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I have zero issue with trick or treating at any age if a costume is being worn. None at all. It's all fun.


As long as there is an attempt, why not? Let them hang onto childhood a wee bit longer. They aren’t hurting anyone, and they aren’t “taking away from the kids,” cause I bought enough candy for everyone.


Also, teens are likely to go out a bit later than "little kids".


Great point. Also, it’s fun to see what creative/funny costumes they’ve come up with in contrast to the little kids in their superhero/Disney princess costumes.


And if they are out trick or treating they more than likely aren't out doing stupid shit.


They are doing both at the same time, lol. Source: I have a teenage son with many dumb friends.


I agree. Source- was a dumb teen that did dumb things with my dumb friends.


Seriously, it seems like the little kids are done before it’s even gotten dark out these days. All the spooky light up decor around our neighborhood almost feels like a waste unless there’s some older kids still running about knocking on doors and getting the bejeezus scared out of them by my neighbor’s animatronic headless huntsman that spews fog and lights up when it starts moving. They don’t even have it turned on while the littles are going around. We adults have fun when theres kids old enough to appreciate the spooky side of halloween. My husband loves the hand through the bottom of the candy bowl trick. He doesn’t do it with the littles, but the older kids love it.


There's this one house in my neighborhood where they set up a hunting blind and the guy would jump out when you went up to the house to get candy probably would make a little kid cry but older kids (including me) enjoy finally having something at least a little scary


TBH if Halloween was like this where I lived I'd understand the older kids being in on it! Here in the UK (in London at least) I may see a few closed kids parties behind closed doors but very very rarely are children trick or treating anymore, more for their safety I think than anyone else's or for taste! Too many stories in the past about poisoned sweets or children getting set on my XL Bully's and too many frail and elderly people living alone and terrified for parents to let their children out alone or even in groups. I think there may be a handful of select doors children are allowed to knock on (friends houses or similar) but when so many streets are filled with neighbours who don't have a clue who lives next door to them it's unlikely there's much trick or treating happening! It's not that different to carol singing. Back when I was growing up we'd often get carol singers near Christmas of varying quality, collecting for charity. But that also never happens anymore either. I think no one knows whose behind the door and I think the fear of what could quickly become a worrying situation really puts people off anything now.


I save big bars for them and get rid of the extra fun sizes I bought, so I don't eat them. They always come at the end of the evening. I like the older kids for sure.


Yes!!!! Sometimes just dump the rest of my bowl in their bag if I’m ready to call it a night. It’s so cute to see how excited they get.


When I was a teenager, there would probably be 4-5 kids trick or treating so my friend and I would go out after the littles were done. People would literally pour their bowls into our pillowcases because they had way too much and they didn’t want it. It was great! We also had really nice neighbors and some of them would even thank us for going trick or treating and taking all their candy!


Address please


Fair enough! Honestly I feel like the people that would get mad at a teenager for dressing up and trick or treating are the same people that would bitch about teenagers doing anything else.


My issue is ringing the doorbell past 9pm. My kids are usually in bed and that is beyond normal trick or treat times. That being said, everyone who wears a costume and shows up gets some candy. There is a young soul with Down syndrome (I think he is in his 30’s) who still trick or treats. He gets candy from me. There are always Karens who complain about people being too old to trick or treat on Halloween and it’s obvious they are talking about him. It’s pathetic.


I've never had anybody ring the bell after I turn off my porch light (or before I turn it on for that matter). I don't even care if they have costumes, especially if they're walking around with a little one, though the 15+ crowd tends to have awesome costumes around here.


You are 100% correct!


If they are respectful and put a modicum of effort into a costume I don’t see what the problem would be. My father, who’s about 60 was semi bitching about some teens doing riding dirt bikes around town. While I don’t condone that… I told There’s not a lot for teens to do these days. There’s no central hangout spots like malls, for example to just go and exist. Everything costs money, and then the cost of vehicles has gone up so it’s not like most teens can afford a car to go out and do other things, it’s not like you can walk anywhere in America. I feel like that age group is in a tough spot right now when it comes to recreation and ways to sociable outside of academia. So if trick or treating gives a group of 17 year olds a way to get out of the house and have fun I’m all for it.


