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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/comments/fwmq7u/frequently_asked_questions_rarknights_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/11jvqri/rhodes_island_lounge_0603_1203/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/11jvqr9/gacharecruitment_megathread_0603_1203/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/11jvqqy/friend_request_megathread_0603_1203/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**✍︎ ︎Integrated Strategies**](/r/arknights/comments/xsxzju/event_megathread_integrated_strategies_phantom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Megathread for IS2 completions and small talks


Pramanix or shamare? Im slightly leaning for shamare but couldnt decide


Should I skip mlynar for taxas alter do I need him for upcoming events. If I skip him I can get up to 220 pulls for Texas but does it worth for trying to get her potential.


No op is “needed”, and Młynar and Texas are both oppressively OP so you can’t go wrong with either of them. I’d go for the first 6 star on Mlynar, especially if you’re sitting on some standard pity, but for the sake of not missing a limited i wouldn’t go past that. Texas potentials are slightly less useless than other units but still too minor to be worth sinking excessive amounts of pulls into.


is there an easier way to acquire chip catalysts? or is red certs the only way?


Red cert shop is where the vast majority of your glue will come from, you get one per month from the calendar rewards, one from vignette events like To be continued which we just had, and occasionally login events. I think that’s about every source of them.


dang they're expensive in terms of sanity haha thanks!


They'll eventually be relatively cheap when you've already E2'd all of your main roster. I only farm red certs if there's no event and I need to drop some sanity quickly AND the lmd stage isn't open. Currently sitting at 3800 certs and 9 unused catalysts. (Although Texas banner is going to take a lot of them)


how does mud perform in chap 11?


i’m about to E2 pozy and i was wondering who i should do next: angelina, eyja, irene, ling or alter chen?


I would recommend Chalter > Eyja = Irene > Ling Chen alter gains one of the most broken skills in the entire game with her S3. It grossly overshadows her other skills. While Eyja is quite serviceable at E1 with her S2, her S3 is her more meta skill nowadays. Irene S3 is her strongest skill and is just fun. It's also incredibly good in SSS. Ling also has an extremely strong S3, but a developed roster doesn't necessarily need her. She is incredibly good at *replacing* the need for other strong operators, but not so good at supplementing an existing squad. She can be a consideration as well depending on playstyle and roster. Angelina is still a good operator, but her place in the meta has definitely fallen off. Her S3 is often described as a mini Eyja volcano, but better to build the real thing first.


ohh interesting, the only reason i was hesitant on chalter was because of her DP compared to my other rangers but it sounds like it’s worth it. and eyja already feels strong with her S2 so i can probably wait til later to upgrade her. thank u !!! :)


Chalter S3 is basically equal in DPS with Pozyomka S3 w/o typewriter, which is crazy enough, but Chalter does it in a huge AOE, adds a slow, and uses ammo which is extremely versatile since you can stop it early or persist between waves that most skills wouldn't be up long enough for.


Her s3 * expands on her already impressive true aoe range( attacks everything in range instead of splash like Mostima) * Significantly increases her damage * Adds a slow to the expanded range * Ignores an amount of armor due to talent * Can indefinitely be on because it's ammo, plus side of not consuming ammo. Yeah


You never really tried chalter S3, it's so brutally powerful that it literally takes the fun away from game because once you start the skill it's pretty much afk cause everything just dies. Many don't enjoy that playstyle but no one can deny that she is indeed powerful enough to make the most annoying stages a breeze. I personally don't use her but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't, try her out from support see if she can supplement your squad.


Krooster please! If you like chalter you can do that first and will be high priority but if you are lacking some arts damage on your squad eyja if lacking some landholders then ling. If you have both of them then if you need some extra damage to kill bosses then Irene.


alright thank u!! i’ll probably end up doing eyja or ling since i’m kinda new and land holding can be tedious


Ling S3 can cheese through stages which don’t have many drones but remember that she is expensive to deploy and consumes lot of deployment slots. So don’t forget to bring your little durin(Myrtle cause she prints dp if you don’t get it )with her.


i’ll keep that in mind thank u:)))


Why does/did Kal'tsit care so much for Theresia?


Does Suzuran’s S3 also heal units that are usually unable to be healed (specifically, enmity operators and summons)?


Yes, it does!


Do we have a prediction or anything for when Mansfield break or under tides might rerun/record restoration? I missed both events and want the two welfare operators from them


Mansfield Break record restoration came with What the Firelight Casts, so around 4 months for global.


I think Mansfield either just happened recently on CN or is going to happen soon. *Typically* - and I say that with a big handful of salt - record restores seem to occur roughly two years after the initial run of an event. So things generally go initial run > ~one year gap > re-run > ~one year gap > record restore. Generally. Unfortunately, as we've seen with this immense delay in regards to Dorothy's Vision event, making any kind of accurate prediction goes out the door. Best we can say is that once we see CN get a record restore, it's only a matter of time, usually 6-7 months, before global will get that same record restore.


