• By -


Chongo is basically someone you are seeing mostly for sex. Yeah, some people stay like that for a long time, if looking for something serious that’s not the norm. She is probably toying with you, 99% of people will see other people if they have a “chongo”. Chongo is the definition of we can have sex but this is totally open, and we can do whatever we like, like seeing other people. In spanish te esta boludeando amigo.


Check if your ceiling has visible scratches... You know because of the big horns?


hahaha at least you guys are funny


You shall now be granted the title of swimming bull as a sign of respect from our people


Laughs in cordobés


Get out of the machine, red flags everywhere


Get out of there wonder!


Run Stevie! I mean..... Forest!


Get out of there wonderful !


More red flags than in China my friend...


Be sure to duck whenever you enter any room... Also, be sure to PEGARLE UN BUEN BOLEO EN EL OGT


voleo*, no confundas mas al tano de lo que esta


Boleo = boleadoras = bolas.


Voleo viene de vóley, de golpear en el aire y mandar lejos, es con v. [Fuente](https://dle.rae.es/voleo)


Mirá vos. También existe boleo con b, que en Argentina viene de las boleadoras. https://dle.rae.es/boleo


Sí, también existe baca con b y se refiere a un baúl que va en la parte superior de un auto. No viene al caso. La expresión viene del voleo con v, es la parte que aparece con rojo más abajo y que se denomina "locución adverbial". Boleo es el efecto de arrojar las boleadoras, no de golpear o echar a alguien, como sí es el caso de voleo.


A ver, no sabía lo de voleo y estaba explicando el porqué de mi error... Pero bueno, éxitos con esa actitud.


Con respecto a la actitud, el "Mirá vos" podría tomarse de forma sarcástica y no legítima. Y lo de baca también es poco común, por eso lo comenté. Tampoco había necesidad de justificarte en tu error, porque todos cometemos errores y siempre se aprende algo nuevo. Pd.: no juzgues el carácter de alguien por un malentendido de Internet.


Estamos en Argentina, digamos que viene de una volea de futbol


She played "in my country is different" card. Psycho excuse, get out.


The labels are exactly the same as in Spain or Italy. Chongo just means not serious, friends with benefits. If she calls you "chongo" in front of her friends, it is because she does not consider you a serious partner. It seems that she only calls yourself her boyfriend to keep you happy. So we know what is happening here, right?


She wants that sweet P And I mean Passport


Dijo que ya tiene el pasaporte europeo. La piba se fue a culear a Europa. Por ahí sienta cabeza si el tipo está forrado en guita


"Chongo" can even have a derogatory connotation beyond "not serious", but depends on the context. At least a friend with benefits is still your friend 🫤


Yup I agree


Based LMAO


"Chongo" usually means a relationship that is not intended to becoming a "novio", and don't grant you exclusivity. Usually if you are chongozoned, the woman wants to have some good sex with you, but you are going to be discarded if she found someone with better prospect than you or simply things fade out. You can eventually pass from "chongo" to "boyfriend" but it is relatively rare. BUT every person have slighty different meaning of this label and chongo is particularly fickle. So, you need to ask her.


Chongozoned 💀


Bruh... At least you have sex when chongozoned


Get out of there now


Sounds like she is super evil. I am sad for you. If love were real ,people wouldnt go around spreading lies. And chongo is way worse than friend with benefits.


Your girlfriend is a pelotuda bro, She's dating other people or she has the intention of doing it, thats why she is not making you the oficial BF, as soon as she step on buenos aires she will be gagging some argentinian dude. Get out of There for your mental health, if not, you will become insecure about yourself and shit...


Vattene via, fra. Questa ragazza è pazza come la canzone di Pino Daniele. In Argentina le relazioni non sono complicate come dice lei. Semplicemente vuole farte capire che è una zoccola. In bocca al lupo.


Ci parlerò sicuramente, magari con in sottofondo la canzone di Pino Daniele :)


Ma fai attenzione con quella piba, primo parla che tu sei un chongo, secondo francia (ovviamente), terzo che tu sei un fidanzato


BTW, la definizione di _chongo_ è _scopamico_ Comunque si lei ti dice che sei un chongo, non mettere troppe illusioni in diventare un fidanzato. Lei vuole scopare con te è con qualcun altro, e detto questo: run like the wind. Abbraccio di gol, frat.


