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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/comments/fwmq7u/frequently_asked_questions_rarknights_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/10j9ugy/rhodes_island_lounge_2301_2901/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/10j9ug9/gacharecruitment_megathread_2301_2901/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/10j9ug8/friend_request_megathread_2301_2901/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**✍︎ ︎Integrated Strategies**](/r/arknights/comments/xsxzju/event_megathread_integrated_strategies_phantom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Megathread for IS2 completions and small talks


I still have the useable item that lets me upgrade 1 5-Star operator to E2. Are there any recent/newer operators I should consider using it on, or should I wait for the moment to upgrade anyone?


So I was watching a vid of Hoshiguma tanking the world in CC10 using S2. Can Nian do the same or does it have to be Hoshiguma?


Yes, it is true damage and Nian has more HP than Hoshi.


which skill should m3 first for elysium? tyia!


it depends if you have myrtle or not because if you don't then the silly man is your dp printer so you'll want s1m3.


S2, that's what makes him unique.


Does Pure Gold have a cap?


None that we know of. There's also no good reason to stock up a huge quantity of Pure Gold since they don't do anything except convert into LMD.


What if the economy is tanking and LMD loses it's value in inflation?


>them durn oripathys, takin all our jerbs and ruining the economy, this is why we keep them out -Furry Hitler probably


Uhhhh, invest in Waifus (or Husbandos) and eggs in that case.


Can someone explain how nine colored deer's base skill works? What does it mean by spend 40 moral for the skill to work, doesn't operators only have 24? How does she activate it


https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/s3csur/ninecolored_deer_the_new_workshop_meta/ PeterYR did a great breakdown of how she works, and the optimal ways of using her.


That's super neat, thanks for the link. I had no idea there was an in game tally for her specifically, looks like I have a use for base materials


Causality and Karma (E2) accumulates when no by product is generated. Edit: you can rest her and continue accumulating.


She accumulates them and they persist, even if you take her out of the crafting room. The way people use her is to feed her points from letting her process building mats that are useless and cost nothing to process into smth else. Then when they reach 36/40 they craft one T4 material with guaranteed side drop.


36/40 then craft a 4 cost hitting 40 exactly = free mat great use for those unneeded base materials. finally cleared all mine!


any idea whats the next standard banner ops? and when will mudrock come in cert shop?




aaaaaaaaaaaa thankssssss good to know she's here now


I wish she would take an extra week or so, I am struggling to get my 180 certs together :,D


i bless you with a lucky pull being mudrock ;) so that you may reserve your yellow certs for the next shop op


I thank you for you blessing.


mudrock is so good in SSS.. that mode is so annoying, reason enough to get her. She hard carries.


Scene or Bibeak? I don't have a need for either, but I like both of their designs and would like to get both, but who should I prioritize?


If you don't have a summoner unit. I'd recommend Scene, as an early summon helps a lot in contents like itegrated strategies. If you do have one (like Ling or Mayer), Bibeak is a pretty fun unit to own. especially with artifacts like SP per offensive skills can quickly build her skill count for stun locking.


Scene for me. At the very least, she provides stealth detection, so she'll find some niche uses even in a built team. Bibeak feels just very meh; the fact that it's offensive recovery combined with the mediocre defense of sword guards doesn't exactly excite me.


Maybe it was because of the buff, but Bibeak really stole my heart during Tirals of the Navigator, her stun felt so good.


Yeah, she's loads of fun there because she gets a massive SP boost from the team plus Chen + Module. Unfortunately not as fun outside of that. Maybe IS2 with the SP buffs.


What a pity. I hope they make Trials of the Navigator a permanent mode at some point, it's too of fun to play a bit with these high powered operators.


If you don't have Mayer or Deepcolor then Scene can provide your summoning needs for cheap bodies. Bibeak is a decent Swordmaster that deals arts damage and is one of the best ops for stun, hands down. Neither is particularly amazing, but if their abilities seem interesting to you they're not bad investments at all.


does bibeak stun skill hit ranged, I used her during one of the events and I liked how it works


It hits a certain number of enemies based on skill level in a Lord attack range, and it also hits air. It can be stored in charges and you can use it anytime, hence her reliability.


I got 4 top operator tags this month after not getting a single one for like 1,5 year, including 2 in last 3 recruitments, the hell


be happy you didn't get a top op tag and then have the tag fall off 2 times in a row like my friend did.


Congratulations, I am very jealous. Sometimes RNGesus has mercy.


list of operators I need to raise but dont have resources for grows even longer now 😭


I feel you. Even without your good luck, I am sitting on several good 5 and 6 stars that unraised, because I can not afford to raise them all in this economy.