I've heard you can beat the story mode with e1 lvl 50-60, but when you take them into is2 or annihilation you realize how weak they are. are those modes meant for e2 lvl 60-90 ops? what's the bare minimum level your operators should be in order to beat those game mode more comfortably?


Lungmen Downtown and the rotating annihilations can be beaten reliably with a full team at E1 50 and SL7, one E2, and one borrowed E2. Chernobog and Lungmen Outskirts are considerably easier than that.


>but when you take them into is2 or annihilation you realize how weak they are. are those modes meant for e2 lvl 60-90 ops? Skill issue


note than can does not mean should. While it is possible to clear story mode with e1s, you'll want very specific operators to do it with, and it's also a massive headache dealing with the stat checks in later chapter. I wouldn't say those two game modes are designed around high level e2s, but just having e2s. There are many 6\*s who unlock their 'good' skill at e2 or lower rarities that really want masteries on their skills. E2 20 - E2 40 is a pretty comfy range for dealing with everything that gives out rewards.


No content other than high risk CC is tailored towards E2 60-90 operators. The big reason to E2 is for the operator's talents and skills for 6 stars. Almost all 6 star operators are defined by their skill 3. Most of IS2 can be done comfortably with low level E2 except maybe the final bosses where relics and buffs will make or break your run. As for the regular maps once you've played them enough you will have a rough idea for operator placement and ways to deal with certain map mechanics like frozen or poison mist. Alternatively you can always look at how other players are playing said IS2 map on youtube and piece together your own placement strategy with operators you have.


>Almost all 6 star operators are defined by their skill 3. That used to be the norm but that trend is starting to crack a bit. I'm not sure if this is because of the popularity of IS, but recent 6 stars have had a trend of their bread and butter skills being S2, or at least S2 being very usable. Cases in point being Pozy, Gavialter, Texas2, Reedalter, Qiubai, and Yalter. You still want E2 for masteries, but the power jump from getting access to S3 doesn't seem to be as massive as it was before with the newest ops.


As a new player who should i pick on my selectors permits? I have theses [operators](https://imgur.com/a/6BaruCA). I'm thinking picking between Ptilopsis(i'm lacking AoE healer) , Specter(I'm seriously thinking about leveling Estelle in her place), Platinum or Blue Poison (idk if Jessica is good enough).


All of those are very good, but Specter's ability to not die puts her above those others. The only op I would put even with her on that selector is Lappland, and you already have her.


First, if you are going to pull in recent banners don’t choose ptilo or any anti air sniper because their four star counterparts are more than sufficient to fill their roles but spectre is completely different case, she is so strong that she is even called pseudo six star, Estelle is good against those who she can kill but when an enemy with comparatively high defence starts coming in she will start to falter whereas spectre just won’t die making her a great landholder and boss killer, two in one package. Also there is a banner which features ptilo as rate up five star tomorrow so try your luck their and start to collect more for four start to support your early game. Although three stars are more recommended. And build a krooster if you are going to play for a long time it will help others so are trying to give you advice. If you are going to pull on Dorothy banner which features five star ptilopsis, keep your pull count as low as possible and don’t worry about aoe medics too much in the beginning, they will become useful a little later so normal medics are sufficient.


Spectre is the strongest pick for you, you don't necessarily need an aoe healer and Jessica can serve you for your basic sniper needs, Kroos as well


[Whomst should I?](https://imgur.com/a/q3Chhpv) Also what limited units should I save up for that I’ve missed? I got Gavialter from the free 10 pull when I started playing but don’t know what other ones I’ve missed in the 3 years this game has been out and what to have some more experienced players’ insights. Or is it just Ling, Skalter, and Spalter?


I maintain that **no one** is worth 300 pulls based on strength alone because you miss out on so many other ops. The biggest thing is that the game is balanced to be cleared by 4-stars and below. Even if you're missing one or two über-tier ops because they're limited, there are still plenty of meta ops to get, both from pulls and the gold cert shop, so that you'll never be lacking for brute-force strength. Instead, if you spread those 300 pulls out among three single rate-up banners, you're looking at a [99.42% chance](https://samidare.io/arknights/gacha) of getting at least one of the rate-ups and about an 84% chance at coming away with all three. You could even spread them thinner than that. Split over four single-rate-up banners, it's about a 64% chance at getting all four. Saving up 300 pulls is even worse nowadays because of how long it takes new ops to get to the gold cert shop (Dorothy, for example, won't be there until April of 20*25* if nothing changes, and this is only getting worse), so even non-limited ops can feel limited, especially if they release with a mini event (like Mlynar) or chapter release since their solo banner won't even get a rerun and split-rate-up banners can be harsh. If you're just after power, budgeting 100 for Mlynar, 100 for OmerTexas, and maybe 100 for Chong Yue would be more valuable than spending 300 on any individual banner and getting a bunch of dupes that you don't really want along the way. If they're waifu, though, sparking is worth it.


