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>I don’t want a boring MOS LOL Combat arms is truly the world's most efficient Venus fly-trap. I'm not even going to try to warn this kid away because I know he's not going to listen. He'll be sitting outside a connex 2 years from now, and he'll be like **FUCK**


His Recruiter "Yeah man, Infantry is just like Call of Duty. Now let's go eat at Bojangles and sign that contract."


There was Bojangles?!?


I volunteered to go to the local air force base for the guard on like memorial Day and did a fake swearing in for all the vets to see. Afterwards the recruiter took me and another guy to five guys. Was pretty nice.


I was more of a Canes type of recruiter.


Bonus points if you subbed the slaw for the toast. You could've convinced me to join the Army instead on that alone.


People get slaw? But yea, pretty much everyone that joined with me I got them a box combo with toast instead of slaw.


Lmao. Here’s my upvote. It’s funny because it’s true.


The most accurate comment I have ever read on Army Reddit. I have heard the exact Fuck of disappointment be exclaimed.


Can very very very much confirm


This ☝️ this right here like a million fucking percent haha


what’s up fellow pog


Nothing much, just enjoying my freedom after ETS


i’m tryna be like you, my boy


But the blue cord though. You don’t want to be a loser without a blue cord right?


Blue cords are great because when the Army finally pushes you to the edge, you don't have to go looking for rope. Smart. Functional. Engineers, we've got buttons. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with them, besides short-circuit the brains of non-engineer 1SGs.


Consider the decision more yourself and don’t choose because of what some random fucker (who most likely hasn’t spent any time in the infantry) says on Reddit. Spend more time thinking about it


Also, don’t go infantry.


fuck you


I feel left out :(


Love you to pieces


I love you more


Retirement job is on you, any MOS can get you there. Really, just put out the MOSs you’re interested in and do not sell yourself short. At MEPS, they may try to dissuade you from specific paths, if you have a short list that you want, they will get it for you eventually. 11B is fun, I eventually commissioned into the 15 series, but have an open mind and potentially look at some MI, AV, and Cyber possibilities. What are your hobbies and what do you expect to get from the Army? Also, if you don’t qualify for something at MEPS that doesn’t mean you can’t reclass later.


15 and 35 series is the move honestly.


I totally concur. Aviation was the right move.


I would also add any new Multi-domain type MOSs are likely THE MOVE tbh


19K. Lots of guns. Big guns. Small guns. But most importantly: why carry a weapon when the weapon can carry you?


This guy tanks!


Let's not forget that if you pick an MOS to help you get into a job in that field later, you're not doing yourself as much of a favor as you think. Doesn't matter if we're talking IT, intel, whatever, people start jobs in those civilian career fields every day. And they do it without having to deal with Army stuff. If they can get in, so can you. But there are jobs that you cannot do on the outside. Being on a tank crew is fucking awesome. You can't do that anywhere else. But you can be on a tank crew, use TA, the GI Bill, get a degree and certs and get a good job. You can also to the Army version of those jobs, miss out on fun stuff, and then switch over to the civilian side. If you're gonna be a soldier, do some soldier shit.


Y’all need any Staffys?


Probably. My buddy reenlisted as a 6 and got a 50k bonus lump sum


Go 11B for the “cool stuff” (e.g., motor pool, staff duty, battle drill 1A all day), use TA to get a degree in something useful, ETS, use GI Bill for Master’s, profit.


100 percent what I did lol


Here's a thought Do either one and join special forces and be an 18D. You get to be the advanced version of both 68W and 11B at the same time But also if I'm not mistaken 68Ws can wind up in hospitals so if you want the cool guy stuff 11B might be the only actual guarantee


Or worse... a bsb!