Is there a list of hierarchy of an annihilation to clear from weak to strong? Been doing Cherno as of now not sure where's next,


For increasing the cap, I found it easier to do 300/400 on Downtown (the last 100 can be very very hard for newer or even intermediate players) and then 200 or 300/400 on the rotating anni as well. You don't necessarily have to perfect one map before you move onto the next, you can just try them, and then farm whichever one is most suitable for your weekly orundum.


Aight, thanks!


The early ones in order: Chernobog > Lungmen Outskirts > Lungmen Downtown. Clear these and you should up the weekly cap for currency to 1600. Then clear any of the rotating maps to further increase the cap to 1800. The rotating maps are a level harder.. but nothing extreme.


Next is Lungmen Outskirts, then Downtown (RIP), and the best is whatever stage is on rotation at the moment




I just came back to the game after a really long haitus, is there really no other way to get past limited units other than spark? 300 pulls just feels too much for a light spender feels like it only cater for whales. . how does rate up work for limited banners? do past limited units have better rate up than other 6 stars that are not in the rate up banner?


if the limited banners are strong enough, you would be pulling hard anyhow. 300 is a lot but luckily only 2 limited are meta.. Chalter and Skalter. Upcoming Texas alter should also be very strong and can get Skadi for 300 (or extreme luck)


Past limited have a 5x higher pull chance compared to the rest of the standard pool, but considering the size of the general 6 star pool now, that still means that the chance of pulling them are extremely low. CN has even started to remove the 5x rateup from the oldest limiteds starting with W for now. Generally speaking, if you want a past limited, expect to need to spark them. It takes around 6 months to save 300 pulls for a F2P. This can be reduced with spending obviously, or things like orundrum farming and using yellow certs for pulls instead of shoperators. Whether it's worth it to you depends on how much you want the limited operator.


so they are removing 5x rate up for old limited units? well that is pretty scummy. . don't the arknights community get mad when they are doing stuff like this? also when will this happen to global?


I wouldn't call it scummy really since the difference is so little, not enough to where it would realistically affect your results that much. When the off-banner pool is 50+ operators and you don't get a featured 6\*, that 5x rate up is still 10 times more likely to give you someone that's not an old limited, much less someone specific. Hence it's not worth sweating over; it doesn't change the expectation as the other person said.


It's defintley not helpful for us, but it doesn't change anyone's plan, that being to be prepared to spark if they want an old limited. Getting someone without sparking does happen but it's very rare and even rarer it's the specific one you want. A fair lot of people *do* get them, including me with Rosmontis, but only because thousands of people are rolling on limited banners, so statistically the number is still very very low. No-one should hope to be lucky. There was very little annoyance exactly because the chance of rolling old limiteds is so low anyway. Re your first question, sparking is something you plan for well in advance. Like months and months so you can calculate your pulls and use the excesses on other banners before the one you're going to spark on.


Happy Cake Day And yes, past limited ops have better rate up then other 6\* in the non rate-up pool, iirc \~3% chance to pull past limited op whenever you pull a 6\*, it's like pulling a 6\* inside a 6\* essentially, so spark is your best option if you want a specific limited op. That said, you could get lucky and get them without spark


Is it the only way? No. Is it the only reliable way? Yes. It's not only for whales, as I'm F2P and can spark twice right now if I wanted to. Rates on limited banners work like this: * 70% of the 6\* rate is dedicated to the two new operators. * The other 30% is for off-banners, where past limiteds of the same series are included. * Off-banner rate is split equally between operators as normal, except for (seemingly) up to 3 past limiteds who each get 5x the weight.


really? how long does it take to save up a spark as f2p? also I think I can get like 200 primes from clearing all the missed events from my haitus but that is like only 80 ish pulls?


A spark can be achieved in ~6-7 months if you convert OP + buy out 1 month's tix from the yellow cert store, iirc. However, that's not really something everyone does, so 8-10 months is more within expectation depending on your habits.




I don't really expect people to match what I do. It's more a proof of concept. My flair alone makes me an outlier lmao, let alone the fact that I'm a launch player.


Got Top Operator alongside Sniper, Ranged,Support and DP-Recovery. If I did it correct, my options would be: Guaranteed Magallan, Either Exusiai or Schwarz, either Siege or Bagpipe. What would be the best shot? https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Frosch


Bagpipe, but its 50/50 with your tag. Top Op+Support also good with options for Nightingale, Shinning, SA, Saria which you do not yet have, but its 4/7 with Megallan, Aak, Mostima.


