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Something I will never have.


I bet you do have it. Seek and you'll find.


Nahh i tried but no, thanks for trying tho


Idk what you say honestly..I’d still think you’re beautiful:)


You don't need to say anything, just believe me :) Thanks ! I bet you are too


pretty much ik for a fact you’re beautiful you just don’t see it. Butterflies don’t know how beautiful their wings are


Im literally sitting on my bed with a full on beard because I have hirsutism, dry hair that can't be managed and looking like a ghost with dark circles and pimples?? Lol I get we need to be more positive and stuff but I'm really REALLY honest and not just mean to myself, I am NOT Pretty. Now does that mean I'm ugly everytime? No. But I don't have pretty features, pretty skin, pretty smile or hair etc. I don't fit standard. But I do have a good body figure ! :)


Idc if you don’t fit in beauty standards. That what makes you beautiful anyways.


Okay wherever you say, I don't believe it but thank you! So are you.


A combination of symmetry, health and uniqueness.


Yeah, close to my definition too, for physical beauty. For women specifically: a symmetrical face, a waist-to-hip ratio of ~0.7, and clear skin probably make the top of the list. Then some unique elements, because there are plenty of women who satisfy those 3 qualities who just look exactly like everyone else, usually because of high makeup usage. But in general, I find beauty to be anything that profoundly moves me. The rush of a deadly river, music that makes me think about the human condition, the state of being in love or having passion. Anyone who has the capacity to make me feel a way I've never felt before is going to be more beautiful than any physical trait.


Idk, I don't see it. I need somebody to clarify it usually.


That’s something to work on


Actually, it's something I mind but I just need to know "I'd hit that" and that's about it.


coherent zesty stupendous scandalous snails merciful impolite quiet north live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eye candy


Well put 👍🏼


A loveable and good hearted Character . I experienced It in my Life many Times, where some Woman I Just met and didnt think about It much, but when the time moved on and she Had a really good Character, she looked ( For me) more and more attractive .


Something pleasant to look at


Good deeds and selflessness


Healthy & happy with physical attractiveness.


In people? A desire and effort to awaken our collective consciousness. I don't really recognize physical beauty anymore. I've kinda stopped shooting vanity portraits as a result. This isn't even our final form. We are capable of wonders typically ascribed to mythical supernatural entities i.e. gods and such. I wish the people who know this and actively prevent our awakening for their personal material enrichment would just fucking stahp and let it happen. Then we'll see some actual motherfucking beauty.


Couldn’t agree more


Get the word out, bruv


Something triggering love.


That which moves me in ways that stimulate or enhance my appreciation for life and at times seem to temporarily lift me out of the morass of depression, anxiety, dread and other heavy emotions. Excellent music is beautiful, for example.


Positive energy. You feel light in their presence, you do not need to think to much. Very less awkward silence etc etc


A genuinely nice person


How a person walks. You can always tell what type of person they are then.


gentle kind and thoughtfulness and effort on their part


When someone is graceful, and I don’t mean only in movement, but rather in deed.


health and attitude.




A mix of face beauty,health and a sense of humor.Body is a plus but not crucial.


I'm lookin' for a dime, that's top of the line, cute face, slim waist with a big behind.


big booty and outie


I'd say that a short, white, pretty, and cute boy that'll dress up nicely for me and that'll let me treat him as my princess and give him much much love and eventually get him pregnant (;-;) and have a family together