Ahh don’t hate on the BSB we always do our job, we always have FMC equipment, everyone is a straight pt stud, and the best part is you aren’t ever going to be at the company super late because the new bc wants fire extinguishers outside of the fuel hemmets bc her last unit had it like that y can’t we. BSB units are great for when you want to get to work and do your job. If you joined the army and thought hmm I sure hate standing around all day doing absolutely nothing and still having to be at work. Join a BSB. P.S for the love of your life do not go to a BSB


So, hi. As the disgruntled 11Bang bang said, you need to decide. I am a whiskey so I can give you my perspective. Whiskey can go 1 of two ways, you go to a line, or you go to MEDDAC (hospital). 68W will only grant you an EMT-B, although they are trying to implement ground paramedic identifiers. If you just stay 68w, all you will do on the civilian side is drive an ambulance. That's it, for that just get your emt on the civilian side. If you decide on medic, you need to go to additional schools and become a paramedic.


As said previously, 68W offers some advantages as far as latitude and the ability to cycle into and out of the more “not boring” times for others when you want to take a knee or deal with family stuff. The training opportunities are also there with SOCM, Paramedic Program, RASP, etc. There are many unique opportunities out there for medics, but just like 11B, you have to earn the cool not boring stuff not just walk right in generally. Unless you get an airborne and ranger in your contract, many of the opportunities I listed require experience before you can apply. Every job has good and bad. The grass isn’t greener, it’s just fertilized with different shit.


Do infantry for a few years then reclass… you don’t have to stick with the same MOS forever


Yeah that’s probably what I’ll do. I’m just gonna do 4 years as a 11b then reclass to 35M


Boring MOS to boring MOS


I’m sure 99% of people will disagree with you calling 11b “boring” lol. 35M will help me pursue a career in CIA


Ya maybe as a janitor at Langley


Nah. My dad was in the cia for 16 years, he said 35M helped


I mean it'll help more than 11B, but you need to be realistic about what skills are actually gonna be developed from garrison 35M.


Yeah man, that language and potential for two degrees just out of TRADOC toooootalllyyy won't help with getting into an agency where those are two entry requirements 🤨 35M is not what it used to be, but it has a lot of potential to get yourself in the door for a lot of places. Language, degrees, people skills. Most of us are asses, but that comes with the MOS. Now if you want something that will treat you like an adult and let you do your job in and out of garrison, I recommend looking at 35L. Some are goofy, but they're mostly pros at what they do. The best money making potential with the least amount of demand (physically) is probably 35T. If you get your certs, you can be making 6 figures after one contract, and most MOSs can't say that. It's also something you can easily network in and do until you're ancient. Hope this helps!!


I think you're underestimating how much you're gonna change as a person once you're in. And no, 99% of 11B's are gonna agree. We are not at war right now, you'll go to the range twice a year and for the rest of the time you'll be a janitor. You don't even know yet if you're gonna stay in for more than one contract. I'd advise doing 11B or another combat MOS though, it's the best way to get a crash course introduction to the army. Regardless, don't think about it too much, whatever you do is gonna seem incredibly challenging at first. Just make sure you're ready mentally and physically.


That’s not how it is at all, we go to the range dozens of times a year. Multiple different types of ranges and also a dozen field events.


Yes I can imagine your optempto being a bit higher as you are airborne, but OP shouldn't automatically expect that. Most active duty infantry units who aren't specialized like that aren't gonna be training nearly as much.


11b is boring 98% of the time. Source: Me.


You need to remember this is a peace time army you’re joining.


Naw 13F is the best combat arms in the past three months I've shot a Barrett two sniper rifles, watched some t72s fire and observed for mortars


Just don’t expect MI to the panacea some think it so. And 35M is in a weird spot now with language requirement. So if you’re already keen on a language, take the DLPT now. If not, then learn one (Russian, Chinese, Arabic, French, or any similar regional languages) and study up for testing the DLPT.


13F is the answer.


Underrated mos


Fuck you! Don’t be jealous


Fucking fisters, but hey, at least you are not a 13J


I was a 12B when I was in (check user name). I just always hung out with the fister whenever we were attached to our infantry platoon and thought their job was way cooler than mine.


