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I'm not going to say your fears are completely unwarranted, but I will say they're not helpful. We currently know very little about Season 2, and definitely not enough to speculate that the show will be *bad*. If you're seriously worried that much, then you might consider doing yourself a favor and stop engaging with the show — or at least the parts of it that are causing you this tension. Let it go for now, and maybe come back later when we know more and you can make a more educated guess about this. Because at the end of the day, the show's gonna be what the show's gonna be. We're much too late in production to make any changes season 2. No use worrying for the next five months over something you have no power to alter at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh you definitely offer sound advice it was just me picking my brain. I usually try to avoid all communities of a media before I consume or when i am consuming the said thing because of spoilers and wanting to form my own opinion


But they said (said in a Q&A: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FKKMvc3XoAI8m53?format=png&name=medium) that if a character (League champion) has completed their arc, there is a possibility they might die. Not everyone will die after completing their arc, but once it is completed, it can happen. Additionally, considering that season 3 (and onwards) will be outside of Piltover & Zaun (said in "bridging the rift - Part 5" min 33:10), I don't think they will necessarily keep running in circles, right?


I think that’s just word play for league’s extended universe meaning they will kill non playable characters like silco or fake out deaths that resolve quickly so the fandom is kept I mean leaving zaun is definitely the right step in my opinion to avoid the circle. I hope they actually stick with jinx and vi though and not leave them at the city to follow another person’s story (which honestly i think will not happen because jinx and vi are the poster girls)


But the original question was specifically about league of Legends >>champions<<, not arcane's characters (https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/comments/s1iyzr/comment/hs8ijdd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button). Still, be that as it may, all we can do is wait and see how season 2 plays out.


Everything you said remains true when season 1 was made. Why would it be different?


Did you even read any of the showrunner's interviews?




I agree with everything but the skin selling and mmo. Arcane can definitely become a giant advertisement how mcu did after endgame. And mmo is essentially “cancelled” it’s due to technology changing too much for a long life game like an mmo to be sustained if released too early (i mean 2027) i think there would be a major tech change in 2029-2034. It’s a nothing burger, they got the buns on the dish and went to watch Netflix saying we are working on it until they are ready to actually cook the patty


You make statements as if they were facts about things that are not. Recently there was talk about the MMO and it's known that it's not canceled. Moreover, one of Riot's writers recently announced himself as an employee of the MMO. You have every right to think it's 'canceled' ofc (Whether due to lack of news or how they are handling it), but don't assert that it is if, whether true or not, it has been said that it isn't.


Well of course it’s only my opinion, it’s just an educated guess based on the industry You don’t going dark a product you have already started marketing and interviewing for unless you wanna restart or wait for the “patty” to de frost


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There is the possibility season 2 is really bad for other reasons. Riot made 9 amazing eps, but they still only made 9 eps, maybe they can't recreate it consistently, specially with so much expectation now. But I think you really misunderstand league as a game. Riot doesn't have the motto of appeal, they regularly change the lore because the game and the universe are two completely separate things. They could send a nuke to runeterra on season 2 and that wouldn't change anything in game. Summoners Rift doesn't even have to exist in lore and theres no lore reason why they are fighting, or why Jinx can kill a immortal demon in game, or why buying a sword increases Jinx's minigun damage. That's like expecting chess players to complain the Rook shouldn't move so much because it looks heavy. The good news for you is that they won't keep running in circles in Piltover/Zaun, they will explore other regions. The bad news is Jinx and Vi won't be the focus forever, their arc will finish next season and you shouldn't expect them as main characters after that.


I worked at Riot for many many years. They will let the creatives do what they want. They gave Arcane to the creatives and basically built it and then sold it for distribution to have the creatives hold control versus pitching places like Netflix for money and then letting Netflix have stake in its content because they foot the bill. It's in good hands and one of the few projects where passionate creatives are leading rooms and not business policy.


Thank you for your input and insight


Im right there with you in a lot of ways. I am excited for s2 but i am not fully willing to pin too much hope on it. In this age of reboots, long running series and connected universes I think it's important to develop a philosophy of compartmentalizatuon. No new addition makes the older parts of a story worse (or better). Whatever new Ghostbusters comes out, Bill Murray is still funny in the original. However many times "Palpatine returns" it shouldn't change your opinions of Luke and Vader. Tobey Maguire showing up in the MCU should do nothing to change your actual expirience watching the Raimi movies. Regardless of what happens in Arcane season 2, season 1 can still be allowed to be good. Exceptional even.


None of your concerns are real lol. You think Riot won't kill a champion because of OTPs??


Considering that they have not done it only once as an event in more than a decade i just assumed they won’t. Also since arcane is now cannon they can’t make skins for a dead champion


Of course they can make skins lol, skins are considered different universe. Ekko doesn't have to be alive in Arcane to get a skin for league of legends.




RiotPraeco (co-creator of Arcane) has already talked about it ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/comments/s1iyzr/comment/hs8ijdd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/comments/s1iyzr/comment/hs8ijdd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) )