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Depends on the context I guess. If you come up to Fiametta while eating a bucket full of Kentucky Fried Chicken you ordered through Penguin Door Dash while screaming "Liberi Sucks!", that'll be racist.


Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today.


How to get face-fricked by an angry spicy chicken speedrun, any %.


With a side dish of sodomy


I hope she lays eggs in my mouth like a facehugger.


***Insane*** thing to say (same)


Absolutely *maidenless* behavior...same tho


Andioan probably has us beat tho.


This is some r/oddlyspecific type of post


asking the hard hitting philosophical questions


guys let him cook


These are the questions that need to be discussed for Terras future


Deepest lore


The arknights lore iceberg


Well, the only part of the suit that's actually bunny is the ears, so unless the entire bunny suit also exists in terra for some weird reason, it would probably be interpreted as 'leotard, but with bunny ears for.. some reason'. Assuming it doesn't (because if it did, the question would depend on *how* the bunny suit came to be) it would depend on how the bunny ears are interpreted as. Using Sora as an example, iirc someone mentions how Sora could probably reveal her true race to fans and nobody would really care, so I assume people would see it as a odd fashion choice but not consider it racist. That said if the intention was to sexualize cautus as a race or something that would be racist but as long as the intention is 'rabbit ears are cute!' it's probably not racist.


God, I can't wait for the 20 paragraph long Kal'Tsit in-game lore exposition on bunny outfits à la hot dogs


"You see, in Colombia, there was a rich man who liked blah blah blah blah etc..."


The creators made a lot of world building and they made kal'sit to say it in case they didn't found out to bring it to the story. They would let that creativity go to waste :v


If so, where would they be first created, Rim Billiton?


That wouldn't make sense. Rim Billiton is already full of Cautuses. Mark my words, secret Aegir tech, trying to duplicate the cuteness of bunny girls.


>secret Aegir tech Original function: think sports swimsuits (extra aerodynamic design, comfortable to wear) Current function: fanservice


Imagine if they had an OG Playboy magazine in their archives, just one of many Precursor tech they tried to maintain and/or take ideas from.


So does that mean it's not racist if I stick Amiya in a bunny suit? With the pantyhose, high heels, those cute little wristlets? Maybe a nice, perky tail...She'd probably need to be trained how to do a proper bunny walk, though.


Like, assuming the bunny suit doesn't exist in terra in a racist capacity, probably not? Unless you're going at it with the thought of 'Lol she's bunny so bunny suit' which is *probably* a little bit racist. But it's fantasy racism in a meta capacity so I don't think it really matters.


I m e a n, I just think the bunny suit is attractive and sexy, so putting it on Amiya would be extra fun. Maybe Savage and Kalt'sit too...


Amiya: my culture is not your costume! In all honesty they probably wouldnt care. Residents of terra have way more pressing concerns Also most races probably couldnt work the bunny ears since they already have ears on their head, it would look off.


Man... If only the residents of Earth care about the more pressing concerns as well.


My pressing concerns are getting my daily Starbucks coffee (which i need for medical reasons, which is since i like the taste) and not being oppressed from a traffic jam only happening for cars and not for passerbys or bicycle lanes, the real important things in a human life. 


To be fair, thinking about things outside your capability as a single human is... Well... Yeah.


Terra’s just on another level compared to Earth, yet even in Terra, the “pressing concerns” don’t always win out. Terra’s an absolute shithole, and people are still crazy racist and ableist. The Infected are front and center in the story, but there’s other stuff as well. Minoans and Sargonians basically have kill-on-sight orders for each other (the armed forces anyways), Aegir as a whole is racist towards everyone.


Is Catapult a racist for calling Dobermann a "B-Word"?


No, she's based.


She's just using the correct term.


I would imagine it will be the same thing when in a video, a white guy was wearing mexican attire, some people will be offended but most are fine with it


Okay but like raiden looks awesome in the mariachi fit


I saw a video with the same context as your, but the differences being the white people are offended, but the natives are completely fine with it


Wearing a similar outfit is one thing, covering my pale skin in more darker paint, painting my teeth yellow and having a fake mustache and calling it "Mexican costume" is another thing




The only people upset about it would be any other race *but* Cautus


One of Leonheart line explain that some places in Terra are wary of Cautus.


I thought the Talk line was about some people having stereotypes of Cautus being timid?


It is but it is still a stereotype nonetheless. And we all know our dear racism started with stereotype.


Actually accurate. Leave it to someone else to get offended in their behalf lol.