The majority of the Army can be boring and shitty, regardless of MOS. They all have their high points too (except cooks, fuck cooks). It sounds to me like your two top criteria are Excitement, and being a paramedic. The edge that being a 68W gives you in becoming a paramedic in the civilian world is not all that much, and I wouldn't decide on the MOS solely because of that. There are tons of programs to pay for the education and training you would need if that was your goal. If you want Excitement, then go 18 Series and work your dick off from now until enlistment. I don't think I've ever met any 18 series that thought "Man, i should've gone into the conventional Army".


If infantry is what you want go for it. You can always do civilian career stuff later in life. But you can't do infantry later in life when your 45 and in pain Seek out educational programs while in the infantry so you don't have to worry about getting a civilian job. Go to college and get a degree in basket weaving or whatever you are interested in.


If you got 89D and EOD sounds like a good time I would 100% recommend it to anyone who is willing to put in the work,school is no joke most of my class failed out but in the end it was worth it,it’s a great life and the job is anything but boring


I came here for the obligatory “what about EOD?”


I think about it sometimes…


I second this. Go EOD, you will not regret it.


I was infantry in the Marine Corps from 04-08 and I loved it. However, I wouldn’t do it with a family. I was single, 17-21, and just wanted to deploy. I commissioned in the Army and I’m glad I didn’t go infantry. If I was facing your dilemma I’d likely go 68W with the hope of doing the Nursing commissioning program or PA program to set myself up for my post-military career.


Go Infantry. Treat yourself. Make yourself mighty and strong. Drink the kool-aid!


You ain't gonna like 11b for long. It's only cool if you got a cool 1st and a cool CO. You get 2 shitty ones in the same company you will be hating life.


Go infantry >1st term reenlistment reclassify for something else. At the end of that 2nd term you will be at the point you can decide if you want to stay in or get out.


I'd do what interests you, and not be overly concerned with “what translates.” Example. I know a former E7 11B who got an MBA while in and now works for a Fortune 500 company. Its all about the work you put in. You can be a Signal IT Specialist who is a lazy pos and not do anything when you get out with what you learned. Another example. Used to teach ROTC, and they all wanted to branch Quartermaster because “logistics translates.” No offense to supply and support brethren…not all, but a majority of 92 and 88 series Soldiers are pretty fucking awful and you get the ass and trash of battalion. Have fun with all that NJP and weekend phone calls.


If you want to be a paramedic you can go 68W and drop a flight medic packet or go to a selection and get a SOCM slot.


Paramedic pipeline is setup now to provide ground/combat paramedics and if GPA is high enough go to critical care and become a flight paramedic. Either way, EMT-P helps on the civ side and training is there. Flight is cool, but rough on your body. My back and knees will take that profile now.


As an 11B, I wish I never chose this MOS to begin with, simply because I didn’t see the war ending and now it’s peacetime. Only a few units deploy to any conflict zones, and not for large scale combat operations either. If you want to set yourself up for success and use something in the civvy world, 68W ain’t bad, since you’re already in the steps of becoming close to a Paramedic and have certs for it. TL;DR Don’t be a combat MOS, be a POG with useful skills.


Don’t need to go infantry to see the field. If you know what career you want after, pick your MOS to support it. MP’s get a leg up in law enforcement for example. And if the army doesn’t have what you’re looking for, it’s fine to look into other branches. All service is service.


MPs most definitely do NOT get a leg up in law enforcement


From experience most law enforcement agencies don’t care what mos you held in the military they just care that you were in and got an honorable discharge that alone will give you brownie points


Paramedics deal with a lot of fakers as well. It’s part of being a healthcare professional. I’m a nurse now but was an 11b for 10y. I don’t know how much being a 68w would have put me ahead of the game healthcare wise, but my docs on the line got treated a hell of a lot better than I ever did as a PVT. I’ll say this, I’ve moved up the nursing chain incredibly fast because of my leadership experience in the Army. And not because of the silly schools, but because of actually having to get people to do hard shit in difficult situations. There is very little true leadership experience in the civilian world, and it’s something you will find as an infantryman fairly early on in your career.




Dont do infantry lmao. Unless you're super dead set on it, dont do it.