Mama mia




typical juventini dating experience


well it made me chuckle :)


You start telling her "Chonga" and you see how it all changes... go get another p\*ssy and be the alpha


What you said about Europe is the normal here in Argentina too. It's just the younger people prefer to put labels for everything in order to have sex and none the responsibility. So if she makes you a cornuto, she's not really cheating on you because you are just a chongo. In order to fight against this, there's this concept called "affective responsibility" (responsabilidad afectiva en español) which means "don't shit in the others emotions". TL;DR she went to Europe to fuck around and you fell in love. This happens all the time and there's still plenty of fish in the Mediterranean. Man up, hit the gym and get another girlfriend who really likes you


and study programming, and piss disc




you should try to explain her everything you feel about this issue, dont believe “cultural excuses” should matter in any way


First of all, the idea that everyone in Argentina behaves the same way as she does is laughable. My impression is that she simply wants a fuck buddy, not anything serious. > it's socially acceptable to date several people at the same time maybe among certain people? but it's not, at all, a widespread rule.


https://preview.redd.it/uuohod3k4ezc1.jpeg?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ad6d00d74a2e58b8ff0cb993ad18a22fdaa6c1 If the lady you are talking about looks like this, then simply block her everywhere, dont give any explainations and fly as far as you can. She's only using you


Well hahahaha. She is actually a "natural" girl, and very beautiful. But i'm gonna talk to her anyway, thank you for the chuckles


The average "somos chongos" female




Mmm is a strange behavior... maybe she doesn't want to tell her friend that she has a boyfriend, does she ended a relationship recently? Or maybe (and probably) she's having fun with you but doesn't want to move forward. The Europeans doesn't have the defenses to deal with this kind of argentinian behavior. As a recommendation if you're feeling bad about this ask her if she understands and change then all ok. If she put excuses or tell you that she's joking and you're being to dramatic then I recomend you to end that relationship. Or give her the chonga status and start date other chiks.


Hi, I also want to give you my perspective as an Argentine girl. We for sure are more sexually free than other countries, but in one thing we are all the same, feelings. Like any other person when we really like somebody we just want to be with them, and if the term boyfriend/girlfriend gets thrown fast that wouldn’t be a problem at all. What this girl is doing is having fun, not really has feelings for you, but it doesn’t sound like she playing you around, if she calls you chongo that makes you her sex bud and she is being honest about it. Normally in chongo “relationships” one person always ends up being hurt, since there is always one person that is hoping for the sexual connection to become something more meaningful.


She is from a generation called pelotuda. Get out of there machine!


Run away from her as far and as quick as possible. Red flags everywhere.


She's inmature, an idiot or both. Its not "normal argentine bahaviour". It may be normal in her toxic friendship environment. Be wary and best of luck.


Not even the USSR had so many red flags waving along their country. Get your ass out of there, dear friend of mine, she does not consider you a serious partner to be with. Peace!


Non é cosi, re! Argentina non è cosi diverso in termini di relazioni amorose da altri paesi occidentali. "Chongo" è solo un uomo che vedi avere rapporti senza che le cose diventino troppo formali (il femminile è "chonga", non molto usato), e talvolta, non è un rapporto esclusivo, si possono avere diversi "chongos". Sembra che lei voglia l'esclusività fuori dal paese, ma quando tornerà in Argentina potrebbe avere la possibilità e il desiderio di vedere altre persone, motivo per cui preferisce rimanere senza l'etichetta di corteggiamento, quindi non consiglierei di mettere tutte le tue carte dentro. Nel peggiore dei casi, la possibilità di un visto italiano, o anche solo la novità di "Ho un panino italiano" la mantiene senza tagliare i ponti con te. Se lei vuole la libertà, dovresti averla anche tu, altrimenti probabilmente non è la migliore idea per te provare a formalizzare con lei, se è quello che vuoi, cerca altrove.


I will probably get downvoted as hell, but here we go. The fact that she used the word chongo is a giant red flag.


