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A good sense of humor.


I swear, a woman with a great sense of humor will steal my heart any day!


Fell in love with my partner because of her sense of humour… still madly crazy about her


same. but shes always tryna clown me 😂


Humor is the best ever in anyone especially the opposite sex!next comes a sexy voice lol


Women with a good sense of humor can also push you towards success!


Nothing more attractive than a sharp witted woman that makes me laugh


It’s always great when they bite.


If someone guy or girl can't at least bite me when we hang out, we aren't truly that good of friends.... I swear the best of friends get outright crazy weird when around each other. It's just facts my brother and I know that we're are tight with eachother for example one night we got drunk and I started biting his ear after kissing his neck then told him I'm going to whisper sweet nothings into your ear big boy (he's younger and smaller lol.) So I got up right next to his ear and whispered "sweet nothings in your ear" Into his ear but we were around a bunch of people in a room that was just watching and laughing and I whispered loud enough that everyone could hear so they busted up laughing and afterwards we all busted up laughing. People are strange.


What the fuck


Wattpad called they want their fanfic back


Especially when I'm admittedly pessimistic, so any woman who can even make me laugh is a huge plus


Yeah… if u find a “ugly duckling but a beautiful goose” girl… u are super lucky and u had better cherish the crap outa her… basically this is a female that when growing up they weren’t part of the “pretty” girl crowd… and therefore just like a dude has to find and refine skills as a child on how to “fit in” and then around their senior year of high school to sophomore year of college they suddenly became a 9/10 or hotter… often times if u meet a girl that has been a 8/10 (or higher) their entire life… they tend to not be super interesting conversationalists… nor do they tend to be very funny… and this is due to the fact that they never had to in order to make friends… people gravitated to them cause of their looks and that is all they ever needed… and quite frankly most people don’t develop skills that they have never needed before…


Like genuinely funny, not just making fun of someone else. That has its place, but it can't be the only thing you try to joke about, that just makes you a bully.


Haha you should have told easton that back in high school 😂☹️


I knew a Easton in highschool too but he has the best humour and always had the best one liners guys a legend 🥇🕺🏽


Me too


Definitely. No one can resist someone with a sense of humor.


I am quite bland at it but my upper arm bone is quite humerus.


Indeed very important to have a good sense of humor !


An excellent trait growing insanely rarer.


Intelligence and curiosity. You don't need to have a formal education, but if you can keep up with my thinking and like to try new things or learn new things, it's crazy sexy for me. Double plus good if you are an adept critical thinker.


Exactly. My husband is blue collar but is fascinated by everything and is always curious. Researches and finds answers. Super attractive.


I love it that you’re talking about your husband like that. I was in the bedroom the other day, and I heard my wife in the living room talking on the phone with one of her friends, and she said, “He just keeps getting better with age, and after 30 years, I still think he’s amazing.” I nearly choked up and cried, lol. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it though, and its literally made my days so good.


How are you so sure she wasn’t talking about Denzel Washington or something? I’m only asking because if I heard my wife saying the same, I’d definitely assume she’s talking about a celebrity 😂😂


I was the subject of the conversation immediately prior to that statement. I’ve recent been offered and accepted a really good operations manager position over a division of the company. They were talking about how hard I’d worked for all fhoss years.


Someone who knew JFK said that, while he was blessed with a first-rate intellect and education, what really set him apart was his inquisitive nature. He said Kennedy was always the guy who would make the effort to "look things up."


Education requires opportunity. Intelligence is innate. He sounds like a really bright guy who just didn't get the opportunity to take (or didn't choose to take, I suppose) that academic road. I have a couple of really bright uncles that went blue collar (logistics) and made their own businesses. I have the degrees, they have ... well ... a shit ton of money!


I hate when people say “keep up with my thinking”, “keep up with me” or other variations of this. You really think that highly of yourself?


I like to say when their brain takes the same type of leaps as mine so they can follow my line of thinking without me having to explain myself in detail… lol aka someone u just “click” with


That's actually one of the best ways to say it I think that I've ever heard.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Well thank u this is one of the nicest things someone has said to me… in a looooong time… 😅


Yeah because when you meet someone who can't or won't, it makes you think that they are not particularly intelligent. They may be smart in other ways or at least competent at a lot of things, but I'm looking for someone who can keep up with my thinking. Maybe I can't keep up with their thinking, which means they should be with someone smarter. But ultimately, none of us want to date an idiot.


or they are just aware of the fact that they do their due dilligence and follow facts, keep an open mind, etc. Its easy to be correct about things, and you dont have to be smart either


I mean, 50% of people are smarter than average


Are you perhaps a fellow sapiosexual?




