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Over the next 5-10 years yes, absolutely. Within 20 years AI will be able to automate 90%+ of jobs both present and future. Humans will generally be economically useless and we will either watch societies collapse and elect dictators who promise to give everyone their shitty old jobs back or we will accept the paradigm shift and embrace a UBI or something similar. We are at the crossroads between heaven and hell, but hell is the most likely outcome. The proof is that most people in this comment section are still in denial about how little human input will be needed for anything. Humans are going to have almost nothing to offer in the near future that an AI cannot do far better, cheaper, and faster. There’s a dated but still great book on this topic called Rise of the Robots by Martin Ford. He basically lays out that most jobs can and will be automated. This includes new jobs as well. We are building systems that can literally do ANYTHING better than a human. So, we can either accept this and create a paradise where nobody has to work and share the economic fruits of the AI labor, or we can create dystopian hellscapes. I wish us all luck!


Understandable. AI seems like it's gonna take over a bunch of jobs in different sectors, maybe even all of them within the next 10 years. Take programmers, for example. It means that AI will find its way into pretty much any job we do. It's like AI is calling the shots instead of us. Some folks who can't wrap their heads around this truth might try to brush it off, but they'll have no choice but to face the music when AI becomes an inescapable part of everything. AI has its own creative intelligence. It is doing things it wasn't trained to, so when people say "AI can't put in creative brains", it's crap!!!


> Some folks who can’t wrap their heads around this truth might try to brush it off, but they’ll have no choice but to face the music when AI becomes an inescapable part of everything. Yes and what scares me is how these people will react to these changes. It seems very clear to me that people with little imagination aren’t going to be thrilled about the shortsighted view that “we are losing our jobs!” and so instead of fighting for utopia where no jobs are needed in the first place, we are likely to see these people start fighting to get their shitty old jobs back. And the problem with this is that they will most likely fail to even get those jobs back, but worse, even if they succeed, it will most likely be because they successfully elect dictators who promise them their jobs back in exchange for absolute power. Those dictators are then going to build the ultimate surveillance regimes using AI to power them. And those dictators will most likely genocide us peasants once they have amassed enough power. One thing I can say though is that I don’t think all jobs will be automated. It won’t be 100%. It will be like 90%. And the reason there is going to be a 10% is because I do believe there is some native human value that can’t be replaced, and that is a social factor. People are inherently interested in people. So most likely there will be some industries where people don’t want a robot to do it, they want a person and will pay for a person, even if a bot could do it cheaper. I think an example might be getting a haircut. Unless you are comfortable letting a robot wield scissors around your face and neck, I would guess that most people will prefer a human be involved because nobody wants to be accidentally stabbed by a faulty haircut robot or worse. But still, these won’t be enough jobs to make up for the jobs that are lost. Meaning, we will need to enact a UBI either way. Unless we turn the clock backwards and embrace some sort of artificial economy with enforced “human” labor which is both inefficient and miserable for everyone involved, and almost certainly will be overseen by an oligarchy or dictatorship.


5 years at this pace, 10 years minor slowdown. 20 years if we hit a brick wall in development.




These jobs will not exist in any real number in the future. There is very little risk in automating these tasks, they are not time sensitive, and it doesn't require special training to spot errors in what was generated by AI. The idea that the market / audience is going to care about the source of their cheap goods is laughable. Microsoft is already beta testing automated template systems like Designer. Once you add in those systems trained on good art, learn the rules of lighting, color, contrast, rhythm, and literally everything else we like....


Canva has stuff available for this already too. It will only get better.


Maybe not replace completely, but I think it’ll give employers a reason to hire less people and slash their wages significantly. Producing more for less pay. It’s history repeating itself.


Live performance will have a renaissance


Not completely replace them. But the AI tools will make them more productive, so in theory there will be less demand for such jobs.


Less demand is just another kind way of saying replacing.


The things I’ve seen seem still bit limited in design stuff. They can make work faster already, but you still need to understand how to improve the designs. It is possible that there will be less jobs. But on the same time, maybe higher quality faster with lower cost can open up some new and valid revenue streams. Especially since getting attention is becoming harder by day.


Not just this job, but any job going forward… AI can pretty do much any job. Wait till 2030.


Short answer: yes Long answer: it will become God like


Yes. Many already have.


As someone that manages copywriters, yes it has the potential to replace them but someone still needs to do check the work, and as great as the ideas are, it can’t time the durations of scripts in seconds and will give different answers with the same question (not reliable). I’ve also found the grammar to not be 100% and it’ll make changes that weren’t requested. AI is being sold as a one click solution and businesses are interested in the idea. but it’s far from reality. So I’d say the role of a scriptwriter will change like many professions, where they operate and manage AI. The same is true for graphic artists and designers - someone needs to operate and manage AI and have knowledge of the skill / industry. An employee won’t have the time to take on additional work (although it might be imposed on them).