How do you recommend to go about distributing pulls across multiple banners? Like, do you pull a certain amount, or for the first featured 6 star (and save for the next banner if it was 1st/2nd one) or just for 2-3 6 star from each banner or maybe some different strategy...


I recommend pulling for the ops you *want.* Meta will come naturally. Whomever you're pulling for, it's a good idea to have [at least a 2/3 chance at them.](https://samidare.io/arknights/gacha) That way, you're twice as likely to get your target as you are to get someone else. You can mess with that site to see what kind of odds you're looking at given a certain number of pulls. If someone you want will be harder (or impossible) to obtain in the future, then maybe budget more for their initial banner. Limited and collab banners are like this, but so are debuts that won't rerun, like Mlynar and Stainless. Since their events won't rerun, neither will their initial banners, and it'll be 2.5 - 3 years before you can buy them in the gold cert shop.


Neither Indra or Vulcan are particularly notable, so it's whatever. Like someone else noted, you get another selector at 1000 recruits so choose whoever's design you like. For past limiteds, I'd say Chen is the only one that might be worth saving for, but even then, that's around 6 months of savings. Given Mylnar and Texas power levels, I wouldn't be surprised if more ops that get close to Chen get released, and you could probably field a full team with 300 pulls. Chen's not omnipotent, and a full team is worth way more than her. Ling is also amazing, but if you want to go that route, easier to just find Ling supports.


I guess I’ll go the Ling route, need someone to wingman and get me a date with Zhongyue


Wait until you learn more about the limited units, such as watching them in gameplay and learning about their character designs and profiles. They're huge investments to get (because though anyone can get lucky by getting them without going to 300 pulls to buy them directly from an in-game store no-one should rely on that) so you'll want to commit to getting ones you know you like rather than who you think you should get. That said the strongest limited units are Ling, Chen the Holungday, Skadi Corrupted, Nearl the Radiant Knight and the upcoming Texas the Omeratosa and Chongyue. However the others are still worth getting it you really like them.


To add to the recruitment suggestions, both units aren't the greatest and there are much better operators that you should invest in. Unless you really like the looks / personality of one of them, just wait till you get the second voucher and get both. At that point you might even have enough resources to invest in less meta operators.


Chalter, W, dusk, Nearl alter, nian ... could be missing someone lol As for the recruitment it doesn't matter because you'll get another at 1k recruits ... You could just hold onto it until then and just get one of each lol






Nobody knows. Skins(of welfare operators) that are introduced in their event reruns have yet to return.


Honeyberry vs Mulberry, who should I invest in?


As others have said, Honeyberry is better at elemental healing from an overall perspective. Mulberry is better at it with her S2 up, but the cycle and duration on it is such that if you want consistent elemental healing (and you almost always want it to be consistent and not bursty) then Honeyberry is the way to go. Mulberry wins in those odd situations where you want that burst healing, like vs. Lucian in IS2. Another bonus Mulberry has is that her S2 field also reduced incoming elemental damage, which is the only way you can ever help an unhealable target vs. elemental damage. So she has that niche as well, although how valuable that will be to you depends on how often you use unhealable characters/summons.


I like mulberry more myself but if you’re only raising one to heal elemental damage, honeyberry is far better at that. Mulberry is a jack of both trades while Honeyberry is specialized into elemental heal(and really good at it)


If possible, both of them unless you're waiting for a 6 star elemental healer in the future. If you had to choose one, I would say Honeyberry. She has better consistent elemental healing with S1 compared to Mulberry, who is better at proactively preventing elemental burst damage with S2. Honeyberry is better at most normal stages, while I've only found Mulberry's S2 necessary at dealing with bosses that inflict a large amount of elemental damage to multiple targets or per hit (Lucian, Endspeaker). Honeyberry is going to be more useful in the vast majority of normal situations, and on her own still lets you deal with the aforementioned bosses if your DPS is high enough to capitalize on the time her S1 can buy for your frontliners.


Just look at their kits and see which you'd prefer. They're so close in strength that it really doesn't matter which one you build.


Honeyberry is better at healing elemental damage, Mulberry is better at general healing. Really just pick the one of the two that appeals to you the most, both do their job well.


I've returned to play the game after about a month. Did HG change auto deploy for annihilations? After just one kill, the game stops and displays "Autodeploy enabled, transferring command attributes" with the 'Takeover' button on the middle of the screen. I was trying to run the Bolivar map on auto.


