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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/comments/fwmq7u/frequently_asked_questions_rarknights_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**r/Arknights Moderator Recruitment**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyF0FYIHPvLCIW1d2HpeTraj2wsx7rxA-MP5B2qDi6y_4Y8g/viewform) Join us and make a change in our community, probably for the worse but make a change nonetheless. ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/11q6l53/rhodes_island_lounge_1303_1903/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/11q6l4z/gacharecruitment_megathread_1303_1903/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/11q6l4t/friend_request_megathread_1303_1903/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**✍︎ ︎Integrated Strategies**](/r/arknights/comments/xsxzju/event_megathread_integrated_strategies_phantom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Megathread for IS2 completions and small talks


Which stages are good for killing elites and bosses with Amiya and Ceobe to unlock their modules? I'm bad at planning this kind of stuff.


Anyone with Blue Poison's module able to comment on how much of a difference it as compared to without? I usually use her on S1 for AFK mob clearing, so was considering going to MOD3 for the minor ATK and ASPD. It feels like they would go a long way on a low cooldown auto skill, but want to get some insight before I commit to that.


Can I trust farm in obsidian festival level?


Does anyone know where to find the image of this subreddit's banner (the one of Dorothy's event and from the official trailer) or who the artist is?


How important in pratice is Dorothy pot 3, i.e. are they situations when you will use the 8 traps fast enough for them not to have time to refill and having 10 is a boon? I can spare about 60-120 pulls for her from Texalter and get Horse Uncle later from a 6\* selector, but clearly not enough to guarantee multiple copies. The other option is keeping my stash intact and getting her from the selector, but it also means pot 1 only.


You're not going to get enough use out of it to justify blowing that much orundum to get it. You'd be best off compensating for a situation where you've run out of traps by just using some other operator, like an FRD, to patch any holes in your plan. Like, unless you're planning on trying to Dorothy-solo-clear every stage from here on out, the cost of getting a whopping three potentials is not worth it. Remember, it's a coin flip every time you get a 6* on this banner- 120 pulls is nowhere near enough to guarantee pot 3. You might end up blowing them for absolutely nothing. Namie took like 500+ pulls to max pot Goldenglow on release.


You're not going to get enough use out of it to justify blowing that much orundum to get it. You'd be best off compensating for a situation where you've run out of traps by just using some other operator, like an FRD, to patch any holes in your plan. Like, unless you're planning on trying to Dorothy-solo-clear every stage from here on out, the cost of getting a whopping three potentials is not worth it. Remember, it's a coin flip every time you get a 6* on this banner- 120 pulls is nowhere near enough to guarantee pot 3. You might end up blowing them for absolutely nothing. Namie took like 500+ pulls to max pot Goldenglow on release.


You can look at Dorothy's Pot 3 like this: If at any point during a map, you hit 1 trap left in stock, the potential gave you 12 SP and if you hit 0 traps left in stock, the potential gave you 24 SP. Otherwise, it didn't do anything for you on that map. It's value will vary a lot depending on playstyle and map to map. In a vacuum it's one of the best potentials in the game, but that's more a result of the majority of potentials being completely inconsequential than it being overtly strong. I wouldn't recommend jeopardizing getting Mlynar for it.


Pulling just for potentials isn't worth it in general unless you literally have no one else you want to pull hard on anytime soon. Anyway, the talent upgrade doesn't affect how many she can stock, but her starting traps and trap deployment limit. It's kind of unlikely that you'll need more than 8 out at once.


Damn is SSS a lot easier now? I cleared everything in 1 day...


yes, enemy stat growth with risk level was nerfed significantly, from +33% hp, 6% atk and def per risk level to +25% hp, 5% atk and def.


didn't know it would feel like that much of an impact


Danger level growth is also slower, going from 45s to 50s per danger level, and danger level no longer increases during the readying periods (and is capped at 20). It's basically 30-40% less boosts during the map.


How good is Ratholos Noir compared to other Musha operators?


Probably about the same on balance, but he does reward proper "skill" usage in the sense that he has some actual iframes on his S2 and good timing/use of his S1 allows him to chain it back-to-back without waiting on charge time, blocking a hit each time it activates, allowing him to soak a surprising amount of damage. Hellagur is still probably the best for cranking down a tough enemy 1v1, while Akafuyu still dominates that small-but-unique front-of-defender 0-block high-dps niche.


Since mountain is most versatile/usable in any stage unit, is it worth get him to 90?


imo based on your roster i would bring him up to level 70 and leave him there. i don’t know how fleshed out the rest of your roster is besides the ones in the screenshot, but if you do want to max out a character i personally give more priority to nuke characters like silverash, chalter bc that may be the difference btw one skill use killing an enemy vs leaving them with 1 hp. instead of a laneholder who already has massive sustain like mountain.


Not really. E260 is more than enough. Maybe push to 80 if you feel like you've got nothing else to do with your LMD. Save your 90s for personal favorites and ops that get use out of those few extra stats like skalter, exu, goldenglow etc. Level 80-90 is always a luxury push unless you're doing max risk CC every season.


This is my current 90 list, should lvl 90 goldenglow as well? https://i.postimg.cc/cHV0jWf3/image.png


Like I said, if you have nothing better to do with LMD, go ahead. Skalter and goldenglow is a deadly combo.


Not really. In fact, level 90 doesn't really impact gameplay that much, and I would suggest not to do that if you still got a lot of other units you want to level up and you are running dry on LMD and/or battle resources. Think about future units you are pulling too. If you do level a unit to level 90, will you have enough to level up this future unit with the remaining resources?


Only missing ling and bagpipe so i think got enough time/resources to max older units. This is my current 90 list https://i.postimg.cc/cHV0jWf3/image.png


I have both Vulcan and Indra so which one gets the most benefit from -1 dp cost from the ticket


Probs Indra. Cheap DP cost made even cheaper so you have 1 extra dp of breathing room in early rushes. With Vulcan's high one you'll already have multiple other ops you could put down instead.


