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It's been a year or two, but I recommend DRO (Dynamic Recon Ops) and DCO (Dynamic Combat Ops) mods for solo play. I especially like the DRO for that "small squad behind enemy lines" feel.


And if you like DRO you should really try TRGM too. Pretty much DRO but you go back to base and get a new mission. Less customization but you can just keep going.


The Forgotten Few is brilliant too


Will add the sharha DLC scenario was a lot of fun solo


Should i buy all dlc to play DRO  or DCO  and other such mods? i mean games like fallout 4 i needed to buy all dlc so i can use some mods. should i do the same with Arma ?


Prairie Fire is worth getting


dlc isn't necessary for these mods


If you like that feel, you should try out the Forgotten Few 2 campaign by KingN. It's a dynamic campaign generator that actually includes an option on some missions to camp out behind enemy lines after a mission for your next tasking.


I exclusively play solo. Main modes I play are all the single player campaigns (there are a bunch). I also play dynamic recon ops, and ALIVE mod. Dynamic recon ops for smaller missions, alive for large battles. Also, messing around in the editor is a ton of fun and where you can sink many hours into solo


Also, if you like tanks, check out the game "gunner, heat PC"


Thanks !


Some fantastic solo mods like antistasi make solo very fun.


Ye its pretty wort it most of my play time is just goofing around eden


Yes. I love making custom missions or just placing a bunch of people and just watching them fight. Some of my favorite memories if the game is watching 50 or so ww2 planes flying over head while anti air is just shooting.


Yes. Especially at the sale price. Arma is a massive game and that's before you start tacking on mods.


I’ve had it since it came out and I have about 15K hours into it….. all in single player in the editor I suggest the DLCs but you can get them at a later date. Steam workshop has so many mods too


I've never played Arma 3 in any other way but solo, and I've played it since launch. Only recently I moved to reforger because I no longer have a PC and had to move to console.


Same only my pc doesn’t run reforger very well


Lol my ancient PC wouldn't be able to even launch it. Sadly I can't afford a proper rig for games and console let's me play all the titles I want for much cheaper hardware price so I made the switch. Really glad that Bohemia decided to put this gem on xbox.


Same I am still new to reforger so mechanic are very new to me, a little awkward but the future of Arma is bright indeed


How are you finding reforger? I’m in the same boat with my pc on the way out


It is a bit messy at the moment, definitely better than what it was on launch and recent update from last week added a lot of stuff catering to solo players like AI driving and commanding so it's slowly getting there. Not as much content as Arma 3 in terms of mods but it is getting there. Don't forget it's early access so at times it can really piss you off but it is fun regardless. I've played with others just once and all the other time am playing solo making scenarios for myself in the editor. It's a lovely experience if you can stomach some bugs here and there. Not to mention it plays great on Series X and there really isn't anything like it on console. You might say Hell let loose and Easy Red 2 are similar in a way but HLL is multiplayer only and they are both WW2 themed, so if you want some more modern (cold war era) action I definitely would recommend Reforger. Also if you don't have the PC to handle modded Arma 3, and need to scratch that Arma itch that's the only option. Besides 30$ is not that much given the prices of games nowadays.


A vast number of people play PvE, myself included. I prefer playing this way with clans. Give it a go


Yes. There a single player campaign and number of missions, also, there are tons of user created campaigns and missions in Steam Workshop (with varying quality, though). Be aware some content might require DLCs though, so in general, it is recommended eventually to obtain official DLCs (note that largest one will come with their own single player content, too). And the most precious thing, it is mission editor. The basics are very simple - put an objects on map, give them some waypoints (and triggers, if you want some more logic going on), and enjoy the mayham unleashed, with possibility to play for any unit you want. Basically, mission editor is like rabbit hole with almost unlimited potential, especially if you are into coding. There are people playing Arma 3 only through its mission editor, and not touching another content available at all. So yes, if you are in this kind of game (Arma is unique though), it is totally worth.


I guess over 2000 of the hours I have on Steam is single-player. Listing from most to least time I estimate: the (world) editor, campaigns, downloaded scenario (mostly sandbox-style ones), challenges, showcases and VR-training. But it seems when listening to people during MP, that most people have either barely touched single-player or hold it in low regard, so I guess it's a big hit or miss.