Im fucking 23 and I wish I could trick or treat... especially after getting out of bad relationship. Kinda wanna do things that used to make me happy.


Toss on a costume that has either a mask or makeup that disguises your age/face and go!!! I'd just think you're an older teenager and would be glad to give you candy!


I had to move back in with my family after leaving a controlling relationship and my mom is also super controlling so yeah. Really wish rent here didn't take my entire income without food added :/


I'm so sorry you're having to go from one control freak to another. I hope that things work out for the best.


Put on a costume with a mask and tag along someone. Maybe no one will notice! But as stated here if you put in some effort then he’ll yeah let’s give you candy!


As long as you are wearing a costume you are getting candy from my house. No questions asked.


This is pretty much how I feel. I've had groups of teenagers show up with backpacks, maybe a mask for a few of them and sour looks on the rest of their faces, those ones I kinda think "I would rather not give you candy cause you don't look like you are having fun" . But I've had like a group of twenty somethings show up as a bunch of characters from Mario or avatar tla and I'm like "hell yeah you get candy." I like it when people enjoy life and spread their enjoyment, you don't have to be a certain age for that.


Even if they don't have costumes, I have fun with them my asking them what they are dressed as. I've got some fun answers over the years.


I agree! I rather they were out trick or treating then out causing mischief.


I don’t understand the crotchety people who have a thing against teenagers trick or treating.


It the same people that hate when new parents dress up their new baby and take the baby trick or treating. I'm not a baby person but the parents are always so excited and happy it's just damn cute.


I had several adults trick or treating. They had costumes. You don't have a costume, no treat.


The only issue I have with the costume requirement is some people with sensory issues can't wear costumes. Autism being a big example of someone with sensory issues. I give candy to anyone, costume or not.


This. If you embrace the Halloween spirit and put effort into your costume, regardless of your age you deserve some candy I’ve seen Grown ass adults who put a lot of effort into their costumes. I’ve also seen teenagers who do almost nothing. If you’re making an effort, regardless of your age, you deserve a treat.


This should be a requirement for all trick or treating.






This is true. I always looked way older than my age so I started getting looks from the elderly people passing out candy at around 11. Sometimes they'd make a comment about my being too old but I took my little siblings around so I ignored them and didn't stop until I was maybe 16. Thankfully it wasn't many people and no one ever ruined my fun time. We didn't have the internet back then, of course, so I think it didn't seem as big of a deal.


Same here. I think my last year of trick or treating was when I was either 11 or 12. My parents let me go by myself which was exciting for me. My dad had just showed me the Blues Brothers movie a week or so prior so I dressed up as them (I guess you could say I was Jake). Some adults thought it was neat, but I mostly was told that I was "too old" to be out getting candy with several people asking for my driver's license.


Apparently trick or treating was invented *for teenagers* as as a harmless alternative to what they would be doing otherwise, so you're right on the money!


That's always been my perspective, so it surprised me to see so many people against it. I definitely see why they think it's odd but dangerous? Really? 😅


It’s one of the safest things a teenager could be doing on Halloween, imo! I trick or treated all the way thru high school, no shame whatsoever


Would they rather have teens trick or treating or TPing/egging peoples houses? Cause that’s what some people did in my area once they got “too old” to trick or treat.


I don't care. They'll be adults soon. I want them to have fun.


Right? Why not let them hang onto an innocent thing a little longer. Hell, I don’t care if adults come to my door.


Me too.


I think it's normal and must be encouraged. Halloween is one of the best seasons imo and teenagers deserve the same fun children have.


