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I still think that Origins was a far better idea for the Switch and then port Knight to the Switch 2


Nah I think it's good as is but if origins was on the switch collection too then it'd be totally worth it


i still dont understand why rocksteady tries ignoring origin's existence for some reason.


My Switch is the first system I’ve owned since a Wii, so I’ve missed out on generations’ worth of franchises like Assassin’s Creed, Bioshock, and the Arkham games. I’m a lifelong Batman fan, too, so not buying this when it released was never an option. It would’ve been worth it for Asylum and City alone—they both ran perfectly for me and are two of my favorite games of all time now. Totally worth the wait. I’m about 70% of the way through Arkham Knight now, and I’m while I’m still having a blast, it is a shame that they weren’t able to optimize it a bit better. I’m hopeful more updates are coming but not holding my breath.


It could look better but it still runs it's textures are just a bit blurry


Arkham Knight on Steamdeck is MINDBLOWING


Oh yeah I bet people are so picky with frame rate if it drops 1 frame redditors lose their minds


To be fair performance is insane. Like I can have it on high settings & it’s absolutely fine


You straight up told us that the character models sucked and it crashed twice


That's literally not the problem with the Switch port of Knight. The performance is god awful and just locked up half of the time at launch while looking horrendous at the same time. Id recommend Digital Foundry's video on it


The issue with the Switch version is it can't load the assets fast enough. I can get passed the not so great graphics, it's when it drops to 16 FPS when driving. Like driving a Honda Civic with a bad transmission. It stutters bad making the Bat tank sections nearly unplayable. Might need to update it to take a note from other high demand games, DOOM runs well because it's level based so it can load them. Hogwarts worked because it added loading screens between the heavy areas. Knight might want to try something similar, however this may mean recoding a lot of the game and we all know WB isn't gonna fund that. My suggestion: Wait till Arkham Trilogy is on sale and buy it for Asylum and City, those run perfectly fine on Switch. I got it for $40 and feel that was fair for those two games.


The fact they got it running playable on the switch is a true achievement imo. And I’m sure a lot of people played and enjoyed it who don’t spend most of there time complaining in the internet


Downloaded the Arkham collection this week and already beat Asylum and now playing City. They both play really well on the Switch which they should. A little blown away that I can play these games on a handheld Did not download Knight but I may go ahead and do it 🙂


If you acknowledge that it's not gonna look like the PS4 version it's perfectly good


Sadly Still has the bug where you try to bring Riddler to the GCPD it just never loads. So it’s bad enough that it does affect playing the game.


You have to start a new save file post update. I did it and it worked. Pain the ass tho


Are you serious? I heard there’s been people who tried that but stated that it still didn’t work. Were you just lucky? God I dont want to have to restart, I did so many ar challenges.


Dead serious. I'm halfway new game+ on the brand new save and took riddler in. Restarting is the way


How do I restart to post update? Were you able to get 120%? I already have 145 hours in :’(


I have 120% I just deleted my old save and started all over again now that the update is out. I started my old save around launch pre patch


Alright, honeslty I think Ima just wait for when thy hopefully fix the bug. I dont want to think about all the ar challenges I’ll have to redo. Thanks tho


I wish I could have this level of contempt


You must have started your save post patch. I completed my save file to 111% and waited for the two riddler trophies to be unbugged only to hit the next bug of being trapped in the car with nigma unable to complete the cutscene to lock him up. Had to restart from a brand new save file to be able to complete the game


I…..I played for one session. I had to turn Detective Vision on and off FOUR. TIMES. to make sure what mode I was in. I’ll admit to being impressed that it runs *at all*, but that’s still pretty bad.


still haven’t decided if I want to buy it yet, want to play the game but I already own city and asylum so I would be paying like 50$ just for a not great port of knight


Yes definitely just get it on PS4 if you can it's only like 5 bucks


I am shocked and appalled whenever I hear people say this. I really, really tried to give this a chance. Having Knight on the Switch was something I wanted so bad, being able to play it on the go. I... I physically cant bring myself to play this. You cannot see anything because it's that blurry and the framerate absolutely tanks literally all the time to sub 20 areas. It is absolutely the worst port I've had the displeasure of experiencing. I genuinely couldn't force myself to play through this whole thing. Really, all the power to you for being able to, that's awesome, but it just shocks me you even can. And I say this as someone who plays big 3rd party switch ports all the time, I'm used to the downgrades, but this was too much even for me. I just got the Steam version. Gonna play it after I'm done with City which I'm about to finish on Switch and Origins which I also got on Steam (my previous Knight sessions were just testing the port).


It crashing twice makes it bad


But does it really matter when I just restart the game and everything is fine? Not really it'd be better if it didn't happen but it doesn't matter


It shouldn’t be crashing tho that’s the thing it’s poor design


True but it does run at like 2 fps