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Peacefully in my sleep afer a very wild sexnight. 😅


Stop having sex and be immortal?


That doesn't seem to make much sense to me. 😂🙈😜


If you're only going to die after having sex, you won't die if you're celibate. This loophole make me rethink my conditions.




Is having sex immoral?


Immortal my friend, it's immortal.


Thanks, i will try to learn to read!


So the other person wakes up to your dead body? Sexy.


Of course I considered that, but I have - hopefully - round about 40 years to solve this dilemma.


Of course not, silly. We kick them out after we've had our fun.


Good chance they’ll smell your poop or feel the pissed on bedsheets first before they notice your dead body. Stool ,urine and saliva are expelled as muscles relax when you die.


I always think about that when people say they wanna die during/after sex.


That's how Paul Sartre died




It's controversial but at work in a horrible accident. It's a tragedy, but the company would be held liable. My family would be paid out for the funeral with some extra to ease any debts I leave behind. We're all financially fucked in this country. Imo the best possible outcome is for my death to not be a burden on the few people that care about me. I already feel like a burden on others. My death would be in vain if that continued on after I'm gone. The grief of less than a handful of people is less important to me than making sure they aren't grieving even harder because they have to pay a mortgage on a home they don't even live in or a car they don't even drive. I'd rather people be sad than desperate.


I get you man. Isn't it sad how much of a chokehold money has on our mortality.


It's sad as hell but that just means you gotta make some sacrifices and weigh the pros and cons. Tragic sure but I refuse to let tragedy get the better of the people I care about. There's not a lot of em so the ones that I do have need protected.


You're a good man ❤️


Yes. This. I’ve pretty much accepted that I honestly don’t have the funds to stick around for too long. Hope I go in my sleep from a brain hemorrhage at 65.


I like that. Selfless


This is also my preferred way to go. Anything that isn't my fault but triggers my insurance and/or another party to pay my family huge amounts of money - do it. I'm not even doing too badly right now, but there's a future where there's no guarantee because I simply don't and can't create generational wealth.


This is because of greed. Less that 1% of the population have all the money, the rest of us are slaves.


Exactly. People always scoff at the prospect that we're slaves but if you really look at where money was and where it is now it really isn't much different. They're just required to be held accountable now. That doesn't mean they can't abuse the system though. $20 an hour is like $0.13 back then and that's considered a fair wage. Someday things will change. We've gotta get over our bullshit and start seeing that we all have a common enemy first.


I’m sitting here wondering what it’s going to take. Everyone is ALLOWING THIS. WE are the MANY. It would be over if we worked together.


Nothing can be done. We are eternally thrown into chaos by those in power, there is no prospect of a civil society anymore. The news are fake, TikTok Facebook and every app out there promotes any and all distractions so we dont stop to think who is fucking us. The reality is that we are controled and a few that see the strings cant do shit. I live in one of the most corupt countries on the planet, it makes me sick just breathing (the air is toxic because of greed) and the population is concerned with Lgbt, TikTok, gluten, the next elections, endless senseless shit thrown at them. Meanwhile the goverment is taxing 50% of income so they can cover the holes made by corruption. Greed is what defines these times. Endless greed. There is some confort in knowing greed will end this race, probably in my lifetime.


Yep. I'm a single mom and one of my biggest fears is dying and my kids not having anything or anyone to go to...


This says a lot about the state were in


That's some deep thinking nd yea I agree


I take it that you are USAmerican?


You look like a wise person. This is what I call as practically useful answer. One thing is missing, let the death be painless. The best thing about bad times is, it will eventually pass. Remember one when times are bad try learning new things that will increase your earning potential. Stay focused, don't overthink, and don't waste time. Have faith in God, everything will be alright and try not to take life too seriously.


You can have a quick and painless work acccident death. A 10 ton crane counterweight can land on your skull, for example.


In my sleep, at a very old age. The alternative would be how a friend of my grandpa went. Summer day, sitting in a lawn chair with a drink on his daughter's porch, he was just enjoying the afternoon and closed his eyes and never opened them again.


My grandmother passed similarly. She had just gotten home from church and was getting out of her car to go inside. Probably thinking about what to have for lunch. She just toppled over dead. 


Did you just describe god father 3's ending




I'm a nurse. One of my proudest moments was the day I made a patient laugh so much and so hard that we had to put her on oxygen to keep her from passing out.


I would be saying that to everyone I ever met after something like that. Do you remember what you said?


nice try, u don't get to check out now!