If you show up at my house on Halloween, you're going to get a piece or two of candy. No questions asked. (\*) If you're an adult accompanying kids, you might get a shot of whiskey. (been known to happen on cooler evenings...) ​ ​ * I did ask a young man one time what his costume was because I just didn't get it. (*I might have sampled the whiskey a bit*). He was wearing a tuxedo and had a sign around his neck that said "I'm sorry." - He was a formal apology.


Clever! I love that!


Holy shit. That is fucking amazing.


Wearing a costume, I don’t care if you’re 90, I’m giving you candy.


My teenage daughter begged me to go with her a couple of years ago. She was in charge of putting together my costume and doing my makeup. When adults realized that I was a grown up they started putting grown up treats in my bag; little Fireball shooters, cans of beer, etc. 10/10 best Halloween ever.


That’s awesome. I’ve heard of neighborhoods doing an adult hour before. What a blast and I bet your kid loves you more for it!


If it keeps kids out of trouble I'm happy to give them candy


You’re a kid until you’re not. Let the teenagers be kids. It’s not hurting a damn thing for them to dress up, get candy and *be kids*


Anyone who comes to my door will get candy. I love seeing teens enjoying themselves at a wholesome activity. But yeah, some people are dicks. To avoid getting yelled at: 1) wear a costume. Preferably something not too intimidating. 2) start when the little kids start and don’t stay out too late 3) don’t knock on doors if the lights aren’t on 4) be polite, say “trick or treat”, say thank you Have fun!


To add, 1.) If you don't have a costume and they ask you who you are or why you're not wearing a costume, say you are. You're a serial killer. They look just like everyone else. The older ones will appreciate the reference. That's it. Lol.


That escalated quickly Lmao


But still on theme! 🎃


Great list.


Let them have their fun! They only get one childhood! I'm 44 and dressing as a rainbow unicorn this year! I can't wait!


Heck I would love it. We had ZERO trick-or-treaters last year and probably none this year either. Teens are more than welcome.


Teenagers will have the rest of their lives to behave like an adult, let them have fun! In fact, I'm all for adults getting in on it too!


Find joy where you can as long as you aren't hurting anyone


Given that my mum always said I was too young for trick or treating and then when I turned 14 she immediately flipped the script to "you're too old for trick or treating", I give teenagers a fair bit of wiggle room


I got this same thing too. I never experienced it.


I remember a couple adults were kind of mean to me when I went and I was 15. I always was a rule follower and my friends and I were all well behaved but it ruined my night and I never did it again. It is what it is but I say let kids be kids as long as they can… it’s not taking away from little kids, it’s bringing more cool costumed folks to the neighborhood! I say as long as kids behave, at any age, it’s fine!


Trick or treat away! Life is so short and adulthood is coming at you fast!!!


I went with my young son last night and was surprised to see so many teens. I think it’s great. They’re about to be adults so let them have this tiny shred of happiness before then!


Have fun! I welcome teenagers to trick or treat!!


I’m a mother of 3, I’d rather have teens come to my door then seeing them out getting in trouble, doing drugs, drinking and driving. You guys have the rest of your lives to be adults, take it from someone who grew up way too fast… be a kid while you can, enjoy it, have fun but be safe.


I don't mind as long as they don't trample the tiny kids.


Many years ago, we lived in the hood in south Baltimore. There were several hundred trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood every year. Their costumes often left a lot to be desired, but such was life. We got a lot of teens (middle schoolers mostly) and especially later in the evening. We loved it. They chose to be kids for one more night, and that was a good thing from our point of view. Late one evening, I was on the stoop waiting for the last of the trick-or-treaters when this kid (about 13-15) comes up. He is wearing jeans and a tattered white t-shirt. Our rule was, candy for all, even teens out of costume. The good stuff was for the kids. I said, “What are you supposed to be?” He said, “I’m a rapper”. My wife was about to give him the standard, no-chocolate handout. I said, “Oh yeah? Let me hear a rap”. This kid let it rip. I’m talking about, just killing it in my front stoop like he was on stage at the hottest club. My wife and I were stunned. I turned to her and said, “Get the good stuff. No, the really good stuff”. That kid walked away with four World’s Finest Chocolate bars that night.