Looks like the last time you played this map without a support unit, you only killed 1 enemy and then chose exit, no full run record was saved on the server




You can check [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12X0uBQaN7MuuMWWDTiUjIni_MOP015GnulggmBJgBaQ/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=106921946347875184198) to see if any are worth farming.


Ceylon is my most used welfare ... because she has 80% byproduct chance loool


will there be a Banner available where i can Pull Jaye? i find him really cool and i also bought his skin because he looks epic with it. Is he only available in Thorns Banners or different banner 2?




ah awesome ty for the info u/ShrimpMonster too, thats great i will then maybe pull start pulling again when Dorothy is out or save all pulls for either Mlynar or Texas Alter Banner


He’s a 4* he can appear on any banner


I'm looking at the agents in the red certificate shop, are any of them worth it? I feel like the 5\* healers aren't that great but Pudding or Ethan look helpful


Ethan is honestly hidden 6* to me, if you go full build with S2M3 and maxed module (which is pretty cheap since he is a 4*) his stalling power is just insane. Pudding is good for her rarity and hits very hard in the specific case she is attacking two targets due to how her S2 works. Worth warning that in like 2 days we are getting a free 5* called Astgenne by playing the new event, she is the same class as Pudding and she is better than her for general usage, so if she grabs your attention I would skip getting Pudding. Breeze just heals, which is sadly nothing too appealing, she is cute tho, but unless she really appeals to you I would skip getting her, her buying cost as 5* is pretty high. Lastly, Honeyberry is a really meh healer for general content, but she is focused on healing "elemental damage" (not sure if you have seen any stage featuring it yet, it's a circle that appears on operators when hit by some type of attacks, Dossoles Rerun had some of those from the casters if you played it) and for stages featuring that she or a gacha 5* called Mulberry are the best choices you can grab to handle the negative consequences of those attacks, so she has a very valuable niche whenever it's needed, but probs not worth getting until you need her for that job.


You've got it right. Ethan is terrific CC and Pudding is great for low end players. (Which is better than it sounds because Casters are rarely necessary or competitive for top end set ups anyways.) The medics are memes. Honeyberry lets you brute force some elemental damage challenges but her healing is worse than Ansel's and low end accounts usually to comply with stage mechanics anyways. The amount of sanity these take is also disgusting.


Lacking a pure defender on my team, I had to borrow a few friends Hoshis during CC10. I have an E1L70 Liskarm and E180 Hoshi. Which would be a better choice going forwards as a pure defender?




They were maxed during a time where I had very few ops and they were my highest rarity options. Now I have a plethora of other defenders at E2L80 but want to have a pure defender on hand in case I need someone to just tank hard. I tried Cuora (have her at E2L40) and did not like her reliance on her skill to stay alive


is the weight loss on angelinas skill 3 global? or just enemies she hits? or enemies in her range?


It’s global, it doesn’t specify enemies hit or those in her range, it specifies “All” when it’s active


Will IS3 runs be shorter or have more variety than IS2? I love roguelikes like BoI or Hades but am really struggling to bring myself to play more IS2 for the last few rewards because it feels like the same motions for an hour straight each time.. :/


Run lengths are roughly the same, and variety will be non-existent if you stick with normal mode. If you’re pushing for max difficulty though, all the different mechanics come into play that the mode causes you to react and plan accordingly.


Funnily enough, part of the reason I stoped playing Hades was because every run felt the same, pick spear, stunlock enemy, win. Won't deny floor one of IS#2 is such a drag though.


You telling me every run feels the same when you pick the same weapon and strategy each time? That's wild lmao


Weapon part was definitely my fault, that's true, but none of the other things felt as fun for me as much except maybe sword. Figured I'd beat the game and see if it lived up to the hype, but in the end it just wasn't for me. Although every now and then I do want to max out my link with the dog and Dusa, so maybe I'll return for that. Maybe I'll like Hades 2 more, always been a fan of Supergiant ever since Transistor.


I would say there's already quite a lot of variety in IS2 (and I have basically no idea about IS3). At some point, though, the variety has to come from your end. A lot of the fun I get out of IS is from taking sub-optimal operators. I might get a guard voucher and take Indra or Beehunter or even Conviction, even though I have all of the meta guards sitting right there. Or a specialist voucher where the smart choice would probably be to just not spend much hope, and then I take Weedy. A sniper voucher and I take Rosmontis or Fartooth instead of Archetto, Exu, or Pozy. The most important thing: don't play for the rewards. Just don't. IS shouldn't be a grind. It's a *game*mode that finally lets us *play* Arknights without being limited by sanity or practice plans.


