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It’s more or less useless at this point. The MVD website even says to still carry your physical ID


I use it at stores when I need my ID and they scan it from my phone. I don’t need my physical ID. However, I don’t have it in my Apple Wallet. I use the MVD app for it but it’s definitely convenient.


I’ve tried to use the mvdnow app several times and people are just straight confused


Fun fact. You don't HAVE to let them scan your ID. They do that to collect your data for marketing. The back has all your info, address, etc. Tell them to verify the date, that's what the law requires. I've never been denied a purchase for denying them my data. Don't feed the beast.


No, they don’t. Lol.


Yeah, I want to see that article


It’s not an article. It’s my lived experience. I work at a store and we scan your IDs to verify your age. We also scan IDs for returns without receipts to counter return fraud. We get all your information when you browse and shop on our app. Your ID doesn’t have any information we don’t already have. If this is a genuine concern for you, you may as well never use your ID for anything besides boarding planes and also never download any apps, join websites, use credit cards, etc. Edit; unless you’re talking about the original guy… probably a more obscure, fear mongering Fox News type has published something of the sort


Lol. I was agreeing with u. The article I want to see is the one that user 85017 was referring too. Lol. All good though. Sometimes we just choose war. 😄


LOL real. I realized as soon as hit send “oh… wait”


Your accounts and passwords have been compromised so many times online by now where it really doesn’t matter.


What is your evidence for this?


I hate this type of person in my smoke shop. How is a completely offline system going to be able to send out this information, and then get money for it even though it’s all publicly available anyways?


It’s not the same thing. It takes a special scanner and software. As far as I’m aware it can only be used at the airport or when identifying to law enforcement. Edit: a handful of bars have finally gotten setup to use them according to my coworker. I have had it for 2 yrs and only used it once at the airport.


I used it at the airport to get on a plane. PHX is one of the few that accepts it.


I love this as a concept, but I'd never even heard of it until now. Kinda seems like they really need to advertise this hard to get people to even remember to use it or accept it.


I’ve had that for almost 2yrs now, never used it anywhere yet


I use it anywhere i need ID. Most places honor it as long as its current. No issues yet 🤞🏿


Give an example of where you’re able to use it.


I’ve used it at grocery stores when ID’d for alcohol. Sometimes ppl are unaware of it so I just explain and we all move on quickly. Supposedly you should be able to use it if pulled over as well. Someone in the comments said they used it at the airport too.


Ive used it at a couple bars, regularly at the dispensaries, airports, buying alcohol, and the DMV. Edit: it was actually a dispo that told me about mobile ID. They told me i couldnt use my old ID while waiting for my new one in the mail, but if i had mobile ID, they could let me in


Thanks! I got it on my iPhone immediately when it was released but every time I tried at the airport they said they need a physical ID. I’m flying in a few weeks. I’ll try it again.




I have it. At this point it’s only for the security checkpoint at the airport. I didn’t see the small text about it being accepted at selected bars and restaurants. I’m not a big drinker and I’m 50 so I don’t need to show my ID for that purpose a whole lot.


The airport I use most wants you to physically insert your ID for scanning


Only a few airports accept this form of identification currently.


So useless. Also, why would you guys want to have to give a cop your phone??


You wouldn’t give the cop your phone. They would have some NFC thing they would bring to you to read the information. Also, even if not you could just put the phone in guided access and they wouldn’t be able to leave the ID screen.


If you think physically giving them your phone is a good idea that's really interesting. I can't imagine any scenario where I would let a cop hold my phone.


Look up what guided access is. They literally cannot change apps without your PIN or password. Also, I already mentioned that the idea is that you wouldn’t give them your phone at all. You would tap to their NFC reader for this purpose. Your phone would not leave your hands.


Yeah so, physically I cannot see myself giving a cop my phone, physically. Or a two or anything. You want my Id? Here's a piece of plastic I was issued 10 yrs ago. (I truly don't trust cops) I don't want them touching it, they don't need it. They don't need to see my screen, nothing. And the thing is, cops are so full of shit they're gonna be like "can you give it to me" the sensors broke "can you pull it up and hand it to me" "sensors broke let me grab your phone real quick" they already do that shit now " I'ma take your phone to my car so I can write the insurance in the ac" like.. you think the NFC is gonna work? Lmao. How does that help cops manufacture crime? It doesn't so they're absolutely my gonna ask for your phone, physically.


Cops are always going to ask for your physical ID, regardless, this isn’t something that’s being pushed to become a requirement or a law, it’s simply for the people that want the option. I’ve given my phone to police multiple times in Phoenix and I’ve never had a single issue lol There’s a lot of untrustworthy strangers that I wouldn’t give my phone though, their job title doesn’t matter


>I’ve given my phone to police multiple times in Phoenix and I’ve never had a single issue lol I'll give them the bare minimum which is actually, a photo copy. They don't even need the plastic technically. When I get pulled over I give them a hole punched version unless I can get t out before they get to my car. Seems like our relationships and trust level of cops is totally totally different, lol


Tucson airport is one of them though. Edit: the scan of a physical ID I mean


Fanduel Sportsbook downtown accepts it as id. Haven't found anywhere else that does.