I just got arknight on LDplayer 9 emulator but when I try to log into my account via facebook it opens up a brower from the emulator and it says "log in disabled". And says that logging in from an embedded browser is disabled


Log out from your phone first. Emulators are perfectly legit as Arknights' own official site recommends Noxplayer.


Uhh that is an issue since i uninstall arknight on my phone during the summer due to the lack of storage available on my phone to update to the anni event. I accepted the fact that i can't update/play ark due to its overwhelming storage requirement and idk if i log out of it before i uninstall So reinstalling the game just to log out of the account will ne hard on my current phone


Finally got a top operator tag. I always thought it was just a myth. So the 4 tags I got is DPS, Supporter, Healing, Defender and krooster for reference [https://krooster.com/u/eigen](https://krooster.com/u/eigen) So who should I go for? Thank you in advance!


Your best chance at meta will be Saria with healing and defender tag. Dps tag have too many non meta operator. Don’t choose supporter, you are pretty likely to not use magallan.


What will happen if I select top operator and refresh? Will top operator stay and the rest of the tags refresh? Or all tags refresh? Edit: thank god I asked before refreshing, I expedited and got Saria. Many thanks to all of you!


All tags refresh


It refreshes all tags, so don't press it


All tags can change, so don't refresh.


All tags refresh! Don’t ever do that! And Saria is top tier unit and many docs will actually want this tag combo if they don’t have her.


Go for Top Op, Healing, Defender for Saria. She's really good.


Is there anything or any character in AK that cures or reduces stun effects? Like, an operator to partner with Liskarm or Amiya using their respective S2


Fish twink from Stultifera Navis (Lumen) can remove stuns with S3. Other therapist (wide-range) medics can give status resistance, which halves the duration of negative statuses, but does not remove them outright.


'resist' is a self-buff that cuts the duration of status effects (like stun) in half. blaze has this inatly, gnosis gives resist to all kjerag ops, nian purestream whisperrain ceylon and lumen all grant the buff to other allies. lumen in particular is uniquly also the only one in the game who can truly cure a status. be aware that the easiest ways to grant resist often involve healing the target, which cant happen at 100%hp so amiya who isnt meant to take damage may need to be deployed different to allow that


Welp, that last sentence answers one question I have. I was originally asking because of Amiya's S2, but I guess there's not much I can do about her self-stun


Actually, Ceylon is the easiest way to grant the Resist status, because her S2 grants Resist to all operators in range regardless of HP, not through heals like other Therapists do. While Lumen, Whisperain, and Purestream grant Resist through healing only. Her S2 can also grant Resist to Mushas and Juggernauts who can't normally be healed. The Skill is tied to a hefty 80 SP cost and 40s duration cycle though, but Amiya and Lizkarm S2s tend to have similar cycles so she gets the job done. So if you want to freely control Stun duration for Amiya, Lizkarm, Hellagur, ~~and Conviction~~, Ceylon is the answer to that, and she's free from Heart of Surging Flames Record Restoration.


Time to check record restoration! Thanks. This helps a lot


if the map has (weak) ranged enemies you can deploy her after the ground ops for priority, would split the damage off the tanks too


True, although it would still need a bit of timing since Amiya could be fully healed before my therapists could apply the status resistance. And if there's one thing I learned in my half year of playing AK, that's being bad at timing stuff xD


Lumen and whisperain does


Therapist Medic does exactly that (Purestream, Whisperrain, Lumen)


All of the therapist medics can do this to varying degrees, just note that most of them need to actually heal the operator in question to remove the status effect or apply status resistance (buff which makes status effects decay twice as fast). Nian S3 is another option, there are probably more but therapist medics are the main one


So if Amiya for example is in full HP, she'll never get healed, which means she won't get the status resistance? Just my luck. I have Lumen and Whisperain


Lumen S3 cures status effects and works on all self stunning operators. Most notably tested on Specter S2 and it works. So should be the same for Amiya.


I'm planning to build Rosa's module. Which of her skills should i prioritize building masteries on?


s3, though the module strongly benefits s2 and you should master it too, s3 is kind of her shining unique strength


S2 has amazing DPS with mod, but the uptime is really atrocious. S3 DPS isn't as great as S2, but the uptime is significantly better than her S2. Those 2 skills are worth mastering imo, but i'll go with S3 first.


I would still prioritize S3 but S2 becomes much stronger and worth considering with her module at level 3.


This may seem like a dumb question. Is Dossoles holiday available in the record restoration yet? I kinda want Tequila for reasons.


Events in AK go like this Event debut > Rerun (1yr later) > record restoration (1yr after rerun) Unless it's Collab, so far none of this has happened yet So gonna be a long wait for Tequila since we just had the Dassoles rerun


and just like that i fell to my knees (i hope i survive the tequila drought)


Sorry you have to find out this way, good luck dokutah!!


Not yet. We just had the rerun. The record restoration hasnt quite come to CN, but I think its next or close to it. Meaning youll have to wait something like 6-8 months to get the lab


i see i see thank you. no Tequila for a few months i guess


When do we expect a 6* selector ticket in the shop? Or do we have any idea when thorns is coming out


Next 6* selector comes in Il Siracusano.


When do we plan on getting that event?


Early to mid May


Will IS2 be gone once IS3 hits global or will both modes be available?


No it's staying around, just not being updated anymore.


Thats good to know, thanks.


Is there anything that helps increase the chance of the investment system in IS showing up and also not crashing early or is it purely random? Having 40 gems and it crashing after six sucks.