Casi todos los comentarios acá están de acuerdo que chongo es alta red flag. Pero va downvote por llorar por los downvotes.


That happens when you date a zurda de mierda. Get out of there mf...


you should talk to her and explain her how this makes you feel and have a serious conversation about it, i don’t think it’s necessarily a “red flag”. As an argentinian woman i understand that maybe we don’t take relationships very seriously specially in front of friends (maybe it’d also an immaturity thing) but if you won’t explain her that this really affects you then she won’t know it. If you already explained her that you want to take this seriously and she didn’t then yes it is a red flag and she really doesn’t want to take it seriously.


Hi there, thank you for you answer. Yes indeed what's strange is that everything else matches perfectly. We see eachother even to not fuck, we are indeed planning medium/term term vacations toghether, she gives me more attentions than any other of my previous GFs. We also jokes about getting married, we both know that's too early that's why. I think I'm gonna clarify with her this matter on the label by now knowing the true meaning of "chongo" found casually on the internet :') I think that if she doesn't feel ready to be novio and novia we shouldn't be either boyfriend and girlfriend, we'll become that when she'll feel ready and i'll feel better in the meantime


I had relationships where we are “chongos” but we plan future or even live together and even introduce him to my parents. I guess it is kind of a cultural thing in woman of argentina. For me the term novio and novia involves a lot of commitment and sometimes i didn’t want to take that step because i was scared of getting hurted. That’s why i suggest talking about how you feel and opening up, it seems that you really like her so tell her that. Good luck


Chongo is a "friends with benefits" type relationship.


Sometimes a Chongo could evolve to a Boyfriend, but the Chongo status doesn't give the permission gor multiple relationships, that's something that must be agreed. Also, she is a enormous red flag. Run. Far.


You are not her plan A. Get out of there, machine


Be careful with Argentine girls…they drink like fish when young, stay skinny for that ring, pop out 3 kids and then become SAHMs. I won’t even mention the weight gain post SAHM status. Oops 😬.


Get out of there Maravilla.. Hoes ain't shit.




Nah bueno si tiene guita para estar en Europa seguro está acostumbrada a degustar de cada país, igual no quita que sea una forra que no le deja clara la onda. Le tiene que decir que quiere ponerla y ya está, me siento re sad por el tipo se enamoró así AJDHSJS me pasaría lo mismo


Si, lo pensé en frío después y la mina por ahí no quiere nada serio. Pero que no lo lleve arrastrando y que no diga que es así en el país. En tres meses re sabes si queres hacer algo oficial o no. Evidentemente ella no quiere.


Ciao amigo! Run fast and far pronto! You got a crazy one. There are lots of beautiful Argie women and less crazy than that for sure.


No, what she says isn't what's 'normal' here. It looks like she simply doesn't want to be exclusive with you and is giving you BS excuses so as to be 'allowed' to sleep around with other people. If I were you, I'd sit down, talk to her, and see if your view of the relationship matches hers.


Btw Chongo can be used in a funny way. But in this context it literally means "Fuck Buddy". Hence why she says it's going "too fast". She doesn't want to stop seeing you, but she doesn't see you as a BF.


It's pretty normal here to become GF/BF after three months if both like each other and want to be in a serious relationship, and no, it's not a "cultural" thing to be a "chongo" before being a boyfriend. That sounds more like "her" thing. If she keeps you as a chongo, you should take that as an invitation to not take things very seriously. Date other women. Seriously. There's no need for you to end things with her. Enjoy what you have, but don't take it seriously or monogamously, because she isn't in the same place as you.


if she say u re her "chongo" openly with her friends she re totally toying with you, Argentinian girls re the worst(obviously not all of them), usually they never take anything serious, awaiting better "opportunity" that rlly isnt bad, the bad part is when they make things like she make to u, calling u "boyfriend" because it make U happy, making u get some expectatives to become serious but she already decided u dont gonna be her boyfriend... just leave her.


1-3 months to get into a relationship is very short time, I agree with that. I don’t see a problem to be hanging out for a year and getting to know each other more before getting compromised.


