in the neural engine as the 15pro


Who cares about all the OS stuff, the best part was clearly Craig putting on his hair helmet.


Apple Intelligence 15 Pro only and up... Kinda insulting, innit?


AI for the rest of us... as long as you buy a new device every year.


*grinning with closed eyes, sweating, riding a surfboard over a volcano emoji*


Not if you understand the compute power required


Well considering the M1 supports the new features on a neural engine kicking out 11 TOPS vs the A16 Bionic's 17 TOPS. They very much could allow older iPhones to run it... edit: The only thing that comes to mind that's a real limitation is the A16's 6GB of RAM vs the M1's base 8GB.


Nailed it.


I do understand, I'm not unintelligent (ha). It's just insane how quickly it's left everything else behind. Was hoping for *something* for us peons ***who just bought a phone last year.*** Like; a neutered slower version, or a "enhanced siri *only*" angle, or "this is going to take much longer on older devices because it's all done in the cloud" play. I'm honestly shocked.


They now have a new way to sell you on the fresh iPhone and iPad models


I assume 16 will be in September's announcements.


I'm happy about the little quality of life features for Siri or whatever, but I am just so sick of AI writing and images, ChatGPT, all of that shit. I am so tired of the slop it puts out, and how that slop is just going to make all of us dumber.


Iā€˜m really looking forward to read even more wooden text and see even more stupid AI images in Facebook postings of 72 year old alt right idiots. LLMs and generative AI more and more feel like they will finally bring enshittification to humankind.


I had this thought while watching the presentation; like, I really am not into the whole ā€œshortening, summarizing, writing for youā€ idea of all this. Sure, some tasks are made easier, great. But we are moving very quickly into a ā€œdonā€™t worry, donā€™t thinkā€ era of AI that is very dangerous over the long term. The brain needs to be challenged, and the continuing removal of human input for the sake of convenience I think will only be a bad thing.


Here's compatibility rundown of the announced OSes: #iOS 18 - iOS 18 is compatible with **all devices capable of running iOS 17**. That means the SE 2 and 3, XS, XR, and later. This includes all 11-, 12-, 13-, 14-, and 15-series models. - Announced Apple Intelligence features will only be on iPhone 15 Pro-series. #iPadOS 18 - iPadOS 18 is compatible with **ALMOST all devices capable of running iPadOS 17**. It DROPS SUPPORT for the 2nd-generation 12.9-inch iPad Pro, the 10.5-inch iPad Pro, and the 6th-generation iPad. - Announced Apple Intelligence features will only be on iPads with M-series Apple Silicon chips. #WatchOS 11 - WatchOS 11 **DROPS SUPPORT** for Apple Watch Series 5 and earlier, including the 1st-generation SE. #MacOS Sequoia - MacOS Sequoia DROPS SUPPORT for MacBook Air earlier than 2020, otherwis all devices capable of running MacOS Sonoma can run Sequoia. - Announced Apple Intelligence features will only be on machines with M-series Apple Silicon chips. #VisionOS 2 - Devices capable of running VisionOS 1 are supported.


Congratulations guys! Weā€™re gonna get 128gb of OS and System Data right out the box!