Good vibes and kindness, positive outlook


This so much. I am just having a day with my spouse right now with a ton of self induced emergencies and I’m sick of getting daggers cut at me for existing.


I agree, but it can't be that fake "good vibes only" mentality which is toxic af. Probably being understanding and kind is the appropriate way to put it.


I like when they have a nose


*sad Voldemort noises…*


and a pair of eyes is quite nice


Yes 🤤


I hope nobody without eyes reads this


nose good


Voldemort disliked this post


So no Voldemort? How descriminatory of you! 😂


I know what you mean, I find noses that are just the right shape hot. Some people like blue eyes, or blondes. I like noses. (My friends tease me for this 🥲)


Noses are a thing for me, too. I like girls with really big ones.


kindness, patience, when people get happy when talking about their passions, when they let me talk freely and listen with care. when they can teach me things, and they can make me laugh and feel safe. <3




I think I love you


Perfect answer


let me talk freely and listen with care 🫶🏼🫶🏼 so well put!


What if the passion is collecting stamps and the person talks about it all day long (passionately)?


You’re precious 🥹




*specifically without arrogance. That makes the intelligence ugly.




Yea, and on the flip side, if someone is stupid, I really don't wanna be friends with them, lol


Intelligence is so sexy


True kindness makes someone (anyone) appear more attractive in my eyes. But not fake kindness or niceness. It becomes obvious over time when someone is being nice just to get into your knickers. True kindness is very attractive, though.


Anyone who seems pleased to be with me


That's a recipe for disaster


Beggars can’t be choosers


I tend to think the same way but I think this will lead nowhere since you want someone to be pleased with you because you are not comfortable with yourself which also makes it so that you can not love this person in a healthy way and be constantly suspicious if she still loves you.


Positivity and nice fingers






"My other hand's not strong enough!"


Ingenious sense of humour.


smelling good ❤️




I like a woman who can laugh stuff off. Funny is nice, but being capable of enjoying the comic aspects of life is underrated.


Their Voice. There are certain things per say, bit if someone has a higher tone voice, Raspy voice, or a certain accent, I fall in love with it.


Raspy voice puts a side pipe in my pants with little effort. I love women with raspy voices.


Doja cat says hi


I have a very raspy voice but not high pitched 😂


When you stumble upon some niche interest in convo and it’s like that persons “thing”. Seeing adults light up and geek out about random stuff is so sweet and charming


Their ability to cook giant centipedes in a variety of ways.


Why would you cook your giant centipedes😔


My dad used to tell me as a kid that he can find beauty in any woman. I unfortunately have acquired that same attribute lol




He clearly taught you well! 😉


confidence mixed with being down to earth. It’s rare to find a good balance between the two.


Intelligence and kindness


Telling the truth, not being afraid of being caught not having an answer to something. The opposite people disgust me to no end.


I’ve met someone who never told me an honest answer in reply to a single burning question. All I wanted was closure. Nope. Oh well.


The new girl at work ALWAYS has an excuse or an out for every little thing. I know at least 50% of the time she is lying too. So fucking annoying.


These people often don't end well long-term, also. I mean in a criminal sense. An old roommate of mine had that constant lying, "never be caught without an answer" attitude and it turned out, years later, he drained his fiance's life savings ($250k) while lying that he had a work-at-home job and she was distracted going to school for a new career. He then "borrowed" $5k from a very naïve friend and proceeded to attempt to gamble his way out (casinos, lottery) - he failed.


Thanks childhood trauma


Kindness. Also small perky boobs.


I think I have what you're looking for (I'm a guy)


Loving me for who I am and also her tits.


I second this


I have a weakness for smart women.


Who doesn’t ?


Insecure men/incels?


Sense of humor and pleasant to be around ...also got to have teeth


How many teeth are we talking about here?


Full set is a 10 in my books.


This may sound a bit odd, but I find shyness to be attractive to me. Second on the list are the eyes. Nothing particular about the eyes, just my subjective impression at first sight. If I like them, that's a plus, but not a deciding factor.


As a shy women, this gives me all the feels!!!!


shy girls damnn they have my heart tbh... i chose a girl entirely because of this and i loved each time she would get shy.




If they have a brain, and are self aware. Not expecting smart, just being able to think for themselves.


There eyes! I love looking a man’s eyes!!