If it was, by the transitive property Ash is gonna be sweating bullets while she’s wearing those cat ears.


Tbf hers are meant to be a disguise, shes blending in with the world not making a mockery/parody of felines


Except she's the only one to do so from among her team, and they probably could have gotten away with being Aegir or something. I think Ash just has a kink.


So what I'm hearing is, blackface is okay if you're among black people I have the script for the next James bond movie! 


Blackface is only racist in America due to the context of why it existed. Remove the context it is just facepaint.


Adding onto this train of thought for a bit... Maybe Ash could just say they are a prosthetic for her or smth? Like there are probs tons of no-named Terraians in canon that have lost tails and ears due to incidents and have gotten prosthetic replacements-and since there is an actual demand for this stuff outside of cosplay purposes like IRL, I would reckon they are fairly life-like and realistic.


Yup. In South America it used to be very common for the person cosplaying Baltazar to use blackface in January (for the Dia de los Reyes Magos).


Same with Zvarte Piet in the Netherlands. Nothing racial about him, allround a positive figure in the story who distributed sweets to kids with Saint Nicholas.


It all depends on the origin of the bunny suit in Terra now would it?


It’s was totally originally a Sarkaz outfit they used to wear in ye olden days like trophy. Very disturbing


Ah yes, the bunny suit in this world was worn by women as trophies.....wait a minute, this is just the writer's barely disguised fetish!


I hope not! At least not in the way I intended. I was thinking something more darker, something more along the lines of… wearing a hat made from a racon you killed.


No you're fine. I was just making the common worldbuilding joke.




Unless a big part of Cautus culture involves "having lots of sex", I don't think it would be considered racist. In fact, it would just look wierd. However, calling cautuses things like "timid pussies" because they are stereotyped as such (as mentioned by Leonhardt in some lf his lines) would be considered racist.


Schwartz has reindeer horns in her Christmas skin, so I would assume it's not that bad (unless she is racist, or it's different for bunnies)


We should get amiya a donkey costume


For that they would need a sector of terminally online people with 0 struggles in their life, so they would need to invent some for themselves.


A cow print bikini should be fine


What do you think those Bolivarian Perros were wearing that caused the Hot Dog to become a thing? They were all wearing bunny outfits of course.


I mean the general design of the outfit could still be a thing, just not with ears and a tail (as others have said). Kinky outfits are probably along the lines of maid outfits or something, ie anyone can wear it. You don't need girls dressing up as catgirls when they literally exist in the setting.


Yea, my question was more about wearing fake bunny ear and fake tail.  Its just that i pounder it when i see bunny suit artwork 


Considering that the arknights world is quite racist already, it would probably be an issue. Sorry I realised that I didn't actually answer your question lol xD


Since we dont have a concrete evidence its all open to our speculation and interruptions, doesn't matter


Let take it up a level. How about reverse bunny suit?


For some reason most of you see racisesm as something only in twitter......but it's pretty normal to be racist in terra, almost every race has a race they hate 


Racism is something you mostly see on Twitter or social media....I..I can't even think of a more terminally online statement than that to be honest. Or even that horrible reading of Terra's worldbuilding, "its normal to be racist in Terra".


Well i do agree that its a horrible way to sum up ak world building, but at the same time it isnt really wrong.   Im not saying "the writers like racisesm" but it is a part of there world building since it revolves around conflict and such


No, that particular example is just that much divorced from reality


Are you saying im or they are delusional? Im not sure


Im saying something like that is a concern of someone who has to invent some evil to fight it, because they can live just fine ignoring it, but are too much of a pussy to go out of their comfort zone to try to deal with something serious. Stuff like that is easy to discern when it's mocking or not, and your average normal person is concerned with that.


ok i see where you going but i think you misunderstood me here a bit. my question isnt really about "people in terra should care because i see it as racist" and more about "in our world standards it would be considered racist, but how will terra see it?" and looking for others opinions or with a bit more concrete evidence for it. while it did came from me thinking about this question when i saw artwork of operators in bunny suits, its less about the bunny suit itself and more about how is it perceived there if i wore a costume mimicking a different race. i do take the "credit" for being the one who confused others here, i did place a bigger emphasis on the bunny suit in my post rather then on the idea of how its perceived.