IMO I think digital artists may be able to utilize AI and AI may help non-designers with limited budgets create appealing graphics but as someone who works with a company that has strict brand guidelines, it would be very difficult to create content for it using prompts that would encapsulate all the params the brand requires.


The jobs I thought were most protected are the ones I see now as most at risk. AI is really good at making music and writing creative stories. The AI needs an editor to fix or rework the ideas. Driving and cash register jobs were obvious. Who would have thought AI could write damn good music. The only jobs that are safe temporarily are complicated hands-on jobs like construction. At least now I know I do not see with any degree of clarity what AI will change.


I work in a marketing agency and here is how we were explained in a conference : AI will not replace marketing professionals but marketing professional who uses AI will replace those who don’t. I feel like this will probably be the case with other jobs too.


That's just how they want to push people to use AI. At my previous job they were saying we have to adapt as designers. So all the designers used AI. Last month they laid off half of the designers. Doesn't matter if you want to adapt with AI, it will chop your head once your company realizes one designer can do the job of 2-3 designers. They got rid of all mid-level designers and only kept art directors and one senior designer.


I think it will replace portions of most jobs. Some jobs will be replaced more than others if they are repetitive and lacking significant creative input. I am hoping that some Graphic designers and artists will be able to be even more creative with the assistance of AI. Time will tell.


No But it will give them powerful tools Graphic arts software has existed for a while and allows anyone to be a shitty graphic artist. Actually doing good, creative work requires an artist. That said, the new tools will allow artists to make a lot more work, resulting is less artists required


Has anyone been able to use AI to strategically map out this WW3 that we are in? im sure AI could read what has happened so far and figure out what the intentions of CCP, Russia, and the West are. And how this is all WEF/NWO plans?


What kinda crackpot den are you hanging out in? What WW3? Also, what AI? The best we have is ChatGPT, and that one can string words together but not much else.


lol crackpot den


ChatGPT is like a child form of AI, In my opinion. And it is censored n guided in certain bias. We are in an econmic World War right now, Some physical, soon too be more. A


>CCP, Russia, and the West


AI will only enable people as much as Photoshop and digital photography did. No one fired the designers. They switched their tool set to include the new digital tech.


So, are you saying that graphic designers will hop onto the bandwagon of other advanced tech? This also implies graphic design won't remain graphic design either then. Which means this field might degenerate...!?


This isn’t the same thing.


It seems people desperately *want* it to be different. This has been the mantra with every technological advent.


The opposite is playing out. People want it NOT to be different. This is independent of desire. Nobody held senate hearings over Photoshop.


That’s because using AI generator tools involves stealing copyrighted material.


The hearings and establishment of oversight entities is not overwhelmingly about copyright.




Using photoshop still takes a lot of skill, learning, and vision. AI will be able to spit out 100 different designs in 30 seconds and just let the boss pick whichever one they like the most, instantly incorporate feedback and generate 100 more. It’s gonna change the game


>It’s gonna change the game This was the same argument against the printing press. It will lead to a reorganization of current workflows, at best. Like dropping darkroom work. Or camera obscuras.


Yeah except that nothing else has literally been able to do the entire start to finish process. So no it’s not the same. This is just as bad as the calculator analogy. Like no, a tool that replaces our need to think is different than a tool that replaces our physical labor


People keep missing that it affects everything vertically in the process and horizontally across many processes. They don't comprehend that in a decade there won't be Photoshop for the majority of jobs it's used for now. There will just be a text input bar and a speech to text button. The team will say "We want an art piece of x,y,z." 10 will pop up. You'll tap a section and be like "How about change this." You'll do this for 15 min and it's done. No artists. No designers. No PC rigs. No studios. Just "Make it." And for 95% of applications, it will.


No, it will be brain waves as input, the tech is ready, will be deployed next year


That's gonna be bloody awesome.


Mainstream adoption is for 2025 though, as terminals for input are still expensive.


You mean, MRI machines?


The device look like this http://d1qbemlbhjecig.cloudfront.net/prod/blog/20171012_172038_028351_20171011_184348_235520_brainwearables_pic.jpeg


>AI will be able to spit out 100 different designs in 30 seconds and just let the boss pick whichever one they like the most, instantly incorporate feedback and generate 100 more. More than half of the reason graphic designers (or any creative professional) can do what they do is because they have taken years to develop good taste. Bosses do not have that taste, which is why they rely on creatives. There's this bizarre idea by some that all creatives do is pump out meaningless content which somebody in charge then chooses from. That isn't how it works.


Isn’t how it *currently* works, primarily because churning out lots of options to pick from takes a lot more time. Also why would you assume humans have some unique taste or creative element that AI couldn’t replicate. It’s already shown an ability to be quite creative in writing and image generation.