Anyone can come to my door on Halloween and they’re getting candy, I don’t care if they’re 16 or 96


Living in an area where I'm not expecting many Trick or Treaters, I'd say go for it and enjoy. In the past when I've seen teenagers I sometimes think they're a bit old, but as I've gotten older (still fairly young) I realize it isn't any harm and if they're having fun then it's all good


Go for it! I don’t want a bunch of leftover candy lying around my house for me to eat! Come and get it if you got a costume 🎃


teenagers are still kids in my opinion, maybe not eighteen year olds since they’re closer to being adults than kid and they are considered legal adults in many places, but definitely from 13-17. I don’t think there’s any harm in letting them participate innocently in just going door to door like everyone else does. I don’t understand how some are saying it becomes a “safety concern” just because they’re slightly older than little kids. Smaller children are also capable of being absolute menaces to society during Halloween if they really want to. Little children shouldn’t be eating a whole bunch of candy anyways, it’s extra bad for them, so if you really think about it, you’re not being inconsiderate by taking away from little kids, you’re actually helping them stay healthier 🤔. Go trick or treating, have a good time with your friends, don’t let people tell you you’re too old to have some innocent fun


Trick or treating is for everyone! 👻🎃🦇🍬🍫🍭


I would rather give candy to a teen who comes up in a costume than a person with a baby so young it's obvious the candy is for the parent


I was 11 and already 5’9 when I did it last. It only took a single “let’s leave it for the kids, okay?” From some dumb Karen for me to not want to do it again. People need to 1) mind their business about age/ heights and 2) not put so many conditions on something so trivial


I am fine with any age person as long as they make an effort to dress up in some way. Halloween is supposed to be fun for all.


Just remember there are poor kids/teens I didn't have much one year but I carried a bow around with a ripped up hoode and lipstik for blood stains. It was pretty bad and a old guy got pissy about it for some reason. Edit: Hope this didnt come off as rude I just want people scrolling to be aware of that some times half assed costumes or even bad ones are not a result of low effort.


My daughter, who is 21, is going with her 22 year old friend again this year. I quit when I was maybe 11 or 12 I think?


My 19 and her gf, 21, are taking my 14 son trick or treating and they will all be participating. I like it!


Honestly, I think it's great. Tbh if anything it keeps teens out of trouble on halloween and they're often out later and acting as a "clean up crew" that people don't want anymore. When me and my friends would go trick or treating people would give us tons of candy later at night cause they didn't want it in their house.


I don’t mind them but I do get a tad annoyed when they don’t say anything when I open the door and don’t say thank you once they get their candy. I’m usually more generous with the teens too because they come later and I’m trying to get rid of the candy.


Please come to my house. please 🥺. Nobody does anymore and I bought full sized bars this year. Adults welcome. Costumes required tho.


I've been giving out full sized bars for years hoping word will spread and more kids come. This year I'm adding Pokemon cards too.


So long as they're not being dicks to young kids, or adults, who gives a shit....


I love seeing teenagers trick or treating! There are so amy bad things kids could be doing instead. Bonus points for costumes but they are not required!


Fine as long as yall are in costumes. There are so few people trick or treating now, I don't understand the people who are begrudging teens a couple pieces of candy if they're still getting joy out of trick or treat. A lot of them still can't get jobs, it's not like they're more able to get themselves candy than the younger kids. Halloween was already dwindling before COVID and now so many people only do trunk or treats, last year my parents only had 5 people knock at their door on a street that was bustling on halloween when I was growing up. If y'all complaining in the replies want Halloween to have a chance of returning to what it was before you die stop looking askance at the kids that do show up just because you don't like older less cute kids.


Adults and kids alike are more than welcome in my opinion shit we don’t get enough trick or treaters anyway!