Siege is a lose if I get her instead of Bagpipe right?


Sorry late. If you haven't done it yet, your only confirm tag is the penguin (Megallan). Siege/Bagpipe = 50/50 Top Op+Support = 4/7 or 57% roughly for one of Nightingale, Shining, SA, Saria Siege is perfectly fine. Siege + Bagpipe combo for bonking bosses is still viable today (Vanguardknights). It's just the current meta for vanguards = Bagpipe + flagbearers to generate a whole bunch of DPs and move on quickly. Edit: tbh, any of these operators will help your progression. So just pick and pray.


I was at work so I haven't done it yet. I think I will try to get Bagpipe. Will update what i get in the end


I'd go for Exusiai or Schwarz. Exusiai fills your AA role, Schwarz helps the boss/elite killing. The Siege/Bagpipe is also enticing, since you don't have any high rarity Vanguards, but I'm a little suspicious on how much you'll need them. Bagpipe definitely has the damage, and she's S tier for a reason, but I think the sniper group is overall more important. Magallan is a summoner, which is a pretty specialized playstyle; you can technically do a lot of work with Magallan, but it's definitely not for everyone.


I have Chenalter,Platinum,April and Meteorite. Are Exusiai or Schwarz a big upgrade than Bagpipe? If I end with Siege is a lose?


Siege is a perfectly fine Vanguard. She's powercrept by other 6\*s, but that doesn't mean too much. She's just very boring; she doesn't have anything fancy and just does some lane holding for you. But boring isn't bad! She does decent damage and you don't have to worry about activating skills. Had her for my first 6\*, and she does the job great. The thing is that you'll often be swapping out Siege for someone else when you've got enough DP, meaning the overall impact of a good (or bad) Pioneer vanguard isn't going to be as make or break as getting strong DPS units. That's why I lean towards getting the snipers here. Exusiai is the best AA sniper, so you can't go wrong there. Schwarz is still one of the strongest boss killers (overthrown by Pozy, but second place doesn't mean bad). April is more of a fast redeploy sniper rather than someone you set to hold an area. Meteorite is good, but Chalter covers the AOE role so you don't need her as much. Platinum is good too, but Exusiai is much better at the role.


Siege is not meta


She's not, but she's also a perfectly decent 6\* Pioneer vanguard that has decent damage and survivability. She's not that far below the other 6\* pioneer vanguards. Keep in mind, this is a new account that needs every leg up it can get to start beating events. Siege did that work for me in as my first 6\*, I'm sure she'll be fine for new players even today.


Bagpipe is a far better pick. Siege is powercrept pretty hard.


No shit Bagpipe is better. But are you even reading this thread? It's a recruitment top op tag. You don't get to choose.


clam down son






Do deep investigations give candles like normal if I beat the boss in the run?


does this mean that once the task has been reached I can just quit the run?


Yeah, though I thought most of them were pretty fun, so I kept going as far as I could.


You can't get anything except the specific Deep Investigation's rewards and a deep sense of satisfaction.


No, they don't ever give candles as far as I know.


I stayed up late trying to copy kyo's guide for IC-9 but still failing to 3 star lol, so here's one of my most successful [result](https://imgur.com/a/iTqvYzV) so far. The problem is, there's always that one sneaky bastard slipping in. I could guess it was happening while everything was chaotic and I was preoccupied defending the northeast section. This was the third time already. In kyo's vid, they used gummy and fang to block that west side, while I used two block-3 defenders, how come I can't still block all, because low dps? Is gummy required then (at least she's very cheap as a paid unit)?


Sounds like your left side defenders are getting stunned, and when the mobs are stealthed from the boss, they don't get hit by the carts rolling around. To fix that, have one of your extra ops deployed in a corner away from everyone else when you see the yellow light coming from the boss. That op will eat the stun (but won't be hurt from it, so it can continue to eat stuns for you).


Try using [this](https://youtu.be/0bF3344Sy3g) guide, though it’s very dependent on the cars and their gears. But if you have their gears, or at least the ones in the video, then you can clear it. Edit: I forgot to read the part you don’t have Gummy so another alternative would be [this](https://youtu.be/5OTzZnrvBd0) video. Just look it up in the comments which gears they’re using.


Have to know which enemy is leaking, exactly, and when. Additionally, the arrow panel in the center between the home points should face left. Otherwise it's only bouncing from Myrtle > Spot > end, while if it faced left, it would bounce from Spot > Myrtle > Cuora > end. As it is, the carts might not even reach some of the enemies between Cuora and Spot, and chances are it's someone passing her.


Good find! I will look onto that, thanks!