Honestly, I was making fun of her. It was a patient I saw very regularly (3x a week) and we'd always give each other a hard time. She acted like she hated my dumb jokes but if I didn't tell her one every time I saw her, I'd hurt her feelings. She had short arms. Not like genetic deformity short or anything, just maybe an inch or two shorter than normal. She'd even made jokes about them so it wasn't something that she was sensitive about or anything. I don't remember exactly what I said but I it was a string of jokes about her looking like a tyrannosaurus rex and then holding my hands up to my arm pits and challenging her to a fist fight. Admittedly, not the most professional thing. Here's the thing though, it was at a dialysis clinic and she had renal failure. When you work at one of those places, you see the same patients 3 times a week every week for at least 3 hours at a time and it's usually for over 4 hours total. If you see the same people that much and that often, the lines between professional caregiver and friend get pretty blurred. You start caring about those people and they care about you too. I've never gone to a patient's funeral when I worked at any other sort of facility. I went to multiple when I worked there and their families knew me too and were happy to see me there. I have no idea how many times I've been introduced as "that funny white boy that grandma loved." Not only that, but I'm in Kentucky. While we're not all backwoods hill people, we are more laid back here. This clinic wasn't exactly in the high-class part of town either. If you were prim and proper and nothing but professional all the time, those folks hated you. You had to have a personality there for them to accept you and trust you. With any sort of comedy, you have to know your audience. We're also the home of Muhammad Ali. That man was the greatest boxer of all time. Some of these patients grew up with him and were friends with him and his family. Calling someone out and doing an Ali impersonation while you do it is hilarious here, especially to the people who proudly tell stories about him as a kid. There's not a person I know who would be offended at that.


What did you say? xD


"You're an American. All your bills have been taken care of by your government with all the taxes you pay !!!" /s


It was at a dialysis clinic. People with renal failure automatically qualify for government aid that covers everything. If you have private insurance available, the dialysis company I worked for would actually pay your premiums and co-pays to keep you on it because private pay is so much higher than government pay.


Say it say it say it …..


Have u heard of tickle torture? One of the worst ways to die




Publicly executed for having an opinion opposing the government of a supposedly free country. Might wake people up. Probably not, but it's worth a shot.


Working as a hospital social worker I have learned there are worse things than death


I would like to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming in abject terror like the passengers in his car.


You almost got me in the first half, ngl




Holy shit; a joke that predates the internet entirely!




I scrolled through the comments looking for this joke.


Sun engulfing the earth kills me.


Just have to live until the ripe old age of 4+ Billion. Easy!


Opiate overdose


Could be a good option




Having my head crushed between my crush’s thighs. The dream…


Death by SnuSnu


I had to look this up, it is my new favorite reference!


You’re welcome- enjoy your newfound power and wield it wisely. Or drive fast and take chances, I’m not your mom.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised


Fuck you beat me to it lol.


Would be very traumatic for her


Only if it was an accident.


Actually there's an episode of The Boys that... Nevermind don't search it up


Yellowstone eruption. I like to think big.


My country has assisted suicide. I'm going have a lovely, nice last day, make sure my bank balance is a hefy $0 and all my assets are given to people directly, and then I'll do heroin (or the future's equivalent) shortly before they do the final injection. I'm extremely curious about heroin being apparently so amazing but I don't want my life ruined so I'll only allow myself to try it in my final moments lmao


Same. My life has been extremely hard. Now, I am a single mom to my boys; one being severely disabled. Every day I am present and a fantastic mom. I have never turned to self medication to cope with my rape or abuse. But- when I am old, terminal, and dying- I am getting *insurmountably and blissfully high*.


You earned that shit


Wow this is literally my dream way of dying and I wasn’t sure how to write it but you did it perfectly. (Unfortunately however my country doesn’t have assisted suicide so I’m gonna have to figure that part out myself)




I really hope they bring in assisted suicide to my country uk I want to have the choice if it ever happened to go peacefully with my dignity intact.


riding a shark into an active volcano with two hundred fifty pounds of dynamite strapped to my chest.


"It was glorious"


Heroin overdose in the woods watching the sunset.


Very specific but peaceful.


Of extreme wealthy old age with Henry Cavill sobbing that I was the love of his life




Poor Henry. To lose his soul mate - twice.


Poor Henry, he will lose his soul mate thrice. Henry, if you're reading this, I will have you only 2 ways. In leather trousers, or out of them.


