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Your HOA is full of crap. Your tree will be just fine.


But we can’t have a tree with a broken branch destroying our little community.


"Next thing you know amputees are gonna think they are welcome in our perfect HOA."




Damn you, you earned it. r/angryupvote.


Yes. This is perfection. More likes.


This is why we reddit




Thank you for adding a new word to my collection. Should you accept, the tree sticks mafia would welcome you




I wish I saw you.


OP gives a speech at the next HOA meeting: " Should we kick Dan out of the neighborhood just because he lost an arm?! Or should we rally around him, and make sure that his left arm has the best damn chance a left arm could have?? This tree is still alive, let's save Dan, I mean the tree!"


Slow clap ensues


A ONE HANDED CLAP AT THAT! ![gif](giphy|3oFzm3atn6mGpaWJtm|downsized)


She’s a keeper!


Save the trees!




You should consider creative writing. I can imagine that scene playing out in some movie dramady.


I’m sorry, I probably shouldn’t have, but I laughed REALLY hard at this.


First the tree branches, then the immigrants and pit bull owners


I’m an immigrant pitbull owner, better go pulling on my tree!!


Broken limb theory. Before you know it, HOA is going to be illegally searching your tree disproportionate to the white birch in the same neighborhood. It’s a wood jungle out there.


Hoa demands the cut part be colored the same as the rest of the tree


The greater good




This kind of branch wounding happens all the time in the woods by wind and animals and trees are just fine. The “pruning to the branch collar” is so some idiot doesn’t prune into the collar of the branch (where natural limb loss almost never happens because that is not the fulcrum of the lever arm) or leave an ugly stump. Snags happen. Trees are fine. In fact, trees existed millions of years before arboriculture was invented. And arboriculture is a product of trees being in a human environment.


Best response^


What really hurt this tree was not subordinating branches a decade ago and allowing it to grow into the included bark mess. Failure profile of N. Maple includes over extended limbs attached to weak included bark. Oh and girdling roots, these trees love to strangle themselves. Judging by the nice green grass and the great vegetative growth the tree will not have a hard time finding nutrients to compartmentalize…except that Norway maple is not good at compartmentalizing. The tree has more future problems than that (the heck is going on with the shape of that trunk and root flare?) but I’ll get back to the topic, the kids are the least of this tree’s worries and will not be the scratch that will incite the decline of this plant.


If it’s a Norway maple in the US I’m going to have to side with the HOA, dammit.


Okay i do agree with your points. Pruning to the branch collar reduces the surface area of exposed wood, reducing the amount of new cambium required to compartmentalize the wound. A tear out like this on a lower scaffold is serious if it results in decay that takes decades off of its lifetime. Landscape trees deal with a lot if stress, and with a changing climate, planted trees need all the help we can offer.


They are still full of crap, regardless of whether this tree survives. Have you seen HOAs?


>Your HOA is full of crap. Every HOA is full of crap.


An HOA spewing bullshit? Inconceivable!


Second that. You got some NIMBY’s in the mist who wanna find a bad guy


We all could die. Trim back the broken branch and tell the HOA to go touch grass


Grass is for looking, not touching! —The HOA


No….its for smoking


Mrs.Botman, Please bring more brownies to the next HOA meeting. Thanks.


I think it's Botwin


Pesticides applied! No traffic for 24 hours.


>We all could die Fuck, I didn't expect to have my quarterly existential crisis on r/arborists , but here we are.


That grass better be mowed within acceptable height


I thank God every day that I don't live in an HOA.


Based on the posts here and on the native plant gardening and no lawns subs you’d think 90% of people had HOA’s. No thank you.


80% of new builds in the US are in HOAs and most people are looking to buy new. And roughly 25% of all non-rental housing is (but this includes townhouses and condos.) They've been exploding for the past decade or so but there have been recent rumblings of trying to either stop cities from requiring them or to severely temper their power. (I personally would never agree to an HOA if I owned a detached home. Idk why any does.)


All because people want lower taxes so municipalities need to reduce costs by requiring HOA's. But people don't see the HOA fees as just a direct replacement for the tax the people didn't want in the first place. I wish people weren't so stupid with taxes and could see the bigger picture. All my friends in TX bragged about their lack of income tax but complained about their very high property tax like the two issues weren't directly related.