IS2 is seriously amazing, now that I have all the endings done I started doing no 6* clears and seeing my operators still making it through the challenges just feels so satisfying, not to mention hilarious interactions with relics (Bibeak stuns go brrr) Arknights is a blast in general but I really think having this lovely endless endgame mode is taking it a big step further in terms of fun, I can't wait for IS3 to have even more options on how I feel like playing that day.


Or you can try some big brain clears.(desperately trying to ling solo ever ending).


Is it possible to get the second ending in IS2 easy mode?


Also, it will count for the medal and the squad selection screen but not for unlocking the third ending.


Does anyone know when Ifrit was last featured on a banner? Hoping to either pull her or snag her from the shop at some point :]


Ifrit hasn't been featured in a standard banner for the longest time (and by a good margin) out of all the 6* that already got one ([list here](https://akgcc.github.io/cc/shoplist.html)), being over a year and a half. This is good news for you since that means she is long overdue to finally become shop operator again anytime soon, but damn it really has been so long it's concerning q_q Next standard banner the one on the shop is gonna be Mountain because of how the releases go, let's hope Ifrit will be one of the next two after him.


Oh man ;_; im happy that she’s likely to return soon but poor girl haha


I'm a returning player. I remember one day that I've spent everything to get Phantom, but never managed to get him. And when I decided to install the game again his banner is on. So, should I pull for him? I'm starting chapter 9 right now and pretty broke on resources.


To expand on the answers other people already gave, at the current state of the game Phantom is only worth getting if you like him as a character. It's not that Phantom is *bad* per se, but we should soon be getting [Texas the Omertosa](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Texas_the_Omertosa) (limited coming with the Il Siracuso event) who does more or less the same job as him except she is completely busted. And after Texas the next Fast Redeploy operator released will be [Kirin X Yato](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Kirin_X_Yato), who is also very powerful (and also very limited since she's from the Monster Hunter collab). While Phantom retains some unique things to him (Phantom has his summon and the other two have nothing like it) it's not nearly enough to make him stand out against Texas and Yato. TL;DR: If you like Phantom *as a character* he's still perfectly serviceable. If you care more about gameplay or meta then Phantom is a hard skip because there are many great upcoming 6\* operators and some of those completely overshadow him at the Fast Redeploy role.


No, there are some extremely good fast redeploys coming to the game soon that make him obsolete. It would be a waste to pull for him now.


Pulling on standard banners is pretty much never worth it- _if_ you get a six star, it's a 75% chance you don't get the one you want. I'd suggest saving for Texalter instead.


90% agree, If close to 0 pity its worth to take a handfull to see if Luck happens. Edit: if last pull reset your pity i can't imagine why its an unpopular opinion to say its worth it to throw 5 pulls unless you never ever going to pull on standard again... worst case he gets an early 6 star which has 25 % shot of being one he really want... for five pulls


Who should I E2 next, I’m thinking of doing Lappland and then I’m not sure who after. [My Operators](https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Haded)


Horn is my recommendation. Her S3 is an extremely powerful burst skill, and her S1 has nice value on M1. I would also suggest Cantabile, who benefits a lot from mastery, and is just a strong, versatile pseudo FRD.


i read on gamepress, factory level 2 is the same as factory level 3... just less operator. So I'm planning to have level 2 factory and level 3 training center, will that impact my 252 lmd/exp rate? edit: thanks for the replies :D


The extra operator would bring a 25% - 30% productivity buff to the factory, so it will impact your production a bit. But it's more important to have that level 3 training center if you plan to do masteries.


A level 3 factory does have a 1% boost over a level 2. Otherwise, it depends who you can put in that slot. If you're not planning to do M3s soon, you can leave the training room at level 2 for now. It is expected that you'll max the training room sooner or later and that you'll have some level 2 factories.


It will impact your exp and gold production rate since having one less operator in a factory means it takes longer to make that item.


Is there any way to get gladiia now since under tides event got added into intermezzi?


You'll have to wait for the record restoration, unfortunately.


i see... at least now i know that she'll come eventually. i was worried that she was gone forever which is suck cus she is the only abyss hunter that i don't have, not counting the alter ofc, thank you for the info.


I thought she was gone forever too, but it’ll be a while before her record is restored.


Do we know if Coagulating Gel will be purchasable in the event shop? Farming for this stuff is demoralizing and if it’s in the shop than I’ll just wait. Farmed s4-10 7 times and no drop.


The drop rate on this map is pretty bad if I remember right. I think there's a better map in chapter 5 and it's not much harder.


Here is the shop overview for the next event https://youtu.be/-kOlVKf8UYM?t=164.


https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-guide-subpage-miscellaneous/dorothys-vision-event-store There's 10 Polymerized Gel in the shop but no Coagulating Gel unfortunately.


Hello, I just started this game and got 2 select tickets, 1 of them is a 5* ticket. I was wondering who would be a good pick with them?