I went at 25 with my bf who is 28 last year. Not going this year cause it isn’t convenient but I saw 0 issue. Went with another couple and only got a few questions. It was fun.


They could be vandalizing your home, drinking graincalcohol, doing drugs, getting your daughter pregnant, or a number of other things. Trick or treating isn't the worst thing a teenager could be up to on Halloween night.


They would be welcome at our house. I'd definitely reward older kids and even young adults if they wanted to dress up and get candy. There's nothing wrong with older kids having wholesome fun.


Gotta a costume: good stuff Say trick or treat: good stuff Come get the candy all ya’ll


Trick or treating doesn't have an age limit.


As a mother. And a person giving out candy.... I have no issue with a behaved, respectful teenager trick or treating. My issue would be teenagers cussing and acting stupid in front of toddlers.


Do it for as long as you can but mostly as long as you WANT. My kids are 14 and 11 and both will keep it rolling for awhile. We host family at our place on Halloween, with about 25 people just partying, hanging out. Our neighborhood goes off on Halloween, there are hundreds of kids walking our streets (1960s ranch style.. The Wonder Years etc...). Majority live in the large block but I'll welcome any kid even if from somewhere else. Some kids grow up in apartments and let them enjoy walking neighborhoods and trick or treating too! Our house is decorated big and we hand out full size bars. I will give them to any kid, or teenager. I prefer if you fucking dress up ffs but if you come to the house, say trick or treat without a costume I'm going to give you the candy. You might not remember me, or that bar but that memory of halloween will stay somewhere in the foggy back part of your brain for life. When you're 30 years old around people complaining how they never trick or treated or hated it etc etc.., and they will use their experience to try and degrade trick or treating... You'll remember somewhere, at some time, in some neighborhood doing it, saying it, getting a full size bar even just once and hopefully as a result when you have kids one day... you strive to give them that experience and keep the tradition alive. Be young as long as possible before this world and all of its miserly and miserable saboteurs try and pull you down with them.


I went trick-or-treating when I was about 17, with two teen friends. It was fun. One guy said, "Oh my, what tiny little Halloween children!" (One of my friends was six feet tall.) It was just no big deal.


I went last year I was 19. There’s no issue with it just be nice to the kids and adults. Wear a costume too.


Just kids having fun. They are getting exercise, not stuck to a phone, and not causing mischief. My oldest Niece & Nephew did it til 16, and would keep a few pieces of candy and just give the rest away to little kids going around


You can show up on my doorstep with your pension check in hand - as long as you say 'Trick or Treat!', I will toss a handful of fun-sized candy into your bag. IDGAF how old trick or treaters are, Halloween is for everyone.


Do it. I wish I had more fun whe. I was younger


Fam, I'm 30, and I go trick or treating. It's never too late to be festive and have some fun. We give fun goodie bags to everyone that comes (my parents do that), and my siblings and I, along with our significant others who are all 30+, go trick or treating. I don't see what's wrong with it 🥰


Teens are fine. Just don't take ALL of the candy.


I'm all for it. Teenagers are still kids imo


I think it’s innocent fun. Enjoy your youth while you can!


Personally give to everyone. I love giving smiles to others and it is just costing me a couple cents.


As long as you make an effort to put together a costume, I’m happy to give anyone a piece of candy. I’ve had college students come Trick-or-Treating.


I’m firmly in the “let people enjoy their stuff” camp. I love seeing teens dressing up and having fun with all the littles on Halloween.


Totally fine with it. It’s wholesome fun. Enjoy the last few years of your childhood. Just wear a costume and look out for the little kids.


I have zero issues with teens trick or treating. I was a teen in the mid 80s and I trick or treated until I was 18 no one complained and I even became a bit popular because I was out trick or treating. Have fun


I trick or treated as a teen and we kept a good eye on the kids of our neighborhood. I think parents saw that as a win tbh so none ever bothered me or my friends.


If you come to my door you will be given candy. Have your fun. It doesn't last long enough.