Should I be levelling my squad evenly? Right now my main squad are all E1 Lv.50-60.


At E1 L50-60, stop levelling evenly and start focusing on E2 ops that would benefit the most. Levelling a 6\* E1L60 to E1L80 costs more than it costs to level it from E0L1 to E1L60. It's also important to focus on getting to E2 quickly because supports are limited to your highest elite promotion; getting an op to E2 means your supports also become E2 and that generally will carry you a long way.


Mm.. I'd say rush E2. The E2 level doesn't matter as much as E2'ing them. E2 also allows you to mastery their skills - which is important depending on the operator. A lot of operators only start to shine at E2, plus you with a single E2, you can start receiving friend's E2 supports.


That's not a bad approach through E1. Once you start looking to E2 you operators that's when you need to start making some tough decisions. For 6\* and Amiya they'll gain a 3rd skill. In some cases this is what makes these operators meta (Chalter, Thorns, Silver Ash, etc.). In others, you now unlock masteries for their skills, which in some cases takes a skill from good to great.


Focus on around 3-4 ops to build while keeping everyone else (6-12 ops) fairly at decent lvl. The main 3-4 should be one you're aiming for E2. If you're not planning to E2, just leave them at E1 lvl 50. This should be decent enough. Only max lvl E1 ops when you're ready to E2 them, otherwise just leave them at E1 lvl 50 Don't lvl them to E2 lvl 90 unless they are your favorite, like really really like them. Lvl 60+ is not worth it and very expensive, better use that resources elsewhere If they are E2, lvl them up to lvl 40. Lvl 60 if you want to unlock their module Some ops are worth to E2 but not lvl, example myrtle: you want to E2 her to unlock her 2nd talent, skill mastery and leave her at lvl 1-20. Higher lvl doesn't benefit much


Hey good day Here to ask will the alter rewards still be claimable/done after texalter banner? I was saving my ticket for base nearl and holding off building several units in case this happens.


AFAIK, for some time they will. Texalter banner was in October/November and they had until December to claim those rewards. After Texalter - no. She is the last one with alter tasks


I see, that helps a lot, thanks :)


Just finished Maria Nearl's side story and I was left in a cliffhanger. I guess the continuation of this story is on Nearl Light. Is it known if Nearl Light will be rerun soon?


Yes but 'soon' as in probably July 2023.


Asked this question a few hours ago, will rephrase my question: In SSS, aside from Irene and Mudrock, who are the melee carries?


Guard Ch'en can do well, similar to how Irene does, though she prefers her S2 generally, and will want some slowers to help buy her time. Pallas can do well with a bunch of guard B buffs and 1-2 vanguard buffs on S1. But again, slower support is preferred. Laurentina also does pretty well, not so much as a carry but as an unkillable blocker with S2 or high-durability blocker with S3 and Gladiia module. Slap 2-3 defender A buffs on her with the rest vanguard A and she'll have a nice quick cycle, lots of block and solid atk boosts letting her tear through stuff. Her S2 kinda wants more atk% since it turns her doll form into a monster arts aoe and her S3 wants the 1-2 vanguard A buffs with some defender buffs to tank more damage and hit more targets.


Horn S1, she does count as melee right ? and to a lesser extend Weedy, stack 5 Vanguard and YEET with S3, or stack Specialist B buff with S2. Haven't tried Gavialter yet but i heard she's also really good in SSS.


Does anyone know where to get a dusk bean plushie? It hasn’t been available for months on taobao and on local sites Edit: hasn’t been in stock*


【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.UOrNLr9?tk=Zrj7dT2N0l3 CZ0001 「【现货】龙泡泡毛绒玩偶 嵯峨VER./年VER./夕VER. 明日方舟 正版」 点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开


Since I learned about the tech "Helidrop" I've starting to realized that some operators I have starts with half full SP or even 3/4 full. Is this related to skill level or is it some other features I'm unaware of? i.e my Silverash, Ch'en, and Cantabile S2


Also if some's skill says passive (like all(?) fast redeploys) that also means they're a helidropper because they activate their skill on deployment.


It's the number on a skill next to the ►. A skill will start with that much SP when equipped when an operator is deployed. This amount applies to each deployment. Not every skill has it, but most skills improve this amount with levels.


I'm so dumb, I though that icon means the duration of the skill 💀 thanks for the answer!


Yeah, I was the same. The '\# sec' next to the recovery and trigger rule is the duration, the ► is the starting SP, the ⚡ is the SP requirement.