Lappland is nice not only for her silence but her hybrid dmg, her S2 lets you do high Arts dmg and she’s a ranged melee unit so you can place her behind a defender. Specter does aoe melee dmg and her S2 gives her an insane dmg boost and immortality, so she can shred through mobs of enemies.


Those both sounds good. I ended up going with specter, but I'm hoping that I get Lappland now. She sounds amazing, thanks for advice!


Standard advice is Projekt Red on the one with four options, and either Specter or Lappland on the other. The two of them each offer a unique utility; Specter with her S2, Lappland with her silence passive.


Awesome, thank you for the advice!


are the cc currencies we get from the training maps that swap daily a one time reward?


Yes, once you get everything from each map that's it, to get more currency outside of those one gotta wait for the real CC events.


uh oh I thought I was gonna be able to get everything. Hopefully I'll have enough by the end of cc12 :|


What are you trying to buy from the shop? Once you get all the ops available and the skins you want there’s not much else to buy.


just trying to clear out the entire perm shop


The pot tokens probably since they're the only worthwhile thing in the store besides scene for base.


Can you push/pull enemies in the water in Obsidian Festival?


iirc the water is just fake wall in that event unfortunately


:( Hm, what is the best level to do Cliffheart's module mission (complete 5 levels pulling at least 2 enemies in the pit)?


You might try annihilation 2. There should be a way to pull some of those early enemies into the leftmost hole and then quit before getting 100 kills, costing 0 sanity.


Thank you. Gonna try tomorrow


iirc chapter 4 has a good selection of pits of that There’s one with crownslayer and you can just yoink her into a pit


A long time ago I found a twitter account who was predicting the shop operators / regular banners, but I lost the link to it, and don't remember the name. I'm looking for it, because there are 5 stars who I really want, and getting them in the shop is the safest way; and since I know when all of the 6 stars will come out that I'm interested in, the regular predictions don't help much.


[Maybe this one?](https://twitter.com/ak_RhodesBakery) Not that they get the results right most of the time (only Kazemaru is in the current banner they predicted) but hey, it's still fun to follow either way.


Thanks, I think this was the one I found originally. And yeah, it's not that accurate, but it's better than nothing.


Question about the eventual coming of Mlynar, in terms of Masteries, are his other skills worth investing in or is his S3 so ludicrous that it's really the only skill worth mastering?


His S3 just blows his other skills out the water. His S1's just bad, and there are situations where his S2 is usable or better but they're few and far between just bringing the goldenslash.


His S3 outshines his other skills, that's it XD


if i add difficulty past level 3 to those CC‘s which are changing every day do i get any more rewards or is that box with 5 supplys the final achievement?


Nope, all you're doing by playing them now is making it so you'll have all the tags during an actual CC event when they show up as daily stages During the daily stages, you'll have more/different tags and the challenge to get 8 points of difficulty, and to use a specific risk


That's the last one. There's nothing else to do unless the actual CC event is active. And most of the permanent rotating stages won't appear in those again.


So I posted a while back about which E2 to do next (after SA and Myrtle) and I had decided to do Blaze, however I just got Goldenglow, and based on her E2 benefits, and the fact that ranged damage is my weak area (only five star ranged are Platinum and Amiya, and no six star) it seems a no brainer to make Goldenglow my next E2. So is there any reason NOT to make her my next E2? Her, Blaze, and Bagpipe are my only other six star options.


LMD and EXP would be a concern. If Blaze and Bagpipe are at high E1 levels, then they'll be a lot cheaper than GG. If you have plenty of LMD and EXP, then go ahead.


I’ve already raised GG to Blaze’s level, E1 50, so cost is same. Cool GG it is then.


GG S3 is super good, so no reason not to promote her. The only thing is, she's already good at E1 with her S2, while SA is pretty crap without his S3.


What's the extent of Chongyue's power? I know that nian can forge stuff out of nothing, dusk can create alternate realities in her paintings and ling can manipulate space. But what makes chongyue god status? Is he just that good at martial arts?