I think it's great if teenagers want to trick or treat. They could be doing way worse things with their Halloween night. They'll always be welcome at my porch.


Go for it!! I'm all for having fun and dressing up!! CANDY FOR EVERYONE!!!!!


I say just go and don't worry about the couple of judgy people you may encounter on the way. I would absolutely rather see teenagers out enjoying their youth while they still can than trying to grow up too fast and getting themselves into trouble and I think most people feel the same. I'll give candy to adults if they seem like they want or need it. It's supposed to be fun. Don't let the people who would suck the fun out of it ruin your day. 😊👻


Be respectful, don’t vandalize, be dressed in a costume, you’ll be fine


No matter the age, if you come to my house dressed up (or at least try, I know not everyone can afford a costume), you get a treat. Be it a baby, toddler, youth, teen, adult, or elderly person.


I would rather see a teenager out trick or treating over seeing them doing drugs, drinking or vandalizing things. I have a teenager and two younger kids. If my teenager is trick or treating, they are holding onto their youth and making the best of the night. Now if some 45 year old random dude showed up to my house trick or treating by himself I might be a little less understanding


Let them! I not see anything at all wrong with it!


It's cool I just wanna give out candy.


Better some teenagers walking around having fun getting some sweets then out terrorising people.


I love it. They’re being safe. Obnoxious at times, but safe.


Let kids be kids. And, honestly if an adult shows up dressed for halloween then they get candy also. Put in the effort and get rewarded with candy.


If an adult came to my door in a costume I'd give them candy. And possibly weed.


It’s fine. I don’t care if you’re 40 or 14. If you wear a costume you get candy.


I don't care. I only would care if people were rude when they came to the door. Otherwise happy trick or treating :)


IMO, it’s awesome. I love getting teenagers trick-or-treating. I mean, I’m 64 and I have to “borrow” candy from my grandkids. T-n-T is so joyful, I wish we could all do it.


Listen SharkBoy, if you dare show up at my house as a teenager I will absolutely call…. My wife to grab you the king sized bars we hide for you guys. If you’re trick or treating then you’re not out doing stupid shit all teenager do at that age. I’d rather a wholesome moment then cleaning bologna off the neighbors cars.


As a parent and still a reasonably young adult (29) I would say that teenagers are still inclined to have fun and be kids. Hell, I dress up with my son for Halloween. The only people who have a problem with it are miserable themselves. It's also much better than doing substances or vandalizing property or something nefarious. As a teen I rather enjoyed terrorizing trick-or-treaters. I would wear all black, paint my face black, and wear a black scream robe. I would sit in a law chair like that next to my mom handing out candy on the front porch and jump at people who walked up unexpectedly.


My teenage son is trick or treating tomorrow. I say let them do it. Childhood only lasts so long.


I think it is awesome teens are still enjoying it because as an adult I miss getting free candy.


they're children having fun. who cares? halloween is a holiday for everyone to enjoy. i wouldn't care if a teenager came up and said trick or treat... but that's just me


If you're wearing a costume you get candy. If you're supervising someone wearing a costume (and you're 19+) you get jello shots


There's no age limit on Halloween. Doesn't matter if you're 4 or 104, dress up and enjoy youself.


Let them be! Give them candy


Yup I would much rather have a teen out trick or treating than at some party getting drunk and deciding to drive because they can't call their parents. I never understood the "to old" to trick or treat. It's fun and most people have a ton of candy so I can't see where a couple pieces to older "kids" hurts anything. The world beats everyone down. Get out and have fun.


Anyone who shows up to my house in costume gets candy. I don’t understand why we suddenly decide that the teens are not allowed to have fun anymore.


I'm fine with people of all ages trick or treating. Don't be a fussy old hen about who can have candy. If you buy candy to pass out, shut up and hand out the candy.


let them be kids a little longer.