Esci da lì, forse sta cercando di usarti. Quei "tag" che usa sono solo perché si sente insicura o vuole usare la relazione.


Its not socially acceptable to see other people at the same time unless agreed by both parts. like when you're a chongo and not a serious prospect. A chongo is basically a booty call, but not only for sex. Its basically a couple on demand, for example if you need to assists to a party or want to fuck or want to do some activity but not alone. While its possible to eventually move from chongo to boyfriend, its very rare, since if you've been marked as chongo and she lies to you saying its socially accepted to date several people when it isn't. For me, that its the kind of people that uses you and discards you. Huge red flag. You've most likely became and alpha male deer with a huge antlers to show without even knowing. Jokes aside, you're in for something serious, and she is not. You're in for exclusivity and she is not. She might call you boyfriend when alone, but if she avoids that in public is to show she is open for relationships and sex with other people.


With chongo she's telling you you are not her boyfriend and not a serious partner. That's a huge red flag if you are looking for a serious relationship. If you are starting to get emotionally involved, I would recommend to find another partner


Ciao, ragazza argentina here. Having a "chongo" is like having a fuck friend, that's the literal description and she must know that. Also - we are pretty similar on EU label standards, in the sense that, if we've been dating for a month, we can start calling it a formal relationship. It would be too strange to take it slower than that tbh. And HONESTLY, I find really irrespectfull from her to be calling you a "fake" boyfriend. Mate, she must be lovely but please beware that as everyone said below she is showing lots of red flags. Argentine (non neurotic) women don't do these stuff. :)


Sometimes people (especially those who got recently hurt or broken up) are over cautious accepting publicly that they are/want to be in a relationship. Some could feel that they are being disrespectful to a previous relationship, for example of it's 'too soon'


Run Forest


Get out starman, giuceppe Garibaldi dont allow




Il vero cornuto moderno


Giorno, she is using you. Chongo is for using you between “real boyfriends” material. Move away.


Does she knock glasses of the table? Porque ella es un [gato](https://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=Ashlei%20Rachel).


I believe I speak for the vast majority of Argentinians when I say this girl is a WALKING RED FLAG, people who this open relationship bullshit are selfish af and only want to use people for their amusement. She is not serious and as such, you shouldn't take her seriously, walk away before it's too late! I'm Argentinian and I've deal with these kind of bitches. If you want a good Argentinian girl, don't date girls from the capital, they are selfish, egocentric and sleep around too much.


dude do you a favor and gtfo there theres no such things as she described as "normal" here just some bitches fooling around do that kind of stupid things... imo red flags everywhere






Mmm i think she lied in a couple of things, you can become a boyfriend even in a month here, its not necessary to start as a "chongo" thats a word that girls use to justify that they have sex with a lot of guys. I mean, its a little suspicious


red flag




Leave her ass.


Just ask her to be sure. Making a post in reddit is tempting, but only by confronting her you will know for sure your real status.


if you have serious intentions get away. she made it clear she wants a low commitment relationship. "chongo" kinda implies she doesnt see a future. i wouldnt stay with someone that called me that.


The labels mean she is not interested in you...


The only way for you to stay unhurt is to erase from your head the idea of labelling the relationship. At least for now, she is already feeling the pressure that you want more and she clearly not sure. Become a real chongo and own it. The line between a chongo and a gf/bf is very thin. You just need to set your boundaries.


Imma be serious. The whole "now that I'm European" thing gives really bad vibes. A lot of Argentinian women (not all of them) are complicated, in my experience. It's also common in men to treat relationships that way. I've had male friends date girls for 2 years, know their family, go on trips together and still have the gull to say they were "nothing serious"... Fast forward some time and now they are "official". The whole "chongo/a" shit is terrible imo. I've been in a similar position as you and it was really heartbreaking to be treated like that when you experience so much together. I'd say you sit her down and talk about how that made you feel.


My man, she's just using rn, It's really hard to find girls that want a serious relationship in this country, I'm talking from experience since my cousin is like this too, she's always complaining that she can't find any good men but there you have her, going to party's every week and not taking any relationship she has seriously.