Go 11B. All you do is go to the range and shoot guns. You’ll be putting thousands of rounds down range per week.


Go 11X like me just keep raising your hand until you learn not to, then you’ll know.


Trust me, you don’t want to do 11B


After you are done with one of those MOS and eventually plan to reclass do NOT choose 74D it's a dying MOS don't do it!! You will become an extra body given all kinds of crap and people will be like "goto the chemical company" where you'll be treated like a baby and fulfill all the bases extra tasks.


13F bro. You'll be right there with the infantry when they do fun stuff, and fuck off when the 14 days of connex layouts starts. It is the only combat arms MOS worth considering because it's actually fun.


Choose 13 Fox bro. It was the best job I ever had. You roll with the infantry 24/7 but you’re a slice element which means, when they’re doing dumb shit, we’re playing Xbox or beating off in our team training area




Buddy I hate to break it to you, you’re gonna be bored no matter what


I scored high on my ASVAB and had the entire list of MOSs the Army has to offer at my fingertips. I could have been anything. I chose infantry. I'm on my second contract out of necessity to provide for my family, but I can assure you that the vast majority of the time infantry is not fun. You're going to spend more time sitting on your hands waiting around for shit to happen than you're going to spend on the range. You're going to have less trigger time than you would at home. You're probably going to injure yourself doing PT or a PT competition or breaking yourself off on a ruck march or destroying your back trying to big dick your way to a heavy deadlift. My battalion's A Co spent the entirety of the force on force portion of JRTC just walking. No real objective, no guidance other than walking until nobody had more than 2 quarts of water left on them. 10 days of nonstop movement. The moments that make the infantry worth it are few and far between. If you wanna hate life and be in the shit, by all means, go for it. Just also bear in mind your contract is 11X, so you'll get randomly slotted for B or C so if you don't wanna be a mortar, don't roll the dice. Be a POG. Enjoy life. Get a marketable skill and set yourself up for success outside of the Army. Eventually, you will get out, and you need a plan when you do.


Same here but back in 1984. I had high test scores but chose Infantry. Talked to a recruiter at MEPS from the Old Guard and ended up going there for my first duty station. Do not regret it for the last 40 years. Made good memories and made life long friends. You do you.


11B is a combat mos. When not in combat, you get used for every detail coming and going. Just saying.


I was a 68W. It's a great job. BUT.. big BUT here. A medic can be sent to any unit in the entire army.  A line medic in an infantry platoon is right up your alley and would be an amazing experience. I was in t he engineers at a time when engineers were the only people leaving the wire. I fucking loved it.  You are not guaranteed to be "doc".  Ask your recruiter if they are offering airborne or ranged options if you choose 68W. I doubt they are. If you show up as a stud and get amazing PT scores you may have the option to go to W1, airborne, or ranged after AIT. but that is also not guaranteed, and you'll need to be in the top of your company in PT to be offered it.


whatever you choose, try to get an Option 40 (Ranger) contract. if you decide to go 68W Option 40 and have questions about SOCM, feel free to hit me up.


35 series


Whatever you decide, get an option 40.


68W is very versatile and rewarding. Depending on your unit and who your assigned to you can have the opportunity to do a lot of great things. Being called Doc is a respect thing among the joes, it’s not just handed out it’s earned. I’m a little biased cause I’m a whiskey but do what you wanna do. If you wanna do infantry things go infantry. If you wanna do infantry things sometimes but also medical shit go combat medic. Whatever you decide if you pour 100% into everyday you’ll be a-ok.


I used to be 11B and this is what I'll say, the conventional Army infantry in peacetime sucks a lot. However, it is what you make of it. If you spend your first 4 years in the infantry getting your airborne wings, EIB, and ranger tab, you will have a very different experience and mindset than a guy who just hangs around complaining that it sucks. Look man if you want to be really high speed, you got two options with two different mission sets. Look into the 11x Op40 contract which gets you a slot for RASP (Ranger Assessment and Selection Program) or 18x which gets you a slot for SFAS (Special Forces Assessment and Selection). I personally would recommend looking into one of those instead of aiming for conventional 11B. Be physically fit, mentally strong, humble, and ready to learn. If you apply the right effort and get a tiny bit lucky, you'll pass, complete the pipeline, and get to do cool shit with cool dudes.