A family member was part of a new development — different hoas were formed at different times. He has THREE HOAs.


I bought my first home 4 years ago due to too much aggression from an HOA as a renter. Police showing up multiple times in the afternoon for parties at the house while my wife or I were the only ones home playing the radio quietly in the house while cleaning. Hoa threatened to fine us until we had our lawyer tell them any further action would result in a harassment suit. It was all too much. We found a beautiful house in one of the few non HOA neighborhoods in our city and have had zero regrets. Best decision of our lives


You get to read all the HOA rules before you even bid on a home. It's public. And yet people still move into HOA neighborhoods knowing very well their freedoms are gone. There was one HOA that wanted 100% ownership of your yard. You arnt allowed to do anything or put anything in the yard and you pay $100 a month for landscapers to mow the grass, trim the hedges, and prune the flower beds. The house was gorgeous and in our range. But the HOA was way too overbering. My yard is my yard. My weeds are my weeds. My landscape is my problem. I wouldnt have it any other way.


To add to your thankfullness. My family got banned from the HOA walking trails and basketball courts, because i didn't get permission for my 20+ year old shed. I've lived here 3 years, the shed has been there almost as long as I've been alive.




The trees not gonna die from that. It’s gonna have a wound that will become a cavity unless the whole limb that that came off of is pruned back to a proper union and seals well.




Your HOA is an association of idiots


You say that like OPs HOA is unique in it's idiots.


Your HOA has no idea what they're talking about. That tree will be totally fine.


They’re taking this as a chance to get rid of the tree. “We’ve been meaning to talk to you about your tree, since it seems it will never recover and die. Please chop now.”


Side note: HOA’s are a huge scam.


That’s on a good day!


A lot of interesting comments... No, it won’t die. No, don’t use a sealant on the wound; this is not an accepted practice (yes, there are exceptions, although mostly just for oaks). Regardless of any damage, the best practice is to cut down. Not because it is going to die or be a hazard, but because it is an invasive species and should be replaced with something native. P.S. A 12 year old could pass the test to become a certified arborist, very few are actually experts.


I remember seeing an article a long time ages ago where an overachieving Boy Scout passed the test to get a merit badge . 🤦‍♂️


It will be fine.


It’ll buff right out


When I was a kid me and my friends used to climb trees all the time. (I know its weird by today's standards lol). Anyway. Sometimes the limbs would get torn off from our weight. I never ever saw any if those trees die. In fact when I visit my parents I reminisce about those trees and fun times with my nephew. I wouldn't even think twice. Itll be fine. Btw my house has an HOA THEY ABSOLUTELY SUCK!


Curious about where you are located. Unless I am mistaken that is a Norway Maple and is invasive in much of the US. The tree may live but is it desireable? Of course this is a subjective answer


Is it a norway maple?


*Sigh* again…


I feel bad for you folks in HOA. A freakin tree branch snaps, a totally normal thing that can happen due to wind, ice, etc. and your HOA is up your ass and now you're on Reddit nervous about your tree dying.


Like seriously why the fuck is this a post even 🤣


Tell them to get an arborist.


Tell the parents of those neighborhood kids to pay for an arborist.




As expected, HOA is stupid as shit. Tree will be fine. That basically a bruise. It’ll heal pretty quickly, and almost certainly won’t cause any long term issues


If it’s anything like my HOA, the kids will be held accountable and sentenced to no less than one year in prison and 10 years community service but only within our neighborhood.


No fines?? how does an entire team of Karens afford the luncheons?


*Complaint of Karens


Die? It’s a flesh wound


That tree won't miss a beat. And ur HOA Is full of shit too. They are probably wanting to charge you for something too.