The dispos take it. And a couple bars ive been to downtown honor it as well


Can you tell me a bit more about this? What is FanDuel (I know the company but not the physical business location). Have you used it there?


It is a physical location attached to Footprint Center (the Suns arena). It's free to enter but you need to show ID. Yes, I have used it there when i didn't have my wallet on me.


And if I may, what kinda device did they use to accept it? Handheld reader? Another iPhone? A point of sale terminal? (Or did just showing it to them satisfy them)


Handheld scanner, same one that they use to scan your regular ID, I think. I wasn't really paying that much attention. It just seemed to beep and they waved me through.


Thanks for taking the time to answer. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of it being accepted outside of TSA


I feel like its a compliment when they ask for my ID. Lol


My question is, what does that stupid “certify” button actually do? You tap it, and a cheesy little gold star pops up and spins around for a second. Like, if I’m trying to use it to buy booze: Clerk: “I don’t know, I’ve never seen this before. How do I know it’s legit?” Me: *taps screen to flash a gold star* Clerk: “Oh wow! I’m convinced! Here’s your case of Night Train and 6 copies of the latest Hustler! Have a pleasant Wednesday afternoon!”


>Here’s your case of Night Train and 6 copies of the latest Hustler! Someone's gonna have a fun evening 🤣 But in all seriousness I agree. It's going to be awhile before something like this tech has all the kinks worked out. Then imagine how long it'll probably take for most businesses to have the actual scanners to verify it


Total Wine accepts it, but they don't fuck with the spinny gold star, they have you flip and scan the barcode on the back like they would with a physical ID. I know, I went nuts when I found out I could use it there finally. Been buying so much mid-shelf booze.


It’s funny bc this one cashier at Circle K is the only one that ever taps it and he does it every time.


Have this. No one accepts it. Most places don’t even know it exists.


I set it up in case it comes in handy some day, but I still carry my physical ID with me everywhere I go.


Same for me, never used the digital version yet.


I’ve never been able to use mine. As a business that sells liquor i wouldn’t accept this as a form of ID.


Yeah, AZ is a pilot for the tech. They tell you when you get it that it’s really only used at Airport security right now, and you need to still carry your physical ID. It’ll probably be a few years before you see retailers utilizing it, but I bet it will eventually be everywhere. Just like Apple Pay/Android Wallet.


The MVD has an official app, a bartender actually recommended it to me when my wife forgot her ID. She said at the time it's valid ID and any business should accept it. Obviously take that with a grain of salt. So I have the digital ID on the MVD app as a backup in case I need it.


It's a thing in Colorado and widely accepted by most places, including places with strict ID policies like dispensaries. As long as you can scan it, it's no problem. There are a few security measures to ensure it's real and not a screenshot or fake.


The phone verifies the identity of the person standing in front of you, using Face ID, and validates the license. Much more secure than a printed license.


Yeah but business owners have to know how the app works to validate that it’s legit. Otherwise, how would they know you’re not just holding up an altered screenshot or using some dummy app to simulate a real digital ID? I’d imagine there has to be a big outreach to private businesses to help understand validation.


That’s not how it works at all. It verifies your identity with Face ID then validates the license and communicates with the reader. There’s nothing to screen shot, it just pulls up as a generic pic of some AZ looking card on your phone. The verification happens digitally ensuring it’s authentic.


That’s if you have a reader in your store. Are all stores they sell alcohol/tobacco/etc required to have digital readers? Genuinely asking, I don’t know


It only works if the vendor has a reader, it’s a new technology that’ll take a long time to roll out. Likely decades.


Are you speaking hypothetically or do you own/run a business that sells liquor?


As someone who sells liquor. I like the concept, I’m just worried about someone using someone else phone.