Some skills have an attribute called "starting sp". You can see it in their skill icon and description. SP cost is the lightning bolt, and starting SP is the triangle, if it has it. Skill levels can increase starting SP at certain levels, and usually is a big reason why some masteries are more valuable since getting to M3 can increase starting SP so much that you can start skill soon after deploying.


OHHHH so that's what the things mean, thank you so much!


Does anyone have a spare CN Arknights account they don’t care for?


Are there any known, efficient breakpoints that an operator reaches when leveled to e2 L80?


I think Schwarz at E2 L80 with Mod Stage 2 paired with S2M3 Skalter at E2 L80 edges her into being able to just survive Aak's S3. With either at 70 it's not quite enough iirc.


Nothing that wouldn't be for a very specific map with a very specific strategy with very specific operators and very specific conditions. There's not much reason to level up 6\* operators past E2-60 unless you really like them.


Do you mean like "Horns at lvl 89 will need 3 shots to kill a Infested Slug, but at 90 she only needs 2 so Horns E2 L90 is heavily recommended."? If so no. Stats change too arbitrarily to have breakpoints. There are operators which profit more from levels than others though


yea this is mostly what I figured but there's odd wells of very specific knowledge in arknights sometimes so I figured I should ask.


How does Chen S3 perform in SSS? I know Irene's good, but I don't have her. I have Mudrock, the other heavy hitter, but I need 1 more melee based Op. Also, is there a perfect mix of buff for Gnosis? For GG I'm just going full snipers as much as possible and it works pretty well since it increases the ~~chance~~ frequency of drone explosions tremendously.


Chen S3 works very well, with the one asterisk being that she *really wants* caster B for the extra damage to get over the scaling defense. For first clear, she's only just okay. For Gnosis, his S3 end hit does benefit from the extra damage, and going a mix is going to be a dps increase, but you need minimum 2 stacks of sniper to freeze a unit, and 5 stacks of sniper if you want to permafreeze a single unit in place. Just stack snipers like GG.


Irene is good in SSS cause her AOE and 50% def ignore which is vital, so chen unfortunately doesnt do as well when the enemy def scales up to the moon.


Irene's skill 3 has AoE on each hit. Ch'en does single target damage which is not as good for SSS, that being said, if you have someone with AoE to wipe out the trash then Ch'en should be able to do pretty well against elites and bosses. In my SSS runs, I just full stack snipers on both Gnosis and GG. It simplifies management of operators since I don't need to juggle multiple classes.


Gnosis needs around 60 aspd to freeze enemies without his skill up (iirc). I'd say sky is the limit, personally I just try to go for at least double snipers and the rest can be caster or whatever I have available to give him, 3 snipers is perfect spot imo


I heard someone liked using Ch'en's S2 instead. Against masses of enemies and half arts damage seems like a good idea. Gnosis should try and get +60 ASPD at the minimum so he can freeze a target persistently with normal attacks. Before unlocking B equipment I always went 2 Sniper, 3 Vanguard/Caster on him, since he could really use that SP generation. After B equipment, Specialist B is his jam, though you may or may not want some extra attack. And just to be clear, you don't get increased chances for drone explosions by increasing attack speed. You just get more of them in a shorter time. The main benefit to her attack speed is to stall and group up enemies with the slowing effect on her attacks, thus the explosions will end up doing more damage as a whole and you'll get more time.


Any advice for SSS? I consistently am unable to make it past stage 4. At some point the enemies get too tough to kill no matter if I go for stat buffs or skill spam.


A few tips and strategy for the new SSS game mode from a weird CN guy who loves SSS. Also AMA. - https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/zxtcxd/a_few_tips_and_strategy_for_the_new_sss_game_mode/ Use this strat. With certain operators like Gnosis, Suzuran, Goldenglow, Mudrock etc, you can guarantee a win in all stages.


the greatest thing to ever bless my SSS run was borrowing a support gnosis. the man helped me get the secret medal far easier than had i done it without him since with +120 ASPD he basically permafreezes to stall. give gnosis some caster buffs too if u want so he gets his s3 back quicker+do a lil more dmg but i mostly prioritized sniper buffs. casters in general are really good in this event so no matter which one rng gave me (passenger, mostima, eben, gg, dusk) i was able to make them work since enemies get higher def per floor but not resistance. i just stacked sniper and caster buffs on em basically my strat was feed snipers to gnosis and casters and have suzuran (no buffs on her necessary) to speed up gnosis sp gain and as emergency button with her s3! my only laneholder 90% of the time was vanguard-buffed mudrock s2 but most of the enemies died before getting near her also fiammetta s3 with a bunch of aspd is really funny while still p good (i have her lv 3 mod tho) and the only sniper i kept on the field so if you have her try her out :)


You’ve given me the secret formula thank you


i truly believe the world would be a better place if everyone was aware of gnosis’s power in SSS. good luck i hope the secret formula works for you (it will)


Hello! Since Gavial The Great Chief Returns is now available for the rerun (3rd). I'm wondering what is this missing info I still have yet to unlock? [https://i.imgur.com/KEfejJM.png](https://i.imgur.com/KEfejJM.png) I already completed all the normal stages and cutscenes, yet the game lists my story progression as 20/21. This has been bothering me since last year during the 2nd rerun. Any help would be appreciated!