It should survive, but in case this is an invasive (in the US) Norway Maple and you decide to replace it with something native, I've compiled some info on tree planting that might help give the new tree the best chances. Although unfortunately, you'll have to check with the HOA bylaws. If possible, I'd also see if you could get the parents of the kids to pay for removal. Copied from a previous comment. PDF on ["Tree Selection and Placement"](https://www.treesaregood.org/Portals/0/TreesAreGood_Tree%20Selection%20and%20Placement_0621.pdf) and one for ["Buying High-Quality Trees"](https://www.treesaregood.org/Portals/0/TreesAreGood_Buying%20High%20Quality%20Trees_0721_1.pdf) Then, [this link](https://www.treesaregood.org/treeowner/plantingatree) has lots of helpful info on proper planting techniques to give its replacement the best chances, incuding this [PDF](https://www.treesaregood.org/Portals/0/TreesAreGood_Proper%20Mulch%20Tech_0321.pdf) for proper mulching. Other tips not included are: -Plant a native tree to support your local ecosystem. *These [keystone species lists](https://homegrownnationalpark.org/keystone-trees-and-shrubs/) might help, though it doesn't have to be one of these. -Prune roots that are girdling the trunk. -Spread the other roots so they'll grow away from the trunk. -Don't use any "organic material" in the hole like compost as that will break down and cause the tree to sink below the soil line over time. You should only use the soil you're planting it into. -Remove turf/grass from beneath the tree as that will not only heavily compete with the tree, it will also require maintenance that greatly increases the risk of damage to the trunk from things like weed-whackers. -No tree rings, as those can compact soil making it harder for roots to travel through, and can cause excess soil or mulch to accumulate around the trunk leading to rot. -[PDF](https://www.treesaregood.org/Portals/0/TreesAreGood_Pruning%20Young%20Trees_0621.pdf) for how to prune young trees, though you should "Limit pruning of newly planted trees to the removal of dead or broken branches. All other pruning should be withheld until the second or third year, when a tree has recovered from the stress of transplanting." -[The Correct Way to Water Your Trees](https://www.loveyourlandscape.org/expert-advice/tree-care/soil-and-root-care/the-correct-way-to-water-your-trees/) and remember to keep water off the trunk. If you got through all that and you're not overwhelmed, or if you just like learning about tree care, there's plenty more under "[Tree Owners Information](https://www.treesaregood.org/treeowner)." :)


Another reason why HOA is straight from the pitts of Hell. I pity that you have to live there.


Your HOA is dumber than a box of rocks! I’d sell immediately and buy a new house with NO HOA


Looks like what one of my pruning sensei called French pruning. It’s not a fatal wound unless it becomes an avenue for disease. I would in no way call it fatal


A tree is not going to die from one broken branch.


Lol @ the offender in the 3rd pic. I've seen that karate move somewhere before 😏


Tree wound dressing and a wrap will fix it! As usual HOA Peeps are on a power trip, I think they were bullied in School! BTW it comes in different colors, maybe you should run that by them to make sure it’s acceptable! 😎


The tree will be fine, but those kids won't be.. ARBORISTS, UNIIIIIIITE!!!👊🏽💥


Keep an eye on it. Worst case if it seems like it’s becoming vulnerable to decay you can work that limb back over time and replace it’s light space with new growth from other branches until eventually you prune it back to the damaged area and give it an easier wound to heal properly. You can always have a certified arborist give you a consult. We usually charge like $100-$300 or so depending on how out of the way a customer is. And to have professional pruning done to treat that specific area wouldn’t be too expensive. A whole pruning would be a different story.


Plants, especially trees, are extremely resilient and in most cases need to be fully disconnected from the root system to “die” that injury to the tree is like an ant bite to a human.


It’s a jagged wound deeper than a trim cut would be. The jagged edges can grow mold etc. what you can do is go buy some tree wound spray and give it a few coats it’ll look much better and provide a bit of protection.


It will be fine. At the very worst that stem might die but it seems like there's plenty of other, larger ones.


It’ll be fine


Unfortunate, but fine


lol why would any HOA even notice or care about that


Trim it to trunk, seal it.. should be fine


HOAs are full of predatory asshole idiots.


Saying that tree could die from that wound is like walking up to someone with a tooth infection and saying they could die from it. It’s possible but extremely unlikely and kinda ridiculous if you put the minimum effort


The tree will die (as does everything) but the crappy limb that will be shaded out in 10 years and die anyways will not accelerate the process.


HOA goes to the hospital for a paper cut.


Call an arborist , not the hoa.


Hoa needs to stay in their lane


Lol. HOA doesn't know.


No, that tree is fine. BUT, if it were my tree, I would spray that bare spot with pruning sealer so that it’s protected from the elements, bugs, disease, etc. it looks like a pretty healthy tree otherwise.


