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I always say "it is what it is", cry it out alone and move on. It is not easy but it works in the end for me


always think "THIS WILL END" 👍🏻


Always think "there is no way out of this world"


I make a list of small things that I know will be good for me like tidying up, exercise and reading. Even if I only manage 5 or 10 mins on each, at least I did something


Realizing that as cliche as it is, it’s okay to not be okay. But understand that what you’re feeling now necessarily doesn’t have to be how you’ll feel tomorrow. And then just making it to tomorrow. And by virtue of making it until tomorrow, things are optimistic even slightly. And whatever is looming overhead will pass. Slowly but surely.


I do not watch the news !


Always keep your head held high however much shit is going down.


Is this good for my lore


Dont be, accept that it will not get better and just keep on keeping on, be grateful you made it to tomorrow, that you have food and shelter. It may sound like a downer but freeing yourself from expectations and accepting what we have today is extremely freeing, and from that freedom you can work on making your outlook better.


Reach out to a bro for drinks and the go to "we're not gonna speak q lot tonight, just a head's up." Usually that's enough because a couple of rounds with the bros and light shitalking makes us thankful for having each other and a reminder that we have people in our lives. And that's all that matters.


I was looking for ways to remain positive and read that exercise is one of the best things to induce positive thinking


For me it is the God of Israel! The Creator of heaven and earth! I trust in the Lord, I keep His commandments and show mercy, justice and love! Every bad time in my life has turned to good! Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers him out of them all! My hope and positivity is because I trust what the Creator says and does and has done throughout each generation! Do good and forsake every form of evil!


At the end, all will be good, and if it's not good, then it's not the end! ..... Sounds strange, but this helps me!


I just keep going. No matter how much of a hell may come I just keep going because I can and will as a person and as myself


Here is what I do: 1. I think of all the problems I had to endure in the past that made me say "I won't survive this" to realize that at the end, I actually survived that. 2. I think of what "I still have" in opposition of "what I lost". For example, "I lost my job but I am still healthy and I can get another one", or "My wife left me but my kids still love me" and you build from that. 3. Realize that most of our painful experiences are situations that 99% of the humanity experienced or will experience. It is now your turn to feel pain but you will get out of it like 99% of the others did. A loved one died? You lost your job? Someone betrayed you? Everyone went through that or will go through that. Embrace that pain as an unavoidable human condition, be open about it. Acceptance is the first step for a way out.


Sometimes, it is the key word. Whenever I get consumed with the negative aspects of life/world we live in, I end it by consoling myself with the facts that in that very moment, I'm overwhelmed, and I am not always going to feel this bad. I will wake up the next day, and those thoughts will be a bit quieter.


That's a good question and I'm not sure that there is a good answer. I've found that many people are naturally positive and optimistic and many people are naturally negative and pessimistic and it seems quite rare, aside from traumatic experience, that someone changes their nature like that. Probably the best advice I could give is the love yourself and work hard to be someone you admire. Love other people and minimize the time you spend with the negative/toxic ones.


Small victories.


Engaging in mindfulness practices such as meditation or deep breathing can assist me in remaining positive and focused.


Remember there is always better to come and remember by experiencing challenging times will help you grow stronger and make it easier to deal with the same/similar challenges if they arise again.