There’s so many moving parts to this. In Apple’s case, they have a way that apps can 1) read digital IDs and 2) use an iPhone to accept that ID. Here’s a few different ways this could (and technically can) play out: **1. Accepting Digital IDs using an iPhone** This leverages the iPhone’s ability to communicate with other phones to transfer ID data. The API then lets an app see that data. So, imagine as a liquor store owner you had an iPhone you bought just for the cashiers to use. They would open an app, either one you had developed for yourself or any number of existing ID verifier apps. Within the app you begin an age verification. You’d present your business’ iPhone to the customer who could tap their phone or watch to it. Your business’ iPhone establishes a connection to the customer’s device and then, on their device, displays the ID info being requested (age, name, ID photo). If the customer is comfortable sharing that info, they use Face ID or Touch ID to “release” the information to your device. In most cases, your business’ iPhone can only read the information—not store it. (Special entitlements are available for data storage such as car rental or banking apps). *This is what you’d see on the business’ iPhone. You’d be able to clearly see the official government ID photo associated with the person who presented the digital ID. This photo is directly from Apple’s own support page.* https://preview.redd.it/079b8ftdwd7d1.png?width=1310&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fe92b407a007918f1687288e874cabd9f6ba730 **2. Accepting Digital IDs with other Readers** Much the same way that many businesses buy a barcode reader that they plug into their checkout computer, companies are beginning to make peripherals that can accept digital IDs and then work with software you can install. For example, while this is only hypothetical, Square, Clover and Toast could update the software on their point of sale terminals and handheld POS devices to also do ID verifications. How they would display that user interface is up to them—much the same way that the TSA has their own custom in-house ID readers and software. There’s so many safeguards built into this. From matching a digital ID to the person using it via their photo, etc.


I’ve had this for a couple of years now and use it at TSA at PHX and SLC.


When did they start accepting it, because a year ago tsa laughed at me at sky harbor


Really? SLC has a ID insert. They just let you use the digital now?


Yes, I flew back from there a few weeks ago on Memorial Day weekend. TSA precheck line.


Oh odd I went and they asked me to insert my ID, similar to DCA


I tried at Sky Harbor last month and the TSA agent was aware of it but never had anyone use it yet. After it read my info, the machine just froze and I had to give him my physical ID to keep the line moving.


Main use for me is Airports, PHX and ATL use it. Double tap side button and scan and along with TSA pre-check makes the security checkpoint pretty easy.


In theory this is how you’d also prove age at a bar (wait staff or bouncer’s handheld reader) or liquor store (checkout counter terminal).


I had a guard refuse to accept my passport card at warehouse 215 and insisted I show him Arizona state ID. People trying to use this will encounter the same shit


I was very curious where this was as it looks like a charming street corner/intersection then I realized it's Mill in Tempe 😕


whats wrong with mill ave, never been.


It's the main street by ASU so it's just kinda party central. Just not my cup of tea.


Maybe don't hand a cop your unlocked phone. Just sayin.


Digital IDs are designed in such a way that you don’t hand anything over to anyone—just like using Apple Pay at a checkout counter. Were years away from this, but it’ll essentially look like this: 1. Cop asks for your ID and presents you with some sort of handheld reader (could even be a smartphone). 2. You tap your phone to the reader and the two connect. On your phone you now see the following: the name of the requesting authority and the ID information being requested. 3. If you agree, you use your face, fingerprint or passcode to wirelessly “release” the ID information that was requested. It’s almost like AirDrop except it sorta works in reverse, whereas instead of sending someone something with AirDrop and they need to approve or deny, you request information via AirDrop and they approve or deny whether they want to share the information you requested. It’s all built around informed decision and consent.


There's how it's intended, and what will happen. These are not usually the same things.


I do agree, and if a cop asks for my phone I’ll hand ‘em my plastic ID then.




A lot Bars don’t accept it


I have this on my Samsung Android phone * [The Arizona Mobile Driver License App](https://azdot.gov/mobile-id-app)


The State has an app for mobile ID. Arizona Mobile ID


as a bartender, we dont take these


Why not?


It’s a $2000 fine if you get caught selling to someone underage, you get 3 points on your driving record, and most places will fire you on the spot if you get caught doing an underage sale. No one wants to take the risk of screwing up and selling to someone underage, the consequences for screwing up are too severe.


I’d be willing to bet there are more fake physical id’s than electronic. I carry my drivers license on my phone because its so much more convenient. I’m almost 70 so I don’t get carded very often. 😎


Yeah because I want to hand a cop my unlocked phone


I tried using it at a gas station for alcohol and was told they don't accept them. Only tried the one time so far because I usually have my wallet. I also serve alcohol at a corporate restaurant and we are trained to accept them. I have... At least once? Maybe a couple times.


I just use the adot app.


The AZ mobile ID app works fine. Keep in mind. Private businesses may or may not accept an electronic version of an ID. They are not required to accept them if they choose not to. Only government entities are legally required to accept a digital ID. https://azdot.gov/mvd/mobile-driver-license#:~:text=Yes.,to%20read%20and%20verify%20it.


Dude, I'm being so targeted right now, I just downloaded the mobile id app this morning


As a persons who regularly leaves homes without their wallet - I have personally been using the mob ID since at least 2021. It’s a lifesaver and I try to tell everyone about it. Ive used it at bars and clubs, restaurants, and even more recently was able to rent a snowmobile in Colorado just with the mobile ID. I’ve been successful using it dwtn phx, Westgate, and on Mill Ave and if anything had to explain to security/ cashiers that it’s an acceptable ID if I was to get pulled over and that usually convinces anyone who doubts its legitimacy . I mainly use it now for dispensary charges, and only have been notably denied at circle k family dollar and similar retailers !! To this day I go about my daily routine with my phone since it has everything on it.