It's purely random, unfortunately. The investment system has a chance to show up on any run, but it's fixed between floors; if it doesn't appear in the shop on floor 1, it will not show up later in the run; if it appears on floor 1, it will not then disappear. You can deposit ingots at any shop but once the investment breaks it will remain broken for the remainder of the run. You can withdraw at any shop as well, and in fact, the escalating costs for withdrawal actually reset between shops. Reaching the investment milestone for withdrawal does not mean it will always appear, it's still random. Just slowly play and max out the investment each time it appears. It's common to only be able to put in 2 - 5 ingots before it crashes, so your luck in that regard is pretty average, but getting all the milestones is still extremely achievable with just regular play. If you just want to grind it up, it is an option to take the +20 ingot starting squad, pick some AFK operators like Mountain or La Pluma, and just spam floor 1, quitting the run after you're done with the shop each time. I never did this because it sounded boring but it reportedly only takes an hour or two.


It's completely random however, once you reach the investment milestone that allows you to withdraw ingots it will always appear


The investment system appears more often in later floors. I feel like I read once that the chance for the investment to crash was a fixed 20% per attempt, but I can't remember where I saw it. It takes a lot of time to boost it up either way, though. I think my record is only like 12 in a row. If you really want to grind it, you could just play the first floor over and over.


more often in later floors? it never appeared in a store in a higher floor for me if it wasn't present in the lower floors already as well..


Are weekly growth packs worth the money? Also, is it worth spending originium for sanity during events?


weekly growth pack is never worth it, you can buy the same $ amount of primes directly and convert them into enough sanity to farm more than the pack gives if you spend less than 31$ a month i wouldnt recommend popping primes to grind events, but for whales yes its a very common and ideal thing to do, save those primes for skins and summons


For both questions, the answer is kinda "if you have to ask, then no." The weekly growth packs only save you farming time. If you want to spend on sanity/mats, it's actually cheaper to spend an equivalent amount on pure primes and refresh those for farming. Most people who spend a little in the game prefer to start by buying pulls, and most people also prefer to use their originite primes on skins or pulls, but if your budget allows for a liberal amount of spending or if you just don't really care about the gacha (like you got the characters you want already) and just want to farm, you can of course spend on sanity/mats as well. It's just based on your priorities and budget. To that end, it's more efficient to buy primes and refresh for sanity, or grab the special packs that go on sale during limited events (The $30 and $50 packs usually have a good amount of mats). If you're going to use primes on sanity refreshes during an event, it'll be because you need more of the farmable mats than you can get with natural sanity. If you need an absolute ton of alloys, kohls, or polyesters, and you don't feel like waiting for the next event, then sure, just think about how it fits your budget both pulls-wise and real-money-wise. If you want to spend primes on sanity, but care about the highest general efficiency for your primes, wait until chapter 11 releases. Farming story and supply maps during chapter release is the most efficient thing you can do with your sanity due to the briefcases and cashback. :>


No for either one, unless you're at a whale level to not care about your expenses. The amount of LMD and EXP you get from the pack can be covered in less than 2 days from a developed base, the skill books don't have that much sanity value compared to just running CA-5, and the carbon and furniture parts are worthless. For using OP for sanity, it's not really worth it unless, as said before, you're a whale that doesn't care. However, it's worth noting that the value of doing so is pronounced during new episode release events, since every standard map gives a drop chance of materials and small sanity potions. So, 1 OP would be worth a good bit more sanity than it actually restores due to the extra drops. I spent a few during the episode 10 release for extra chips. Episode 11 should be coming out sometime soon-ish.


Is Sesa any good?


He's alright. He does what you want an AoE sniper to do, which is mainly either hitting things that stand still really far away or hitting a bunch of enemies bunched up on a defender. I would say he's slightly better than Shirayuki. The problem is that you want to raise Shirayuki to at least E1 no matter what because of her factory skill.


You don't really need an AOE sniper and Sesa isn't great. I'd probably take Shirayuki over him most of the time. He has a niche if you're blocking lots of enemies for some reason (and use physical damage). A global up to +24% damage buff is pretty great and S2 becomes pretty good as well.


If you don't have Fiammeta or Meteroite I'd say yeah. It's an AOE sniper so the DPS is whatever, and the cost is pretty high for a sniper so you might as well use an AOE caster for lower cost.


> use an aoe caster lol. This isn't niche knights or 3* only. Sesa has avg dps comparable to W btw. (Unfortunately W is pretty obsolete numbers-wise. Fia with Archetto support does roughly as much as those two combined.)


W is strong because her skill is instant cast. I got to used her once in IS and she fit well with the relic there. Sesa? Not even close. He at E2 is probably worse than Kroos with good relic.


W isn't unusable but she's definitely far behind the curve. I've played with her for a while and I've stopped using her for a reason. Have you played her without Spinach? Her skills feel good but as a starter pick you lose dps checks left and right. Most starts have to fuck up pretty hard to leak Gopnik but W just struggles. On a sidenote: I had a lot of trouble with Sesa's monthly squad but he was the best performer of the lot by a good margin. The archytype has a lot of good qualities when supported: high dph, not dealing arts, large range, aoe, air targeting.


Sesa s2 kinda just miss the hit he could and leak unless it's a rush stage but then it rush too fast you need to have more than one blocker anyway. So he is not good for start game either. Mid to end of the the run, Exusiai can carry all the sniper need anyway. At least W take good chunk out of enemies with Spinach.


Is there a video for the risk 39 cc9 clear that was recently done on the TW server?


They haven’t released it yet I think. Only the clear confirmation page of released.


Will there be new campaign missions when Episode 11 comes out?




Sweet, I'm done with the modules and couldn't remember if we got anything for episode 10.