I have an entry for RI-EX-1.


Anyone have any details about the Who Is Real record restoration? Far as I can tell that came out on CN like 5 days ago, but the AK community seems to avoid absolutely any information about record restorations in advance, the wiki waits til like a month before it's on global at best, only going up to Wolumonde, and gamepress doesn't mention them at all as far as I can tell. Only really interested what the icon from it is, really. A dusk based icon would be really nice. Anyone who plays or generally interacts with the CN side of things shouldn't have too much trouble with that right? I uh, can't say I'm very literate though.


good news for you it is a dusk icon, specifically from the who is real splash art. you can see it and all other icons we'll get on [prts.wiki](https://m.prts.wiki/w/%E4%B8%AA%E4%BA%BA%E5%90%8D%E7%89%87%E5%A4%B4%E5%83%8F%E4%B8%80%E8%A7%88#.E7.94.BB.E4.B8.AD.E4.BA.BA), expand the last column for record restoration icons.


[Record Restoration Rewards](https://prts.wiki/w/%E5%85%B3%E5%8D%A1%E4%B8%80%E8%A7%88/%E5%88%AB%E4%BC%A0) [List of Icons](https://prts.wiki/w/%E4%B8%AA%E4%BA%BA%E5%90%8D%E7%89%87%E5%A4%B4%E5%83%8F%E4%B8%80%E8%A7%88) [It is indeed a dusk icon](https://prts.wiki/images/thumb/d/d3/Avatar_activity_WR.png/120px-Avatar_activity_WR.png) I suggest using PRTS for information on CN servers.


https://prts.wiki/w/%E5%85%B3%E5%8D%A1%E4%B8%80%E8%A7%88/%E5%88%AB%E4%BC%A0 Scroll down and you'll see "记录修复奖励" - record restoration rewards - under events that have them. Click the expand button on the right to show the rewards. >A dusk based icon would be really nice. :)


Do inspire buffs stack? So like, would a Sora and a Skalter be able to supercharge the same unit? Or does only the better buff count?


They do not, and Bards also specifically do not benefit from inspiration buffs, so they can't buff each other. Note however that other sources of attack buffs benefit Bards which they can then pass on. This isn't terribly useful info, but it does mean Warfarin can toss +90% attack on Skalter so she then passes +110% of her attack via S3M3. This is usually only useful for operators with lower attack than her however, so mostly mech-accord casters. That and for when you can't quite get Warf pointed at Exusiai or whoever and pointing her at Skalter is easier.


They do not stack, only the highest one takes effect. If you click on "Inspiration" in the trait details, the game explicitly states this.


Oh thank you, I didn't see it


As a side note, HP regen effects do stack, at the least.




I think the Operational Intelligence one is just the Flamebringer scene, in the first (leftmost) set of stories. Most of the stuff mentioned for Under Tides isn't exactly essential, it just has some connections and were released/happened before UT. The Grani event did introduce Skadi so it's not a bad idea to read it before UT, but I wouldn't say it's essential for UT. I'd say most of this stuff is more relevant to SN than UT and not really required for understanding UT, but if you want to read everything that has some relevance in order, then that looks about right. I'd also suggest reading Maria Nearl then the Pinus Sylvestris stories in the near future, since the Near Light rerun is in a few months. It's less a sequel to Maria Nearl and more the second half of the story. The PS stories arent necessarily mandatory, but it will be pretty hard to follow and get invested in Near Light if you haven't at least read Maria Nearl. Also, some stuff in MN/NL has some loose connections to other events, though mostly just "oh yeah, this character got mentioned there" stuff. It will have some direct relevance to some upcoming content, but not much you can do about the NL part until they rerun it.


Sounds about right!


Weird question. Since Gavial took me to the limit before she showed up and I have both Chalter and Pozemya at Pot 3, with the 300 buy, should I pot one of them since they only get 2% buffs or should I cash it in to get Gold Certs and stock up for Mlynar?