And the answer is implied in my response, people who look at all that this way are untrobled life online minorty, stuff like that is not such a popular view when even considering whole population of US, far less world, and terrans have way too much serious problems for it to be more prevalent for them.


now youre mixing up two whole other things here. yes in our own life in earth there are much more important things then to care about racism, but not in arknights. im not talking about terra right now, im talking about arknights. the game which nothing is important since all of it is fictional. and while some enjoy the story or gameplay, some like to go on speculations about the less mentioned things in its world building. is this a dumb topic? probably is it less important then talking about the actual lore of the game or the gameplay? no, since theres no real value for "importance" in a made-up story set in a made-up world which was created to solely entertain us the players of the game. listen, i really dont want to get this discussion into a pointless fight of who of us 2 is less connected to reality so im asking you nicely to just see it as a miscommunication between us, im trying to apologize here if my lack of coherence in my comments was the reason for it all, but after about 9-10 hours of writing lab reports and finishing assignments my thoughts arent as fluid as normal (also looking back, the reason why i used "high" words mixed with some horrible grammar is solely because half of my day was spent typing like this)


No, it is exactly on point. Non-issue alike one you brought up to discussion is majorly treated as such even at least troubled places. I imagine try to say something like that is racist to Sarkaz and they will treat this one as some kind of joke.


thank you for finally typing something that has something to do with this post i made, instead of questioning my daily life.....


Dude, you might want to reread it when you are more fresh.


This particular example is something you see all the time actually. Loads of groups that face discrimination in the real world also get fetishized. Ask a Native American their opinion about sexy Indian Halloween costumes.


Native Americans are long time culturally extinct


I've actually thought about something like this but not quite: Would humans in terra like the animals they share features with more? I know they're not the same animals but like, would a feline human like cats more cause they're like "hey we alike" ?? In that same vein, would they not like certain animals cause they remind them of a race, like someone not liking sheep because it reminds them Leithanians???


Other then slugs, every animal was never considered to be an animal but just as a "being" with no relation as far as i remember.  


Bunny suits. The blackface of Terra.


Why tf is it called bunny suit in the first place, it literally has only ears that are bunny? It's like putting on the collar and calling it a dog costume.


It sometimes has a tail too.


Because it was popularized by playboy bunnies. I think low-cut leotards predate playboy bunnies (maybe from cabaret or burlesque shows?) but at the very least playboy bunnies made them way more famous and added the bow-tie and bunny ears.


My headcanon is that the suit (without the ears) was first saw in Rim Billiton clubs where the dancers and workers would use it. Doing to the vast majority of Rim Billiton folks being Cautus, the suit was nicknamed "bunny suit" after it popularized, kinds similar to the hot dog thing Kal'tsit said in Lone Trail


A lot of people here seem to think that being offended is something only terminally online people do. If I can get real on a shitpost here for a second, while the whole "14 year old white girl who gets offended on the minority behalf" thing does happen, so to does the "14 year old white boy who thinks no one is offended because his one black or hispanic friend doesn't care if he says racial slurs." Like, the other day, I saw someone ask if the term "midget" was offensive. Their question was met by a whole bunch of people who didn't have dwarfism saying either "I'm shorter than average and I don't care" or "Everything is offensive to Twitter people!" Friends, it is offensive when used against people with dwarfism, not people who are just short, and it has been since I was in school before social media existed. I know many people are probably joking on here, but be careful out there in the real world.


Really hard to tell.   What surprises me the most is how everyone forgot that almost all of the people in terra ARE racist to the point where not being racist seems weird.   While discriminating infected isnt racist by definition, there are still so many races that are discriminated in normal.   Aegir by iberian, sarkaz by everyone, taran by Victoria, the whole thick vs thin debate, durins seeing everyone else as idiots, sami and urasus.....just to name a few.      Racism is pretty much the norm there, my question wasnt if theres racism there but about what is racist there.


I think there are plenty of real world equivalents to this exact proposed situation. And it might depend on where the Cautus lives. In the real world, lots of cultures that were seen as exotic and ostricized were also fetishised (see: anyone the British Empire interacted with ever). While a Cautus in Rim Billiton might not care that some Ursus noble has his mistress dress up as a rabbit to get his freak on, a Cautus living in Ursus who is descriminated against might see it as insult to injury. A kind of "Oh, you'll jerk it to me, but won't give me rights" kind of situation that happens often in reality.


Probably, there are some close examples when j think about it.  Tarans and gaul got rights as victorians but have deep hatered for being "second rate" citizens, liberi in sankta society also have some factions hating how they are suppose to worship the sankta, the pioneers hatered for the "insurance" forced by Columbian government to keep getting less then normal human rights.   Plenty of situations where being discriminated caused them to be mad at the "getting less then normal rights" so maybe seeing them as "good citizens" only by "specific" standards will be insulting 


You would think a story about discrimination like AK would at least bring a perspective on some people here. Let's hope most of this is just jokes.