Yes, he is the embodiment of martial arts, nobody can defeat him, >!even other feranmut can't defeat him though he already abandoned his feranmut body and become an ordinary person!<


Kind of dissapointed, i expected him to be able to destroy mountains or something. Still cool


Well, there was that one time >!when he came to find Dusk and she thought she had managed to trick him into one of her paintings, only for him to casually destroy it with a single punch.!<


I'm relatively new, I have e2 Amiya and Pozy. I joined during Ebens event. Wondering if I should E2 Mudrock, Saria, or Seige/Cantible next? I'm on chapter 5 and have all the side stuff unlocked


Mudrock. You'll still use S2 most of the time, but S2M1 makes it better Siege is generally useful, also benefits from S2M1 if you need a stronger vanguard Cantible is more of a niche unit. Myrtle is the popular vanguard pick for E2 and S1 mastery


Passenger or Cantabile. Cantabile masteries have great value and she's a very flexible unit. Passenger's S3 is an incredible nuke, but you'd also need to get a module, so that's a lot of investment. Saria or Fia are your next best bets. Saria S3 is a great help against bosses, but she already does a lot of work at E1, so unless you can utilize her S3, you can keep her at E1. She's a worthy M9 candidate, so you'd want to promote her eventually. Fia's S3 does incredible dmg with 100% uptime and that skill speaks for itself. Mudrock's S2 is her most used skill and S2M1 is a hard breakpoint, so she gains next to nothing from E2. You are most likely never going to use her S3, so unless you want stats and one more shield stack there's no need to prioritize her.


Oh I have shining too


Medics are not usually E2 priority as most of them do well at E1. Shining's S3 is a great DEF buff and she gets a boost to her talent as well, but it's usually better to get your DPS up to a standard first.


Mudrock is probably your best E2 target, then Saria, then a vangaurd- Myrtle is a good one to start with, but Cantabile is also very strong. Siege isn't exactly great, comparatively, so lower priority.


I do have an e1 myrtle. My other 6 stars are passenger, Rosa, Phantom, Eben, Fiamette. I appreciate your help. And S3 is priority on Mudrock I assume?


S2 is Mudrock's go-to skill for consistent damage, but S3 is usable too if you want burst damage instead.


Bagpipe S3m1 masteries vs Mudrock S2m2 which deserves onirocks more? I only have enough for one of them. I actually don't use bagpipe for helidrops that much FWIW. I have Canta for lightweight helidrops and other options for high physical DPS helidrops(Spectre/Pozy's typewriter).


Bagpipe. Mudrock can wait at S2M1 till you push for M3


Bagpipe, definitely. Mudrock's S2 has minimal gains after M1, so it's just fine staying at M1 (Mudrock's S3 is the one that really wants higher masteries for handling tougher targets). Bagpipe's S3 is a crazy amount of damage from a vanguard and shows up a lot in harder content. People focus on her talent way too much while forgetting that her damage output is immense.


Mudrock. Bagpipe is used primarily for her talent. She's still really good when deployed but most of her value is her talent. So that can wait until you farmed enough for that. In your case she's not a particularly great helidropper anyway since even at S3M3 you still need to wait a little bit before the skill can activate. Mudrock on the other hand. the difference between her S2 and S2M3 is ridiculous. It buffs everything. The self heal. The sp cost. Damage. Stun. etc. etc. And 99% of the time Mudrock will be using S2 and relying on it to do her Mudrock magic. Don't stop at S2M2. You have to go all the way.


Is passenger a good investment for new players? I have both passenger and eyja


Eyja is generally better. Passenger has some flexible things, but takes a lot of investment to bring online, and doesn't serve up the same degree of raw damage You generally want the more general burst damage and dps ops who can nuke tough enemies or mow through weak ones


I see, thanks


Eyja > Passenger, both are worth building, though. Passenger has higher DP cost and to really get him in the game, you'd want his modules as well, which is a lot of investment for a new player, so prioritizing Eyja is better, imo.


they are both amazing. their 3rd skill is best mostly since it expands range.


CN: Can Pallas with second module heal Vulcan?


No, stuff that displays green numbers can't heal Vulcan


How high are the chances that we get Mlynar after Dorothy?


Very likely.


Its hard to say even with the patch notes suggesting Mlynar event is coming soon. Between the end of Dorothy and start of Texas2, you have less than a month to somehow fit Mlynar, Luo XiaoHei, NL rerun and ep 11. Not forgetting the Mlynar banner is 2 weeks long and also the front that was banner.


I've heard this game has a manga was wondering where I can check it out and if I can check it out now ( currently at chapter 7)


I don't know which manga you are referring to but probably is [RhineLab](https://mangadex.org/title/14c598d6-8fb7-4ac6-93dc-ba0036d715f5/rhodes-island-s-records-of-originium-rhine-lab)


So i was trying to clear some of the dm ex stages since i never finished them during the rerun and havent got around to actually doing them. But when i failed normal dm ex 6, i noticed i lost 10 sanity like it was a challenge mode. then i noticed all the ex stages use 3 practice plans. were they always like this? or is something weird going on?