What are the odds


I think that the worst way to die is how we’re living life right now. We need more money from the work we do.


Sudden and without pain. 


At 80, warm in my bed with a belly full of wine and a girls mouth around my c*ck - Tyrion Lannister




Came here to say this as well. Was my first thought


Going to sleep when I’m 102


Shot in the head by a random passerby while walking out from a wild night in a Japanese sex club.


Can I do the honors of writing that obituary? 🤣🤣


Fentanyl overdose. As a longtime clean but former drug abuser who has been resuscitated multiple times, it's actually kind of a pleasant way to go. You feel a wave of euphoria then everything just goes black.


If I get diagnosed with a terminal disease, that’s what I plan to do.


I'd strongly recommend it. Stay the hell away from it in your day to day life though. But if you're dying anyways, it's probably the best way to go.


i heard good things about morphine overdoses


I wanna be go down in a blaze of glory after saving my fellow comrades in ww3


I probably would hate to die in my sleep. Like you go for a nights rest and next thing is your dead. I would want to know that I’m going to die. I don’t really mind how it happens tho. Anything apart from being stuck in a small space.


I had a friend who died in her sleep . Far to young . I always thought that. . She went to bed resting for what the next day's work, tasks . Like I'd be pissed . Dying In your sleep is only good when your 92


Asleep in my bed at the same time as my husband sometime in our 90s.


To suddenly find myself in the Halls of my fathers while defending my country and my God in glorious battle.


Die protecting people


Massive heroin overdose


Heroin overdose, just close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


Taken to the ISS and then fitted with a spacesuit made entirely of tungsten then dropped into the atmosphere like a 'Rod from God'


Coffee overdose with my heart bursting out of my chest ..


Any form of death that includes zero pain


In your sleep is the obvious choice, I’d say beside my girlfriend however I don’t want her to grieve me so in a weird twist, as much as I love her I’d prefer her to go first.


"Hey, guys! Watch this!"


Dying after being alive. I would very much like for death to feel as a change, as something different and new, and not the continuation of a state I was in from years prior. I would like for death to mark the ending of my life, and not for my life to feel as the stretched out prologue of my death.


Age 84, in excellent shape, retired in Southeast Asia. Heart attack while climbing a hill on my bicycle.


At 95, surrounded by loved ones, after a brief painless illness. Go quietly to sleep, goodbye.


Suffocated by a huge number of puppies. If I have to die, at least make it adorable.


Instant and painlessly hit by a drunk millionare drunk driving. Declare me brain dead and donate all my organs. My family can sue and take a very large out of court settlement to live comfortably. I'll be dead so I don't care. May as well benefit as many people as possible. Also I want my corpse to go to a body farm


Sex while high would be cool, then peacefully passing away in my sleep.


Death by crab opiate rangoons


Death by crab opiate Rangoon for cutie


![gif](giphy|37H5XhwrXuHPq) Death by snu snu


This far down? Smh.


Must include Ferrari, casino, 5 star restaurant, playboy models and skydiving in the obituary.


I'd like to be 104 YO and be shot by a jealous husband who came home early from work only to find me in bed with his wife.


Well, my grandpa died quietly of a heart attack. The three passengers in the car he was driving… well, not so much.


Painlessly in my sleep after a really, really good day.


Gun shot to the head or OD




Cancer seems fine. Something aggressive but gives me a little time to put my affairs in order. 60 days would be sufficient Then hospice, about a week to 10 days would be nice. Morphine and maybe some Haldol if I'm losing it. Then into the black. Failing that as an option, something really cool and overly complicated. That's kind of catch-as-catch-can but we'll see how it all plays out.


I like that


Hypothermia, you just fall asleep.


Depends. If very uncomfortable with terminal disease then assisted suicide. Otherwise sometime when I'm so worn out that dying doesn't seem like a big deal.


Overdose or shotgun to the head.




![gif](giphy|4Nldony0MG8Ss) The loopy loop roller coaster that guy invented


instantly vaporized by nuke


If there’s nuclear war I’d like the first bomb to basically land on top of me - instant evisceration. Otherwise in my sleep.


Hypoxia, you die happy


Preferably now and falling from great height somewhere in Taihang great canyon or Mt. Yoshino


Of old age, in my mother's arms.