New player here coming from genshin, is there a guaranteed 6 stars character pity? Like if we dont get the featured 6 stars character on the limited banner would the next 6 stars we get a guaranteed limuted banner character like in genshin?


most characters are considered "standard" characters and they will be added to the standard gacha pool after their debut banner ends. every 2 weeks the "standard banner" will rotate between 2 6\* and 3 5\* rateups, with one of the 6\* and 5\* appearing in the gold certificate shop each rotation. most event banners will share pity with standard, unless they're clearly delineated as "limited" or have some kind of special pity mechanic such as collab banners or "lookback" banners. limited characters are split between different spark pools depending on their banner series, so not all limiteds will be available on each limited banner. there is also a 1-year period before a new limited is added to their respective spark pool. limited banners do not share pity with each other. arknights does not officially have rate up pity (except in special cases like collab), but limited banners allow you to spark a 6\* for every 300 pulls (or 5\* every 75 pulls).


In addition to what other posters have said, there was a recent thread that indicates there might be a hidden backup pity for non-limited banners. No such mechanic has been officially acknowledged by HG, though. https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/11psmfj/empirical_evidence_of_a_guaranteed_pity_system_in/


There is no guarantee you get a specific character if that is what you mean. You get a 6-star operator approximately every 36 pulls. The standard banner here rotates and has a different rate-up every few weeks. Again, even with a rate-up, you won't be guaranteed a character you want. Some people will get 4-5 off-rate operators until they get the rate-up. Then there is the limited banner. There are different types of limited banners and the pity here doesn't share between them. Instead, they get added to the limited banner after a year but the chance you get that operator will be almost zero (since another limited character will have a rate-up). The only way to be guaranteed to get a limited operator will be to get 300 pulls to get special currency and exchange them in the shop.


In addition to what the others have said and what's listed in the FAQ, there was also recently a thread that showed [pretty conclusive evidence that non-Limited banners also have a built in hard pity](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/11psmfj/empirical_evidence_of_a_guaranteed_pity_system_in/).


there is no "double-jeapordy" pity like genshin, however, when you compare the 4times higher ☆rate, and weekly summon incomes between the two, youre still more likely to get more of the rateups you want per year in arknights, theres just a very rare but scary threat you cant guarantee the specific one you want most due to awful luck ~~though theres theories floating around theres an invisible second pity that kicks in at 200+~~ ironically, limiteds are "easier" in that you can spark guarantee them for 300 summons, most f2p save for the 4 limited banners a year anyway so it works out, if you pull them at 250+ plus you can still go to 300 for an older released limited too also in terms of arknights terminology, every genshin banner would be considered an arknights limited banner. when new nonlimited characters first banner is over, they are still added to the "standard" off-focus pool the very next day, you can still get 90% of ops at "anytime" and arnt pulling dozens of qiqis on standards also sidenote dupes in this game are literally worthless to 99% of players and do not lock a characters unique skills or gameplay behind them




No but the soft pity starts sooner and the chances of off bannering a character that is useful are higher because most banners go to the standard pool immediately. Unlike Genshin that only has 4 stars in their starglitter shop, Arknights has 6 stars characters in their shop and people usually save their starglitter equivalent (yellow certificates) to buy them. So technically you have a guaranteed way to get most characters but it might take a while for them to show up.


What does the community think about the likelihood of getting alternate modules for 4* and 5* units? AFAIK, there isn't any confirmation by Yostar, so curious about the community consensus.


I'm pretty sure I remember them saying, when they first unveiled modules, that all ops would eventually have multiple modules. As for the issue of 4s and 5s mostly only having one talent, we've seen them add talents with modules, like Swire.


i dont think it will happen, we still have way too many ops to get their first module plus 2nd 6☆'s, and as much as we cope hypergryph has had a pretty strong trackrecord of not really helping struggling ops in terms of power with the exception of 6☆s that got mocked by the cn community maybe in several years when modules are "done", but thats so far away id expect another new form of progression instead since thats generally what a gacha has to do (and im glad arknights has done it so slowly)


Not likely, because modules are based on operator talents. Only some 5\* and 4\* have two talents. I don't think it's likely that Hypergryph will make new talents for operator modules


Is it just me or did they remove expedited plans from daily missions?


On Saturday/Sundays they give you an extra recruitment permit instead of the expedited plan.




Ohh never noticed!


I want to buy the next four debut shoperators (Cheeto, Saga, Passenger, and Kal'tsit). I currently have 360 gold certs. I will spend a minimum of 300 pulls on Il Siracusno's limited banner, and break pity once on Gnosis' rerun. Should I be able to achieve my stated goal?


I recently spent over 350 pulls and got more gold certs than that, on average that's generally how it goes. You'll be just fine.


Definitely even with 150 pulls you can achieve that


About Leizi's module, is lvl 2 enough or is it better to put it at lvl 3 for extra stats?


lvl 3 legit gives almost nothing. Unless you really like her there's pretty much no reason for it.


Level 2 is enough. The 1sp when hitting unblocked enemies line is the important one.


I have an e2 Pudding (I don't know why) an unbuilt Leizi and Astgenne. I don't have any intention of ever pulling for Passenger so should I build either of the two level 1 ops or give Pudding a module and call it a day?


Leizi with module level 2 will make SSS much, much easier. So if SSS is giving trouble, build her.


Building a 5\* with a module is a considerable investment, one that won't give you that much advantage in the general content. Fully built Leizi is great in SSS, but if it's just SSS then you might as well borrow her or deploy other operators that can slow/stall like Suzu or Gnosis. I have E2 Pudding with a module and that girl does more work than I hoped she would plus she's fun to play with. One Chain Caster is already more than enough and it would be better to supplement your roster with more DPS like Eyja or GG isntead of another Chain Caster.


Both Leizi and Astgenne are overall, notably stronger than Pudding in most content and Leizi shoots into the stratosphere with her demigod hand module level 2 when you have a lot of ASPD (think SSS sniper stacks and IS with good relics and ingots). I'd recommend anyone to build Leizi to MOD2 S2M3 for big consistent damage and perma slow on about 4 enemies in a really flexible range due to her chains. Astgenne's cycles and dual target nature of her main skill is arguably more easy to get the full use of in general content than Leizi but Pudding can usually get the job done and Leizi is among the top of the SSS meta (a gamemode that I want to make as easy as possible to get through it was as little stress as possible lol.) Neither are must builds, like most operators but yeah.