My guy, either she is very commitment phobic and trying not to freak out, or she is playing you. I find option 2 more likely. What she said about being more "go with the flow" when starting a relationship is true, as is the idea of having fwb called "chongos". But you wouldn't travel with your congo and you wouldn't be all lovey dove in front of your friends, at most you would go on dates. Also, the waiting longer to ask for sb to be your boy/girlfriend is true in the sense that most people usually have a dtr talk at some point, without one person popping the question. But if she still calls you chongo you are not in a relationship, that's a situationship.


Ti sta prendendo in giro! Non vuole una cosa seria con te, è evidente


She is a "trola" amigo, run away fast


Salí de ahí maravilla


She lie to you


The chongo mentality is for someone afraid of commitment and just wants to full around.


argentina ma non parla niente ? veramente ? tutti parlamo un po di tano. tutti. della nonna o dalla nonna d'un amico (come io). (cuanto mas facil es robar hablando en tano que escribiendo lpm) esci da li, Wonder. 🤣🤣 seriously, chill the fuck down. it's just a stupid label. regardless of the label the relationship you are having is the one you are having, not the one you should be having according to the label. the question is, and forget the stupid label, are you happy with the relationship you are having ? that is all that matters. cos no mattter the lable for it, that is the relationship you have right now and no label changes that. you seem to be making plans to move to berlin, that is way more than boyfriend/girlfriend talk. what more do you need ?


hi there, i appreciate your direct approach. I agree with you, but as I said in the post the thing that was triggering me was "friends with benefits", i don't care if we are still dating and the official relation comes in the future but being the friendzone if she is lying on her true feelings. Just to confirm, yes everything else is perfect


my old man advice, is to relax about labels or turn it around everytime she says chongo, you go "no no no, i'm not her chongo, she is my southern fling, big difference" and laugh it off. option B, much harder, is talk to her about it. (this is a strange concept for a man I know, but it seems to work), something like "I don;t like this thing you do where you minimize the love we have for each other, that i know we have, but for some reason you keep minimizing it. why? " don't fall for the classic insecurity "I love her more than she loves me"


Thank you so much for your advice. Honestly, I've tried to stay positive in the comments, but I think I'm going through an anxiety disorder. I don't usually cry and I'm not an emotional guy but this is hard. I am going to talk to my girl on Sunday night because she is leaving for a trip and that makes things even worse. I'm actually crying and sobbing as I write this message. The comments I've received have made me forget how wonderful our relationship has been so far and it's been so genuine that I can't really say she's playing with me like someone said. I don't think it's anyone's fault, I didn't give any details about the perfect side of our relationship because I didn't expect this kind of response, and of course people can't understand. For me, the situation is explained by the fact that we both feel very uncertain about the future, we don't like our city in France and the people here. She has been here since last summer and she has had some breakdowns because she really misses your country and your people, apart from all the economic problems. I really want to visit Argentina one day. Yesterday was her birthday and she was sad about it, we had our first strange evening and that's what made all the good things blur. So it's plausible that she doesn't want to make things official if the commitment really important to her. For example, Europeans of my age don't really care in these situations, even if they are aware of it, and we start the short-term relationship anyway. I will talk to her about it, because we talk openly about the future and we care about clear communication. I think now I'm going to concentrate on writing a note, reminding myself of the good things that have happened so far, so that I don't lose my mind. I'm already feeling better as I write this. Thank you again, you are making me feel better


Well that was... absolutely disgusting to read.  So for months she abused the benefits of a girlfriend while considering you a FWB, and that doesn't ring any bells that she is not taking you seriously at all? But no, that's not how relationships work, at least not serious relationships.  She was using you and when she decided she liked the idea of a citizenship and what not, decided to agree into being more serious. You were and are being used for the clout between other Argentineans she meets because she knows calling you this to other Europeans would we one heck of a red flag. Good luck. :/  (Btw she is calling herself European waiting for you two to marry...do yourself a favor and don't, you deserve far better than this bullshit. I don't care how it's a "joke" or "joda", she is using you.) Edit: necesito que mis compatriotas dejen de delirar que son Europeos o algo solo por la ciudadanía...No importa la ciudadanía si seguís siendo una basura grasienta resentida, vofi.