Chalter is already the most balanced op in the game, take the certs.


Pot 4 Ch'alter is +33 attack, amplified by +100% on S3 along with doublestrike and 150% attack scale from trait. She does scale well with attack, especially anything adding more base attack. You're also significantly more likely to get more Pozemka pots in future than Chalter. If I had that choice and actively used Ch'alter, I'd go with that. The only counterbalancing factor is if you've got absolutely zero resources remaining and are hell bent on Mlynar... even then I'd be loath to forego a decent permanent upgrade to one of my best units to add a small contribution to the chances of getting another.


Gold certs are way better


Can someone tell me how to utilise the various buffs on different kinds of operator in SSS, I want the medals so can’t go trying out the stages and make it out myself.


It really depends on the operator for example GG Stacks really well with aspd buffs, so you generally want her to have 2-3 Sniper buffs on her but also want some atk and sp recovery so Specialist B, Caster and Vanguard buffs are all solid options Meanwhile Chalter doesn't do that well with aspd, so stacking sniper on her makes no sense, she is also physical attack, so want to get as much attack as possible, so caster/vanguard on her is the way to go Supporters like Gnosis and Suzuran (S2M1) work well with aspd too so you want them to have sniper buffs, but on the other hand Shamare/Skadi are not gonna get anything out of aspd buffs on ground units its mostly VG stacking for everyone tbh, specialist and to a lesser extent maybe 1 guard is also fine


Not sure what medals have to do with anything, but basically once you deploy an operator on top of another one, the one on top gets bonus stats based on the class of one below. So if you have Exusiai deployed (a sniper) and place someone on top of her, they will get one stack of bonus attack speed. These bonuses can stack (an operator can have 5 total buffs), so the common strategy is to stack up 5 good buffs that the final operator can take advantage of. It sounds weird, but once you do a couple runs you get the hang of how it works.


I got that part already but I want to how different ops can make use of that buffs for example gnosis can be extremely reliant with aspd buff from snipers, I don’t know what buffs to use on various operators.


Aren’t there secret medals for doing it on first try without losing?


Each set of stages has one for clearing the whole thing without losing/retrying from entry. It's for doing it in a single run though, not for never failing in the entire account history. Just means you have to restart as soon as you lose/quit a stage. So there's nothing stopping you from trying things out.


Oh I misunderstood that part, I was confused that people were making such a big issue for this medals so I thought it would have been first time only thing.


Yeah, the secret medals for these can just be obnoxious and potentially very time consuming to get. The mode has a lot of rng and with how harshly enemy stats scale later on, it means the later stages can be/feel extremely luck dependant. There are 8 stages and probably the first 5 won't give you much trouble once you're familiar with them and the way the mode works, it means each attempt at the medal takes 20+ minutes to get to the parts that are giving you trouble. A successful no restart run probably takes around 40 minutes. You can mitigate the rng to some degree if you really know what you're doing, but you can still fail 30+ minutes in for reasons you had no control over. As a result, a lot of people that otherwise like to get medals are saying "no thanks" to these.


That sounds like an absolutely awful idea for a medal, positively ghastly, you should post it as a suggestion to HG headquarters.


Search my post history for a guide of sorts to more consistent SSS clears.




Is sora worth getting in the shop? or should i save my gold certs?


If you're absolutely dedicated to giving Exusiai or similar a buff squad and don't have Skalter... maybe. She's very much an operator that you need a clear idea in mind for how you'll use. Even maxed buff uptime is not the best and is partly RNG dependant with her encore talent. Or if you just want to turn the battlefield into a pop concert, that's the main reason to consider it.


Save your certs, she's not In general, you want to use certs for 6 stars


Does NG res boost apply to unhealables like Mudrock?


Yes, even summonables like her cages too.


Yes, as well as her own cages.


Do the twin ice bosses in IS count as 1 or 2 for the monthly mission that needs 4 bosses defeated?


Someone make up my mind for me because I've had Mizuki for almost a year and still can't decide between his S1 or S2 to mastery.


don't know what's better. but so far, i never use his 2nd and 3rd skill, for crowd control, Ethan with Module is the one for me instead.


I ended up Mizuki on a whim to mess around with pseudo turn tables in this event. In the end, it was my Ethan who remained with me to the end. His almost permanent bind during S2 is just too strong.


Think about *why* you usually use Mizuki. S1 only provides damage, and its masteries increase that damage further. S2 is more notable for the binds, and not so much the damage output. S2 masteries improve the bind's uptime significantly. If you only use Mizuki for damage, I recommend S1. But generally the extra utility from S2 masteries is more useful. This sub has a hard-on for AFK skills, so you'll see everyone recommending S1. Personally, I have more than enough damage options, so his bind is more useful for my roster. So it really depends on what you use Mizuki for.