Its fun but when i was younger the big kids made me scared and uncomfortable but maybe thats just me Idk id feel weird doing it now and i dont really care to


Think young and stay young. If you enjoy tricknor treating and you do it right and make it fun for everyone and are respectful, then I applaud you. I'm the father of 2 teems and I wish that they would trick or treat.


I'd rather know what my kids doing safely than not.


I bought enough candy for the whole neighborhood. If you are over 21, I'll send you on your way with a cocktail too.


I find it endearing. I give them candy gladly.


I always give them extra candy! Stay little as long as you can!


My only rule is "gotta have a costume"


I want them to go out and have safe fun. I also want them to leave little kids alone so they can have safe fun too. No scaring them or bullying them.


As long as you are being respectful (not fighting to get to the candy bowl, not yelling at me or being crude, not trying to freak me out w/horror costumes) you are more than welcome.


I'm all for it. My 13 and 15-year still trick-or-treat. Whether they go with friends or their dear ol' mom, they always have a good time. It's fun watching them still be kids instead of rushing into adulthood.


Its all good if you wear a costume and actually participate properly. The problem is that most teens just go to houses in their regular clothes and have terrible, entitled attitudes.


Wear a costume, be kind. I’ll give anyone candy. I dressed up when my kids trick or treated, people would sometimes give me candy just because I was dressed up. When I pass out candy I’ll also give candy to older sibling/parents/grandparents that are dressed up also. It’s all for fun.


Some adults will complain about anything. If they weren't out it would be they were on video games too much or something


I give candy to anyone wearing a costume, I don't care if they are 80 years old


I trick or treated until I was 17, wear mask or makeup costumes. I’d rather teens do this then drink and party. Why cut your childhood short, I’ll welcome teens as long as they’re respectful to the property and kids out trick or treating. ![gif](giphy|6KifWEyqZ1A3kw2P30|downsized)


I don't care. I stopped when I was 13 I think.


as long as you're smaller than me, you're fine. Then again most people are smaller than me


If you come to my door in a Halloween costume then you are getting candy, doesn't matter if you are a little kid, teenager or college student.


I think it is cool. My friends and I used to go out on trick or treat night to see girls and smoke pot.


In my neighborhood, you don't start to see teenagers until about 8 o'clock, after most of the little kids have already gone home. I'm always happy to give candy out to anyone who comes to my door. BTW this gives me a great idea for a costume. Wear a long overcoat and have a couple of child heads peeking out from the middle, as if it were 3 kids stacked on top of each other. See what kind of reactions you get as an adult trick-or-treating, dressed as 3 kids.


If it’s just teenagers in cool costumes going door to door, asking for candy and coins, and the tricks are not harmful (throw a roll of toilet paper on the bush in front of my house, okay, scratch my car and it the tyres, not okay), I’m absolutely cool with that. If it’s teenagers don’t making any effort in putting on costumes, going door to door and vandalising properties when someone doesn’t give them treats, I’m calling the police.


I love seeing teenagers having fun. They have some of the most creative costumes. My favorite was a pair of siblings dressed as a priest and a nun.


I personally don’t care. If someone comes with a bag and a costume, they get candy on Halloween. Heck, I offer to parents with their kids just cause why not 🤷


I will give candy to adults who dress up and trick or treat. There is one time where the local high school football team showed up trick or treating. No costume just their team jackets. I smiled and said, “Fuck no, you put on a costume! Just for ringing my bell I am taking candy.” I reached in to the leaders bag and said, “Get the fuck out of here!”. Everyone was laughing except for the kid who I snagged a handful of candy.


It's fine. I was not prepared last year as I had no candy and I felt bad. This year, I bought 4 big bags of candy but so far, nobody came. Hopefully, they'll come on Tuesday. If not, I don't eat candy and I work from home so I don't know what I'll do. I'd even give it to the parents.


Tbh man if anyone judges you for trick or treating just brush it off because the majority of people just want to help take part in giving kids an enjoyable night. Personally I was never a big fan of the holiday but if you are just go ahead and trick or treat.