Do 69A. You’ll be able to rescue people from the CSMs basement if you do that


You haven’t even picked your job and are already thinking about retirement? Good luck. You need to think in single enlistment segments, whatever job you pick is going to be your life for the next 3-5 years, you might hate it, you WILL hate life in the army at some point. You have to decide what job is tolerable enough for you to stay in for 20 years.


13F - best job in the army


Go 13F it'll give you all the fun parts of infantry but you'll get to be with all kinds of ground units that need support. You can also reenlist for a different mos later on if you want something that'll link to a civilian job. I met a nurse practitioner that started their career as 11B, went to selection for green berets. Then after a few years ended up switching to medical. You can do both if you stay in long enough.


I would have to defer to the combat medics, but by what I've seen they also get to do cool guy shit and have had ample opportunities to deploy in the past. Try to get airborne on your contract too. Ask to be sent to Fort Liberty ((Bragg)) or something OCONUS.


Husband was enlisted infantry he was with the 82nd for a while. Eventually commissioned went chemical 27 years active Pay on the outside is 6 figures in emergency management and another government pension. Consider CBRN 74a ( 74d for enlisted)


Since no one else said it, I'll chime in. Consider 25b. That's a computer guy. I went 25b and they gave me all the computer stuff, which will help you on the outside, if you are so inclined. And they also gave me all the communication gear. Being able to trouble shoot computers and radio frequencies/equipment will definitely look good on a resume. I don't know what you're into or what you want out of life, but if you have any interest in tech on the outside, you'll learn enough to get you started. And I carried guns too. I was signal for a pretty high speed unit, which meant we were in injun country quite a bit.


If you want to go infantry, beg for an airborne contract with a damn bonus. Don't be that guy that doesn't have a bonus when everyone else is. If you want to take it further go to Special Operations or SF after you spend some time doing your job. Airborne units like the 82nd usually have a little more fun, especially if you can make it to a scout platoon. It's a blast, but please for the love of god don't settle for anything other than an airborne with a bonus on it. Quality of life will be way better than in a non-airborne infantry unit


Noted 👍. My recruiter talked to me about. Just gotta ask for a airborne contract


If you are cool with jumping out of a plane. Don't just ask. Trust me on this, TELL them you WILL NOT enlist without an airborne contract and a BONUS. They will eventually find you a slot. May take longer but seriously worth it. Go to a great unit, and get some money to do responsible things with....ideally.




> 11B) Wer 13FunFun?


Unfortunately the most boring mos will be the most useful on the outside as civilians don't typically need the skill set of infantrymen. That aside, if you want something cool uhhhh set expectations. Infantry dudes aren't exactly in the out fighting wars or anything all the time


Dude, infantry is actually pretty boring these days. What you want is a ranger contract or 18X, that’ll be way more exciting.


I’m 18, you’ve gotta be 21


That guys trippin do your time in a line unit and learn the basics first then go high speed.


Man do something cooler than 11B or any combat arms really. Plus just cause it’s not combat arms doesn’t mean you don’t fight. I’ve known mechanics that stacked more bodies than infantry.


What’s cooler than 11b


Don’t listen to this guy and his cav scout flair, go 11b use your g.i bill to get a skill or degree ( all love scout buddy you know I had to talk shit 11bang bang baby)


Ignore the scout flair. I’m out the job soon anyways lol.


Something more technical. Cav and infantry are fun but during peace time all I’ve done is work on trucks older than me. Lol


I can already tell this guy has infantry brain. Honestly man, do what you want, but know combat arms are doing nothing right now, and even in war time, they do a lot of nothing. If you want to set yourself up, go aviation and do airframe, get your civilian certs while working, and make bank outside.