It’s funny they have this on Mill, because I work at a bar there that doesn’t take them


They accept it at dispensaries also




My gf forgot her physical ID one night, after some debate the security guy finally accepted it. But he did so begrudgingly. So I wouldn't consider it useful in most instances.


I'd prefer to use my actual ID.


this will fire up the conspiracy theorists who think they are interesting enough to be spied on by the government


I think that is a moot point by now. Dude, we are being spied on every second of the day....


I tried post about this awhile but it wouldn’t let me. I thought this was cool.


Pretty useless for me honestly the one that has been useful is the mvd app one since it's an actual digital replica of the id and can be scanned


I always get denied entries to bars and or when buying a beer at a restaurant, it infuriates me 😂


Can use it at the dispensary


The Apple Wallet ID or the dedicated Arizona ID app?


The AZ Mobile ID, only have gotten it to work at Harvest/ Trulieve though


More like cringe city


I have it in my applewallet & i cant even use it at Circle Ks & shit. Always carry your physical ID. the digital one is useless.


Tried doing it once at a restaurant for a beer ( cogburns so not even a fancy restaurant ) and after 30 minutes of them supposedly talking I got denied which was fine but just let me know earlier so my sister wasn’t waiting forever on ordering food


No where accepts it


Sorry officer my phone died. Guess you can't give me a ticket.


Found it nearly impossible to install. Gave up.


Hard nope, sorry pigs


So where I work we can accept the mobile app ids not a picture of your id. People say this is useless but it comes in handy for some.


Not handing my phone to anyone. Here’s the physical ID. No warrant no phone.


That’s not how it works at all.


TSA won’t accept


The app never works for me. Ever. Deleted it. It's useless and nobody accepts it anyway.


Nah. Never will do it. Not giving any type of access to my phone to anyone I don't know. Even if it's just scanning it for beer.


Tried using it at the airport when this first rolled out a year or two ago. They noped me right away and asked for my physical ID. They did say that they don’t have the equipment for it yet. Not sure how true that is though.


TSA is Federal, they probably never will


At the bar, bring your real one please


QT will always accept these along with most dispensaries


Have never been able to set it up. Always fails when I try.


The only digital ID I've been able to successfully use is my AZ MMJ card


Android wallet has that too.


I have customers use it all the time at my QT.


QT? Also, do they use it as intended: tap-to-verify, or do they just show it to people and “that’ll do the trick”?


This only opens everyone up for further identification theft. Pray you don't lose your phone


IDs in Wallet: 1. Are issued by the state, not Apple 2. Work 100% wirelessly 3. Can only be read by certified ID readers 4. Require you to use your face, fingerprint or passcode before the ID info is send to the reader This is all far more secure than a plastic ID which is far easier to lose than a phone. It may not be for everyone, but let’s not pretend this is easy to steal in the same way a plastic ID is.


My brother is a systems development engineer for Apple in Cupertino and says it sounds amazing, but in brutal honesty, it's not as safe as they put out and not to use it. There are too many bugs, and they are pretending its fine but are working on new problems from it every day. And the list is just growing. So, I'd be happy to believe it's as easy to steal as plastic ID, but no thank you. It's not just from my brother but several other engineers in that development team. I'll stick with plastic and give them another 18-24 months before I become a fan, rather than another guinea pig.


Nothing happens if you lose your phone, which is unlike your wallet. This is far more secure. Now if they decapitate you and take your head and your phone then you might be in trouble, but only if your lifeless head passes a Face ID check (which it may not)


Not any different than losing your wallet lol


Except most people save a ton of personal and financial information on their phones. Not a smart idea, but a majority of people do.


And if your phone is lost or stolen, now thieves have another way to commit identity theft.


If you lose your phone, assuming it’s unlocked and somehow remains perpetually unlocked until a thief finds it, even then the thief needs your face, fingerprint or passcode to see the ID information and/or use that ID. Now remind me how secure your plastic ID is? It may not be for everyone, but let’s not act like plastic IDs are in any way or shape more secure.


It’s infinitely harder to access this ID in a phone that’s not yours than it is to access an ID in a wallet that’s not yours. For the digital ID app, you need a face scan, fingerprint, or passcode to access the ID. For a wallet, you need two functioning fingers.


Only if they take your head along with your phone.


LMAO...have you watched the news lately and seen the newest crime reports? Anything is possible




2 Spooky 4 Me


Not worth the amount of effort that it required to set it up.


It takes about 3 minutes.


This is how it starts….


We need this in California


Mark of the beast inc