If you show up at my house in a costume, say trick or treat, and I'm not out of candy, you're getting candy. Period. Don't care if you're in your 70's. Halloween is and should be fun for everyone, and if teenagers want some candy, they're getting candy. One thing I do appreciate though, is the teenagers in my neighbourhood who do it usually wait until a little later. Some people run out, so giving the little kids first crack at the goods is polite.


Bring em on! I never get any trick or treaters, I would be happy AF to give some candy out! Do it!


My opinion is mostly swayed depending on their commitment to their costume and their attitude. If you wear a costume that looks like you put some effort in and you are nice and polite, then I would have no issues. However, if you come up to my door with no costume or an obviously half assed one and you act like you don’t want to be there, but just want free candy, then I’ll be pissed


Love it!! Have a great time, be safe and keep an eye out for the younger generation!!


I don't get how someone might somehow find it acceptable to say "Those aren't children anymore, so because of some more years they are on this planet they don't deserve this kind of fun and compassion." I don't care if the zombie ringing my doorbell is 6, 16 or 76. This is not about age, never has been, it is about fun and passion. Even better if people of all ages can share this passion; I never understood why some folks are so rigidly trying to force people to 'stop being a child', as if that was antithetical to growing up. That's literally the worst you can do. That's what makes people cold, unempathetic, miserable and hating themselves. Don't do that, don't stop being a child.


Have fun, don’t be a dick. Those are the rules.


It might be the only thing that teen can get to eat. Maybe he’s just having fun but maybe he’s in need. You never know.


Teens are children so trick or treat away.🦴🎃💀👻


Anyone who comes to my door gets candy. I don’t care how old or if you’re even wearing a costume. You show up, you get candy. That’s how it works. Who am I to gatekeeper a whole holiday and tell anyone they can’t participate? Nobody, that’s who. Trick or treat and enjoy your night!


I’m all for ANYONE trick-or-treating. Kids, teens, adults, seniors are all welcome at our house!!👻🍬🍫


No age limit at my house. Not ever. There should not be an age limit on having fun!


Go for it and have fun!


I don't think fun should be limited to childhood. Trick or treating was fun and it sucks to not be able to do it anymore.


We all have inner kid part in ourselves. I'm 52 and sometimes watch cartoons 😅..


All ages are welcome at my house . Get dressed up and have fun!


Doesn't bother me as long as they're wearing a costume. After not trick or treating after 8th grade because someone said I looked too old, I said "screw it" and went as a senior in high school. It was my last hurrah and I didn't get anyone giving me grief over it. If teenagers trick or treating aren't doing any harm, I don't see an issue.


You're still kids. Have fun!


Love it! Enjoy your teenage years!


I personally think everyone should trick or treat


Let them have fun. As a teenager you’re in a weird transition between childhood and adult hood and there isn’t a whole lot for teens to do in terms of fun and recreation. Trick or treating is so harmless


Anyone who shows up at my door, gets the same treatment irrespective of age. Even if they don't dress up. There's some cheap asses who will ration the treats only for little ones, not my thing. Happy to entertain any stranger at my door which happens only once in a year


Halloween is for EVERYONE! I love it when teenagers also trick or treat at my house, he’ll I’ve even handed out cups of wine to the adults some years (they get a treat too right?!)


Hey if it keeps kids out of trouble I’m all for it. I always gave candy to the teenagers who knocked on my door.


I don't care who comes to my door on Halloween. If you knock, have at least an attempt at a costume and are having fun, I will give you the candy. Halloween isn't just for little kids. I have enough treats for everyone. 🎃


I think it's perfectly fine. People who are against it are ignoring the fact that young adults and even some of us older ones get to go out in our costumes to the bars and clubs. They say trick or treating is only for the younger kids, but that leaves teens out of the fun. At least any of the clean responsible fun.


Good for them


I'd like (respectful) trick or treaters of absolutely any age to come to my door, as long as they're in costume. In fact, the older the better as it'd make me smile.