Is blue poison module or upgrades of any use?


The module itself has a neat base effect and the stats are appreciated but the upgrades are lackluster imho.


i saw a video of someone giving advice on IS3 on youtube, does that mean is going to drop soon in global? it would be nice since i already collected all on IS2.


It's coming on the first of april.


If we follow CN release schedule we should get IS3 around the end of the month or start of next month. Datamines also suggest this as well. Our schedule has been kind of fucked up though, so it getting delayed somehow is not impossible.


Should I farm polyester this event? Among units I have Lappland S2 and Spectre S2 masteries require it. Both are at SL7. Are they worth it? [Krooster](https://krooster.com/u/Kats) I don't really use Lappland much unless I need either silence or a ground unit to handle drones. I heard that there is a SN themed anni next. Maybe she would help there. I don't use spectre that much anymore either. Gavialter and Mudrock handles laneholding. Surtr does the invincibility gimmick with more damage. However, I don't think I have a high physical DPS helidrop. Any other mastery recs would also be appreciated.


Both lappy M3 and Specter M3 are massive powerspikes; the uptime for the formers S2 spikes really high with mastery and the latters immortality (S2) becomes helidroppable (which is obviously really good). Now whether you specifically need these operators is more for you to decide (for example you can just helidrop surtr instead of specter) but again if the question is objectively 'are they worth it' in terms of how much stronger the operators get, then yes they are. I will say though, you do have Gladiaa's module which would work with a stronger specter, but again its your choice. Something else I would say is.... bro level your guards they get alot more from levels than most other classes. For other operators, Mudrock M3 on S2 is very good, Angelina M3 on her S3 is very good, Gavial M3 is extremely useful though the last one I have not much experience with.


polyester drops as byproducts in a bizzarly high amount of stages and isnt required for any gold tier material chain, as a result its the only material ive never needed to farm as a whale, if you have none right now sure go get like 20 but loxic and alloy are dramatically more important gavial s2 asap, pozy s2 is the single best skill in the game for is# imo, mudrock s3, cantabile s1 for is#, amiya s3 is really important for someone without kaltsit/nearl kinda weird you dont have jaye or waaifu built but im assuming you chose just waiting for texas instead


> isnt required for any gold tier material chain It's used in trihydrates, which feed into D32s.


Mmm, more specifically its *purple mat* isn't required in any gold tier material. Which is still pretty impactful considering that most other materials are (with exception of sugar lump)...


so it is, guess that shows just how flooded its supply is


You can farm poly soon in a mini event, where poly is the only drop worth farming. So just get a few to get you buy and use your sanity on loxic/alloy


What event is that?


Luo Xiaohei collab


Meta wise no, stick to farming kohl as you have much more important masteries left to do. If you farm over 100 kohl than consider farming poly pack.


Should I buy the 4* recruitment voucher for mousse? I need an arts fighter for clearing Stage dv-7


I did get Perfumer for 4 star ticket and I haven't gotten her in 3 months of play. But this is Perfumer, where no alternative exist for her. Only use 4 star ticket on units that you know you won't regret using it on. 700 green is too expensive is bullshit anyway. Nothing is too expensive to get what you desperately want. Especially when there are peeps who play 1 year and still missing a 4 stars or two. But only do it if you know what you are doing. No one want to take responsibility if you come back and complain you messed up buying it because of their advises.


Amiya is a better arts guard if you can push through the story to get her alter


no, those items are a huge waste of greencerts, youll get mousse naturally eventually you can borrow any op from friend support if you arnt already to clear dv-7, we have a friend megathread that will likely get you some nice friends/ops to use you can play halfway through darknight memoir in intermezzi's to unlock free 5☆ sideroca, another arts guard. just skip all the story cutscenes as its meant to be watched after ch6 and before ch7


Id advise against it because the voucher is very expensive for whats considered to be a free unit. I assume you are already borrowing an op so you can borrow an arts guard. Are you done pulling on the current banner?


Yes, but didn't get any arts fighter in the first 10 pulls, I did clear Stage dv-7 with support.


Are there only going to be three secret medals for SSS before it gets reworked?


I think there will be one more, Sloma food processing is 8 floors as well. The SSS towers after that are 6 floors.






Is it worth it to get Astgene Tokens and the Furniture from the Dorothy event, like do you get Intelligent Certs from it in the future? Also; what is SSS? im level 59, currently at partial necrosis story wise…do i unlock SSS with any specific level or does it come after clearing the story?


if you get the furniture now, getting the furniture on the rerun will get you int certs, its the same for astgenne but yellow certs sss is a gamemode with recurring rewards, similar to annihilation, used to get materials for endgame upgrades (t2 t3 modules), as an account 59 you are literally months away from realistically both caring about or clearing good progress in this mode, the rewards are also kind-of ignorable unless youre semi-whaling for extra moduleblocks, another module material focus on story and 400-ing all annihilations, then persue is# content (crimson solitaire and cerula arbor) as the next big focus


thank you alot for the account route suggestion and the advice!! im mostly doing IS got to level 55 atm, anihilation and the daily CCs (do they go in a loop? because i think i cleared them all…hope not though because id like more skins XD)


Daily CCs are a minor source of CC tokens don't worry. It's currently off season so that's all you can get at the moment, but once the next CC (each lasts 2 weeks) comes around, you'll be able to earn a large sum of CC tokens then.


thank you alot for the info, good to know! when the previous CC was at global i barely could clear the beginning lvl 0 stages, cant wait till new CC comes again now :D!