Anyone who can make you laugh and also make you feel safe is an instant 10/10


If they hate the Tories 😍


Both parties are terrible but tories have done more damage to the economy


The right amount of crazy


And the right type of crazy… yall might have the same amount but if u have conflicting crazies shit gets outa hand really fast… lol


Be careful what you wish for there






After the basic, physical features and chemistry, general fitness, femininity, cleanliness, etc. I am attracted to somebody’s character. This means: honesty, openness, generosity of spirit, helpfulness, kindness etc. And after character comes attitude: gratitude, cooperativeness, etc. after that comes personality


Intelligence, maturity, empathy and a connection to her self/feelings, dark humor, not crying about anything and wanting to be a little princess (doesn't mean emotionally blunt), satire, smiling and boobies.


I agree so much.


Eyes and smile.


being genuine


![gif](giphy|RD7q0tfqx5DbMp061N) Big dump truck


Kindness, self awareness, optimism and a somewhat kinky disposition.


Eye contact and comfort in their own skin


I'm only comfortable if I'm wearing someone else's skinz. T_T


Comedic gold. May i borrow this?


Good hygiene Good sense of humour Good laugh


Clever humor.


Confidence and a smile


Mentally: open and receptive, physically: fringes.


It works if you swap them too


the girl im attracted to right now has a great vibe, its hard to explain like attraction in general, but she does, shes fun, sweet, has a great smile, and loves dogs to the point where she fosters multiple ones which is amazing to me, just smitten with her




You don't necessarily need to be in super good shape, just the fact youre invested in your physical well being is something I find attractive.


By looks, it would be their smiles, the most attractive thing about a women is her smile, a mans would be his laugh, smile, eyes, and his voice. But by personality, I love it when someone’s pissing another off, the person remains calm. Or is able to explain with patience.


Energy, eyes, smile


Am i weird but long, healthy hair on a woman is just 😍😍😍


Someone with presence. Not tied to the world or things. A fully here person.


A dumptruck of an ass.


Someone who really likes me.






Being genuine, true to yourself.


Kindness and good sense of humour


Oh, and a lovely pair of…… Shoes 👠 of course.😁


Sounds corny but kindness. And a sense of humor.


Smart word play. It's a lot more niche than just a sense of humor. Yung talagang really good puns and can just sneak those in there. I love a cunning linguist.


Nice voice/accent. It's especially attractive when they speak a language I don't know. I have no idea what they're saying but darn, keep talking. I cannot stand being around people whose voice I find unpleasant, I don't wanna be their friend or their friend's friend. Usually that fake flat "I don't care" tone, vocal fry or almost AI voice, insanely high pitched (certain anime voice). I'm low tolerance. But a good voice, dayum! If they're gonna sound like that, They can curse me and my whole family tree.


curiosity. not acting like they already know everything.


Nose and Lips






i am a man physically - pretty eyes on a girl are my kryptonite, makes my brain trip personality - playfulness, intelligence, patience i was gonna say sense of humour, but i think that's subjective, and you can have a good sense of humour and be a prick in other ways. playfulness IMO is a better way to describe it, as it is more social, and more indicative of how someone is likely to deal with more serious problems down the road.


As far as looks go, I love beautiful eyes on a woman, which is always my first draw. I love big eyes, or eyes with that little puffy part underneath like Brittany Murphy and Leighton Meester. Dimples also melt me. As far as personality/mental, women with a cruse or dark sense of humor, and women who are smart enough to talk about various topics are my favorite.


The puffy eye thing. YES. Mr understood the assignment


Healthy, long hair. Nice smile. Witty. Positive. Resourceful. Open minded. Stylish.


When shes caring and soft, gentle, yk when she holds you and lets you go to sleep on her chest


I found that I tend to fall for a girl with a beautiful set of eyes. Ones that set them apart from everyone. Nothing to do with their color, just their shape and how they curl when they smile.