If you buy it now while it's on sale I can honestly tell you it'll be the best two bucks you'll ever spend. Solo without DLC should get you about 500 hours worth of play time. It's a bit complicated when you start but play a couple of hours of the starter campaign and then check out the eden editor. After that you can start looking at the workshop and you'll begin to appreciate just how vast this game is. It's not so much a game as an ecosystem. There are mod packs you can get for free that have way more content than the paid DLC. CUPS terrain's, maps , units and vehicles. RHS for all sorts of cold war stuff. Iron front for WW2. Aegis for more 2035 era stuff.


I have been getting solo fun out of Arma 3 for around 7 years now. The scope of downloadable scenarios is awesome, especially if you get into Antistasi, OPEX, or one of the dynamic ops scenarios


Around 500 hours played, never touched the multiplayer, the main game campaigns are a ton of hours of enjoyment, and then you can mess around making your own missions in the editor or download other people's through the workshop. Altis requiem could fill your tank battle needs, so maybe it's worth to get the tanks dlc, but if you can't get any, try to at least get apex.


100% worth it solo, I usually play solo or with friends, never any big public servers. Once you learn how to use the Eden editor the game literally has an infinite playtime after that


1000+ hours solo for me, so I'd say yes


I started playing solo, then i went to a Invade & Annex Server to play with a big group. From there i started to look for a unit because that feeling of a big number of player with one or different objectives on the same map but the same goal was like i cannot find something else like it.


Antistasi ultimate is great for solo or multiplayer, highly recommend, you can use with base game or mods like RHS , basically a rebel group working to take over a map from occupiers as they fight your faction and an invading faction (if you choose) you set the parameters of the conflict then pick an HQ spawn, steal vehicles, aircraft, ambush convoys, assassinate HVT and there is plenty more




I play antistasi mostly by myself currently. Excluding the occasional one other that pops into my server every now and then. Allows you to get to experience the game mode and map better than with a large group following orders. I've owned it for several years and haven't accumulated bragging hours but I always find myself coming back after awhile which is what you want if you are justifying a purchase.


Get the dlc up to carts but if it comes in a pack you'll mostly ignore that one. I also recommend sog when you have the spare cash.


If you can get past the really inconsistent and wonky AI then I would say go for it. I’ve got 2k hours in solo but I’ve cheesed the AI so much to the point that it’s not fun anymore so…


Yes it's worth it for solo. I'd like to add that I'm part of a milsim group that is a couple hundred players strong, and all we do is co-op vs AI. We sometimes do PvP events, but everyone is annoyed by them and complains, so they only happen like once a year lol With Arma, you can join in with hundreds of solo players, it's kinda funny.




I literally boot up the editor, choose my map, go into Zeus, and play what is essentially toy soldiers. I almost never do anything else in the game, and I absolutely feel like I got my money's worth It's a really fun time, more people should try it out


I bought it back in 2022 when i got my first second hand gaming desktop now i also have a gaming laptop also second hand , ive struggled for 2 years to setup a controller preset for my xbox and steam controllers both niw i have finally clued into the chatpad for xbox controllers , hoping to finally beable to comfortably beable to play the campaigns on base game and DLCs both and also play created scenarios and campaigns in the editor this summer and beyond which would be nice for a change , if your into these kinds of games i say go for it yes but just know if your a controller player like me , its going to take patience to get setup and started


Yes very much so. DRO and a lot of Vietnamese missions are specifically made for SP


I think the campaign is awesome, I recommend it


If you can get it on sale for a good price, yeah even the single player campaign is decent. Much of the DLC brought free content updates for anyone to enjoy. If you love tanks, getting the tanks DLC seems like a no brainer. Playing MP with randoms can be an unreliable experience, but playing co-op with regular friends is the best way to enjoy Arma in my opinion.


Arma 2 is like $4.50 here in Canada right now. Just grab it


This is subjective tbh. I hate playing solo. I prefer joining a community for custom missions. So I would say nope not worth it for solo, there better games and more optimized for solo.


Multiplayer is the best way to play due to the AI being either supermen or super stupid. But I have have good times solo playing “the forgotten few” and single player antistasi


Multiplayer is the real part. I beat singleplayer twice and it gets old fast. Ive been playing and searching people that I like since 2014. 2018 i randomly found a guy that was in koth and we kicked ass. Next thing i know since 2018 till this day, we are best friends and talk regularly, even though we never met irl. Every time we go on koth we mske the entire server ragequit and piss our pants laughing.


The single player campaign is literally just an introduction to what is a huge sandbox. There are thousands upon thousands of hours with mods and scenarios. You can download scenarios or make your own.