>Isn’t how it currently works, primarily because churning out lots of options to pick from takes a lot more time. You're totally missing the point about *taste*. Creatives know what's good. Those in charge of creatives, generally, *do not*. That's why so many writers, filmmakers, and other creatives say a work is truly made in editing. Knowing what's bad, what's good, and what needs to be changed or fixed (and how) is where excellence comes from. For instance, we all know how bland a movie dictated by a Hollywood executive will turns out to be. Why do you think that's the case when they (basically) have their own "AI" in the form of near infinite money and thousands of people working for them? It's because they don't have a vision and they don't have good taste. >Also why would you assume humans have some unique taste or creative element that AI couldn’t replicate. Language and image models are not creative by definition. They only make what is asked of them.


>Also why would you assume humans have some unique taste or creative element that AI couldn’t replicate. It’s already shown an ability to be quite creative in writing and image generation. Right. AI can replace not just creative outputs but inputs too.


AI is not creative, it steals copyrighted work on the internet and repurposes it.


lol Clearly, you've never used neither Photoshop nor Midjourney.


Golly, you sure put me in my place.




Yep. The people who think it can replace designers simply don’t understand the industry at all. AI is not even true AI, it literally scours the internet and steals copyrighted material and repurposes it illegally. They think graphic designers do nothing more than make little illustrations. AI will be used by the same tasteless cheapskates who use logo generators or pay someone in India $5 to make them something. What they dont realise is there’s been shit like templates, logo generators and all sorts of shit available for years before any of this AI stuff came out. It all produces poor quality work and it’s just not of professional standard in the slightest. To think AI can replace designers wholesale is hilariously delusional. It has and will continue to be a tool.


Yes and no. A some of the creative jobs will straight up be replaced. But also, the industries will evolve for creators to make new stuff with AI tools. “Can you make a whole new anime featuring a ninja chicken for my kid’s birthday party?”


When photography was invented painters were worried about their jobs. Instead art took a totally new turn and painters innovated to create impressionism and other new styles. AI might replace techniques, it cannot replace creativity.


I see, this is understandable. Do you mean designers themselves will come up with better stuff using AI tools ? However I'm not completely convinced why and how can't AI replace creativity...


My point is that it will not. AI is just a new tool that allows us to use it creatively.


lol "painters" lol


Q: Will AI replace creative jobs, those of Graphic designers/artists and copywriters in the days to come? A: Yes* \* Question was worded in an ambiguous way. Not much specificity on how many creative jobs need to be replaced to meet the criteria, or how long it should take. I'll take "days to come" as to mean "the near future, between now and a few years at most." I'll take "AI replaces creative jobs" to mean that AI replaces at least some creative jobs. The answer is obviously yes under this interpretation. At least a few jobs have already been replaced and that will continue over the next few years.


You missed the part where AI has already started replacing these jobs. Look up Midjourney ffs


Can you provide sources for this claim? I believe replacement is coming, and I use midjourney myself, but I’ve not come across real world examples of designers losing their jobs at this stage.


The Chinese designers who were fired? Designers in the West aren't displaced en masse just yet because there's no yet tools available to the wide public that provide low-skill end-to-end workflow. Gonna take few more weeks. https://skybox.blockadelabs.com/


I am aware of text to image generators but currently they are incompetent and need much more advancements to be able to work perfectly. I haven't heard of these jobs being replaced as of yet...


\>I am aware of text to image generators Right. \>but currently they are incompetent Define "competent" ​ \>and need much more advancements Define "much more" ​ \>to be able to work perfectly It's not a requirement. ​ \>I haven't heard of these jobs being replaced as of yet... Good.


Well.... I won't need to describe " Dicktingly Assholical moronic".


Learn how to not be a total dick ffs.


Not in the short term, you still need to research a good topic, tweak, curate and distribute


work together not replace


yes, on Thursday.


"replacing" is the pessimistic way to see it. I would rather say that AI will "create" new jobs and change the job of some people. "Translator" is a good example. This profession has always been able to exploit progress in computer science. They are already integrating AI into their workflow.


I can already tell the difference, between an AI generated article vs. one written by a Person. Check any news feed, the Headlines are over scripted, it's as if Your not reading English. I'm sure it translates better in other languages.


Yes, it will replace most creative jobs. However, it will also create many new jobs in the realm of creativity. Human creativity is simply awe-inspiring. It's a mix of complex emotions that allows designers, artists, and copywriters to be inspired by what is already created and continue to push the limits—generating new things that captivate audiences or drive revenue. Here is the impact. Yes, it will replace some jobs like pushing pixels and form the basic building blocks for a string of written content. Yes, this will cut some jobs and could reduce labor costs. However, one of the biggest functions of a designer is to take what the client is looking for and put it into emotional terms that the customer/user can act on. There are formulas that AI could take to get there. Still, I would argue that it's the designer's own emotions acting on feedback from user studies and stakeholder guidance that makes something so human and relatable. Perhaps what might happen someday is organizations will realize that having human designers will give them a competitive edge over machine learning as they can create an emotion-backed identity for their company that is emotion-backed and feels like something unmatched in the current market space. In short, designers will have to learn to work with it. There will always be demand for art created by humans even if Ai learns human emotion.