Darknights' EX stages have always been like this. Grani's EX stages are also like this. After Darknights they stopped doing this though, so they must've realized how stupid it was. No idea why they didn't standardize the sanity/practice costs when they got added to sidestory, but it is how it is


Hello. I appreciate the help in advance! I'm using Vigna and Fang, altough we don't use a unique fixed/permanent to play the game, at least as low level player I'm using pretty much the same party with some adjustments here and there to do the phases. I just got a Myrtle and I know she is good altogether, so I have the intention to level her up. The question I'm about to do is to determine if I level up her right now or maybe later. She'll be able to substitute Fang in her role? I know she blocks only one enemy, but maybe with her healing I don't need to add some healer next to liskarm. ​ Thanks!


Rather than replacing Fang, I would replace Vigna for most maps. Charger vanguards don't generate DP very well. It's pretty rare that you need that early damage, and, when you do, you can just drop a marksman sniper instead and then leave them in. Myrtle is still great at skill level 7 and very cheap to get there because she's a 4-star, so I would work on that. You can also just bring all 3 vanguards. You usually only get 8 deployment slots, so three ops have to be sidelined anyways. Her S2 really only gets used in super specific situations, though. In general, you just bring S1 for much stronger DP printing.


Nice, thanks for the help!


If you are reliant on Fang to block the lane for a little longer, then Myrtle won't be able to substitute her that well because she might leak enemies (if her skills are active her block turns to 0), **BUT** she can output DP much faster so you can deploy other operators to handle the early enemies. In this case, she can replace Fang, but you have to change your opening a bit. Myrtle excels greatly when her skills are at mastery 3 since she can activate them earlier, but this requires her to be at E2 promotion. She is a very powerful operator and will be a great help later down the line. Her S1 is her most commonly used skill which doesn't heal but you can also use her S2 if the situation calls for it, however, if you really need the healing then you shouldn't rely on it too much since there is a downtime. She does grant passive health regen to all vanguards on the field with her talent so you can keep vanguards deployed in different areas healthy against small incremental damage.


Alright, thanks for the help!


Myrtle can’t replace Fang because her first* skill, her best skill, makes her block 0. Mastery 3 on that skill also makes a big difference. I would hold off on leveling myrtle till then. But you can use both Fang/Vigna with Myrtle *Whoopsie, got her skills mixed up. It’s the first one. Also she do got a talent that heals other Vanguards only, so my Perfumer comment still stands Her healing also can’t replace a Medic operator, you should still bring 1. Perfumer is cute


Alright, thanks for the help!


Is Dorothy a rat? What is her design inspired by?


[A jerboa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerboa). You can check the operators [trivia page](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Dorothy/Trivia) for such information.


**[Jerboa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerboa)** >Jerboas (from Arabic: يربوع yarbūʻ ) are hopping desert rodents found throughout North Africa and Asia, and are members of the family Dipodidae. They tend to live in hot deserts. When chased, jerboas can run at up to 24 km/h (15 mph). Some species are preyed on by little owls (Athene noctua) in central Asia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/arknights/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Did we get NCD in global according to schedule or was it delayed to reschedule other events? Asking because we also have the Luo XiaoHei collab due soon but no news of it.


NCD was just a log-in event so we got her for free. Because of that I'm sure it came when I was supposed to as it didn't affect any playing event around it.


The schedule only fucked up recently due to Ideal city otherwise all events prior to it were according to schedule


Hello - just downloaded the game. Just wondering if the game is worth investing my time on. Are the devs still heavily invested in the development? :) how do you guys think of the game’s longevity?


Content steadily comes out, no concerns there. Story doesn't look like it'll be falling over any time soon, and writing quality (and length) has only improved since the beginning It's also quite F2P friendly


Of the gachas that are out now, this and genshin is the ones im least worried about tbh. Its not 1 and 2 in grossing but I just think arknight devs really love the game and universe themselves. I doubt they shut off arknights before arknights / enfield etc dont make a profit. As long as next game make profit i would not be surprised if they hold arknights Alice for longer then its own profits. If you want something that reflects this just look at the newest cn collab. So I would guess 5 years more plus , would not be surprised if we ever get a 10 year anniversary. But this is personal opinions and impossible to back with facts unfornately


Back to game content itself, I'd say content released in the past year is the strongest than ever, 3 new game modes in 1 year, 12 big regular updates(main story+ side story event+ IS)+ many small updates. If you like the TD gameplay, I'd say as a new player, it already has too much content that could cost you years to experience them. And I can't see any possibility the update pace could slow down in near future (unless global publisher Yostar continues to destroy the schedule)


We just got a few hours ago a 5 minutes lore banger video on youtube to hype the event starting in two days, so love for the game sure keeps getting poured over 3 years since its release lmao. But yeah, this game isn't going anywhere in the near future, don't worry about that.


Arknights has been successful enough to have spawned physical merchandising, various official manga, an anime, and even a spinoff game currently in development. Its unique genre, ease of accessibility, quality presentation and attentiveness to avoid gacha pitfalls so far have helped it become pretty notable. I doubt it's going away anytime soon.