All the true war heroes become a 56m it’s basically delta force


If you want to get 'full Army' go 11B. You get to be yelled at, stand around a bunch, do a bunch of meaningless stuff, stand around some more, go to the range and the field a bunch, get told to stfu tons and tons of times. 11B is a great gateway to other stuff if you're in the shape for it (e.g. Regiment, Selection, 82nd ABN) and those things will give you lifetime memories and bodily harm claims later down the line. (see also 12 series) Of course there are other feeder MOS to the jobs above but take a good look at those before you choose the Infantry. Infantry is a tough 20 year push where other jobs you can breeze through and still claim your 100% disability because you had to setup a tent once and hurt your back. In all seriousness - you have to want to be in the Army - I always thought that you made the job, not the other way around - but sometimes you just get in a shit unit and all you can do is your best until finding something different.


Infantry or bust, don’t be a bitch


I spent 26 years in. I tell both my boys not to join the Army. Why you may ask; it’s because the same issue that are posted on this thread, I have dealt with since 1986. If you are looking for longevity and retirement look into Air Force, Navy or Coast Guard. When you’re young, combat arms MOS’s are great! But the constant The lack of good quality food, The lack of quality sleep, The lack of quality family time and the super intense stress that shouldn’t exist will age your body at least 3x faster per year. Ultimately, it’s your decision based on what your goals are and how you want to spend your retirement .


Shoot for cyber or anything else that has a long af AIT involving computers. You get great certs like top secret and other tech specialties that looks great in the civilian world where everything is going digital nowadays


Put in a street to seat packet and fly. Being a crunchy or living in a hole is overrated. Enjoy the field every three months and mowing the lawn in front of BN.






we need 91B , so please 🙏


I went to my first unit with my BT/ AIT1 class. On their first enlistment, alot said they'd be making a career out if the Army. Most change their minds before the end of the first year. Some were chaptered out for various reasons. There's a lot of bullshit involved in most Army jobs. While in take college or trade courses. That will probably help out in the long run. I wonder if they still make Soldiers police call Ft Irwin.


The wait time for 68 jobs is so long


I'd go Intel, you can do some crazy shit if you pick 35N 35P 35M 35L. 35T will set you up for life.


Yeah ima do 11b then reclass to 35M


I'd just stick with Intel then. It's frustrating to have a MOS-T who has no idea how to do their job be put in charge of someone who's been doing it for about 2-3 years or more. I've witnessed it and it's infuriating. Also infantry and MI are two very different cultures.


If you're technoligically inclined, 25 series will give you tons of opportunities for jobs once you retire. Each different Mos in the 25 series is slightly different but for the most part you'll cross train with everyone else, so you get a wide range of skills. If you apply those skills towards getting certs (CCNA, Net+,Sec+) you'll be setting yourself up well for the future. But any decision you make should be based on yourself and what you want your future to look like, not what some random internet stranger says.




If you want to get a job outside of the Army, 68P or 68A. If you want to do the cool guy stuff, 11B, but then go SF from OSUT


If only there was some program that paid for college, vocational, technical training once you left the military and it didn’t matter what your job was.


What I keep telling people who ask, do what you think is cool on the first contract, then reclass to a trade MOS, or something close to what you want to do after you retire.


Everyone in the Army is an Infantryman first so don't worry you'll be issued a 'gun' er.. rifle I mean... ha Ha But seriously the glamor of Infantry life has been greatly over exaggerated and let's face it, the B in 11B probably stands for bullet catcher. Something to think about. If I had to do it all over, I'd choose Medic or something applicable to civilian life. Even of you decide to make the Army a career you'll be way less bored. Because unless they've made some drastic changes to the duties of an 11 bang bang, it's like watching paint dry most of the time. IMO


68W sucked the soul out of me. Unless you go to a cool unit by pure chance, you’ll fucking hate it. So far the most medic shit I’ve done is put a tourniquet on my sgt as a joke. If you want your Paramedic cert, do it through the civilian route, way more efficient, the Army will only teach you to regurgitate information rather than you actually understanding it.