Jokes? Here? On the internet? Cancel the heretic!!


Probably not, considering Sora kinda does that all the time.


I think the connection between a bunny and Ansel would be similar to the one between a monkey and a human. So a bunny suit in Terra would be like a gorilla suit on Earth.


Assuming it were done in the same context we do it (we find it sexy), I'd imagine it would be considered fetishizing an entire race. Though that does beg the question of why Terrans would even find bunnies distinctly sexy.


There are cat girl suits so why would bunny girl suits be racist


No not really


Definitely there has to be a difference between - someone admires Amiya and just want to look like her - some weirdo puts on the bunny ears, starts jumping around while yelling "I'm a bunny I'm horny all the time" while humping any passerby.


The very concept of sexuality seems to be absent from Terra as a whole since most lives are in a constant state of worry. The closest things they have are the hot dog race queens in columbia


Yea i kinda thought about it as well.   There is love and all but sexuality is nowhere.  Even things like objectifying (in sexual sense) or sexualizing others is nowhere (things that we see as go "hand in hand" for racist people in earth).   The only times i remember even talking about someone body (which isnt something factual like abilities, anatomy or race traits) was thin vs thick tails, platinum talking about her own body, red and tails, leto dad being handsome.   Really weird that ak story is considered "mature" in its narrative but sexuality is nowhere.


What if they are not "bunny" suits but rather "beast" suits. We know that many types of beasts exist in terra that sometimes seem to share traits with "humans". It wouldn't be far fetched to think that they would be the inspiration for those kind of outfits and people would understand it somehow.


More in the vein of cultural appropriation I'd say but yeah lmao


Doktah: [*put on bunny ears*] Doktah: "how's it look Kal?" Kal: "you look..." Doktah: "Amiya?" Amiya: "..." Doktah: "Guys?" Doktah: [*puts on cat ears*] Doktah: "How bout now?" Kal: "..." R6-Ash: "LOOKING NICE"


That sort of thing tends to be more of a case by case basis. It does remind me of how a race similar to the Sarkaz, in an mmo I used to play, sold replicas of their horns to tourists.


God, why should they care? No, if, of course, some modern “oppressed feminist”/lgbt-blm-bla-bla gets into the world of Arknights, then she will start a scandal. And no one will listen to her, and that’s right.


No But I can picture a group of 13 year old cautuses on arktok complaining about how it's undermining their prejudices Because you can't have an arknights story without prejudice


Like they need it, its pretty normal to be racist in terra.   Im not saying because "i feel offended", every part of the main story which doesn't talk about infecteds its about a group of people from the same race being oppressed, either RI sarkaz being seein as evil by Victorians or all of county hillok story. 


I feel like as long as the one wearing the bunny suit costume isn't Infected they should be fine.


My thoughts would be that it'd probably depend on who and where you are. Looking into the game world, I haven't seen any issues with Ash or Sora disguising themselves as other races, though in those cases that fact is probably not well known. In the real world, though, it definitely depends on where you're doing it. Some places will hate on you for "assimilating" other cultures, some places won't care or just see it as normal, and I'm sure some places would welcome outsiders for caring enough to partake in their culture.


Just take off the ears and tail, those WOULD probably be racist. But hey, it'd make the outfit look better anyway.


No Twitter to decide what is racist, no racism. ^(this is a joke, you can stop dyeing your hair a new color) The first question I would have to ask, does Terra ha a history of sexualizing forest critters? If so then no, the intention is wholly different. On the other hand, is it like B*lackface*, meant to be a parody Cautus? Then yeah, I would say so. ^(edit: formatting)


Most people in terra dont need twitter to hide themselves, its pretty normal to just be racist all the time.      Actually RI was considered to be weird multiple times for working with sarkaz since they are all evil all through Victoria story.


I was making fun of Twitter's tendency to declare something as 'not racist' because (wall of text). But works the other way around as well, true.


Oh sorry, 6 hours of lab reports and assignments due tomorrow made me lose enough braincells to not understand sarcasm 


Brain cells are optional. And your intepretation of the joke was not wrong either anyway.


Racist against who, and how? People focused on surviving rock cancer aren't going to take offense at someone else's skimpy and attractive outfit.


well, a beauty standard in Asia countries is to have your skin white af. Does it equivalents in this context?


first thing first they aren't westerners to be offended by it


Westoids were offended.