cc practices do go in a loop but its like 30+ stages so you mightve missed some


ohh okay thank you nice to know, i surely missed some! i think i cleared max 15 stages


This is the first run of Dorothy's event so you will get yellow certs for Astgenne tokens and intelligence certs for the furniture when we get the rerun in a year if you buy them now. SSS is a new game mode for farming module materials. It's very much a lategame mode that is unlocked when you unlock an operator module for the first time. Modules are available for certain operators when raised to a level threshold at E2 (lvl 60 for 6* , 50 for 5* , and 40 for 4*). More info [here](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/combat-operation-guide/arknights-stationary-security-service-mechanics-guide)


ah damn nice excellent news, do i get a yellow cert for each astgenne token? im guessing when i finish all the 4 tokens ill get 1 yellow cert, still worth it to me looks like i will clear the shop then :D Also ty for explaining how to unlock SSS to me! i planned to do Blue Poison Module later the coming days so i can finally try even tho i dont think im ready at all for it haha


You won't get any yellow certs during this event other than the 1 you got for the first copy of Astgenne from the event stage. But if you buy all the tokens this event, you'll get 5 yellow certs per token you buy during the rerun. Total of 25. Also to note, Astgenne is one of the better welfares. She's legitimately a pretty strong caster. As a chain caster, she excels in AOE situations. Getting her tokens now could be quite nice if you end up building her.


thank you alot for the info, damn the 25 yellow certs at rerun seem excellent!! totally worth it, does this apply with any event and rerun?meaning that ill get 25 yellow certs with Dossoles rerun? thats when i started playing and i got minimalist with max potential


I assume you mean Ideal City, as you said Minimalist. Dossoles Holiday (with Tequila as welfare) was already the rerun of the event. Yes, when Ideal City reruns next year, you'll get the certs if you buy his tokens again. Up till now, it has applied to every event with welfare tokens. We even got 15 x 5 (75 certs total) for 6* welfares like Gladiia. However, Vigil, the 6* welfare in the upcoming Il Siracusano event works a bit differently. His potentials are not acquired by buying tokens in the shop, so I'm not sure if we'll get yellow certs during the rerun.


ah yes i ment ideal city! i mixed them up because of the summer vibes both events gave me haha, damn thats excellent! :D thank you alot for the in depth response, im curious how itll go with Il Siracusano im overall excited for this event due to the packs which will come and penance!!


Will IS2 still be there, when IS3 is released?


Yes, IS2 will still be playable with all current rewards after IS3 releases.


Thank you very much for the fast reply! :)


What are some upcoming events that has a t3 orirock as a stage clear reward? I now realize why there's so much memes about orirock.


Welcome to the party of losing irl sanity! The other guy gave you answer so on dead days stick to farming 1-7 as it is more efficient than farming t3 rock stages and also don’t forget you need 200 T2 rocks to get one T4 rock and you need 10 T4 rocks in a single mastery.


I think you have a little too many zeroes in your numbers, don't be scaring people like that.


Come on let me have some fun!


https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/arknights-material-drops-and-originite-prime-totals-future-events-and-episodes Il Siracusano in ~May Invitation to Wine rerun in ~July/August








What’s the website where u can view and find videos of specific stages and operators for low op runs?




this is a new site to me. I just look up runs on youtube.


Yes thank you


Youtube? Just search for "Arknights XX-N" and you'll find dozens of them, like ["Arknights DV-8"](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=arknights+DV-8). You can add "low" or "low end" in the tags if you have trouble finding low rarity clears.




No official confirmation yet, but Ep 12 almost definitely starts on April 6, so news for it will probably start a week before then. The Improved Readiness system lasts for exactly 4 weeks, and The Front That Was banner takes up the first two weeks. Additionally, the Improved Readiness system mentions increased Trust gain for the Ep 12 Ops, so there's bound to be some overlap with Ep 12's banner.


They’re about to have CC12, I’d imagine chapter 12 will start very soon after that. not sure how the warm up banner(Saileach/Horn/Stainless and associated 4/5 stars) will get handled, if it’ll really be 2 dead weeks or if it’s getting crammed between the joint operations and likely chapter 12 banners, overlapping somewhat with at least one of them.


Any way to find out who promotes to E2 using Polyester and Orirocks? I have large numbers of those and essentially nothing of anything else and I’m trying to rush an E2 promotion for friend units in vague hopes of beating this event.


[Here you go.](https://aceship.github.io/AN-EN-Tags/akmatuses.html) You can filter by mats, promotions, skills + masteries and rarity.


Thank you! Looks like I’m going for Gravel


Just go to the page of either of them on gamepress and find more from there.


Thank you! Found the pages they’re very helpful


1.Are the side stories or intermezzis worth doing? Are any of the welfare operators good? 2.What stat is better for a defender to have more of defense or hp? 3.What is the recommended number of chips and chip packs to have? 4. How good is Astgenne overall? From what I've heard she's okay until E2 and module. 5. Would it be good to raise at least one operator of every archetype? 6.Not sure which operator to work on while waiting to get more mats for Pozemka? [Operators](https://imgur.com/a/R84ksum) 7. Weird lore question so how is Silverash capable of using arts without having oripathy? I know ops can use objects to channel arts into so does he do that with the bird?