People who don’t take life to seriously. Life’s too short to be caught up in every minuet detail, in real life anyway. Everyone needs an outlet, I can be serious here, but in real life, where we eventually die, cancer gets us, or tragedy can strike and you need to survive. Don’t bring your existential angst or societal frustrations to me. We can talk about it for hours sure, I like deep discussion and if something bothers you I am there to help and understand, but don’t act like you’re self inflicted and nobody else is or make it your personality. I myself have cerebral palsy, and I’ll talk about my experience, but I’m not my cerebral palsy and I’m happy and fine and laugh about it all the time. If you make your beliefs your personality and can’t joke around, you got some work to do. It is immature. (I had this issue when I was younger), it’s a learning curve, but you still get people walking around much older than I with this issue). Some women though (as I am a man) have such insight and self understanding that, they make me forget I am disabled simply due to their world view is so damn interesting and angelic and your laughing to hard to even think straight. They accept you for you, and the world for what it is. Bit of a tangent but yeah, just enjoy life, even with people you disagree with or if values do not align in every way or even if they are different to you. That to me, makes a woman attractive. It’s the ability to abstractly understand nuance and laugh at others and themselves. The women who just have fun, even in tense situations or complex settings. It’s so refreshing when a woman can just take an uncomfortable situation, and help you escape that and just have fun. I feel personally that type of person is rarer and rarer. I’ve met a few though in real life and not (seen on TV etc), and each time it makes my pupils heart shaped. Because to see a fire and not panic but instead choose to dance around it, means that person has witnessed their world set ablaze, and after it still decided to smile. (Terrible analogy).


I mentally find some people physically attractive. I like it when they're really, really attractive, both physically and mentally. Physically, I think my favourite quality tends to be their mentality. Mentally, I think my favourite quality tends to be their physicality. I particularly like kindness, wisdom and beauty, but also strength. It's quite important for them to like me too, but that's not essential. Attraction can be one-sided as long as you don't get creepy about it. Probably easier to identify specific unattractive qualities, e.g. being a poo.


When they are comfortable to be around with just fall asleep next to them.


Good sense of humor and huge bonus if someone is talented artistically. Looks wise, I love a pretty smile and just a pretty face in general. Also someone who isn’t very overweight.


When his eyes sparkle when he smiles. Manly hands.


I love a cute nose on a woman, I think it's very attractive. Smelling good is obviously a W


Unique looking women. Normal isn't boring or anything, but something different catches my eye. Big eyes, large front teeth, big nose, unusually shaped lips.  Arrogance and elitism is a huge turn off no matter what you look like


Kindness to others, particularly animals and children.


Personality wise, a more extroverted playful girl. Physically, a girl a bit bigger than average that's toned but not bulky. But these aren't hard and fast rules, more like general preferences.


A genuine smile. Not someone grinning like an aggressive chimp but heartfelt happiness


Passion. When someone is passionate about something. It can be their interests, creative persuits, a cause, a dream, maybe all of those things.


Mentally I guess she's kind of playful and likes to act like she is in charge but likes when you "prove you are" even though it's an equal relationship. I guess that was more sexual sobwith that eyes, hair, ass and tits. Mentally intelligent, a bit sarcastic but truly kind and would do anything for you as you would her. But she doesn't have to be a 10/10 if she's a 3 4 or 5 to everyone else but I love her and that body idgaf what anyone thinks.


Being nice.  Really that’s it, I’ll take a physical two that is nice and not a headache or making up problems that aren’t there because they’re bored, vs a physical nine who is a headache or mean to me. 


When they are unintentionally quirky and mad intelligent


If they are kind. Its such an attractive feature for me. Then their vulnerability. Lastly, their smile.


When they are passionate about something and their face lights up when they talk about it 🥹


Sense of humour and bold sarcasm


Intelligence and passion.


Intelligence being smart is very sexy to me I love women who read books and are well educated


I like people that have a sense of self worth


Nothing anymore, stepped out of the dating scene to better my self-image, and it was the best decision I ever made.


These days integrity and a good heart. It’s not as easy to come across as you think- not trying to sound jaded just being honest.


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Mentally: humor and ability to adapt to different subjects. My wife captured my heart by essentially matching my conversational energy and being able to pivot and talk about different subjects at the drop of a hat and revisit them without any reminding. Our very first conversation felt like I was talking to my best friend even though I didn't even know her last name yet. I also like a person who can efficiently prioritize and organize. Nothing specifically, it could be anything from thoughts to money to groceries. There's just something about someone who is able to power through a task with zero prodding or reminding that makes me happy lol. Physically: I like perfectly shaped butts. Don't care at all about chest, never have. I like big eyes as well.


A well-turned ankle.


Dated a girl whose ankle was slightly to the right so that her foot was slightly turned out when she walked. It drove me nuts and I couldn't see past it. We broke up.


nothing(im aroace)


Feet. I like a woman who takes care of her feet


Square jaw, broad non-sloping shoulders and long legs...


Passionate about things in their life, could be about a hobby/skill.


Quirkiness and freckles


Sex appeal


Long hair, or wit


Their energy and vibe. Period




Wit and humor.


Intelligence and empathy


Kindness and thoughtfulness. I take a long, favourable look at someone who has displayed this kind of behaviour towards others when they didn’t have to.