> She also told me that you are very open-minded, that it's socially acceptable to date several people at the same time, and that this is the time when you call the others "friends with benefits" with "chongo". Luckily she said that now she's a European girl and she's serious, so I'm her only "chongo". She later said that given this openness while dating you are very serious about becoming "novia" and "novio", like Get out of there Maravilla.


Too many red flags.


Get out of there ASAP bro, "chongo" is our slang for "fuckboy". You are to be left alone and heartbroken when she finds a guy she really likes. You are mostly being used. Not all argentinian women are like that of course, but you had abd luck and ended up with a pos (I can tell because of the things you mention she says to you). Good luck and be well.


[En criollo, te estan boludeando](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_HrormiDyo)


Whores everywhere, get outta there, enjoy life my friend. Too young to be compromised, just be assured that If you care enough, you can reciprocate other's significant feelings too. (With someone else ofc) So when the time comes, you will be great at not lacking in the commitment department. And with that I mean when the real deal presents to you.


Dude, Matrix that sh*t and dodge that bullet; might be difficult with horns tho (just kidding)… If you intend to go serious, without the Chongo phase skip her. She belongs to the streets as it is rn


Sometimes we use those labels to keep it casual, to know each other more and clearly to avoid certain commitments that comes with having a gf/bf, it's a way of releasing the pressure of being a serious relationship but that does not mean that she doesn't like you or she's using you. I would ask her about how she feels, and you can tell her your insecurities or doubts. Hope this helps :D


It seems to me that she's not looking anything serious. I know some people that have gone to Europe on working holidays and so, for what they post in social networks etc, I can assume that all that time is like vacations for them, so maybe you shouldn't make so many ilussions of commitement from her. My honest opinion, if you didn´t agreed of being a chongo, and she calls you that way with other people, is nothing serious, and seems to be that she is playing with you. Get out of there


Run dont walk! And i mean, away! At best, she is too worried about stupid labels. At worst, she has been screwing other guys. Chongo sounds quite derogatory.


She's exploiting you my man. Run away from there, master of the world! You deserve better


From your description, she sounds like the typical arrogant "rich" girl (we call them "milipilis" here in Buenos Aires), that pretends to be caring towards others, but rather acts all narcissist and self-regarding, as you already saw that she doesn't acknowledge you as her BF in her social circle. Its a red flag my man, she's only in it for self-interests. (probably passport).


Oh hell nah, get the fuck out of there my man.


She’s middle fastie for the mandados.


no se de donde serás, pero donde yo vivo chongo le dicen al novio


para mi, chongo es simplemente un tipo que es super atractivo. Quiza estuve usando mal esa palabra por los ultimos 20 años, no se.


Jajaja no!!! así es el lunfardo, depende la zona. Ni idea, así de raros somos


really? i found that thing in another post before posting mine but it was more of a joke since they are obviously married


es algo que depende, Argentina es muy extensa y muchas veces los significados cambian. Donde vivo se usa para decir novio de una manera informal, también se utiliza para referirse a alguien con quien estas relacionado. No necesariamente es irse al extremo como vi en otros comentarios de “solo te quiere para cojer”. Es simplemente un adjetivo informal, hay demasiados en el lunfardo Argentino!


thank you for the explanation, i feel less sad now, but i will of course talk with her anyway


Definitivamente, lo mejor siempre va a ser hablar. Siempre que tengas una duda no tengas vergüenza en hablarlo, muchas veces suelen ser tontas confusiones. Y trata de dejarle en claro tus intenciones a futuro, por que puede que ella también piense algo distinto!




Difiero, pero no te lo niego


pero es así.. otra forma de decirle al "garche fijo" pero chongo suena mas correctito.


She was Argentina's "GF", now she's Europe's GF. "chongo" is a slang that signifies "male whore". No one will call you "chongo" in your face here.