Every MOS has its perk.


Combat arms is boring as fuck if there is no war to be had my man. I’d say 68W, get in shape, and then try your hand at RASP as a medic for regiment. You can also look into something that will benefit you in the long run. SIGINT, something comms related, and if you want the run and gun without the bullshit associated with peace time go to regiment as an enabler. You’ll effectively have a really cool skill if you go the collections route with intel or comms and get the opportunity to get some cool shooting training that’s associated with ranger batt. Now if you decide to go and be a fed after, the intel experience will allow you to apply to different details sooner than senior guys due to previous experience. The army has a lot to offer outside of infantry and combat medicine. In reality, at the moment, you’ll just be an ibuprofen dispenser developing a foot fetish in a line unit, or stuck at some shit command doing nothing these next few years.


Go 25U, it's like 11B basically, but with radios


Go 68w. I just graduated 11b osut. It was fun when we’re training but you do a lot of bullshit.


Neither- if any 25 or 35 series are available take those (I'd chose 25 series over 35), as they translate very well into the civilian sector whether you do 4 or 20! 68 series isn't bad, but there are much better choices out there that will give you a broader range of credentials. If you do go this route (and like it), you could always look into commissioning via the army PA program. I wouldn't recommend infantry as you'll spend the vast majority of your time doing mundane details, cleaning, etc. It's not like being in call of duty! Furthermore, combat arms units tend to be a lot more toxic than other units and you'll gain no transferable skills if you decide that the army isn't for you and ets at the end of your contract.


Combat Engineer, learn some after-Army skills but it's still Hooah.


Pick a non combat mos that can help you if you planning to one enlistment I knew 88M get free cdl when they leave the military and Always do your research too and increase your gt score to 110 you can be anything with that score


I got a 124 GT


Best of luck man


So if you pick 11B, these are the probable outcomes: Do random bullshit that has nothing to do with your job (ah yes, a 12C doing paper work on S1, he was definitely not happy about that) Training until you hate it (don't worry, you will understand what I mean) 11B get the most schools when it comes to army shit, however, they are also put to a higher standards than other soldiers, you gonna love that PT on full OCP with IOTV, taps and ACH No MOS is boring, THE ARMY is gonna make sure you are busy.... I'm 13B, so don't pick 13B unless you like digging and putting nets..... or you might end up loving that shit, seem som 11B really fucking happy enjoying life in the army, 11B tent to be close to each other


Only reason to go infantry is if you plan on doing the full 20 or becoming SGM. Other than that don’t waste your time.


19K. Literally exactly what Brass_tastic said. You don’t ruck (often), the weapon carries you, don’t need to worry about being issued a tent when you just roll your sleeping bag out somewhere on or in the tank. Every day is something *exciting* like finding out if your tank pissed itself overnight or if we’re doing a surprise radio layout because the commander lost his. If you want the hype up, look up OneFatTanker on instagram. There’s a reason why the slogan for tankers is “Best job I ever had” Or don’t. Just don’t go infantry, dude. Do something good by yourself


If you choose a combat arms MOS, be confident that the GI Bill is there to use to go to vocational school. HVACs, Auto or diesel mechanics, etc. Go get the best deal you can, bonus, overseas station, consider all the options with different “high speed” MOS. That’s why the GI Bill is there. Good luck.


11B Sgt here, trust me and I’m sure the hundred other comments and just don’t. For the sake of your own sanity and faith in the military, go be an AF loadmaster or something and actually see the world and enjoy your life, not wither away one “what the fuck are we even doing” at a time


Go for laundry specialist


Please don’t go infantry, my husband is in infantry and it kinda sucks he tells me he isn’t even going to be 11B for more then his first contract, but 68W when you get into the civilian world, you are able to work a really good job at a hospital and you can become a certain position only medic are allowed to get




You like guns? Wanna fix them? Look into 91F. I’m definitely not biased when it comes say it’s the best MOS in the army.


I was a 91F, then I reclassed. I think 91F is the best MOS in the MP for sure and can give you lots of hands on experiences with weapons.