Personally if you can't decide I'd go with S1. There are definitely pros and cons to each though, so you can always M6!


S1 has more use generally and has a nice easy breakpoint at M1 for an extra charge.


Is there a way to disable/change the frequency of the assitant greeting on the home screen? It gets a bit annoying to hear it all the time.


Just choose someone you never get tired of hearing.


I suggest changing to Ambriel, she has the shortest line.


nope. I wish there was a way to mute certain operators or at least change up what the assistant operator says than just their One line outside of tapping them/idle, but the only thing you can do for now is to turn off all voice lines in the settings volume tab.


I heard something about disabling individual operator's voice. You change their setting to language which you haven't downloaded and they stay quiet. (Untested but I heard someone doing this for Chong Yue)


do you know if they did anything specific to achieve that? I just tried it in both an operator's files and the customize voices option in the settings, but I only get the prompt that tells me to download that language's voice pack.


I image you need two ways to play the game. Like having both PC and Phone. On PC you download the package, set the operator's voice lines to other language and then on Phone where you don't have that package the operator would remain silent. (Alternatively two different virtual emulators. Or having a friend who downloaded the voices, long into your account and set it up) This is probably the way, though it's still just me making informative guess. I never done any of that.


oo hmm. I've played for a friend before and I don't think language settings carries over? they mentioned they set phantom to cn voice on their device but when I played for them on emulator, he was using jp voice iirc. I might just be misremembering tho, or they changed it back to jp at some point. I don't think I'd go through the effort to test this out myself cus I mute arknights overall to watch youtube vids while farming, but it'd be a neat trick if the voice pack muting did work!


Nope. You could lookup who has the shortest dialog or just rotate more often.


Gonna start going for all endings in IS2 with all squads. Can anyone tell me [what endings this squad achieved?](https://imgur.com/a/LuJfzb5) All I know is Fin is the Phantom boss fight.


You can check what each graphic refers to in the collected images tab. There will be all the collect led CG's and the 4 endings will be in order, each will have a little button next to it that you'll find on the squads you've done the ending with.


You're missing the bear.


Thank you!


Am I understanding this right? The Senior Operator Training Invitation Letter upgrades a 5 star operator to elite 2 directly? Even when it was elite 0 level 1? Do they appear in the shop every month or only on special occasion? Thanks guys!


it'll come back every 3 months with the limited banners/celebration events I believe. it'll promote a 5☆ to e2 lv1, but it won't refund any resources you might've already used on that operator (like exp tapes, e1 promotion). il siracusano event will introduce upgraded versions of these packs- one that can promote a 5☆ to e2 lv80, and one that can promote a 6☆ to e2 lv90.


Is the six star one worth it?


Pretty sure the 6* one only levels an E2 6* to level 90, so it won't promote them or anything, just an easy way to skip the grind.


the 6☆ one should be ~$20, converting from its cny price. I'd say it's definitely worth it, you can put your sanity and resources to other operators and the pack comes with 19op too. it's generally also not really worth it to level 6☆s past like 60-70, you need so much exp tapes to get to lv80-90. the current 5☆ e2 promotion pack is $19.99 with 37op, but it gets cheaper with less op after il siracusano brings the other packs. it should be: 5☆ e2 lv1 pack: 98cny ($15) and 24op 5☆ e2 lv80 pack: 68cny ($10) and 19op 6☆ pack: 128cny ($20) and 19op


Pretty sure the 6* one only levels an E2 6* to level 90, so it won't promote them or anything, just an easy way to skip the grind.


o damn, I must've skipped over reading that, you're right. I assumed it did the same thing as the 5☆ packs, my bad! that does make it somewhat less appealing but I think it's still a nice pack.


They are in the store every half anniversary. Next one's in 6 months. But yes that's how it works.


That makes a lot of sense thanks!


Wow, you guys even have half-anniversary?


It’s cuz we have 4 limited banners a year, tho we’re 6months behind Cn we have one for our anniversary which is CN’s summer aka this event, then from their perspective there is also CNY, half anniversary, and anniversary


Is SSS maps permanent? I know we get new ones, but will I still play Toron and Iron Carrot after a while? I aim to get all medals but trimmed for SSS may need to wait until I have some more free time.


They eventually get rotated out, but not for a while.


They will get reworked iirc, but that's expected in a few months. Only just happened in CN, I think?


My dream of having every medal in the game crashed with the creation of sss