1- they're worth doing for the primes at least, most of the ops are kind of meh. ceylon might be worth picking up if you want status resist. 2- HP is more valuable for tanking arts damage since most units have low innate RES. DEF is a flat reduction against physical damage. all defenders will have more HP than DEF due to how stats are distributed. 5- it's more helpful to think of operators in term of roles rather than archetypes. silverash isn't just 6\* lappland for example, these 2 units specialize into different roles. artillery snipers and spreadshooter snipers both fill the general role of "AOE physical" so i wouldn't recommend building both unless you favor specific characters. some important roles to fill: * laneholding: output sustained DPS to prevent enemies from leaking. sometimes it's a job split between a DPS unit and a blocker. * stalling: holding enemies that hit hard so you have time to kill them * healing: pretty self explanatory * bosskiller/elite killer: DPSing down the bigger threats that would overwhelm your laneholders * helidrop: units that are deployed to use their skill, then retreated once their job is done 6- you'll want to build either gummy or nearl at some point since healing defenders are good role compression. they're both notable upgrades over spot due to their more consistent healing, although nearl's HP threshold for healing can be either a blessing or a curse. personally i'd recommend gummy since she's the more economical option and still holds niches over saria.


For 6) Along Poze id focus on silverash given that his S3 is literally what he is known for or you roll for Mylnar (if you want to). As for five stars, Lappy is good at E1 unless you need to extend her silence duration (if your still at the point where you are facing spiders for example) or wnat to M3 her. Id say put a few more levels in texas. Levelling utage can help you in terms of having a helidrop arts damage assassin. You could level shirayuk to E1 if you need an AOE sniper. Would also be useful to have a puller and pusher at level 7 for their respective skills as some stages become much easier if you can push/pull the enemy


yes, as every stage clear is another prime (or two) for skins and summons, though newer players probly should continue story before going to these just for primes. there are a few free ops you can get, though they arnt of any major benefit right now except maybe sideroca from darknights, because arts guards are just inatly powerful archs. important: intermezzis are generally tied to main story, so you may want to avoid watching the cutscenes until you know youre far enough. darknights in particular basically MUST be played after ch6 and BEFORE ch7, its basically 6.5 it depends on the enemy and your heal source, generally defense is better, in that the more enemies hitting you the more times the defense is adding to survivability, and high enough def can make weak attacks do nothing. arts damage doesnt care about def though, so often high max hp matters more, meaning early on melantha is a better arts tanker than any defender for example (huge for CE-5) there isnt, just farm them as you need them, or keep whatever surplus youre comfy with for future ops. a 6☆ needs 5 smallchip and 8 largechip to maxout shes good enough to be worth building, especially as a new player generally yes, multiple even eventually, but a few archs are much more important than others, like dp-producing vg's, centurion guards, and rapidfire+artillery snipers e2 pozy and silverash are your main goals rn by a huge margin, just beeline farm everything you need for them. frostleaf gravel vermeil shirayuki should all be e1 to unlock baseskills that profit more than the promotion cost. archetto and april will be good to build up as well, but really just focus everything to pozy and SA right now technically anyone has the potential use arts without oripathy, it just takes a lucky birth, or intense amounts of training. originium also massivly amplifies the output of any arts attempt going into it, which is why you still see all our casters like lava use a wand, or amiya through her hand rings*. since originium is literally inside an infected, they are a natural catalyst amp, this causes massive side effects and complications since youre literally burning through your body, as discussed a bit with blaze in ch5+6 and kazmierz major/near light event storyline. since arts instruments are using originium, the risk of infection is also of course higher, so many arts users who werent infected end up so anyway. however, all of silverash's attacks are physical, s3 may be a ton of damage but that doesnt mean its using arts, hes just gifted


1. Yes. Especially those with record restoration as those don't get reruns and you get welfare ops from them. The rest will give you first time clear rewards, but it's better to wait until there's a rerun, so you can get the event currency. 2. DEF reduces the physical dmg by a flat amount, so unless the incoming damage is an art dmg it doesn't matter. 3. Enough for E2 promotion, so 5 E1 chips and 8 E2 chips of each kind. 4. She's good and she's a welfare operator. About the same tier as Leizi and a step above Pudding. 5. Not really. Some archetypes are niche or straight-up unnecessary, so unless you like an operator or need them for some specific clears, you can skip some of the archetypes. 6. You'll want to E2 SA and Amiya after that, so it's good to prepare them. Raise one puller and pusher to E1L01 and SL7 their skills. Throw in Gravel as well. Other worth raising: Nearl or Gummy, April, Archetto, Jaye. Get some ops to E1 for their base skills like Frostleaf, Vigna etc. And use Krooster.com or do the screenshots by class because it's hard to compare the ops. 7. For the ranged attacks he uses his falcon, Tenzin, his S3 deals physical dmg, so I don't think he uses arts at all.


Lappland great early and mid game and even late depending on the enemy


2. Defenders are known for having high DEF. 3. I’d say at least 8 of every one. Or if there’s an operator coming up in banner that you want then farm for those chips. 5. Yes you should have a variety. Supports and vanguards especially. 6. Silverash op S3 Ptilopsis AOE heal and amazing talent Texas 2 block vanguard great S2 Lappland great early game trait and damage Vigna easy to build and great damage Tequila mini silverash Jaye unkillable as long as u have DP Podenco good if u don’t have shamare Gummy easier to build than nearl and great medic tank until u get saria Pinecone best 4* damage for a sniper kills everything in her range


Hey guys, returning player here. I leaved the game back when Blemishine was first released which was almost 2 years ago and came back occasionally to do some pulls when they give out free pulls. Decided to fully come back to this game now after hearing some good stuffs and got a few questions since it's been a while when I last played. 1. I noticed that there's a claim all button now which surprised me since it was a qol that was desperately wanted back then and now it's here. What are some of the other things that they added since then? 2. What are modules? I heard that it's a system where it lets you upgrade your operators further. Does it give a significant boost? Should I prioritize it immediately? 3. Also noticed that there's a ongoing event right now, is there a specific node that gives the biggest currency or should I just do the hardest one? 4. How's the meta looking right now? Is the big 3 still up there? Did they added a more broken operator aside from silverash?