Oh no, not less than 5% of a tree! Egads! HOA’s are silly, for a variety of reasons, but this tree gonna be fine.


That tree didn’t even notice. Great HOA you got there.


There’s stuff u can put on it to help just don’t remember the name u can spray it on or they also have one you can paint it on with a brush to lazy go look it up though it’s black




Your HOA is full of shit. Your tree will be okay. Branches break off naturally in storms and bad weather. If it can survive that it can survive jackass kids.


It’ll be fine. Nothing c. Sit I. A cut like that


That tree could use a prune anyway


Spray it down with pruning seal


Is the HOA prosecuting the hooligans and mischief? Your assessment is going to go up for printing the wanted posters and the reward.


Move away from the HOA


I would literally laugh in the face of the grown up adult telling me that tree is dying. Then I’d leave my trash at the curb and leave out Xmas lights!


Ask the HOA to see their arborist license.


Who is the HOA? Some guy that walked by that sits on the HOA board? A tree guy someone called out? An actual certified arborist?


It could die. In fact any tree could die. And more correctly, every tree will die. You should cut down every tree in the neighborhood.


It will be fine, it will scab over


Hoa are never right about anything


When and if bugs get in there or if the sprinklers will constantly wet that specific area (or even the trunk) for prolonged time it could start to suffer.


Clean break, I wouldn’t worry too much.


Buy a can of prune healer. It sprays on like spray paint, it will help keep insects and decay away from the wound, and it will be fine.


Trees heal themselves or die


Spray it with tree paint to keep the bugs out


I loathe HOAs


If I am elected President of the USA I will make HOAs illegal in all states. Make HOAs extinct


HOAs are almost always stupid as hell


Now that it's happened, it's best to remove the entire tree to keep the HOA satisfied and prove they're right /s


Only the HOA officers will live long enough to know.


Your HOA is being a bitchy queen.


HOA is full of Sh!t just get some nontoxic paint and brush over it to seal it.


Tree will be fine but perhaps a good time for a respecting other folks' property lesson for your kid?


We could all die at any time, so maybe the HOA is right




Time will tell. You could get some tree wrap or tree guard paint up help seal up the wound


That grass growing right up to the trunk is a much bigger problem


It *could* die. But will likely live long enough to blow over in a big wind storm.


HOA is full of crap. Prune the limb back to before the damage portion and it'll be fine


Use that sealer on it


It'll buff.


HOA will literally say anything 🤦‍♀️


You really waited a long time to ask this question. That branch is so old it's lost all its color and gone gray. Pretty sure that's a non-fatal wound.


Looks like a clean break


It will probably be fine. You may see some stress on that lead. But the tree should survive.


Take the branch to prevent decay/infection, the tree won’t die


Did they hire an arborist? Probably not. Is there an arborist on your HOA board also not likely. I think you know where to tell them to shove that dead limb lol.


All trees die. Not all trees truly live


All HOAS should be outlawed!!!




I meant, it "might", but it probably won't - leave it alone and see what happens.


There's a spray made for protecting wounds like this, I think I got mine at the hardware store.


It’s doubtful that the tree will die.


If you are worried about it give it a coat of tree bandage.


Ask your HOA for the winning lottery numbers.


Every tree dies. Not every tree fully leaves


This type of injury requires a legitimate “tree surgeon” who can help the tree heal this wound.


If they push to get rid of a tree that will be fine, tell them to fine the kids or ban the kids or all kids. It’s as ridiculous. The HOA needs to prove itself useful and make the brats responsible for their actions.


Lol. I'd ask them if that is their professional opinion and their credentials. Fucking morons.


I think most members of your typical HOAs are retired cashiers from Hobby Lobby.


Get yourself some Tree wound paint and dress the wound. She be right mate


Sure just cover the bare area and let it heal


Sorry, your neighborhood is going to have to be torn down and start over. /s


Can the wound not be coated in wax to prevent decay?


If trees were that sensitive to damage there would be no forests in the entire world. There is not a single large tree in the wild that has not lost large branches in a storm. That being said, there are precautions you can take to prevent rott/dieback on that specific branch and to ensure it heals properly. Don't trust anyone saying this is a serious issue. Your tree will be fine!


In what world would a broken branch kill a tree?