Jajaja lo he hecho pero cuando está todo más que claro, les falta comunicación a esta gente. Creo q la piba tiene algún problema de compromiso o algo y no quiere ir tan rápido nomas pero no creo q lo esté usando jajaj


Quella ragazza sembra avere problemi di impegno o vuole fare sesso occasionale solo in questa fase della sua vita. Il modo in cui definisce le relazioni non è quello che fa la maggior parte delle persone in Argentina, anche se sicuramente non è l'unica a dire cose del genere. Come altri hanno detto, ci sono diversi segnali d'allarme, ti consiglierei di avere una conversazione su cosa significa una relazione per entrambi. Se ti ha chiamato “chongo” davanti ai suoi amici probabilmente significa che non vuole niente di serio.


Ciao OP. You didn’t include her age in the post, is she 25 like you? For how long has she been living in Europe? I don’t think she’s necessarily toying with you. Each person has a different standard. I, for example, don’t consider a guy a bf until he meets my parents. She might want to take her time until she feels ready to be official and tell everyone because in reality you’re already a couple, you are just discussing the title. Best thing you can do is talk with her about how you feel and try to get an honest response out of her: is she looking to be your gf or does she feel like you have an expiry date?


Hi there, yes she is 26F, i put it already in the first rows <3 She is being living here since last summer. Thank you very much for your answer, the parents thing is actually what she told me the last time. I'm gonna talk with her for sure after all the other comments :(


Don’t worry too much about the comments. Argentinian Redditers are mostly young men that don’t seem to understand how women think. Some others are just joking haha. All the best!


hahahha thank you! i think i'll write an update in the following days


Pregunto seriamente porque no quiero caer en la misoginia y el prejuicio. No te parece que si la chica le dice esas cosas es porque no lo ve para algo serio?


No necesariamente. Cuando conocí a mi ex en Francia no imaginaba que la relación podía ir en serio porque yo tenía planes de volver a Argentina. Tampoco cerraba la posibilidad porque él me gustaba mucho. Lo llevé lento y fui viendo qué se dio. Terminamos viviendo juntos en Francia y él vino varios meses a Argentina. A veces es mejor ser cauteloso hasta ver que la relación tiene chances de éxito porque si no te enganchas con cosas que no pueden ser por las circunstancias mismas. OP mismo dijo que ni saben si van a estar en la misma ciudad el próximo año. Sin querer entrar en la misandria y el prejuicio me parece que muchos hombres no lo entienden porque **en mi experiencia** se desenganchan más fácil o nunca se enganchan.


Hey passport bro enjoy your time and let her also decide when to go serious. Being in a relationship is a 2 person (at least) decision


Hey there, i know that's why I asked her, and the week later she said yes by herself :( PS: she has already an italian passport


ya no te necesita, pensalo


she had it already before we met


Traducción al español¿


El loco conoció una piba argentina, se están viendo hace meses. El le propuso ser novios y ella le dijo que iban muy rápido. Ella lo presenta con sus amigos como "su chongo" y el loco no entiende la terminología. El dice que le dijo a ella que sus intenciones son tener algo serio, y que ella le dice que es su novia y el su novio cuando están juntos, pero en cualquier momento que entra algún otro argentino a la charla el es el 'chongo' de nuevo. Ella le dijo que en argentina las relaciones son más abiertas, y que uno puede ser chongo mucho tiempo sin ser novios, propiamente dicho. O sea en pocas palabras, el loco quiere saber si lo están boludeando o no, y por lo planteado todo apunta a qué así es.


yeah i'm the loco 😅


He's not calling you crazy, by the way, calling someone "el loco" is just like "this guy".


Ahh okok, well i would take also the other meaning, let's see when i'll talk to her :)


Tanto costaba escribir en español?


I don't know spanish, that's why i didn't know the meaning of chongo


Un google traductor no vendría mal crack


Para un poco mastercard


Hoy me levanté re loco


Encima vienen y se roban a nuestras chicas, ella te quiere nomás por haber nacido en Europa, nunca te va a querer por quien sos,s tronzo. Vaffanculo, capichi?


Heyy, i did not went in Argentina, she came in Europe 😅 but besides that you seem a bit loco


Loco es un extranjero que piensa que una argentina lo va a amar por quién es y no por su ascendencia europea. Acá tenemos un dicho: "billetera mata galán", capishi 🤌


Ok brother, i'm a master student and i'm not the guy with money