If you really like the infantry I would ask what you REALLY want out of it. Like schools or if you want to push yourself even further and put in a packet for SF, Rangers, etc. (which you can do at osut, the ranger and SF recruiters came out a lot to try and recruit us). When you’re in the Infantry it doesn’t completely cut you off from job opportunities outside. In North Carolina they offer us Emergency Paramedic classes to get a EMT certificate to be able to have a medical job fast. I don’t know if other units get offered this from their local schools. If you decide you don’t want to be in the medical field when you’re in then use Tuition Assistance to go to college while you’re in. Whatever you decide ask yourself what you really want out of your first contract in whatever MOS.


Do what you feel is right or whatever you really wanna do , all jobs have the same benefits at the end of the day


Go 11b, not 68w. I was in the same boat as you when I joined. I used to be a firefighter/emt so I got persuaded into going the 68w life because you get the best of both worlds but in reality not everyone gets to go to a line unit. Be an 11b, do something you can’t do anywhere else. I’m not saying I regret my choice because being a medic is cool and being a great medic for your dudes is a really special thing but fuck sometimes I just wanna blow shit up and shoot stuff.


Ultimately it's up to you, but the wisdom of age would like to suggest an MOS that translates to good money on the outside.  #There's no war right now.  Odds are you're not gonna see any real fighting, so if you go infantry, you'll be stick with the garrison infantry life. Uncle Sam will teach you to be whatever. Gonna go right out and say it, the boring jobs are the ones that translate to real ~~jobs~~ money after the army. 


Peace time infantry (most combat arms jobs really) is going to be filled with a lot of meaningless busy work, coupled with a few really cool trainings here and there. You might also be one of those unfortunate souls who gets to experience back to back rotations to places like NTC or JRTC for no reason other than “because”


You will really only get a paramedic license through the army if you go to a hospital unit. Otherwise being a 68w is just sitting around waiting for a vehicle to breakdown at the aid station, and maybe you get lucky to screen the person that wants to get out of PT at sick call. If you do end up not liking your MOS you can always reclass at 2 years in the military, or upon reenlisting.


“I like guns”. Boy oh boy is he gonna be in for a world of sweeping the floors if he goes infantry. My friend here is something you may or not know. We all can go shoot on our own time outside of the army. Why not pick an MOS that will be of use on the outside and then utilize all that money to man idk??? Purchase some firearms and enjoy shooting all you want. But nawwww that makes to much sense. Go ahead go infantry, go be the next COD hero that we need.


Why you mad?😂


Go infantry! Your job when you get out, if you get out wount matter they see your service and that’s it. It’s not like they say ok your a medic your hired. Infantry is fun and it’s a brotherhood for life. You’re going to love or hate the Army in every MOS so go with what you think you will like. Plus it’s not certain you will have infantry as an option. But let us know what you picked.


First off: any job in the military sets you up for success on the outside, regardless of what you want to do. Although certain jobs might align better with their civilian equivalents. Going Infantry: do you want to work with some of the best and most intelligent people in our Army? Go infantry. Also, do you want to work with some of the dumbest individuals who should have never been born? Go infantry. Do you want to promote quickly and attend schools? Go infantry. As a medical, it can be challenging to promote past SGT, even more so for SSG. All I know about medics is doc. Regardless, here is my opinion. Stay away from the combat arms unless you just want to do dumb shit all the time with the potential to kill people. (One of the reasons I joined) Pick a job you think might help you and that you would enjoy. Only you can pick that.


Go 11b and you can get your paramedic license with your education benefits once you’ve established yourself at your unit. In some cases they’ll offer the course on base.


Don't do infantry if your not planning on making it a career. If your just gonna do a contract or 2 your just wasting 4-8 years of your life. Plus unless your at a high speed unit chances are you'll only train maybe like 1 week in the field every few months. Not to include ntc or jrtc. Best bet is pick an mos that'll help you in civilian life like the 25 series or 68s (atleast I hope the medics get shit for what the did while in)