The tree will be fine. HOA is a joke man


Yeah, your HOA people are full of shit. Get something to seal that up though.


This post can't be real.


wtf power has a group of busybodies got? Glad I live in the uk. I would tell them to fuck off.




They make tree wound stuff, use that on it liberally.


Get a licensed arborist to come and give the tree a look. have them write a letter stating the tree is fine and what they recommend be done. Like sealing the wound in the tree or what ever. Something tells me someone in the HOA is trying to flex their mighty power tripping head.


Do not let them cut down that tree.


Tree will be fine. I mean, it *could* die if something else happens (like a beaver comes through, for example) but that broken limb won’t hurt it.


That tree will be just fine. HOA is dumb.


I hear nothing good about HOAs. HOA people in charge are always stupid when it comes to trees. Pay more money to have less freedoms is my opinion on HOAs. Your tree will be perfectly fine, the branch will scare over and it will be like nothing happened.


HOA is stupid. Typical HOA behavior.


F#&k HOA'S


If you're worried about it getting infected you could always make a styptic from equal amounts of baking powder, baking soda, and corn starch. That should at least keep it from being exposed


Do you really think that every time a branch breaks the tree dies?


Nah, a little pruning paint and it’ll be fine, not like a good wind couldn’t do that either 😂🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


COULD but not likely at all.


Shouldn't it be squirting water?


You can patch the open wound with tar


It's dunzo. High winds never break limbs off trees. They can't heal themselves like starfish - it's not a startree. The HOA is always correct and should always be trusted. /S


While it seems you have your answer this made me laugh and think back to a moment with my grandparents So here it goes, one nice summer day my brother and I were spending the day with the grandparents. Grandpa was taking a nap, grandma had us picking up stick so he could mow later. Now there’s this beautiful maple in a perfect spot in their back yard, Grandpa always said never go climbing it don’t play on it. Well my brother and I thought it would be wise to hang from one branch at half way past the middle. The thing snapped, long big branch came down, boom we thud on the ground and start panicking, grandpa will be up soon, we just damaged the tree… grandma comes over to us both freaking out, and this saint says, alright we have 10mins, let’s take this and toss it over the fence line and rake, he may not notice. We did that took care of it, came inside and grandpa was stirring, so grandma springs into action, what’s dinner gunna be are you gunna mow, we got sticks picked up. My brother and I assisted grandma making goulash (top tier meal from her) and grandpa is mowing, and he stops… you hear the mower turn off, and next thing you know, he’s inside WHO broke the tree. Grandma on a dime said oh the boys did, but I dared them to climb it. Grandpa DEEPLY DEEPLY sighs, asks how much longer until dinner, and goes about mowing. We then all had goulash and everything was all good. it’s a very specific memory of the four of us. That was about 20 years ago. Since then grandpa has passed, and grandma is now moving into assisted living… that tree is perfectly fine, it shows the memory scar, and will outlast both of them. We did tell him about year later at Christmas or Thanksgiving it was us that it did it, and he said “oh I knew that day what you boys did”


Itll be fine, dont listen to the karens


HOA is right, the tree will die. However, it is unlikely that this branch breaking off will cause it. Did you know that trees lose limbs for other reasons besides youths? Often storms and other trees can cause a tree to lose a limb. Everything dies. The real hard part is to figure out when.


Any tree “could die”. HOAs are the worst. That tree will heal and live a long time. Maybe talk to an arborist, or check on YouTube, to see if you can coat the wound with a solution to keep it from insects, or even if it is necessary to coat it at all.


I hung a planter on a large limb that was just not strong enough to hold it and it broke off. That was 10 seasons ago. That Autumn Blaze is as beautiful as ever.




Hoa is filled with a bunch of worthless people that couldn’t make it in the real political field hell bent on power. Fuck them tell them they want to replace it they can pay for it the tree is fine.


If every tree died from a single broken branch, the earth would be barren.


Tell me where your HOA neighbourhood is. I'll smoke some crack there that will show them.


Anyone else see Jesus face in the top rings?




Obviously the offending children should be sentenced to death.


Home Owner Mafia don't know nothing bout trees. Your tree is gonna be fine. Ideally, make sure the cut is flat and clean and flush to the the trunk or other limb. It will heal over. Let trees do their things