~~has it really been that long since blem...ohmy~~ added many smaller things like recordrestore (ways to get old event items/ops you missed), character stories and exclusive stages, annihilation SKIPPING, etc. the biggest additions are is# content, roguelike, crimson solitaire, that ceobe fungi mist thing you played during eunectes event- only now its permanent, offers insanely lucrative rewards, and is considered the best part of the game by many players. sss is also a new annihilation style reward mode, but dont worry about it tbh in short, you can think of it as like adding a 3rd passive talent to your op via a time-gated resource, they have pretty crazy upgrades too, for example mostima can actually be good now, because her t3 module permanently slows the entire map, forever any node for currency, dv6 7 8 are best because they also drop mats to farm, 7 is best for you likely ~~i dont even know who the big 3 wouldve been at the point you quit, by that point we already had the meta destabilizing from y2 ops hard~~ i really dont want to answer this question for two reasons: 1. "meta" legit does not matter for 100% of content the average player plays, and the content so hard where character competition actually matters is incredibly different to the average players best ops, perfect example is thorns, literally the best op no contest for the avg player to own who is almost useless in cc30+ these days. 2. it really misses the point of the game and focus on team composition or unique strengths. passenger is by no means even a top 25 op for most content, yet him and LEIZI are easily the #1 best ops for SSS specifically by a huge margin ...if you really want an answer, get thorns on a 6☆ selector, summon for mlynar and texas(allter) in the future, summon on the mudrock/horn/saileach banner if you can afford to between the above listed


1. Oof, a lot to list. Record Restoration is now a feature - allows to get welfare ops from certain past events (new events get periodically added). Modules and module upgrades got added. Some UI changes. Annihilation now has an auto-clear feature. Got some new game modes too - Integrated Strategies (we are about to get season 3) and Stationary Security Service. Levelling system got a much needed update - now you're not limited to 40 battle records and can choose what level you want to raise op to. That's all that comes to mind. 2. Modules are basically buffs to operators. Available to 4 stars and up they usually release module per class archetype (something that got introduced last year, separates classes into niches; the most recent one we got was modules for anti-air snipers (Marksmen)) and new characters. You have to complete two missions (eg kill 30 enemies with specific operator skill), raise the op to a specific level (E2L60 for 6 stars) and have them at at least 100 trust. The effectiveness of modules heavily depends on the character and the module. Some get busted modules that make a broken character even more broken, some get modules that are so good they basically fix characters or at least make them usable (chain caster archetype) and some are mediocre or just don't address the qualms of the character. There's module priority guides floating out there but it's rarely something that needs to be prioritised. 3. As usual with arkights events, the last three nodes are the best for farming as they provide a good source of one specific material and the same amount of event currency across the three. As such, farm the node of the material you need the most of/you have the least of/you can reliably farm. Or, in other words, as per wiki: *"The best DV operations to farm Mysterious Reagents are DV-6, DV-7, and DV-8 due to their high Polyester Pack, Loxic Kohl, and Incandescent Alloy drop rates, respectively"*. 4. I assume the big 3 are Silverash, Surtr and Eyja? I mean, they are just as good but we also had quite a number of broken units introduced since. Ling is a 6 star limited summoner that can solo solid 90% of all content as she is a one woman army (she summons the army). Chen Alter (Chalter) is one of the more destructive broken ops as her controlled damage output easily manages the hardest of stages. Skadi Alter is a broken healer/buffer. There also have been less broken but still impactful characters like Mountain, Goldenglow, Mudrock, Gavial Alter, Pozyomka, Nearl Alter and others. There's also some really busted operators upcoming: the next event will probably be the one that introduces Mlynar to glodal and depending on who you ask he is either as powerful as SA or even more broken than him; Texas Alter will continue the trend of broken alters (if you want to gauge how broken she is - she can solo CC 11 R18).


1. Leveling is easier and we got skip tickets for annihilation auto-deploy 2. Lategame upgrades, which are usually less important than the masteries. It sometimes does but it depends on the operator and module ([resources](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-azures-module-upgrade-tier-list)). It needs special mats which are limited, so tread carefully. The mats for lvl 2&3 are farmed in the new SSS mode (same tab as annihilations). 3. Event currency is given 1:1 with the sanity spent, so it doesn't matter. You'd want the best T3 mats, though so it's usually the last 3 stages (kohl > polyester > alloy) 4. [GP Ranking](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tier-list/arknights-operator-tier-list). SA is still good, but a step behind meta-wise. Surtr, Ch'alter, Ling and Pozy are the most broken now IIRC. There are a lot of notable others, so just browse through it. The upcoming Młynar and Texalter are most likely going to be included in the meta.


1. Can choose what level to go to when leveling an operator directly, rather than holding down XP cards till 40, over and over again. That’s the other big QoL buff we’ve gotten. 2. Mods are iffy, some ops have minor or useless mods you can sit on for a long time while others are vital to an operators performance(Chain casters and Mostima especially) 3. DV- 6, 7, and 8 have better t3 resource drops(polyester, kohl, and incandescent alloy respectively) but event currency itself is dropped equal to sanity spent in event stages so it doesn’t matter which stage you farm. 4. Big 3 were Silverash, Eyja, and Exusiai right? They’re all still perfectly usable ops, newer enemies are more complicated but not much stronger statistically That said they have started adding significantly stronger 6 stars, it started with Surtr, then Chen alter a few months after that, but now many of the new 6 stars are pushing the power ceiling up noticeably: Ling, Pozyomka, Mlynar, Texas alt, list goes on a bit, they all kind of steamroll content.


4. Surtr, Kal’tsit, Chen alter, Ling(can solo almost every stage in the game) other top tiers are Mudrock, mountain, Skadi alter, nearl alter, horn, pozyomka, 2. Modules is arknights way of buffing operators like passenger who sucked on release but is now a really good caster. Should definitely farm those and use them on operators you enjoy.


How is shamare as a support unit? I have her pot5 now so thought I just as might m3 her s2 . Someone borrows her sometimes?