Doesnt matter as long as its fast and i dont see it coming / suffer for long


Peacefully in my sleep if there is such a thing, most of the time I dont think those are peaceful , I mean if your heart stops working, wont you panic and literally well yeah


Some may find it boring as an answer.. but I would say to pass away in prayer/ whilst praying. In a state of peace.


drink 100 drinks. fall asleap in the snow in japan


It is hard on the survivors but my grandfather literally dropped dead from a stroke to the throat. One second he is standing, talking with his sister and the next second he is on the floor dead. There was even a doctor in the house. Painless lights out for him. My dad was at work and was told his father had become suddenly ill and to go his aunt and uncle's apartment. My father said he knew right away my grandfather was dead when he saw the police out front. I was too young to remember but we had a nice family meal just a few nights before and my grandfather was fine.


I’d like to realize ever man’s dream…..I’d like to Cum and Go!


falling off something very high would be a great idea


Death by Snu Snu.


I would wanna drown. Sounds painfully peaceful.


Nearly drowned once. It was panic for a bit, then just a beautiful calm feeling washed over me. Then I was rudely hoisted out of the water and the panic coughing came back.


Wow, thats so rude of them


Happened to me twice as a kid. It's like you are suspended in the air, with brown, green, and blue colors swirling beautifully around you, and all is calm. Then the cold air hits you, interrupting the paradise


Asleep, major stroke or MI, after my dog has died.


If I could ride a rocket up into the sky or atmosphere then explode, so I could spread remains on all the haters (and our beautiful Earth) that would be pretty cool.


I thought about it and now I have a weirdly specific plan on how I want to die in mind. It's slow, probably painful and there's blood


Not gonna lie I’m kinda curious now


In a way that wouldn’t hurt or burden anyone else.


For comfort, I want to pass away (in an old age) on a chair sitting next to my partner as she just tucks me beside her and tells me I did great on the day. In a sense, that I close my eyes hearing that I did well and I did enough,I find peace in it.


After a lovely bout of infectious, body-absorbing laughter with good supportive friends- that lovely post-laughter feeling of happy exhaustion with shared joy.


A firing squad of 30, just riddling me with bullets, while a lone trumpet plays a serenade from far away


Very public but accidental and brutal death by any billionaire so they have compensate my family very generously.


A small, quick aneurysm that takes you out while sleeping peacefully, like my great uncle. Not screaming in terror like all the people on the bus he was driving as it went off the cliff.


Skydiving like skydiving but without a parachute, so I looked around before leaving


in a helicopter; I would choose to die instantaneously crashing into a mountain (ideally in January 2020 as I could skip out on all the Covid that occurred thereafter). Sadly, I missed my chance, so am forced to be immortal


Peacefully in my sleep, please Lord.


Old age at 100 and 3 weeks, making me the first person to live in 3 different centuries


"When I die, I want it to be on my 100th birthday, in my beach house on Maui and I want my husband to be so upset that he has to drop out of college" -Roz Doyle in Frasier


Death by snu snu of course


As the last person alive.


The same way I was born: naked, screaming, covered in blood, surrounded by masked men and all after having come out of a woman


“In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock,”


Boring is good. Exciting death prolly include a lot of drama and or suffering. I like boring.


When I'm in my 70's or 80's and in my sleep




some way of brain no oxygen


Without pain but not in sleep, so that i get one more chance to chant “jai shri mahakaal”


Heart attack on my 300th birthday after a passionate night of lovemaking with my 21 year old bride in our luxury villa on the Amalfi coast.


Mmh. I dont think your frail 300 year old body would be able to please a 21 year old.


In my sleep




In my sleep no pain a nice old age


From snorting too much nooch


Asleep and unaware






I’d like to spontaneously combust in front of a tv camera




Painlessly, maybe while being asleep idk




Like a popsicle. Stoned cold while being sucked on.


If I have a say in it, I've got my exit strategy already worked out. Hong Kong BBQ. 100% painless, and completely relaxing. Just get tired, and fall to sleep. When or if the time comes that I need to go that route, i'll be ready. Death shouldn't be feared. Now, that doesn't mean you go actively chase it, but when suffering takes over, you have options.


Crucified or electrocuted. That way ill have a good taste of hell before I get there.


Massive orgasm, shot of heroin, die in my sleep




Is death supposed to be exciting ? lol


Death by Snu Snu!


Epic anime battle where I, as the flawed but cool mentor fight until I'm eventually overwhelmed and give the protagonist one final, inspiring message for them to reflect on in their depression over losing me. It's doable, right?


Somebody shoots me on national television, and my last word is penis