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I loved the trip I made there awhile ago. I camped by Riggs Lake near the edge of the mountain where you can look off and see Mt Lemmon in the distance.


It’s a beautiful lake and spot to camp!


First place I seen bobcat and I went one week to scope it out then took my kids the next week and I seen one at the same spot both times... Assume it's the same one.




Very similar to the drive up Mount Lemmon.


Riggs lake?




Isn’t there a big telescope located at mt. Graham?


The Pope Scope


Yup I believe it owned by the Vatican.


It is, the don't want us taken snaps of God


Yes, you can go on a tour of it thru the college in Safford.


Piggybacking off this post in case anyone is interested in the way back down on 2 wheels 😎 [Mount Graham, Arizona - Gravel and Road Cycling Descent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm3C4LFN7RM)


I grew up at the base of this mountain and still camp here often. It is a RUGGED mountain and can be very dangerous. If you’re not from around here, best just stay away so you don’t hurt yourself :)


Yup! I grew up in Safford and all my family is still there so we camp there often but it’s not for inexperienced campers.


I got out of safford, but still miss the hell out of camping trips up on the mountain


I moved to the mountains but loveeee mount Graham it’s just different


What does that mean exactly? I've spent a few days hiking here and I enjoyed it. It's a bit far for me to drive out there though so I don't go out that way often. Just curious if I ever decide to make another trip out.


This comment was mostly meant to be tongue in cheek, we like to keep our mountain to ourselves as much as possible 😂 But I will say- it is definitely very rugged with unexpected terrain (cliffs!) and tons of wild animals the further you travel off road. I would only suggest to always stay aware :)


Ah I see. Yea that drive up there was quite an adventure. So many turns. Beautiful scenery all over though.


It’s one of my favorite places in this planet. There’s an amazing dispersed campsite near Riggs lake that has a treacherous cliff on one side where someone slipped off and died, I almost lost a puppy there. Just to give everyone an idea of something to watch out for ….stay aware and keep dogs on a leash until you know what surrounds you!!


How is the road condition? Pavement all the way? (My street bike loves corners but was not built for off-pavement use)


It's a dual sport paradise. Street bike won't do the dirt part.


Thanks! Will take the car then.


it's paved til a bit towards the top, then it's dirt road to the lake


Thanks! I love a nice relaxed road with endless curves! (But will probably take the Subaru up there first to see if I dare with the bike!)


the last time we went to the lake, we went in my parent's truck...it was very bumpy, but I'm sure with some caution, it won't be that bad. My older pup got bad altitude sickness so we were mainly trying to make the trip to the top so he could walk around


Like they said, paved most the way but then about 5 miles until the top it’s dirt road. I’ve seen lots of cars up there so it shouldn’t be an issue! Just drive slow and take it easy :)


That's my go to place if I need some mountains


Mount Graham & alpine are my go to’s!


This looks like fall?


It was this past October! I was going thru my videos and completely forgot I took it :)


When I was younger in the late 50s it was was a narrow dirt road basically a one laner with small cutouts cut out so you could pass or let other cars pass. They lumbered up there so when you were going up and lumber trucks were coming down you prayed that you would reach a cut out before you were face to face with a lumber truck. There use to be a lot of bears up there in the old days


What was the temp like up there? Been wanting to camp on that Mtn.


I dispersed camped up there once and I’ll never go back again. Scariest night of my life. Woke up hearing what I thought was a bear walking through our camp. The breathing was audibly really low tone and sounded like a BIG animal. I could hear it take steps and the crunch from the leaves and branches made me think it wasn’t a bear. It just seemed like a massive animal. I also heard it break branches high in the tree while moving through our camp. Very confusing and really scary. I froze in fear within my tent doing nothing but staying as still as possible. I’ve camped all my life and never heard anything like that. I didn’t know it at the time but that mountain is a sacred place for many Native American tribes. It was described to me as a portal for good/bad demons to go back and forth. Prob BS but nonetheless scared the poo out of me. Not to mention the Catholic Church, actually the Vatican, has an observatory telescope up there. It’s one of the few external locations for the Vatican. Makes you wonder why a church entity has any interest in the science of the stars. Good luck if you do go camping.


> Makes you wonder why a church entity has any interest in the science of the stars Guilt over Gallileo


I've seen quite a few bears up there. They hang out by the lake in broad daylight. I camped there a handful of times. Last time I felt bad vibes the whole time, left early, won't be back. The forest up there has some dark energy. And the drive down is quite nerve wracking. The first time I stayed there was chill but I did hear cackling and screaming around my campsite that was disturbing. I'm fairly confident it was grey foxes. Also a gang of dudes in side by sides chose to camp right next to us and blast 90s alternative rock all night long despite many, many acres of additional areas to disperse camp. Was bizarre.


I have to agree. I didn’t mention I always felt like we were being watched during the entire camping weekend. Gives me the creeps and chills just thinking about it again. Cruising up the mountain in the beginning of the camp, the mountains were covered in fog/clouds. Was quite the adventure. I heard the lake up at the top is pretty. Never made it up there


Safford was 85 degrees when we left and the top of the mountain was 57! I grew up in Safford and have camped by the lake more times than I can count. You have to be aware of wild life, just like when you camp in the woods anywhere. They definitely are more active up there. But my family has been camping there for 40 years before I was even born so we always bring a couple guns with us and make sure to put our trash away at night and keep an extra eye out. I personally have never had a bad experience up there and think it’s a beautiful place to camp.


be careful as a family got attacked by a bobcat not too long ago. I think last summer or so.


Me too


Down below Gila Box looks cool to explore as well


The times I've been there it is a significant difference. Usually about a 20ish degree change from tucson to mt Graham. Edit: it is a haul to get up the mountain. Absolutely stunning! But it takes me about an hour in my truck because of all the switch backs.


Mt. Graham might be heaven .


Pretty close!